' r7 ~ ~y T - • ESTABIAISM IN 1786: OPPIOIALI. UWEI . VIE 'OM= STATES, Paiatig Tani Stain of the Thirtyi Qffiefati - --.. . _ .[Peasto IttibM-41§. 0 2,6' . ] f .ii . laimatiiiimili Al'e'llimiaproptirty do:, Aato the people oillai , United' ota, Ar Ciptainliiiidi r: -. teirY, 'decutakit.'; i of UM United States navy, died 'in' the,44 of. New York on the twenty-second day o ' Mir* Wrlllittiralhealtorl WA sixty-tw l leaving a lost Will and testament , contain 1 lug the tollowing provision, to wit: uf givei 1 devils , an,d hiwinsialkspy:lonn: on& mutt of Iforaioll`o, In V fornterk_belong VA P IE d ea rat -,Vo , ma an residue of my estat weal and personator ml rid; not hereby posed of , wherevr ar innverr situated, the pe opl e di lbs - Unltedllteroitor such per-I eons nit to - • slue softt to motive 1 1 / 4 1 and - . an m rude._ ..)aftwiAlly 7. • ' v-----r- , r'',7" •:—..., • ‘ Z; only; =weir . 'g • . ' w.i.. • ~ liiptiZTAs,l74Wtkiwis.--Tro, -..okoolo.....oogiiirroiimcalarm,if,-, , • .warrant =ogre of thit Unl lltodoWas ',Nose hitherriritifftd' aubj . conditions' therell'imiliWinta re, Nosideal by tie 'Sends meti-Ilffkui o Xeyressittotiese Of Oa UrtOoffrif*Fir in Ikativess„,asuabraf,"lkif Altai Attain trieneraltio - eatiliirlsed Cone. vmpOwired, the reatitieretitroli•V 'thWris bequest, afirresaif E olori.torl,,thermat topae~mus, to Jei.l.„,,:art.the glopeguds, , , s k. e t iqs I nv - Algot urirrfer.;;;va - atrAA, .4•4111111.0406.311014.-; 4 : . . . L . . , ..•::- , ! . , i!. , -.',., r„^;;;; -111nai1i.1414..M. , ; i AL• to. laseatPetd*BLlM inZiraidepti Asper,. telhemytuita or ctunibta, ii;Ntadiii;"4o/ --Bitimmitowes (4 . . Amer jar • ',Z. krt,fe! • I . ,•••• re. BJeeee, Eleralt Catell;" • • an Loubi illebteceldVilat - 1001 ettemas, be' I - tleri lialteB bettrpolitkr edpseste forayer by nano d Bt. /me t li t i tir i Z aing ter glitteNeahiPikee: 4ll at* Dist a ttl eis as institution far the -kat opium anot imailaugoOita 111.0;io , .• • sat abbiteetal finings s vott trATAllsol-LI:o% , ,ana; anaphave inn an IL 001611204 tele INA thAi mks alter and nag* 11-plealuse; f and establish ndis, : . - hali - onaka owe - - --- 151W;1 trii . . - nra kr ,propaly conducting stars of meld - Or-4 =nal innl• Tatar. r ooo krtia t l L ,PlL i llt,. ,TitstSV i rlOr ' .i alistrn - igiunian:iiillers t sidansi.natss .1.416'4 1t i1 t el oi sih l iPir ibairti t llatiatie - nib Ptliasel'et add u = faitmalaaaratiggiallnrules sad r • lor a ir&Sk , WO' lte , rolikr 1 4 d l Yi :AtZ‘ - 41a1Par l , (enfant arch* That 111119 k illi l - : laid ,•_uttlibill Se tatithil to retain: :villsr ,- ilitere, tios - :. charr, sad netraint, , Ifib i l=titt:l4 l .Z o 4 lll442l2theiS4 chlidreninriolloottotbstrbaspiatiestellyi -ant tonli&rollf, l to onliltoolko o l o l% 'lit if they Were Yrolert, boundemlonuissid. institution. aatiii to 'WCgisal - Tafehti • Wilt be, it ' sitelin, twinty-oas zerstiolii,siul if females Aditent,yearr obi, or sal shorter period vhatearbe agreed upon; and mid ccupors.; Ilea shelf hive power to bind them out for, :IN line, not to,,deoesd said ages of twvotty;' .0ne24424...4 yews, respeotirsiy, se applandasatoluent says:Ade or business, ins or to ,...L leutt ilior. te utoilibi tc ussfaj o in v ....wid.... ,4, , 1 4 ma sole V sup wisTliddlitt 1 4 014 0 14 - 0 Wats! wiring4 ,l4-doudii= distit pcsl i i n l is otirsimit eorrns - Oda VOlOgreer.o4l34-4 09140 iwriliguiwas;• „.,.... $4... e . m . A .,,mi5it 4 0 siwk,„4"4-tr, ', av ....--I"iii. . WW 2 * *A All" Ina logoliV the perdous atlttaiessat chilblain &ppm , thiss*' rforlibld• lisCoitisoorbard b y , ajaattaatte the pace In .111 * W m* Tithiammananth _ theresfterreourded the Amur the - Iles- Ina of Will for seld-Distzict. - ..t 2 lider.,,Vtrak ho: filtrthor Anna, That . 411A.111114*.t)ii*itureiller iiter,l 7:,114 PY.M; I :o tarr.J:,^; , , o Lilmas•-n0t136.3 -, 0 , is &mitt' dellae.tba parer* alitilatio lit ti:7 oter eatat et the .t at Washing-, .- 4 ,6 4 3 o r 31 atiannetst. - , lot -114ce of ' / . 1 0 6 4=1 . ... /ra _ ar # l, ' ' Rid" oXA I 4 O- idO tflo-ilevy sitaold"_ l %oMil-ta-boongintgilitti lAP*44lll° SillatilMed tiletekbycied llh ihe advise - imitate* at tiniiiibiiallobl ttr • • F. .apArtii PiPPI of_,Woo., lo * . . to, ba int egpatei shalkhreppotated sad held si tlair clibtalla Ontlise4 sr eitil the iiirty.f.l6 day = ,oVi t eosagsr, *Wean k "-- udzsd Porotor and i ni is t d a l -- osiffer • , eightass • lautisred end' r sixty•tour; sad con•lldrd for - threey~~s, or until the thirty-drat of Do ' weber, hundred and sixty-dm The, tioncd members dull commerce on bbs.ll2lW day of Deanery, , sad end On the ddrtrAnt day of December; and it shall be the duty of the ?nektons to nominate ambers, to EL the Ones of those vitae tam ls about - lo -expire, se early se the 11ftp."Zday,ot.jematutlar; sad ,he `may ‘ l4 ° - &NY =Wind nesehori should --Mike nine ce l essli CL the court fiveshall beresidents - 1 oltheasasal, am td the ellyetir • _ . r io l .itrfisseso‘OUrof . obeli tar~ 010" 1 4 109 ° 11 4Toatiokigill att7 esPlvenikea thaionn if hierderir rani* Irlpolated treed :•;6.zi v.:trl. . . .. ovary pnlinlAtelnird al s member ot the ievyie AA bane ha attars on his du• doirliawattsaili,`italthially to ineherp 09=rarglilling 0. 0 -41 101/ 1 the. alai Vaitadolibine; end 1 )taken: else tete the 4 oath of ~sae Pineetholkby the sot of July mon elgbh d, issablivered'and sixty two. The numbers otooltrAlL4 sban.horesitar be entitle 10. isaelatuasitatiara a dew, each, for every Z flor 3 7 4 I s t a str am tVag d the ante% gout throeurtoctifour dollars for every goy shell serve on nt a serenittre, to be he ident it : tressorce upon the oar it t Prov nid sa sltinl'll.' 'Asa belt furthar clocia, 'lit fig -gsid - laurt shall have the owe -and and the entansivetniediotioa s illi zodeandAuldoll In sebteoun aT t l Z .4adligtisatli Mate NFL bridges 111 belong to gorativalleb the on at the Unttad states. Aliiltha timid awl shalt kr* jama, ma it than ha th414.44,-'71,-,--------- 3. '1 Pint. To loy,ont, alter, repair, disoon tin anditgOlate any Of the publio roads 11441.80arypiainsi any time hereafter to inquire and to dead, "whether nay road!biashitoantrhilid bY a ta4norierestA) 4l °Farah has ..been f anti Ii tial htme:of side, inquey, kept in tho, ovation Requled,b7.* charter thereof,. stAa =boy ta• 1411rtscadingilo 9, 1 2, 1 re I,o2BesttQl,l494oaPlP-as,ethPr _coon- tr flatus, a; • g4scont ii ji:l ti lty and ,091}e0t taxes for t pa' lendlioatilinliiiibitittia of 'skicounty, of the age _of twenty-one. 4filislaidimorthoiklatitigino'iiroperty to amens to be tallessekto htbor: Third. Toli§glisKiiriniuilly; and take bowl and Secatar from a clerk and tiessu rfic and kliraWapPoTliiita - einlistotor of taxes, who shall have power lo collect all the; taxes (not to be paid in Labor) levied by: said court, and to proceed to collect the, same, in such manner and within nicht let? ihrrl!rirrllt7ll7. Fourth, To appoint, annually, a general, , raperinumdent of roads, and such number' of an of road* as they may dant e ; to,remove .sa the' clerk treastmeraid tax oolleeter, when , ever, in theirjatigment, there , is sufficient: ; Muni; otqlltil'peblics ein lauts will Womb-. , served thereby. t TO.:eatule2 bridges :to be erected wasnenizeeesesui or convenient, and to t keep all tuidges in good repair. s Bluth. To As, from time to time, the pay 10,9 1 5lAlt,kni wan el4l4olollKnollicttor, arm ' wana impeivisors Of roads, and ythe rateeler_layothour to he paid for I. labor to be plab.dtlniel te - femme when !c' etniPoird upon readier bridges. seventh. To ltin a tan wpon all lads aabWo 4 .11692eitti0 1 11 1-1 c..uuly, at a net exceeding one dollars ID the, humbewidollue, of s their valuatinn,l and oleo a tal'of hot eadedln; one daliar I t— if , " l &IL --..-- "lnee'rehe nePeenthllkie rendi' sloe of mouth fromthe collector id taxes, the treasurer of the county, and from fa pervious tiriekTe, Arliensviei they shall 1 ot.us it expedient and proper. Mao, re.. pare from aupervisors as to the condition; ettlin, elf ?MP" iliCebidr. lisPii ee off=es, aaa eitimises of the probable' amount that will be required to put and 4 i4 113.1" I 's ire? go rOjOrlihe ens - ICT ' - - inth. To pan =thus= imposing fines, fo .. igscut or.t=thlruidin j %Ai, ar ge, - - ' lira t — esinik - Wand to espoweraise require: 'the tax cothicser to the num in the. same maale estisisw collect ed, and to' s - tisinend police power owe all roadsuhtleihiSellit said county. Tenth. To isislai inkiai roach. Elaventh.lp petits fix ,tha =slate- Sattoi end ,'UKS% it 4litt goer 4o upoor hones" Sot that, papeth, II bawd IS7,l ll o ll hliditSitiswotml Fr*For ; end, in WlUmees the tax alberettse herein err real at Ul VAl ll qattid coun tax wt ty to Pn7 the we*. he Nelms herein given are to apply Isly to that python of the =not - iiiilidA r- itithra - the corporate o f Washingtonand Georgetown %a. 4. And Jig it further sward, That the said oout may,authorise nay , portion,, nok exceeding threci.hur th s'ot- the tans levied for road and bridge purposes, to be paid in labor, of men, horses, mules, oxen, the use of ploughs, carts, and wagons, at rates per day or hour, for each, to be fixed hy said court. 13qt_in cue any oas hews. id shall hais ne "%Me puperty, and shall preen it, he may pay, the, whole of his tax is Isher. All labor upon roads and. bridges shell be performed at such times and places tithe superiatendent of reads shall direct, and under his supervision; or that of the 1 supervisor of theses*•or such other person as may be sppointed to superintend the work. And is shall be the duty of the eet. perintendent to notify all persons liable t• pay road tax or to labor on rude of the time and place, when and where, they must appear and perform steli , labor, at least one week %fon the day they are required to sputter -And - he may notify sash as have teams of horses, mules, or oxen, or may have a cart or wages, to cacao or send an able. bodied head with such taut, E e l = Wilgus ik te be mod Making or roads or bridges; such teethe to be given itersouslirarter at LW Wei de:ace of the ladirlistai notified. If the person so notified shall fall to appear at the time and plusher mend an able bodied sub. 'theta, or shall not' conform to the dim- Er4 4 4 I3 IZ A L4IWiIi ik° __ _ the case his and in either case he shall pig ths whols amount of his road tax In sesbokill an addition of twenty per anus thereon. For the con ' Strat U rts i li a llr i ell sali se urdt ili t lPl2. ty of all tax payers who desire to work out that portion of limit ..1164 tan which is herein provided they may work out, aa early as the first Monday of April of each year, to girt notice to the Supervisor of "their dis trict of such desire, end such supervisor shall notify the tel collector. ; , But is cue say one shall fail to perform the labor re. qdred of him, the MX easel% shall, upon being notified r , thereof, Collect the said tax in No, with twos 17 per out= added. Bea, e./yid b. ii &raw useca, That it shall be the duty ,of the saperiatdent and euperrieme °flea% teurVieutile three. fourths of itheralrolf WU '4ll4oiia them durbiklild-nrY sk-th• ST - 114/0 - 411Anin 11116 '014. staking tepr. isg in , tiuses they Athell , be faked: UMW ificiteNhigNer'ilithi Jidda/Mai 4 the shies, and shall be sradully rounded off tote sW.olwhich tall tidifiso lleokate 0 utien#WhitiePAlthei 40 Aging water. T-eo. ro .4 r#,lza ,01 - : . : , ___ Bee. 4. Lad bliltithir.othristis That. so bill for labor perforhtiti t gos any MO. or 12rIssel shall be oGiwesil ter pad to spa see the lerjr 410cdt which is not so. je.si tita Z 'n- by a serdiluate of the south e roads thnkift-,beeNtreneW eV, ached Ike " road Mt •NiMeel mod. se , ese , saw& and Greeterkl , b 169 1 41 aue "euel thaw dunes are riiilo s , however, That, one or more.of the tart, to ispariceted for that ' may; estu r attar 11 4, 3 50*., 3 1 ,eer• .gnat- a. ' r 02, ,4, " ' - See. 7. etat is it : ,for amsets4 That =extraordinary, cossidans, !ken liortoad or bridgellithll hi, ~_., , or liii 4.wo ssth. injured. s to requite mediat e V, awl be the duis l a the swain tas well es the suter!laor of Lite road to cause the necessary repairs to be forthwith made; and if there are no funds in hands with which to hire laborers and fume, or if le-, borers and teams allot bis.stklrerl6lll fo , cured, the said supervisor shall immedWcs. ly summon &utile/oat number_of men &- ins neared ' he ilaccito 'Oppear end labor ea said road or bridp =lll it shall be re paired"} sad .3stimitY also require any per son owning a team and living within a rea so4dietaace to appur with said tg . Afton bad IdnIGIV...WPT thing eni surUIW upon, having realm two days' notice, sh a ll neglect or refuse to ap pear sad labor, or tut stehleas•diad sub • stitute, or shall refuse his team, cart, wegu, or plough, he shall forfeit_ and pity tat% Ivry court a sum not less thee three &Gus, nor nurrothan - tan,Bo itiPrecoleased before any justice of tho peace anima 'aiiiii; ty, with costa. For labor, the nee of tilinti I and other nuesury implements, performed and furnished on such ocxe ;Blame and fair oompensatlon shall be paid, tope fixed by th e said court. ' Pee. ,S. Jail be it firths:- seastad,2llhat .5...` PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY ,: : MORNING, JULY 11, 1863 whenever levy court shall deem it con duties to the public interests to open a noe,n Orrthe course of an obV met dm d @handout the route of suck:es& to be surveyed by the county surveyor,and a plat o: map' of thei same to be prepared. They Shall thea canes notice •to be given, by advertisement, twice a week for three wee* of the proposal opening of the new . road, or of the alteration.. of an existing I one, ealling.upon all persons whomay have any objections thereto 'to •present them to. the court at• its next .reguittr meeting. If any': objections are made, the court shall! Mom and there hear them. it the routemer is objected to, and anther or -ethers sug.4 gaited ea more advantageous, the mut may' adopittoeappoint fie* dimes* t ik iii , di s Idea Anted:nen, et• whose's* shall be,' one, to examine et p renew itad eeparteuelmokedasiliyedua deem most lesedbletandsous them! county, and such report' shall be madbitol the court at its next session. If no objeo-• tion to the opening or altering a road byl the owners of the land through which it must pass . after such notice, it shall be' taken for granted that no damages are or will be claimed;; and : thi,;read may be re corded and Opened, - aid shall then be a public road or highway; but if any owner or, ownersiit the land shall object indolent 'dentivcs, and the court cannot agree with -sunk owner or owners' upon - the tonotint,' then the courtmludl, direct the -marshal of the Distrlet to sammoa a jury of seven jo• diem; disinterefted men; not resent to say partg l interested,• to be and appear en the premed on a day specified to amen the damages, It any *thickst& owner eland through which** road is to ,peas may inuai fain by rearm thereof. And the marshal, shall summon such jury, and administer air oath or affottuttlnit to themetett-they will,' with* fiver car %editing daiWyrotte, to , the best of their judgment, decide what damage, If any, each owner may sustain by reason of running the void through his premises ; but in doing this they shin take - into consideration the bmefit it may be to him or her by enhancing the calm elide or her.land, or otherwise, _and gieeeser, verdict accordingly. , It shall be the duty , of the marshal, upon receiving the order from the court, to give the owner or own-', ere atoresed"not less than ten days' notice , et the time, nd place of title meeting of the. jury .to lissom their damages. In' doer where notice Mama be Ilereed.ewthe l ewn - 1 er or owners, the same palatinates' shall be. had saris premised , in this , section' , im the, case of minors. The jury, haring Win up-! on the preenseliAted. Massa the dam-' Mu, shall makeaut a widen verdict, to be signed bythemiers majority_ of them,; and attested by the mareithlek the mar-: shat shall trauma to the coed at its next; session; and shall be recorded. If the co u rtuuty VI owner-.or ownersowners at the, land tri oo dissatished with no ver-i dertd...esid; - no. arrangement being mass begrime thecourt and the odd ewes or oirneili, - thet'Adurt shell order. ai' minima to `tius?moi i itoondjati id twelve judicious, disinterested men, not distal to any, one intereette,to meet and view the pro. mists; giving the partlesinterestedAl least g - e nodestea et the - emir and place of . And the marshal and jury Will ' ' ' as before indeed la regard to the t jury. find thew:diet: Opted by melt) of the jury or a majority ' of theo, shall 06 returned to the coact so lienext 1111011011, and recorded as line and imiselueve, and the road ;shell then be deemed a public , . road, sad the court Shell order it to be opened as euch. , And the mum . mods of , t -promediag shall bettbserved incases 'bad' application I , idol° .the court by , the residents at county to My out anew, or alter say , e - mat In all cases where the lead ' goal:Lich it le propos ed to run a road belong to a minor or I mined , it shall presumed that Objection is made, and the daciagee assessed wand- Wily. In alkalies where it becomes neon- i l eery to eummod a second jury to assess' damages, if the amount assessed by the 1 second jury shall not be greater than thes e 1 amount assessed by the first, the costs of the 'mond jury shall be paid by the party I er parties objecting to the first verdict; but ' I if greater, they shall be paid by the coon -1 ty; All expense" - up to the nosed jury , I stall be paid by the county. '.• I - - otasumla sae. yor summoning each juror the marshal elan be entitled to ally cents. For travelcper mite, gobig and coming to the premises , to'e emoolited; ladles and a ha cents.._._ - ' For each daya Attendance, - two dollars and nay Amu& ~, For sacs day's stimulanotitoo dollars. deo. 9. dad be Warder: ceoa94 That in any caseltilistaeatodesi. - iit soy kind shel be deemedlot miklag or rePho ll t wimbUtflOWit: . 1 .41 1 '. , ..44 eilitt ewnwelloirea*W.thel'itiertem as to , their purchars, the ...mid C onic_ may reseed, In theimme-mannerfbr dritdanc , ,* bitgdMo. , talii.i .1.4 WOO§ of andiniot , land for LIM purpose of a public road, as b_pro• 44°4 ' 01 ' 1 ,, the'.4 o 4 tt# 6 #4 l ll 4,4041.1, at this tlot.: Bea ID. 'Aid bs it hider S - stietede , That I said levy .eourt shall have fed. poweito mike unitary take sideregoistuossinied oGiutty,ille Abate ,imeilned , WPM inch wdiannotir se , it'eserdelell , iteelieatty for their oenthuneloa' "etta IttlqilltW aim for. the punishmiwAotOiSiisereatinglio io or terming - them 40'0* 016 Wi? i g gee ;- teldelyloceleitment shell *ot , .O fins of lhossi the &Alin er *r!seiti!rNithalklrmailisit thirty - days zror_...*yi~ .0.. tker ., co st :st wart shalialew,halttlettly , i , th AD" OrilaiWese sediatardeees • - to effist=rid'l 3 ilthigti 1 , , itritil3tlZ te; 2 ', ; , larstaledvgide l ei . 1 1 r Mit i o ri l iF .=ifereetin . .e si rte , providertireutheang , ~* lotion. thersof t And ifilall' , ltiit dullot thametropolitan pedlar tot the District of Columbia to enforce any and alt le the:or ditaineaCtirthaiiialsvy aima4 - lU — sa - g manlier as they are noW ' Taltdtur ta force the ordinances of the cities of W • • Wigton antifteorptown; the funds required 'tor that Twice, to be pea by said levy condLkent .. gouty eceottgo; Andfrom mnireltelr *As ctY Ude alit do dein 'et county em ote& shall be confined ex : clnevely to the arnica of civil process and the otahottqlitUf -h wtentlldebts With 'Melba Mild ilia wadi:. AMOS* of the (aunty onstables olding aloe at 'the time at thole/wage of this me, and each of saidoonstables hereafter appointedmholl, before performing any, dates required to lbe perbrmal in hiesitidolhoestake the oath of isgegissumi required by, the ackot JX-. `obi, eighteen Amalie* and - etty-t ' 'hi addition to any oath of ofhoe required of WWI time, and- shall'moreover enter, into A bond to the United States in the sum of 1 pre thrum! drilirr i with security to be, oppriviii by the clerk of the circuit court, conditionedlor the : faillittelerformaido of the duilsiothis 'eft* and fly tfie punctu al payment of all =toys: comlog late bla bands to the parlous entitled to noel, the eanticatid - oli air laiiiillis - eaiscial:en the` thlelpfirst day of . June in everr ,o lteusti, jaw of nth poittillwilt#N tx fli. - - ~I ; . ` "_- ' - . i li t i?..fi.. And ai it fortber :iiiiiiieP r at kis suit)entitled;m4in net `to ' authorit e,:the„ laryidLort to lame Maui Mid otherlicteasets In the;Dlitriet of Columbia," approved June twelltkalgli4en houdecd and sixty, be SS extended ale td'aithertie the :leg Court AO gnittliownsonFekafiglkilLMlLlll ; 9 r a as in good*, wires, or merchandise ." =ESN iMiIMM . _ musty o f ,weesdi n aintaide the limits of the ofir cud Gieorptews, ea ger setgo -*MI pennies as the said lavr, isortwity deem expedient. 131 M: 19. 4d' beWort h+ , artecW; Thad fines,. Warns,: 44 3 the ordinaibtes of- the courOottiy bti recovered- In the mime sad for-the titee4fcsidd lety overt, before any, msgistmge ofiald county of Washing-i w o ad eteg p•itmOti persons againstwitom i floe ma y N impses obeli p al t he lams it the time Wilt 'reimposed with , ousts, give seorizity fore* payment of such fine 4nd costa x mivisteisei by the sixth 'melon 4f 1111.60itatitiliPan cot aroma Ab :sot to mate ei-melyttpeittanpauee 4fistmet -of iltelthtekt of gelOutlde, 'slur itetab. , -11 sh pollot=tharifor," - approved Augase, viz; eighteita huddled 'and sixty-ono, or; thall stand committed till the *hole tie, See. 13. dal be ft/et/111er visaed, That , all laws ineonsb4ent with this setnre here- Approved, March a, 1868. ; WAILACE Mitts . , aormilistoN mintatußrs, lad Malan la alarms & unzip PITROLEIIII, flo. St SOUTH IliDolllo Itiller, arasity (audit oorer,) far WON bbl..; ADD azaallirat bolaitS••,for. AWN" to asolia sad Iroadsa . Ta ra. at oar abut ra ta• Bebarlitt, 11rer, mar Uri platform of rho Pans. IL R. BREWER, WILE 00., OLOBIL PAOII6O LOD 'LAOS BT; , OIL MOBIL' Reamed or Crude Petroleum OD{. DVIIIIIMIII WAT AM> alielool STRUT. =E===l ~rt.~ ~....~_ 001 M 4dol Ageslaretii. R LitualUdi advisor wide condpauntik Watass, &awl • a ou., coimressioN biliasonz..wra stuersiut uP enTauuston. Li maim vcass. law nom MINI• Iselittiri Lr lITORAQII ABD 151111 P PM, at Lek yar it and vim% Imp Boos inlttr Oth 111BN noe4 not Do ebarrisood, ty too tosomoomot to too Bar Old= Era Um ilia have tbdi Imarelad sad Vnglieas setahhig %ha Cm Whams, at shop. amy l proapt,otto Ida, ilia trouble sad as homer wht, at sisirn on riap, 0* the &Jl. a/ Valley Wires& flews Lorreow irIAL elms Iflimmpa tram Um boas Won to lbe mitr e infl i Z sus paat. Um or Wag. without aft illses f. . an*, f fo, • 1111n0111c• Isad. .IFloomipt IV R. not U$ Waif. NAL $ 1 141.. nag... 10 a I am bm mesa Otty f 4 tfe 112.1mm.f . _ DAVID SUM rum CITY OIL WORK. CIiORPMBNINO, NaasWilliam sad &Wadded at CARBON OIL, IMMUNE AID LUBRICATING O.LA. • EC= I.lloDli PSTIOLAOII •OrWorL, oppwits Itaarpsburi Ogia. la PIZZO /BLOM togiumm.! fi ay. f Ma Pa. ILARIMY & (XX, Camlulu ud Variardinlorclianlt (MODE t LISFINED 1a. , -11k , LOVER 811iiiit alilrLibed aus.havasams ea asalvamm Ibr rithiPargb ar bestess Mato& Naos. J. 111.-Dcreoeta • Owl 11.• , mover Saw heft Casupproiall !Wok sahltßes itoltErdAka" Cdt7H, 80. 1 . 2 T. OL&IR MINT, ititaburrik. ffenrardiair Ikeasamissia leroluint Ayla puma otra naaixittriela mange. osoin 'elMMqr' ea tufa rad eirselsiethetiosee jam - Osuniertlees okeeeezei ' •• • . esa; • sousetie.fillikeiiiiaip. [zTppDVILLE OIL REFINERY - Gioisocnigra , aa.n; g aril=ligAnge. gasp saasiaolii dod Us* -voq.birt twiny ot 1101111110-011.01arlsod irlibiladdor,kaso.• good unigionog i psi WHITS BINIZOL2 'had 01,11 agates • wirirm ersalikitiab Mitigil"ilrAil/WITPIRPft - stimied fa. VIOBWI O 0114 WORK& • - •- 0 111 4 1 .4. 0 _VFW' co. KoudEiP i N *dg. , • -- Dialupos wins - stw. . . ma% atat ;Rohm Ca.'s ow. ow at Mita 110411 111 OW% •tp tbsaimr igan DWP,„„' t',. LOll iJY2I~r g I2 : I ,I r , C OP Et. •o •.• 2 •' • -• inuos — An'il To vialie Xll oauo t or 6, likp, r . t !urr t ." , areolloes liftaiwopor S. Na 41 Nam= ITlLNlnobootaido,_ _Vorrromillo,OU .10,0 1 r44 04. ' ti - - 7 7 " 11.1ino gams, u* ANL, mops, _ 11010 . 401-1° "" , '43-4;111"ilr, 8L1:+11136,440i5t,aar..‘1,11,41:: STOSAMMLKOUTED 011,....Thi G amma iiinialiad.dtbsonl troollid A 3tit , ;tact WA Oa is 6 iWp. sok - ,quid dill mltanognabk lietaA4mL _ ~ 40.,,Aisawomen,msu .SODIOS WANTBD/ „ • , • 4Csincegaill BASKING Noun, 7 , ? - 41 prErru Frs. , • • ' &mum' .--' la r ta 'Weft . (Mai nom Mid SAT. 11 . 11DAT,2 ; _llllllllll.l. •••in • - - - ;P,~~i~~~. •. . • Vittslyargb Onettil. S. RIDDLE do 00., • ICUITOIII3 AND peoratsrons , P blieuttori taco No. 84 Fifth Mild. oarallo ono ritzonio r.DITIONI3, Dalai STAINING TUE LATTfff MRCS IT TO Tall on, or ecliwohmoo. 4.TIIIIDAIE MORitlllll, 11. like Disaster at DrashearCity-eltebe . ..:el Atrocities. - ; . Prom letters written on thstOth ult., from . ew;Orleant, by correspondents of the N. Y. e we find the follbelogligtOnnf Of the yttirg of Ilrealiesir chi hyNia;velsols, and i t IS.lteriftle alegititite: slu r Olinalltt 4, there: cotio Thelutbble at first created only. on the env: . fau of .190 let, Aare in. regard _to . Itraskeel city has ,proved to be a mnsitl , wre : osrl9ll matter : than a babble.:. . ~.. . ~ ~ • TheYlook - frem . tor thgrelltiihetbot'useti, steads oroannori - enomeitiltiobi'llitrfj pass of Ann artillery, slloo,ooolirorth' nt imtdsula goods, and medical starer' In *gulch qtenrtltleps that it is imponible to State their tabus.' ns, bat how valuable to•themt Willi:these 'they got vast quantitlea of .baggage,: belosing-ItO SaSetS; now:: at. Port ,Hudson,. toggetker.witli lugs sitopiles oLoompent,properti of elm defaflPtgot.... Tim gars sollriNteVelookela.eht and other commissary , !Stores, were pf mop. I meni ;quslititiet.' ' I hare'llierd suiny,pgreolle say thalsitirlosset Brittle& Vistioiely far' than allisairear Opted frail the Tech, entsli "--. Ingest that three to 'oeine to yogi with - record of enmities the Ilk, of able& ehsilangil history for tomparisen. Amok ago Bruh shy was surprised and captured, with sit th troops,enabaring.l,o4ogeeh,tholuding a all the trona*. reglinent. Major Morgan three - or, fair , elhoers, and , about 150 .ms 4, being &bee:Al:rola the fantail:int et the - time; the only ones who - sre'irye. Before r oom•ti myetorrof &oath' I express what- is every' dapbeinriepeeted by all , handSithatthe ger-, rti r rc . .l7l. l o.l ° . *l .7 ° W h ihr " hi.4 , l;Ter s'as* : , i Now, my story : . Item two reen_who es- , cepa.. and fromrebel syropethisus la Oa' oity,T learn that. thc Arsat contraband camp., near Biaehogi City wag dashed Open by ..the , fusions - Tenure. When sir - Gig camp a Sere, weeks preeloriglyi 1 fountrthere - 1 0- Illant'lle' coca - eta mire, worsen •:and • children: Of thase,l,loll erS,OOO were removed before that anu I'.s. note erne remained-were glengletersdi by the Tonga cavalry in theLmeseishioekiegi manner- The ery , of the . socking-babe, the, of the aged, the shrieks of tlnmothsr.! preys o effect:. The slaughter was terrible., Xi thought the sassneare at Bt. hiartinerills, l where 500 men were found on_ Mules sitirlagi to rack Gen . Niels' arm/. and" were sur.l media, captured; and all hoitgi thoug ht that, of a Month ego; was bad.geough rbttti this *Open it eempittely. - ' ' • ; i Galilee:ldea about-a few Meek soldier* it; the garottes st Brashest. , , Capt. Allen, one of. Gen. 0 Usual' . rearnitiog onions, _had about, dadrectesits. with a Sonples of rearnitiactur; pants.. -They Nall equalled, and Os board a; ear waiting patiently r. to ;tut fat Itlor otionsi r• • .airi. =silica. The attack was medi.... , The avian wait, not suiPtisel, " Ne end' hirj 1111 1 / 1 Made ►attenurork of the ear , and thane, the, foirglitthe rebels aloe., till n early one died:- Tbeetrohd snr;rtved were luta:My! slala by the romans; who- teepee& tor thetri bleat. as a Ben for his prey. Whether. the; captain.gurvind is:a mystery. —Lt.ls a sad lesson we learn from sae& a' record as the above,-but the lesson is not, altogether in-refugees to thegavage manners and stud Ortipotition tit' S people who hare . . lapsed into . o.ubuiscrt wider the horrible 510.; loch- woteh'p cf the Bsethotn States, Un- mesoilegoey, ,it is a lesson of practical and' present worth, to guide the war policy of the Government,—for when we consider the facts: of the easy and showy eongout 0 - Western Lullabies, - over whioh we lately rejoiced, we ; End sults that that work was premsture.ii It. • was not Ito result of a destruotion of the; military power of the rebellion within the: whole eircumleoent region, from which the. Lalourcho.oonntry was to attack. But this Leant, indeed, properly.speakinge, a saw lesson; for , ' the country and the Gov -- ernmerit had many such before—Mr ioing; ar. . , show the t•upw of. overrunning remote dis-i Weis, a nd of diStributing our forms mill .. for tar, ouraletioa, while the rebel aunies la the; add arenelbroken... As soon as the rebel sr-; odes are defeated in tic held, every put of; the arnatry telst 3 fall Into ourfunds butl , . while thcisnurielilieresin In any part et the rebel It Is °alit* 'give 'opportunity for snob lisouGlatiag and ilisestrests reverses; as that atßmshear.city, to ,opoupylor , ,peliti-; sal or trade _purposes arty sity or tannery, not esgwallal to tibits imllirlut or viese: -'tarpo . . . M=== `A lottorflinz Port Iludion turbo follow , ndrow Bullion, prlyito of the 18th Cali. nootlerni Valuation, now serving ii Union; ant in the leVregisiontf TAdolans Engineers (colored), Col. lialgooris to-doy out working oretho'niptOT one WU bilis* 4s,:tbe intro:es - kW o tor as rota" enmity , vetriailidtai ' llia eitltnah/lateltawee winks/ imeraill helve ha gatet,lie %health he Ineddlielgt/M*426/11171101.”1104 VOW M ...AO= 1110141011$1, DP no - one 'of their ezatawr ferh.allf 'I tti F lth; :be: awl An ! Oms etthta Omura ,okalltatja me*hob,la.lJi.Fat ro(th• way . al itsw itielle." Ditalma. way that" *Oat a attaatit Word hi wiielltiatieorea: - Thoilehlit aelatia *elf arashiti;• hit Wiwi 'they'll:ad-Was to he **labile lahalresay Wen tabawlita. t . , sold th e lisahatiatirfaig eff Oaf tad. 1 - . - Falai* 41 taw boobs -ot:thte bold deed, italiat.fori tha matiwilaadt having Waal 2.ltowai,klat *hail*, pa% ordered a WAIF , tbei Vi e PaigetkiltratAlla Jul*, dikia•la Of% tlitl or . o elllieSt teitelibe ii await, lalhat pirronlia,ifo a sitiViTett ai it thitibol shatlittotaira • tinatibtht . - Itaka.,.;Al the 1161$011111ffigt ete istui wa up hi else}: alidoil Ili& We' hail' WO' were illatinetly weak oat Wee the I that thk•hornbeam leas oat far: by, GlaiimaLißatika,Arlo; I have at doubt, Idikatra the tail toward at Mil valor, he °lrta4/11:411deems At. ~ ,„1 ,-, ___ ' , _ - ;Rebel News. . • • ..• : Tie Aquiver if July ; 4lh Walburg aiterrlT Sal Stole' ffliltlisialiergifi Geeidlris, te_pstll tag Lofting sedoestiitetst the "Semi/ bat bar se eepartality wilt set" b• - • afforded thewlealiist as tie ! I St: Lewrisiootttoviot lili.o . ' r-',.. 1:11,_" , ,' ,t ,:- ':: :".' ' .•stl 1:. ~..: - 1 -Th e sa Va wiiissi".:44als. di dinsestater el thiC. ... ;' , llerpartset , ttora , Lorilsisehl; tailltdat . With* WWI!' fomil sea; NUS: .1 OieteiNtit ort.emosilisdJest milted; istio • ethiCeni , - 11iirgdit'aiik Disk Taylor' Sod ski Aliiiiiti,pplitlE444; askWl-Mau brrii N . it'Orliemlii instil% on that oltyor iffitijoirnswitteekrtizl, ;west two f.,2:1 .. •.f ~' ' I;'.' "....., . ..-....,-, . phial d i ' the eldpirif Rialiisiolidaiiiii to ha* lOW ImproftwaV lesterilei ' of orbit }bad besigilagoi s in Pewisylrialelir , tiler • - mdtea4efL`OL,afagt'r *ROAR. • A w ib ehlistes,4onerpondalt of Ids NeX - .1 • I'll • - *: , • lhoielkesijoitisintod • Ithtl►iobazat4z of. OriAllothrtv'thialkiligc64l ,, oispied . to iiima;',l4Atfoith"a‘CsOlo yam 'inewitato arts of :1;17 which w o.od l . g i i ai URi cdrin6klSiritAiiiVlllna II SZ pedelarattsWdefoist - or Elin":Jelnistith 104* , Omega= ot Port Slaboioiiiisle aZorimW tam igteavivt e t owontAliaitif -.701 . tut 're ittit i t tai Wr.:±4 2 IFst 4 t4' ' " 00090,11(1 91 - 41 4311 ::41 twit ' i.. 21 . 101 1 g9.04 I `F. , 0 )17.0 cjo atty vii.vrtr 1111=Ei VOLUME LXXVI--TO: Reath of the Most Reverend Arch bishop Bernick. , . The death of this distinguished prelate of the Boman Omahale Chuck took place at, the *pupa residua in Baltimore on Wakes day morning, July 8. Prude Patrick Ben riok wail born in the - City of Dublin. Deo. 2, ' 1717, ant WWI consequently within &bent five Months of oempletion of ids 66th you at the time of - -hill death. Ble early education was naiad ia the ',shoots of his native city, and after deciding to enter the ealeautioal stste; he repaired ko Boras for the purpose of Pinata Tatt extended course of theelogy and 011101.14112- ants to this aantry at the age of 24, having been rispoimended to take charge of: an ecclesiastic seralaary in Bards , town; Ky.' ' , by the *Mora brittle College of the Propaguide at whichhi had pissed - for years; ant receivedr ordination • u a-priest. Ile eattinned In this oboe for nine yeah and :at the suss tims'amendsing a graerassper. sinteadenas -over :the mission of the disuse, when in 1830 he was conseanned as_ bishop, and beams coadjutor to the Bt. Bev. . Dr. Conwal, of Pitibodelphb, and upon hik de-. Dial in 1843 sunnelied to bls optimised fano- Boa; Dozing hi,'res(dance , in Philadelphia, he treaded the theologital seminary of St:Charles 'l3orrontoo,-and 'streamed into his diocese the Siam ofthe Good Shepherd, who have taken a coasplattous part in :Baum sadl more re-. ant AAR& .anmtry, in, the :alLsbilauneat - of asylums for the of fallen yowls: In 1851, he supopeadte the ariblagal see of Badman .-upon,tke osple death 'lie was ap-t pointedly - 1U Pops &patella delegate to pre. side- aver the' , diet plenary uraneil- a the 'Baited Bastosi widaltassoalledln:Balitmore -11-18112.and:1ni1369 naiad the title of-Pri-1 auto et -110aoutionfuringapon,hiscaelf:and hie .41 1 9 4,1 1 0 24 the , talkOthet Boom 014tolla la the Unit at Matsu Area{ ; Idea* "sigsatter fib - julgteene and h 4 mode anon in-coluel; welt as kii ;entogrin - sallion: During the anti-Cathala 'riots - of 2844 i -in ThiletaphiNhe *Sated salutary inducer epee o we , peoplarargiagatim to the mainteaancea goodlordersudebtalty; and ruin miry sifortso tasagailliathowhoie .00mmunity,,..widetthad.losen greatly agitated by 41144ltatolleo; • He you a velintinousirriter, and bore the repaition IMO, of Ile .moot learned -- theolothinfof the SoManCitlielloOlitirehin Amapa: - ArnOtig hie mire ilaborste data niarllspologie.'llepradco (4 vas., 8r041834-' AO), Mavis (3Ltolui Bre.ilB4l - whisk ateused texthooks tn. sumer as, Catholic Umlaut's ; 72u Panay- of the Apostolic Sae Vindicate 4;",• of the _Catholic Church,'.: ; and. the:artiale; ItansuCratholle Carat, In Rib still bitter kaownby Ids tablaiti.and . by hie hatilatidn'ot the Old and New Tata-, mente,whieli 'are-held In lisatlaroir rn Catholic Viommard*;andici le "apposed, will enpericoisi %the /Dinar !vasten. - Araltbiskio Maiden -was an ilder,inother et the present Boillall.Catkolioispot St./olds. A great Exploit..Miliog g a Wagon The Baltimore Americas of Tuesday,-says Capt. B. -I'.. , Pltols; depot trartermaster • at MartiashergiVe., arrived in this -city to-day bboat feLeolook, wilt his traits of horses, wag ons, and .00$1111111Mt .storer, Amonnting.to over oar and a half lai 11lli011. 11,Rn' b• re qolleeted that It was said that Min* of this : prapirti hid been destroyed and captured by the rebels on Milroy 's retreat from Mer tbasiatirg task Ganda, yea: Capt. Vitals; with his abtemnd ealtlent an-, pa:intendant; of transportation; .Courtiand Bess, and Geo- 11. Dorsey, forage-uwter, in this ever to be remembered retreat, have gain-* ed' - reputstloti for perseverance add awing that ate hardly too* highly uppieellited by. the Gommtment sold people. . It will b• 'superfluous te glint at this time Metall details of everything essayseted- with , this unparalleled...ate retreat, as nothing; Capt. Fltahstarted with* was:capturedby the. robots, and .he, with hi.. aids miletwatareed; were tite lest to leave Kertinsburg, sethereb am had entered tha towa.toofe timy,left, and' G:11.:.-DersOY, ferip-mastor, set ; Are. to the; forage building' ' rebeis:treriCArint and shelling ithis town; ihd'llon had 31/fe - Into the Wage. th 'boa - safe thit'oodtalned. all the Most , and i very-large, amount , . of Geierimetst , Iheds: ll With c the; property- , saved sari loaded with guartannaster's.ittorat, , which. ilfety'Mnieed; in this saty,islow ilitusitratib7 , the Balthaar.i and Ohio *hoed., • ctipt,L F•-,bee now With; Mai la lair adaosat. of propati—mazaps,,! linfaid,al ;11 .iiiit IMO Mada,..l burg,Voasioloiialt4 alga Alb; homes,- 85. *Wal azabatidaidk;do,vngionsoad harness for t e n i3dadasiosd; and 82koots • • ..- - - 6 ii- 13' it N* e. , . u . u u 1 0110 4 the colt .0.4404 the tionstors emits is tii: iniokooniproton width es- . &blot hint int!.most shatot any- question with' si nay auti-oosonionly: swat:, _. ',pig: :. '. . DottitiLikassorlion PfflOaskt Out dwitsdloo d *ow Orimitt4. persons.** oonsksittlg. tigt riti**%,Co**** _ 0 "&roll thla mita* or naming nr; ...na it II nicnit Mrft* . 4 rtioo,o ni' of tots 'swab* Oisf in I ' dity.tof ' Olin psi- , ions itv*llg iii4ii ioSidkinitori..• • Thlc followingssa halinniinoPthikodiSitu . ition t• 1 1 1114 follOwsits. it ea wpiilkoStioat t -- ,;-, - • glitidab/ 104 riglyrit - illrOIS is Of, .1 1 " - #1i0 1 . , (?r TAZ 4/W,.. fh, Ylidt?r 'Mild Otilaufbit t - - • - ' • - . ~ _'-• 4 .1110 i lo t "lin 'Dili; it 7 o,e,r l the tiOnsid i insahrwilt litioply, - ,, - ' - 4 - • .-- - - - ' mNaistr."';:: - . • •" • - ' ' , PllttrolOtiost 'One tub l'.' tho _• Genital ..Ho, ski' its atiplitantfor th• dant would =ma, kinking „enopodingirgstnied at swoh Vinstiligesstioni. ;,, ..`• . . , .. .., Irel44ll:474oitatoikii•iiiiiinie of joit's lin aiglitrolatoireousi** asklnt :tq gegliat 10 An** thigliviinnissi ftitihii inisposti Of I itooliting:VlStbswitgilithiet- , ,•• •,-, • '..-• ..• tg,tf stontiWititimitho Miner: would , roily with utantoliatatt. • ,,, '-i ,-: •• - : 913isnilfitysittnispoot unto 11411001iintilltalississw; lotion: azgs&Att Vi lls ett i d ri tt liP" , "ft . ° %V s -trid *ll iil.7 1,4 4 4=l . 7.. "lt , . •:, u 3 vsiavairz.::)::.li 0,-,1 &Pk ._,. cAl , ,t re .2 .1 . & ,,.4, ~ .„ . APto ft, ... OF. :;Thrfi' "'' ' ' '' ''...• ') ""We Pie tie of Dim= Ida aid radial laadifilli:lbagiliadiataadwill 4 maated itimiatAiw freadowia7staseli sad Qs wwwwhials itf. aka hatara Dii;Battadiatl awe alit viatica: t Did yquwaterrovislaiiidase . .! 4 .uOt eOITMJ a . 5 -.1 , 4;•1:L.... L V. su AUTOM ",11 '...., 11 0da5 datirkiklni7rl ..1 11 r / o t . Pla-^ l 9Tiliilf l 4U . ) 40#1 . • !kilt b OM. witslldalts - ,11. *gift - /04 Iwo data didtAid r iait Ultra; ht,?..lt s , L' 4 4fiddittlailatit " " b "Thar lieu- thiviamirat , iwa WWI lf.imt sat- aphiatiaimii reliallitaielatcLora Altai( a :Ostia Will haws =Odd the dibigiatha 11DegWitswiatsted b 7 *di PlT o 4oilk 0 7.1.0 ° ll ailitaidPil heal , . •Ton-9 1 WOMI gaZ 4144 id:4'ooAm Op* tits APAIPt '4apanity; ails with atitdoi., obisOid itad'aowtort; to' th . w:ptddlo inkitay: tUdijay d'rloe hi BOLD 7",irkural" _ &Mtn' trim' Meatitif,' Mex. te taw imufphrlor ;arastlll,laay.tholoa.mia ifiul Glory oxproadon of loyal asatimott At" Idth thi-s 4 o=i• # l 4 flurgal7 Pun rioantly, 'tiro Our 434 4401aartoali .n man alma lewikaaot Idlotani,lorhoso aalr *so alsislovo of thctfalaa.: Ban Hoaates'.lollXsollah oposoltplotosidat MAI* iilka lioder:aairtlorlaw, 4 • Int , 94AIIVAI3k.1 1 tltb• Stb.: • _ piNI E o WPAP5213;4640 143' r e .Mr 4 - :la eatlorioiool'arifig 4 1111Noiyir. V,44011. 111. 111112116. „,Z C • • • " = 4ll • 1 , 174 21. , * Ir, -• • • - - . . • , What Baltimore Loyal ' , Enid/Wm: • -' A little over two *nig tha iments of Baltimore, loyal soldleichntsnial to the na tional dolma were shot down by aairderou mob, thousands of thi risk. and Influential of the any, In the'priniey r their. homes. mr. joloing over the 'Uinta's' find,' to.'..day,Bal timore, atoning for lorritaknee, Ii foremost every good and pentane work, sparing neither men, Mans nor Whet 111 her npport of the nattonal aka and wounded so. kindli , aued for; nowhere are rebel sympathisers bebtl wins Inner hand; nowhere la the einefort of our noble armies in theaelamore thomiktheifyeonsulted. Not only sine the. battier 111-I=l:ania have immense trains of sanitary hen forwarded to Gettysburg and other potato/ bat the thousand' of vrennatei who hen NNW Baltimore have been looted after win the tanderest emodAustkm, livery train limit upon its arrival by ilalegatlou of parrietio Women and sonualttess of variou Man asso ciations, at whose hands ildraihments are ad .mlnistered, son wands are desainiAlunter ed linking bound up, maths mime and dust of knit are linked away with softest Wash. The nation and its_ brave determine will not forget - then kindlydeeds of the trail Wollila of she Yosnunental.Olty, whose line= will blossom with new joys—the oompientions et right doles—in the years which may yet re main unto than. , _ . 0111120 WHOM' Oman is Dos.—The Gonne of thaimal Rallook.la Mlles to Ida silt the Meet of WI vieteries in • the Wart and Nast, at' thi Is the anbjeet of mash sommeet harm - SOLI At emledmi of the speakers, avid and asolleist, to. my anything In grebe of ,thal navy, whisk has done so mush toward opoilog the lillsolvalppt. No alindon was made, direet or Isdlisin, to the fast -that lest , Jhuanier Viekslairg •would have been tak:el ata battaties having bees 'slimmed by the. died the sausa land 1 form whint A Tumid vainly_'ftge 4 . l from Genevids - Nano& Ind Curti', been im nidoide—Weakaignm..DisperaL ,-„ - sadiron;•• ..INACILLNIVI. Vrigni & W/143°N8 _ _ , 1/10HIST PIOINIOI4OIIOt I I4E 1100 S , . SEWING MACHINE. WOBEM'SIL, 3vi;t3irsua,lgroBmon. With nhisbis issimmw!,nis. n. auly Machlna ba lb* World win aura Omni Ilamous, //Raton wad 00.91 Es idth die . heir ono is iospoethrltr tadted• to soll al oar aka atoll moo the lisoktnal to oporaion. igarairar.kimi'm.e.;!Nlavve gam arssa4 Or &0:Ino Will. SUMNER* CO., virsaTERN AGENTa, Ps assossz—No. 27 PITH 1111 MIT. eisauntal—PTlLMl 01134111117/Llip 210tPLIL H&111wIrlt qs , - VriLLIANS: 'llersovir DeIIBLE Ts aEsii faisagy Sewing Arockitssem. Vo. 3 loiFtb drat, Pitt,4* rasa Wischhais sts Wow Ittssa to twenty toitals ahns4W • than w l 7 Oast mukbui to th• dty.. Thu will do al kis& of watt. and ars - inwnwitsd Jbe throw yeses. Thoi prow dards nut If yews old ran nee them to worketkat: OcaktowthrWs an kiwis albs/tog Ilsebtas sortia auk. ooktca• 34. t." town Aa r wkna• aNBIONIS, BOU,NTY.-BAOS FAT. s arJoisaiLL, attorn.r4d-Lar au! Mao tit., t 4.. 114 111711 urincrr, arse. e% .„. Oal t sofGai in .11.111Lai(l_gp_olabig.qoptflo. - Prcessate• • tIOLDDmITW.I=M; amity liNaiLk. slariBoolll4B, kes1111101:411 ISieben* ?Si SUM, fix siocatis• os/ oldlim ® lioldlim= -11118aad;PINIIIRUIliit 4 / l'unslN £2lll42*Naratticumais 4 Wank cT sftirr tsatathel of Vials' iiimliten Vilma hi or bill..llo4loMAKlNW.frekdi**l*. Is illilliablitige alidlioataataioisi;si War Val» • ,stase, s nom is mar& . rafts.. Rug*AißY4.44%, , -ooxiasegatinumukrny 7, ' MA radiate to tra trzorisTral, AND ..AIRDRI7/4.100.0. 6VBBOAD aTESET as moue anssa sorVi iblinistruniOsiiiton WO WM VORA rahroMWILWAXIMAI OORP e' oa• D OMAN PEBBLE tiPECITAMOM JI.Ss ,Motwilthajandisg . the iamb, al im = Mei% wke VW& • 1 0 0 W r i: 4901 •5 erect cAtiontasiiiitans saostookeiguagri on: •thie vmao Li.MiTTI 17151 i; kallgiMes,7110111011000161.:iyi, Vit•aTh=riat l : l4 :. , ./ I -;...i0P:...;,-;-116-MOSSIMIMAINIIIIIMebitiIItekIar... ...LicalrEriiirrdis*oriiitkyolui: 1.kw.7 11 0. fie . :a/A .1.!;,f0:5 Haig, oi: neletPLlO.Lee" WORN liel Aiima L itu En uiraw IIMI ba; Mawr* , Mann ■ 110 linlng,RefeWer JIM 1116 ••70,- • - - . 1611.111/1363 1 . rpAvirAIAVILLIk (mason to War 1 T.* Jr . A Oati WILIOrIOAT; f GAA LED IMAM mrast, am tor M. . Pliablailu Wm=UMW ILlt t ellf•dit i nest • . _ MD. DAValaillWle : 16:1111t Itril WaTia MIMI -- illrn: - - i !Mai/AIM - MM. mita& ItS 1 soBA t C au D gilte i t CR/AN MIA lAA - . An wAdc w il =lo 1110110, SA&O oUSLZI,/Iw•.KJLM. MK* 1011011101 L. boa • isms irsagadatoole OUPlMUM_PariMmiD u i ni misiww w , mugs iftMtr. TIMLB. In T9 - 41r0MA1100 43111 , 4ta. 11134" 1111 4 " - e.i . irk: Nat 15 r , e vin ` 201 . PaminftlilbsliONQVllllllll4/0.4: "44FAIM.WiNalitf•PYArirr.:..-i s. wow 101111ICEF. . 1 1.• • , inracffluzno ,, .. l mut - intiox;;Anawsol___lxasizVfalaW a u d io b i 4.110 44/1., y,:r.".e t'hirgicregusa?e:6 Ariu,WL ner srix Bligrip. l4o4 P W W -90 " sow% is lam o==W AND OLASUISk. , .?Ip.zv*n TlUSDier_Zat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers