OEM 7, .1 •••e( Z' :•.• 4 :- . ; • •: • •,: '''''''' •-• 1,•,::' .;.- - . l ':i - q . .•:•':•:.,:..* 1 . • .:;;;',.. , 11::.:.:. , ::, - :!:.:: -- . . 1 : ' ,...:! - ; -:::.', •::.•••: •:: , . , ,T• 1 . .; . . : .'::!! 4 .....7 ''.!; BUM ;1 • , 1 1; v,4 MEM INS _°.~~ 1 ' : , •"-• •,: • • •••:•0:. • •'••• • •,* ' ; •‘•?;:., ..-+ 4 : •,`•= 4:•; : gNii ; • ; I'' •: ;:' 41 , • "' "ssp, 7 , ... ' %; I ‘•.t. !. •.k. ' 1:• . • •••:• ••t; • • •: • ••0•+ •;. ' • %., • . i ' , ` - ‘ , "\`' ,4 :tr., -* * . W .l*l. ? ', iffshurgit 05aztibt. FRIDAY MORNING, AMY 10 CITY- ..eigliAlßB. 0 1 710Z41&-P4PE8 Olf ?HP 0127. , Etwainonatinum Ossizovasroxs tor tho Ow , 02119 , 27,N. 2. .BLaw, 'Optician. No. 66 /ink otroo6—agmeted dall7: ar strs. sr MUD& od' osiea. 2..4...--... eo 72 a it............... 98 81 ' 6 a r. ri—.....—.. 75 -- Carnalties la the 139th aegis:tent. , ' The fallowing Is a lisfof the casualtiss in . CoL Corner's regiment: - . - - Compaig .L.--Joseph A._Fragnion, slight ly;'Samsel S. Greenlee, slightly. -,, . Company B—Liont. Cram, let thigh; Lei Shawn, right donde, esnrely. ' Company o—Orderly Segment Janes B. Part% aeromly ; Valsatina Ken, slightly; Alonader Scott, slightly ; Robert 'Long, saglitly. (. •1:: /i f e Al Company .11--Capli. J. M. Sample, senrely; e David /ford, Robert S. Hutchinson, slightly ; p Janes A. Boyd, slightly. 1 c if ~ enpany 9—Wm. 11, Brooks, Ulelusel Da . Tim, Join J. Smith, Corp. J. Blued. Company ll—George Anderson, ma-stroke; . 3. Hohdopr, sun-eroke; Wm. Hokeinger, sea-stroloo; 11.`,Q. Bichards, sun-stroke. ' Company /—Jentes Poet, loft shoulder; W. Moftllnd, left leg; W. Dom, abdomen, mortaßy. Company K-Berest Martin, sun-stroke • ~ 'W. ERN; 1111 11h14- -' : .... no regimen, after, inaroking thirty miles, wan Welke light ow.tbe meninx of the 2m, Col: Coiner inA - Itient.:4loLlfoody cheering . an their .Inn.Soa the'lieridniCe id, COL Collisirehlie:enuallin his leol, just before going batthi shot so °Mutely, tot foot, and' repaired the at tention of the 'surgeon. He was anions to %scant again after his wound was dressed, but the surgeon would not penult him to do so. fialliuntry of Schoortataker's Cavalry. W. lucre semi additional details of the latesffar.nb BuTaLY, ' Va., from which'it ap pease that tha 14th Pemmylvania cavalry, a legman% reaulted here by OCI. Bohooluna ker, took a conoistoue just la the engage mat, and saved oar • forms from Amstar. •• On Thursday, July 2d, * force of rebels under Con.. William hokum attacked oar _troops at Beverly. The 10th Va., under Col. Earth, bad forty pick ets implarsd and hie reirtmebt almost sur rounded. Mut 14th Pa., eavah7, OoL !Schoen maker, now la Gen. Avezill'a kip& was 'ordered to make& breed march from Phillip. pi.. They drove the enemy back to Ilk Wa ter, a anew* of forty miles, kept up a :wa nts, light, destroyed two of the enemy's gam, and reesptared the pickets with important rebelatall matter. One man of 00 M5412.1 0, while miming dlipatebas, was shot dead on tits spot. Thi lleapAeld Baltroad. A bill Is now before the Legialatan of West Virgtnty"hsviag for Its . *Mat t h e grant -of power to all the Remplald Railroad to the' Peanglvania Railroad Company,.with a view • ; to having it completed to Groonsbarg, and thus lode a feeder to the great Pommy Innis - dextral. The bill has already passed the Rona of "Delegates, bat it is objected to u Senate upc n constitutional groan it Wag aliened that, nada the oonstifation ds, of the new State. of West Virginia, no additional Calmat* privileges can be granted aaW dui name shall have been given under rmrelie. lions to biatabLlshed by law, and no legal provision has yet been made for giving meth notice. Tim road, in a business paint or view, is' doing worse than nothing, and It is dully aide that the sal. should tano-place. • • . Casualties is tie "Friend Mtlaths' ' The s'lllsadltillre," whloh left hare some two years ago with some ninety men, may be "old to hare salmi to exist. Badly cut up at Willlamsbarg,and haring inaffered nrrently sewed other battles, they went into Phant asy's battle with but twentj-two men, and of = these alibuisight wen either killed or wJund. ed. A Lotter from the battle-leld, writtan on thi 61/1, iinonnoing the death of Mr. Mathew McGrath, a member of the company, gam Um following not of earualties Orderly Ser geant Sant Ora% Corporal Mathew Keats* _sad James Montgomery was killed. Joke W. Lanzhou was-wonittledl In the left side; John Berk, badly, in tha thigli,C. P. Moody, leek wound In the thigh; Jolts Dalgliels, ter ties ankle; Meajmnid .ellghtly; W. 0. • • Wiley, leg, taken off; Chszioalhasara, wound ed in shoalder; Thornton Jams, Mg broken; J. P. Colston, twice fa the leg, and Daniel Tomblas, In thiarm. - - W .. at Italthaoris. The following from this wounded in the battle of distilsburg on Wednesday, Thanday and Triday, him reported at - the Visited Rothe Army GenaralHospitai, West's .Bellding, ,Baltbnom, / 11d, Most of the —maw have bisni oh wlA _ b, sent to the WhOadielplde ismidtals4VThelr words are manally imrrereiy wounded not yet kartagarrired from Gettyskirg; _ raazQataa, D,139114 Nam,. L; ind ; 12* Mosid il , Jr, 10th BAUM. J. L Dag; I, lea Birasdia; Joseph Casa, A, 6241; Tasapia,M, llsh ; 2. A. Wark,B, 624. M.ll. Meat, 11, - 119sk; Rost Eneassgb, L, 62d; *ago Bradlsy,L, 62d; .Irzadaria 0m.1114 11, CM; Was. LlsioP, B, 4th Cavalry; B, Cairdisy; J. B. Casio, 0,155114 law itctooh. Kt 62 d 4 . , Zausiasx sztui ado. H. ikaasa:--Tho -load's dispatch seas rscOsid by - the drily losaalito• hat sight: " - B.—The Oh:Whin Coil. r &dowel, with Uudr stoma for the . exist at the wounded, wen among tho tut 4141 the bid at Gettysburg.. Our two luta *bad' at them we now at work, and sloniars ioa Air way. Blares la large annals are .dally pis:hued. Witham bowimadlag hoot taro to three haadnd bozos ovary day. - Our ttuittlwrisaad rebid woindad, besides oar own, rientaaarhaads e in used ot ererythlog. Ita; RIOTS aaotber past battleo the Yokusse mem talagtaghod this morning . n This, U Was, •opons another great Add, and nabs amebas. .oaU tor valise. _ - Bosses responds nob' ly by medley forum defiers. The P_ltheelelphis elintheee • Amid 'Wein the eolaizig up woody. atte , • ' - ..you good people, that they Ray Mee their abate la the weak. It all do that daty, - - • eidlerarraluill lies west reliaL , , These ere stirrin g words.. Let ail who are !sieved by then sena the sway to the Tress ins of the Christian .oortnission Joseph -111w06,Wood street, and 'their' eostributioas -of hospital stays to. IC P. Wynn, at the .stars 106111, 79 flatithield street. ■ • Two or Huns; Naarasr.—The llostpet sad looniest trains that ever passed sons the muss roads in this Oontsueursslib, - nee now being pushed forward, loaded with Idlitio, and wilt be, until the Bone is cleared of rebels.- On Tuesday reining a train of ease half a mile in length, loaded with sal -disci, crossed the sitar at Harrisburg. The train must hare oontabed nearly two thou sand mule. The trooping's from the 'asters Hsi:iota of the Mate, and she ehiady militia ar area menthe MM. • 9raaa=7s LIGITI2IIIO,..QA , • aeon, daring • heavy thrnider•St•Ora3, the ISh ' LUNN of Yrs. Dram, in Indiana borough, war stinek by lightning. The lightning m ewed the north-east corner of one of the up- R' new, puling oil at the south-wee oor _ nee. Ito serious damage was; don* to the building. Kra- Cannonper and daughter, who . reside in the up end of the building, was eoneidersidy Wood bet are now Improving. Solana DaoWalta.—A rotund sahibs meta Mabee was dreamd In the Youghlo. ihestrilier daill'edaseday, at the ooal works Kr.J. Pew. Demand. had In foss la aad -had . Mame!! nartlelpagd is it , la all of . which he behaved - _ Ilke slims* eat pilau soldier. . • • _ • . ionteso Casrpboll bas Awn • osouottul tojalliry Aldonosa DosoldiOn, to :• , rims slurpof assault sad batter, with • -lOW to MU. ptokurrod by.P•tor lows& 11:= . ,~~:~; . . Minsitedsidat at HOUldieTriburg• Early on Thnraday morning lad, the slit sena of Hollidaysburg were heightened out of their propriety by the report that a body of rebel were moving en the town. Prepara tions were made for their arrival—valuables were secreted; the eounty records and other valuable documents belonging to the county were hastily - packed by the oaledabl; horses and cattle were sent to the teroanteirle; teni , Sad Clethbar dealers remand. their stock to places of safety ; recruiting *Moan leadenly appeared in eitines dress, and consternation reigned supreme. The report which bad been received .messengers trent MeHee's Gap, "ware eight miles on the other side of Martins burg. Mounted mute from town were mint out in different directions, who returned in the ironing and reported that the excitenund had been eased by—nothing. DIED: 1101IILIE12.Ou Ifedueeta m enatlng, at 6 o'clock, &MOWS 60/131111113t, at redden* In Law. nucienle, edged 71 ream The faunal fIQ take plece tetra We late raddesate on lan= atoaran, et 10 Wank, to Fund to Al. Wens - Oniastau. Uerrlegoe aril/ Yen Deron'a likelertabcca Zo.aa% at 9 o'clock. litreard—on Thatilw, July oth, ate p. 11., at the random of her father, Thom. Innate, et Clhar• nag tcanoltlp, Auluia, re li ct of lets Bland SWIM The funeral will tat o phre on 13•Trasar. July 11th, et 10 °Vat*, a. m. Oanlaigee will Mart from the ogles of 11. haairern, No. 60 theithlled item*. at 9 ridoek, a. in. The friends of the Wally are no. 'patrons invited to attend. MILLIS —r n Thursday 'ereestni, July eth. at o'ctock, Jill', Yuma, In the MA year ol hit age The Mends of the dungy ate reepentrolly Invited to attend kL Innorral, tram kta latereddence, Second tient, Wow Snithheld, et three o'clock lamer Aliztroon, to proceed t n Allegheny Oesetely. LOVAL NOTIOIIO. Giovu UD Banns'a Bsernta Kaman, for funny aid inanathetoehtg gown% an the beet la we. ..- , A. P. tinitorr, Cisnatal Agent, •-• No.lB Mk stmt. Ttunsas Pase6Plata and Oral:unto/ Mats /tooter, and dim* P*lllll7hllaili and Rant slaw of the best quality at low rates. Ogles at Alm. Laughlin% war the Water Werke, Pitt3bug/41* .apaolta SLOSIBG Om Km Bum STOOL AT SOiTe—. Bam'l Graham, manitint tailor, is selling off his Spring and Stunntir stook ofgoods at "cost. They consist of all the Wont stylea of cloths, cassimens and mains, of which he Is pre pared to make up in the most fashionable manner, and at met pries. The public should 120 t negitot to small thawing of this rue chance sad sive money 'b; giving him an early call. Auto, a largeaseortweat of plala and faaay ouilmeres, wall adapted for boys' wear, which he will eon by the plot. far below cost. Mothers Amid act neglect to call early. Elper...ecuum, Na chant Tailor No. St Market strait. Arramos, R 11717111110 VOLVSTIM I—The attention of our ocular, bran defenders re. Natty returned from Urti seat of war, and of the public In gamal, Lapin directed to the Lazy extensive and handsome assortment of the Welt Myles of Branch, linglish and Lumina piste glob, for wants, coats and vests, Lately rewind by Messrs. Jahn Wafer 00., Merchant Tenors, No. 420 /federal street, Allegheny. A tasteful selection. of mottlemsalt fernishiag goods will also slims be found on the shelves of the establishment, tvithar with a lot of ready-made clothing, got Tip in the best manner. Novdill:MU - or Baum Crotwuta.—Of ten wb sin imbed, ;whin cea . we lop n twat An OoMiatadlintmaier nit, mode to order, tbus hating the dunes of se noting our own goods? To an these inquiries we can answer, go to Mum. H. Moen & Co., earner of todstal street and Diamond Squaw, end _yon will be naiad sooordlng to soar tests. They hare jut remind their mum goods, and for elegance of style they cannot bp:=V ir ld far Maus they ere the rosy as work Is all dose under their out suiiervision. Wire the* a call, and you ounot fail to be satbdied. Era Win Arrsona.--Ray. I. Moore, late Agent Andean Bible triton. erritee—u I have in Kra.- B. A. Allea's 1 1 Vorld's XLair Restorer and Sal: Drafts, sad tt has also ben and by my wths. pro pane* than too bast ptioas we have VFW 1111114411 Sala austerom fries' sdejoils es." Bold by Druggists isierprhare. Dnet, 198 Greearriab st., Mew York. new Cuts Daarzersr.—At the Dental butt tete, No. Z6l,' Pena Meet, sets of teeth for four dollars, bettor than those at In dollies at the ethic dental attibliektatate. All pr am ars 'squatted to eall at the latitude alter bating mutable& the lowest piton at the other, etem* idlest. All work done at the Littitute la guaraalsed nparlor to any deep DoutistrlL , tku city: ' Boom aadikontelons &options will seen wirer the bedlam of thus Ware men who are tightlas their twin 's bath's. ' Bight air, bad food, and rains will soaks Sad halms with thereet; thirefore let every lean supply with Haliweere nose, II is • atm& ear for erery kind of skin disease. Only 26 ets. per pot. 116 Noma PoorzosT HOLM% AORTA Ai . • ALL Omulnuarrii,-.la :oohs oi at taattoaa ill MONS 4wellbsp, sev roofs; or Mietfletas fa rasthe OCanosilsepsor at Ge 4a _ M • elley. &berg BatUkeW streets. All ceder r& s promptly Os Saturday atordag, Jisyy lltb, at in o'akakt will be MI at Moan Liberty sem), tk• niaddaarr nimaart to add to avulartas madam to Iris far' • aimless - aisaldsa, low sad pallet, Abe, a_ labial waahlag Jab - YoClusautav Auer Worms sad Atislaia Coma Stu be talon at tits °mato oil* No. dad labortj Unit, day or Witt. All Edon WI at thi gam plass Itillbe tcrotor.ky sticatad to. AU cab soul As vald Is of mat - Ia O. SAN Dentist, 246 Peas stasoti sand to sU Inzdbria a Ida Teobuloz.. , fliol . lllllPl4l3B' OF . FREIGHT :UP. Jr Mil - AILIOKBEr 11The.-414 Bows lams= bads' suds es to spa s II lig: rtYt Willa ',riled Boas eskine. lotuses iltisaatadlsd (VAR deltakebs 'etch Alksasswildigr Rua distbet to Uses potato we, be esedted latbse mass at tbq A. 'VAL It. Direst, - on_ Elks Wee; see Is , vordel ettlttesabatty sad embebsk emosary rase • MINS% - ' A kspetatiadsat A. T. Ilttsburgl4 Joie Stb. IN& Maw TNT BSAL 1131r3111J8. Astalsbeal onion, t . las fourth BL, Pitialottuh, Jahr MX 1 IMMO T LL—AU forms laUnotat vitt take' Bailor that it it that the Mime Zooms !az durahi be mil out ' touli the hawk of thoAaditaat Altionors their pupa the distalobt • The blooms tax will tot tat& out by' the laidataist lissoioni kir thin! Who tall is complyi mart the molly ill be adAlat; - _ • • Stiliif a:,W14.91 . 11, 10-stadhir . sad l=k; mum Iflvpm..l3lEl DiF Der AvviausT : j , • lb& &31 lOW 5T11101.238, j. To be uski by applicants r any lbarolbanrt ➢istrbt.' riir sib aulmiiatl by W. & HAVILL tooil mow of Wood ird Mika struts. 10111 WAR& 01 MATS Jtel NUM NINA productive of the twit multi in lack litalasho, p4foutionsuLt2i, gaoler* thertiva, mud all cow laeNtlientiO. MMUS ROM came Ohio mud /Hiders, Part& • MS bbls. lamb, Dy expFeig;,.. 41/11111111-40 bombs Orem BAT RAZI3•4IIO ibarn HOMO SUESS—.3.x ; . . luoyesplis Jar rib by m M. iserly st RIDDI4I,- ils - mt. ERN U St - • met. mat onions= illateps lob* to bead'it the Nemo 011144 No. Wskelitesit.Alko. Palm probaslag laymattas-emli . Coarilpe if p Grosso on VF b ; ‘,T. hula amilbnal• bi* - ILL ' ‘llo2l. -j" Watas stool. Vatti ; r uso • ,n!n , Pieu! on.„ ng isb: by ors.. I.lo9.l4bwiAzelyww4s. (1116119NT.-100 , bbls. *lv York—the but WM) to zw4 —Wr Ws by WAY OOLLIMIN _ _ ' - „ . THE LATEST NEWS - BY TELEGRAPH. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Special -Dbpatch to the Pitt:mbar& Gazette. WAtazuraTelr, July 9, 1865. Immo! or ?Ell AIM= II WAYLAND—A mummy womb sos soon. The news from South Mountain is to speak of satin operation by both anniu. General Lee is undoubtedly strongly latosneldng on the olkbatth.field of Antietam. He has lost but little artillery and about 20,000 men in the late battle. He Is in position to mats • stout defense, though short of ammunition, mall sundials of which he can obtain soros, the Potomac. If unable to pass the river with his whole army, he will fight where bets. The tattle will come when Gen. Maids gets into proper position, which will not be over one or two days. No fears are entertained as to the result. • 11/311L - WOMIDID Three or four thonuad rebel wounded ars to be sent to Davies Inland, Now York /ar bor. The Burgeon Genera left for Frederick to oversee the Naomi personal. IMZ=I • Krt. Keneral Milroy was la Indiana at the tine she was *barged with appropriating the Winchester ladles' dresses. GETTII3I7I4I ?SOPHIE& Thirty-one rebel battle•ilege and the sword of General Barksdale were among the tropides brought hare from Gettysburg by CoL Stirlen hot night. NITNI33I OP ÜBIL PllllOllll2. The . rebel prisonen number about 11,060, including the wounded. 103101 4 11 ONINKRAISHIP Paroled prboners belonging to General ilitroy's command declare that his wafted at Winehastar was utterly bleittusable ; that the whole of his fore, might have been laved had he taken his artillery with him, instead of Laving it behind, geld, plane, as well as heavy guns, for fear the ribeL should learn of- his departure, of which ft soon appeared they were well advised. sourrr soz Two rzAz'a Nur War Department has detssmined that mat belonging to two year's regiments who enlist ed attar the regiment was mustered into ur eic*, and were mastered oat with the roe-, mint, add hare; therefore, not served fully two years, may prefer a olalatior one hun dred'dollars bounty; sash oafs to be settled upon its merits. a Bella INYLICIIIT. It ii asomtained that Lee's alloy is bsr tweet; Williamsport and Hagerstown. OAT the wounded aid a part of the Pennsylvania Saadi: being crossed the rher. A battle is probable within three days—victory next to nuns' =saw. QoL Ludlow thints Stephens' mission not snata proposition for an srmistto,-in bast of spirits, and'oonlident of Los!" and Poonba'r sacoossos. Stephens had six month's Unite. Q&&J 01110 LIL DULPATOIiZIL Grants dispatehes about UM surrender of Vioksbuzg,ware sent from Memphis by mail. xAsnak Limas The Spanish minister having some WIMP due nquested that tha Marne Ltagne,within which &awn from neutral' shone belliger ent operations us forbidden by the laws of nations, be extended to Atari Magus, on the pies that the spirit of the rale sine the in vention of titled gouts regains the extension. &writers Seward was disposed to grant the concessioa, but Secretary Walla we Went- Ile. The Ranch minbOsr baring PriPorad that tobacco atoned by the Wench Goias nest be abipped direct from Iliolunand. mars Smart was wiling, but Secretary Welles was inflexible, atiowasing Mr. Moralu that ha could ship. AU cotton by Antes drfa or Beaufort, which were open ports, and that our Guinn:nut won't/promise not to molest it in route. Spacial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette PEILL9I9.IILui, July 9. The bate, of Boonsboro has .nded glori-. only. Generals Buford and Ktlpatriolt fought the Gamy, all day,;, sad drove Mm four mass, to MAP*lst, taking forty Osman. We lost oae captain Jailed. The *away itteeked, Btaart !oodles. eoairmation of the rumored death of flea. ICUpatrioli . ltis beim remand. We hold the Beath Mivatala paean, Sad . the, great battle will . probably came oir Qs Batarday. Front Fortress lliontom..Gleas. grader and Taylor learektag ea New=Orlisans. , Poansas Nonni, July B.—The Richmond Nage:per of July Bth is rateived, but contains no Important news from any sourer. • The Eavirrr says that nnolicial Informs= , b 7 telegraph from Jaekson, Nisi., UM morning, static _that On. NAgrader and Dick Taylor had crossed the lELdssippi at Beason, ten, nines above New °ileitis, and ware marching* en that atty.'Possibly the COrifoderate fiat waves over New Orleans. The Mowing hair buts resolved from the Associated Press' correspondent at Newinnu,' dated AO 6tia - of the id New Yorlicay. shy, is lit eolomend of the cavalry fora now giestratiag , tie interior of this Bate, which is partoffthe expedition that lift tore on the morning. of the Atit. inst. O. Beckman is intomsnasof of the other portion of the expo. ditiap. . ,Nnsbars,'N: 04 Jody 5.--A philter. force of infintrysatlllery and club/ moved inland from this point, on the night or the Ed bst., iodhi Gen. Poster in plllOll who is omit. Jent of accomplishing all ha ws undertaken.'! If the enemy attempts to obstruct his advance an larpoptaat engagement will take Ow to day or tonnorrow. Latest tiontheniNews. Wasavioros, July 9.—Thu Richmond /Ns• w,l has been received. is has the fallowing tau Teanesise , ..taweas o Jely 3.--Thers haste= no raid on filo Railroad ln East TerailllON. la,ooneldered entala that Nowa has ileyilloaol havoc - with the rear of Boaeorias: Aalaiportast Inotomeat has takes*place la Ben. Bragea army,. bat it Is not Rudest to mention thrpartlealark flea; Bags Wiwi quieten at Bridgeport. Thi T.asosoOkrin[will be tha Latin Hoe of define*. . • _ It.li-guppona: thil Huntsville an thy Memphis Itailroad will be abandoned. - Nehmen Mesita; of idly Oth date. that J . Dario had annum &Wind illnegai bat that le. will in slur days**, Mauna gookinith. • The sane paper soya th at Vise Prodded Stapling, it. is saki, has genii to Fortress Menne on Our Sag of trace boat. On story la dual& bitainen' is A o us about the ex. cluing* 'of erbonerg. Another, not it ie to . Isles the Nadenl- Goy taint that R-pri• Tat property b not regnotad in the Canted erste States, and the rand abased irittare an not strictly with, our foram in ,the North trill. reoidn'inatraotion to retaliate The Meech ea Helens Abaadoaed— : frattket from IrLcksbarg. Quo, July 9r*Tha• rebola hare nand from Behold. • • • Ida 3 ben. OgleibyAuct arrived front• Me mphis, mg - that the tarn of the capitulation .of.lliataburg were: Thu indicted mm wore to be waled, talk the contmisalentwii °Sow 'ma to be reinfeed,as piano% Pemberton glreirthi umber of man It for duty at 19,00er sad 1000 in th e hospital"; but It is thought that the actual number will mooed this 6.000 or 6,000. BIW MAW MI WITH TQI WU General Rilpatriek Reported Killed. Be., &c., &a. BALTIMORE, Je .deurricas has tba following Epoch disposal, dated Frederick, ly 8 a. 11. I Our cavalry had a sharp light with the mb ar between Punkstown and Boonsboro, about Nix idles this side, of Bagastown, and the reboiling, in heavy , force. Oar cavalry war oompelled to Sall back to Boonsbore, with some less. Glen. Kilpatrick is reported kaled, though some amounts say ha is only wounds& W. learn Gen. Klipatziek's comma - Wu com pletely surroundndi Ind (emptied to cat its way out. • The Weis are stW on this side of the river, massed our Hagerstown, endeavoring to get wagons and plunder woos the river. Scents this afternoon bring the report that the advance of the rebel column was crossing thesiver at Williamsport. If this be true, we need look for no lightin Jtaryland. It Is reported at 'Boonsboro, that the rebel pickets are being thrown oat nearly to that point, enclosing within, their lines, the An tietam tattle geld and Elhephardstown mass ing. ,The main fore*, however, is considers bly welt of this, oedemas the three roads that meet at Williamsport: The amanita of our army aro mat will to-day amour., Fully ~ho enomy's post The whole number of prisoners reported at head's's/tars, up to this morning, is 12,000. ' Ruther inforuatiOn', , places our Imes in killed and woundid in the three days' diktat 15,000. -- Me Mil logs in killedrad wounded will 'used ours at least 5,400. Report' revolved at Raxentown state that the rebel dud have ban Waled by our bury lng parties, and only; two-thithe of the field has beim explored: The whole of their killed left on the field will Sneed/000. The usual proportion of wounded to killed, six toone would snake their weinded amount to 18,000: With Ont ovustratilig the estimates, their total loss in killed, wended and prisoners maybe put down at 30,000., A Successful Candi" Raid ha North Carona'. ' Nprunn, N. 0 , July 7,1863. Major-General Halted, Washington, I have the honor to report that the cavalry sent from hen July 3d, under Col. Lewis, of the 30th New Tort 'cavalry, has safely re tuned, having limo essfulty solomPlislurd. its minion, and withnti loss. They destroyed, hy twisting rails, At tecirding to General plan, two ads of the rail at Warsaw. They "also destroyed tor live miles more all thi ertilverM, -as-welt as the telegraph. At Kean gorilla An armory was destroyed, and large quantities of masa arms an* commissary and wourtennaeter's stone blunt. About one hundred and iftrannuals and some thirty phonon was captured bream, and some one hundred men and three hundred women and children (uogroes) followed them. J. G. Fouls, • Eider General Commanding. Indiana lavaded-.ltoraan wink 6,000 to 8•000 Bea Kuching oa Jeffer sonville and New hibaay..Prepa rations for Delouse. lantarardzas, aly 4.--Morgeass forces of artillery, wary and Infaatty, awnbaring from six to eight thousand; have messed Into Indiana, back And captured Ccirydon, oar forms falling . The rebels, It is supposed, are marching on New Ansa and Jefirsonville, where large quantities of topplhaeozo stored. Troops Sr. being °repulsed tkroughout the State and sent forward is rapidly at possible. Business Is entirely upended here today, and the damns are forming eempanies for nlf-defenie.regiment bee been raised since last night. It Is reported that two citizens were killed at Corydon when the enemy entered the tow.. Morgan Le still in the vicinity of Corydon: The greatest excitement ?mane throughout the Etats. The militia is coming In rapidly under the sail orth•Gorfeabr for 50.000, and will be under anise and marching to the of rendezvous in it Mims. One allohigan roglmont arrived to•night. Another and atiattory'of artillery are expect ed to-morrow. - The determination that Morgan shall not escape. The border counties.ans'Under martial law. Lotman= July 9.—Bleren rebel rest raints, aggcriattsg 4,800 men, with ten pieces of a:oMay, tuoluaing two howitzers, crossed the °bloom Bradensbarg yistarday, sad en camped last night near Corydon; Ind. - They were, under t am:land of John Morgan and Basil DAL Morgan Mould to emousi that his destination was Indianapolis. but this Is not credited.. Tame le mailderabli excitement at Nei Albany, the inhabitants believing that Nor gee's forms are approaching that Nam. Oa having Bradensberg Norganbaraod, the Alia Dian, bat gals up the J. T. McCombs, whisk arrived here this afternoon. A dre is now whablain the di:eaten of New Ahem. Nat. Wolff, candidate , for Congress in this distill*, was arrested by aloes Basil ht 0 milt t 7, brought to this oily sad seat to emu Burnside id Olasinaiti, on amount of them words, sled in a specelt to-the pimple of Omar This is a John Stows raid-.a war against slammycoand / hope inn! trite Kentuckian will silo up in arms la opposition to It. .I am lfor semestes, separation, or anything else - The Draft is New Tork. Nut Voss; Jay 9.—Ths draft oosuasams hots on Moods,. Tim ocosimatal quota of dm sits Is 11,500, sad Brooklyn 4,000. The ibst says ft is reported to-dso on as.. ghostly of dispatches from somas Isdlamid to b• trustworthy, that Goa. DM bmi resat 25,- 000 me to Maoris Goa. *sad& A spialst from Wash/soon to the Port mys It Is barred hors that a battle Is In prosrou as thollppaPotoisso. , , The Cavalry IFlg4t..ehra. Kilpatrick apt pied. • Matarroxi Houmasar Asawboto, Jo lp There has boa ao lighting tide sarwalig. The likS yostatio, was bitinion Buford's sad Kilpatrick's otraki and die rebid ishint -77, prinsipally the bushwhasking sills. Oa troops toll bsok Is Cho day. tut subscquarlyza.ocoapiod the ground. iss7 was "sod *a borissidoi. - - nElilll;iM;i —. Markets by - Telegraph. ; . Now, Sou, Jolt 9.-Cotton Irregober sad onset old as- bWo for 3116114441. Moor h6O lower and more doing at for Intro an y suit 0,760%55 lot' trade bma The zdarbst ice wfaa.wwhilWed at l 6 0460, ' we..t Mars mgrs . sot gas lelthoot decided chew seine; be_ Chksgo livelogt t 1,1101,31 inut4 51,n01.40 far Whiter Bed Weston. - Corn zoom metre sod a shade Irma at dim at o for Shitng ndzed woman; nti Whin Wow Oete tet Traftrf.' - Wool collet and unehan - Pork firmer at µ1,75 , 011,117)0- old swot /4 14 00; new dedindog at latter 8 • old sod new prima at II9,6001400; i svprise aft Including 1,000 We new; mew fee agaaat and am. teaaberiat the ialleni,option $14,03 and 24100 bbb do Our the mum ham, at the Merytt_ option. Beef stoOdy. lout lower at 9 011, Mo 3 cello ot and Mom s - Ohms doll and lo(. ' wh o st BST; Star ling a little mars scam at VA for second .lien blur Cold unsettled, opening at 30, and advanalog toll% end elosing quid at 'll4i: Chrearninsat stock mor• Cleveland Market,. Jars L — Funi — falfi P. 4 1:: X;1 1118 . 1 + Vat. st 8476 . - Wtaiss.-The mute, opined Usti ink.nneettled at the Boa* eactolomei sitedentel settee 'et s 'de.; aline oils. Bales 0.600 evee; - eat Seen ad Mr ea boards{ -141iley and It ads whits do. b. et lifts. Wee thes altemoon. bet. Wei N. •T. most. Venn boa, redt kati,lao, sad lass tin as P. Wok, Cou--Beiel oar 1141 . 114 oh twat et 00Xo. Oess—The market Is matey supplied, and the ds. man Is .11,iht s and is minas& to "sepstrapmd trent& .We Verne st eleilepo on treat. —H LOOK OUT *FOR HAMBLIN'S %rni• TitourAst , • AX.A.friorric sa.LL, TOIIIBDAY - JIMItg• 1 1114 in) BBOLDIET.--Blair a Wyse' . - 1.4 &gunk far slaking. In a toga Woos, dellotool lamiloat raoalnd and lorWe at 0 . A. WILMS CINNTILLI DEM 11T01114 am 0 - " COLUMBIA HOUtdry war ani Aso nom will be am . fbr th• nor - Au tittPlAarhorMJ. b. JfLU • w 05, , V- Pro/Attar_ fiktrtant ke ..d,lnrllo dors oatalmortr at VP07:11/6111*--76. 1 ..bitta4 Malaga ft .1.• Arra itentrts' a !': -4(?Ici; is. curium% t.l4t - - ,- XOTICER. larLake Superior Copper Mill and WI=LTING WORICB, PTITIMTNEIL M'CURDY & CO., Ilanallottrain of SEILLTEUNG, BILLBITEBS' AND BOLT COME% PERM OePPill BOTTOMS, Beim sn;ra, BoTToxsowArna SOLDER; alloLnportari and dubs! to ammo, Tnir MAUI, BMITL . IBC% WWI, b. Constantly on F.lntl. TTIOSNIS' ILLOHINITI AND TOOLS. • Wasunozzi, N 0.119 Rest and HO 101:024 straits, Pittibulat, *me& eillpealal ardor, of Copper out to any dealr;xl pot my2S:dirwlyt tarTheponfessiozu andExperieztee or AN INVALID, Published for the benefit and as • metsing toidOIIMON TO. YOUNG KIN who sugar from liervom Debility, Premature Nap of hfanhood, atop, mapplying, at the same time, TIN =AIM OF Ohl? 00111. By ens who baa cored Itinzeigf m aftzting put to great caporal and *fury throcigh humbug and quackery. ;..11,7enso4ei4 • &timid addressed envelope, Abs. gte =Ties babel of the author, 1. If AT/11MM M&TTAIR, Zeq., oryMardawlf Bedfard, Elmo moot,. N. Y. JIM - D II X . 0H E B'B LIGHT/Me al. a •KILLIA supplies • want Mt by every good honaskeenen Mary steel will kill a gnat where Mei we thick Iteinstabir that it Is Da vin= tht, that does and' rave the base Natation' that eas odbred. llhe nal 'nisi* is for gale by allrespoot. able Drurgista. -• „ • :,B. A. remizanooKs, soN A Co., earner 01 !Jest and Wood streets, JellhawdanT • Pittsburgh. lIELTo Berms Sufferers of Both manna pathos= baring , been re• atonal to health In a law days, after undergoing all the metal :twi = and irregalsr expansive mode, o. treatment, wi tho ut 11109011•11, oonsideus It ha se re duty to Donna cats to his afdloted fellow creature. the sumo/ • Mane, on the receipt of an ad. Mused enrol ,he will send (free). copy of the nnwodytion ' Direct to Dr. JOHN Si. DAG. NAIL, 155 . n street, Brooklyn, N. Y. tahitlyds . . PlicrirJO/OF COCHRAN - BRO.i ntaatuseriptlßON RULING, IBON VAULTS . AND WAllth . DOONS, WINDOW SHITITUS, WINDOW CIDABDS, Ao"., Nos. el Second street sod 58 Mina street. between Wood and Market. - Hare en band le variety of nevi Patens; ta o ej end plain, !mine hie tor a poops Particular at piton paid to enoloving Grave Lot Jobbing done abort notice. eb9 iIarPETEONA OFL WORKS. - Long, Jlffilier of Co. Works at Shanstoug Station, Alloghouy Valles litaroad. Wes and Warehouse, No. WI NAHINT lITIOINT. Pittsburgh. IllannfWionto of ILLUMINATING sod LUBBI. GATING CARBON BLS and 1 1 / 1 1ZOLZ. - Sir No. 1 ILETINED OIL, wonuntad non-tagtO. Ana, always on band. ooltlyd 10113111a11,...............-r. I. ALMS& mummy imam _ftOBLIHON, MN IS it MIL. r t otrue Mampinars, WASILLIIVIO2 Wow, PitUbur Paul's. • Omoz, N.. 91 &wilt 139azir. idanufacton all kltda otEITZAN ENGINU ANL KILL matonifflillY, CIANTINGB. ItAILBCAD WORK, max BMUS AND SHUT IDO2. WORN. INFJOIDING AND IMPAIRING dons OR Short palm satifttil larPittebnrp Steel. ork... Duro J0h05.........10811 yro.—.w. — JONES, BOYD & CO., Maanfootaren of OAST BUIL; also. WAIN; PLOW rAND A. a MULL, =IL MIMS AND slum, air= of Man andlizot Argots. Pititsbatils Roues. , a. 14 Ote I I If tau Or CORNWELL dc XKRB, aranuiaz arAtmrsoreuiss, suarka Ai:1111'11ms PLA se, ind Monotootioro SANDIXItY AND eilikiliGN BARD WAGE, No. 7 itc. MOIR muff, sad • INNUAIIN3 WA!, near Stu lirl• lobed( - P711707/BGE/ P 4. iIarIIIIRE,E tt BARNES, s i lIRZTRAO SALAIdANDEE SAFE, BANK YAWL IRON VOLT DOOR, ANL BTIZ.L.LIII DOROLAR.PROOF lIA/1 trid,OTIERRIta. 1.1. I.9gi an d la Mod end; leemem Weed ad aewee—North dd.. , IIIrBANK . 'Minya an bead. ' addl6 rirli. E. LILES it 8038, Dealers Ii — IORRIGN I AND DOKINT/0 BILLS 01 U. aluzar„ 01117.71012112 or DIIOBII, DANK NO= AND BPROIN, N 0.61 Narket Mosel, Pieta. bariole, Pa. D S made cmaN the mizmipal chin sagelocrat. the united staus. , . - - rl3. .8. & C. P. NIAILILLE, Paper. lii - lIHMAIMM:6II and deans la BOO; OAP. Isrriat Arm ALL KINDS OP wilt,. PEN PAPIIIIL Sllrthits.ramond front No. V Wood atess4 40 bo. Lt esidt,klield gnmit, Pilastargth, Ps.- • eirossa.os =ADM TON BAGEL uiyi IarIiBMIRY H. COLIJ2IS, /or WAIIIMING AND 001111115ILION KL3QUAKT and sbolosob &like In 111111122, BOMA 1121.155, 1171111.'and Protooo gonorally, No. 25 Wood sent 001 1862 ........NOVKAMEIS 1862. 0 A. R I=' MI ll' xi D. it IL. N e CALLIIA • eV FOURTH STYES% Imp portion at our stook balding Lea, bought pinion/ to a oaths of adman, and now ragdaniaa, a ptaadl a t ru e lariaa . adman of Qs noma) 01.02111,1VIEDOW lainDlll,Eol, ••• . • tooratd• opyareamlliii oared toparahankra miodarataratas, as pads wN outalnly Idoban,' • diledv IP oh. Parbutats, le 'earitet ell .011.201110 'DM DAM, both of Lela awl Otatleaus,ll7 a awe attattoa la thew of skretsidg skink Iruboid an gyp, ac eteaM7 Path. . DUAID ma, WIWI. with Thatioent, biDitiwate bow ahead. at reeetsable tato, to tike D awe applitog hr . woman of teethe; Dolma be w7topthwarwanoL Oiloatmat at .1411 SOUTH PUN OMB', . Dianatlveshe Whig a °Thal as well to . OD= oat for !attire reflmwee. -'"- . ..1 QOVERRMENT BAL E OF N; Ise poralasts of the ditection of the born 01 •Ikttsufh and of taloa hatetoftwo the Second tale et ! .: . CIAPTIIEDD. AND sismwouND 04 a, - • . :.WLII be at Bf. lem, Mo.. Oa •. . • . . ~.. DIOND/17; •ra OTH DAV up IDLY 91ST.' . Ditei 'limns, .. . - - vat. P. na1.145 i. : ' aaPscia isout;Thsgoa al.. 1 :' thlw , ! ' NEW. GOODS,--Hasing just retiised Ihna Oa Kant. ma We nor in atara an Wan d,* usortatortt of nano and doting . 19PTia. AND Adapted to Oa 'MOIL - Daidori basuppuss_xus LLD [MK. kidijia. and IMILDBIird sOlgrzw.adrriEd mad Fain: BUOllkai ellOt adraini far auk, L . , max MOBIL, 808 a 0078. if.. Tl. sores Wood and Ilbetirsh die 111,1411UUD; BMW AIL ISIBTOSIDI—Jeat yabbaboa. a i mi4 sn.j ireie4e. - Mae Id: mid. • Lecture on ale •Na• TUBII, AND ii•DICLIL ett I=6"or ileadval Weskit's, _intoleaterr -desual end isipediseate to BarebereffilwraniiihrPtiose asig I motel and Pamela . um boom lielf4beelik ita By 80bt.717, we u.-bc D.„, skitter et Boeivele. Boos to nomad of Beat babe deal, to. plan envelopg - to segy eibteso.< owe .= MS of six cgaVl-"D'imilt Stiager • on. ralUiSe! Bilmix7. Tack. OK.. eildildbodelrier As . , respeoltaly al Wm" althea' of Pltiebatil.'- MMlp Algoolotod solo Plant bents Ws of anurivr ANlZOOititOlina pat: Tim tasoniatendod 67 law larlplitilkolua Its Abe ditretirnittlika GUM Sion= a ram floXf any tiR3lll4; r- e au bra:. m Mon G lo w by num zacounraim. ~" ~"~~: JiIIiCM.MUCOUS. TB. FLAGS. LARGE FLAGS, CZ= Howse', Poles, Fortifications; &O. mem OP TIM BIST BUNTING MK AND SMALL FLAGS, !OE ONIPAHII3, AT TEE PIETBRUBCI7I FLAG MINUFAOTOR7f PITTOOK'S NEWILDEPOT, !MTH 13761 MT, OPPONTE Tall P.O FOR THE MOPE; AU the KI:UTAST BOMB. at , auzfra: ROLDIRBWKIWPOitTABLIM WRITIBO DIRK, oalopts BOARD, £O.. at .11CIRTIL ROLDIKBV NSW PORTABLI WRITING DUX AND WORK BOX, at HOSTS. SOLDIERS' DRESSING CASE, at _ • STATIONERY PORTFOLIOS, at HUNT'S. The authantlo sooonat' of Gan. COILOORAIIII APTITITY, 0n1y35 cents. Ont. MeOLZ LIAM'S pima LZ SPY. PAULINE OP THE POTOMAC, only 25 onto. THE BUFFIRINGI3. OF A YOUNG LADS OP - FENSYLFAIMA lE DECIZSBIA, only ISc ntt. Mir 'HBOWNLOW. THE HEROINE OP TNN. only 15 tents. PETERSONS MILITARY HOVELS. MAPS OF TIM Bata OP WAD. - DINE ROOKS. BONG BOORS.' - - ARV, DRUM AND FIFE DOORS: And other 1117810 BOOKS, at ball Ow, to duo thin out, at. JOHN P. HUNT'S, 11A107110 HALL. rirtlit FIBELT. frl . GOLD BORDERED WINDOW .SHADES,. GRAIN, DHOW 151 AND LIGHT OOLOBS, Nor and elegant patterns, last received at tha NEW OARPET STORE 'or McFarland, Coiling & Co • FIFTH BTItEET; &tam the Parr orrunand DIMS= Brimaran. gramme JUST OPENED. • ' NEW 'CARPETS. By scrotum and" In thy scent depraattat at ui Imams Markets, wit ata reoalrbag the ..we psi; term to 81111881118 and INGBAINZ, sad are able ; bola a 000splpti orsorlanortt of Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, [dotting, he., wits • vary largo rodaction to prim. OLIVER WOLDITOCIE & CO., N 8 • 211 rime amain. A FMGBII SIIFYIAY or • lIIIMPEREY'S ELPICIIERO HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, TON 48D P.NOPLE. ran or 1317W1710 alumna. No. 1-Pot J sT.r Clomrartkin and Inriammation. tbirNo. I{- .Tor Worm lrarwr,Worm Celle, Wetting Br& • . . u l i lit ca yror t nPryink. Tee!thing apt *Phi- Ho 4-VDLaLM.o4oldrd infant", and 8"1" Iblt Oomplabita. ' - Mo. 11—loc OA; Dynntory or Bloody NO. 6—foe eboloro.Okdorn limbo; Vomiting, Ho. V—ltm coops, 9Okin, inn mum. Sam Tiounf. No. B—ros Toothoution NocitOons, N No. 0-lor Tort Host Its= 50.10—Pilb—lar Week saa litaaseb, sad Lime Clamptgat. No. 11—rat Imortlarnies, Pabhl at Iftgesird Prebda: LrognsimsePtatose Mausi,Bilarthg down of firmalia, ~ No. 13:-Tor Oroop, Home AOugh, Bad &WU* N0.14-Bslll Mono EVArNce Nnittobwi Woo. tkon, nag!' w th, Took, _,,- • • • • • -; No, Him= udi Pea r Liumotro.or lm on to tho Oho*. Buck, Loins oc Zlm6F No. IN—Basolnal Zottairon, Imbuing annum and Norma DoallikA • • dna. _ No. S-4soos Noustyor Palm Multi or ckU. _ _ • . No. 30-17rbary roaxitliesSo, Wetting Wilted No. Periods, Proms or blooms. No. 3118Td6rtiest amp of Iffy Siushes. N0.33-.lplispry sad lissom: motet. Bt. nose and Asso,NIOIN loner. Dem& Arils. Old'lnasuukgsd Jks„ P-Ilrof Piles, BMA sr - 1(1SONa . lb Ulm& or Ns, o—lor sore, Week or Indented ISM sad Nvelldm felling, Weak ar planed MOM, G—Par,OParrti, or lona weeding or recent, either mitt etetractkra er vetoes Woolens. • W. 0.-7 or Whorphy Clough, abaft* us Tweet Amu SPXODI‘ , 3. .- "IRAilgallidg or Ablaut° =c.wd rilMeatt, La. band Nreatilm, attended Croop d Napeotte , radon. pints pie bas. NW Aar Diklierris ws4Doshts&—Dischargeo Moak dee Ner. the roan of &aid Never. Mem* at lEst, arlals. NIParV Nelms Mt the Read, Hardman et Nese; les sad la theNema end lar-Achh,_ . _pitra d me . B l.. 81=ROVDCH sad mat l ig d hloriod mat in." I INoeniikeeht., loss Mee Obil&ft. Prima IA coats par bez. For Newel Dvilfam—Plmeleal re Nervosa West,. ma, either the ratan of iic k ba . Naomelveltedt. tattoo .r Ralumethor Dievhargeh Peke. CO mete - .llbr Dremar-Ittaid lociPiitSons, Tomad dila! asp. with BeenttosiV Prkierats. Oft bar: lies leilmos.—Doetlgy Alakosio, Vorttgoi-Nas• ad, Torattla&ic box Skimme boas :Mad or meetkoh. For 10 Wm, ttit . _ . Di cea ary Meesse.:—Frm amok Zonal Nu m% Bilks% Pile vi VetaalloaiNkremee of the Kifpop. tor timasat Ilherresea;—iavolaatary. Maw*, sad Ocomequest Prostretlon sad DeblllM. Thamalk mateerahl and elhateal sandy known, end any bet Taltd OPOIMa cua.3 /..Fico. ht bag. .11)131! Z !IMTO1F„ , • Na. 6T _ prisens44Fi l age elist tor Rut Won= %gabs. - • • DOE LIVEXPOOW(LoADum AT Bare' =ow usis Prtignatimi.)—Tio fin Bata& Ship PESTRIELLSI. aaCt loaning at whul. will all imam JoIX. • Al, k froillk in == 14. Uda ring aid; ft win bk oasmadisbui AsCif.oonaliged bmy Lbriprpool, Ithenl milk shim, Ruda: , Tat te•lghtapply Disko ladagard. r• • ; .C 3 Beath it., psithico. AL" AltP liditot-lbs. Baas pays ricalar Aitmahvit i r sia tzrar. of VIAL PUPIL tuais aIItfirIOIALAIIIKwA treats 111114Aho BMW 1/IALLII= Mina! arsoINAILIMIOILA 11" Arite, a= paint' grim. : AN UFAUT.UtiIktiL, llALL—Deshandred iota at wal, mew of thimadfisupiet la tee My et PIM*, hobs • frost of - I,M last au oh. 's atm. boa Ma, lof the X Car ona , the' fettebarflfilkanellireillie 1 Amok timoustratt :, ; _ffi2r tier tr xt so P.O.'oonsindoss maw= low Irak et of W. WIKEIIII VW. SI& IST WON fitteteewpawyk om vele of eremen• our teepee. ' pelblheeedl% MAURY- nasum,:statv . Az OULU at imodpasei tad by falba, at es rat* oottoo Pmedalotopo OthatOg. iiehre: maim ..., 43Nzruz .Ib2; d* ini Ma rl emit h r. llDObttle.por day. JmamzJorzous. H ENRY Q HALE4OO., poptimose - to .7 a. watt.) Merchant Tailors, Are aavinostrbg nett / - BRUM Mtn OF GOODS, Adapted ea sled oleo trade, lad& Ms beet 'Walk ad with=:: to aset: l l appottettos Lot C2t to beataaltraraild tatipttkp, te'l l soloed of an vie taw boor as with a call . oulanir mums ltsds to ateksr to Gut bort mamas and as tasacesbla teams— Mobs labbad • g•ml Vasty DISIPOSIII• be Stag Hold mad Liss Onoom so yen as be Um Ir• are rowed to suada ordeal to tbb Si. *OS comatose and daspetals, Alkaaries a Ivry choke OVA= of YIIIISUBIIIbar GOODS dews at bud OM ON MOM • rt; aunt EIST/LB1,11:U1B1): 1760. PET= LOi ' II.4LARD, MONT AND TOlj/1000 '11611107A171171112. le•MI OKAMMS smar; (rte Oath= atone, New Tech.) . Would can the atteakft or &deo t. the ektiohe' de imaidewswc, vies 1110 WW o nun , . Kuue 2o 7. Reliiees ine Raw" Americo' Gentlemen, Dealcirok Pawl ytrowe, Ihcoldhxbeli ch, BA T osatt namow istnnr. Scoth kotch. h. Ithh IWeic TOYS Dandified. HicayDow Note% Yeah Wm, thatch or . fresh &etc INlW'Attattios le.aelled to the_laryge raductionk Owe of Ttoe•Out Mewing wid Tobaccos, which will be *wed of euAkr giteuvite—Lcoui, Woh aa. a; Noe. 1 sad 2 abed. . Sum Om GairwilieLP:l, lc % or pl.& ; Own- Hai r or Sweet y Omit Boeutid OrMoooy Ile roil lbtaiszaß. asio, Clanutar, ToAbb. N. B.—A droller atpdase will be mat oa • 'II._ cation. 'MUMMIES' ;d/ITEIIIALM - CILIUM= MULLILW , 1212011Tlat AND . OOXXROR ST. Plablapkis. , . - is zth . lor s imortmot of Ckppor, - a Iran add AHndrdßate Tdh. . MA* sad Iferbled Pin Baba. WWI* and Hubled or Btu Mort Brine. 'Aldo Water eloseteibomplof Went Okone of miry ilmoUp a. tioe. -Bumph _Anne, ' • Ins 131 nit. . • - sod Annulled Pottebli Wish Blonds. 'Winded Drain floo.Bene. Amnia and Trans. Plombere Bow ..and Plead Week. of lowa do. leetptlon. •- • Load TT and Bends, Pins and Odin B=4. tra:B ß oLor I t ioso ll ,ltkol l o /ow aa any nem In Ma country. • • splitam Id:MM CO.& a .WESUN, Kumbotoreis of • " • LEAD PIPE, SHEET AND BAR LEAD. • • • AAA deem; lo • Pig Lead; ' Slott thi, • . Patent Shot, . • " miN - ra /VTR/Jr, • ." Boma inn up orneuen, . • fellt:ead OINOTDIAdti. 0. OHIO _maim sIMPEUR anuses. This well koala Interne all be forma lly opeud ea thole= Or ' 'The Springs gge , year. all nadir the immodl. at. listed by IeartJOBIP P H ro Mai l s a dO a 3084 - 'lsis- the fasatioeto -viola thi hoasiteralt-r. -- spa* equal to the beat :watering pleas he the trl tam acynwdne tal e pa.y or th =Oa and la teni or other Inhattallm klßtm Lewis Clooteift. 0.. relocate C0...0 PAWLllnm:title 1 4 11.1TAIX—We have J.' • Wm day aisocdated Irt tk - as fa the llailthg 1111 l Waken A. J. MILL, the style of thip firm to WI 13,10311, GB LIM * DULL, th•pstiauship to take statelitekt 'Mb day. Mk 01 ba baiting be tinted as andaniasd ma ysagora. • Kay 16th, 1863. • -- • 11191 GRAM JACOB WM jlikArntrw OW/. AMU! J. DULL RBESIS, UR&F.F £ DULL, zgavueftrwa 44 am.= ar amp. awl ass aiatreaded oar tab' with a Haw o leaking tali kind of hos • ifectility, wa rugocaally @Malt a duos a/ ths Ueda., • acrOltioa. inner. of. Illadthdald sail Water wad AU4SUb AIiBNOY. - =doMord An AP s, Ise Pitteborgi sal .triolnity, for wwrre iunteor Broca octimurr, ~ 11 , osulasitly an : a hand or of t. tkott to title to tholattootasiongo tug; 13011011MEHE & LANG, 148111117 MIMS. • it As; ltruTElol,l33Aas / 0 011111)=14 • flaa aato OThutlrrettos. Psztittear attention paa to the Attlag up awl realling of Ott. Lan. minim Au lust& a:DBMS AND SOD OODE made to Mar.., AI" DRAW OABICINGI3, of all klida, made at Om shottsit soaks. • All oolato left at Nag ti & at WATT O 8731.141 T, taVib m attr.4lll to yonot/y attaadod to. soioobara PrAldi — lna totaz tposattaal ago obimin• of 'WAY TO. Maim* la Uwe wawa., Wont to gootatidaottoo to mry row*. NAMOB.-4. still . .LN - .frouriltris imareazin oss, X41.1.1.1520114 , K - • 117,41 M. if pd did:witches** 80/1111LAxmi WITS cticlutldrig haltitutilelanrepticar. uioi JOHNITOIIi '46111 ' .00•41.; Wiwi& aid lhafildidd stromin. ..4s, • .VA' 000., . (Late of taw Illsat W. 8. WMfasa • C 10..) 33.41.111/CEUBUIL'. • P=;==l 'spa• OLD, ram; . • Ixamanak 'AID ALE " - ill* 111'111Mplil101n 11=111121111. A l 4" LOS! AF11 . 11Alf0." too. /fig. Ilagook:iiiiliarm of Mikan of Dui 1000 4.1F.1:.5146.141k---,,- Woe sal* -' oe.. 66, %mg stmt. * .: 1 4 11 I . R1 Tianuyetit . iuid!hes to ill kW' oft Taiooo4olunr2AND emu& N *kw Prraiscsoz.P4. ,'-toolioiliotimar_lioilikofi mu ? of Pty Lep lot Swath* =111•6. •••• Waft • kiternigii*Ainarg 8008, taw Pula mast Eff!SE tj "6l3 31 ' JWlPlig - - - - - 410:111=M s ..___l .- ~..'' - , Thijwies AXIX 8111041M1101% 'Mir —47f—flldletaigeol/4 nplehtflaft . Main 01 / MaStablay.a.k.l.6. Lim& illi Ankle co -Andoesm, , N. :iiimenn ittaida. Allsellosy — aft. 111104 ~,n--'-'7 3003.1x'. 010, hiad m ,is !S WAM, sa,.,___. , _ _,, . • ".• . , , ,ft mild I , F ' l •ft.,. 1...B1;1( 403. 'ltyr r-- ' 3 i1i)...., Bet. rqbarrmontOk• I", ...' Aliga6l*:' ' ,rilaist , ~. fr'l,: 1 clitkleptAbgt.illatitoit . 4 : ~:~- p •• tT ALmT,sb&. r IL =Map. .:'tea _~~~ MOM
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