e .. .. , . .. z- .... ...-... i if,. .`, -44 ESTABLISHED IN t'ißi; GROCERS HEUER/ waoLusms inmizo .-511"..1 conctictos LigNl jrniotw ou nibl -, ,::1;.? ret47l 1 PiTIZBURGE. setac • • • the waist of ku late " " ''.ls = ineli tailer Ala tl alPultdma te the of bli Made • 'roux ~ ..4 ... K ...,lby r ~ W - • • - a . 1 I ihiT,OS ie . i . : 4 . 4 14 l ii r IN 't Ns, 0 I i zzap.. re , it. ( • • Arr. ano.4=veltiat, 4 - 164 e InrafD:iDiWDosaldllltllbozgh. 1 - Z ra11t7134°162. 4 1 41 1: .3^ endA WHOLS' 00. 1 1 4 , ass Ooxzwroa ,OZN i tra N. 0 16 211 N TOBAOOO, tmes„ RICN. ara., .N 0.112 sad 244 Liberty Et, sollay fl„R)j P. AlTlngli.:*•`lentlia.....i...arli+ $. imam. - 'reWerWWitolsoWs 1111000180111 to • dealers Co Mal V AND TSOCIBE , rzottoziaar,s p h Bea. ni algal* Wag OM r . baz il l4 2 --Putes„--- - . ---- , -- , 77 --- . .. i. - 4 t • ' • irtied/T - ' ', .2 %Maim B. itimt, " • ' ' astazik illitspes.: 41,1 i .:, , ~.114 ...:-/ . .1 .3 lar4r;:r - - • I am brumes MAJI9 4 . ~b, , t* r , qeSSeea 0 99.1 q head al avri4a3ls _...._..... a....• , • agar 0.1. MIL K .. ' -,45-,‘"•E t rOI , B.VONES*BON a Wadatait` 0- ..- ~ - 1 , aiaiiiighaii:sewif iroi6am, Nikes In I T.T4,;'1101 3 4 - '0A124 di lLlk PIM t , - . 1 ;-, - 11 ' iptnekhat. .3... ••••• • • lin.l4l 3 Nd. _S_,; ex - r.' I, abonsltialtaanuennialido; ttsburgb, Pnban- '. ; ,:111....,Z , sanion aaran. v. /wawa., ir '',- Vrp MD.itiStalUe'tt 00., NAIRN a& 3 . 3 2, , 1 2 -3.3J3 , . ' ' -Ctuiltheftii:AED. reannanuni ,' lir A., IMC 'ln PIIDDUCIII-and Mtn. -' lnannoopant, Pittsburgh, INALLAgi ' Jl-1 ' ) "• 1-1 r (X.), Wscaa• elh :C>Kl thielhati Rabin* Dmus, No. 6 . • 416 .4 4 a.l „ jam wuaoi. . . .. • .., ... ..r....., 4w. A .41.:. "l=i , f t Witouumug (bur - - ,-- 04/ffusna xxacagurts and dealers ha Pittsburgh auusubmatimalisaitt.Libt ,srtriststist,`Pittsbur ;ito WHOLLIAn. it - r i t4l4l we la wilrilliatal 111Wiums, sad dalliers la sad 86 front Wart, L & TILWORTii CO.; -- 7 t3etond meet, of , 'auras nets , . :10101 FLOYD Co4lWacuriaams Gue• 111 erssi um Wimpy= Minium, E. IT/ Wood —..— z:l sad rat lalbomp auftivrtustnargh. Jol6 Y - ,ukuslii iss wain- 111''4"114 5". 33- "a 1° W.'°4 . trarek:P. A t.b.320,11 KEW:, _VV.. .l a_oLsa&i.s ..a... of eau Arm. 6a 0 ti V anat. Nubian .41.a.4 - 11P.derVILIEIta. TlAltilliL BENNETT & SON ,ltaaa• rilatiiitas or WHIZZ EITUNZ CHINA AND • ; ,- . 4 OIIIALIS ooLosim iweas. _ gIigrOMCJI uD Wiliillooll /1.? Zit). T 4 rum {tact, Prrranman, AL • • mhl6:lpl•r •,a #fateaurrate—,.........i. itatreitk r. star. :M ACISLNTOSII, Hk UPI:LILL Co., I ,, JIZL-eornet , Wks sad Crilitatetreete, war the City • Watar. - Warta, Pittaberyh, elenufacallers at 1114011.124T05H AND kilierPAILL d IMPROVED PATENT OtICILLATIIitiBIII.6.II EIiGLNYti AND SLIDE VALVES, of ail aistaaati beefoo,Via. _.•A • pat atachitiery Tof Watt pectty sad o • • ,•• batiquality up , la are prepared to do halm Job^ -^ ;; ' • Wag, sad solicit work in this llta,.trpaticat 4 % • proiaptaamosad the character of otu sock, to merit ... 2.2_ • Wri e l ite wil t. I atteattatt Co oar BALANOED OBTI2Lif - jaifiniEff, as cocubleiaa .. adranf + Lr "haretofora tmattilnad fa this clam c 3 • .: ,:••••,.) t:. • -i) 4.111:1#141 V, -ILAldilaiN a ou., ~ ti.:..) ;:..-. c :ay .1,3 ,", •. . ... t:. • ,:,• , . '• , ".•!..;,.z , i':;,, ,, ;•1-., z. 7. ::' 2. 0„. o f niikaa VaLiety 'struts. • 4 ...- • • '• '- - • • : -.. • - 11 . 11=111/011. Ps., , . . IliMl2lollll2ll4l‘lfiltp9ll. aisonterzsz myLktf . - - „:, Agetliaibioffiv J!iii.l 60 W,m Se., I t•Z11."-• , 111111111allianliekBOILlia Rini% • q;.' .11.;:: -...,..; ..' 0 AND .841/WIDAI4 4 .".,..: ',la b.z7 Afinnal.deirlpags:),e/ An :...1111111rateUmdie WWl* PTIEZB and WV .carimori. *tut ma% midi la at them imam. ..„..-: ' .:, ,ri ..4figlltiliortiatia teddiallY en bad& larik,US latosity strest ar adts I 5 MI • = • iosiaukatarers of W , r lona ./ 11 7 51011 111 110 s € ll , . Miginll). W aami s/BX. . t.euesio sidosed as par 1. 4411111L111...mrn diarit!t W. 011.143.1011, G - mvotais;PLuzatarn a T r alairlM47 imam • übrio,iuro viiiiNe. 19 god amt . rit ra. , Now liliEllin Arl/b!IU, igfc. • • lIRIIKEALIID YUMA. .• •• • Timmiutris, Lunn Wapd:PASLACIA;IO 1J0A1.41.140D11., !;--; •„, ; OM: /Ka JIM .strielorq4ll/24me akar* Wadi, Illtnistaa 4 44 . 31 :d Maar 'alio.' - - - L....„.„...,: a .sktilidiEkti, et-liti.W,' Intimate - at -- , , -..'.- PJ --'- •' WNW asp 11VaieWlicirrillxzwis, awl acla a. , - - ,. - - -e ,0,, 'await, 114 R, tatidaysta Calia,i%lilal-PAA4OI4 Ma. 611 . ..; .:.• ...,:r. 9:-.: • , ''' rlitlii - M.MLWRilhusix_iiPiaiii _. I 'l ;Ariimin* Ilio4-11e-41• 4 Wootl And, Wawa ”-"r• Mara and Diamond allay. Etitabaralt. Pak: • - 4 Dzarrisrair. JOSEPH APAlCkihntsins, Connelly's sad Gnat Meta, r - ' JrNislostrA. p o w*" Dr. =gout ,"5 f' ` likeplptif/5L16,11.111111101111/111011.. .2 4 ~ : ptvgrite;4oliNiirrozca CQ. t swim -_V T um% Buss. ikkiiiitunwionowas, 688. Joe ' - fasimemi, WIL 57 Wood alms, rittandsh.. soso ars-w.,-bocasztain ncocoam, Ho. 66 Wool Midi, wit&or to the =raw of Tlicd, Titiaboxih, IPa. 80WOOL lad SAW WOOLB constaatly oa Mad. . - ffiEM TALlN.ffluirgils, _ - , utildril. 'HORN E, Maim 'lx :Tam mums, imoutiano tria,T_NorAtto. 1T Weld mnri. Einoints. 6 P l l — ETUN, MACLKUM ULU, DZILIII no Ncolomosastoisocoo Morton, etc, Nos. NO- et .ifius.dzA tarigrE .aez,irrs. ILATiLLIAIi . WARD, Dimas gPimp ff. Mom Nona, Bozos, ZoiTiWilia, and all or - olostso kr oram. haulm aut. wagon LOMdld through soy woo/ tsontudoto . Thar ottani: to talon tiodr Haag to good 66. wand dim ;Ma ocouitodcattoossad latidolowo strictly isottod. Ofiko, Moot ottold, ;nitwit* fit. Pl:dit od', Vettoolta. 16 w.aLL Paegits.t jrtbiktittSAALL, thILLIIIII;WALL • Puna, Bosnia*, a0.,150. ;a W06+64411 / 1 7 _ _ YALMAIii • a • WoOtriti Dram tu soNswra, SIAM STIMIETRIM MAL sodirrlikir 400 DP • .• YNDLIi BUBB SE OLUTHlbiligt4) . aps, oodfo i n i lea e s4Z et wg : l iuu tz tW =the Bablq Dertl' op. Otsir !inst. • pgialpirrt , -16•0•#_WOmpr that Do usa ameasedse thorn la*" L. il.llU= lsig I cilliars!'. 1 ! . .F1 11111 1 'toad Oldr ' • •e•- . - - -;iv:•.:-. • ' , - ‘ ------ '' , :4l' , ';` ,, ' , 7 - ,,,-7, - , -'„ -5 , , ,, , ... ....,,-----: ~,,,'.[ ..,' 4 - ':' , ;:, , ,- , ,-;-. ', , z .-.1, : ~,, -,., 7 i ••=,,,. , 7-...: , 1,',/,.. -'"-' ,- 7 , -,- ;;; , _,„:„.,. , ..„7, . - - 7 . .1.,- , ~ .._ ..„,... ~ o k - r4,:,'..,.'•: 27 .,, ..,-,2: , ,•;: , .. - E '- - _,-;,`:, ,, ; - 7'"._•:': 7, a ,. -;'1, r :,,17 -, 3 7.7,:kr,7•:;,•-•-,'4-::,,,70,,.,V'.7,>'.:,,;,:-, ...i5 , ..., , ,&.i4 , 2,;.:.-2;-:-;1:.." - S , k:;: . T' , , , N-P,'Lt , ', - : , J1 - ' -..,,,`,,, Ovli-..-„,:r0.:“ i„ , ,i7;, , , ,, ',:ir ~,---- ~1•, - ,',.:' ~ f4,,,..,,..L . ,,,,,,e„?.. , ~,,, ..2,,,... : , , , 5; .•:,,,;,„...,,,-; ,r.k1,,:,*-...>-;,:-1;--V,s7L,;',...,q,.',g;.&a,,,,:r.' - Vers---,t, , ;, , -1,y4i:24, , „ , : - 4.9 ,,,, :.4 - ,,r, ,,, 9;., , , ,,, , -, ,\,^41, - . , 4 , ~,,:,,i,, 4 ‘4..; - ,,4 •;,,,Aao 4., „4r.,...-4,-41...-rt,,,egr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t,tphz-g,nivt,,,,,,,, cik,„..,..,q,,,,.., i +'' . - . 7,' - r,SY- , ,, ,,7 '! , i , i- , / , ` ,,,, V a 4-1, - ;ai ,, A . Wr - Z , C. - 7"0-'44,5:7-'\,t-,7,,N4,:.4.,,ari,..efc.ifiXa''.,:,,,vz,,,,,,p.A-,,,a-- P - -,,,„ T v.,: ; . 6 , , t ,„ :0 , 4. .. 4 ..,., ,r, ,,,,,,. . 4,4„,„„,.., ."s444VA-fkS4',..-','..7.:t;:i.:4trA:;>;5i,n,,,."4;•"N6-4,-;"Air:P.,35;,,47.,:*3:?,n4,4",-,1P.414x-4,---'" ' - '''' " '"' " ." ''` .44o , -t , ...., ~. ipr, t. X . A, :t . e , %,. 1 , 4 , 0r), - ,-- t , „..,Z, A. ,,, 0„ ,;: iii,, -2.4, - ;„ ie t,i , „...+1.-...5. , 47 . k . r4j,..f.,, ,, :t.. -, . - -s__- • - ',. . - - ~' , ' . IR C.ELL4.IrIEO us . GIRDS. DIIQUISNE BRAM WORKS. - 'OADIEAN* CRAWFORD, Evwflur.ers at rify j nez.iso or ' Await 'S •.* • . ilium WORE You zrannizes. ferwur - olk 4?4, s TrTzw62zantivim A3D Baum warms. win .deontskos. imbuia order. STEAMBOAT WOMETEUSADD RU. IImUG, and BILPAIIIING pteemply.atteedidta. Tatn i tleaMnannaDlFlNlS, Aho, Solo Agents be the Wistarit DEntet el Pam, In the sale of MAU_ LACIODELL WaIarATEVT,MPRON PUMA, the ton am temente& Raving no nine, It St settlebi• to pit oat anndat. and will throw mei sates than any map of Mee tie inn AIM If ma ss timitbAsid ITITABORGII. PA. 4LaBeiNIOUR,-/- , i ‘..„ A. L. WICBI3 & BRO., &ow of Pray Ind Onesurei filawb. 'OZNIIIAN DON NISEIDE AM Agents far the ale at DOTON'XiI DID AND DAINTY ?DAL Bsooteamconatinment ell Idnis of Natant Pro. tam, itadineti Anwar thalami H. D.—ltallroad track In front al Warshooiro,, IBM fa • William H. Smith a Co., Pi I I = l, Vk„ O~IPt Erhaphard, Wardiantat Bank, Baltimore: Fowl, td 'l 7 44 l lohotiabl luta:sad lie tha haatlas ill parte 1 . • , dam cat ammo 11t el o "ta RIAU*, a a. a - ti t weddigtoi spa? Pittabursly; tArkaw • Asotir .- • - , ;1:,-„CialLIMeill FANCY MB; , . GMT /OR OAPS,OOLLA211111:11,0=8f arary eartaty aai style of tba abavaipOtalaosloof and for rata at , X490&11 & Oa%B, aolO No. In WOOD BTIVIIT. • rinEi uN D /MS, . - P/ITOBURGH, Adt. •` , A , A.R1L;1111,07117.8. as c 0... litalitrotorno a. . alsr'Qttd`ilTiistralD Gen. equaro, Plat and Ootooon, ot slim Warraaited aqua! to Pay bawled or naortiootarod to thlr aountl7 , . , 'warthog's.; im.142 .1 1611118! wad WO and LtailtOCßlD EITAUTO, Pttlatrool‘ (•11:10' A l ILL, sew IUoA.N VII I Another arrival of GEWT'I VINE TIMM= CAL/ EQUASS TOZIO `HO T F.. • ariNSl : sacrist a pair, at ,TAKBB ROBB'S. No. SO ktALLX‘t 1/111/./2 ervirO 141 lit UMW, s4 , IIi.k.4IIIIWKICBS, TORPIDOICS, /LAG 3, lINIOX LAIITZBEd, 11,1051ZiOb t •o. Mid. W. , II.IIDITZLD havlng sires us be wily Depot b Mellen Lane Dr kb celebrated 'Fan PIDWWW MIS WORKS. We arepespand So easehbear en the totes aborabb bros. for cab, best • OILD CROP OD.hOLIGBA azd TOD.PLDOIDS, at the bond meskat Wee. Orden sobbed BUS altU anraptle attended to. itGES Imparters Toys awl Fancy Goods., SS Kaki= Ladyowner cd !DIM= barest, mytasm Sic TOIL. 11.,)LUM111214 1 _,LURS ABU. !TRAM .L nTTIRcr.=-RAIT ESTABDIDWISIET. ai CO., . • AUL= IX Ai;:dialhMtliw , It , 4 - 5.19 - V H 1,3,11 • _ MMJ T 1) OCT. 8, 1861 Dealer, In LIAD .erea. MICE MAD. 111- MII Ml* =KM liRLIIMILLIMUI, IMMIX% and PIIC/10111. Dweiltop fitted=Pau cold water and vs in tks most inwreWed . Do. 34 (but side.) IraDritAL 11171111; barow iloitigfeld blawif,7l.ll ta m ,Mar ftlittur. A LIAM,WitidION. W, VALIAT .1)1. - rennairit; Plusenrgth 141.! . imirWtazioces No 1102 Ll=e i trielL i za = 4 G 16, 1 " firATO u2ictuln l44l7 ' P Imam ears, gum itivier.sw 4Witarti" _ 5.. 4, 1 7 101w rh ! tabite, tad agolikeed lo Ink a. mama- WAD YARD . . _ - • ' .Zt'ol3 . - . ' t.i..1: ETAS& If. CLAIM! I 00., E:=1!1 oomoo WL iki i kwi L L nom,imeirria PA*/), um; mg BA asp Mit CrldlY:' prooreff aadorsoi put Mill &all Cimino% .•: ; Tf • LW., Boiler NV ..Aaskusitadiabia - Iwo Workers, PALS 11=11114111Iesak 114ffat LI" lietlng Weimer I =74•lollMilmaii xi* thlip•s t n r atiac C aein a , we _are elled to mu Ateetlptlon.atnes best wientated to en nude In the coantry. MAI BM. MAX Blames ; antnizenivk auer Assmazis,orr, sTuaa, , .tsrriero3- BRrT.LtBG PLIIB, 1501.11 , 11112DG ABLIAKAAN 'Wade. *Ma al ' leaidefil all • • • *Mlle. , -.-.;. I r i V31'411,-Aileit/r, 1 I.?thilikilf ViTZULTA . •:•rdir: . ... -7 , ir, ix In 6 es. bottom. In the .._ • -4 ::,.; be entitled to mobil 4.M1 Utanibi Ad dlledurbh sad . 111adral Wateibi: Ildidattovedoir, • dime *Mal" -Miss , Yam la tamp storstog regalarbyt Ibilyikiplatoklyibly ii.dictioim ofoot on the word coups ~ , =°ailiamonia On ' •tr , • sea -, . gi66.45.18. .. -•„„,. • - , bold by Hama PAILIII ' ''li OM " llitl• - 1 -b =l".. , th° .11*-' IS. W. ORURO a oo.'s 110 DA ____ • • rBao kr eats at the:lmmat market ado, Oii#olk.kik,l9 the maths , at _ 10aasaibts Nos • ' 1 1 / 1 114.11A 010 ' . . . . 10.111111101LIL01t PIPZB, T misty, UNDIR TEX ET. IL B "he Tr.& pappliod katlng *AL ', • " ..• e want% 1 0.11 , 41h0wl !; 60 bolt. prise Dry Peschirsi(baDep)i 760001., wino Dry Appleg, - lObbaklllnt Hosslnn •- 26 dozen Berl &vow: , • Juat reecho:l awl ssis at No. ISO DOOM! send. NELAbiI TAN 0011D1111: N EW _ POO dom Iletwksjir. I and Si faierZ2Sti...r. ; - SO do Ono Poythimr, Ed do 800 Dockop; ,Now nett r i .01.4 est •sae , falf- , - ,4 IDDLE. No. LIS Utiktir atrast.' MIDDNITILIE AND 81•A11t OIL of . 11741 4 44 4 154- 4 171 e " g"ti 111 as .I•l s ''' • • I' a icvirttuAl. !II". 11 1 9 ass. u: kpuo t is 40.4 • and maing ;MUIR 4 888. ec:ze ban 5.rt,..4 • Meat 110/lOtt .1_,*44 1 1 14 =ISE :•; ai liL'l-G:'A PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORN MG, JULY 10, 1863 fittfiburgit sSauttil. •B. RIDDLE & CO., IDITOIIB AND , rsopar arm', PIIIIIOBIIOI Offite No. 84 Fifth Street. AND II iternw =rams, DAILT. OONTATITENOTHIII4TTOT Zirin OP TO TIM 891311 mi. PuniciAnozi. PREPAY ISIOBITERG, JULY 10 The Mel"! lit Washington... Speeches by ilinclayeeident, Secretaries Stan. ton and:Sennake, °anemia Tfaiilea,- and Other". - i• ;i' '. • • -- •• Prom Mie.spocdal dispatched to the Kew York Vaasa and lino, we make up thelel. lowing amount of the rejoicings in the na tional Capital, and reports of the interesting - spading by the Paisidelif, Ike Searetarlis of , , Mate and War, end the Otmeral-in-Ohlef, oic, thinteelpt of the good new" that Vicksburg . Willem ntrirendered to Geuiiil Giiiiii on the 4th of Jay. Wienalarrox, Tuids y July 7, lift. ~,- 4 proceisicoo With bands of mule proce eded tethe Brieutive Mansion-this evening. The wend iood" Went tomes* and there were hi addition to; the , Pitrlotle strains of mink, repeated. -cheera-lor -ins President, Meade, Chant, and - llosserans.; The President ap pared at an _upper leindolq and spoke, in substance, as fellows i TEE PniatDlWl o ll BiginCE. Yellow-Ciiisinun I am very glad indeed to see you to-night, end yet I seta not may. I thank you for this mil; but' A „do utast an-, merely think Almighty God fan the ccossion on which you have called. "Cheers.] . Bow long ago is it—eighteedd years—sines ea the • 'Weil of Jell for the fiat time in-the history of Mie Enid • _,ruitioit by itCrepresentatins, l'arissibled and &dared as stiff-evident truth :Ittift - ,unll men an created.et, E.W.O Cre.l Thaterdi the birthday of the Wed Sor Anitzlia:,.l3liiiiithen ,hell o of July has had severed poodles reeognitions. • The two molt distinguished men In the framinly. and rapport of the Peelaration were Thomas Jefferson and Alit iddions.--the one 1 having penned it and the other sustained it. • most fOreible in debate—the 'only two of the fifty-five who sustained Mating sleeted Pea -1 ident of. the Holism States. , Precisely fifty jean after they put atilt haids to ibis paper l it pleased Almighty God• tot take, both from 1 the stage of aotton. This Was Indeed an en treerdlnary and remarkable "vent in our hie tory. Another President,five years afar, was called from the stage f existence on the same day and month of the Year ; and now, In this last Fourth of July just passed, when we - have a gigantic, Rebellion, at the bottom hat which is at 'Mire to overthrow the princi -1 pie that - ail men were enlisted equal, we hare thei,iiiiiinider of epos tp.iwiirfai position and 1 army on that eery day: Vain] and rot only , to, ent-in a surausion of blames In Penn sylvania, near •to us tlirnugh Alin" .days, mil rapidly fought that . they. might be called one groat battle on the lot, 24 and .Id.ot .the month of July; and on the 4th the cohorts of those who opposed the de claration that 'all men are created equal, "turned tall" sod run. • [Long and continued chairs.] Gentlemen, this lea glorious dime, and the occasion for a spettok, but I am not prepared to make one worthy of the occasion. I would like to speak in Wins of praise due to the many brave offloers and soldiers who have fought in the cause of the Union and liberties of the country from the beginning of the war. There are trying coos/lions, not daily in matte, but for the want of ramose. I Me nke to =retina the name of one 1110/10 officer heat I might do wrong to those I might for get. Recent events bring up glorious names, sod particniarly promiceot ones, but these I ' sail not mention. filming said this much I will now take fhe music. srstonis OF at. STAITON, 015. irtatmiCi, ITO , ITO. . •IA the close of, the President's tpeeeh, the atoll - proceeded to the War Department,and serenaded and cheered Mr. Stanton. The Secretary appeared on the steps, and made • short, stirring speech. - He said that some thing under two years ago, on receipt of •an offer or ocinditiorial Surrender from a rebel army s the General in eornmend replied: "I propose to move immediately onyour works." The same General again mired on the ens ary.'s works, and the result it Vicksburg. lie paid many Iftlt•tilig: atosidinients to 43en. Grant, also to Gm, Maeda.- : He concluded with toying:. Int. lista etrategyi the same bravery,: ohs tube indoWitiblis seal, which have driven theadiatt frond the banks of the idhudseiPpl, and df the Sasoushan us, will, in a very short...period, drive every armertnibel , from aka field, ehd every Coppern bead toiril del:" " '-, i ' t . . ~ . - The ligorenuz next introduced Major• Gen. Iralliek, who was nith applause. He alluded talks time-when he first took cone -yand'cif thio , Wistern areiN two years ego.' Slit, tired Grant a ted - 'beau Ude: his cam. mead. He bad Night:Mb* battles and won fifteen victories. , He was In Vicksburg on the Fourth, he will be in Port 'Hutson tot.: morrow ar iniiii dal:illenift Ildallf t i lti, ~,.• Seartary Stanton proposed =rest s tor ilin:Maidri, three for eel Grail; threw for cterrcHallsok, and nine for be Union, which . were erithaidastleally give, when the band struck up a spirited air. '• , . • • Senators Wilson, -W ilkinson , and 'Lila, of Kansas, end Itepresentativet Washburn' and Arnold, of Illinois, also ads spesehrs' which were frecpeartly Latenaptedhy applau se.i . 7 . , gloanikaTiiirlate4 Brion. - - - lliotietarp Seward spoke impromptu at length Aell crowd who prileirldhear hint era ttre than to follorr the !chili. tg_ Ge said : Bellew- oitleens, I. thank you for youriiiit of eanipatttlation. It.. is preVasOCkwel- Ma lielellreiiediatf:7ollolo if to'hilliddltie Inie ' tip,i4ehrt'the'larde." II Mllcartee ler for ..t Wit it, tsao "Ai one Of gone, ifaceilaifir:gliSokil end postern, et we ail throughout wawa,: orations as we, had tietribiefwiF' • ' . t ma ,p., -, , ..2 t ~t,;' :37.1r.1,1 r ~. •I•• unterar , . --- - - !'llitele.l . pirtr`aapilitlibin prising into Mal, i t "Ilfei L. tkoupht it tonsisten with tka . dak i nf • si patristant • , Christian to pert - thaL it . war if Uwe, plinibli t fled fried NoAlt.. trait 4a* 40,40 , -ry niiditbik Wald an a inttikabletduilot I t tileoprayorpot oor Serairk.. t the .inip. rbAstualierw of which was understood ISmsidflani; lariglit pass. But I found, milsegin.bastruelion to duty In his resignation: - ericevathetess set my' will but thine be Vone." - When was clear that Without fault angina ' - or , .. ihnolviLwar:Arai...brebili,-- • -then tholleitit 0 014 1011 1 i with duty 0V03 , 1-, Wet and a Christian r w ith etre that' the marehonitbe begun not by the - Weide of the' 17nbas,..but by its enimishoo that in -main. Wildio/"*lNiritelet Should not only ' main.' ril'catilita Igit'afiuncey, bat should be. ~ .. taiillat tie pationsi,selPfeliniie. -- Ag. - Itsestentaefest artiressioni is in every can lottlicianOlielPieferiarr In nrightecius 'ellityr„ r. ",fan that an ihithsldnat 6t 1. MU can 'lsis. - The weakest nation may resist a powerful-adverseryr while if 00. - 174*in= attitude of golf. defense ' :;Pewerful 'tietboat have been ruined in Making an isnPftr! reltedattlok upon obi infinitely weaker than ; thine:elves. I thought, fatther, that It was consistent with my: May as a patriot and a Chartist' tondo whist was in my power to ren -tir tha, war as light' lulls .oaramitior andt es Short in Its - duration aixossible. ThertfJre,' I proposed to retain on the side of the loyal : States as many of the States whioh were die imbed by.ibroltments of 'edition ' as could be »Weed bin coarse of win andjudioious conduct.' I would himiliiiii, if possible, the -insurrection confined. to the seven original 1 so.cillid sending - States. When all these renditions. had been sarared,,,iiirrfar is,wea possible to secure them, I thought still further , that it eras 'oon:flatcar with my duty, as • pa.. trios and • Christian, to Combine . loyal States and consolidate them into , one par. ty for the Union, because I linenthat Manion, !bad effoetually oombited tin *pled *ells. lola States „to . overthrown .the <Union. - 4. thought that could'bi dedroilit - Omagh tbk sacelfice of lielektualornOtite;llndieei , timid opinion!, interests, pralgisernoirluk; V t , ~...,,,,, ~, , _:. • .3 moot% prodfreil diatit-whosii , ..rr 7:, . Now' kiel - tile rigis to sige, tikmaimmillislwAriwilibli ( Jk1 , 40 1 . )0, ''e; e 7 , 1 ,1., =:,t --....—_____:. * ..icr......;.am , :Ai: ....•:-.. ;::, 41. , ~.. d. - / ; c , ... • ,__~ui~ 0. 32, tookb • ;40 - of .exoluaa. Alt ^N - u: PIT' 70,1: . • . k tt Mk. mor low.eitileue ,saeri bee I had notthe resolution to make thyself; -rdeterinbied to wait until' I should be called upon to mak• them. I said, I give u p myself. my fatolly,thy friends, my party, all that I have laid up of chorister in the put, all the interests that En ur p osse s o and all the future that I kidthouglit met: store for me. I take for inyassoothbr and. loader the first- inure and dbiaterseted man wire leads the way, sad I follp i • his guidance and sbu A stis fortunes. • I d,s lean in Andrew Johason,•of Tonnes lif,if i vaittiihe tolerated and excused:if he did.no!jutil'y -#3lirreryi.-.41"-opeoly ail allOn:ports damn T that I thetrabharted and: d• et it, arid is God knows I abhorand detest t o w.: X lOW the country shall be eared by tinellspublkunt p ar ty if it win, brtho Demortfq,puty if. it. choose, without thavoly if II possible; with slavery. if It muse.. Omens Lid In these* , 1 test, I W.a. Plasma to d tilits.Lkave 4.• : : mended ever sine ,sad no ure,sto smiths t amasser, to: Si the nittiOn't lib, should be witAkeide ~` I' itiaktathan lb'' , war !nightie endeff le _t hree onthe—in aim months-fn.skinar-4nd.l la rad to - distend: Boom, low will sureopUe *kit' ens the people, and net only sue orthity.'eombi-• nation of:. toe% ault-pould ..irli ilt , t% "4. endrtiten er ever,aad-sthev." p ie' could oily do it kfiWrill WIOCit II idetonitistioit :ea oonlittintras *iuld netowbrAteep 'nyl ons, or Interested, or,aatbitiony lopliftl be- Mts aloof from the battle} st elteuld mike it their obvious interest ..tol -upon and. 1 disoutrap the insurrection,. • failed, pp mike , that exhibition, and awns hasleen pro. tnetst into its third year; angle tie en+ oottrigement and Od tlosins station has re+ oared from the bars or II listlusness of at portions of our own ;400'41 d the latistentai of the enenties of the repaid sod , of kautin - tritidailh srein 7 ltint'flii wail ... Itsras doubt lass ordained that it should so, and there lore it may be believed tha if was bid that' it should be so, although,we y hot allowed , to indulge .oar sorrows over tlt• Aglisaluted wr nth of 'missiles which , the : r has initiated upon th e *IL ~ . esosssiox as tr iv ' - • X say itis perhaps host, because :I 'think p that this ought to be the las th Insuszsetion . thi, ratted " Buites— : the last f ort ever ada to dboolve the Union. „The ore lucre the suffering that the this; tempt, the Loss ilkety:to4soto be-repeated.{ Bat :.we have reached, X think, theculadaatint point it tuff 16 we bite ittertaltuid ntheunt of &Unifies Which in - noosseari to itS 44 Union, and the country liprepand to It.. The fora of &cation Is exhaust Thee are , no. more. Ellutot to ntvchtt irrtlOntion. The in beific4l9ol7 maw Lay ers -on soldiers to bring - into the atinglioc.!An • - Other 'Eland; it serk in the loyal l litatas tbs. flow as twinpu led Weigh , the , ground, and! time it has yielded thenththssary. hani of. defenders of W* 'the V, . Tit; ,su b deep. and is as rich in th•ehmeatoof pill strength and virtue as that which: hu- been twice farrowed: it is for - tbs , di loyal attains AO derdtle *hither they will giV• up she contest ' nor or abide) a hither And [more .00nelusive trial. , . ' . . Bat, fellow-eitiaent,l have incontinently run Into ...ape:tell and ',DE pow 'top. ("Go on, go on." "We irant.to hear you." "What of .Vieksbitrel -Viekstiarg I Why that is juin, what I use *peaking of. Vicksburg fell on the Ninth of July, and Port Hudson ' I do not doubt will. fall before the Fourth of August. When both have Odle° the United thaw arethe 02114G111d the Ifiesisdppl. The power that neviggice the -- fdinitotppi, domi nate* lo North Alnatilltltlid makes • division of the United Bistro ofiAmerice impossible. Thin I think that Nombre* 'either has by this time, or soon 'VW hive, enoupled the too ruitain - pastret of NutTrainetree; and thus by the two suicssees,the new Slave Confede ration become' divided into tour **pirate, dig. connected territories.- Whit kind of • Con federation wilrthit be f a chain broken into four tragmente, - Und thla I. only the beet:- Mit. ..•„ ' Term Witt of -OW Mhuassippl, detached from the Confederation by the Mississippi; the Territories cut of the Allegheny Moun tains separated from the Gulf States by the Federal outtpation of -- Use Tanneoste will be followed by'new and inevitable Cases of frac. tare. - You have alfeadyl KIIISOI2fi detach himself from th e Confide nt $. Next you will see A rkansu °omit into Congiuss, ai you have already seen Lonialana woe then. On this side if the _Mississippi look studply at the Old North'lltateiand you will see bet pnpa ring to return into the Union. A'strange kind of Confederate State drill beaten rixlst- - lag between what remabis+the intaripurb of Virginia and South a. Two Mica of seoession bread made int eandwiett by the litirvening Aloe of North Carolina ham, with its copious condiment of • PUT AID 11111 visuart. ' My friends, we have soon' a painful sight. We have new thirteen 'lath of this glorious otnetellatlon, shoot in -blond and Are from. theft!. spheres.. Me are noel to see one .that w Will compensate tut for all t Wage former spectacle hut gi give us, ..are, to.see each! one of three shire' Conduit'tk from Its wan,. dirfusg .thmogh . a:duos of oonomnslng *nor chi; acrd . . lab its plea ...tif lA* firmament, to fail from thence, I trust no dam fortner.. I : am sure. eLthis, berme in the darkest night of: troubles I have known, two things-, runt, that theta States could pot be altopther t ildttistiaDdsmildmorm4 l ., Aim attraction. which brought them o y together, how-... mei- Witikenedi , can not; utterly . !blebs.. And niailou'on dbrallsir (olio. !Vt. on i lloVernor,*ei want to held more."] • , our. nun/ Well, do not go away with t he irlsiMoillon that alt these things are to mme topes* with. eatluither performanos of, duty, and further, saterides.: The Union Is to , bo eared altar all only by. Inman effortmy !the - gr e rte dim tr Tat!pic - Thereeffsrts are he =Meth two faros: yolk Mutt vote folq Maim th rough aft maleterseentanti,.thd• nis i and oom -1 lolatio6;itheihei thoeciiii w ho m you have re. litmor - Tairsomildell".ll wise er _maul's' competent 'Or btoripoten nesismiator. nu. mostessiftot i Mid poovnatt, t for **Union, Stever ottaag or" giving; or ilviiii,groniod. Wore Ike. eassay.o:Non mut .bss. pr to do 1114Mi t Ton 1111Ift mehstsla 4 oar-groun d here in this, capita '.,.' ?Whet the thlielll * ommollit iddrid • la osslebratisslivatlon of our *AU.' t IIthiSNIVISI must VI before it's's * IN eliyfut*Aieh I hove slang s • thought sunk 00.4111-' *CA44 itoir.prvini'laippist,b, 4 v tird moils that meg 11l no Ibe lA:Ad - here s'' its raine. _or royal/4ms tiny resolution.:- , of the_Haltid tiMilarrivirtisii 011111V140 able the Alojoni, gall boa - 11W llrfr ' , -,UtItOyIiSTO in a erritahall her 4 rsomtroVihril*-'OISM that = Of , r quisiad . -:„.• --,:,-- ~ro fillhare ' Zit no kill or friend is. move snyo dust to" al mote mynahs grave. 6 101 - gloO1110•41 - M - 41:.the recants of the r enne.wid let the Atria wheels of thore who havidisimed thelibmitimalny country - rattle over my Amass until * more hurtle and. Wirth}, gerierstion shill that country to , III", liberty and independence... Thlilforill b i . IoY only:miwardavinsOr Oplorifefsetiamver I may. be able to do for the dslivetemmootrol .000ntris.from: danger E sO, op the other. hand,. that "wiry may visitme with whaftver mid. - Aro or reproach for shokHomings that may smarts. it j ust, but the:world shell nem hear -a - Wad - Of ootplailiot ' ,.01 "Pitti,,.#0.6 ,This_ it my IfitilUttOg.t Wii • i (41 - - NOV; _oe ' b i t ns, . f'Yonit:' whit ihould•thit boa . That /*Solution most boo that you will not wait fort draft or eonealp tion.-• Ask not whether the enemy Is near or -whether. is lefar off._.:Askjonly la there atilt we enemy egslast the . 11rillod Btatss—a: .do._ matte enemy or a ' foreign *sar ray your. tetras to meet that enemy. i Tis . 4 when the consequent demand ,, the! disc - Mon of our country or a foreign enemy •toropises to Misr room, your answer la both(!, - ready. Twill, write it down and deliver it falodias I hard dont heretofore. . Dorm oily itaud ready to maintaiolt,oslltiloor:do ...Wire sinloilk .the mkt than' In beinst.yoat torgan,i Z - iriti , enroll serail with yot, The:lleg. of the. Attila must wave net only inalk ciapitarand ' in thelrreos States, se caned, end on thWiMer sisiippl; but Most go thr mask thesel oom ouL l Stet etut Word Oltisse moan in arms AQ_ ppm" 4.• .- • • .-- 13zw awfuri .. ord.:• - ei* - 144 «40446416 SIM Oman ricarkli.tui kiNiits4 of War lin/toe:I nail liti:Wisitnanirue aniline% as t ow,w.l 1 laigiait **PIO 40A 1 0 0 lalegimivii • iiidei 411 404 Mitifiiiigji# l .He, : .1 <,. • . - . -•..2-7- ...1 ,i 1,11.0r1a Lt..: ,c, ,i ,ham: i .i.. ~_:~.ahU Iti Ada ::.~'Y, u: -. _. A Millionaire Asking the'GOVerilllela for Food . A correspondent of the N. Y. Yrslent, ,writing from Young's Point, 1.11 9 says: • The ravages of war are well illistrated by the case eta Southern min Using in the neigh-, borhood of lisydees . Bluffs, who lately ap plied by letter, to Gan. Pfuhbirse for abets tance.for, him& 4i2it tanuf, This mum was lately the owner of, siren" brie and well ' stoekedplaitations ..and vu estimated to be ffortate,whooty.;-110 was, Is Earope when thh..Waf broke oat, and did not roach America rigida 'untilaftertha lercupation of New Or, leans by Gm: Eatler..2•Bllpping throtighlievi Orlmum by sow. means, beams up tow: dna .Plintitios In Oa .ardgliborhood,,, and. was. ' roninl tire Ily'infr ineyr- H. has mad w as .roineely-fOrtnuedavishlydni ittelPti tio .. Aker, the Seassslen cause. ,T day-he Is re, &Mid to' the leassitj'af - diiiiehdlog Nan the 'ildftiA Statee'ndlitary inthinitiii ter the le; oessaides Pt liktd:Thinklot i Southern 'mil lionaire, thp .war of Omura da °felons, ..of , *to hormaird'd establisinalit In New Orleans, *fa -boosting iblunnerresidemori - hr Kintuollyi of. seven planNotiaah in Mule *A-Louisiana. ides .Askarins t dad. a adramord,,, traveled,. 'chitistitatigentielin•of course, gobie daily _toss ertimnyfabommisaisry ti. siboistoues for It Worildnid Perhipi ba'aorrect to suppose that thienaliob lacks stormy. f He hit probe; b l 7, like task of , the other_ wealthy - men-of this portion of the Booth, investor largely:la Btirapian Seorrritiel, at a provision against the Ware ot the rebellion. But money will ,notprocure evakaorn -Irani abd baoon in this. .trerourntd country. This army has every 'Meg in tlie' inry'of previsions that, there I. within acingewhose radius lb fifty -nines, the bull-imref oind split-tea moiled .doled ant to the rebel- troops inylekibarg umbel. All, i. Aka- families' Mug - this - lid the Big Sloth' slur, uteome.. beyond:lY ' linning no- Aorta feat our army, se that 1 / 11111.4X•sont— log the Angel& ipectaidirof 'ding the chil dren-and wives at-the very rebels' whom Pro' are hourly ..,killiag with :slot tvid -shell in Yloksburg. Matters - at Port liddicin. - Siam the fall of Vicksburg; the resioii io had, previously; for anzletrtm to the alsillty of Banks•to suiltsUda Meisel( It Ma 'toile*" earrilag • tri t h e siege of Pot Hudson, exist no•longert - But it to vatifylitg Solaratt a tr ladopeadeatly of.. issistsatt from •Or ty BinltsAroild • prib 'iooo path Like :work , he fut." 'undMtakeo. A' lettir frotalSew : kids; of the 30th nit, to 06.15 ft 7 . , ,Traxis. _ . - ens "Ilatiirs at Port' Hudson:, are Juuthed for ward with iteadineas and ene r gy . '- Tai point of the rebel strongliold,-the has, through the newsy off sereateen large Parrott guru, 'plead by our troops so se to completely The major who co n m i sn i an t, dile-right:CM over hands: of the work informed'me th!a; when he left Port Hudson the flog of the Uspublin was fly, log Over the . Citadel.' This Citadel letheoz , - trims right of the rebel. works, .ami fromit Cu . /gunboats noelved melt annoyance. The most vigorous effirts 'are habit-Midi atrial:Mg our line. from right to left. An attack is mo— mentarily gamma& .The tidal conflict Is cer tain to omit, very soon'. It will be mule with our works stronger and nearer those of the rebels than at any time privionsly. -A vigor ous bombirainent is kept up night and day, and this is now telling wonderfully in our fa vor. Already a long breach has been made In the outer wall of the minty, beside the 'fast carnage created - inside: The few old cat tle the rebel[ bare been accustomed to drive in front daily, to let as know they had me , are long sines exhausted." Black Neu in the Rifle'Pite. " A 'letter from Vioksburg has the follow's/ :. The notion that oolored-men are unfitted by nature for the stern- work of the warrior has been moscelteetnally exploded in this-army. I have noticed in oar rifle- pits.qtate a num ber of colored sharp shooters, the most of p t s whom went there ut - of love-for the suite mint of the wer , and bare proved them-. selves In no res t inferior to many aura of lighter - complealo . Yesterday morning, I waSpartioularly s *ok with the demeanor of aid:tot man In. on of the labyrinthian ruip of . pits in front of n. Mates dtvltion. lii see so theroug yto enjej bli occupation; and so tailor enthusiasm and excitement, that I wan led to inquire of him what motive he bad for Working there as a sharp-shooter. Us replied by asking me Ifl would . not delight in an opportunity to shoot tat Ihr men who s bad sworn to give wisrand niyuvreise quarter, when I shoubt be vanquished In a fair light. This is but one of - many luta:Ali Ili, no: tided in whisk the imppositlin- that thevebele are "men a war of extermbution spinet the blurb whinseth the Union namps hes Air-, red within the bruits of thehlteith themsilvee Winnow 'wbloh will maks .item-mash mere fothildable Alin - they Faulk otherillw be. ' Ate* who look upon - eaptnri iicipilvalikit by, death,iriff 'seldom beenkan iffve. - • --" . vas tows itllteoatinum lout theisthig f ,aiid w. fthii3. 6 6 1 1 4 6 • 11 :4 ifff ll 4 any quarter against the new epniandnr. of es Amoy of thePotinnatti lb! of . taie;"or ithethei . battlesior since. .16 won a ifiliridilde . wry, and is improving it eplend*,,illi W . Usk patohes have 'Proyed, and are stiirthorniinthdantlp ,Prbilne= /Pi ont. bat refer to them; as we bar; no spiseefoln; dal'. IA the grated work of nothing the nda - - Ws turn a tumor trona H4nisbnit (Wu,. hum tpr - Tiporti,) spait of Inetnrany bad tumid &bent 'sieve Isitie • ' 9n. tnnot- sad: . his- militia. Mir ain't bitij lltys- It: le p!,': ye think, 'al pier] nttaipt , ion," r Our. nernaoon woo wnuniod in th!xigenk Olin}a fani near bp:- no nail /ads snail irrocin Of vie ins** bon entrained ' s:ld tlin'tinltt laknonsar • • • r ;,ru ku.: ric6 =iMME2= Vionamat z - t tos' •,. tt' . • • ; EWJNG MACIiIIITE! ItAlß.Lospit;- 4 "--.•••••••• • 111DVOTE111, 11211 , 0131T201b I rhx . :.: wrayviliptile lairtarlaitata mut : Pu4131.- 810101111" sad 0 01D1114 74 1 I Hama • Anti. ono ICsped Invited to oat at sag ceasing milk' Wass, la Glorifier/. sire's suiiiia• alreatul ha aOttvibio..- msst *XIL•zSIIIKIVEiIr..& W T E RN AG4NTS, . PAssnia,il9.. ztruiri . - pisculaTl. , lpripmiimiii Sagnisiwi wilLuuchi; e o. ‘,3 , 1 0 1660bigi3ikhsain plitsbeato r .4: 3 44 , .44: 11 6. 4.101.0140Thin E ; 441 GE fli otfrric4d-arklwrkilii4,62, :Pi 3 Nli f urp=t ll olo.. 6 9, l f: unweadis ea #V e r. 11' ,...._„=",1741 11 41 , t , ta11.4 o.qicza— r . - _ s•*-4,14,(44.••01A41fAE 0 M M. . ,•• • •r, • VOLtritr__LXXVl "NO. 204 °4 B " , WALLAQB k CWITIBS, 00XXIBEION 'MERCHANTS, OgrAz*.avI.INED.P.P.TROLBTIL. • .. 14 -EOLITH:4EOOM EITRIZT, (intder iiire ' r,) for 15.000 Dbl.: 4118* ctoellint , licalteee fat shipping to American and Fotelgu. poste, as one wharf on the 13cheyikul Wm% nearthlVlttlitritt of the inns. B. B. JetAt , e!, r ' . • Ei I IiEW : E_LB,...BII.I4LICcA Cu, , ,comusszoNiMERCHANTB, ',iento Gra. 4146 / 1 * ki 6 Oa /ND Ltinwri I;LEa.i (1— t. - i °ll6 W Ut41 . 21 C 6 2 . 1 .1 adniiCra eit-Catilo"" 4-1,7/ Maailed .tOr-Clll4e - Petroleum CoiA.Dvinuss.WAT Asa HANciacia - ~' -_err . te~,u,~a~, ~a~ itIIO II . I6 VVVSTS I . IIIII 4 41,4 - m soomanssxoNlammaxmitril . J exprziiii# iriTmmz EITOBARI.A4D,SHIP., jai4 aid'! *fir(' iLD'UODNe it uaket.e. vsaLan,„ , • 2)h 14,4*swel* Li LL...? fIITIU)LIPM &ND 0 /Tel; eilopriattn OiLir, cWiD/t4S, 3„;:, 51 BROAD RAND 11111.10M.=..:..4.:4-..4 . Linnajamom oidassw , soma 3 ramani - Toesp - LI • Tam „ TIM neeit,,not NJ , by t eafoneateat of tha leant inner Um sour have thill-011 thloptd •Ttilitait toenhinctha Oly lifttairealii ttierimpt, with lettiriak, tioabta,attA th hetet! 1-1 o On ti Wlej hens Tatty liallremdzabo TatvrineaL:: Airs, whirs Oil iiptutipxl , itais :Um boats dime; to t the airs. and , shlppat ta,.aat point,ll:aareT* *Moat tot 41. &Pull aere-thiPPltlh : 4* .4 4:.; an Millteirws.ptly sttieded , . ' Partillice at ate, au Mimeo :Patelegai , ltt Polk (Moe anemia bfi2ao2, ..k itettetrght at I. ••tatt .atte chilli - at, tin aaqueiipt: - a • et De:v I,n RE- *-4 kUN CITY , LY DAY it GBOBPRNN 121 rG, Ifaienheetnrere and 7:Wlner! el CLAILBON OIL, 8147.1.2i1 AND LI/DJ:NO.=IND "'DLLS, itu:d PETBOLAIIM. INrWorks, oppoalb anarpst,nrg. Office In PERRY BIAN3K, Dainearie Way, FIZ=EI wineiosoN, 144.L.r..y a; co., Commission and Forwarding Merchants; CRUDE. PETILOLEUM, =ZI=E;:a &LIZ LivAirixia OD eciitilltimumfa . Sot Pittobarea.or Motet! Yotkott.i ' • • nnmsir laititniakrit Yfilain. J. 8. worm ;.• Ta Ck men BILL, Esq., ril'A afatilf mlialeoz Itoo4w. Al343voirm, : WC: thAMSTBSLIT, Ri#llolll3/1.0 YerArardi46 CommlUitnlfirdisott - .. • AND DJULHZ, oi4. rAVIDINATINCirj4 COLM:NGa OW= Pi:HOLUM OIL% co tar bti kassla at 4the. insaist A3a",4181..'aP7'61n WAVILLi • ,::.9.OPRELTr.raaceA.TOW.IO anittalbomaannaossawnria-014:::, Km_to. 10.14 w Ingri qatlll . ty cif Buting.NaititiOdderactd isithblit.edordaso, •irobd r u nl4s9.lkruit.NKTA su 8 9/4 1 $ 4 14 . 0 4 aroadorwm Smart, ANIS Lodi. Wont Par, WI p.ptly Wended to,- . ."-; atm:lW • f ~.. 4.4 riIUENT 01.1MORML. rgrlgws!, , . . A l 4 l l!4*MalPi „‘. ‘. nom MMUS Ann= "4.4.5}4.0yea..... , ; , ' 7 ' ' 1 ;' - ebvsnnitittiii. Pi t. TAMES - or wnt. • • EV"I*121 " . I, Zrki 901 011,121101 r I v. ;al/ 7.4 f. , .) 1. L . jonomikaans „.. A i ,•• OarAkilif. iralltat t Ofiti . Ric °tamps sitit Ifni • virFrsothi ausatha.... - . 7.41 LL.II.:,LIt • = WAKONEtiOIiVO, 7 . /12 igs a !sawn , : ~.". • /7 • - lc -, :1 ,4Aidm .EA4* Li!t , -trAui ithti ....-31 i. •O ,IleiaMAlils-411:12i1/ 1 Jamplits 4ireit4hdr• - Zat. 4 4 M..PINTi, ""ar . - 1211 " .:21-,.) 7,1 V:05.4... - 1: Itil. MIVP-MARgall§ :;;,-, -,421,41qi no 'al ~ 4 1 ....:u c i aunasy arr, P.,- , ,i...5r,,:r...:2—.?, t taivi, i ,-, ,- 7 :•.,)• z-d.' limmiannucienrinqurdia . . air stisismosir. Aimfrps. oingli afiztalakOlik - •= 4 , — olllloll l lrtortAdiallialttiim Inellnlie .'" . -7,1111INA00; - e krlbMit io i e r., 2 :C.. .' t 0 —=l .4 .a, I. 1' • - • TO#4ololo ROWltbija,-41 - lo gatattomirdftiiindinii t kat that ta"t a f arautto9lABl;drs• Ylialttal410014("14 , 1"t441441511:- • r —Dir444 l lll;Migferit:.,t. .wawititypiAnapt. l L . • 1. 4401:2 11 .10as it atsrA t ias ogrotleamt" • • - . *0!" sit cdUALUOINE . , t3!.7 = ! ; ANtarthitaiirilliugn. ma ap*oft_ ;.; - I -. That aothlog but Haat &mid urts Dauktittil fault's...ols;ow - • Wilithapp_ttrMi I ;ifroAV try ; - Ulu' • thus% zip ! ! ?-.: .• , ' , "3 4d0.4 I ' 1 MM.'S !!"jklurnairMatt Ilittatuapoliad,. • ' ' alsar as • sualausiofhar• icaitsikyAkti, •- Inman 4 w" bor . "'s - gao/44'or =Aar. ink iftigia tep still ta mum „tu bittispa at. kip nue kr : ;;, • • •.111ABB 7 LIT Lthottl nwa4 r: U liAltidll-14 Q A4aD Y ( th l eY. , 1"; . rs ," (amoormor to 411 , 4 /bpi* 1 0 1 "4. )4 •'- , — , Tir . 0 1 1fLai.4.Crtta* • 1° ,07 9. Ns** : N 1"914-i 0 :I; sltes ril=inareslL -10 : 11 now 10 banal 11VBW rlFF•A"7 l , l 4l ,,,,...ireadsb. m •—wer a -0 0 . 10— • cw, • - • • ca 7:a r.L.t.--"12 v:l6 • •• •• •••'.., -, z , wldbz:;,,t,v4tid . : D L... i0(411 • • 1.5.1;;;;;E::1 D." • , - •" , zd a:fuil ri:sa • t • t..-4 t e ti ri ,--zmwsulwrcz. 'piaiiiis ENSINANCE COMPANY. JI. off," A a Ile* ;rlood and FM Ste. • itiallia Lana LEIIIIIAM i Clept. w m: iiiiiW -F- • • - joini t wak , , • . 3 Jahn L. abambil Wm D i Dm OP A 1 Dasulal D. Salim. Oaaryp D. Jaast, • •W&lf igl an k q,,. „ • Denial Whim. wad - Vag Shi4 G. Hama Lan. •.•• -• ~-.11±7Q1:1 :rotr ia rn,,, ploy. I ' ItilL eta „ : 1: • Illear4ant. Wiz PHILLDIDZIEW : ' jOB iffnr. : BY THE Kahl. es ...t. .14drje , •Oa °muss i , Or P b.• • - =1"03 BUILDIBON _llialise • DM, PURNITOSS, Az., ha = 3XI itall imit Mot Id 19111 Walnut stmt. ' 1 CI V V4IO 03161 44,4 4339 1, VA= 06-131epts0 l * llicet iall‘ d. : l s4 Pl*Per ' ii. iiith inti inetro , VR.,300 00 %WA 11103 r W.,.311. 0 _ 9,40 30 mai !. 2. to. a 6 r'Flti, Yortpv . „ 97,000 00 COI of i b''llt. rAlJ•nt. 0 Awl Allot. L0u.... Ni,ooo OD - 11114;1031 Mall 10009..P:13.11. Loan 10,00 C. O. . • • bosOW Wen 10903/4a.,........ 9.0 00 00 11=m_Pak ;Oak -70.1 110001301 9vassal, flizituittsti•tifiltain knot OC swat of , Batintwilutoillhuleance 00.... MAO, U. 4cM ip011tar1a00p00p00.......... IPSO 00 et. ski rioWlL icknosice 00,... 700 00 dke.", --' ,.. 6,130 divN -- . l ' " 9 ,02.0 e l; Ce:glicath.—.—.. ItO Cl lylmsfeass 0per.............. 16.907 13 • LoosecraPiPbsNioki. " 1 0 79 tOPPlCteliatol Podia bead 4011 116 lb 5ie'1..1....it I , 0:1 i............. -- irli::: . i :111.3F.11 1....:. - . , .c.. • ga,. .' ? -'-' 'aims liktficam. =1. 24 :masourst , Olsai Ti — aery, .1 ., F1.,14. Genoa, .. i _ganyual Allewham.. . -X. Loam, - Whr; 1L Titcriapsoet.l' ;SAL Tolaad. • „ Rob e ' 8 4 ... .: 4I; ,an.. JA4044 Zf, e"GrriALPI O I 6 . 4,-,11 IrTat.___..' l / 4 ../Alli_lk_ h igU u l li ntr.s a. , .: ZI I i/ : q. atevitZr.''.l. 1 AGit.&y;) :14 c•Ailatili km" = ~.r V-..risil. n W karall ood. ,, r itta ooa a• B sid• Wilk: i J. G. 00/1311, Apes ''' kW El l ''' itckifiletliiii4e Irfitra wia wood mew tiNuMblak 4 AtiAMIST lAkti J OINBURABON OM. ra ti z ip s : 3.4 .l Wks, 436 sad Of 1400, pliblisb•o Pla t r il ,lte i g t Zry •= 17 :..n7,886,8011 4;"1.,-070 oat 100,060 0,? 0 , 414 01 ,000940.0011sier01 ftteck 4 ,7741 .4 04W10 . 757017—. WAIN 00 frotaii 13Us Irse#val • 1,821 .74 VAN 00 , -. t.:12,1;--- aes 1,00,1)31 911,208,061 611 ')..Nit Ito )ml} praglitrearienwaszo milk& Ma Occipuir mdivido I:lr_htw Sonnib whiab ,grory doorziptfon of ifit=l.= korai ma =1 rottbsoaosity:ol,l [U.S flinoo studr,fionloastlon, &laded of Way you hay IMO Val WWI 10 grit* on sounms occoodli.d ipor,Xililaisc DotfigThAetipay offocilla& ovklettes iffoungioc so won am Wolf stdlf ARO OptlifiCS eFio :ipiotC ; with womptoofa all it, 102101*Palilkir 1 uf tb• • . .. v LaYirrall t,iti ' Lrti ' s N. iisseker, , 111SOCI Los, • Dordsail D..Levits,. -...' hoob H. Smith, I Total.' Wagnor,, . .. , : 7_L ,....... 0= 1...... Dold S. Drovrh. ' - Ws, W. Samuel Ossa c kid iz i. , . I_oqmi• .. ...Axles_ ... .. • EDWAHD , Ci. DALZ, Via Prodding 00111:11, arm, oarthinstaor. Woad Third NO. WlSTbitlsi „IkitiklitANUlS 110b11 4 A* T NY OF PITTOBIIEGIL 111.4300.1)014/309.444.. 92. wa(0 3 ,3 1 3 1 4., 464 Lon.'. w 'hove: up rtalo4 PiStabzugh; Wilt Wore agsamtial Orb of Ant suil Yew Maks. d MYNA ammeapod b Dirodoes who irestia w.sr wo ttr owd air ars asap. v 6 1. 11, hAtureeliakiihavidti, arsabme IshOwd,=wrie bid proacttia io taatilio.4oloo bubo A 138178, 00TOBIS Saosab; • iStoak - 63,000 00 0101191j0W 9,100 IX. 0336•• . 113 C ( town Amounts,. TAOS 00 _ ... WWI 103 -Priallusa .01,0331.4 frog .114 121110 LUAU U ... : 012.11a0.11 • ' - 11.11.111arai ''' ' •:," !' Ahdrinv At 2117, , Jape! Mo iallii,, ,;. ~s alausidles liper. - asthanbil Itehais; ' — Amid /Lim*72ll4, , "=DWI* • DPW. P. Damp. ar Ifalialtii 4 lobs B. il'Onne. , ,14:1!.. W. F44, 1 01 11 91 1 4,L,, ip. -I xamoN. i i i . 0.... 30 'f-MittBANOS _ 4 ,1 INSITIL&NOZ 11101107 OF MUTE Xuoopuylo Co, of t iktato of Peon's.. . • • OL Inantanoo Company. ialarruaricai Sn ibeibunsold soinilab4oort kle:tar011II !IA Obiabed bi VOWS= to • 4 . W - P.J07117X, Apas. 4,1. IT Water stmt. / .: t. ~ri:~~2 Ns0.11111'11.1S" Ns or , n=s l nAll. .omo., owner ladret Artfleit , Atioo4lNaindfabtk,: - .;.d sna •;"gliiiiii.. iiiiiiraiaa a aay ,. Sid..i . , I = -111.1 aiii ' I :4±etos=ifid.linh=iii" "' fill" . 41111 :b7 ire: 'Zi V.lltil; Zaei I.VllMileteffigt 452t4trMiy, 3tz;2.5.V akat list. 1 - Bpi 1 :&lis t. e.-i;:: -A IL Sa tike 1 : - . 2061 s 104 / 1 0011"I n , , k , .s . - 5..&,1 , A44<"'AdrrWrriar... Ulf ***ll64lokpar.6„ 14. 14 01 1ahNo . : 11 /1 10 -4,•T1L416U-11#6.To&v.iai Yoshio Mkt t _ ..., . 0 - nviii*si. - Ma,- nos ?maw; c:f?*it!9l4 Swam - - AV Adam ,noolie iiravilyi. , emitiArt 4ls. ~ .. j "."11. .. 11 , 13 1 1htle , 1 i . - i ist . • Ire% .: ~ SEIM .191111M -001/10511t....",,_., rrlrr =mum 41totkmeurs, :Aix --1.0 • ift;t l mrigrassr. +.,-Thlt igli‘ se j = itilel AVM= a • I .leltrDsili, .1001.1mlialthuseilliii oldbalload. 3ek,b4 1 s llthitt. juirila Ur* ifygitt mamma. 'Ca 401iatli il ,APIX MAW* pOodbovii is Warm b the &MN gliKr - sua7 pers;, — jklottis tisamidneav rittitnoug CMititoa Busbises. Is whlitb ig=. _ mild" , ge. el goo& i ele l ta i SlMle r dik. aiA . ' *TNT egoliairrentegjaudik Dow mios ikon. Libarifil end 4thpaulsoca rollectices cd Booki eithitully es • + • • bald& 1.71/ tritiAbivu,At rodiyi e wOu r altagatuioallers ...,:igopezaartzsom, awaritaill PRODOCk EMU% !tibia t;j PIIIIMMIMIL Pa. tirghAWAIMAILPLWit g a The alYiaft " Piri== .ll l 7 o Vi l ieria k =ltt e ff,llllllVbt irs-4111111rMitt1P411.111.6. 31113114aWSagillralifiglikPL Um. i:,l',::':•g•Alik' -,.., .. .._._ ....,.,,..
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