skhiburolt Ste• THURSDAY MORNING. JIILY 9 Union Coo Qv/ Ttaket for Promisaa...hodo. iv W Dasia • NOUN HAMPTON. Iry -ewomber. L JOHN P. OLASS. rt. A.LTEIMD 5140 K. m. 414118 B. BINITON. Tv. , Wit. H. ,DININSTON. a. THOS. J. DIGHAM. P. 01a1 amt. war. L. HENDON. Hy dry, Tarn.. DATID ANON, Ja. IIoOLURL rie Wit. J. IHOHAII= Ps CI mar 'agamisagaer. CHIONOM HAMILTON. •nr Daraha' qf do Year Joirss. ram. AOOOlOO O to all the reports that have viseb . olll;ip to this present time of writing. 0118111f111,KlADII hoe bravely followed up the &instep' of his vietary, and so disposed his fame as to veep the 'utmost possible remits tits siluntion oould yWd fought midis fasted Las what the letter could receive no reinforeemente, or supplies, being separated by fifty or slaty miles of hostile ooant•y from his base of operations, south of the Potomac; sad now he Is pressing on his retreatieg sal sass at all points, threateziag Ma with the math body of his army on the seat of his line of retreat, with a volunteer host of 40,000 fresh and eager troops on chi north-west, and harrassing him in front and all around with clouds of cavalry, whose daring and impetu ous greets his broken and dispirited fugitives can hardly be rallied to resist. Still, a large portion of Lee's army epeeists of veteran troops, and while the unwilling oossollpa may desert, or make feeble rests taw* when they are attacked, preferring to be taken prisoners, he has no doibt a formid able force under his command ready to fight main, if they must, so as to open their way bask to Virginia. We, therefore, readily give MAIM* to the report that another put, and, if possible, mote desperate UAW will be fought near the bank of the Potomac, some- Where between Williamsport and Heneook. Perhaps the !starts we had yesterday even ing from flarrisbug were unreliable—indeed they seemed to be so, for they ware even in part contradictors—yet matailly the *owl iry will look for another blow to be dealt at Lae before he on put the Potomac, between his fugitive army and their pursuers: and we trait that blow will be meek- with molt de cisive offset, that the result and penalty of the rebel invasion of Penniyivants will be the irretrievable ruin of the last and greatest ar my which the desperate efforts of Its chiefs eould minter from that pandlueonbun which they attemptee so rear into um (outland pro portion of an empire, on 'the moor-atone qi Slavery. A been. in Conn. .The readers of Pittsburgh newspapers will have seen it somewhere ousted, within • te• days past., that. a man named LAWSON tosidintsn Wissunorelsndeouiscylisd been firresuld by the PreToot Marshal of dist District on toe suspicion of being a spy, sad dal forwarded to some one of our swarm fortresses. We have heard • story In regard to the same individual which is worth> of a rehearsal, as illustrating not only the Widens of the copperheads, and the want of the same courage in some of our Judge; but the inefficacy of the jury trials in counties where disloyal 'anti menu are openly taught by the Demooratio press The story is that the same individual had indlet.ed three or four young men of hie neighborhood—two of whom were volun teer soldiers then on furlough—for en assault and battery. The case came on for iris. at the last term of the Court of Quar ter Beasioits for 'hilt county. The defense set up was the utterance of atrociously die ' loyal seiduumts °tithe pert of the prosecu tor; but the jury was so sifted by chal lenges as to render the prospect of an so quitted an almost baptise one. The promontor, after having told his story, was put upon' his crosassaminetion, and the question asked, amongst !then, whether he bad not openly declared that he had much more respect for 3w. Dam than for Au Isicorar, and that he would prefer him for the office of President. or solnethinElo that dog. The witness hesitated a moment, and then remarked quit be did notrecollect Lying used such language on that mos sion. He then turned round, however,- to the Court, and continual in • bold end di. font Lone, that "although he had not said it tAm, he thought so, and thought and said -so now." And this he was alloirivi_ to do, as we am informed, without • co mmittal for contempt, or - even • rebuke on the part of the Judge. 'We hope that there is some idstake in this; but we understand Cul l Lbs defendants were -, convioted, as they were not unlikely to be, under such oir ouvaanosic and that, althouglc pirdoned bithe Omernor, they were mulcted into the aids l • ' Tikkis the story se it was Lobito us. We - would , tabs hope that -,lio foots lan Ism 1 air sig or thollor yniatels Judge,Judge, st eVirho lii s inatiiiuStioyst me, has over-rulal byld, ilsolopratie t 7 .. Maids. ~Waltelstitil-betterilOtit no dliik• ourorriam. mold take iliosla ills OifeistiOit Miugheny county without`Sash itillWyerolon so woo* obotiispi,:iir vent its repetition. ' ' ' , - , Ws an Wormed Seat la the was sf the , da by us y.stsrdey, w asl 4 ad• lag is thiellaltidtllvon Cent for this Dle . 1 " ruled en the . pawing. toy, aostotasity with what we inipp9skto_imikAwaglit the diction of scion dostap~ssat~a4dfattaa f. lb. tus • ass wee seniestil , speet,'lheAsteltion, - and, Ijoardiagli,teigaided the itolOtOr, die ding the nertion at to the validity of the ' ' • , lien; however, bow the edits intim ity, tog in another ease, where die% Tustin was bsfor Ida, though trearrei It seen copes end`vary del:bast one, he dlestunled the sp.. oUoant os the vent tbas the pintematiers dint apply to * nee of dereetei at all. • bat metal, to °fritter, who went smelted on ohetftte ,other items pen. tioosof . • tre,Sionithei. 'siipPtised Us . t If there was dsy "thiSUISIS:IOSUsIIS SUNS" idslisle It -world bate lies pieolsitY *ths other way. !_:Jitisen wont so _pro:tones at ill 'mato, U --- took* he. nythinglo do with initial diet , Mies the ow do &Was aim 'retake It • • fir grated that w• ibel lihro sit mensal* of —10021116.1!0.4 villa it• 4 . r .." 1115 !a 1l Pf •.• dooloitaot Joigotio. two! to in* pow* tit IWSII 7 oos Brun ia d Bog • boUrrol to to Irroloblo to IltsslL . • • , • - . THE BATTLE OF , GETTYSBURG, A Full Account of the Three Days' Conflict. Ae a connected narrative of the memora ble battles fought on Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday, the Ist, 24 and 3d of July, near Gettysburg, in Adame county, Penn sylvania, will be valuable for reference, and also satisfactory as a resume of the de tails furnished in our dispatches, we think the folio wing carefully written account will be acceptable to our readers : Gen. Meade took commend of this army on Sunday, the 28th ult. At that time his headquarters were at Frederick, and Lee's at liegeratown. It, will be seen that he was ict - tee southwest, and consequently In the rear of the foe, imminently threatening his line of retreat. The army of the Poto mac began its campsigiarom that moment. Orders were issued to chi severed corps to move early in the evening, and on tee morning of the 29th our whole brilliant and hopeful host was in motion toward Penn sylvania. .The First, Third and Eleventh corps encamped on Tuesday at Emmett'. burg; the Second and Twelfth also pitched their tents near by. The Sixth corps marched to Carlisle Wednesday morning, the first day of this month forever memo rable. The First Corps, under Major. General Reynolds, and the Eleventh, under Major-General Howard, started for Gettys burg, Reynolds in command, where they excited at 10 o'clock A. It. ThaFirst corps, in the advance, marched directly through the town. The enemy was discovered post ed in a wood to the westward, near the Lutheran Theological Seminary. The be ginning of the three days' conflict was at hand. TEC,ZIATTiII 01 WSDJISDAT. One who has been in the presence, who now sits among theeohoes, and whose brats teems with rushing memories of a conflict BO recent and BO vast, may well pause be• fore attempting to indicate its magnitude or describe its progress. Rash as the ad vense of Gem. Reynolds has been pro nioed. by many brother officers who now lament his death, I question whether it was not after all for the best. It served at once as a reoonnoissanoe, showing the en emy's exact position:and probable force, And as a check upon any offensive move ment which that enemy might have been intent upon. It secured the army of the Potomac the commanding position on Cem etery Rill from whlcditheitia'Ades of the two succeeding days were chiefly fought, sue which, had the rebel commander antudpat , ed the engagement, he would doubtless have secured for himself. Not less, perhaps, I than the skill of the generals who directed the battle on our side; gave us the victory. When, therefore, the heroic' First corps and us toted commander placed themselves in the terrible dilemma of Wednesday morn ' ing they won a knowledge by their esonfice worth ail Lou world to us thereafter. The corps marched Lathe following order: First 1 41,131011, Under . Lien. Wed. worm ; ,Third chrism., ander Ulm. Downed., ; Oro tut, intttertes, ander tioL Weauteenstu; Fourth (Winton, under. Gen. Robinson. A portion of our artillery took position halt a mile south of the mammary. .The en ' emy opened tire upon it with much fierce owe se turoed the usmeries to retire, which they Ounlosenoed doing in good order. lieu. Wadsworth imuilihately came to their aid; iwo id tus reguaents(tlie 211 ill isconsiu sue 'lns Twenty-Fourth hliantgan, charged the roost mtaarry, forcing them in turn to re- I tire. The batteries alienated an excellent position further 'in the rear, which they held drain); the day. Gen. Reynolds now rode forward to inspect the field and ascer tain the lavorsble linefor thedisposal of rua - iroops. One or two members of hie staff were with him. The enemy at that instant poured in a cruel musketry fire upon the group of officers; a ballet struck Gee. Reynolds in the neck, wounding him mortally. Crying oat, with a voice that thrilled the hearts of his soldiers, "Forward l tor God's sake, forward!" he turned for an instant, beheld the order obeyed by a line i of shouting infantry, and filling into the 1 arms of Capt. Wilcox, his aid, who rode be-' I sidehim, ills life weal out with the words, "Good God, Wilcox, -I am killed." The command of the corps devolved upon Gen. Doubleday, who harried to the front, pieced it in position, and awaited a charge which it was seen the rebels were about to make. An eminence whereon stood apiece i of woods was the important point. thence. , forth to be defended. The reWs advanoed and opened tinhorn their entire line. They were instantly charged upon by Meredith's Weitern brigade, who, without tiring *shot, but with a tremendous cheer, dashed for , ward with such swiftness as to surround nearly - 600-0 f the foe, who were taken priioners: A strong column immediately I advanced against. us from the woods, and, though volley after volley was poured into them,did not waver. Their proximity and 'strength at last became so threateniurthat I the brigades of the Second division were' ordered to Make another chuge, which wu ' even more successful than the first. Their I momentum , was like an .avalanche; the''' rebels were shot, bayoneted, and driven to partial retreat, more than two 'regiments falling into oar" hands .alive. Our ranks suffered fearfully in this 'demonstration, and it wan evident that each fighting could not hung go on. The Eleventh corps now made I its ' appearance, and its General ' (Howard) usumed command of the-forces. .13ntiosrehr was ordered to hold Gettysburg and Cemetery hill—all his artillery being placed Justin latter position. The other two . . divisions of the Eleventh corps, under BMWs and Barlow then sup. ported the First corps, on the right,! in time to ?mast two desperate charges by Eweirs troops. A third charge was now made, by the entire rebel force in front, which corn prised the - corpe of 'Hill and Ewell, sixty two aroused,. : strong. The shook was awful. "The itiperter numbers of the foa l .enabled- them .b 0 overiar bath our flanks, threatening uswish surrounding and cap- IMA ::Their - main' effort was directed 1 against our laftlriati, eurdiretwithstonding i the gallantligAlleg done by ouraoldters at that Plat,' they at lut obtained , BMA ad vantage dug I Gen.',Howind I ves forced to l ,retire his -eitioniand'.'llirorigh.„, the tower to, she cast,:which was done in good order, the oomplzmaite - of the rebels meanwhile fall= tug tineffsensoni ft, in the shape I of shells, grape - and*Manitter.: .. The two corps .were Owed In line of benison Cemetery Billet evening, baring .withattnei durisid the, anl. , en tire dey the assults - of an enact: antena ' boring them three to one., Hot without 'drier, not without illeglAtid, did the °Moen and soldiers ; of .thasi coorpe.contemplate the day's engagement and await the onset they believed was lo coma.: Their comrade, lay in heaps beyond,the village whoa* spires gleamed peacefully in the sunset before 'them. Reynolds the beloved, and the b . rave ' was deed, andEsok. stumbend beside him. Barloy,'Perd, many, field and snores of line officers bed ' been killed. The men of the First Corps aloha could in tow instances *rim to spear., to the ones who stood beside them in the morning without meeting with a vacant space. The havoc in that corps was se frightfil as to decimate Wally exto -1 half, and= that in the' Eleventh carpe— -1 nobly s resorted froni the el:splotch which ' noted; era it lbefore-r-trait scarcely l en I great. et the little amyl:U=lnd not, but st o o d ready te fell: ail 0040 had fallen even 'eothelseettuan. With what a thrill of re lief Gen. Howard, who had mkt Messenger after messenger luring ..theolay to Slum and Sickles, taw in the distance at evening the approanhlng bayonets' of the Third and, Twelfth, oorps, . only they can tell .who g o osht.:. beside him. ; , Thom corps arrived [ 7 lietuned positions' to the, right and lstcof 114 441 e. ihe !nes Siditaireath en thihstihte about I ClenistarY 11111* dint. -.; , ', ravened. I ca tartheed, -1110 ii, Moldiiisid4tiCiii*iiil.peare eabilk: Ths commander Wei nisistied the Pod*: den, and posted the severer ems in the ~,..:. ;;~-r , following order: the Twelfth (Slocum) on the right, the Eleventh (Howard) next, the &wind (liancock),.First (Doubleday), and and Third (Sickles) in the center, the Fifth (E-y keP) on th. extreme left. The sit milion .as brilliant commanding. For almost the first time in the history of this army's cireer belonged the advantage in the de cisive battles which ensued . The heights on which our troops were posted eloped gently downward from our front. The line stretched in a semi-circle —its convex centre toward Getty sbnrg, the extremes toward the southwest and south. Ledges on the iterior sides gave our eel diers in some i stances_ a partial shelter from artillery. Every road was command. ed by our cannon, and the routes by which Lim mighsotherwise soonest retreat in case of his defeat were all in our possession. At every one weaker than others reserves were judioiously posted, and the cavalry— an arm of the service scarcely brought into play in some recent and destructive battles —protected both our flanks in immense numbers. a Thus the great army lay down to sleep at midnight, and awoke on the morn of a day more sanguinary than the last. ink nAkTke. OF nililtstiST. On what • spectacle the sun of Thursday rose, the memory of at least that portion of our forces 'who witnessed it from Cemetery Rill will linger forever. From its crest the measles of fifty cannon pointed toward the hills beyond the town. From the bluffs to the right and left additional artillery ermin ed, and away on either side, in a graceful and xnajestio curve thousands of infantry moved into battle line, their bayonets gleam ing like serpents' scales. The roofs of Gete tyabarg in the valley below, the rife of woodland along the borders of Rock creek, the orchards far down on the left, the Settle green and beautiful, in which the Latta were calmly grazing, composed a scene . ot each peace as it appeared was never made to be marred by the clangor of battle. 1 strolled out to the cemetery ere the dew was yet melted from the grid% and leaned against a monument to listen to the singing of birds. One note, milder than the rest, had just broken from the throat of en oriole in the foliage above me when the sullen rattle of musketry on the left told that 'skirmishing had begun. Similar firing soon opened along the entire rebel line, and although no notable demonstration was made during the forenoon, it was apparent that the enemy was feeling our strength prei to some decisive effort. The day nary wore on full of anxious suspense. It was not until four o'clock in the after. I noon that the enemy gave voice in earnest. lie then began a heavy fire on Cemetery SUL a it must not be thought that this wrathful fire was unanswered. Oar anti iery began to play within a few moment. and hurled balk defiance and like destruo. Lion upon the rebel lines. Until six: o'clock the'roar of cannon, the rush of missiles and Lie bursting of bombs tilled all the sir 'rho clangor alone or this atrial combat might wed have confused and awed a lees toot and watotuul oonunender than Genera , Meade It did nut couluee tam Vi tin the of a mailman and tuo eye ut su .ipertenoed judge he watched Iron • his nerequartere on the tall WillitaVEL mere meat under the murky Wood which ousel. loped the rebel lines might first disclose the intention watch it was evident this artil tiny firing covered. About six o'u.ook p. I at, silence, deep, awfully impriestve, but imomentary, was permitted as if by magic to dwelt upon the field. Only the green unheard before of the wounded and dying, unit' the murmur—a morning memory—el die breeze through the foliage, only the low rattle of preperadon for what was to come; embroidered this blank stillness. Thee, as the smoke beyond the village was lightly I borne to the eastward, the woods on the left were seen filled with dark mermen of infantry, three columns deep, w hooid yenned at a quickstep. .Magnificent! Snob, a charge by such a torero—lull 45,000 men. under Hill and Longtureet--even though it I threatened to pierce and annihilate the 3d Corps, against which it was directed, drew forth cries of admiration from all who be- held it. Genera! Sickles and hie splendid command withstood the shook with a deter mination that checked, but could not fully restrain it. Bask, inch by inch, fighting, tailing, dying, cheering, the men retired. The rebels came on more furiously, halting at intervals, pouring volleys that struck our trooped own in scores. General Sick lea, fighting desperately, was struck in the leg and fell. The 2d Corps came to the aid of his decimated column. The battle then grew fearful. Standing firmly up against the storm, our troops, though still outman oeredAssive back shot for shot, volley for volley, almost death for death. Still - the enemy was not restrained. Down he came upon our left with a momentum that no thing could check. The rifled guns Wit lay before oar infantry on a knoll were in danger of capture. General liancook was wounded in the thigh, General Gibbon in the shoulder. The sth Corps, at the tat and 2d wavered anew, went into the, breach with such shoilikand snoh 'volleys. as made the rebel column'tremble at last.. -lIR from. the valley behind, another battery came rolling to the heights and flung its contents in an instant down in the midst of the en -I.einy's ranks. Crash! ontahl with die. charges deafening, terrible, the musketry firing went on; the enemy, reforming alter leach discharge with wondrous celerity and 1/11111211611, still pressed up the declivity. whatfbideous • cameo filled the minutes between the appearance of the sth Corps and the advance to the support of the rebel columns of still smother column from the right, I cannot beer to tell. Men fell as the leaves tall in autumn . before those hor rible discharges. Faltering for an inetint; the rebel columns seemed *boat to recede before the tempest. But their officers, who conal be seen - through the smoke of . the conflict galloping and, swinging their swords along the lines, rallied - them anew, and the next instant the whole lineOgaiig forward as tf to break through oar ;own , mere weight of numbers. ktlivilion from 'the l2th Corps from the ,antreme right reached the seals at this istant, set if the same time dodge,* some ap with the 6th 0044 Wing i finitheil a march of neirlithloy. six 'ecstiesg , 1114 hours. - To whit thecae they cameithill eflisers saw aid told' them. -Weary as they I were, baredooted, - hese, ' fit to drop for. climber as they wore, .the wish for victory 'was so blended' wi.% the thclught of extions-: slop that they east themselves. In nun on saw WO line of Vitus; and weitrdoen, oc the enemy- with' death le - their stripier rind cheese on, then lips. The rebel camel's back I was broken by this "feather.". lira alining: gored, reeled, and drifted slody back, while theiheittS Of 'On* tOldlere • op amid the I roarlif trateketry: oforr the bedtes de the 011ert I and-wounded, prostilmed the completmarse .I, ibetr whitely.' Meanwhile, as the division orli Stream's cc* ' th e extreme eight loft lie ' poet - ttrfolitln - thle.triateph, another oolomii of the saidaY;'itudir command of Gen. Rl6ll, had sashed savagely against nos right wog, and as.the failure to titre etie Jai became Snows it adorned se If deterealnatthe I to conquer to this cart of ihkheid oversewn alike the enemy's fear or death and- , his plias for victory elsewhere. , Tim fight war ternno, and fit fifteen zatnntes the attack to,whien the three divisions 'of the 12th 09;ps ,wese subjected was more fallow than .541,11124 ever known in the history of this aimy. .The 6th Corps 06601 10 th eratppo/4 theAlit Corps ; , followed ; &Wilma dusk into darlittiseoutte half pass aloe o'clock. the battle 'rigged *lib trolled fortnagand unseated fury. - Oar troops wars ostapelisd - by iverpowerbig numbers is fall bask a.short distanesishandonteg several rifle pits and en advantageous position to the enemy, wine,hanghty ever hie adventsge and made desperate by other qaartert, then made a last-struggling charge sestina that divisten'ef our right wing commanded by General Geary. General Owl's troops int inotialised that:theism by their resistance to this attempt. They steed-like adamant, moveless, .death &sang machine, before ; whose volleystim rebel solusur withered and mat down••by Madras. . After a ibetgior • Izonisivabli the . .ftilda lie* vliftiClivallieolook..4-x;.O, tke.pwids .b lowYheMnrl II .. 'Thildst trils iguieSlO. Ai .iietatiater um bear, a, other attack mad. *DUI ward* • '...';-•,.,,, , ' - .T.,,,',,,A!1,V ~::. .-:.iw:f.:,-t'V';:,'.:-: rue aavvta my VILIDAT• PUBLIC .OTOTICES. one who stands in a tcwer and leaks PIOT() T L'S f•TreICE, ..0 ry, ale" or PA O. 98 !tante . trees, dawn n ?de. e tang' hy pegeani Ins•ont g I tc'nrgb. Pa, jo, 6,1,0063 through a tho:oust dere, taxis it ueooesible -- fli; PRE'zIDE 'T (IF THE he ototo to recall in order the a: w• -au cos L T PSITtt 'A , go tren , ord,red a D-aft In r'f aed the inoideale t f the eceoe, '" me I, le eo sic r! this " c ' ut g on a camp 113° ` llO " D " :4r t :ex M eedin:tll r r ' e yeare!ln soc .-rdenee with In of the monument against which I i I stin - ttms from the Proeo‘t Goner the tel t, rang to the robin of yesterday, ald 0 alas tonne of affidavit. to ee forntehed the B s or od possible to retell w distioatness the details ea rarrato.on by app ll...yeti for reeze c Tge d of the unparalleled battle gnat closed The atl i a f ,i ' k: e, ,ti public -o,,r,fliot, waged by 160,000 men, whioh bar oo- J GEED'S P •T e a copied with soarcely an interval of rest Captain end Provost Iherthel entire day, from 4 a s hi. until 6 o 'cl...cit ti evening, contains so conch, so near, and such voluminous matter of interest as ono mind eennot grasp without tiros for reflection This last engagement bite been the fiercest and most sanguinary of the war. It was be gun at daylight by Gen Sieourn, whnse troops, maddened by the less of many comrade., and eager to retrieve lholposltion lost ey them on the pnweeding evening, *delisted and delivered a destructive fire kgetuot the reheat under Ewell. That gene al's entire fore° responded with a charge that ie rnemerni - le even beyond those made by nerd yesterday. It wee des peration against courage 1 The lire cf the enemy was mingled with yells, pit-ted even above its clangor. They came on, and on, and on, while the national troops, splendidly handled and well posted, stood unebakcn to receive them. The fire with rebirth they did receive them was so rapid and so think as to envelope the ranks of its dolivezere with pail that shut them from eight during the battle which raged thenoforwaid for six dreary hours. Ott of this pall no straggler came to the rear. The line scarcely flinched from its position during the entire conflict. Hoge masses of rebel infantry threw themselves again and again in vain. Dock, as a ball hurled against a reek, these masses re coiled, and were reformed to be hurled anew against it with a farming's unfruitful of sue ens—fruitful of carnage, as before. The strong position occupied by Gen. Geary, and that held by Gen. Dirties, met the first and hardest assaults, bat only fell back a short distance before filarial odds, to re-advance, to re.assnme and to hold their plates in company with Ely kee's division of the Fifth corps and Humphrey's (Berry's old division) of the Third, when, judiciously reinforced with ar tillery, they renewed and continued the con test until its close. It seemed as if the gray anifOrmed troops, who were advanced and re advanced by their officers up to the very edge of the line of emote in front of our infantry, were impelled by some terror in their rear, which they ware as unable, to withstand as they were to make headway against the fire in their front. It was hard to believe snob desperation voluntary. It was harder to be , men that the courage which wttbstood and defeated it was mortal. The enemy gradnally drew forward his whole line until in many places a hand to hand coaflict raged for minutes. His artillel, answered by ours, played upon our totems with frightfal result, yet they did not wave The battle was in this way evenly contested tor a time, but at a moment when it seemed problematical which side would gain the etc tory, a reinforcement arrived sad lore former In line at snob • positi n as to enfilade the .army and teach him at Wit toe futility of I ale ants. Disordered, r,uted, nd confused, his •nole force retreated, read IV 11 o'clock the battle ceased and toe matinee. of death .uaneri. Tsis silence oantioaed meta 2p. m atihiem'menttherebel erg's:) , from all paint., is • omelet radiettng aroaad our ten, -elan a terrific and concentrated tire on Com to .tary Dill, •thell wee hand, as I berm pre .411 , noasli et,..: 1, by the F. event)) and beyond nap.. Thy fl.,t of otgeoos. a hien not too aleatee p este ne had c arkoced tueeky above, We, the •ale were fceree,y tb,ilter than 160 Elle& of horn- i deate ole altirlici that now, Instead of setting tiermleealy above, descended upon our poet iloa. The atmosphere wee thick with shot and ehAl. the storm broke upon na so sud denly that soldiers aad offleare—who leaped, as it began, from their tents, or from iasy elutes vu the grass—were stricken in their ruing with mortal wounds and died, some with cigars between their teeth, some with plea' of food In their fingers, and one at maet—a pale young Gorman, from Penneyl - a miniature oh his ulster in his hands, teat seemed morn moot to grasp en artist's pencil than a musket. Horses tell, shrieking inch awful erica as Cooper told of, end writhing about in help lees agony. The hoards et fences, metered by explosion, flew in splinters through the air. The earth, torn op in clouds, blinded the eyes of hurrying men; and through the branches of the trues cad among the grave -1 stones of the cemetery a shower of deist:wi dow crashed ceaselessly , . As ' with hundreds of ot.hers, I groped through this tempest of death for the shelter of the blall,an old man, private in a company belonging to the 24th Michigan, was struck scarcely ten feet away by a cannon tore tbrosigh him, a:- witting seat a low, intense cry of mortal pain as I pray God I may never again hear. The bill, which seemed alone devoted to this rain of death, was clear in nearly all its unshelter ed places within fire minutes after the fire began. Oar batteries responded immediately.— Three hours of cannonading ensued, exceed ing in fierceness any ever known. Probably three hundred cannon were fired slcoutuane ously motile o'clock, when the rebel infantry ware again seen massing In the woods front ing ouvoentre, formed by the Picot and 800. end °me. Gea. Daubledey's trooae met this charge with the same hereto courage that had so often repelled the enemy in his desperate attempts. The charge was made spirimdly, hiltless venomously than before. ' Oen. Webb, commanding the 8000nd brigade, Second di vision of the Second corpo,met the main fury of the attack with a steady fire that served to retard the enemy's advises for a moment. TIM moment Wu waged by the rebel Gen. Lug/loud ice assaying his troops behind the fano*. Gins. Webb immediately ordered a charge, which was made with such eerie:won sad swiftness; and supported by such numbers of our troop., as enabled us to partially rar viand the enemy, and capture Gen. Arcata teed and 3,000 of his men. The carnage which accompanied this charge sad the terror inspired by it were so great as to reduce num berk of the foe to actual cowardice. They fell upon their 'knees and fain, holding forward ;heir guns and begging for mercy, while their escaped isereradei, panto-strioken and utterly routed. lashed dawn across the ditches and fences through the fleldiand through Gettys burg. Not a refloat remained to metre another nut. The triumph fought for daring the.. tine terrible days belonged at last to the noble Army of the Potomac. le re a ramirksbli feat Chet the late seisms of horeesmarieby the rebels from the faimts In Perms;heals sed'hlaislend has Setned oat greatly to their rilsedistarge. The solimals not letes,treteed to the battle field. here bettoms le,stagtheagesble as to render Mgr Mders eleteet, helper when attacked by . oar eaveirj. - (Mile ,XOIIOEB._ `.••••••••••••".", - or Wanks, )ItAaIrOILLT IOII CO, "rii4Ullllo. (1114 (Mb, Jon% t Y `y ..Isr(YricE ILERE.Ir.riGIVEN tp - elitilicabers to' tbs . Bloc! 9( WO OSV oro 'irstotiorrottlott Coratioar taat Ls **mut W at pt. Ch)ool•rollet Wr PZilta t il bC b" boa rotoi orst Um 'Wok tObsotitrod, parobtsat itio calm tttt rtot.l)4, at Ptittottight ott LORA , . ltb, 4.4tii , dal 0f , J0iit,112.63, 1 &el ttkO ofitocatt met) aortp d:)6 twr0t544.21 0 4 1 otiVivin Stlieed rt . o:_iot sof the Homo • • .. 4 J. 1100 r, ELY. 90crydery. Rt.)4168.---ii.C.:‘ mewing of the . ' Waal; • Iroaarat, - 17aal tho Boat aid ,skiing 11,.101 *a...0010 alai• &lint* ot • cloit thott polo a at Y (Polack p. m.. utttsl lytth a c 41., , 6UtTII, eoutetal7. • Plt , ibareb •Jaly a. l&a 178 10.*Y$ , twists' Q. id. DlSsii's ssicl6) Iht,tesslgh P • ;July 7. Istrs. Bisro'se stir who bass o,u. re Dow stdk erns, fpc cue oT Plcii,6hosels, evader, Lisurnnsem'a ateb OM o.u, prdesSit stilt sooortuto as loos as prastl '_)teat ,Lkut. Col. sad D. Q rd. 0.1,51. ELEMVION.-41ia In6ukttoli.ers 01 tile Bew 3101 'Ruh litstletiett V. eti .he nottaed. that art ir.footion silt 1. PelA yet. Tseessant said Direct , ,re. t+ „eats for - the - thetitit seer. en HON DAY. the lath del — ot..bey;nezt, its the ogles et the Ocrapsel, Tempi eneeette t DP , two Stu Pommel .5(111, o'clock p. St k.. 0 Loth Vit4.,;l,i•mt. Dist.s Au..oss,az pesasiticis to., L. . iltudarab, Jaly B tno3. fresidint 'and We% timeturs.of fhb , 10•Ifforflr boontsbof Cto: havo this MIT doctored • DlTltdood of. TM.° 4., LABS ADD sir. Y 0 , 1575 QM 60) pOtokaso out of lb. ooriotop of Um lost als mouths, posblotO !Oa, toldats at and after Monday; tho l3eh loot; fit.! • 117:ftw D. DMIC,...OOTatoi7. To.oe.tritT ; Juae Igthiile4.9,fte. 1111004 POL: 131Inaoticet tluis suboziros , ww• En* iia - .Atoor ,Itteirtonsw to. ss,!Auir ANA avi sio. Iriumr th irge r• Vivito by'Altto r.!die5x.16.4,6,v.• ;%.:founry,l7 'To 0. W. • savanna, rehoduri, obwrgb, To. • 7.1 , MP - - 1-- -.-.1 ' = -: '., - --.,--;•:,,,,,--a -,-------'i-..z;-,-,,,-----,' •-•,.; .„_ t ..-4' • , ifi - i---: :!...,,,,..- A -;;:,:,:,_,z --, - - ----- - - y y -4 -n , ~ , ,, , , , :...:q :-,p, ~.4 -„:,,,,„,: ,-„........... - ..,4,-;.:4- ..,, . ,,, _ , ---, - , -- , ...--,,,----7: ..;r7.1;.-,;„::i, -:-s?--:::---u434,:y1,...;01-4f,D ~,„,i,!-0-.t.ai33,14-,,,,,g-hvnlget*-1,:: - --- --,---------:-:"7-7.-'- -:-,..,i,.:.,L;-.::,i:7,:c?2;::.:'1-;.--,*-,:: --:,,t..,i5501,.„ 146*Vg--*tA:•-4*.k.,.%,W--.474--V-zi‘tke4t-i4-1,-::-3-Ve<e,i,',zv,'-aAltTIr '4.f ~,,It1000:k*ft-Vii-aiA?k-:.*w,g0 .o* l -VOWVWAl'iTtiekaVii l ,' - 4-.3,P-4, ::, ';"17-.-',?& ...VATtrieWAS'4'4I.VIV.A-'l%-41,....',Tt, wiz' it" . - ...4.,- , ' 1:01.0--.'..:, - ..W' ,A. -.1; ,, '- - ' ''.:_. ~4,-.: i.--4.-'-7,74'-el,:t,-','" *''A-4.kc7-4 tWke..,..l 4l ;''''-' '?"'''''''-'" '''''''l4.'"----'. l:',.*, , i'fAS - '*'4, -, ,'.1 -.7 , ,, ,, 4.- --:,,,--...-, • , ,w.- , FOB 25. co,v BCC° Cflxemotien fa the can of a orld2w, or of • rrd sad lofrw. parrot Cr puente. I, tooooLrer'br, --- resting of ---, carnal. tuahl, of . hereby certify Mot I, , Way liable to mt.ltory defy en. der than tot Coon. eh .foreorellinr b* , . , ...Licit not :h., notional forcOr," • aPtroln't Marco 31. 181 3 , na. the Only ion o f & or!dor, or of -- - en aged parent,) aspen:trot en my Igor for !Rapport. We, 'the arAscilb ri, do hereby certify that the Dorn nomad ----t. the oat) , lon of widow, ire( sod and Intlra pirsuts,) dependent on his abor for ougert. Pertenstly ertoptatlel Wore no, the bee• wane! -- -.end 00 , AIMI. ly wade ',Ate Icate 13 Curia eta tr., to the Ige and Dated de) Note t —lt alined by tt waled by to residents of time p non If certificates mast be exemption, end the noted& of remake) r dlsialot. In whlett before a moilistrate. be used anty In Cillll thetas exeseptloo Is 1 of the tenets da, deem not apply th property to yield sop- Ass tot tenoning the nth, Unmet, or the the kb* , setnaill nerve pendent on hi conilvbare t Dort, old SI Bowmen= Mut or oho &anions o OartMoat Ills or her I I, se• aul -by .ortly thatisua aspaadeas br suet *We named; and sea ---,vital ths act of Omer , ss to na.beal forces:' county, OW 'Lea and fel pet en the that I elect pe SUMP. for en ell A., spyro We, the .by tastily gnat the &Wye 11•1110.,- and Intl. m and tte• pendent co the tab.* . of ---. ----- sone f c Bayport. - -. Penernay eprnuavd Were me, the abort weed .------ sad ----, mat arena? mew, cath that the above eastall WAS *re • • tyke, to the but of their knowledge and belief Dated et —, this day Cll--% -"- -- tit-. bete I,—t 'ulna cerildrate mast beefy.. d by the portal making the election, and ate ...had by two respectable coun ty or cede of famlitse) meld ate of the towo, county or Mouth; to widen the pumas nerds and sworn to tido M t • utiothstrate. In in sr the 'ether Is cemasd, the mimi. to be sighed by tee mother, sad the fact of the father's death as to be eues,a by Sue peretme cerUthiag. It .fay Thu certllcete Is to be stud may MOMS tere the Tabor of the person claim hp etemetWa I. sottially e. • Slaty for .6111turp rt of the pan 411 de. poo4oot. an Mat The them, moo does aot apply in .e whe o awn lo scitac.imut prOp.rty tO )fil , d IMP port. mho the nice. ary but- me fit' 041 .thing the "n-come con Co 1r5,.,.01 , ed 01 *pens, trifflor,l, or the like. Walt 1 1 . ertililmte that lb. pal n nth's to draft lis the .., - tir.tter. of Sound or ettildrou depood.o.t on her ati,' fm sap at. , the oati,ortlxr, ----, it log liable to dre.t i.., t • 11-11106 01 tt.o l'uita , , LAOS, 11., , 5by east s moll that a inli> tea Italy broth. -----, a , 12 a a.,ls of rt,p,, ktr , lo.r eellt r fan • or =AU ad &ot ndout cm m, tither lor ea: p^. t .----. --- --.--.-- an drt.- t o -mac), 'Was of --,- ---, hem', • lily that ---- who I ILO* toat.the ,• aro at age. humi y d wither lather nor mirth r, and depconialona his labor fm sapeort. -- --, 11119ta Foreman, apotland he' d me, the above named ------ ani —.----, amorally oath that .he stove ceitteto..e. to correct old tett to the hat of their knowledge and belief. 3 intim of the Femme. ./e Dotal at , this day et 18e- . Note 1.- 4 12ds Plicate Is to be lewd linty---, Bermes sheet, the Isbor the perms els mg enlace Se ecenslly nectoetr tor the support of the 1,0 ooe de pendent on Mai. The eteroptlen dose not epply In oasts where there le sulholens preperty, ro ykhl mike prri,end the Armory ballnees ma he transacted too to hosing th Income by agent% trastMo, or the like. Note it —The t rem cutifloeie matt be shush by the reoroo t t e cl o a l h p n ers o n s (he t a l d o s o o e t n f d a m th il e i e mn ee d i dboyn ttwo In the same town, county, or Mettles, wan the person or whom exult tin le claimed. FOBtI 23. t two members of the family of the BLit an Moldy in the 001111001 oar -41 eteteu scribers, CottMote pawn liable to flee of the Ifats We, the to • midst:As of end county,Was of by ceritty teat two reeatbeni of the (.ally sod hold of - wanly end State stove totnt:oue ere In the soldiery ,en re of ths Unwed emus se non. nouteeloced atom, most. ohm% or printer. - NotonaU7 appeared Woo nut thy sum named "G aitd matally made oath that tha above cuttdcata °tine and trap, to the best of flair Icoove•Sp and tale. • . Judos of the Peru. D.tdat this—day of ne . note L—Thli 4 only hateadiel to apply whoretbe toestten of the tawny elaltelag eximpeers melds ta. the see hotly.. 11117 of the aleitheri reads else erhere.ana have semi late the Military wiles et the Cattail atatie, ao eaemptlan on that roma sea be Mote matliente mud he alp ed by one of the pronto, If there be soy it not, by two reepeete- We primal (mode of Millie) reeidente to the ease town, county, or die riot, with the preen for whom exemption he dielmeet. YO EY 19. Certificate that the person UAL to Craft Is Abe tether or in Abair children. ender 111 yen, of erre, defendant ea- hie labor for support the anbearther, being lisbls to dra ft into the swim-----, d the °WWI BM me, hereby Enke that I as the tether of mothering, chili—, wider Hyena okep, and dependent on my labor tor support.. wo, St,* =Webers. --- sad tros. dem, ourall, Saw ot osol7 --- is fallow 01 motberdess etd.drairmaar 12 Persil sp, aud dapsadans on bbl labor um smart, • • • PersonaUp appeared before Miss the above. naredd., bad---, sat serusiiir ma. o ath *bet tae . bun tertllcate earrest ea tnse to the bet et their kaowbsige sad bath! JOlllOll et the Yaw. , Doted this • hos The Snit =tactile must to sigoee by the woe Web:slag exessydea„ sad tbe peound by tiro .espeetable yawns (lends 'of letelthe) residents ts , theoremic toss. misty. or dletztet, with especial tar ascot exeseptlas to massed. , • 1011111. 041115100.11 tot esemptlot as stomata! stielti. tolintit 'tote a---,bevtag 'been amidst sailer, the lauldgksta of an set a ticestrali eetee .brelb Sod sil west MO " I.apstroind 1111,Se liable to . pep Ibra military duty Is the or. •Itsoethelhetud ensue, estsby te,u . y tgai I lila ler.Yeeldetla MOIL WIWI/7f and OW *ll'9l. i. lattell Matti_ • ' unit le t at-7:- pits ap. . , Wig Ind dof he toosco - got', So( kitato oOL-To moouosoci, of tot too ob stosmioot of me , oco.root sod fro* t Otto ' but of oar linoirlodo +2311 boliot. •‘ - • ' PoysintaUi 'irptr.tind Wore me, tie Our* Dam.d sad wireefilar amk,osk74 that um at.97•Vagoak‘s Iwo *and owl 6c12.0 to the ke+wot than knowlsdip "ad toilet. p•tafrat this.... 4 7.f --r - r ' . Nolo L-4 he ob. talosto In .r.gool to ago N. to 01l came When p.a. tt 6.1•4" to Do blued Sri the poluto of the prom olamtag ofmufuloo. and no ...POO IMAM .P.0 14 •Oli• to• ,r•solotgoeta oro to tra Moor& to. lb. bloat soaps to tb. ceittfloato tobtaloototfa . agi of-t. per ou„ to to 142114 d as tal•airm ' ilf•t &lam ..tomattyworri" . yams of fie. • 1631, 5. alp Num sia!at- nye scut of op, ‘4,ZD simian." . • f Tot' I am , rOwn•frra • pion o - conil.Ag to the 1•4 •lu thb coo. • - • • not. I—la mitt. ccsl***la 0 01 . 10 1 Pol p•mts o, flu dot of ago must be outlaw. lo bs • two nopeatabl• pttrota %beads of tauf 414) lift4felt ' Iff cw some town. county, of district, of al It* Wean .la, *Wilt Wm Oft to. 041.44 *ad 10 .. 211 4 . e1• WIWI- of Pwairet B !ir LfitohUnfl, 40-. a be onmytied yak. NOTICM-4hi Pres. "7 ittanoilingsrt sn4 OntolinitY;( o ! InnOthlr, BtWtce frir the. ni4veeny fitTINT. appall,* Pity. the t onniy ,of Allegbiny, bevy this de, de(nedid* Dividend daleiDoltet ant •Uteen; °esti on *Ent Were al. the,ooll•Lfteek .01 Ake ennesnear. Which - Flli,bh seki,to IttoOkhalawa theirlo 1:0 reinelentietWeii nu Wa _ ter ,“` " ; 11711110111111102 Q, Tamura; - ,IV4oll4XJWilniklinW,..-,:-..hißeecd! ...; 1, ~.. ~ Ortsci Awasurt.Visin 11.; S. co ~. tablas Joao Mi. - TaillAkittlAl4 Og i no thiriontok4 Oda scou - i• - __6l l l 7aVt ist. lea; vOl es pila millisitits4,AßlANl Mai a sae Om* arid tia-oity aft pituaiorili.l ribeliebtliatigoolll !P*: gib MI der iiisma 114 uFi v irtkpire tlsa?!..tar,P4Fil4' ...t - - ' 44.4 1r - e i:t lily ' ... CVORIL, . , IBrir rar , ''ll / 1 6 "ttOOki _ol4o' :1_ tlta littalouslt & AMON) , illaidwazol Ilatdalaaok)aar bomb/ wallliod alolth r SOII*SI,OIISONA• I SIISat, lalos Mika mato of th lam ma soottba,paltrtal with. Tilsll 5. 1155111,1., Thatafor. 11551 w WAP. DEPARTMENT. rzovoss MAMMAL GIIIIIIIIAS 1,172C1, Wsaideigton, D. 0., .Itnie ilk UM. a7 I ClRtallsA It NO. 33—ts.M*131.d. TIONN IN REGARD TO bIIBSTITTIM. Lt. A ley pence enrolled and drafted may, at any time, 011 or before the time sr which tie L. ordered to row • rendezvous, obtain and preeent to the Beard of Rural:mat of the Distrirt to which he m aths, • substitute. 2d. The subitt Lute must be in may respect suitable r the m Jittery servios, which shall detennined by Lard In the manes/ Piolicilboa brat , enduing teanAll. 3d. every substitute. after befog examined and approved by the Eni Mang Board, shall sabot in the eorvice of the United Stmts. (Form 40 ) 4th. And witm he that/ Aare so salistes, and report ed to the Parma* tdanhal let dsty. the Board shall give the pane=' who boa Washed the sub.tittite • mettlicate of soamsdan (according to F.= 31, in Rogulittions for the Government of the Bruton of the Prorost Jrarattailienersla witting foeth that the pa* son is *not properly subject to do military duty der• tug the time for width he was draf.ed. * o by ressomof qamair fiststshed as accepta b t. subs' idle! .• Mb. Every substlinta, who 'bateau's* enlisted and reported to the Provost Imuskod, shall be held sub jam to en pains mid penalties for desertion or other °genres in the mins manner as other midterm, and therm:in who has fund.had the sublettint shall nos be maponsible for .kte este of the substitute, commit ted alter he shall have euGhted and reported to the Provost Marshal kivinty, se required by the premed me t h oWd of Itiorollnient will sinpeildissMor, ARM a drill haa been Mae. illot dig b thNes sea Mon on sews des, u p to the unto when the drifted men are ordered to report at • rendezvous, hear propositions for substitutes, and examine per ms so offering. T ao All persona who may be drafted, and who de sire to premet substitutes. Mull give swam h. wither to the Dowd of Enrollment that co sea o dos they will present • substitute, givinghis name, matelots% ego, and smiting whether as•as so alien or canes. • • • 0 • o o o o tlabatitatts, attar being aallated, az* to to amtiderid as, in ell rapeata,ma the sun tooting with other sotden, notivtag the alma boontlta, ray sod a ll owance', and 'tamable so the mama thins and JsZUG3 B. TRV IuI6. , tytildaler ?moat lass 'hal General. ce of the Naos. U. b. WAN tam an. ler monad w coationo to roosti• entoollytittw for the 6.20 tax Per Oen& Bonds, WM the let of August next. AH Agent, who hone been WM; will phew matinee watt the ebore date. ,yobaus it y LOllll Agent! At nann Bort • 4.70.% fIOLUOI of Third and Wood swan, Pittoburilt• JO:1w PinrMiPi'77-T7F4Ti , , v) gan:TUNED ORPHAN& COURT , A i.L.—HOIIeIa AIM LOT OH WAIN'S ST —By virtue of as order of the Orphans' Wart of BT 1 pen, O.unty, there wilt be =posed to WO° Eats, on tne pronuos, on Wayne street, la the City of PittoOttris, ou THURSDAY, July 30, 1863, at 10 o'clwric a. at. ea the portly of John Darts, Ward, • 11 that oereatrak ot ground sitaate on the corner of Way= street and Jackson alley, to Ono 0,t7 ot Ylttsharet, =Mg a man of It Not 6 Inches on ay= wort, ant lottending•book along Jackson all., 90 hot ; being No. a Inn plan Of lots lAA out b 7 Ben. /rands DAMN, tocCo don In Deed Book =I. ,age 169, d the MOO 'Won WY IMMO] by Bev. hands Itor.On Voogd John Ousts. Coo d, by delli d-ted ilinnory 1633,, recorded In Deed Donk 13 pre 58 , en which is erected • two story brick dwelling home. Terms cob._ JOILII 'owns, zmaton too tanker partlcadanyweire of O. Munson& UO3 • Attorney Lc Peuttoner, Ho. 166 Youth sk Mika? r Alrcau.ars, lib ret T. WALLAS DAY, O.IISZBAL 4209/1111:4111119T *GIST, No. 103 Fifa; Et, (Mn door balm Ow Ckaasodord. ill To=dad S Ada', who hats bean to the mill , s 7 or guest Gawks, a • eutt-bd to =too 00 nty na 00111..00.. •• 11 other' who bays sett." two y.m are deo mita ed to the $lOO 0000'7 6.14153' dium•red by re•sook of Wawa., • • en .1.1. d to ottdow• or • Mtn OM. ale et are •I• 15(/ toe tarok. Sr. eettata to potation. st.4l the Lb" 0000ty, so, so se' ma, of story desetiptloo, promptly st tond.d t. 2•001111Tio 1:11•14e to on, oar. Ilan it. •it . la ro,lectat. 1)9.1y lie ea our. BOOTS, MOBS AND GAIIIIRS, Masonic Hall Auction House, I ATBANAL KAY BUN UN. 11. P. AllatiMISVI arr. cz, I: • 106 Vonsibht.,,Pittalstrgb. Bth, 1885 I.IIOOILLTLX.—AII pram Maraud wih take 'male. that It Is seaman Usk _go Mon of Imams Tan'toddle" node ant I.4saaausb'and tassel la the bands of tbs assistant A/Seenall la WU rare' UT* dilatiall. The Intone ISX Till be made out by thweisistsat Ailmsers those who 44 to comply, sad the pasally bbabea. arts! A WILSNIB, Mawr, 09 Melt*, Dt.trlat, N '' .lll AILY EN that bans smoked Obi Poster bt /Wormy sibs*. sod by me is Lobo - L. Won Kuldiessz. Raw amity, Psonsybraals, dila as the lath day el batobsr, 11441.4 all peons bre hereby notided not's* demi Vito the add EIsTsSI an s 7 1000 tUA. of 'as ay scoot. - ' - o. W. TINT. Batisks-July 1,10.3 t 240 IS. .011114SMS ; 11.._ b f. i. ; L I li llin etn ii i tbrri. dari; char ap Omagh To stiff% 40 bbbh - Applay, cupdzied. prism: For igo at km vim, by WIBB i WILICLIIIION, — . saWliaitilitfor Undo and Itettned PJ Prirdom. AA unelostaillar 000losla• - D son DUOS lAKICK JILL, wartant. 64 ' ilandani - l 'zirD b zi. aen ••• • a) at.llll Warm arsa. I-lA"othe.-151 bble; ` N o.I; am Intl . na flu ale 11: JAB. DALEstr.SON, 09 sad 10 Water atm& atig&SN-40 bble prime Utensil on NA 21,1 awf infool• . - , aoo 101T~ mind. rralill.)l4lll+T.4 limns 'who are drift. `oto ion*/ to letoliptioa tor. ono,' 101 l logo to tto Ootrosiptiout Allot Montil6lolt. or Wm) Ida to built' tadV the at . Monad SSA Joint allpoustst IWO Otorta - to looms • ootottlaue to too toltpisoololeiliesor. la Sol It totook odnautto to nil on sho, so S. oat lolly tespond vSlt Shots, 10. , , NOSSINGS. Ho. IN joust strost;Ooor lkotttliold mod. •'. • • EXEMPTION .FROM,TRE DRAFT. 133FT/IICIATIO. .Tetwima by sof~d for woliaolo; good for say airothroOfOo PO!** Pa renVA T re • «Ai:, Vatasal ittistAL. . 1 it ':UitiPPN , j lGale ir "rind itisairlilUti. Nip - S. 'Copt. Jr. 11. , AIegWWSIOU losisett.theabuto dom. iP•OO 6 NR* WO* DollOth WOW; d ot to 0., lac trolois or pomp tool 4 so Ipooot toy -Jo turiPLACIa. moat PC V1C.310.11,11 /1".041.16&11 , , (040. ‘Arbiltaigh; parobare-too- chola lota or groom& mock 10 het 170)7A AptisallATlgill Amos 1)7117 dap. Apo to 4 111:4709117117STA in St Warta*. mat% house of 8 or nwr -4 4. 4 airy ,1° " 4 ". al r•,t.. K tylia..lollo.4Al bt& piano Unsung; . Cream; 'th !to,* b ' e •t al. " cuss. a =aunt. et Nealtidbery dad. Litf 81.40 A: a•ND Trakklintiesit for eollrortntotko Storm at ski -41011 0011%141r. KOPOik bUte2lllll.o/ JILITVIIIBOI3I COAL mg Manias,oltbLO.Wr4 11.0 e) 81110/1111§ 9.r: LEAL It= bits aim! stitte - 0111.• alike ikon. pony. WU tho 15sii OLT. toot:, Stir OW; lark sod Lim to no dish eistlimettikaleoradot took tlans sad Limb alaplitionalotal! to append of and danotid.' __ ml of&otiltka Cal and nook to' Imo VI pawky , : - _ Payininito, to , bs nolo Mee* iittabilsof 10 pie amt. oo Wear, Ike kmalkerisien of aritracs. ' pro to Is otorsies . tie 111011. lIAZXWILL, 111%,ftliklhot dilooooopion sad sulloood .Ito. Dodo_ Ins t or toe- Use so *saw may tor. — JAM= Tliotisell'i Nnitnier. olkooef Pltkibarypi Goo 4304 1503. rpo StURPBIII3.- OF • FREGIELT 'UP .2. TIM ,11.12212111121 AITEIL-1112 Tooktiddi lutetium& orniagooduts to rea l = idood2A of 1242212 Boots elf duo 42,2k0dy brtwa IFllOstuuteoal etiro 7114,12 CallaeCtiOa .11222.22 Irolky,balli goods titsthol thosordats will tof twastmod *Mitt voiles di the L. V. ldepoti az Pate skeet, and tot. wards/ado t Roptiodtr. owl dopatcb, stooatomay. - , WBIGIBT; • • ..22 212. -- • he Ix it . VLAYMINGAM AUCTION :44 - lor XsairTllllllBDAT NY*lO - wags Ilk iii $ **Ai mallow at thdlloodetilaAltaledtladdo•ll6 - 20* , la' . i . • .okdidaia' , ' Ma . . tilmittadada laltadltai ''.lt w 1 ilt° ' rupglindlia• . ' llatadatulort t • Ulla' IN WHO an aaltrlll um, ani • w te told 'Haat MUM .r 1111" .111) rERTIR NoTi Comirameici THISIODAN. lcl7 1 GO, pd ending 55 FIFTH BTBBBT. To 4 8 111GRIALL,11ti t., Important and reremptory nal Illy trade Wes of HATS. Ix TES CITY 07 silooniax, L L, DlTtliei nth, *-,0.1 JAnics a. pax r. •0 la Will all by _Aactbso, at Ws Wan... .0, =nor Bar ' moue sad Wllloughby.stoota E., „win, L. I. OK i (nay. Tborsday &Meg tbo moo the oaths no' Boa of hi, otauttlactory.' east,.., dog .:, um. DAT, Judy 160, Vin, at 11 seel.elt o wbon be oral Our a fall 1100 of FUR AND WOOL HATE, Of awry issmiptiod, In lob tohatt ruchusts. la oelllng thaattentke of the trade to the alxree an nouncement, the =Unlined bop to state that to the Wes for this mewl the same prirsaiplas th t hese chsracterned those of the past wild be wily wined. Taffy will not only embrace Ids entire pre.. dacton, bat this, of other bastifenmes at well. Among reptitation.thos esoaring to each tab andel sad complete assortment et Mimi adapted to the Orden will be roomed tem thin not able to at. said, and will be tilled eatiateetorgy. the Hate will be prepaid for =pectin by Han. blue on thomondng of the ails.. -The satire olferinge edit be told without sums. /ABM H. P111021.41i. Auctionem tier owaiDakints of Hets, Batters' Tetumbp. sae Straw "1/00di. are solicited, and will be sold ea faverab e terns. •NAVNK KNOWN %V VAIL I DIXON'S BO!Kline ,BUCUBMIIIr CiIIIIUTITI, TUG 110iiM ' 111121 Win 101 DYSNNTNIT. DIABBILIA, PLUM. OHM= DOBBIN/ AND MINIM COMPLAINT. The Laminae sales testify to the multi of this rowdy. The numerous &fly rriorte of salmaletting cane idiot be Taw. It bee edventsgoi oar soy saw noway, at owe owing the diem% Sad imputing tone sad etrogth - Lhe geom. I sib sad hantdell tome bthat; s$ palmed hi • the oda% ease. Ts the eollter, modally, It i11111119.11=, appropriately tamed by them. In mazy The Soldiers' H'riendr . .• • Mothers tad It superlce to iney soothing arty far oblides* toads& treed from the Worker Whim= or biItOOTIIM. ere" rest to the anthem by mantes the &saw Bold by ropy:tato dram ersirrhere BBrPr:o. MIS A soma !JCL F. DAVIDSON. A ALYtllq .. .`"_ _ altlll/11A o w mu . Pas .2.111011 We. iiitp L 11.1 lot • Tiefinj aotepod the LobLp tn. the isle of the sea rus uLs.t, mined neer IL Lade, no.. I ta• nto ea. atteatioo of Lbw ibet et.-1 tasoutactarere to the An.l)ele gla , u swirl, ea vpo , ted bp how L. . Ham of Boetue. mad 7.0. 13ooth. Medd. phte, which, together with the lint of actual expel. sem by maaubMarere to Pitsabarah. Cane bused end bt. Lode. determisms It to bt t i e mullet and most valuable C kliOln4 whether rent P or &maim Pots mee• trots. it have stood to the Glees rumen tram 6) to meth. iDe brusiyele is of - tee Clay; se -trims from the oda% witsout say .mmidat preyeastloa what. em. It venom gust' edbadmassa see et wealth'. which are not stoma by the anb i srs= hub admit of the admixtere or a law pre/RAM al duel or barbel olo.Y. I ot now_ pmeassd to on Orders gm the Moe Clay. Cloy. be ebtPled train Lt: bode or Minted hetes ALEX. GORDON, No. 121 BIOOND ET3UT, frAhrra: UrANTED—Cossureenmarom—An in teMgeot and good looktog yomeg moldier of Washington counV, desires to oorrean with moms Gtr young damn' of tho skansid county, with view to tap, mem, tristiddilm or Maything to relives the monotony 015 moldier's lib tous matrimony. 14. dress, With nal nano, JAMB A. IIIIAUXOnT. 0., A, 100th Fs. Yob., ath Army Oarys, Department me the Ohio. o beinniarded.l Oat WANTERO • itaml—Wowant v Meats at SOO math, =puss Isida tma mtr car Janata , " Poway Wok; Down, and able now, meal sad curio* aft tlas& lis di. cabin patine. /ahem, lisSeasif met SHAW ' 4! CLAIM Blddatordl. I ANTICD -47b , A mom I—l Wont to tdn Alvattu miry ' amity id $75 a inaily =Whim Pad; to son LIM , * l s la webs maw& Adam!, Arll.lssswer • Alfred, Yates. ....4W :F L:It.• opened for the '.4! BEDFORD EirELN.GI3; Sts pilaw mum ... _ - - ____ ..; acomsoodata of agtois thil7e -1-owt or lam — tv,. N/llLT,Aad_will he kept era Willa of adobes. ~.... •1 4 ite Hotel winks maw the chap of expaisand a iimatini. madman asilaagemeat hos been made be :A ono sours tuuMWou to goats. 4 si 'The liallbal .11ailreall will be oampitted Ina ant i ii. dap to Mount Balsa Station, dx and ow half Naas -- Ira of Ballad, snot from thst point psessazess ea bo ootauyed to the Brags in Ara dais haste sad it Z k ple errsaaaawas bait bees nude to imppkr '4 drat* and lataiduai with:: Wind Wa ....L..... ter to slaildad cake, at the 'Mowing air, at the tti Jot ball berrelAwaspir .. plkaa......Bin " S . w barn% (o 40 —.- - .1 191 . . .., w half baud, (oak, ID 'ealai ... " . u..-.:......... 9 la. -- 1 Ali adage eddrssesd to I. L. ABDIBISON. Bed. f 1... dad. ittwaptil dial; sat antis net to say 'past of ~:„,Z the ermatcy. It is &shuttle that. pastimes dim* 4 Boas should be him lbs. suiting barna. , Pomo wilting soum, es say twormation waossa. fag UM Bpsiaas, will_pleass addnes, uTfin HO. flaliTake - 07 DELMOBB. liPB1.1100." v.. q :pig PUOTOGRAPIII R 0021114 OOIRR=B rurni-AND MAEW STBIZEOf Oland td delta, over Itieliattletat's Jewelry Stated t: PiOTOWtArOs it 176 istge . oFid It)* Plata Waal hole the pobalar Cute de Vette to OWNS b • sbl z Lpt:. gin} Lib En? ItzdlttllMlLlMOlotoeld pittioalorly all Os b iontbos ot thionia‘Aint_ortost WWI ooirr • b l 4 l7 . ce ,Pal.o 4 P lig i m ra , Wet nigkid b 1• ale dmiiitexi a sHlti,2 _•- _ -- .arirwmtiiriu=Ain k owsawth)n OMEN 83A88 701108 - • AITs-Y3TAINIs PEI ra. - num wxtz, 'kw% LAID roues. • - Ipa]intLGVtilfcrk. , ti4Lsoin loao3 •, Raoul; rosoz Fmk,: rawilyatuouzs ..L.T3T AND r 030.8 ladsituti olborl'UltPs lisaidlugund ' /too. asap* N. au& as 04 111:1XISIbr.Welk a 511611m4 R>ttaa an Ida 111114414 itt * A j outhz .. • r, NEW 0014088, . . .." masona. i ncr •f ttoaLittnium wasuttion, boagai ft ar rdietnik. . 74•70.6;:4A.CE8T1M •,; moTION VO 430 MORK Paoli willlosimoslya.lAtVA'.o4lC O r 9 001 iN titu allita001‘.411-litillittlatt!Bir 11144 kr the 611 41113paiairy Alai AWL bekokrein Melds mom Or misliestna: sift pore; Beast at B aker ' s . tat 1mpii,1,174 Onrbetcritz - • liMtd so u - yrdi ft , paimhitm. VVlligil;.+Wo Aare - Ail - day Asa tipidni e.'wotrr;tok. muu *atm 6. V11611)169•6.6., Tlxja*Wi win mom , watavessa Alwa rTLED'Y. Yell% & YolillilL Pittsbar&b, Joli. 186.16%4'. kilda IM:1:MINATI. 0 prnionnaz, PA. mrifklynnTl ' scant
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers