:.wu]4r~ra.:.l~"~ "•••••mi...... • 4.. -- amenewAvrt_lo--:: : ZOCAL'L-xsigrzicasta ,sizl , ,-.4:44lAixtegai. liming Gamut% ,c-,.... , -)u.c.T tinidga,l):4ltAbe 22d District. W. *patina tho radiation of tho sumo of • tholew areArawn nada the witsiiiqptiosi C°C ; t 4 agiotlfi it aTetliiiiisfil. - ~.i... 1... el 61.t1 G.... 1 1• , /4.....1.14.1.a.,41,112111/- WV. tl.. 14 4 x .144 • , , ini A ltri h ain th e ...., Tins B,3l el!rt - - 6 -: , --.. • 1 :,:r1;,.. YeidirtirabalC.',, as P t atvus. . 1 . 1). _V,. r'll ;ga it . , w . ;. Tle ac 's Tkoo. 0. uterrion, r., Jos *tilt Jr., David Ifitchell,„ , , i i . 4. ' -` Are Prayer, Alex.gvaurr, 1 t r Zaff i tr i vi i i t ii , f'Sm! Maiga 6 r .= 0 9mon Davis, dielloge4lloNwele,i . 11 on H. Wino •mminellfrllliarre 8. Oa James,..„. . o . B origelt il di.o.l; i . 6 P 6 ilk -4 ''. 'L - a esep !,1 1 1 6-1,,,i, . Thomas, Janus ATBlsalc;....Wesley Orawierd, Wal Fativa,!--.' 2 Z , ^?' lobs 'Holsinger, sr, Was. F Jahi.lPLansam ANairgui.i.c.; rifpAes!B Arehm, a,' ' ' ' 1- •• iller, n .(111A.I.Wianli P abEdia'A John [Walrietwva " Al Ertne... John Bahl, 4...121, ; , ./...r.IPI notii -, -1(.1i Ti jr m " Do ty , - -04.14, 1 . o , b; Beaty Corpettforo nag ' Bale thump Blair , r si a dillbakt i t 4,..• _Aw ay Finn,. - iS m aiish in e6 v ‘.1.. ~.." :7 „I ll aeg itari ti geh Ott i t, l44 t liar s& Stailir ,an m TMtv P. Corgi .., ,-..., r, ~.;:ia. ofeeoloAmial, suir2kods-Petsr,klithir; ,1.....; , ....5.r. ~t„tsvonioslosoymossobl Iffewmyer Sr Millt r itelfali7( 4 " ft (191.Wellag:re , ‘ . -.... ~,l , rl „g,... , ,_. ritli th , :ni . L Bhadloker, ~, .- 4. 4 14144 i eItSIONNalell an.vrmi,l:i o rio. WWI.. morph Dianne; ..ad b Ganda% ' u .1141C4 i,ig e t".grPtt IL6 Igur P l7, morph f • lioic;o11 '- I"' Hilt — l 2 Oll ll / 1 4 " . k Tairpo,-.L. Jas. Arbuthnot, ' Andy. Yeager, Lest. Vesta,',' ' • Edmond-Lista; l'3 . Munda , , , , i ' B.Gestoir; ' ''''', ? Ifehri Ditcher, , , .211.kdisel Lalley„.Tri.; awl Bluffer, • .I . ; George Ityers, . -- - Wm. Manta, i ..--.....-2...j0hn Stephen, _ n Moore, . t hilionisais- Dnifyiil I!. Li Charism Blanton, Janus Whalen, Gekrie Miller, :di;7ll.l,lllleldwinaokiolir.:l,l Andrew Smith, Hoary Book, Joseph,Kanks, •." , ',,, :•••-"•••• Jansi•Dictrosi t , - George Cr.!..,, '' -- ~ ~.-4 , James Hamilton, James Limon, Woo. Meer, ' Job. Qatar. ' •: , . 'l ' " irilL l.l4° Elatkie "id s.. jill ifirge er. "',, 2 , Itry es7 O H nl rani ssning, itearVopt,.: L '' "''' IMO Bannon -,, -- ,,, liAb o irl de - ` 1, •''.9 Clueo4Bleokbatitr, .441.1 f; • J 1 4 11 0 6 ;044 1 44.i .14 • tvra Smiths . 'James Eollonniiiv r Jos. F. Crawford, • Joseph Ittoellaopvo trid4 Kim, .. • _, .- - '-'' ' " • Jett' tonna, - ;1 1 , 4 7, ohs; A. ktoarato, ;' ,,, ,';..,..::,'f"..fi1. imoka.ii .2. : , ,1 51 c 6016 . 8616 "s1 . i li &mos nlier, ~,,• ~. Cava Fink. • - ...,,,' 1 ., ... Itmos.Teted,... , ..•.,, t oi. Chraningliam, ,-a: ..,' ~.:, ... . 'l m a ms g a o l . ~.:,.1: 8010 Rood, . L -'' 12 r - " Boffin - Atedenorii l l alsel Boding. • - ----- Thos.-lionise '''.' ' John Shama, • "'-'. Baran, . • Xenia Polk, ' Itorskansp, ,Wm. Edda, Robin B. Allem Boott'Allin, 1.. Efulalter, Larry Giles, George Bright, -,; f Patti* Buffo. LeopoldBOldida Antony Bprinpu, I Rtchardllirtlii "- " Banat Ennu i Gush Grant, 0, ..; . .1 . ,f: 1.1 2. Ilttn4Alilszin,,, , .i. 1 McKnight. Oka. Zak, Joseph Wolf, -; .i... John Solana, 8. P. Grow, Naas Dornhamp, Mills Cowan George Thompson, Elated Horan ' ' Anthony Eden.- Wm. Beidenstricker, - Edward Ba'pr, Joseph Eitcholl, 4 1:0opeiti Hammer,; Wm. Baton, John Needle, Gotielb Meyer, • ~ . Horny Forbes, Wm. Loma, ..; ,• : .1„.•,•.., John Blm, AU.. Ramsey, .. - Richard Cunningham, Jams Colbers, . - ,7. Giorgio Osolurager, Jamie Thrones, John Jolisat,os, Joha Weald, Rat. Ifollenkoy, - Wm., Dioluon, Conrad Moore, Ohm. Smith, --- ---- -August-Ct. Barker, ohs - Sample i s Chas. Patch, , , Ea. I: A. Ifillar, ' . Mathew Mason, Udwerd Weirschstok, ', - -'- - - lohnlaraitm - ^ Wm. Morrison, • . ...up's...Ram a . . . , , . Moore W. 4411wals, 1 , Wes„.mins,,,,-.1 “IfcQ 5 411. wheicas, ' --, : "....,-"llLertin Wallily.. 4 . anus Harper, '' “'„,..." - i , 'John'dt• „ , ~'- ' 'qc, lidwad'Eladisy, " '' -". Frederick T/I4 aiW J 6 Yam, F. Realitolle IT -- - ----.. --- iseotkiledies..,l . 4l ,I Siu - lkolomew Stamp, . J ,It 15re i *umia k isonmy, act, -, Godfrey Canby, ~......, 11 011/ 1 ... jra t alx,, 4 l,, H t l yff 1 .., p e w Murphy, .......1, .., ~ ~ T hlrgal34 ll 4 ...'''''',";Tolin Frederick, ... . _. w Peter LoidertdelT .- Rorynolds Berman, ~.- , , , Antos ,Baliard • , Martin Welsch, , , , - •,-- -7 - 7 - ..lW , vdoW;:i Tri. l illi 8. Lain. :. .. - .... , r jam Parker. .=s _ 3C: lassNe bit, • , Jos. Saluda, ',- A ~..w Booty • - , -- , - Wa.•Narttur -, - Baby, -Z' --- Vmd.'lleistadmidur PM. Fitzpatrick, ,Itre EL Q - uit& ',,, J . " lola Maas, David Jones Bold. Warr= • , --- 4 - Cluiet..flearfwerew,: ; . , !Modell Lippert, • falf.-0.340%{ ,- "- .:: Oa Sprott, T. Moir, P. 7:trippo, ... 4::d .1 ..i: N 6...1iwi B. t e rs, a ..,... `:.- WE. secs, ~. . 4 , 11',. L .Predkors„ _ Was. Foster, . ; -..1 ..z.w.:c.Tkisso Thole. , : - ,-. 7 .,. JON A. ,14140Vigh, - Limas Werth,:. .1 Mary Baobab _ , 01. 4 ... x 1 1%.11 .plitrjer D 02 4 ,13 4-:", jai jamik, - .„, ___--- Illas-Auseros„ —' Zlaustersaa, -.--- ,;f7.1.1, tTiewas lastey,Biala; - - Junes Millie, Joh}, Isaias, , .t .:"..;._ . 217 :•"''' ' ' Solari Dolan. - ' John Bengt, .. Henry WhUson, " John Aernakili, Godfrey jos, Jolift Pullerion, Baser Melo. War. B. lieller,:, r , , .. -, - - Rabat A. Ooloillo, ' Mho* J. Hap ,i t , , ..;,'.'," ; -Juan Wallatie,.., - ..' red. Mums; ' - - Itolert'L'..Teliattes;' i lord. Malay?, ,:,..,, , , . -AIM* Brinkser, Jetta Coley, ' iditaid 111111er, Inde ed. .. . • -,. 'Jobs J. Bald', P. G. Tenor, , 4 ~.... I' , era . 4 ,IJ olia -11 4 , 11 14 10rti .1.1 . 1. n Viii .. 44 11. 7e.:, ~... Lt. Ildiji Few% .. r , ‘,,,,,,,,,, /Nook fileWurthe.J: -IMINA Duval, 4 , , a i /1 ":::t ‘l , l', .f N or.spratei, - . - - 1- liri Ipa it&seb, ':" ,- - 21 -'',:. - ' kit Dooley. • ' ' Jaws Pillere, f umy „ , • '' . -7-- _A Oat _ ~ p 41 4 111 to , ..;:tr. 1 _plat..fe rz •-•.; . Joseph L. Doom, - , •: r - , ..-.2Slidoul Finassiany - - elm Albeite, ..., nt.-4,z 4.4of t •pp oo g r _.. ,•.•, , 1,;, , m u . R oom . -.. t..; .., 41.12kailiwihni441.-11.f..!, Rickard Kmawy, 57 1i/1 -4 10) 0 Keen,- -,,, , . hilip Voltam, L'''."" 4 ' Andrew i Wsa,WeinhardS... . Isola 11=_, • - J lt esae l t 11 11"14 . Willismo ".°° , s* W llB :t ert Z. Cila Na g ie bs a 11° Joyee - A Wklteeldo, Jobs. IL Boott, ,-. .. •': 'llettArTkompeoa - Felix Auer; ..-.. .., ...L./A ..N1.14' I. '. II ''. ;I ts . .4 14331 .0 11 ... ; I P O 4 l Butlatle ~/ : ea; /41 ob.,e_www, • -; ;fury Roland, Aniat B. T illman, lola Ntailey, ,1, ... 4r. , . okarbas ireottessol, W. Collaltorio• -' - Await Berkley, Henry Araeld;! ' -,,',.---` 7eftlek Meg,_ . Aleir ILICI.Bildil; .:at',.,..,2kkort.liilpa, Okada ihresni, ..., . .. NO.. 'el .ikkai.I.DIUNOS. -._) ,' , Jolla Balk - =Lt: lkaol a G ins Last, W p AMOY, w pi J. 8. 11 rAikelVtiffetia ce.t. Seir a ~ : v . fil J. Didr,_ _ . -- Ism* arrigivi, i ith 4 .l.,- • u . l Ok.. star, Okr /op, - • !:'`''";,/ ", ~.: 7 Dude& Driseoll, Inielr Bunaki - , 114euter Dialies, Fromea Berry, ;:, -, . , 1-1 , 4 5- • ''''t'letre Tentitiul‘f; „: Solomon Mini - "*" Bearyinteawk - ' Iflokael Malkorma, ~ -E , i', ..) • - ~, Meadow Clued. •• ,;.. .. deka Seamier oda' lips, f, Lau Ludas, 1 te:47.lt_Nittlo, flecrgo= 7 ; jc,.l: Herman Beasaii. , ~, Bs Irldorak ,I.: .• r 1 • J.Q.A. B - 111 r Floyd, . -.,: ~ Aka Pattonilli. t. : - .7 , A 1... Zois;___' Tj' - L' 2 - J0w114 1 11“., , r3 4 , Z . loot..NeDllfiV,; .' , , lebt Pi .‘ 1 1, , ,- ' sVi pails' awns, JolatThatts., li.,iii, D m ., Jasetlbirui r :mad Eionoy, Saiar..Elalvvo - ' Wag. *ass, s . , /olnt /fusel,- tir Dais,. Are Boaker;' -..- ;- AakoB2lolllllB, :',f, ":' CURL tidied, -, ,BT Pflor . ..i, . wi e h -CU O Fr. . 7 .,.:,? f . ::•ij , 40 aa i5i . ,..,, , . F. F • rt 8. L. Bin„ .. %ilk: *•, 4 IF ,- .2ri 44:111 l •,.,., Joha Bleet M ,':.-' 4 ' n .%NUi•: tar, ,• =EEO MIESIIII EZEZE e t =MEM *414 G,aa~..9 . ~, S~s~ ....... 1 ;1114W1111; *" Patti& r; ~443),tpader.TM.fs •,,, !tin mtte.,6l • ',!; `• 6 2 - 4.14 . T o W aims Anthony IteTlighiN Morgan .. 08/1 Of% ilkl - 411." Marks traria T. 'KeEssis.N Akiviadit . • ' JAI 811th - David Syl., d Anerson, ... • . • : • ; 17t1. :I• ',";%! ' lamb bank ... :Lis i • z.1.,;.:‘,1 taphipmee l ia c 1 ~. ~k 24...... i, ...; c. , .?... •••;••? "•• • -1 , ' ,1 n5 . 1 0.*. 411 40410. $ ; •:.• 1: , . -; It'llaia - 12Wri, . tl, eCiSt SAS 'Jo ea:tatwgra..4.sl -- 3 - is : thossi,..._o„,i, ...,..„...,,..2 .0.......„.„„„„. 0 . art a r! i t .,; ,10.. !CA Ino .3 !- - .1 2, k ola? 01 4,, Tut o 7 11'J: ium • $1 y,ci)411:..i otal"q,_ : .1 1 .ta:rsato ` 4 "ukt e... , , -- , te -*1". mAp.dr' %al bsaloi ..ukt of .1: J , '~ i 1 Mack, - - James Colyer, Sates Nehior - -- Aterold - Jacob Amineis, - ' Jamss Deiphy, Johri-Little, William Rose, Wm. Armor, Sala OnowDzjik, Patriek Claire, John Swaim's,' Josiah' liEsOandless, George Gift, shwa. Oissopinill dig D'Obnilii: Edward J. Skew, lamb Dennis O'Donnell, James B. Thompson, Am tittle O'Leary, John Prim. , Jr. Wa Robt. B. Jiffies, Jas. IleOlotehey, Chas. Gibson. Gamut Hausa, --- WM. Hainan, Francis Hennlogs, John Rafferty,. - ---' Jetiee Gittiv, • . ~. GU: Stevens, Wm. Curling, . Wm. F. Armstrong, - ' dliotteetlifgley r .:-.A.L.-".... Henry COdthillti :1.75' Eduard Mater,- .:::..'• z_ Jameil Bredyr - ; -.. Jacob Fifer, John Carrara, L fikiebael Gallagher, ' • - rT MIT, James Yorker, Pirtle Wire, Augusturt_Barker, _ . Geo Ittiley,i,, • - l i Waltertavie, . -.— Andreir.f. Ravin*, Visaed Blush, Solio Conway, -' ' .z - Joh. Wallet, - ; • .i . Oliver Fuginon ~ ' Daniel dinirilants, .:.- alskaid Brook., „,,:, flinty 8, pump, , , Win- Hunter, Ferdinand Buoy, .; " 1 John :Bratiii, Cties.Arn'old,_._ __s_i, Clitioßidinlike.'i: ii. ill '. hie.- MoKelvy, , , . Hun Rif e jr. e , ' Barney .Trankr, Jig. Yinesy, lambi Itillebarger, 'Hanle Lehman, Tient Onewalt, - 8... itiggor, - - -.- John •Idiensing e Joha Rourke, . , . David Oilier, Dominions Zwiokert, ' Wm. Radcliff,. ljoiniirtl Snyder, Mark Rodgers, • John /US, - Jacob-Milner, Timei Cromlith, Thos 0 wens, ; J.W. Hoover, nch:. Mackey, Theodore A. Shaffer, James Swam, ..., Hugh Grant, ~.., Geo. Wilkins, Edward Snare, Jonas Smith, Samuel F. MoCiellan,' Dorsey Bolton, Patrick Moon, 4WII EPPlit l&thusi Wagner,Stirphen Shepherd ,., ; High Gribben ' - il Getledb Schindler, --..-.: Alexi McCargo, Alex: Lessor, George Wilmot, George Levitt, Daniel Coleman, George Caselman, i Wm. - Saokson; vrm.Bisak, George Burger, Then. Slattery - , JOLII Nevargld, .; .. ?Oily Shlldell, wiry B. Appleton, Elwell Connell, (John Croon, John J. Gribben, ' Tbos. T. Jones, . Wat. Westby, [Rd ward Darman, - Pune!, Moore Gdtlisib UpdegAff, Robe. Wright, John M. Birl, Patriok McDevitt, Felix Boyle, Jr., IHenry Brown,_ Jeirt J. Crowley. Pikl•Pot> Wm Perry, Wia• H. Whitehead, Gil ilae4; 0 Hem Borkendriek, Alb.rt May., join Doiliheril, Orfando-Metestf,--- : /And Wright, Martin Bldar. Jahn Plackets"' OPkii,B. 'Baps; Jaka.Rehtena,, Conrad Jai Millar. • • -.„.1-a• Jalapa K. Difppa, Jaffa Voile's,- ••- • • Philip Held, GsorPlitele, - Mamas Watt., All/eltelat AlbMaist, t Beath 'Dobai? 4 ‘" EaWard ' Aliderki Thee. 0 2 • Joseph Waggly • .t • roielph Blakely, Sao. Btm.r, , • ' Henry D. Button,' ,',_ 'Peter Pagan, Pear M. Millar, Wm. Coll, Frederick Pilgrim, Ches. Restos, Thos. Arnold ! Mathias Lemet, Phut* Bann W. H. MakAlay, • Dominic Gallaher, . John Oook, , 'Petrie! Shea; - • George Coats, Henry P John Cook, Edward Cullman, Win: It: IdoLsughllit, Jacob Winder, .Joseph-Marto W. - Rolm:Atom, Paul Zimmerman, RAI. Marshall, Hugh Ross, Amos' Sloan • Jams &wort Arthon, Wash Gallagher, pyinnalcallsr. Pe 7. 'S Alex. Mitshell, John C. Morrison, John Lowrie,• Wm. Long, . • Herman Sohroedsr, James Donahue; Vivid Armor,' H. R. Walrus, - John D. Robertson, Win. J. Lippineott, liliahul Phir, Berney Sanders, 'Alen. McCoati Absalom Mather', John Leotard, John Macrons, Frank Baker, iAlfred Routine, James Donahue, gamut Hooey, James Poonal.l, Joseph Lytle IWon. Fornstlio, Philip Doiisy, John L0u...,,i Joseph Ciader, L. - 1. Hoffer, WM. Gold, Rooney Byers Alex. Ream: James Mcßoberts, Fred. Porter, James Mcßae, Gooey L. Baker,rsit...zumnama, Fitting Mach, John Homy, Frouik Morgan, allli. Bell, Jams Martin, H. 0. Mswenst, Rienr7 Boreinhoiff, George Chastar, , Aaron Randall; . resist Seibert, Danis! Gorman,, .. John O'Relley, Josiah Myers, Z MoOlowsry,.. _ Jigo' Luau, -. , • MU Cribb Mai aillitUlli11; Max. Sampla, Arthur- Whits, Morris Connor, Oka/. Boyle, Warne H. Whitehead, Patsink DLlmore, 2 _, Henry Gray, - John Sample,.. 1 Thomas Taylor. Tkomu Scott, Jamb P. Smith, Patrick Sal Gran, Thomas Little, Patrick Boni% • • Jobs W. G. Smith, John Haddocks, John Bins,, Daniel Gafford, Lawrence Hants, Samuel into, John Carr, Georg* H. Smith, Tall Hawkins, Lewis Janos, • Hoary Colhamr,, - Wm. Andonon Agar Skoanatiror, JOtoptt Lula • Thomas Iltolglien, John Zsana, - - D. J. Little, John Slats, - - Tama Metzeni 7 Adam Elam' Jamas Megie, Patti* Idoemay, Jams alhisrauts. - lanai Badly, - Henry W. Sackat4l; Lawialthases, Liiil3lWll6s. Simon P. Toinswi. jamas Whit.,: ; Janina Shaammai ' Itloltard John Shp* : Pattiok • • - Goo.-Hmaz Goo. Prosy, Pets Caranangh, Dania - • John Omn i . - • - Walter larkpniewli t. . Chas.ll4Grini Hyman Tanner, John Quinn, - WAID. Augustus Wambold, John S. Dakar, Geo: Linderman Jonah Mohan:ler, Jain Plad, Jos! J. Thomas, Join Mason, litadolp Snooop, Nilson Stevens, Chan "aidelin, , Were lleizner ' . :- Janes Mantee, - Christian Smith, JW:i'Rakers Johnston, lia 17 11:1 8 1rala b" : " . : . i W ai: PH Bl"l"ll' .." - A hesdfr) lgeo, 71: Johh iteredith, Wni. Philey, Birim Maker ?, John:Zan, Ban).•Adang, .. [I Liner, hr. nn O'Donnell, Mbdtael Damian, Thole. Holland', ISM/IS. 'Thema", ' lintes.S. , . Chao.. Bradloy,Jonss, John Williams, Win. Blley'Jones, WM. H. BIM, v lines Shields, Moles Loniille, : . -.' Hari o:vreal . WL,t James Bane; " Win. Pedlar, John Brenster,, 7.. - -i.' . 8.1k6 Wilmot, Zanies Manning, IP Kolltoir, ilienle. tinging, Wad. John tirnti, ,'-'-,• • Thomu Angle, ldward Purl, • San'. Hamm Laillgo Pnalsb, ri11142 --G 1 - - ', ~ ,Tlial. Mosoldow; ' Mass Ow,- flosi'i winiam h . • R. 'F Davis. Patti* MoAasili,„." Wok. Allis, , .. -:. ' Jol!n 0. mooistp;•:-, terpmbat:macliey, • ,1 Ilaioli Woo_ d, • • iloosi.Wolkite - , . 17 Anghtli w W,_ _ a 9 bliti .: - ..,7 .1..' Andrew S ' :. - Daniel HvEloggirreg,, Thin. Walla& - - okeidedie,- ' 1 ' " :'' iisidry Ladolpb,„ c tr y ldorpftr 1. -z-z' • Fob Soars rui►lpßelmar* Bugime' Ilebooneek, Ictilins L. Laterenoo, Jacob Toism, Jimu Mana,^ Boland Jones - Jot* elle• D. Tiadlo, Thomas Oontts,-, litalukot Colton, ft Bea, ' T.; ;rotor_ Nottela : Adapt= W sue. Way - •• Jamil CU/Du 8 0.14/110.P; Difiened Peeear. Sietkol'iesCantplooll 114 ward - , Job .Pasraenor, - Janito . Onspbel47.:.: , Valid 0. MOW. " , John` O'Donnell; W. Johnston, John Bully Ws. Liao, Geo. W. Stripe, Wm. Wait, Albert Wentworth, Pat. Kllllll, Jam JotsT maWalks*, litettor, . Deward -Porte* ...aq Iroliott /Milk .7' .Jientes-D. rettifiell' ; Wm. G. Anderson, Jektitios, l :Uhl 11411.4%- , I !Joh* cct4 .•• liorird ThomaiN4 ;sada _`..'ii Vali Moose,' .Osared. Mahe; t Bdw.ard.:7l - iludspethi Ifuldifsi: - .:Y. trutotauktipuis;,!— liirestlVAkiiir;". ;. • ispiprd Mba r t • •Chtbialihar;**/ 3 Jaasera,akitow JumuiPAtiesin; _ . Pactisk Carr_ MINA , IraalailjoissUp,; .t; " .1 . .0b10 1 00 1 41,..; - .133, ;T.:l)4l*D 11,4 101 41141.+;102?: -Joseph White,- . •-......1 Peter Riven'', Michael. Leii cur,' 1•_.• Guineas- P. -Baum, 'Pax-Mahoney, ..,.. . • Juana Leern.", ,, * : - i. 7 Joittn Presterecht, ~; Andrew ale J. Wot.'lskazMottaaket‘ Hoary Grebe, -----.% , ,•Jantes Kelly, • .• : - • -James Moore. Leonard Nendorfer; '. Prailie 11. Heffey, - - Valentine Peinbeek, NINTH WOOD .. We,. Dixon, 'David Connell, Wm. H Porter, Gco. Thum, John elleg, Wog. Saltily, :Jetiltlialike, :ill i "'Viborg Pringle, Lafayette Bishop, , ,'"lng: Johns, i :Christ. Boot, . ~, Won. Pickering, Geo,. Brown„ '' , Alex. ; Baiter, .Win Moak, , • - David Felicity, oligliateriililf.: Daunt Shalfer, David Banat,' ' ' ' Clark! Milliman, "josipli iiiiid;;; '. ''' ' 'Jinni Ronk% ~ 'rsigg S:Eltirietilog; ' lola L. Leech, li r m:RAteVaitis it ` - Epiuslittllavis, •Hutibiation Bovaidg ' James itambiston, Einimis-itowley, . Prank Baythilds, _DiVid.iklegenduh ".. henry feu.;, . • But.._ , Tiiiillanti" oi ph S. liambleton, JuselbliWantgle, Coughhhar, Gearge•Priligle, - '•— WM. Joilaston s • Wm: Waisphlie, • • •' Jung Meilafruy, Win. Willy, ' - Sanibel. Wililenums, alin Hindlin, ' ' ' Hillary Barndollar, Ise Walter, ' u.: D. Chase, . • Frederick Fleck,. .- ' Frederick Ilsrksbury, Jas. B. Mitchill, •• Geo. Miam i , . - Wesley Thompson, Jimb Zeigler., John W. Mi11er,.... Geo. Slinks% . John Tornell, *-. Robt. Simods,.. /meg Meituris,- John Haber, .. Patrick Shea, Geo. Penney, George Will, Peter Morpagratk,. Peter Rodunisoh, 31s. Linhart, " Hugh /homey, Jas. Wetmore. . , Oliver Crum, Jackson Wilson, John Kolb, Wm. C. Dobbs, Robt. lltephengon, John Ready, Wm. N. Thompson, James Glenn, . Nathaniel Norris, Itebt.B nekton, John C. Mechlin& John M. Johnson, .:- -Morris Siren& W. Colwell,. , , 1 Adam Pries, , , Euler , Withster, . /emit KlingiUmitli. Wm. Berger, _ Augustus Whit', George Latimsr, . 'John Neligea, John H. Tiller, Jame. Miners, Hash Haney, . Peter Worley, Robt Harvey, • . . Hiram lianziksr, • (Mules Berger, Albert Butler,. and Blum. Wm. Wherry, . : Lewis Aden, ` Geo. W. Reynolds, Gimp Hiles, '''' -- Bpjamin Pete., . George Baader, 61 " 411118 2 . 1 " 61 7, - Irremk Weir, .: Jan MoGroggor, John Tibby, John Human,. Anthbny_fitamp,. James Park, George W. Blush, A Aitnew Modals, hub B. Baker - John Piltington, Edw. lieLanglain, George McKenna, I We,. Prattling, Charles Ninehenger, Adam Hahn, Eau Clerk, John H. Mario, • Chu. Burnes, David MeChillan, David Seawright, John•Hopking, ! • . John Maßoluse, Geo. W. Raskin, John Harbin, Samnal bineasher, .: Michael Gator, ' terrain Cult. - - Geo. J. Rowley, John•Wableton, John W. Kearns, David Polley, . J. L. Glorious, Henry Hudson, John Duran, James Dever, Pat. Cook, Din MeLeary, .. , Joseph Blanchard, George Noble r David C. Wollter, WetSoll Cumbell, .• James White, —,- "' . Robert Ramey, John Plogy, Patrick bilehrodok, Win. E Exple, Wm. liamblion, John Ilemporizr, ' Riehard'Bergemsai, Prank B. Williams, John' Hendricks, Andrew Gray, Wash. Wood, Prederilg Root, Wm. Altanbaoh, Braun It Johnston, James . Karats, Prank Weaver, Nathan Henry, Robt. Keller, James Stewart, Robt. Lion Reuben Alton. Henry Mar, . Wm. Phillips, John Boor, • Pfllllolll Heatirgy, Wm. Stephens, Robt. 8. Bluth, Body Beans, John Wilson, Goo. Alexander, Wog. Knock Gen. Thomak, Terrenoe.Mciae, Rohl. B . Wending, Henry Decker, Joseph 8. Heavens, John G. Maraca, ' John Coyle Wm. Morgan, Timothy S ullivan, Peter Rung, . Henry Hunter, Lewis Palkenimagen, John Trocall. Steptibin Mutton, Chu. O'Downell, Jacob Smith, Onno Savior Hugh Diamond, Daniel Hendricks, Albert Crawford, Jos. H. MOtatgomery, Pat Dolan, - John Drummond, Samuel Elliott, Michael Webster, James Curtin, Pater Einagen, bilabial Tobin, Sam'l W. Douglas, James Hunk, Albert Moore, John Carr, Nicholas Coburn, James Lewis, ' 'Wm. G. Gray, SWAM! SWUM, :obi Trimble, Slice McKnight, Thomas Drummond,' Chu. ----- Albert rd : oms" ~. Alb ' Wou ?.,titatazd, Swim' MtchaaPiserMii Jame! Battery, llamas Roberta, Jazei B. Moore, Josepkgattory, glitard*Digtabar'' Josiiplvßraynien, Mints& Steiner. Casualties in Thompson's Battery. We hue received, from NIL Tholepin himself, the following list of cesealtira In his battery, daring the betties if July 2d .ad U, at Gettysburg. It will US seen MU the bat 'tray suffered merely : c. Private Adam Bath, killed; Captain Jean Thompson, won:ldea in head Geptida Nethinhelrish, leg; Ist Meat. James Ste phenson, head; 2d Lint. J. inner. be, vets; SC Lleut—ltebert C. Hulett, Mt, slight; Sergust Joseph B. Todd, leg, mom Sergeant William Stewart, leg, slight; &snit; Thenus Brows, Mused by wind , c= Corporal IL 8. Drsvo, be and arm; B. 8.. Park, lg. slight; B. V. Waimea, bre; our Hugh Pride', feu and foot,-.epee; George Noble abdomen, slight; James Bas set, side, slight; J. 11. - Herbsrt, leg, painful (hit twice;) IL A. Kidd, leg , eerier, A K: Becker, foot, sligkt; Absalom Lish,leg, dan gerous; John Adams, leg, ill ght; -Pettish Der.. ley, leg slight; Walter Yung, leg, slight; William McLaughlin, hip, slight; Babas L. Bryan, mend, bruised; Stephen Stachitrano, John Marshall, Peter Lew, and Blunt O'Donnel, missing, supposed to be . prbours In the kends of timeworn,: . _. • The Draft to the 23d Dietzlet. T. total number to be chmera,ht, 9tls,Dis.; Wails 2,926, whlchscamber embraces the Aft par coat. allowed for exsteetlot. , heal q • will begin ylthrho - Rlrst trards'Alleeseay e otilLeadat ndiirtikesttilmtiathrtmakeat week la the ertler 4 ;ar4Boittoll7, Almon. Its °moe ,an Wei t the Wutoepertme a at lls/t i rbUb mete potte4b }II U the tub , :tltstriels,llvhis the gated tke Oak, aad tha number allot* to, cash . - The all o t. menu were modest Wealilaittowaalkare pm ; dimmed awe tbi amber often esiolled la lie intileis la amok: • The follomizyg talihrilmers the auslitirgrig rolled, sad thhatimber to lie ba drama lamialreft abs wszds of Allesheity 0 : 4 ' 4 rink Ward -1441 4 r." a • n A: Third Fourth -31sT PAUL Acoinkay.—A yoing•Atialt,Pmeisat Geobsan. brakeman en a foslglit Pennsylvania railroad, foil ftaid sr, = , - 7114;isletir; miles above Vyroae,onitridayaiiCillliAtt and was run over by the.traln.:: um was almmt severed frem.lile , bo4l7:- , lt Is eapniud hr.wlirtraok br.ti'.bildiss fts* the - trisels4i pew but saSa:mi,'„,oVatilii, Hedtedsmitsaosslistaketmviresit., ... .. • aknous 1s a lysu..—On Satardarhyght tut, a hotti bolos ging to- Oetperat r , %Sat Ryas, pf.Clotit. Nitgloen - torttio r litOF !Wirt, in the stotalty of Somerset, brume sapaa j othysS,'Ntleosisissestatsd evechluveamp greast,,,uktithelell tali feat!, wharf lc was hand the mixt morals :',:goltaalAttlta out -without mash truth gelid ' ray little' damaged. 1 ' Ozonreether.-0a fretalnifetTfutnif,4; ,N 2 2d, the Priehyteir el Allegltimrs4tW or , Maid hlr. Thom X..9kr lad fhaWhrklhif pieta of. thepeettelDhihdelhelheit eitr.. The: sertnewwii .n. E. E. 811 " Rey.' Alliserrdediversd t the eharge,to. the pluton, end Die. Dr. Wil li e= gwrithoo4ro to the people. • The ihnrili Is homegeheohei And has a Atli held of ',leder. . . AiwaTama-AID llama, Last Judd, to Alm e mploy -of the 2innaylvaala' Railroad _Cloatpaar,_azd.'shilisa, Bub otaal7, died on TOM& WI, la_ coma. woos of amtnitatlottlif !the lea. Is had teetraooldeetally !hot through the hog, some gate alase,..wigleigtamdag. to, load , a sas. ea gielate , wigais — inagea. . , mar-, . 21 . P , Atiao`A No- , - lafircat:a .1411,1441400%.=cutuseds nigl4 !est i , rre ilr"llll=l4PArr 11 4 1 DitgerltWeed .by urn:- tee ‘OlO ,and Annieetreets, were entirely destroyed. ,e4rifillAtfifitt'. 'Clark has been committed to Jill by Justiee Eltavatson, of BirwilfighsaV'obargod with smolt sotLtwt4 4 **Artro - woth of his wit's, Miranda. . LATE TE - aIIIIAIUUI3 Nfin !FROM otrfilmlNENo zavriox.l :de~s~~rnay:' _~ ....:. Latest from SURRENDER. tEE MUST Fl Present 14,31t100 of the Li BLVIRSTOWIL- Early s Command :Reported Cif OM nompiom pap in OUB OLVALIY Whole Number oilthonen Taken, tt,SOL DESPBRATESAITL/IEXPBOTED Our. 'mini, in ad, Wounded a nd Yining, about 17,000. ' EitILL% CIPTUIA emu. Grant eadlhade Promoted. DRAFT . FOR 300.000 MEN 4,14, Jut a. 0 r. hot* bee been pieced is summand of thi Ain& Army Corp., Widh ha been perkei,y . reinforced ovipisced In motion. It is stated ; rellebte Authority AM Lee bas no alternative but t:Olight or Mumader. filzimandprLuinemarrived to f liey. mint, artiorditi tot the ststements_of high' ediairs, awellelitt nantber already reported to aaptured and for. 1 / 1 444 ...Combinable eabacitindlig has been heard to-day In the dirottiOn . of Baguet° wn..lmt es no reports havi,yet ,eom• it is believed to hevo.Uon esin4, our." - eavelri attacks on the enemy's ottimnr. - - Daimon, July! Ameriere'r fro. sisfolatod -Wednesday at loon, on the Bth; says The position of the rota& and , f t condi tion Is delialtely anertsined. heir infant ry line wan drawn Aaron from Fauksburg, (Rankstows,) iffairytand,,,to' Falling Waters, sad behind 114th in malting 'almost tepithanun exar i tt to get their , troths. sr til.Wy, and ossfi" ok &OMNI the river. The last intlibrity here doubts, we might ableit ray liredroddent, they have no pontoon bridges at railing Waters. They ate leder nroeslng !hair hones on boats, and Wiring their wagon on this side, probably founding to tabs them to pieces and carry them across on - lariat boats. I heard an opinion expreseecibiligh military authority, that the eneminoutd . pftbably secure a most defencible - line in front of Williamsport, on ninth themselves, sad eudarivor to hold inc army at - bay,;whill - they .mnred means of amulet. Leer boadquarteri are definitely aseertain ed to be at liagerstownio-diy„ andhis troops GM mainly on the road batman then and Williamsport, which it only', teven miles dis tant. , - - • f G itry Lien. Ear's rebel Is to-day to ported to be cot off in -Owl mountains, near firsencastle, by our cavaltj. This is only • rumor, but it is malted to some count. ' The cavalry of Gin. Pleasanton. has been operating with inognifloont success during the hat three days—while the rebels were re treating, we bad *ovally is 'their treat and rear, and on both flanks. Ito- prunes and bsd dashes made Increasing demossilaation of **rebels and their dUcipline has bus greatly relaxed. • Among the eaptania are Brig. Nos. Robin son and Triable. • The dump dote to thel robot taloa by dashes of our waif, is almost lactediblo. -Krarjarbate taws ware toad, oat off tad basted.Goraesal- k -deahed into the Kiddie of fich.liwell's testa, and burned be. twee* 200 '&4200 wagon ands= off horses. Tads, Ito eaptersi ISsoon wagons and 800 home and noise. - . Oat eavah7,-/ thiak bad a ight yesterday at lisprstown with rebel diifatoa ..: Thais. , yealtion at the tine wootaagorens, bat lbw got o st ATAUT - TI eat-aay serious fem. . Oat army isanielag tioadUy. If Lee moils this side of the slier - thin La probability of another batik within the tut . A 'pedal awash to the 111corti. front Mar. elms*, July 8, 10 p. tops ago's. ate slfe hers Maths *an 14611a0S of part of the .retel faseeagebt durn Ilmreamberland bpi to strtkaGew,Ctsweleilainty.. The nue Ipeolat tress: 'lrederieki MA, Tnlifith; : The total number o s ! Awns uptendi*rted at the Provost Mar shal austal'aellie ep to L04041* "ding the wounded, • 18..".1n the vldUly of . /I,oet. There Is-ue testi la the, stales of I treat autounts -of asillies, septa:U.4 ' About two•thlsde of the banal pargusiat oat to boa. the abet deed, have made riturni. The numb* reported bj them thjus far It;,: CM. The total waseePfall; tuba smis., lot laeledlng those of Anitt,' the seserp-hlutell.buted. O a r 'sl wets' width tam, muted eamb.,odldallpilsot _pp AMA° Willi 'Um** ARC'._aWitig. mh* aim :OMNI lowa 4,400. The Ifth p0rpe,1,341„ 10. 1 welltkuspe, ma mad ems, 4,800. Tbithelanee Pima net rt . abased.- ' , A - sputa as dateivillssa: camera Aisr-.l , AUTPotelitsas" LW: Gee. Lee lt still ealltsetile oftlse Potowee, unable tierces with hlterity. , -us satis buti•winemblY "air the old Aitlstau 'UAW , Our fosses Ate rapYli dos*Pute bade le r ir nudism to agent height,end. 1 0 t 0 1 4 'oxitiliediTtaa t 4 / 31 444441i4X1:afr - ; Puliardeariala eoietal - NitTreai4etid the 844 b«ii jails on merly-ausherhetween,* Meade's alums ;Ailittiti . .4W/Nlif42.4oonlbofe• Aisallable(iA'RVlS . *bell*ward. 004kidiu,tsvalip tn. Muni leg * sa t tiotopy bca r? fell back towasda. !.7# l* '@'l l 444,ok.Pti imiskae 4s* - . .................... • 7 - W4IIIIIOIOX, July 8:-Ltifotetationreoeleed ' , broth-Med kabala' aneilk%hettleTticieit... tieet at ilagolrotowiti": T, i All propstiittoarblieb4liete to ooityt Alf.o4osFkpt fiki*fitt72 2 ? . 4 It Is t.stklid te be ellyoi gelation of .....1 •-' : , , rgfaiii*OiiirAlira woe at Calpep per peat lloasoitiF 49,40 alea,iabelleral to 644 eiaar4,:di-4 , , , :j i ~,- ~. .1., .- ':UL e tat; to . I t4te 15ri Y. PIMP salt a la i ciiiii ,..., . . , iiialaab . l) .. blionjirem _ SI; the temp: to be nutjoKlotterol and lb. Uttar ahltgomatirittiost 4 the repot army. : 41.,, 9E41 , 414psteh to lb* : Iva ii.. 2 g el i Hao elatedtkiti..tefa4 r i'ftiii -11 11 1 0.: WI three o'clock thbrafteention. near 'Boons bieo;botireet — irefefeifiti Pit* Hugh Los's olielfteiti 11(1k:001,17:ehlraisy and inmitiv, 26 loliallti4 Ileir eikr Is unkiihallill. V Au iiiiro ttribilithcat_ipalearport. It it ftselleved taas 1411 11.:lpiigy),14011.K., itmr AndetaigN ..,.. , ~,a f . :7 0 ,4 - l!r ,- :. t.::: 3,1 pis leeraailt 44 ' 4141e loan 148 be6i , v 4 ..,,./oti , , la f aille eiriliiiiiiii' esinieke:i-TX , 1 404 !mista ___' • , IA AN* - sz4 ‘7.--." 47W:di :it t - ,:ii 'ct V "4 , -7 id olst. i .7 at,.- n•dt,,7:, HARIIII, July 9.—Wo ban no Informs- • itufaiatilltrthe and -700.7. cgeinrt Coach. m I;:tav3sl "The' Nei York HeimWe special, rpm ptd.- .4,IIOGITC el : It4l relitio;ly reported that ear troops 9_l._ pled Hageretawk to•day, aftarA c tilottt..„ e'. iitirticulari:''•:' ' '''• , :•- a -..,:,:_;::. t _L, : 1, ..—...T.Uvywewq were trelrepOrtiAglplAjtlr p, Oefirer oA, two ttethests.. Our Argil/cry ( eoiteitierneed Ihettliethim. ' .-- ...., .; ,-- The rebel army is eappored i to:.:49M t, laitieetai - WMbitinportruid•liharpelag, • ,Itbr '"gaii „ ettght there will be a &delve ltat-c tgigitorithie cifiteitidaj'il , ' "` .l: - ';' - 'l,i;i',:' .. •".5!1:1 1 3: toile:fats 9,-.1 . ` , i•:,ireiitsiWeitl with"'ltilpatrior r i , 'Aieelry. liiiiimi, ' Weillt ilotaikilleenitalsommrta, the euirifire — t eti;thii, als)94 1 114114 1 :4,-wPra taw; four vgils. i lieg,strohg4 gain* y infaiiti7 inr eair'- Ipfyildgettaktrittrtillib ;Wiseacre sad 2,000 diareiketaintademi 0 C , 1 , i "uw , arit " .Nortfailtairgifto•r.ExpodlUoin, ftrizei -*trite : Iftrarroi• 'ioward“Rtike , irfOild t - ; Bemuse Mormon; 4104.=4Acilkilaii`liti . gof•Plksqualt,RlLCOliTi afiracroPlial .vrisons.lag.bova naive : a -aridofereirded to. Withialtol !of ntablioetfoi. , Tfurecenrair-r.,olty , sif .41dinjoyt, Itom Nby t i! .11orhetrie sorpred. : o 0:.o The morning after the Anfneralliettroofth ,M999..iFermariphirider fromlWhite House te derftoy the renrainfeg bridges emeriti:lth As- , air Tferritarnedthis nielmistto.Rrhite -11onieAsoirfa aeoconplished isensinfahlarnir eton.enifole_ OtorilYr.c..s .-4. a ; 13. • : EspedlUon Lathe is ••• Territory.. sleig.,Blunt's Luxury:ohm, Jolly. 11.—.11 'rpisital-' to- this Moiallf, &tad Saila, ill Stli, moss t ,, ;L:!• , • ..s with 4X the i sts/sr liwoisold Taboo 'Amite& front/at Bildt to Port Gibbon, io tboAadiaraorritory. • .. Information rossiradist tided of the ProlitinkAistrs that ladiandeigodab kardyiroesid by the anew, _who is reported Ville Wont.. Throe Mudy. ?Weis:its ars meshing ,to, ot#Voinhill' ''- • - -I dew Skint : took -no train' and will cross tho Arkansas and odor battle. • co c BECOBD. UJEZ us i i`'W&sr• I Urn= naps Pressanain Dam Gunn% L • , Thozinan i Talyl, 12114. Gard.6ootlaus. AA* our Park dlryatch ' o! io4lll4lllothligt bll%. whlsh Is •• allghtiodraser: Herartlir - rarin trzliVere*, me quota zunithally. auto* Gold'iuse:ThE mend Bolas, lypyhig. and UMW nue aid tem Irian 4“ - $ l .ll. prim ara - psobsatodtlet; *of I as s hi bnlklroni &lot nt 69e;1 do do. ag,11114 , , and nOn bob Mei ntore it Tae-' Con la 1110004 rale odor Singled Irina TEr., and 1 car Ur at M. Than lanelhlug_drbgli Syr . PAOIrI/11 . ON . S—Bacau noiAllatbatinotOON we I:Worm/Milder af , agjok* 73( i 0 for Albbod'axid Clear 81444 PA'oll* . fOk7P4lir.. Mune, rid 1.14111130 for Eater . Otred. ‘ Loid gootod et 103501101 w YLOUR-rTim demand tar. nice oonthttor yihtt. and the market ti drill with a drooping teinktiej: V* note mall's*: from store at 15,150 far rata, '56,25 to WO fat tame naafi, and $6,73 tot Ihney Winds. GlWO'Llillti—Th• doll sad 'inlaid bough tinge l noel/anis la qnotiµklLL. • BUTTL it t =oo3—Batter_is do% Woof Lein packed at 140. Salo of 8 bbla Up at Inc..: Oalanalt—it Mealy wlth a regular domed at 111 to WA° fe! eSt t°Ptime W SALT—ts fa demand "Ann at Zoom MOO to # 2 . 10 do N.) I Ettri; gala of 14l bbli M 1;00. P OTATOI2--Ths market it hither Ad ]. and tbni attiring are aesatally of an tanks quota nominally at tem 25 to Oki pot. bosh m to New Yore'retrolehtel Monet; Spedalphpatch to the Pittabarghtkietaa., Saar Zola, duly 117. T he ambit bar boat sad &dined. It dull sad druoptag: Grade althea - pet Y bald at 2t c. "tellaal la land. i. aciahutl at, 4Sitivio be July delleern Ilhadd):Se for Jae go*, aad 130 for Oalobe!. Naw'7ons,7los. b win at I:5 fitfao on the si4t. Brine to bout Is non last at 45 . 473(0 for Jolt &Hum and 600610 Coe At $4.111a listenty at .. 15.470 tor dnalketsr& ' PitUbargli Oil IllazgeiT;',. - Jams—minis is. Oak alma tbaaappl7 L bald, !be starksi Is dal wad ok aloft. Wakes. Web( aI2I mad 102 Mica thimpotat /SWF package tato:aid, sad Iso bbk ha teak at 18t /a cladlag pickw, tbs itesta•4l.lsa irs quota it riMOstso. Badaixt to Ina, la 'vary dull, and the aught ta aaastilsd. Altsrs DMA • rut dliftratuak berm tb• Tim el bytes and kakis, ttz atsarsetwe Wow:ate =kat ad akistadia). in playa wbk11011744. the pattorsda.odidlikg ta vault idos mow be Adak& at ildeSto tar Vethielsadartmkt. • -- 1 -"•.; plusbatik Jinx 9—Th, market fir Wad it the rung tin.' fo,oory anoottlad not Impl.r.ln ixotooponco of tho ,exilitto In Odd sad llontlin nnotintp, mad 4* Li: Feels tampon ti r corridlyea dl. Ttioroamorso. awe 1 1 #uJ„..° saa as ft ettasull that notinlortin.,_ T.' no, tbloldobar i Zzentolitl,ifitan It andiornonopoorro bola; an to. Mph*. IWO* at Agateil VA* doilies di iotf44 dttpoaad witow. Ihu.nia . thwAisa It loOkt`zoltninablo—thot Alto ona* to - Gold sad kinotin ozoluipp;'.11111 ° dean In flattop iiatt thithikk Ind .a Cotton good" no,' Incl. 'pad ,„ aoßic mad to ;a cortottt cant Sollgoi. Ii Were* fir 'ftecidelog tra, lAA p!kialassiki ktboldWii ontloo. halloo Ong* NyEtwi t : ind w h Mit NO. Judging tom. P re l". l "' t aw. ihat:lt 100 4 a!, thdifaisotath4 s — trUthliiaasid... Bo 4außlVAPPll. 1 bin beakiixdWyitila . yiiiinkairwdeiAispiipui 4104111 :t.nwilm*IN illaget e t — moan tax*: thawiagt% alkahisn weskit wad air siff* ail law isiph. saw *OW 6i®inDiaarihiilnll blood woo I Ins male ao 1I altahir 1 0 1( x" It liaft•ther watt& that am toad* Irtlyall*laigjOgeiots swum. aunt caul gamin s bicoise,tialii4ttl&t. Mlegkel.lVlrtatirck Markey Janr9. There ha We* NUM 111101114 IMO* et ipith The sung, wie rather i So whiles rtes, nieptl whiei eteitet Tito - '&416 iiiytiriirw- on Oa% sad thou idideidmni oft*, kdi drisixdrodad; Sdithde•iwkiqw l /4.P 1 11 ;Ptindl 44•4841* imorkstArste Todd., CHAIN NI moos of shavaiga ;Mak is bat . unitad AC scwilwalaiaaaat. sad only itWr • • •I' ii clP;a4l 116 4'oltheiatthienniewaniw$41104 1 4: Wo yoist•l44BO would telt pool itOicilittial:l6 in 'oakum, WwWwoolWO*.#44,lll2o.ll*°i=l tnehootli*Wr#inti4'4WlllCrt 444 #4' :'. ' ; ih. itglitt wit 4t t4hI.4 ' ,W 7 WP 01 1 ; t 4 Klessuatinola Una.: luidwible 44• 2+51. ' '' -; -.'''•-• 'Th. W- Entine) ilaalliiaaa ta aaaiket;iu.sierl,'''' so. at watch au thi bawler *took binVtlibro - ltPadibs'Unritit . for An'. Istoberucand. vlttv ibis factfact in sastr,lt rant bud to tugs whit WI Waili/ . of attic woohloomoad,-.. t. 6,, ,, A bik it is matt to pot ttlng 'dung In Rom and l oam noatutivilinpbly tnaboop. Melnik* !Ward b 'rut:Mont ion L - Iss. , srNi: I.fic;,,,aocordlng to . noakty. no fallout ,[ aris - 4•0 4 , lllllont s quhOWoh 41, the idlitor.ut gradunf coins:: i .. J ,:, ,•:. , .. 1,, ... ,, r , s paiatiza-aibe-iwiliatief.. i ',, _ ... _' l " 2 " L ' 7 itat ra1 . 5..:.:........_; 4„ —t—:.«. 7 a---oroga:•- 1 :2- . riot qua11ty—...4.4.4.,.........i.a....4 IV ! 4 '. doccid. qaa11ty._.............., C I q; ‘,. l Third Oulftir.•••••••!+•44 , 4-.... 3, , 9: 1 !,•; Inflictor ......................... S 03 0 4 Xasinf in'intilitia'val• tilts week's** fru:m.lTM - itnotaind:Ohkhlastnintts• in lbs OICIP& 619 I"' Load, Wink ealood loostia liitrireog,.,,,,. 4 I* feltulpgjast puma niport of holding inf.. I ~,4 maiapia,..,aaaai . oa . „1,,, 5 1 ?I sma ll Ob. to stock la ' •11 aitliaisai; • ' visaed of aiiriguara f 's,ai ,hilabattvlobolur aver* ax fa. a . "A - Caeirpbellt et; .4o'NiSii,te.alati., i sm -alalaaa wog .- -, , ,,t , ..,..?. Lai.: ,--- . . ~.xyarik, Lima° mu 'alaciaift WU; 68 boar bun hero this par at P — lntact* ao, sold 70 fr!linValt 04740mta Itiirtfit r . ir 'aiol24o) tosly:ftc.: Weisn 3 Stink% stadi lft l i v iov id44 ,4 lo , 31samaistia:041,1 pat lia Wit .„6. , ...-.14._ - -11 A larnik 1400 : •,;„ bet. L._ ."1 - ..- • . =2EMI Imports by Railroad. • prrigiesaffOrT. WATER &• tramao 164=022. .701741—Pernii Street Stattoo-106 bp 02 2 4 20 212220;:1161;b5ir5bac4311443, A 60140 n, 21A Jno Floyd; 447 bp Idlest. AS !Amu a °cc 2 m a Egliticr, 40 elni &Alma io; I& b 44.• 41000' ,810 76 61 KAMb 4 4;.11 Oa bacon, Watt & V7ll. 15016;10 too imam, 6brice7 & La/min 60 bt44 144 by *best, D# H Wallace; 000 bp 00111 tYQ. - 4 ra D0401614 , 090.60•bb1a Soar, ,LIALLtaI k Tel_Vrtil 100 bDL 046400.7., IMO; 10 biz sow, h co 441412DestiOC/Avlaploo. ••, , • . ,Szstraosix 41` Prawns= Itansoan, Jill 13— ratan - Emmet suai , :c.-16:bbie.vbislii ; J tioirroth; 4 ;J., 90 t , t , 1 nano, 1 hhd Lohman. J W nylor; 10 'hir..li..w;.A. - nduAterris butta tobacco, Sbrtircr . rt I, f asiraff YA bid* hominy. S Dorm , 12 taids bacon, £0 realm best,nl'Ellillors &co; 4 bbls , ena, IC O tits ohms. L II Volga .2., 10 tons shipstnat, 'Simpson & Loon; 62 tibia Sour,W 4 ,11-AarOn• hbli bans, It 'Halals* go bis sheass, Sara. 004er; 2 cars oafs, • Carp &aboard; MS ski cats; HA Cirsom.ld bbl, na, ' isayinli latalcoli; 13 tan them, D Haworth; 45 do do; Webb ea.intattiace,Sdo do; B Difradt & co; HI do do, ni lisiShdont 10 do doornails, Son & do; 111de do, J Hsu*, 20 do do, It Vonmstdor;4oo bales cak , . aro. Galan's; 4 bbto on, J, 9,211160n;t2 nciTetweas, Haraind a Ornmor. ' - ' ' i 1 14Miiittaiit' bairn-dt ' Jr.rsHailsp l uitwan i : Jranirtheny Stolon-13 aka w win 1 air dorm bbls, 464 mks wbear, KasinedyJbalrefk car states; 0 albaght; tale bbis, Win Malawi A. basset tattle, Itarßtaithorartgl . bN bottles, .22.6tH Mash; Salo bblej Allighomp firrinoryTlO Mir bar pot' t; 6bb h, day ..! Gelyrb la ear lea, 0 Mr • . olcs osts,"lninpoosi &Ent= Tbild alga, • __Xi, tor; 270 As cru,lfolt & ausea,,3oo =lO , 1600 - bothosho H Split 1.15 - sild: oritton, E Hydp; M Ital lumber, 8 °mamba; -,- .',, I -,.., e...:1.1,, I. JC' ' .- Clan:Lila a Pl , lll - 11aaalaIlifiiii, ,: i itt 6:- - aelc hisheny litattonnAbbtsestkaMardiand itcnOtsides P , Wtolo A 41 , ,,- Witim‘ - . 1 ,;_t ! — -— - - --c ---- iii iiikild i it 'MO r a - • -r• eirJ Z— : lyininitno PROPSACY altosie4 at • ;1r . loan /41111h1 coooly.'ll4latt ig lott . -'• • o •Ow Ponmalmato Saibroodiad '.• • • - gooporty coiiptioso.. a • lontook, igIN dti o 7 mop.• palm to blow lcustog of tlior citionignie•aNO2 1b,..dt0 coil; abootlJoooorokl t . ,-; •'• til l ia9M l4l loirlit" • *boo train Wadi > ha e. yr Ist, Sot, maw • • a r n ia ile_ ga l b •tUr • • • rtl Bags Law peadimoka msgui, 04 : is , t 0144441 a business of Us etiolate:- - ..• !•-••• •••1- 3411 g er g . atirolmemd unditWOCIAI Pk ,;• &Le na rt c. °f e l = a a" Dartl P .Utfei l et • • '{ho` ~ , , Vitki - itid 02 W2Oll 1741 . • ..4 . , . Ala?. awn W is, ohosa4ant, lbo meighoorticol.• ~41ohcrolg,in,iny• visollt MI I. WO thlivezid 1 4 t!!•MaPIP11 14 % • onto ph. truabol. '•C• lburitk a ". '• • ortant rastinfacturlog towns.; ... . . . for tolok,!ofma awl. mill& portfoolori Apply se H. 21.8014800W15, ••,,• jollitar , ' Philatielptli; Pp. 10/1, VUUSJJ A: - *ID "1“01111111 *be,* HAIMIN tit .11144Iiiiial balsas, lo saki:Wola . Wad for. cootatoo a lug( amount 'of Idigib=l)lllloct env, Imp mostmastof the tor sad eidkood UtAinimr -4, , ...mi a g ic xt wn.. for troooprotalkia porta gentry. NW, ore loin oat OW loolltly mead to lb 'other II Iy erstorlar good . The propriststalltriell .tortobilognotit, tqitilod orod,Ag a rl or *netball of 16 0 21 /40 extra ala 44 11 . 4 :6 " adutodeado.iroll. limbs • tlifollOVOrtaldirleunt. Orly ads boliagold rant raipagatblo - paths see* WO' paid. Num* as , Manor oe sot. id igqilittilleti gictior Irtublog Waist. 2We dm eget fißti,lb/t logo 14g.Alidilfla more eta Aid :Ong uo„ and many parties dootrtog • larredrbOt Vrigfgabaiii,an&as and maelairy. ore - orropell gto go lirittia_le moat of.. pa rt ed do Iltir wont - ------- t Niteterioet trod Ohio Mimi PDX. 160, Ifidloon,. LnMaa►.- i 7, _-; -knits •rus haLiii—ciumea in nen, • ver mown ibc i i two slim tiom • Watithbvi Swalienared asd eistrtrottm sans; • TOW Iw4 U- 4 14 11044:9,61a/ty j abort. 0120 bundrod screw dewed.; limeruerlimostoao ou tbe promisee. -Alio "lte satia&MOlejliere lodOteisard. - Ihmleend tend wettittereted. WIU be sold low, %War in 9.18, •••• 41 3 S tioshaviatkogan ': • ilientigs a mum, B. PLTELOB, • 4 Or. J. K. Dielt. l&t.wob ri ar ' s'"N'h 21"d4agbi • PE' ImIIA.Aa. A , VAI:LI/USLas, .kAlteit putt. bALL.E, AlCLittnitedlit Hancock county,,West, Ittrents, -. 1 soll,w trent bleartaunberlond, sod twang an =WI.. IMAilitlO dew, (deep Oiatedsill ILO atom Is • bights of cultivation:ow two odes of: oteattogo• Oho rires-6 toot ao4 3 ,two att.-' lath -also • 111 Soot win of bonen- ' 6 Min On" dsetstalt, born, sod - Woo ontbsdat , tom* antiOdld orchard of best seleetton Irolt. To peaks wjoldnat to perchato• he. 1 tont„ and at .thossoothee oath the coed and Are way. the oboe', plollll/11 s , nascpportnalt, foe I ,ptotdablo invest. stoat. la iilikaAalibl • opal, st; Om GOA. or ~•••••: - • Pk *LUZ t tki.; Steal lidste Agents, go. MS Ararat at., Pattsbargh; Or, THOS. N. LY01113; on Oa tarn. •• Sp, LOVA tatlaii-.4.7129 .1: lurid' OTLINDIA SO MMus by id mot Way ill pais& •-` 1• - -OaaaapatorsansBoELTlOal lsobm dlsansot, Ji lisilaes, it butitroa... - • - sTaaluat nsiiia, au name, al* _ siticaSill4dal rail! ITO 'EMINISP/saddlamslie does to - bob, will borstal lamo tear& 7 SIO9II.7LOSOTA • _ Witt OatbsAlllidustialssa ses. o tost-tU el ltl& . .M. , sildvillinfT OPP .5.01.11 OP. laliOHODi. • •-istbe male albs late!limillidoataidasso. -isoOld Ma isessdb d MiliMeastom tad boom Cask koirsak sad IbiodsaVallthir3lbli bibs Mit oltbioirellolteamilsom gm; :Par imuslood .I* - 14 1:111Flty101oissil Wsmesasslaitab--- - 1 to oo -scriiket: LAW ZULUS—A good -roam - mivitis. 1' - olowds• at Us poutztop. tom; Ditties tit boot of 2 aad iedackp.xb s gt &Steelton lOW. fats I Mg o'clock p. - To yam; .1510SkMratio titriwaumuStsagjC MSLOMaIt 140.' 1444killte•k two Jima sOPfir4o ' • . 7'a L t a to ‘ won v. .4 I- - .7 0 Amos SO ad Wool stmts. Two cftwee,4W o in ß ibeeliersocis GApiat V01{44 irna las areallos.: sie444: . 14.414.2314,NZ:41i6C: firz 9. we. Vitals odwil tatittUallr Oast iiaatilintios Arktr pMy77 7771 ...A.1177WM!''''-'4ll 4 -,I IARDMEMIXIEMeAkiii:ivi paamor, in><7iL Saunas ;•==grainahl!ast. menu Wood tyl •JUNNIS, Aemblicattit - Almitia- 4 -TT pat•atProatolmaki4gilEntttit .wavzios ~ :T. • : joi ' krni . aggrria4S w rib i l ili gr ' - lOW** lallbenelbir . • , Vallee tik Uto tenter zii , tthe -ars'zioritimtuc, 4, _ .. ,m , Depatiosant Aay =Mutt= la 101141',Initsieptilelftbm 51i,77. bir lallillst to - Ilia 40 Utesirk, silt bidi tatr-velibewl/1- i ita gtpl ua uhies - itama be' —ol4 iiip - mkt ' Abliiiii , "Otte transit E4ata4 at Waskthg, 14; sad likutbkpil sodotsod .12riposale lot Ili amt.` ~.Witaa,,..„,„4,thoz4. 00 AILdaid_ , an ". Dgertment will Wan : iyikiliom-ilkft.PmaZH elk% 'iMmit=teDdinit bilbY =WM upon.O. Doug and *Mau by subatitittlb&VbelibiliblSAWYlo'. "4"Pir <7wok, 1 4 nod Mittilarkir-tWN Ytbar .:#*-- 1 obatmoyed. " - - , u...ra , 4, , LAbbeil k "T ' enithrf,U.KA - ,..: .; • { , i,o - .. - t.:.0:.,. ~,...,; :-..„; .}.• ORM .013 WOAD Main ty, ,f • .o^, . . 71.411LR04D5. t-S Fa .. .l= - 44a,=ia..._ , „. c..z .te, I`-t VA 9', tp•ii•••••••••--------- s'' Af t "'• Pim , br L , A NIA C.E.A . nut. uAti. o . "X'...Trt ImIlY 251.11 N& rac 'Eg an am AimpittoDL lON Man a....4r77.tha.Pusr„vs Cuilaattl it,fB L•j b . ci t t hLi V2 ; t uner:lid 47= D ' r ..11 . i n ' itd - Fmk dirge wawa. tllll, for l'fra terksi.unnsdelpkts. 'lt.s C-REDITGII LI .I.lt. T.3.A.LN tea tba Pao. amps Otatteu .4.xw) ..T444 (ft.T.cePS C - ....nd&T) 611 ts° a ' Mr '. 4 i.." CPA} dienetp. ~ - .W.li lad MaktiMetli t,", ,t,. ~ sj 11ir:..1 - •CY MM. tem rad Wasatig.mtg. li.. ,„ • ai Flaa• big & - . 14.1....... THROOPE _.........irrac ...yes= Eciect=siort... -data, k4:taitinaraisl Ilhadattaa and fat Ziai.firlt. is satsaratte and adiedelpt* , •,••••.• = -Ma Ater 4 , 13:111.41s tit natsEbion 'bat (addag Ratday.) st• dad P. ta. it , i s p u d zi a stationa. accsagasta St Uftisal y iy ogila i piat Phdadidada ta Now Pat. sad CM 3 ACIP4S4REERISTaIast. 03%.4 AWets>oa Intl Isms tail. ' drabs 'tali utast - , tidy`• ••• • - •: . • Ika: Wail Skala • . , , •: . , IWO l i la - ' '. e ar •rsithor .48 6 c ... ......,. italsadiay (mat n , yamaakaa alga t an da• lay a MS' a. aa.; . , Malmo 1216 Dar ~. !k ..ma.ru a tarts i ff _ - Paiadd it ViUM t utsu Lttalita a a.; Mato. tiami,., • Mamma sassadisas. kitia w rar ,:- : Assamaadalaa q'ait ' -.... 1 .„4 '': ' r• •._ tZ:Zers. ISM td,-.P ... . .7 . .. t • au who atb I& ~ • , ''' • 5k4,7 y,',:l - 4/,'''.;,i„,4 • soma aaltds • ri ltatiaart Zqdssitnd J ~ oi>aaWra AZO3III, I Millldar 1;. ~,,fr a go Trans is oaaaa eta, Orman T hr ash ' at. SilaLltital add aad with aw f 1 • assasattalad Tian East. worst la I Igra Wtrt:ett%°tralzraanallsala 'o6Dial f.=a , SACI/11 01 A 1 4026 BOW UMW i 'l3llkiiit be tea NW Sat nate. as ItadS ,• Midi* aii la cattakt Sae Erna dot •Wa oNaatiast_sapa. via apd °mast to al at,. , • lattApaSadialpAdlit 1a a - FA" :: • I rzuoti *ld •Llt Lar ... .15, nstsms- ~...,..41‘ !Po iddit's a To_noksdzida..... 10'50 Ttgasamast.......... 8 a , *. Frark**t_ .&.! ..... i a • ~ •• •ilfttiticasstawia SS ' oa dwPaimyhts.. SOL rolGialipaPATorhpft ta,VOUsdalpt* Saiasso andliawYst. . Pattaaart i pasksdaVadtibe tal =dams a an uu s , IA , -,111, ...ftla b r to us, naras muitrumpi boa .ausalbsaispayhicasturat. 11073011.44 astaioo6as camatt ad bit aluttattehap tar twist nth sad Ibratasoati ad VA p/ f .' die.dis Oaths, ' balm as a s is lit •Icyasiampal suPtagfi to sad:tras as Do. atAtLa ata/t . ~.. ag , ..,... /6 ..., 00, br Mb 1 41 1 F !CM "...4%.3 A ^githafac r lArai -. • , aa.lliiir Sanilt4 A Ssf _ i• .• texpl ,- * 1 ikr. .tr.d.. lia=ol.lllllllll igLigig ,of Oa,. Id 7 Ligi n r o ;4 . . i -un. MO am ARN/1„Ali ? A -1104, 864. - aella , esvar Aid .BleocA " Unload, ha PathaJ I pitilbi: Wirth:4li v 4-.-e, G -* 4 '' '' zriEttalkiVit gibe WiNdiag LIM [ Lgongpiagolgagglid. _WA fa, m. Map.* 0 41 0;;W - .410, d.r." &Id u tAil al do - mkt Liiin 'se!' 42/ u usa a; . Aeries Wheeling. b:2O CO' tine u 4: 6 i . 0 : I..arlig,Belialr 6:111 u (VA .. MO .. z UnatiOadiV i i, beralll• and Bask. with Olga I Val Ole a4d . 11. Aalicoeld and Casual OW 24 mid - tae liiiimi Ilimuk. CPiumtum Zomm• DIC toadAndidiaigiolia,-(ktoitakaah Loalseill... Veto. a' .12att rutiuL4oll4=ating rlse kilt-WiN.~e LM r= gi,•140100 I d : e a. u a. laddp • do"Weleilie CIO an s do Zs r i 640 -0 do .A 1b an0 . .. . .... 0.36 u 436 u ao lmmoi.- ?Toil . • s - 0 ac: ania50i,:ti...,..1...4: - .4.W7a6 u i *llO u• tabu as 00t01iutii..;..4.4.1;1010 .. lum 0 1 , '. Banueal adAtagart with Toacarawal brave A - gin ptataft Mg and:CaVaitliover at Alaimo gas Pittsburgh, *V Wiliaa lOad"OtallAgo Ballroadja illyenzur 'Ailiktatrand.tireat Wen= lane rag moiiiii - toriiiimoirtataville, Catath Cart Jaseeilogiraad.-dadahoncorog Badmen UI Ohm lagd, gamorgia.and ansaciagatj Ladroed Ito . • Ciaystiogal'alialuldATllliiiharg, and at o • lanai V. - ag 7K711.' le. fol'Aribt Dunkin. sod B Irish 'O. al . .lt•Bi.ctiacßaidlieky, Toledo. mat mtab iiiiiiinimelkustts.t:t - z. _ Accommodittica leaves at BM p fa: Betonalaacreino mite * %JO .. la, &co zet tar 144 a- L' .Thivagkmabsctr:twalligoininint " trc!clar‘/ It!r...l. l lr i g r etreet papa, ritlo/ . takami, Tiokat Agent, Atukat Alleakturfiitri_;22l, .46 4..yakaD .7MM, Ticket AVM. birth= stuOt: 4l Mkk . la to ,100 IITZWAitT, Ape; tka:Ootoyaiife liflrfitight etuJon e ham 1 ~ ~,,,.,,,:ii.whir.oLs. DOLLAR* lalNata BANK, No. m use: 1 OpsaiDDirtaddiedo , II Vast, atm aa D AaA.SitqgdaylimiatW. Kay LA to X ..• 'lma alio Li' add Dam Bknambit DS io $ 0 a, 'fir "Wk . as AA Do am t . . Alai al tlafpradie declared Med ' . ilb, Abu: •alikawar.," hadn't bai Wei doll AndhaisitaDr to Jaffa aid Deasaibar, . 1 *.X1 0 .; Dot, . .. 1it.. 1 4 rots of mix Per I MariailhaiedtaalliAltsissod to th4rmi d lbw - 141Witoo 10 Wait boars theme& - tints rroak CA Int dayto Jose and aa, .iaidoadatalloadi Mr without troubling tha ' ow*, gie wool pnlimat Ms Dam took. Lilt LW. :DM iloallieft We than twain log ...- limatadatig ibal.Olastar, Dy-Laas,, Sal sal ?Malta uh. cla inataike • Oa Wog' -- , r.... '. R 1 :s" ti IMP ALB2XL 1 ' ' Jokift - Alitiaiiirs: L - .. v ea . 4 -Inao I. , Jam Affaland J ohn itimkailt , mainasz Bperr, ~ ions S.D. Moods, 84f14,W irldtieliklatia ."11k. B. Pollock, Y. D %Aim , . 11 4 1 41 an. RBI Burp* . . ' Ames gardamai - ,----- 111tibus dr.asiorsia c4rak; .....:at r.. "V _fit .. arataik "1 il V. r A i. i li ft as s A I li . . T 1 gift 0. 11.474.1. aloha Om .- , tlieorp alvelgi 7 v , :,,a • Anbett SOD. ". :, abloom A...lidirlki ,Il , ..:.. nom I , fawn, tee A.,,,0ce ', , _ Jamie 13L141% - .I'W Toot a ,-"‘ "loan E. i' 111. Mta14a," , ; ..4- : Illsaandet TladJar k 1 - I .Deadt ILDwaJaaa; ,t 4 • tiniaili T all^ ' Diditotd•':fi , iim. .. 3 L-t„ 4T, www ..hitthorr _ Jams v. ift. ' a. P. Wilma. L . 11!" ima% Claistiou I 0 II ii-Tuutzi a —AM AL AS. A. 00 P=!= ~...........:..Efzmi' , ''- 4 -- ‘: 7V -11 " MIRO- m it v.:a' ''''. . • ~..,,i: T :Sz.*:•,d 5.;i; c 3cra: ' . • ft.sta. . • 11 .0 14.thu lf naiiii. lOW-, swim eiroce4epnur - T .. • yip , B. A. 7 N *OO, B. Z. • :': „W e, V 111311411-131. Ms, Il!tebitrib. iitUrlAVAMet rui; i „ ;:scuouriz. • nim and *Swat kvopreanars Mom ..anitaLear. wAxitia, ou'L wig. • lit nalixl4 t?poieanglijettson Magnin in Mavis 'LenvondArtW th r. drns* Olty, Lod • • satl Bar CIO: , gni:Port Rom, Portnanllao, rortator, Poroottllls. Point • -Port 4indinnnit TOWN, City, *very WIDE nido'clutk. , - , Loam andnidw Ind , (l{,4onad nary lA. 11 0 B.131212. , :. Al} gtoiVAt conslinotl lona 'inroad", • tention„ Ilitoorli. Weald* mndo. 13hIppeni in•latOtgAtatty ntailpintibeto to our *tont ito on Inn bad ofthbet Crap brat . 10. • 1 • A . '.li t tilit'l"ntlittl.—: 4 tutmosnizirea ortisipa:—A. -ftryliri t e irteci of choke Ti , eiesTestad Varieties to choose from, With Wary p hie owe tikei CO twelve's" variety tree to Dam qt.tkppleAdium. R.. hate 175,000-60,000 of 'w a wes y; skalds, ICOOO fear year olds. Peer, thice remold. Pearli, Nam. 1a.,11 Ye, ; , :14.a , Itenagainp43, , e4% , lo7l the , BuX 4 M. OW ll R ItESNß}r6fri..T.fo 6 feet. by the hum 1 - jiI e e,,VRADIVIPST:I AND SIIRIIIOII eadvatill: ' 414 dress. P IThancohlito OdlltAnD • . „. wit F ITIMMOCM daptiClaw moo.: Wklauty,l4 / 1 . 1 4 11e5:;t,,3 3 Naload. la isla •N i k .60;441 and Digd Idit.,lay aad ler gala by., • I ,"" "' 4 llArrnn & "F4IMDLI diaa tad:MUM 1 1 4 B•3"tidsoirl taPti I lb•Cayi at 4 , - .1 ,1 11( AiS I ell .L.Y ll* I r by lb' k. •italfireoltbr I.4oEtti 4 6 111IMAR. jit%,;i-,r 4)dllf:t 11.-etr sad 'Bled shelt " abillUS geoeirdit,` Ohm Goats% 6114, V, - T., 144) z trkedoxip re & triAldo „YLLtt1.b.u.z.c.;,,..41 vcw'ri 1:t ip val;i:&:, a 7,,lrirm:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers