- , . . . _ . - . . . , _... . , .. ALLY PITT • S 9 . 1j RG ~ .. . . Ti E. _ i „ - . - s ta i qz 1.; A :: 1. . 74. - ... ill ESTABLISHED IN 1786 B AitSS V REfi OADIAI & CRAWPORD, , .. . Issistbietazin of sir_twisty of Antsbsd • - 3ZABII most .ios, - PLumßiate, BTIAII OR . . _.,4lll4.4Trity%%Euguit7B, - AND i t : ... ! 1 ): Ilaas , -aurrufagy 'tin, Du& 113 0.1 itesst,ATIANDOAT troirorr M1D.6141 , a IimmsIitIPALILYG peas Winded li. . :,,, , Itisaadscsttisstkiii pat g‘ ganni. -! Brismosvosztwasx otarson L ! " ... .. A ... 11obsatpflu LT tbottostsessAlsisist of Pm. lbs. tbs ode et liAltall, f.IIIIIIDILL 4 3arrptllSClM. - UPSON , IMAM I tbs best me timaimit'-lbutaig sii vattiortt it Ist 11.04.t0 Let int at Ittibstotad trill tbsow mars vitas s say rapid:hies Ito abr. • • Iliai D • BA.RBOUR., A. L. Win A 8110., ....20oriiiof Prom ..d Cismssrus any . kiz,rziros; CIINZRAL COMMISSION SIXSOHANTS. AAA list the sok of Duna's.% GINSPOI7 DWI= BAP= 751 L Nadu us embiguaant all klibs of liestarn Pro. duos, and bake Album therm. 8.--Nellsbul back to treat of Warshouso. MMus H. Smith ao.. Pittsburgh Mbar A L alokstsou, Dlershsata• Bonk. Ruitioso • - .•H. No Turd am. pa. VP WED OUT. a, VOL Mithridges Pateit OVAL LAMP. :11 . isaldhotmat , _Jr n xi um :4 SAL due% Irak& bal' ell ate!! arampAy. dam im4 incsolt =kik:3=l:l4:lXt Plt a t i gZ e arks., LADIYif FANCY BUM ; oIIILDRZWB rem:a runs: .m1:11 suir. auly ooLLAss 611.03'13f int LED OLPB. .I‘ . sr! Toris!7 awl style of the aboZto on Ma •tl Mush as NoCORD & CO.'B, 80. LEI *OOO STESZT BEAUSDLEMAIND taighiL WORKS, Prrasarriair; , - PARIS' BROTHER 4 • i4nuakesuir of * BiBT4IILLITt 1131111EXt.017 BT2IIII, sou% libit sag Xlatuvig..ot at disk %mated ~• used- tsi fig iiiparasl tuasulbstured tkb ,111111Putlictssail 111— srifsgue.litss.1.40 tied 161 BUST ~!gag lao siud626EMSXIIID BMWS, Pittsburgh. isll:lyd , S.TILLAAJnersuls Another arrival of uorra Full Yaw= °ALF fqtgAns Ton) BOOTS. swain and pt • ply, at JAMES .ROBB'E, Ho, Sli YALEEZT frillirT k 1• wu jift .i im p aimi , CaltilloXi ha. ..);_,, -- 44:ialIADTLIILD ;birth/ Ohm in tin only ~,,M,4 4. 4,sa Lam fa Ititiplansaid• ' ~..,..._-, _.P1111.111111,11012 I_WIDTat, -->lr lite.rnil SO 1111-lie mart GunaST• ,tatcs. nub, ;not, Calatt 'M OP crieoßeas at. d IMP! Elh at the Lanni inent rata ~otdiniimpolnia sad pronytlivatimod•d tO. .r - .' gnaws Etuxamt j Nam% . liipcirtimi of Tins and • lrinuiloodn, - - -- 44.11mktin Inns, ixrneraf - W infineet,-• p4umuutu r p-Als AND ' &KUM A - 1917111 . 41 77 -Nxir zigAingegglia. & Allokui , 4l,RAAD-103111q:Ig Lim HT. Dsolikrum"CMAlMl 884 AtIWILDAATIVDirdWmp Toipirststemelgastias map mhdismasm ~.......m.doctuoirlas.; It 7 04..64 ta. letly AListfdirptail.)lll/10.10/LaUth, Vaturt ar t _ ta , glai"All 1.74„.,a1a ~ MIMIC • • isto4 Ns tad limit mknatii•l3.. frir 11 / 4 1:1&12a, IRAtliald Ar. l e ssen ~ - _ftsillimt • lksizonjW allSa Vim 11, CriWtr u Ptl.' 0 NW 4 10 s l s = .lWordsr Plont" . 4 le lIIII,' --% et Ham Power. - :_, spicaand, , LLRGRINY COAL YARD. crussr J co. MENZI;I Or...llolA::lttilithi4l.o — VakiLASTlll2 PAZ% rv. SUN CLAY. ,d • •• arANlMakmeirArshrissiimireat aosti APIPIEWI• tri ..fm - .713 , 114 arm IR, im Wood Bik. worst nodlrp sad lrb od U with talkie tap • "ootimoos,Sn to otaolfootosv 'aoloWatkOt DOIGErg lb. boot maw, • voreutad opal to say Joao to 'tho...ooan . GlUMf rip . THIS wookanys sbnias,oolllDillBlllll alfigllftaltlfill, OIL STILLS,AGITATO 11117LLIKI PAU, BOILIM MOH BRIDGI PA.W4 cod solo stsaulhotworo of B 4 • ZILIIP. PAINS: BOMBS. Flopalring doss • itwOlioromt Botts 4.111:0 - mime layttATlG UN MA Al McgiA . : pion. betien, In the lona of Powder._ .1t h eastalhd to speohn pnlesruce over the Glenne Ilaceeth loentoen sad mat Ali IleiLlta roads% sad other desire" seit la the awning, nnpfleely. hin ' gaol om the i =l g remove* toneffpnfte4 and wontroom, & of 631 ilia. i= ati e teloe Waste. • bout by llasers. WOUITOCIL •ir 00., Ili* bad at *be Ilatabbeary, No.l9ll3ringibk, Mork. C W. I.IIIUROXOI4OI, No: SS daub ha'{ !awe. Indbasphis. Apia Art Jain ilma SODA. Auaxi.; Has It ittaitattly Ibt We at We timid markatitlet. .. _ •1 XtdeAtik illialtketbit7 id•Pted to tall olkiti o' gbis:::: - ; inklidiet : ~.DYOI4 AANdrillith, /moms , AHD Daum Witte fat mild %tam ot'l;i1:1 VAXA,011111118.: NA 111 kb& bf 8101[12141 *AID- Oarignre T08A000 6.... .... 11111717, TAUNT , = ICI PIDIIIWer. 4071.1 1 101 A. : 1 1 ,1 4a;Ii smart ou Metal lattos. 12711:ttly s ► rieu e dinar S. _ zIOIPIttm Bs:0m and W. laworisi 1= palm Dp. Trobr, (bate* 30 WA MIL 15 Mon Bad Daman . Jost noshrol owl he sib al 4 111$ bawd 'trill. W u.. • 77/4XI VAX GOID/11: N' W - • - ,•1 • - -- soo data iseemaNPLlol 4 1 44; r , SIO do Bq 7dokolt_ 100 do MOM sal Eiry /aro; ID do Gran *Van; SO 4o lloso Beekt4l4 roaddos aid too gab • jai 111111ILL o. Inartfinot. UANITUAIS AND 13 LAIN • ltkii F *Lot% fatWl* Of Wild, 046- *N . moodolaaapay Pdalat Oofty for We at, Steeassse. owe eceeee. J. hit. mum ISAOUN.-41) dams S, I) mimic bbildplate Obi lboal4oro; area to ltiaximesuox a 1111011/1111. god 11l aid 197 Motto stmt. Villittikk-84) boxes prima W. . mow alespaiele es far . 141110XANKI a LAWN& leNiagsb ullfiN—/ oar load for ial 1L iroun 00. Bee. a. dad le it Await moot . --,,,e.z,... z.Kt.. , 0 , 5 , ? ...- iiN" , : -,:h K i ..! i :. , ..i'A - s - A.' l l';.Tia:4l7?-=;5q1.."4' 1 4‘,..0i-Ac;•Al:',: - .']4:.-?,i44.'--s,eig ---:.:,,'• '" ,, "-' ,,, *'l'i:.'''.. - -' , :". , " . 4'''';': - •::;!.. ,- =. em , , : . ,:1 . 4ii- , =,., - ... , ;' ,, ,• ~.. OP.FIOIA.L LAWS ,DE TEX, UNITED STATES, Patted at - 04 ' .Third Sessio' nof the Thirty seventh Congress. Rznmo—No. 80.] Ax Aer to carry into effect the convention between' the United States and the Re public Of Tent,. alined at Lima, on the twelfth of. January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, for the settlement of Be it enacted by the &state and Homy of Reir!sentedires Of the United &O , of Amer ..tta us, Cori/rase assembled, That the Presi dent of the United States, by and with the advitie - aid nettent of the Senate shall appoint two cotturilialliners,, whose. duty it shall be, (*.jointly with the eoinmilisionerra 'appointed - by the GoVernment of Peru, to inVentigitti, - , adjust,' and' determine the amount 01-the -claiina, -of citizen! of the United States against the Goiernment of Peru, and of the Citizens of. Peru against the Government of the' United State', pur suant to the terms of s convention signed at Lima, on .the twelfth of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. See. 2. And be it further .esatted, That the President, by and with the'advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a so licitor or agent learned in the Spanish lan guage and law, on the part of the United States, whose duty it shell be to prosecute before the joint commission, in the city of Lima, ,the claims - of eithens of the United States embraced in the stipulations of said sontentioo. Sea. 8.. And be if further enacted, That OM President; by and with the advice and consent - of the Senate, shall appoint a sea ntary-to the said commissioners on baal' of the United:States, versed in the English and Spanish languages. SOO- 4: Ala . & it' further eroded, That the compensation of the respective officers -for whose appointment provision is made in thin act shall, be as follows: To the com missioners,. in full for their services, four thousand Ste hundred dollars each; to the solicitor or agent, four thousand five hund red dollars, in full for hi, services. And the said commissioners and agent shall also be allowed, in oommidation of traveling and all other personal expenses, ten dollars • day for the time actually and neoessarily employed in going from the places of their residence, to Lima and returning home, under the , provisions Of the convention. To the secretary of the commissioners on the part of the United States there shall be paid twa - Gonna& dollars, in fall for his services, and the same amount in oommu laden of all traveling- and other personal expenses as is provided in the.case of the commissioners and solicitor. And the sum, necessary to pay the foregoing siderite and expenses, as well as the share of the - contingent expenses of the commission the part of the United Stases, and of the compensation of the umpire chosen under the convention, are hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not oth erwise appropriated. ffee. 5. Andes it further enacted, That the said commissioners on the part of the United States, in co-junction with the com missioners on the part of Peru shall beard they are hereby authorised to. zoake.all vittdful rides and regatatlenr for =duct ing the business of the said commission, such rules and regulations not contraven ing the Constitution of the United States, the provisions of .this act, or the stipula tions of the said convention, So. 6. And be it J tirther meted, That the Secretary of state is hereby authorized and required to transmit to the said COM minstenere such papers or reaps& relating to said commission as he may deem proper„or as may be called for by the said commissioners, and at the close of the commission, and of the duties of the ura iiire,'all the records, documents; suck all otherpapers which hare been presented on behalf of the claimants, citizens of the -United States, shall be returned to the .Department of State or be deposited in the Legation of the United' States at Lima, as the President may %hum.' Approved,-March 8, IE6B. [Poinao--No. 81.1 AN Acr to amend an sot entitled "An sot. to promote the' progress of the useful Be it enacted by Lie Smote and Muse of IlePreseoligines.ol the United Stater of dineri- CO 41 . Congress assembled, That so mush of section lien= of the act entitled "An sot to promote the progress of useful arta," ap proied. July four, eighteen hhndred and -- thirty-size as requires the renewal of the oath, be and the same is heeeby repealed. Sec. 2. And be it further mama, That witerese the falling oil of the revenue of the-retest Otftoe required a reduction of - the "loorogiensation. - ,the-eisminers and °larks or other employees inihe Mike after the Ildrty 2 tiret day of August, eighteen harkdrini and sixty-one, that the Commis tidier aePatints be and he Is hereby au thorized, whenever the revenue of theisthoe ;will Acidify ldtit'in - sodoing, to pay them sualtsizess,,iiiiddithia- to' what they shall lined, have received, an will Make their compensation the same ao it was at that time. • dad he it Jam : enacted, That every patent shall be. dated* Of a day not later .haw Aft, months after th's time it which, it was passed and allowed, and no tioe sent' to the' applicant or his Agent,. And 41 the Anal fee for such patent. thereof be natpaidwithhithesaid six months 'the Ikatent alma be withheld, and the Inver= - gon - therehn - ,.dsstrtibed:ettell bersime public 'peilidelhgallflef thiii,slplkant therefor ; ;ease. Titer° patinas hivel*.aWitell'to pause t=luild" ate months shall - be relate of - such plumage, AiPlite4 3lB 4 l :4t / 863 . - guano—No. 82.] - AN ta incorporate 'the Institution for 154 , //dsication. of Colored Youth in the . District of Columbia. ' . isocersflit_fht.flusais -.and How of firposantotiosti of Ilia Mated &Otto °Moser ka, in CongrulpeturetblA That: Henry Ad. dlso Jobs C. tritderebbid, (harp G. Ab bott,. H. Channin& Nanoy hi:John , sonicf the-Distriet of - Columbia, and My retells Minor, of. California, and their mum . chaos Ey! susoessors,are hereby Senuitituted and deidarisi tobe a body pollticauld carp°. ratOrthe lambi and; title - of ""The lostitu tioltitr_thiliklileithinof Colored Youth," to 10 4 1 401101/n4bl /Wrist of Columbia; the objects otwhichlustitutton are to educate and - improve tlientoral ';!ind intellectual *cedillas of such of the .colort4 youth of the nationsur. may •he placed nutlet its care suppinfitienco,*(d!by,that woe shall have Pirlffiitt4sMoieshin, withpowerto. amend .64 sued,' to pilot impleaded in any tart tiartialted'l3Liteb; to collect sub siiiPtion, Bab bPillrot rolee, sod regu lations, it marbes7zndfal for the imam. asst of:said institutletr, 'and`* same to /0 0 . 1 4Pl i d ie tottO *Jamison ; to PaTiikoommon thsaasie to break, al- - ter; awl rtartrwai I to appoint such of. leaf Wittilitra for sisal thejmtlitaliii; Aid to asskattheng their duties, and generalipito proridelor the transaction of busheisitappertihain4 to Sititiititatitnat. And ea - • 10.1t o ri**,_ and •I lo • 14;?..' s so Piaui , *WI be 64 4 't .#l,4Perire nate a' rat not • loPoisttatzttlfr Ike.• ' inWr . 8410.2.; M l * • - " tl ' IPA 119114414* PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, - JULY 9, 1863 calve, for the purposes of said institution, and for mother, zeal, personal, and mixed estate, by purehites, gift, or device, net to exceed one hundred thousand dollars; to use, lease, sell, or convey the same ibr the purposes and benefit of said inst;ll4 on; may appoint such teachers as ma ne cessary and fix their compensation. Sec. & And be it further enacted, That said corporation shall note engaged in any banking or commercial business, nor shall it hint) any note, check, or other ev idence of debt intended to be used as %air culation; and Congress may have the right to alter or repeal this act at any time hereafter. Approved, March 8, 1868. [Pusrso—No. 83.] As. Acr granting lands to tie States of Michigan and Wisoonein to aid in the construction of a "military road" from Fort Wilkins, Copper Harbor, %evens, county, in the State of Michigan, to Fort Howard, Green Bay, in the State of Wis consin. Be it enacted .4 2F the Senate and Rowe of Represeutotieeeof fA, (Tailed States of Amer- NM us Oonpresiaseentbled, Thaythere be and is hereby granted to the State of Michigan, to aid in the construction of a military wagon road from Fort Wilkins, Copper Harbor, .to Houghton, Portage Lake, and thence, in a southerly direction, to the State line of WiBoo/111ill i every alternate section of public land, designated by even num bers for three sections in width, on each aide of-said road, and also a like quantity, to be taken and designated in said manner, to the State of Wisconsin, to aid in the con -struction of a like road from the last-men tioned place on the State line of Wisconsin to Fort Howard, Green Bay, in the said State of Wisconsin. Bat in case it shall appear that the United States have, when the line or route of said road is definitely fixed, sold any section, or any part thereof, granted as aforesaid, or that thought of pre-emption or homestead settlement has attached to the same, then it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to-set apart from the public lands of the United Slates as near to said even &teatime afore said as may be so much land as shall be equal to such lands as the United States have sold, or otherwise appropriated, or to which the right of pre-emption or home. stead settlement has attached; wfiloh lands, (thus selected in lien of those sold, and to which the right of pre-emption or home stead settlement has attached as aforesaid) together with the sections and parts of seo tionsdesignated by even numbers as afore said, and approved as aforesaid, shall be held by the States of Michigan and Wiscon sin for the use and purposes aforesaid: Pro vided, That the lands to be selected for and on account thereof shall in no ease be far.' ther than fifteen miles from said road: Pro vided further, That the land, hereby grant ed shall be-eioluively applied in the con arm:lion of that road for and on account of which each lands are hereby granted, and shall be disposed of only as the work progresses, and the same shall be applied to no other purposes whatever: And provi ded, further, That any and all lands hereto fore reserved to the United States by any act of Congress, or in any other manner by competent authority, for the purpose of aid ing in any object of internal improvement, or for any other purposes whausereen- be and the emu are hereby reserved to the United States from the operation of this act, except so far as it may be found neces sary to locate the route of said road through such reserved lands, in which case the right of way only shall be granted. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said lands hereby granted to the said States shall be subject to the disposal of the Legislature thereof, for the purposes afore said, and no other; and the said road shall be and remain public-highway for the use of the Government of the United State; free from tolls or other charge upon the transportation of any property, troops, or mails of the United States. Bec. 3. And be it tura.? mocha, That the lands hereby granted to said Butes 'hall be disposed of only in the following manner, that is - to say: That q quantity of land not' exceeding thirty sections, for said road, may be sold; and when the Gov ernors of said States shall certify to the Bedretary of the Interior that any ten con tinuous miles of said road 'are completed, then another quantity of land, hereby granted; not to exceed thirty sections for said road, having ten continuous miles com pleted se aforesaid, may be sold, and so, from , time to time, until the said road is completed; and if said road is mot comple ted within five years, no further sales shall be made, and the lands unsold shall revert to the United States. _ ,Bea. 4. And be it tanker enacted, That said military road shall - be constructed with fficient drains. and ditches, end notless than forty feet in width, with a grade not leas than sixteen feet wide, with such grad uation And bridges as ehall permit of ita regular me ass-wagen, road tq all seasons of the year and in•suoh etherspeolat man ner as the States of Michigan and Wiscon sin may prescribe. Approved, March 8,1863. [PunLw Itxsoi.onor—Nl. 20.] JOINT HYBOVUTION authorizing the Secreta ry of the Navy to adjust the equitable clams of contractors for natal supplies, and regulating contracts with the Navy Deperunent. Be it eesoload by the lifferte' cad Bosse of Beilreeentrairies of the' United States o/ Amer sta.in apityreu , assembled,' That the Beare .Lary of the Navy be and he is, hereby au thorized-to adjuet, and settle the slams of Contractors for naval supplies, whit; during the• list fiscal .yearending thirtieth Jut's, eighteen hondrelplid'ility-two, have fur nished to the _Department =ors than one hundred per 04Millal• above , the quantities specified in their contracts, and without de tants. therein •' and for the portion of hear ing said cla ims may 1111300114.11 with the Ghia of the bureau with which the contract was made the chief of anyothar bureau, subject to an appeal to said dearetery from their decision Provided, Theism) contrac tor -shall.be -allowed, except upon the ex cess over the stipulated quantity and one • ;mired per cent= in addition thereto, and upon suoh excess not more than sutra vientto make the prism thereon equal to the fair market - value of the supplies; it the time and place a delivery; nor shall any contractor be allowed any amount under this section untesd there has bells an actual loss to the-contractor upon the: Whole con tract: And provided, further, That all claim ants under any such contracts shall present their claims to the Department within six- months after the passage of thia joint reap lotion, or be , forever barred free/ any equit able claim oq astactutt of said °entracte. Bea 2. dad Mit further rosivasc That the , chief of any bureau Of•the -Navy-Depart ment, in contracting- for navel supplies,; shall be at liberty to mejeot the xdfer ot any' person whoi seltrineipal oritu y, lae been a defstilteX-in.,aztY Trivial/3Y° cmtrect with , the .Ntivy4leparttnentil lot shall parties 'who hays filled 'as or sureties in'. sinnfdpaner contract bfreogved as sureties on other contracts; nor the men-. hers of zany erm'inteteetral: ea :mina for auch - .. Arm or ;forma& other; nor, in con tracts with the same bureau , hall one con , tractor'-be :'received as surety for another; int eviity'oontatitot ;hall require the dab. 1 1 Cry of specified - wrathy, aid .Do ' bids laving , nomilutl 'or Amigo= : prises' shall be considered. That if mere 'than OM. bid - hs'irtfered'irtlt.. ,n 7 9ae PaOts' by hr iii i►a name 0 /Orks partiexi gf, Othai Tenon, &Wide bbia nay bi rejoined; And no person OA be roodred as a contractor who is not s manufacturer o or regular dealer in, the articles which be eters to supply, who has net *license al such man ufacturer or dealer. And all persons offei ing bids shall have the right to be present when the bids are opened and inspect the same. Ben. 2. And be it /amber resolved, That ' the Secretary of the Navy be and h e to hereby authorised to release and Cookery the penalties, or the provision. In the na. tare of penalties, in certain canes of anted filled contracts with the Bureau of Con struction and of Provisions and:Clothing of the Navy Departmeut, made by Nathaniel W. Coffin, William Lang, Hen Newton, Baxter & Sumner, and Tilton, heelwright and Company, for the fiscal ending thirtieth June, eighteen bun 'and sixty- two, made prior to the don of the' President establishing bite es of- the Southern ports, or to the emitral sots .of CougreaC passed subsequent thereto, Import. in; lag additional duties upon d . Cello and forpign produCts, wherein, by - xi of slid acts an nd i fallare of the Gov eat to-pay aocordin to the presoribed to .pardes have been obstructed and pie an ted-from • proper fulfilment of the am to to the end that these account. may be ed and alaiad justed en terms of equity and eel and in the settlement ' of such ace ant e there shall be associated with the itt of the bureau is which the contract made the chief of some other bureau of t Navy De. ' partment, and their decision 1-be passed upon, modified, abridged, raj Led, or ap proved by the Secretary of the avy, as, in his judgment, the law and judo. shall re quire. . . . Approved, March 8, 1868. • I , , i t. [PUBLIC Ilmaotrrnor—N 21.] /011 T REJOLIITION withal:in the Beare tory. of the Trasuri, to inn American . reestere to certain tease], na med there in. I . . Resolved by the Beguile owl lust of Rep resentalioss o/ as Uniteetiliatt of Anerfar in 0011freill assemb/rd, That the Secretary of the Treasury be and is hereby author:: iced to Irene American registes to the fol.; lowing named vestal:: the i "Marion," "Selkirk of Wineor," "Ens a" "Otta— wa," and "California," of the swage Ma y*l4 in the 'Mate of New Tor the "Prov idence," owned by A. .J. Ili n, of New York, and the Canadian built steam= ere "City of Toronto ' "of Detroit, and "Blue Bonnet," of New Yo rk. Approved, March 3, 1868. t • [Poem EssoLurroit—N . 22.] • Joint' Borsottrrsos respecting. . compen sation of the judges and so orth, under the treaty with Great Brits' and other persons employed in the suppreselen of the slate trade. Be it resolved by lie Renate rid How of Representatim of Ms United &ales of Amer ico is &pyre's assembled, That. the Presi dent of of the United Buttes be nnd hereby ie authorized to' expend during the Meat year ending the thirtieth day of June; eighteen hundred and sixty-foto', so mush of the appropriation of mecopd March, eighteen hundred and sixty:one, as homey deem expedient and proper, nit exceeding in the whole ten thousand dollars, for com pensation to United States. Minthals, dis trict attorneys,. and othetpetiwns employ ed ih enforcing the lairs, forThestippree- Ilion of the African slave trade i t or any ser vice they may 'render and for hich no al- lowance is otherwise provided y law; and also so much of said appropriation es may be necessary to pay the mdirjeseof the judges and arbitrators appointed by him pursuant to the act of Cantrell, approved July eleven, eighteen hundre4 and sixty two, entitled .!An act to carry into effect the treaty between the United /Mates and her Britanio Majesty for the suppression of the African alive trade," and for the ex penses of the mixed courts provided for by said treaty: Provided, That 4o payment Wall be made to any judge orjarbitrators on account of salary, who, after accepting. the office, has declined, or may hereafter: decline, the same, without having as taally entered upon duty; aid. no:judge or arbitrator shall be retarded as ea. titled to salary from the date of the acceptance of the office to which Ile has been or may be appointed, who shall not heen entered upon the duties thereof ingoodiaith within three months from the date of Memo , oeptanoe. Adproved, Marsh 3, 1863. • ,11 [YOBLlClEseoLortoa—Nq.23.] A ilimoLtrmost authorizing the oollection in coin of poster's due on unpaid mail mat-` ter from foreign oountrieL • - Whereas the fallgre to Omar foreign, correspondence throe's upon tic Poetaffiee Department of the United States laArerid anon which bare to be paid in Coin : TEriti-• fore, Bs it ruolvet by tise. &eats Rows' till Representatives alas Vaud fit•of ice is Charress aumsbial i That the Pastille:it ter General be and id hsrebyanthorised•-to• take such meaeureit sa may sesta io List ad.; visible to colletitpostage' on letters from abroad not prepaid, in in' to avoid lose in the payment of such balances. Approved, March 3,1868. I:Pocrao Basournox—No. 24.1 -• • A Rzetwarroar to or the use Of 1 portion of Judiciary ; or Armory Square for home for destitute newsboy! in Wash. Ington.. 11' ' Socate asif Vie of Byre. rvewwwtmes ef the Uhia:illatee digeßai in amgrini.intanbini, That thlrfleaseitry of the Interior be and he is heiebtitititinv - •' iced to grant, to Professor Joteph • Henry Henry Beard, and J. We Forney, as truet r ;: i ees and their - successors, thenee of ..apd , tion of the. Judiciary Squevi Ai glor k, SquartNie...theeiti_of 3.9.0 3 443 101 4, thereon, free from charges tot MO WiIMICL: Saes, 41. sultaids building for "Home for destitute newsboys:" Provided That the same can be'done withoitt prejudice to the public interests, and provided that all ca. ponies shall be' borne by laid trustees in erecting, maintaining,, sad removing said bunting, and that said building shall be removed whenever the Secretary of the In terior s hall cciplre the same to be done. Approved, Eurch 3, 1863. [Ptrßraa assolarnox—No. 26.] .A ithstuarzox to compensate the crew of the United States steamer Monitor, for Clothing and other property belt in the publis service. Wiseient by the Stoats awl House of Bap, rag/actives o/ the Ilnited - Shous of Americo s Aorta =fossil : ldd, That - the proper ac counting officers o f the Treasury be. and they are hereby authorisedi- in'eettling the accounts of the petty office* _ssaMen, and others of the,' brew of - th e)nited States I taanwr . Wolter, whicb_us wreaked `%ear Cliiiii.Hatte 'on or ,boat the thirtieth day of ,KfiligideeiLluisigked and sixty-two, to credit each of theni ',with' the amount of Sixty 49 1 / a rs, corer their bailee of b t dding,„clothing, aid% other property odasi d u aT by the shaking of the *aid steam-, —' • _ . f%iPPrMdi Mock 8 1 /861. '2B .opatiVlift TIRE BBICL RICIUMOR 041.450:10al1 -KU= ilOinntAsummon IFThV i cti# l ! Y 07 .4 1 41 ( AW isitikea; lkaisa4 lll l. Is. • • • ""`" pittsburgh S. ftIt)DLE 8q 00., IDITORS AND PROPIMITOBA, Publie!ition One h. 84 Fifth Street. 1101/4130 AHD MINING l III ni tIONIA DAILT, CONTAINING TEM LATTAT O UP TO THI NOM ON PUBLICATION. TH I :DAY MORNING, JULY 9 TRW is some probability this at least a part of Lee's army will escape across the Po tame at- soma .paint near Rraterook, Idd., which be at least thirty miles north-west of Williamsport, and about serenty l milea above Harper's Firm, : Betif he tease that route, it wilhead him 'lnto the mountirs-of- Vir ginia, considerably west 6f the henandoal 4 ralray-4, region 'wtthour supplies l and one difficult to tirarenek - In- thin. etent nun 16. nothing to prevent Moadefrom tbkowlirg him self la between Lera. broken -army sad the Shenandoah, thus cutting him of both from Richmond and from any other.seurcra of insp.' ply.- The strength of his arthy has been broken 011 . the north .eid• -of the river, and we ifratoonddinst4hat no time for repose and zra eapeiation will be given to wharaver portion 1 4. 1- 40 ' t 1 . 11 !..° 1 ith 8.146. len4*lil6l=Voo '. By the biit, steamer from E , we learn . . .._ emit both in Winos, and Sag d-the-new , ba , FrA4A is -prakot of intervention , ititYkrieri-' 1 3 1 11►tittractingsgm# diall f attention. 'Etiglind has bern'lntitif 'br j Prinato lit . .. 1 thi.;fiely Move. Theliildfs - *hi has always been opposed . to salunney of this I nd, is now veering around, and thinks that • joint Bo ropsan Intervention in behalf o Poland Is a prermittnt, amply justifying a dialer step In behalf. of the Oonfederstss. In i leader on Ibis Mtbjeat, it says : . . , .M, p . . itossible tha t the long' And happily. useless ,00rtaillon to the series If . American. bie horrors slnos the question was t before us, may hits brOlten even that stub era and int pileablii'reee Into something It • common:: ssss • and humanity. Elmo Mejmitrs • Minis tars- may therefore thlak, now, on lin:wipe of , tbsoommunloation toleexpeete t rinr Baron .eftwo, that. &bottom hay ailing arrived- fey *Wog some .attempt... W. ant i not loft to li la doubt whit the communicittlon y he. Tb. fdritiihpiblyet will once more 4 Tit to accept Of 'Esluseltio offer orjolia mai Moo, or -hit on' ,101 rd course, If, one can scummed, We are eertainty called upon to •do whaewe Mot/ . trust at this moment ho ever, theti coney an example and precedent o opportune saa-appropriate, that it is sear sly possible to avoid it. The ,throsgreat,Po ere hovel*. mosetrated with Easelsn.folly AU the cruelty 0 1 1ILYSOIV• attempts. to folic thelltualan re gime OS . I jalaud, and have sygltested six 'points on which thij are hoimfal that songs-, dons ma; be inedirto Polka, nationality. It tit Montt to see Ito* kttrititelney risk a sip'. rati iienstitution for one without asking lode pendency for the other. it the Ihenoh Emperor hat riuteded la gainint over thof FM/ to him views, pm the above would seem to ladloats,r it will only • to showehat sun the °leading jouruld'! amulet do much to Marro u at •prnent. Thanka to the Weave men who !might at' Get tyoleug End Vioksburg, iatervnlion no lenk. 'Sr sisnilles more than its mere dlOtlonia7 maialng--aUd we can hear both the Emperor ilipoloon and the Timm on the ilubjeat with perfect equanimity. Department Of the aouth-;•Proepect for the Butorner. 'The Ni.s South, of Joao 2d, Whioh re ahe by a neaps arrival from !Pert Royal, fmmblies the follow Log interesting inform►: tioh : We it:idealised - IL hat now bunt fully &told ellhattliarit will CO motive opiritioniAn the. 4 ,21. Departinett of the Booth title fin ' nisi. There, 'are nat . itiopesnoneh here Co t - Dilators to iersanaithe affsitsivi; While th reireluati roars thiajwill lit niosisiri to ced - thir po- - sitlons we neer hold.. , Noue of .., on will be ;Siren tap forthe present, bat no Mot will be sarele,..to a4tottal Ant lines materially, `'The ,orplar ,troope, wsicli from the Army, of-le• faun will i Aajg ust . derstood; he- sient to spate siAif e riiraftatent, illiere'lettliti operations render: - iirifortientente- aooeplaW. The pop lit of.' impar fs -molt prominently *pa ha 6f, hi:litle eonnsailtin,thetire mutest had that thie hat rioritlielyhren'doidided on' 1i the destbiatiori et snob ••tre=onst he Spared., :Dereral. regintentshave 7 been Jsiillsi 12'J - foist poiate , :where-thsy were mt. , . astuallreitilaiiittak ItirllZlleen 'loneentrated- At,81., listens Liiiwk 4 asa closest ientrentles:. .TOl2l, wheri44l, will - amain. until the proper , ;Tuts arifirtie for ,iitifr' itabaikation., _ With i nett. - Gliiiioter.ereD•keeirtt eat ty end pee', Indjpnent, - ; I/Oilers' - alai& he maned, tar Dri safetso °nay 'Otani' 'porlt ~" iiisit:With. Alwipropoisti irestlislibtionii entunleit"of :treope.. Poll Isliiittrillie lied fat , the present" ands saillateat faros win mail finis to nniletilteeptereiry the.rebeis impossible.. In the4epbta : ofccia aollgtitudid sad truly elateithailtilleatlittiy ) the is.it.ini6oisklis :ti l izfoupitti g rkaikailiokutali'r,:disici4 ot a. thliaitgieof 'oiiiibil iteirid ~ ~• • -, ..ltiir 0%4 tiimeilefijast mak aid theii Waciaded lii`oui!bilkai *Old' qui. 'TU. gatitiminkt &Ws% tbi*ioliti ' ,ot•lliiiii, , ptheieetfitkeuadeetteitamithi iarbeitoki! ! edlatani port dinadeenadedju 2 I *Mimi liesplathebeitthialik-ettethe 'iriid' itigAild3bcimatilUlltiter we. L akti Oa a t MI Lth •AT I li? :MP .14, ,,, upon Jugs ' , our breathe: fEthe Souk, r If!jiliyi` With' et the beailleint' said odia,,_ _whJoh - etll - Ili, besiawial " a own !TO !tht/ 111114 : 1 4,thdlid , pr of i*o Wit. %; - Apo, iialtutheasoky eillithlet; b eadhey: ii4,Wothads Libel, ,toci safer di **lad bthixithrivill,,,uilpiiiit . I, ca. itoo;.'itiatt lineithdlleies, wines sial;Selliee, , haloes; and Viol other Madly - umbra, as only Of hiadininiatha CU bualtliiiid beetair,:l , = ~ Laity oii etortellou and deserviarithly: or the late they reethial, thsj,exemowat ou them, sad malt only inch klathummiu_se ere, dictated by heiathlty and ithrislibthite ie Ahe , We /dive mat, after any tatilciti477, Wag like th e punter ofi ',un ebel did ti oar heads that we now hue: ' Let la 'beak tam' ill' not tow as tokaiii bet u. Widths! . god itraithrth ~widoli bat lately theY mite; end with thi i iissaial hope that we will be abler, ' wilt to"regird then pulyu inch .::. ;'- , -" 4 ... , to ; reg ard Ye deg goitgoikat Gettiabarg.,zc Ph* adrantaipos Geo. Maeda siousedhy the , doh* of his poddou beds WI bslt WW I/Oda alma, "siihti*Of..i.'ll: - /f.iy: i tika , pri' if. fhollias, of let to It nuaarkaCt , '''': 4 J.,“ o a'L., • Perhaps ems of the soft kaportaak Autism ot the ll*.f ' bat*le mil. foeflt4sa JA:r firdod- teasels pottloa4o relato r._ - , a... of start.: The ualuips war -we 're march trim soils to afistaUswisi 4g- from liz o l „ 4.3,l„,to=th•othor;orharesi milli an tko timiaorloit4a *eras warthailittealO l e m m a ,Learahr sums* . 13 s4aatrrjhallual I =gainsay:- 2*PQ I,s!elt;r‘ llgr ems; . _ VOLUME Gen. Meade•e Purnait of Lee. Gen. Meade'' heedgitartme on Sunday wens at Oreagentown, Yd., twenty mile' south of aisttyiburg,and on Monday were at Frederick. On Tuesday they would reach Harper's Ferry or Point of Rooks, unless it should prove that tho Petomaols really impassable M the fords, and thatailLee's pontoons Davit's= destroy ed ; in which event Gen. Meade may form at once, If Gun.- Preach dim lot already hold, _ _ same one of the Booth Mountain passes, and compel the hinneillato surrender of the rem ' tint ofGea.Lee'suhamtodforou. Itseoms clear that the rebel lice of retreat was not by way of Oashtownio ilhaabenharg, hut oa the leirfaild road,- throw- We3oemburg, direct to 'llapritoww; in expectation to cross at Williamsport Ind Ouster& andbildgee There are positions of great strength in the South Mountain. ranges, Turner's, Fox's and Oramptoesespe being probably thestrougasti but they. were imooessiudy, tuned when 00- oißied Wont by the of retreating and then viotorious army of Lee. "hat chance 'has ha - to hold eird them noiitilth his beaten and shattered former Yet thelou of one 'is fatal, if the flier baritir way. If Ikea thiloyil Potosi:salmi zkoa agahut the rebel reUlati Qat. Meade hes a plain path, and will unquestleelbly.erees <ihe mountains at once. It not, there are swo and perhaps three roads on which ha. mspadrano• to via tory. Before looking at either, the apparent general purpose of the present movement needs to be stated. After the victories at Gettysbittg, and upon the retreat of . Gen. Lee, which began early on flstaidettiornitetheobvions and easy muse - .of ..Gen. Meade waete•parsue the,enemy. But wiustwooki bare been. thermal fi Supposing the Potomac; passable, Mid :Abet :Lee's army had , got - wh oll y.4andoitedits.erinelsotionolt 'possible Was ; for- thii . t . . co m mand er, by 'obsti iii6ily )11fittietiedperitips Keay asoridoini • kirresrldird,eciiiiekilbothEeretreat across- - that ' AIM 'lloteoiet,lr'Neido, throw his, • whole ' foram in linrini4 and the Pbtomse could •be papedi Lee' might`-have-urged with his army through , :the , . South. Mountain., and marched straight upen.Barper's Perry, .Point of Rooki,or thelperur fords, amusing **either, hecoording_to,eiromastaneu, thonihsitsband , cattiest- of the ,Shopeadosle, line would 'cer tainly- 15i. hii Init. resort. . . ,: - - Tut lit - Sattioi.ni.iicipa - Wieli possible, and- Gen, Itegtieldeita notlneiatibitOtp rebel may AO eitoi*"'ltitiistini, therefore, the lin- Mittel° puritteLdirecitly,--thw lageolots corn- Piaster of thii-satilinil forcer bap inetzebed for. :Premier' ieir,..feellowing -a. Ittee. novoildelY diver vitalism thar of Lee's • retreat, but which iintiiizeotly Artisans .to ant .off lam Aetna; by reaching Ott: holding, soma point in the illimmaidemb .in „edystioe ',pl. L.a's . arrival. iti'n:.lifeedeMij &rose :the Rotorua.. at Her-, I lofe:PerrY;iiid'ilhilehliermy dltoolly &arose tticipitli - tO Whieliesterr Or hi way ;room' Point of . Rook,, .or 'even at irdwurd'i Fem.' thence by way of Leeslititg and mbar 'of the SlesPliidge gaps,' and io entering the ' Shineidosh et 'sera, point to tat below as to auks it certain that his. impatient eolunais shall have outstripped the Alight of the rebel forego, nud of Awn th e alternative of oo stmotion or sanveider. , Igeonwhilo b t,he pos.. 'lability of Lie's OppenranO,NlA of the mono-. midi ti prevented by" the movemen t fin'Prod - - Mick, mid:o4'oly- remsinii quseUon'ismos to be whether Leshilt be br ought to ; by north.. of -the•Potamitialtitrthe Shenandoah Valley. TMs witil.tweeilved, and -1114111i017. executed plan of Gen. Meade It ea satirsotery !vide:toe of hit strategic, as the battles at Gettysburg have been of his tactical ability. i It might be oold that 4hp- r ibs , advance upon reotsysburg,- which has heretofore bean, pointed out as the keyof the Peniisylisnia - camps n, was so 1 - .Merlon' as to be inevitable, and lherefere no particular - indiciathett dr-itraa:t 'Went,. But there are few graerals - witbotnad have resisted the desire .to-pursues the' faint reticle On. their own line. •, To oontrel that oiValsei aid to enter upon a wholly_ neer eent nation with the grand: object of: capturing. Lee's *nth : , were Jperhepo, equally ,Wlllioult , elfortS: - Glen. Wade bee arwoiltsl l b9d,botba,:end we have far more !loathe°.in .fils, sompleteund, lit, mediate sects,. thiM if we Asd beard that hie. advance Will boldly' . :welled Wi !lithe enemy's' rear: •-. ' - '. . .1 1, ' • -1 h • mobility of - the'Anity'et .i!s Potomac!. , under its new loader to bereming more than 'wonderful, sad; eiready; etirmissus , ilwilerit' :celebratedepjalbrutanies-•011C Stonewall ;sok?: . sore* ter*, :Sighttortwoßfreall battles on, Theeedsynd IfiddoNowirmutibleh'it lar rf icbvii„ h .as .0. Ctimslik 7PP>kikatt esan otuarosehit ou t tio boner wontyi itAttigiths . en the iirwl.hoter Ott,days • weidethirtkiltit'inileiTroMAlM tiliolielind - L end - AM - it matiiii.' - ;Ntitldtit: 6 t. genies in itiWiattnander itoild - hiiii distil ,ench,Oil, vaeity•Of Midutitioit la itisolditel. ' - 11 would eseigi , that :in this , asinpalel 1 Mice ,'dire manshingaosizzodles , a den and onc.asee . indeohimtighting, are Ace og i tt i :Le limit of hewalettiduranoeit-N., 7. i , I , ~..0 1 0 61. 11 1A nk Niarlt tatQllita:: i: :: .. .. Yrons rebel .pspear. amt freak i masa MO& roe dt.spatohttai pt -1011111.101g7 Idea ot i . mount= tt, of ant ,trosp - Ipt L TA 'tibia* it Itnitnian& : That rebOs icy that.uthate mg* 'MIMI tit" cavalry iink t.o - ' Ilea! m lltai," bn a , taft- Vanities:Oath:o2lo fhb magi of thi' aasanntat'llaiOnii' Clinizt H littia 1 ti a train'On , OW Chitral' Ra u i dii into yep wig doubtless' *mind MAtitilainig :The Alava 7 lagoon the , Setith's Anti Lbridll4 'ftiltei Mit Tata rabbit:by thalami& :at.' figho infra— sandal, ..: rite Pta,Wlttl._. •L , thl a Y.onk o l.l- tc.b., the iittr#o9.• Alailat4M;lits tiuti'afialem All ~Ml 4 l l9. 4o3ll E gipithighh.• ,'T • salmi ex . N, lea honlmea. Ii lioloh Lai hititAori, orid.owt tion..W., N.`'Lloi who his wpikhdid of Itt if atittoli.' • ' 'titer hthAishata4 dotialidtO 14411111Wir•Z 14, hit labdr'neastaid , it ihili+oaPtipatt r , wintishhilfcruplowiivotirisi . 8, owlmiioll t•-31400h, , win:Sol oi Diz as rey* , ..if ourelotgaw;thoPosdarolb.a In ''' Win ninth. fflehllntintlnanaltranuclatterAa ° Bonin* teltallotkistyl9l2.l% AMA: •_.• ' a.r i a= thaii oc i artoh.,l*- so ihlw liblii 011iThyzi?o r lif, ;Skimp h et, 0..0, i tli"P: ii tita it 1101 4 i It i , i 'l 11 4 4 % PQ.i. . isii . ovogi Ode. —l ." '''' ' 1 hte"" ' thiiii"thilltiboir'' Wawa • idihnooldiodhiooL: Win's; ' Amp Spook jowl Torminory, - ;:•* , 0,01-"Wasiiid. ~, ii.f, adlvowpo, bolbanikkthazurozira' up.' , ' :may ho.whilhtasawrAoir. , , , Mil lorsolottJai ,enowlito VitiOSl l 7.ololllhAsitT: WA° Actict9l.,9 o 4,igiut tir io la. .11 '4 4l ofa # l ' l . oplOtkaao.ww*w , AW:, . salt „ t 3 / 4 Tho sato , ,skr now In iiii• . anixOttas togivil i tallion l a ~ 4 Ofttiq; '64w . *0 . 1k '.4Toli Av.' i,li• dio... odd 'vw "MOW' thirthil Poing, !vials mall et ptorio 'iWontj.lio'priaowini.? ~ ...., • ... :-. A 4Askiittadiss.? -.> la slate'sACALT•tki Paisitfluf So* T4i --.- - - Iteleasi J AlSsAlfill u fbo l 'ilor* t 1 0 0 1 4 .! 11 4 ii*iiini 6 o°o, l l4.4oo l l Aii4udia4; :.:44 - Vo4o.o44.iiitoilii., 1, Qua. ~ mwso sl i k i Zia - salfacie thirtills distratOnti" , ^-c , . 7 , z , .... q . ". Intilkl-1 ilirOoltioN4Ailiallitailiff.fee Soli:who isidiriiiikwitt vow'Vita oft. Geniis s tAlskkAs east &stall!' iea ma all to' ai'taigelpieastadvslaomaa f. eff Scathes' auw.:aosecitirsbaltisseklolekafs, of Alp J " ... ; ' ?;bli 4 1411‘,GUAlliAlats from ta ~ ; ?••, —... ,:fia,;•.l.,gly; him fa TOA 1 ., AT 1 •P? . tir e ' ' ' Vr" , ma ta lit Ato slim I - ,i, ; -,: , A Vilid i iia 'Mk t o Southall n'eatealtMta As. Yell, he' alit bbl mini iiiirist ditt, an ;,.o ,L . 'gees' eat "%delis; Allliallese,•1; Lek KAWIto 4,* 84111llseattni yell WON ti BIM; to vawirards assd.ssarr dim so.yat./easit =Weimar s':. Ms 1f W:`AD heft Alt Jar ".1 114 . 4' 4Z 4 44 1-1141 9 4.2 . 1 !!'" ': O a , l 1 0 Pi. LXXVI---NO. 203 0.111.5. Arc. WALI49O 001111fIBLTON M!IBOL4NTB, And deem In cßuDzoitimisru prnoLunr, Ea. 56 NORTH 51500 ND STRUT, ellrittorrsys sassoitr (slider cower.) 'or 16 .000 DM& and Als , sze•Usst trallt.tm Jim shipping to 41,32."*". /Won ne ar porta. at ettuarbszt th•Vettylkbl tbs Outr* Of tbio Pesos. B. B. BREWER, B1:11164.4. CO., 00YND38ION NERCHiJITB. estate of Oh. GLOBE, PAOINIO AND LIAM? OIL WORKS sir Liberal cub advances au& 0* co - algune.p!, Of Reined or Crude Petroleum. VOL Driavan War AZ HAzooai Brun, PITIBBUISSIII, PL. WALAS,. Wird:al/kW, a OOMBUBSION mEartoia4x-EG4 sauPezias UY PIiCTROLIC4a9 118 HAMAN LANS, NNW YORK. !Nr . Ainpla Wanks for STORAGE &Zito SHIP PING. ad awls yard and nba;4 kw Ham solett _ . RIDER & OUR*, 001111108 ION IIItRCHANTs, And Wanton in tXTROLIUM . AHD ITS PBo.l.l.eTb, OILS, 0121DLISB, _ 61 BROAD 6TR1011Zi,,..... — ...,—Nrw You& 66 R &BD BTRZICS....---...—.Pireszosom. 11111rAi gents for the PORTLAND &PEWEES OIL WORK% 10 LW TO= l'esi.e.PPLOL thiliDlll 002LPAIII% to W. A. OHAPILtIi, Agent, 59 :lend street Oil , Pat N neea not be , mbarnusaud by the enforcement or the B ull Loch..." *hen they omi have their Oil barreled and •hlyprd without touching the Olt Withrwee se cheep, morn preanyt, with lam rnk, leen trouble and to better ardor, at _ E IBA'S OIL Y A OD, On the Ansi heap Valle, Eadnaed oboe Lawrenc- - yids where to pnrapea mom the boat. dnect to the. au; sad snipped so , ;..@d, Bata or Weal, *Mout anr drmaniar n.ealppieg. MI Ortialllpromptip attended at.t sartnnoe at lord, on Onteene.Perseeniger U. B. --Ptah•trata,adasese.:l3oX. VOA Mutant gh or I _ an be .esa dell at the VII rtachutge. • DAVID-1(f RH. IttON UIT IC OIL ''LYDAY GHONPERRINO, itannhor4orent outd Beelpnrs .f OUIBON OIL, BENZINE AND-LUBBIOATING 11E=1 PETBOL.BUM Mr NrorkiTopposita Spa:pan:mg. inks In PLltra BLOCK, Daqaeins Way, Iticiwosotr, )I.tELNY & co., COminLulbß ant Forwarding iterckants, °RUDE REFIRED PETROLICUM, HI. 18 zawhil iirsast P •., dir Llbeaal aux invgicii on oinutgamatita ibr Pit:gash or Neatancllarksta. ". • • itramaccaminivag,,D 4 . Tapa! Dm, Mg., Pert poispenial Beak OBERT - MHWO.IITfr, Ma 1 er oAnt tthLiwr. istbomih. FFwarding & CammiiiiiquAerahant • ; ARO - Dian , 11' oga 410 iiiiiiitiiikinmiairalizoiTiNfit, MUDD PersablcUlt - u/14,aa cooitaaqs on band and - Inn* at tbs. lowan inat ., l;et , pritok Oatuoluenstm labosonastuernm. , apT:am "Vaasa aolamuur. WOODVILIat O.IL-RBRINEEN. •-•'" since wkb • zap 00.. Auxurareaukaa Jae, • BUBDMIG °EL , head AND lOATIN thil ll6r 3ustimatr ‘ti LUßß er rely' Nat O quality of. - BU 0 01441aar anti without calor, oleo,* good .ÜBBSOLTOB,youre WILErI BBbIZOLII sad oAil ~ t , I IIrAU ordlny:lettat No. 115 Airtat amaze, Bane . Bictik, NOW/ 800t,4111 be promptly attended to. 'DIIIOAj.DIIHMAP h 4:10.. iftiothimkairOr Fuzz WHIT? olLa , PITS!BU QB, Pte. l i grailltib Mark , . - 110 1 O l e ". readve prompt 110).04 off. r• P 4. 1 . 0P 74 • . _ . oAssoi la tie, t. iarke • huri.of their Ittl itt le„t MLLES= et/ASV* &Moir "OW ab, lin be petteptii attenthel to. . BUTZ all Of MUM 04 6 rebll • . lurtium 01•111 . F.AVAOLErS 9 ,l :LiWiPs4 . i iitinssons ...,:waisirounstinstonnum e on: "!... I ...me• l'Avorktera w aranapr, Mcsonipaidatlioclisi Pittsburgh. TORAGE 808 BEFINID OlL—The ,142 otos** at• al auksa god otboio r Wild to the to* *UV* ILltdolliollllll has a oariok cool and 'W .fflpit,,:oldtabto Itestotlug Boitoid Uit, • - • • - • BABT. ABIIWO/1111. 'iltl2 Domino. are,' wrol at Mar tr at FORTIFY 1 .RIURTIP 1.1 tu ng ad b X maiac held a d sai ar ialtation, A nerdy Was arcs big 9P.Mah • That math*, bat won ..oatd arr. %b. Demistas. ... A casinunastaid. thank ta• Advs. gooks, `1,41 b-ttime by brie @Westin sub wt. "a mita& wiserttea bath aro togettkay lkick tip Altai' you plow tken's =thing Uk. Ameassrpopusd, Paruasuzu. Pmsztrunt, with sward ,rte by . &net. SID BAYS, liana flli .-. 1- el for ago by , Idborti it.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers