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' , ...le. . .... 71"•:::-.•561::5.T'!?!1!.•fi ,I 4 4 1 ? ;;; ' . ;..: ' O. ..-: 5, ' • .;;,:,,', ~••••• ; • : 5• .-: 101 '' :s ; , . "' •••: ' ,.'• : 155: -: ', ... .. I • l'! ;• -• ••,. --''' ; ••• k). .:\--; +,•:1)...:.; -,';'•,...;;.•!•:,.;+ '' .::' '... -•:.‘'. -I,;;*'-i..i+ , '-' - t" i'',::.:l' . OEM MZE .. b , MEE \ \ ' , , elitStatlr.!.Zttrte : • _ tot e - FArript.'!*TlOCF:.cflitAY 411? . • J'Aziwst,.rat .0 a► -;Nwrwita1d4474747.47744n9477991 Abil4/IF , lass; if 'WM atnateaenetM'dlUy - • 79'0. tx aluns. :114'411644'4. 01 64 •' l _ l l I • 74 asrotastrr...r.. • 19 9-1 e Ihe COtt tr y T Dirll3o , Z0W11 6 .4ra1160,1 1 1n099017i.914..( 4 int P ak tba•flivtlirotle.ollo44ap447l The- G 5 t ll l l P6 0949 for rzidairitbs-2144 1 1941Ad.- - • /07;-.111,9111t, onan Vallej•Bant. 109. 11eary:11.47.1iit0p ,. .4 44; . 11, 110. Joel W- /11.41r61.- c J alaezaw. "111. Wm.' Sind. , 11,_4.Eav1 , ILevi,,-- ad=. iidi4lllzatoiat . Goodwin Ts, Oliver 11.-,Rlppay . sad 11. 1110gw..14 acrtnirtrapra of Robt. ...ending; - ' ' • • • ' 117. Jobvi ti . 14 Ritrjamlo Wray it. L ogan. 1133.: Pradoriales Bards vs. Micheal Bill. The County- of Atli:ghat/ Thoraos 4/4olv!ssa .ad B. 16. Carnahan. • - P. The Meeting Last Right.-Interest ...:log Addresses,. „Netiritluditidiii he limited , to.lso ite?„._ Lafayette Hall eloilpatp attain p; by an earnest pad h:itelliiititit.indler4 o 4 to hiten to" the &dame:of :Ilea: liestillerat, BA •of I need the Coettitutio a At the boar asSifflishits Ad :Ittihad ,ohe Lrmeti of an organization, WM: tii4Orhca4 e.opped forward sad intsedimaLldnelfetelhrn. , wh o rittlfivedirilli &Wei round of applause. , The speaker then proceeded to la d his may, occupying pe r pe loth. wee listened lewithldetrellitbrett - ind aloes .atiosatied.. wale ehelilggie h l and sign _ aligatatire, dtiooter,'icnicidisgithe nature; loop' and powers theOonstitnteeui-dhe4, it was delivered to a claim, digeid ed drspas . donate - Meaner. 72 11 yre wore ntsny forcible and eltquent pauses, which', elicited en •PidalMa■and 'Mob: we would , like t o ' ,prods's., but "ne.aseh particular 'phrase and sentence welt , to make up a"connoted lo tiole, ie immepit -dilßoditAt not impotsiblei to, make a Syritiptirwidals. would do justice to the speaker and at thisiione Gnat tutored the ' At the "M.rnelosicii Whir iiimihurat's ad dress, cries Mere heard for ! 1 .111011!" Blain" which threlipirkeddhinsointO-a tumultof en ottement. C General Moorhead arose and rectistked that inasmuch as the addlishe had been highly en tertained, byls man of lew," tit might , be agrearllc to tgailanteto Beton to a "Men Of WWI teitatleto VW %Hon. Montgomery Bleir,'Postinaster Aftraarell .''The General's , pea wee hill - appreciated - by toe audience, and clouted no little 'Mirth, A ter heartily endorsing the.loyalty.oEllir. Bier, be intro dosed him .te theeseibakevtospeattior himself. Mr. Blair began by alluding to the marked prospelity et the pity 'Of l'ittsbeigh,and was r.jalosd seems many. Cahssus assem bled together, as it ladiell44 that they were lanes to the intermit of thasountry, and ready to hold up and strengthen the hinds of those who administered the government. In speak , ing of the adadaististioe, he' stated' that it had its faults, for the reason that it was hu man to err.- It could not be other n ise. But he apprehended that no owe present doubted the skuoixiM or the loyalty of Abra-' `, hum Litman.; (Load, applause.) He wall' on , the right aids of tarts imatrowsnly, let it tar.; meats how it,mighL - U. was not oply sins man and patriotic, but ha had exhibited great , wisdom, and conitdeliendek la managlng the affairs of hie administration. (Applause.) Mr. - tesa dealt some very hard blows at the : c ,i lhern traitors and calms:eters, and was odarly severe'on the pleat makers of the Noah, and the accursed uinstitatine of slavery. Be made sane very humoriate alln lions to his efforts as couvud in the Dred Brett w • e, and described the manner in ishioh he and lased were klokot out of Court as an, emenendouily as though they had both - been Wash- lie °outdated to speak , for hali en , hour in a very tape: vein, sad aoudads' by urging the people te stand , drolly together to this struggle until the sad. He round amid marked applause. • t, • Gen. Cameron was next introduced to the meeting, red delivered a neat_iddress. He dwelt mainly upon the ability et the people to maintain a long war, and administered a severe rebuke to those who creaked about , • heavy texatiod. Be eontmsted the financial eondition of this government with that of Haglund, and argued chat the Assented. of the reentry would astable us promptly to meat the Interest upon the war debtsw_gh it were in , measedurniold. Hamer irved that ltas war would aeon be ended, and elplitisiatli added ;"ii Is not-over Nersolothell, pail via the ability of ail clause be eblitributo to the rapport of the tertiaries% that the war debt, honer* kiesettlymightbeetave, could be wiped oat Wore ` i ehilamin wcdd.haire the stage I.* ection.' abided to the pfewd reoord of -.:' , leessolvania, in putting 12b,11110, men it the Woos of triallaide, sad • stated that o h o moo: Id Mealy contribute .emother hundred —thousand setremary. H. 'peke in 'wee shish our brave men had , terms of the b. lased" aad 1 .,; ( 4/1“i to say:that the /J mor - d4 cosomoo,,,;:elth would , sbare lawny samillee rather than th..' 4 , 6111. sfentried rebel -- lion should sueesed. , „Lot**, well remind end heartily applan,s oll ; - _ when man The meeting then aajouniesn, y sidearm' crowded upon the platiOint to en Oiled* .eivilitles „with the ells gum MEM Col: , Bayne!' Begmsterit4',4k, rflParll" - ' , 4 tiled -fox thou; Bettaillon' - 1 • . , . ., , •., It will bemetlited by the follow Jolter to t 4 ,* ' the Mayor ,thati smuaber of out istrioth. 01d :...,, SUDS aredeslroits of gluing tO the lliiiii C Maris lad I :reirtf iimpllon,madwa holt. . , all whediufirill turn out aitheeiticalltat: - 4 :: ~ - • 6^ - Btrassuses May 8' vids. - 1 F : • =-4 • - , " i., Rins.. 11 CV Rai:l4r; Neijoi,' & o . 1 , ._., , , -.- Bur - Tbe - moletilipo4 , Oases 0 1 2'4 1 4i. larghlid ',vicinity tostootfallyl ehigigait.ths " ".. yoropraiy of Balling a mooting: ati such - tlma i Owe placeso you may dtteeti - to-devise meat- • - area tor extending • suitable vth.l l l , :lie/Pon. - to the 1116th liniment"of ;Ponnaybranla Vol . ' "tantiars, trader mmunand of gol.:'N.ld. Ban*, on their return to our W 1... oni maims _ , dred and fifty of these brave men taws Tolllll - - Wind to return to the Bold siOdu. They ,• bane borne our flag on the iiiiilotworio ASlds. , • of Antietam, FrederickibnrgandpheitooUOr ' - Tills, and our people are aaxions VI , wilts awarding them the honors due to the soldiers . . ' •of the Republic. - We have the honor to subscribe, outseltot ' your obedient savants, . _.. ::......! .-- -•-, P. O. Bhattoo, ' - Eobeit J. ikaoottlii :". J. IL Smell, • H. ; II Itiwisr,tlep., f, ~- Mamma W illlians, ~ W: ii.. 1,63. ., --, - , , 116ary_Al Weaver,' . James K.itketto,-... S. C. Von Booteuttie Josue Llttal.' - J. E. Meranp . :' David Mono, Jobs W. 1110 4.1 1, i A.G. NeCaii4l6,h ' 1 - ... 0........,136tchek.r. 'J. Y. Jenntap. 1 , - • - • 1 IL B. Oarnatao, Wi th am Little, 1, 1 :•-• .- DAIWA W. Bay _ - Strata ttaas, • . - (how Wilma , Juba P. - -- - , J e twfi'..Boyd, _ . William Wadi:ale, •; , 1 •' i ' .5 - 0. Dirrw, - it. Bebe, sr, jr., '- - - Wol.ll.'lluttoll, . , Waal Biddle L- "Tamar Bud; ; : 'l. Vanua 'Weak, .- " ' ' " Nerd E. yols. . • ' ~ ^ '..Thik liayor'e reply; - • ; . "Ifsion's Orient, PlTllOOtalji May 22d, - ' 7163.—11 y fillets oULseris ,will meet at ; lbs Boarder Trade Booms this afternoon at.two. . • o'eitak, to parfait measures for the proper re • • ovation af= Waikato and gallant tegimeat— lallth Penntyltardi 'Volutions, 001. Boyle-. .. * as soliaited by the .bore wall. . . . _ • ••• 1' •:: - - B. O. Raw sus, Mayor. /• - . ~ _ x~F = -F t -' 04 ; ifearbi - • road: Conn*MlY ,l / 2 - ,i" We es U attentb;sAu theymenimi , bf inidiktif tee' ez mpanjit the Merchants' Nu alussisrw-tct-morrow (Saturday.) There' `are anir.hailtipentrsoted three branoh reads from , the northward extending into the oil region 1,614 to /frank:lin, whist mast dart* eity of much of its most profitable; trade - unless we mueseedia making a raliroadto meet them, and, it haltoosna "try man mild bars badness hint'Mdions in the northwestern eountieS of Eltata; . to aid in timpreeent project. It is belayed the tramp:Aslion of ell alone, letittid warrant the eolatrnation of the road, but in addition to this, there will. ba •a heavy traffic in the Lake Superior andSlanada ores which will seek the furnaces, in Marten "ooanty.and.fp Pittsbirgh manafibturei des tined for 'Western New York. , The, passen ger travel mast neemsatili bis late, owing to the great number's 'engaged in the' di and limber business, mambo will Iliad this to be 3hentoit:available route..:“: Li; 8. hisaskalla .Elaii.—Tha Cala Shaw Malaita has leviedmpon Me shales' d aka eapttal stosk 'of the Plthinorgb, !Yost "Wayne* Chicago Ilegroad Co., and also 10,- 400 dumps of the capital stook of the Plus blush k Stenbimsilla Itallroa4 Co., al tho roPoft7 of the city of Pittibusah, at tho suit d liewis-Dialtla, and will sell the 41190 on YAW, the 29th last:, at tea o'clock; bow zataiOat •atartata. mat wilt to• atrui thu strentng, at Yam& b 7 tau pupils of Prot. J. T. Wasiksitak. TM dont be open at • gam toe pad Wes V9199k I S 9 egaupsso• at dot. ~` ~r: r.. ~ h..j, .. :. 7~: -Oat Cot. CLULL's Lianas sits readers • , uld not negleat tioieneeting st lodsyettS >llall, this mane ree; Tquott eVaittnitbar of. oitli Col Clark will 'di:hirer:Ss addres s gelatirstO; Chemins months , 'stiltipLiel;,Abel popularity ut this 'puska,' ttki the Interest which• the public naturally feet is Elie anljdot, , will doubtless Attrach a atridtence. , . • ad*OII tbeithait. NDAsitte piagbilmi:Stargiud, 333 L Libaty. street. • - tioTioss. 144=4 for , ; , ..t. , i , ..mifwviztit'porpOrao. ors ike 1 - titer", easterai Await, .so. la. ?Mt street« ono Kea itaszr,.Pitin suldOenaistental Slain tt0„..4.6a dealer In Pennsylvania and I.ar siontzliate Id the best quality at low rates. 96441...4 Alex..-lannek.pn's; near 1111 Water Works; Pittsbargh,Pa. apB:6m Puira Flun.-,41..: M. airiest k McCoy, at stand in the Diamond eidrket, are in Ilan/ receipt of fresh liaekersdf, Shia, Hes llish,fialmn, Lobster, Bell add ' Cribs.' The - ices juts 'facilities for pewit's .the very pick. of the market, and. those purchasing out rely upon getting fish fresh' 4iiOeL triteilland' seethe tempting '2t • iirrasorion or COILS' AID_BOIOIIO ,-17 EM rieureirrunistanerd':hmrti delayed the depart rirt of Dr. Iteritittil;the immessful operator on Corns` Mir bhurent, bat rhopriacipal one of then' is the - • grest - &piing - , for his' services, 'whieli Mk peculiar system ef . ..treatnient has caused, but he assunss those prams who %Mild tikoncitlilaiWith that other en gageruents will pieelado the possibility of his remaining in the city longer %host the present week, . , • . The testidionfillo that have been published from;, time ,to Mme is our paper, from wall kudin citizens, who were prerionsly.lante for year, tfroimoorns add bunions, are isf that selves sullielent" to - Fors - ths - Wflimoy with which he operatesas.. Silosnad faint them are - the following Certificates of Wm. primps, Rini, of, t r im S• 7 ' lost Cotue 1, malt:Boyle, Rev Ettsbiellsi Apri.llB, If4LAVe certify that Dr.fiendait eiserathstmal par feet, remov ingi amiss thereiroin, doing so ,without pain, and entirely to our satisfacti osi. [Signed] W-i1 3 3/sisrit. Y. Dann. Dr. Reudall has this. day roistered eight corns from my feet. The operation was a psinkss one, and the relief is such that I ad vise those ifilistad with Coral and 8114107111 to gitio the Dilator a call. April 10,'63. Eta YOl7lO, SmithflaT4 st. Dr. Randall's °Mess are on Dimond street, opposite the Court Rouse, fourth door above Griot street, where he eta be ooasstiiad.fora. few days logger: • • - - Omar Curranta - ssii - Witua To Bur TRIM. _•=ne.entsrprislug funa ; of Wm. IL. Katie* merchant tailors earner .of Pedals and 'Snore rare, . Leeway, being folly. Snore e extraordinmy animates ID Spring goods,, ha a .rauthesed- last tall a osautitul assortment of cloth, eassionnese Vestiapi Are., and they ire now readt to open their Spring trade with superior aidels, at greatly re acted priMor. M 7 wilt tell-their goods, by the yard if desired, and as they. keep con stantly hand a largo supply of ready made clothing, eloglomars am be accommodated on demand or hams& neatly Used snit to order. The wo r k Is all done under their Supervision, aisd always warranted to purclussurs. . 1-Yesztozama thormite....oor adablis y ming Minds composing the firm of John'Weler a Co., Marehant Tisdale, N 0.126 Federal street, Allegheny, hare just opened tho most oaten ilea and reolor•he stook -of nen and ismmsr *cods ems exhibited that of the mountains, comprising some of the most beattlful Preach end Arnerieset Ossaimores, Clotho, Cashmeres, llazseilles, ac., k0.,t0 be found in the fast ers market, This enterprising firm has Mao aver: large assortment of the lateet styles of tortillas* pods, and a considerable' quantity. seedy.made deaths at enitecrlor isnallti. Ws advise out Allegheny . patrout-to till at this emtablislumont, and see for thomeelvos. , 7anc3grivasisfr no: wan Iteis.—ffitinell Graham. Marche:A Tailor, would rcipsafully inforni bifftiaada and the piddle, la general Ahab* bas , justretarmed from the Bast 'with hie new stook of Spring and Seminar Goods; -soul . sting of till' the Janda lOW Of Clothe, easebsenotaild olopip. r easthima &airing • et** tq oeteet trent Oaf cannot be wpm,- by-ttay-other - in the --eity, sad their • gar- Outittikeiade inlaid sleet flialdenable'mannet, would do well to gleehim • eafl before pur 'anuwillitaitt,:liferalzint Tailor No; id one door f ro m T hir d.. • !sow •a,Dielflll7i7pligeD, 1111111Th.-TBAilt. B. Omoiord, N. 11., wrium 'nfaitiort maaeilli.exporiatent of him B. Alien's Werld's Rah Restorer and Zylobalse ~amsl.. 011 4 „War aeltiai is; siodessful. hi, hair, whieliwae quire ray, is now restored to int original' oder,- '-neriateraend them to the pnbNbsti.the. beat artit: jek ,diseovered• for MAC- by nista everywhere. Deper,l2B:atisniieh Waste tiew Torii. mew 11bttlillaleO*/$2; 15:0i101674 0 ;your duty ,tiiicidroglirui;protile your ltolatti, are -Rollo wy!i,Flll,l: ank:Abuttoont: woundr, iroraributrotuosuirtalutrunitiours, .ara a rubel,. aatovuO. Full directions how to use thoni Onl 7 .25 psnts."2lo 210T1011 TO tiOPIIITT4OLDIDSkAGIIII LID Apr Onus latimarran.—flor repairs or al timatlorm to ,starea or 4wellinp, . nen roo is; or @mything, - aleet la tbi eirpentar Ilse, Dail at Clathbiinli,.Carpeater Shop, Wren alloy; -aboteramithiala , Au orders promptly 1, wtaken attii Otardtetiettoi,lio. 401 Liberty street, day or sight. u 1 azdatilelt at tin' abrreo I lame promalif attmr.ded te.t rale !Mantel - WA "a. Isihrullei• 7 " lirs- •_,Diresaiptiarrel Work dons at MI6 iitinbilihmint la goaranteed to be bettor and cheaper than can be had is the atty. No. 2bl Pens street.' O. Eitu, Dentist, 30 Rani ;treat, Mtliol to oil iralttaolo Itiaproiossion. N'OIi.ILEFINNE;f.r Overal years ..011..1ntLsotltma irarrsata tbe highest par esstop 011, evial to, the • ban In markst, wide' aitiaarkm.. Baia?* ralerattosa than. • ;Urbana Gantt! Ortratt •my I gat . , . , , . , aNT • Oisainiar, to tato ou0 • cd a fruit CiardiCivar Irian'lxd, jai .thy.:Mitionimi malted. wit We IMiCIAL#G.YILL, • ' tO VII kin Apes In stary want, fp • aandf, tionass psl4 to ima dm* beirt!2‘ A4.3' xi3•X&D/LFV. tulltlteig ' 'ARM. Skink WAN.r2Di469./4 6 5ims I=We want AMMO ak Pa a iliostac Min. Pad. to son oac Oriallal Samoa, and citric:on other soriseefol oisd 'curious antclaa. Ylitccou ctr calm, asasiVar - ;addition ' las SHAW JAlrchallt. Blddatcird, Ida SPiCgiad : lwilurtinoU t V aer.oa &ea goods teriala at a sal amedurat! 140.00111,0rlinsputuir= • - • - amindigham. isdvanee °acid erlseslA-• •• • • otomisuslßD,VOLLMis ireo. •- - aaelosso aet iesaldsult for Om* ' prgwilioaz; May 21:—The Sitio:MN angrier . 01 "" °az" or " " 1 " 1 " "S "' 10.00116.4 *him Oa. SINUS' • -'" ' m a o r a y, ti i m pia. of yesterday states that him Vallandlighant ob ist.l o7 •• - ,,110,U11 Liberty amok hal booms a lunatio. • 2L' . Si= 302052, Mal 21.--Tbo newl i galliar Do • LATEST 'NEWS c° l °lca Ile '3* f or P." k t°7ll - 1 ' Molly, at Now York. has back , arterial to BY ' TELT,GRARH. convey esm sal Maaraohatatta ;oolorat roil --..-- mint to Pots PAW, sad *ill probably leave by thnreday next,. telegraph. ~,,, , 1 -, Mk by :ttritpb. - mg& es FROM WASHINGTON. arets PELTISDNI.TirIa, Moy 21.-Cotton chied* , ‘, and d i t 44 , lower . sale e of middllogs upland at 5546 - 010IferVe4 *- OUR SPECIAL DISPA.TCII ES. ...tett .t Is bogs 75. Coileetrap manages Rio OnITARR at 510530. mad Lagstyra =Mo. iangsr ln better de- ...hug mind; adas Cu= at 6%(411*,.. Mara 114 0 1 1 7 for-tended ~a floor, but at low= rate.; Mars of 2,000 bbm extra -- at $5 7E07 Inur e No =sage ta rye sour or =tato ge cocoruateaL Wheat slowly at 11 58401 60 for mar the - reds= $1 70441 $2 for whda. Saudi =es rya at hi ,_ _„„, $llO. Corn dull and 2o lower • mlets 8000-bean. at _ '",..-- We. for yellow and Mita' foe wldta. .Qata =anti= t rommilli teha 10 0061 bush. at 7illelits, tome on'peaate terms. If pitio7 The maly cbango in pr./dons I. In green meat.. 4 ,,,d 4 „.„ will= are 1 4.3. lower 4 Sal* 200 Uhl. whisky at 4t022 Wilda drudge at 44c. • t . . +Rim. W ll= YORE, May st. , -Tlottr Ida . % salee of 5,08 i i • ' Ws.= $5.40.211 5 .6 , 4 far Wads dodge f, 46,60 for Ohio, and $13,W7 Mt Mr Bambara. Wheat =rant= Im Chicago %alai 025; red skates p 14701,51, Coro n tm . B e d viteul Fmk .boasy. , WI did' lAN. iomo. Whisky Mill at , 110(dif4l0. I is6llso, ef Moor 7240 bbis. Whast 113,756 bushelM _ihris 1/1,6311 Stooks batten Chicago aadltook , lnlandlCk dam• bertand Cool 27%; Illtoch Central Railroad 11.054. Michngan Booth.= Illi d New York Coat= 124 Pomo Manta OW 108. '14% Tressury 7 $ .114 102; Reentered Bites 10 env - , - Raw Tots, tiny 21.-Coltimlgh law= sales at 50@in2a. Flour-aalens of =4,140 4065 0 0 , Ohlo at $6!66155, odd Sdathern at $5 60.7 -Wheat, dull large sales of Chi ;ago Spring at $1 55411 40 , 11 11 1 wW 1- woe Club at St 3541 45 and Rod Western at $1 . 4155 .. 165. Cord doll • 5t17) , 0780. Beef Is dud. _ Pork to hoary. Laid steady at gyat v i t . : ,c, ,..7ky steady 5t435014tc. Stier firm as 1 4 WI for Odes= , and 1 0 0 103 4 10 e 510s.0•Adann Porto Rico at 400520. Petroleum arra. , , Yr.ighte duly ~„ Ciatcuman, Ray St -Flour dull and prima ditionlP• int ...Prat , . will n 2, red at 54'714 and IMMO low grads extra sold at lb. rate. Wheat nomlually,nas chased. 0o n declined .to ittati Oats dialinditife Rye cull at 780._ Whtsky Oath amt. of 200 Mils at, 40,Y,c Prorislom dull nod pricaatara nominally nii. =lunged. 110 tris city ou'd mold at aly.o. of lieu Pork Is mesidr64ly offerad It $lO tor rimy.. Grocer= =changed and stony. Linseed oil at $145, ilmts Coin arut Szebaogo remain =lest quoted. Bexturona, Wray 21.-Flour qal4t put unsettlrd ; Howard' Stroat'auperilue, $8 7405 SO; Okla GM= $6.70656'75. Wheat, dull Ver i ttZl4BB22l. WS; red, $1 Wel 67. Corn dull at oats wady, Special Diapatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. PHILA:DZIX)II4 May 21,1863. PRIIPLICLTIONS 7011 TEI mart. Others bays been Issued from the Provost. Mukha General's Offlee to be prepared for Miliktpg a draft immediately on the oompletion' of the enrollment. The hope is now expressed' that the draft may be made before the first if July. raoricrrloa 701 lIVIED EIOLDII33. • The President has been to much engroued as to be unable yet to give formal audience to the committee from tho negro meeting, pra7-1 tug foe suitable protection fox negro soldiair\ against the treatment, threatened in the rebel ) preclasoktions and sanotionad in the rebel Con- !, gress. ' It is not believed, however, that the. interests of justice aro likely to suffer in his bands. ProMinent members of the administration give assuranoos of Mr. LinColn'e fixed iitenL lions to resort to the sternest retaliatory pol icy to compel an equal security for negro ints- Ottote in rebel hands with , that of our white soldiers. wnnoirr u APPROPaIItION. Tho aduilnistratlen ham received notice that the State authorities of Inttissibiiney he eons pouiato appaal to it for liinds td carry on the State Goi•ornment, tbe late copperhead legis lature having left them without' "an appro priation.. The answer, .understood to have been given, to that, in the present aisle, 'any interruption or embarrassment of the duties of Stitte otilciraWbuld beregardediss a extant ity to bo prevented at any ezyrie hasard. ♦ BILISTZSGS COISMIITID. dti order of the War Department has Jut been Jutted containing the follotring By direction, tha sentence published against SalgeszeCharlaa Braffit, of the sth Ohio cav alry, In General Orders No. 75, front Read quarters of the District of West Tennessee, ireemmuted from death by being shot to im prisonment for three months frail, this day DIBIIIES&D TIES MIMICS. It haying beert-abown by tat#ifaototy ev) dance that ejor Nathan Eariitstile, of the 4th Indiana volunteers, (cavalry,)Vrius guilty of converting to his owni private use two make belonging to the Utitted Biatol, the President directs that he shelland he is here by dismissed thb service. ' ,=sea PELTS 106 SRN SiVIITT Or VIOVIBITEUI __ • AAP Greatly to the grief sod rage of tho,rebel dome, tho Richmond Whig, of yesterday, admits, in a leading article, the eutionedanger et Nialcitiurinow, and of Slehmondr in case in attempt to tictirtare it be model, milt I'ls Tax COIIOI.IBEIO* The first inetnltnent of $20,000 has been. fl aunt to tbu Commission now is esielon In Minnesota, to award the danniee from 'the late Sionx.Var, tO.be pita in ennui of not over $2OO to any one sufferer. inn iacettotto razzaa MID VM.I;ICIRICIEIMII. • The 'Richmond vipers are still e:eroliett about the terrible violation of Vali andi gliant's eonatitctfonal rights. t' • Inn ::DUBS iticat corthun ' • Al" raelinotur. 'haa aanin made -floral •as Mobile. Ile is anorodited to I,tneoln—not Jeff Davie. ' NATIONAL DANIS Senator 8511 Eggleston, of Cincinnati, is bora looking after national banks to Are es tablished in Cincinnati. FROM" MURFREESBORO Spada Dltintoh to the Pittabliryh getotto • Maaramianono, May 84103. - There are reports in elroulationifroininfor metion brought by snouts, and'alio Cram inti mations in rebel papers, that oar fortes have been driven beak from Jackson to Mort Gib son, and that the rebel forms Indur Johnston again possess the line of railroad between Jackson and Vicksburg. The rebel sheets fairly throb with exultation, recounting the movement of forms [remelt parts of the South to reinforce Johnston. , Another set of reports put an entirely dif ferent face upon matters. According to these grant - has beaten Johnston, and his token . L poiserriou of the railroad bridge over thisl3lg Slack river, the most important bridge in that section of the country, and entirely ent ail:lg okltia rebels im . Vieksbnrg froin all oom mtafttlationt with the Confederates. I give both reports for what they are worth. ,-Take your choice. : : • The Winchestar pullers of the 15th de. alarm that the tortes end bushWhaokers of Tennessee have formed an organisation for running Confederates for various civil offices at the coming alsotion: The Organisation is to bilis the name of the 'peace party. In the dispatch announcing that Colonel Moody had been recommended for the regular army, thayoakokisplain says, Mut the names of . Gena. Thomas and Negley were absurdly transformed into Gon. Thomas and nephew. The weather is growing warmer.. Retina of a • New Y tk Regutteat.e Rao rco b ranted. • May 21.—The Thirty-first New York Regiment will rectum to that elw on fiends; from the RappahanhOok. It was 'organised under, Col. Pratt, ind.bad been in 'sit the battles with the army of the Potomac, excepting Williamsburg and. the second NMI Rua, when Pratt was promoted Brigedler, 'Oeneril: The `Adjutant , Prank Juno, Wff appointed Colonel, and it was .;he- who:arA , 'them Li 'the bite stook mid *Wuxi of Mares' Relghti at Fredericksburg: Tha 'regirrient .formerly numbered *thousand. It nownent ,bers about three hundred privates:, The Briptecarc Court of the District of Co iambi% to-day, pronounoed the decree of a .total divorce is the oats of Oen: John M. Brannon against Bliss Brannon' granting :him the guardianship'Of his own child. The material ism -caused' much excitement and in terest Ave years ago,'espeobillyin Now York. , It appears Cul. Wyman, with. Whom • she eloped, was shot through the heart at the battle of Fair Oaks. • • From Nas4aitte. NMSTIVILLII, May 21..—bisj. GOD.. Schofield, transferred from tide departmen4to that of , Missouri, leaves here to-morrow forldt. A number of rebel sympathisers were sent south to-day. . . Seveid Bedard odious, taken prisoners by the robe% and examined, arrived here to day. Among them are 001. Alexander, of the 21st ILL, 001. Swanvik, of the 92d 114, and •Lisut. W. Van Dern, formerly of the gunboat The river Is falling, with less than three feet on the shoals. Subac.riptiens to the 5-20 Loan. PILIUDis.I . B I A May .2L—Jay Cooke sub . ascription agent, reports the sate yesterday of 6.20'a to tho,amonnt of $1,996,400. Reports from spats throughout the country are _roost 'l:tasting, and new distrlots are daily added t the local hats, as the details of the loan-ate -fallyandarstood and tb•objeot appresisted. Beenption of the heading Volenteeti' Itmonine. Mey 21.—The six_lteading puking of the 138th Regiment returned home this *inning, end received a giohous welcome at the hands of the althea. and Union League. Atter the reception ceremonies the eoipntoors visited the Marls* EMI Gems. tart to view-he grove of their lete oompen en rc •t. Andrews. M!MI ' Otit cpurtr RIO* UAL. • Ala--"friar rn.; ii,. ! 4 , ,4•,.. • irtana•;as. O'er vluitee bead your Ye& :And for aye dr Freedom' ..peklug,l Ileaf your Clonott'a mai I , SeiearreerAl loYal motberhtuonA 13.1.X.filitiOanfiffy &ante Otral . :, Salm your soord, or brio/gym Bayonet and ball l • • • Tor the lend that bora yid—AEl, - - •Stdeld th e state rod-brio trovi m . , coal. sad rouodyou sorted. idarott._ llaar~and bold pour find the boottle honlo - - Sae ratio:arm coiroeilroitioM Bear and 4.4 out hettio.trnitl Li Vtcroar as Dural sib • Sturdy lavdemen, heartyitlia, Oen you eeo.l o . l *Suirsp ,4,s Floe ell lip tbe th: re broadlarir told coldhleoded foil! - nerd tbe rebel bent or floats! , ' Tyraeb;rzaquielled.Arjbb4llrlc4eb• . Spring. like toooditouuda t at your.ditoemi ' 1.,t. them bite your aaeft ! . , . With au traitor at tbetr 1 By ~ n hreggett coward .37 %nanny caught bed. , •" ' , 'While he &eines oPlifght; . Ely nom Young Nitpideeine:,.. Rept lit bey by ervedett VIWt; Stull onrhretteirersidienr sone g t Be bud beck fitlttlythlf t j Et swa i ril tie f r, m a l i t r el: ft . la t , 1 fi Pan one Opp,. posts Ito Mt; like raten4..telifiterci,. And our 'Laggard let, thein Not in thunder answer...feel' . • tie-Lord of Nab?' • . , Wilt'll:to Lord al:lode we fight; 'For 'Freedom, LSI/ end Rlglet Builie for .1.• and Shell with Victory czows Levi; brows, alivi or dosd, 01 rub enclrerewlint' , ftpplitWl, A.11141U . This rebel! down!' Talk of "Poses," to goon llkdtklst 'Tpi.asr:ut'l troltor kb/ I 'Tlytbo Old Borpotd'utotoot hlsl Foil bI foul intrigue - Plant your bool tdo baud upon I Lot htm oquiom I MI tose/o ran I Now to koou your Country oar. • 'Jots our thokm Astrons Ward and - Jtff. Davis 'Sir. Ward, shoWinso, in his amusing manner; gives us , substantially' the offer, phial% the copperheads would probably make to Jeff. Davis. On being nshered to the "orgust" presedoe ofl Jeff., the showman began: . ; • "I come," ees I, "od a mission of pea& Your Copperhead friends in the north:will soon cease to exist., et %hinge can't be ar , ranged to prohibit the Unionisters from tearin,the Clinstitooshus." "What teems do you Offer,"S qierried Jeff. 0,1411," sea I, "I air instructed by the Copperheads, (Wodd, l B: Co. you know,) 2 propose ennything ;which will !most dis grace the north: You kin take' your Dig gers all over creellin, itioloodin Jersey." hlYkuld that he Constitoontial;t" asked_ J. D. with a sly twinkle oe-his eye. "0,: sec 1, "its 'd'matter of no difference how Much sod Chips brake the 'artikil to sever' the union; so the. Republicans air stopt from doin the came to -keip the sett Union together. - limes *kat Year north'-' ren olluttut *ant to detn.Y. uwal,"-ses the Coated Pres, '"ef Gov'ment will let ni wash; end' will pay all our debts, and'liceintßrute: Buller to haw; we might , cum to.terms." 'ls that-- nothin else you cootlerish 7" "lyal, yes—give Us all the territories." . "Nothin chief"' • .wyhrovr in 2 or 3 free States—New York, Penne. and hiassatihusetta, forinstuni." illathin "else ' , “Yes—in footer' we . -mast ',have all ; ..! 8 ./...,intvi5,..,..ees I, "1 ney, no doubt your friends in the, north mood make all these conreiati, ffn iroire toot .bnt it has just eatird toiinsthat thar was nithfxr said to Old about it, bet I lift; Washington. Shoodset wonder he'd chjectte the plan some : Bus your damoarat friends`: ire doiti all they kin fer you." ".• ' "I know," says J. D., "an lima. whit kO . ll bin% frOYAMII4;;T!.. rti.r,„orotiln :for ?tin get in' pectin-6. MA -Me ;expect to get.' off we arek.:l Andlyet the Shlvbi.con- DideridleM:thelaiititeptilileili:l4,ot dirt kiwi Oottordi in ffie noriX :We coed buy lens elYlar a Coifed fibleplaeter/1 Thole-VravniY ' •" MIISUEYLsaf 'Fitat . . stabi.mittuniszo. a Kaokorsl; I ) .1. billbbli.!do do, dol. ; so „do _Lazo do do; Mi. do do do ; ; 113 blots. awl Salim' re ainiDgi botrlialpocol WhiloYlab, la 415. It bpi Joitimind sad ice solo by- , m .0 NAVILTOIi. blaalood. , , IaUBLINGTON LIBRUIN(1=;d0 bokti .1) Jost rem [lid ,for ask . 1 mill t BRO& • tny2/ 6 1. 06 /26 ietll2l wood shut: Qu : l 4 ol,h . He 1 : 0 1 7 .1w *- 14 4 .4 0 cowry BOORT! 7,NAAIZIY. , _ 11,1 1 .5 h. Omit via raid - hih 4 fd.-411-11 arm of 621M3115, it adbm wool of Harehbarg, victita 11211011 o f wxfokon tho Porailhaals Mahood; in ounisia tounty, wader•• tagb auto of cultivation. ' Peas, $lO4 !SAUK D.OK glf 00. - en . good low:On:Abe .11.1 To.an eniugaticepie en, ihti ront4 reiontln life. attnKtion, Alagnlnb TII CB OinUlk tapnbina tbe bourn g ow Is. end. ntishst iftllsrigter STASabiBUAIII.—A kkiegli-vgionbi.ovaßnuk • ielsimiA • Vets* aelUng:as th• aim fiT Btori ,...mairsuralnVoototimiaice4 ; was IFITHb ate's t nelet.loor to thillhiet fb^ w ft__Uki 3 . l 4 4 - Ais U,VISLiVil'k ri'u' Imo AtAlB--1101ploridtd iiteartmait tolliajg at old :prime, at IMAM Oseptt stote or, • 1 . .1 ~ • , , , ..-. fiIotrAILLA2W. ourstaire C. •• mylli J - With stmt. post Awe to the Pm a, * elnes...? friNBILV ULU taiktrat , 7i . ma tio g ep . ..L: B y sia Tarke7 ittile.; an/ bed' i warts st" la .. .d pieta al " lb* new thtrtp . • ' • - .... ' N e..511" r ' 9( 1 1 17 6*(M" wall Tit I. orrat writ _r• low ==9 Cop, 011;A* IRRI TAVllVraltniT, illateett reetthe tromiena PutelealetT said - Itrt)ittehtel effeetkos, oi "OWN'tt B °NOWELL TROOHNI ay t . l* tad pirte, and giro elteoet , =la' it 1101:11T113; ASTRKA. s a d I they benendeL The gced_dre4e hum the of ths Troche, it* tbsti ox . y hitt thtni to be'tottterfettcd. B. ant wortbleui tadtaMottr. Obtain ?amire Nroscliat 2rookas, whieh id that by, atest of many rem Li.l6rll amp tlliKetf a ho o ld ma the Treehea )IZ:en's:l Waters mho oier•tax the yolks .4ased auddse ehaities, - ionikheee Ad • at tb heats rer box. LYT—Lake *nor Copper ill and LTIZIO WO • I.mottias. jayntwtureseP AIM 'CURDY & CO., I ATKIN% lIHAZIERS' AND BOVFOOPP111; • lirb OOPP/11, BOTTOW4 RAISED CUM, me, SPALT3TI BOLDER; oloolzopooteasood. • baIIZZOIA TIN PL &Tht BLUM. 1.11024, ha. Oonotiottly on bond, 71.1211109' WOO .413123 dn . TOOL& WAisztouraz,./io. 149 Irtrat and IN) sibcoila oriets, rtiaburgto'elin's• Mlrlipeasl oasis of Ouwoo out to in, dotted pia. tom. , tutYlitdorlyT jarTo Zenon. *Sufferers of Bosh estawi.—A znerstul' gentleman tuning been n eon; to NNW: in • Om dap, otter usdergoi4 all the canal routine ond irre4rad expenin Enda of treathsernoottiond mown, 4:chidden 'it _his ncred VP" , ii'Mf.Mulicall I° P. 4.4.4 haort reaturo nor aurondr,cmiss; pore, on the readi4t et In ad• erneitsm, he iiu send (free) Goff ot preeniptioi hind. Direct. to Dr. JOHN IL D/G4 1i.114,1116 Falba greet, Dt001t 1 1 1 4 13 4 T. ,mblldirdowT gr2_ STRONA OIL WOUS. - Antler if Co. .1. Nab It 1121•0011111:8Sation, Athemai Ting ;lan*, .91bmt sod. WasigimeD. no: . SS ITABILST gam. Poiab,tywk, r • • !,- nuatigita 41003:nr IXIBBI• CATEK#l.ol3loiirOirAl ad UN oar 50.1. - lailitima Olt, • ace.4l sive, slims ce laud. • -• I oratlyd lajeTittaburgh•Eitiiel Wi mu, BLN:uric, JOKES, .BOYD . ST, isuoiLt.olOw. of OAST Ernie, 'lib% BPIUNO PLOW AHD. L. B. MOIL, BTUL pP151.1505 AND LILIES, owner of Bow and Find striO4Pliailitilik: -r , • • DAD a. x.aoaireqa--.. grOOßNWgali, &J 08.% 01,119111/a/MAl.OriliMl4 : lb/14AS IND Biwa iis7Lwil, ii,s4atactsrus ACID outman adEDWABS, No. 7 BT. OUTS BTIIIOI7, and pIIQUWIE WAY, near et. s prrriniusee. PA. rirBILILIES it BABABS, flittigipOt SALAitiAIthER SAFF,, BASK utriA ptoli. VAULT DOON, AND erste-imizrsusinAsOagor 'Ars • • lielimuncruArics.: • Now . -I ad I.lslAdasiA ad! Bodoutad daa-- - sersh ADA • samara Law &hap an b.nd. • awe rt. o. Nati% vriszow-oOttuto6- ausurs. MINIS & MIL LIR& foinumais Aso IttAcaurim,' WilalllllTol Woos, Pllmburgla, Penn's. 011103, kLuszT BT22LT. Itsuotactux• sD %ilia& of EMMA*. INGINI/D AND RILL NAOHINNEY, OASTINGS,I BAILBOAD WORK, ErfRAN/ Bourse AND WUXI IRON , • WORN-, • • Asornuppich wink BarApnio 401,0 OR Ithort, 'IL ROMEO & 110120,Alealers bi summit mu) DOXISTiO BILLS 01 11- CHANG N, OUTILIWATIIII 07 DIPOtaT, EANE Hui $3 AHDBPrQII. No. 67 Illark4 street, Pitts. burgh, Ps. ShrtloUoctioxus mods on on the Flail* citko throughout the United State& .-022 ormaraY H. cowls, Tor- WArild . D GI AND GOBINDDIiDIi 1111*DADT wholesale dealer In Cal 08111; BUTTS% lIEZDS. EMIL and Produce seasealli. No. StOrood street Joeo.ls ti?V • (oncoomio to NY m. TA'L Tate. le. & Oo 1 96&0 tiodaz AMA Mitt MUM KlTTlitfi, 10. StrUlAborty rittoursh; rod 1a 39 Irodotol street' Minkspy. bamlon hand ma-win narnieb LSAD PIPl,elizZT LILLD. BLIVLS&Di GM HOWL 1111TDIDi6T 6 . l‘nowis Baas, WATIS CLOUT., B3Tli Tlnti; Luiz 1011.01 anal ALAI POINIPB. - 81. DRAW° BAIL,CHANDLLIBBA W6BDAIIIT9i BBLOILIM to All Irotk wiimustad to ills wit. , I toy4tly CHAR. 0. IikLBLBY, Produce It, iencnl 'Commission Merchant, ILIWABLANDIEII BIOKIII, And baba in, an ktaiii 00IINITAT :MOM& -10.179 LtitllßlT OVER= Prnrsaares, Pa. M S C U 8 ' a "' mins DZSTIIOTICI. froaslar• cartizet la et - Bombes 43.1 0 . AI% lot h * boa tuned “uiracalon gt , t asisf.." Josaerros, eksurr Enith*d sad idaTth streets. UNITED STATES.II4OItiE TAXES. The JANDAttIf 1111 T, of traltwl Blazes Et. ob. Tam, tor As TwontyMbird Marta, Pa, has Dun ro.whed, and ' to now dn. and porablo at tha introcal . Dawn= Moo, WATS& ~STDADT, mat, loin . to lb* tit,Troaanri, !Lambast; • DAVID IL *WTI, 1 doll Orilara,"at:tl,into Dewka;Pona a. 3(100 km ' . t'- o. li"1 4 . unoinnati• ,001b,...w.u.... . ... 20 bozos Prime Didsh , ePo. - ' 400 bash Peschlß.o. g Woes: . . - • lid bush Ito Wispy.* Pommes. • 60 blab Bed Potatoes,: lAA= tPa.lot sekb 7 ' ', . - .. . MAS C. BAUILZY, 80. 172,Liberks street. 1111PAANKSOOKA.--LEDGERB, UWE, :Lp.sate, Dar DMIgS, 1100i13, °tell ossy .16u6tisi B:snk Books Da' load. oe *ado to lx4tr, obc.rs Wigs. by . • - WA. 6 .J0161160 0 6s OD. 661( Mak sock Mates, 16 Woorstvoot. 'FOB PRINTIIIII4-43i11 Headii,Tiroa- U lam 0661: Laws. Pommies MM.. wawa' Twild7 of rum Job Printing, ozo. 'cold o$ *bort bock* to do b•W again. by WY. G. JOHEIBVIII It CO.. Nom Job Prbdero 67 Wood West- TOW 01.1*--5 1 '.! Mb. No. 1; ; • ". • " 4t soi suo To wow, Bulk IV pit* 0 • • • I t 25 1 .. /4" . p ; Wair : **ditlttrsitrtkallziallist o te ra . .0 a& TO Water . • .100,0uu ociSsoono =der% moo ~" I°° " '" .oir 144°""a"." c*.- lhahtdelist. aryl2 101A002ii .bibs Yam ibultgai dm Nut Ibriblb by mos , OWL PITTIT • 00. • - white 11U $1 t ad tarok nini. _ nounVist.nz A ric TAX Go f) MXlVlC**—lower ths yoilpt ibarzhatixers Yob by I"l"snaLl'ffs.c'e.en'4, I 1. , 42 Ikbhiritah rine - Tat, - :11., la 'Wore, iuid Ibr silo by • itaaoltik boa Auttop, - • %%and 11,41144birtisbnadir Book:: U EXTUAIT ef, Wr Awtonuil Puddings; Blain 'Kumla , aim ito,a !di uroutuseat sue ads w,erattestuti, bun - . coma Idtmutuand Mud steustS.,. •N u PAUTURIOI,B LUSLtiG. ° H a " PAT its nicores 00. gpiple toutf, bAu6.— , -1410 peak n n e b myr. x slam. zavdr. jams. Na b. vsouto• vox 'bum 0111 r. 406 Liberty earl. ~.••••••••mEr 1' • Jr. b ■ ankcitorab i ttr :lircenne at , viva ZAiitrip4*.-4u Dbly.ifa r ji:Funias isf, kr g a m /.00IMIL • - • .. IFOR_•11411 1 VIM EULLS;—About .1111111blattliall. Leads ink siekl is owatit loath with 1111 Timis. am. eau acres of river bKlicea room tha reread and UM. =d ie about eta huadred Ised. Dot ?kW' ism mitre, all welt,' et which I vl/I eallicrer,,S for now, This pooperty is at tictonalaue iM Natodustar duvet icalleccr, and it chi Wirtheltie latathot of the Part Wayne A Mows Dethillide which ilia bre b only are cants, and lima oil helot! , only eight intautra. Also, A large lot of grerad to tdanchroters ad 11,61 Font an the Obk, riven end treble street, with tarsi . &tallow of twelve room, and large trots trees and t h r own, ho.ronnerly ono:pled by Unto di= otheanirood Gardens." The property Is I,esohatured bra suitable dace al bladder OW deice. further tlibraildiell and pleas Cl the prop. arty are to be had at ley resinin L as. Woo-he Ban- Etation. tobladileoded Mt n.% YUkt. eAlai. • N. B. hinarrairt Durham, Orval, ' tt• - sch G street. Weibinvon. D. 0.. Sly la. Bich lbs ancersigned .1:1 dada, veld bids for lb* probate 01 the 9:10031. 0 tensed new banned nazi weighing 60 IDs. to the_ yard. 266 TW-StIO tons of the abut* la at the OsinbriaJobratowea and the balance, 6711100.210 tons, is at Pittsburgh, Pena's. - In g lncg g s - acarptadi the patty tniking the 1 aims will be nodded as mons, medicable. It with. .in twenty tdale after each wallas the; to hi tall to make payment, it thoternotent undo, to tio. un. dereigard, the iron tor which eta bid wu dada adl1 ; be stieJeet to Bale to soy other . person. She right to rush shy and sit bids bi rip - tsar no.. tamed. AU bids' inlet be waled and directed to the Oadartlipled, weebtegtoe. a.d.entkowd `Bid 1w Railroad iron:. • 1 bids will be Vaned oda JOBS Mt, 51 which lois a decagon will be given. ij U. L. BOBlbloOlS, Capt. and A. W 114 - • dU /USW!. ttAL—Oirthi to disoindlon . of 'ass , Oit IL lairf w. off./ sa, print. silo our LAOS W.ObEff, , de.l mud ai hood*, on the Iron blonntain oaks from Pg. Lamb; condition of ono.7,10:01 Mike, now fn ;snoxesfal Opiftliali Poking ho o , stewed to firmly toga' of Dig .' l' pig Wooer .4,8 y;, I %..nl4 ltabla Tot Wolof% ' .!ornB,llfroo4torz brick atom tot. MOW Ind bird. ao acroiof oat 1.1881:88td .80 4f, ems. al pod. demto, fond; • r. Also, sow:rut with thi.dinariCan Cooppaay for; doltireo of thou urn, blabs twit's' loos to ran i Lugs osoin of 4ozonlle ore 11. In tso nedlito miolnityof do, lif woo.. - , Tor - toolbar InftivistiinT, apply - It oar. ono"; .in Iroodalo„ Loa. wiery , teCilitt.. 62 Wosktorill begonia. - 81,8:Tod , Wow. HARSIBOw.k LlOit sai m erior sea& hand -011.1.110313 1201.41 a, 80 leohno ht. SO. Feet long, all pang& . m One napal new BOLLia., S 2 Melia lhorntir; ceo4A6* tech Iron. 11&01,10 Fa - S.:4Q* for kui.ivai Vitt: darnel Ai* add nennin-tuilid 4:1 4 2in15i Own 16 tech Atienntor down co 5 matbceold a 0421 g.. 1306121 1. • totntt - On timallieseui ~... , FAM& Felt em.s—situitiiii-m- _Pea , . _ v. coun ty. about We miles tem! -.1t00a0m57,.. coutouttai t"o MOM owl •Igtit.pnly , saws. Too lend to a *tad q mtity I *bout Clos . Windt*/ urea cowed, -Cool lulu klze.teme op Me promiril , 'Also D!.•Utzig Boa" Itoraud Orchard. Inaloprod WA. `will it4ooolot. I !Priame told low.*lttoct to one, two, arson* Wm!. lor father particulars spoly to I . . _ or, lt. PLIIIIOII. • I rata uteafy rittabarsb.. Orc.l. AL DIOR; Klitsmalor. Pa " opts VIOLUCID4i MILL Falitit-nikat eta libWil Sid litaMble props MilinitiOaßSLisi CITY kl Le. i _t- . i.., - Okada at tko ct t ealaboat Lauding:, kkobointakela Oty. -Weehtagton natal. 'PL. 'alai law alaa at Veva& Son Alla MOOS. Ittecohaat no t 91111011 , Doha, sad all %tie. coolant t he' .to„biag stealaitri. kPirbil ' la-of . the' at anaaing Vat= bodsie Weakling ioc the boxtx,r. it tut I. sole' al a ssorllka. _. . t i ._-- .1- , ltos tartkaral apply la tb O enbacribicia; aalLita - - . - O. 011ikOn am ox liALlio—A ,, very dote , x,. SW anntifteld4llllolo4ll4 Nib eiatii•a; on toonsyllsOila'aviona abeot these foAalhee dt7.osaitatalsit IA awn. - Atha EsiallsaillTaallowt pe Hallway Oars pow to :mit, and abool.tuOi ;ads hots &wayside Buttloo - bn ths F. It. nits; IPoSiody islutosaalledi beams of toes.ltty. .. heaps moots. Toe building sites are. saissasolisl detaratil Varian a number edr trots tease sok the properiv. , Ingole• of O. U 150 Mal lit PlUb 44 oot.erite the Getbedral. tovlsisi (10..0 N TItIL . - uktiumeNuiti Wit Adodsouto Diode= itylo Ptodttng,l oath Uortiogo Bow* and Otadot add .v. 1 , 6 1 110,1 of ground attor.bett. port In trait trope, td rood bootrh4 condition. Studded a salt mils Last t.lborty &anew, P. B. ft., (and Was ttlattrutiProla A. F. IL B.) oats plank yak to the door. .Poontiotoa stria llknqutia . J *mut* co o . l.o3:tm at sad 114 Wood scrOd.! IA A 11.1. I rittlgittlTY RIJA . If • 62.1.4,.=4; 1 ACM Gi t4caa w W t dltinFb Padang end lEsooks Holum bid,l),Allo &Ad IS* thredvadle. boas t its. atlyiND 4 Mintiscgh. - Yort, Ways@ ;lad Chfooko lbarold add OttforiLlyor, lo klatacas towualdp. 1.4 ',#e4i toreeLf Ike puratxua moue,. Apidy is telLilu W. H. . TO MOT.' k lLE*—Tip ibrosito var./mous!, lio. 6 Wo striort,liro . Lappin from Wolor rust& - roc : tor= apply „to • iitattli VARY,' lio hr 6 or to JUSILVW WOODWildt, maw 64 out tirood 11=21 iu two or, 31=0 /SUOMI J. in the third at Worth stories of Oisarti 1104. Ing. IWO Mut, vita or silthout ete4,4,(poser ‘TikiziOß L4 . 74110'1'4 • - EXIERMItI . .. a MICE, ROACH* _I3;AtiTS, I. BSUP.lloll9,llol3oll.ol4lltitite IS TUBS; woobrar .to ; mons 011=?LiWIlk YOWLS, Ali IMAM! So. Sold by sal Bre.Ww , Weitiywhens. Beware of all worthless lasitatioes. rrincipa Doper en Broadway, I. Y. •-• B. a. ream seroCISB. 40i L oo LIMBS OM. wholeaste Ars% rittab% ittb: - elyttliesdawY • • ! .1; t :7: . WLL BARN DILL & ceo.; Boiler i Makai Olivet , Iran Thoiteis, _WEAN ISTIIII`, Non AO 29. PA and CA Raids, escand a. taro yard Lad f Awl it olds the mast Illet/rcved sankinery, vs sressrect to oranotaatecra Sewn' demaription dB Lansft, th• twat', ihaedepre sad warranted equal •‘to any. sleds , to Lb* . acentry_ 0111111111 TB, B CB RN. Tlllll SIM; EirtAld PIM, LOOQIIXITB I3OII . I i. 3. OONDIBRABIA BALT PASIRT ILO, Olt. BTILLA , MIITATOZA et srriarici TANS,: BOMBE IRON; ISSIDOBR SUGAR PAB and r 0,;.• learnetaten , Ora of BARN. EttleLW , PATIN t BOILBS. aspedrths doss as the aborted ast , .-, , itelidt . . _ _ BUPA DIAMOND STEliaoVoPildi '• PITTI3BI72GH, , PLRX, RILOTH,II*i C 0.,; matiwiirws - BLIT QllLLti r l RII11911) Clii:C 2l6ll1 4 equal 4 Insi aid 00%6E4 0,1 *II trimly Arsmoted egad to . ally baporm - Or 1i11aW14•,,,W,14 eOOO 11 40 . 4, WORM sad winmaddikal , as Mend ammo wsz; mosso. m_uts ---- • FLOUR JUitt FLOUR 1 , - 14.013E1 cl 100 bbla.ilortlott XX Slokoi t if Moir; T' • • 110 do Void's 2Y da , do; I • 160% do - Cagle • do; CO do Mada' burg do; . 100 do' St. Laois W. !"- do; - • 90 do Web , of 01do •-• , • gad . low grids family. do; •:; • WI do pais 1130 de; F i Tor ado by . , • 0011011/11C1111 LAX!. (I.IIOOIiSIXSANUIIS4:- 1 Vf 15 lihda.plzool2. o . gap;' L.l,i , 17 'do F. R. do; 10 do Cabo dt4 • 111 balbom. akin sonnet , • tncn, t 10 • p' prime ' 5A0112421 110 a. 1; 2 and 3,in 5504.104, 5.11 7 04 .27 bad bat!. 55b1i0 ' 41 - do Lake fieornat; • 22 abb. Labrada dst BlittlawStaiso ci 1 Yar gaiLalCilt .oil HALF BBL&WILLTPRIgLi '4411 - 1 0 bat. bbd; Lakollords4o: !Odom' Ballow -7, 5' do : Wo4hbaimidd • 10 docoodDoole O&M* MA* Ihlsdiko4: • Ni g& .utsoaax 41 1101010 .10 4 T Ibrret Amt. N a 4Pj—kki"t- riltal 'J. 131.08,44110$ ,with nt I . :* falsl Pretar.l" inficrairar:Xll IDIU BLENGTR IiBREING•4he first Ajtig tamest n owstiancikir we by 5015 boi de darn as Or bent gm? 11193111iiiiik • ti;(_*•_,Laseey wit EWA draft. - - WW2 magonzurgasH44to L, iuudy4s. Cur Theuviiitrg:tr!rd k! 1 , 1 4! IT ; Fhadottiongc, . .Ift. lislre.aselitill2l4l. 12:441*.. dig= Solari ou.m.quanivisaliZrals... and'ts al* trylks Oslo or ..1111p, Gnat} Este - 4 t..EXP. --, • - -.7 iouppor. 'moo twiltdbir**lo.llAmmlOrlieti. 421. - ttra itaiii ,l43 -- ' " SNRia°64.aalkitii‘sic, _isbelassaelk - - :! , . I . • ~,,, cmd.ourfaiiiirlAte we ft s eadiberaubr ' y ea , , . . Oriiirtallismillje; I L 01,11 ' „alargaging ‘.. / L it es.) 1 .-,.-- t._....-- ; , ,i,.. , • 9•••',1-'-, 1140:;.-X01(7 y, •Aewmp/00*w -,4-.1 --- , ~„,...; -: I EnntrISTOCX Y 1.- • Goork 1 iesaa --- 4ses Das omslii• , 3 4" '' '. ... '..iitili mrZeobatamoiralar ~. .. " cuk• to: ...nimbi. bil dot at ' ` i sti Oadp ollll 4- 12 , seith p i o!t, UN . =gi to bilinMa ma i n i muisk ii Cia. ~,- i , ,: appuol 4ll '• ..an.q'D:o7;.,_:,..takwll,6B ....tas I - - ....., ' -`,. wails a not Paa Vairoines. 1 yaw So ..•••••,...••-• a. grasillitalk ,. ii . a . tame. B • •". Usir Otani a' ^.:, al , b. 1 gar atiMr.lalia- 4p,lsigille , 1 rilraammen.."l. AblielteL._ .. . at T n . :ILlBaLlie i Utaiiilellll7W l .7 r 000,a4r116"•,", l cogin B rum rt. , ocia..wr / 1 11 7 1- I . a - - -.1 -,'"' 1 . 1- - *. e ' a LES. wl, *.tare lOTA . ':- 9 ----- , 12 rittocinams VatE a C t ilz 4 .=-On 24T1111D41r 0 20.'2 1 1 134 .= o gal bo sold;iink No, 64 Vittla burst/ Illolootk' It 4o bawl. Amino A , Shalt baw l.Pesti *Oki I,‘ 2 bozo 6rotid P,Dpori. 1 2 'do verPsrwl /MVO 51 i. 21401 f bursa 114640nti , . , .., ,, i. - 2 mkt now footbias • bourn cans 0p,04 . 21611x13; "co' rtees'ilkd - U a - too tOoxiod 3l. rook ikon bottloi adieu' Zhalalloti ao, Out ilim4Matlitifily , A • ;-j a Mani% htdadirje•stc,--,1,: r 1 0611304Pki • 4 4- 1 ,„4„, Aid alai. i4:4424? twoosti4 QMY 21.4, 1 1 1, 41 , -11 Otre• Y.lOl bet ILV 4,:telUN lb Iffeff.—Otivugivirrtillnia. t 6 e It'elcelti aver bl , ateera.4* - aikl.arawcat .11 16 mast Oat. talattea T.M•sakaratal USIS ./1008,.61, Ntligauk4,44,••tw•tos T• 14.1.11 ov vapory of Wig; Is 40 ettalk Wady ifeeplauhg tea reildeailoratbara Oates% eau is radurjantd• 4 pI:0 10140 wit , trod .11-Plikiiregiata Sams% sine . e.,ta• mart st ebialanti We* alit dimwits& beet 11$ Me to • SO Ira inia fog twit. us rotbile: etre* and fatal& 1. titt LOA ler ladle a Ye hat alga,. toppoot. eb..e lot ) vihanioliglas sea:Kai tva.ara. 66 b bet ,4*.a adta'atair,tapanuaatta the .bet A" Go Woad .114th,' ,hI;IYIOIsULt. nag Ad. iiimi,mt•fioar ► • - 'boiia, :Twoortim4l4 44 o,m co la am cad tv.part:via tutets.'atvatal a.asat nat. uut,el Liar 21T22 813'81:ittioll.;418 1111)118tDal • AS. • T)3llBlritgid.a7 alb. a 2 0'2,21r, arl Oa ta 0,48 lb. psalm s& thalaw ail at as lb. Lassa •• jade MU:A ts.B d. tedd.11111640,180 ,1 * bd..lr. Lou, who h bi4i ham Liddidylded MO the jampart Saof 400.1 PM.4006. • r. bd. a earidnba sanaltil'sarilao , 2 . do, 41 , -do " ',4* - do '4B' do; f ••t•I do • 1.9 da 161. • a e ddorf 1.6 di; - • 4 • I d• ~, L 111., 0 •418 odd: • 8 00 ' do t , t. , do ' ad . dolto vs; 10 dal -14 da IN As; '..11 do 9% do lot do; . Th.asnall tuna; tiderisi 'rata 41. Woods' lima. ao.Drama altata,a I.d,ttobattod ,e). 1 • 6, or Baas *rood a usicui; dod.v.ll - 04.,:u0 I both ;or daighual 000dufroderacal. ad for trdtLllld "um stuataih de idtmstultioarrxed,l,,4 • ranana:adsts_us . 2111K.tog tlaradma balste itsrOrotaid., 221 so. snow. fa,. Maas 1011, la rands 'on 'Thalia what ea tb• 1414. Ploatot the Mad asi lul l 8,1 i• mom..m, ait ...Doane:ant zummiii4 6 o. oboe o f Babb is ai.00.2. 11 .' insaoad ouiay , x. Tula or Isza , ,an. "man ainvood midst ~ 1 11 . doh two - ida orig. as nsa -.'.l2lartonr dationo,oi stsaans ;be ma. will Do aka 'nen of Antrio.^ for thleporpoo• • spaand .Brato ittliltar• tab rittotong. LA. D.Dot at garter la. 01amm11e.p.)..... umo.ely. CM day or Too Indus „sward, t Plaolluith tat lase ereolog.22* a 03i .2.1220 .1 CI so. m • ` nale • •••• DAVI. aso. 1, oral , • *M.M. Oo 21310ill*Y- at at 8 o'clock. will b aoU, to Ai. waordl floor et id. Qin. mental fiski Dooms, ay otiarStro Raton or _ ta Mumllanlcot Plittiarih Wick: 64 do - Zaolianp book "saw, . SW do Maws that Bus:4w. 51) um. Nitta 11411414 Co. Mal; do, P N rnalitiFel 4250.140010, 40e7d0-'lllrwitadadili dfiieWitarJr, D %Nis isaillrAilll, ilsoVng. Gallo"...glatErzir sin Y AT , aticando.•=4:a.Tol:ll o 4 20.14 se teehitatotttrbe tatAb' Ocathotalt tau*. Nothat. ,, lld: tak- , IIIIIX by erase et ths keeestos .leater httathu.thitglotek Theldednatte let a grated t eitsate Ith w ike;elettaty yids et eyed st of mt. 4teet set* 01 atereitheOsysitt attest 14 het on Grant itttet :itirthtentbah bed' 4115 • tot, ott which , leitiettett 11,te. stet, te Ica dwelbsty, - ccretilign; st*reetes:Doll" et& malt MONIS h. litelb*ADNltamterre. • 5 1 1 #x& gOuNTRY alti AT A.UO. ".11.7'''TIOti,- 1 am ebieetlalniyitlity tend &Roma Yestehley ilotoash 'ObloTothabtp, in Weal *ea iltelo , itx &me tall. tee tthwitatopipt at at& tag themes ith, AuttletiothAthitltiDAlr. gay IA • MS— The geoids we pheZ i ,spleatea vase the Iwo, vedette. of trult;'&4B ' the trete ate hair be prime beettlty doittl beta &at. twes ton e test yeettL- 5,5 5,, , „ _ 'WELL-130 411.001,t1.-oa* N.l mossusolesis,at u o'rimek. ertil be lad; bt **Vas was lsoome, No. 6* )IfhecuZWlSsithl Wig GOMM Wall SIGGS 16 11 4 complising Arm Mush Steel. Lea, esemonas, 66SG Pump AAA gine— eikelNi• r meiLwarni. &won. . . CO / 4 ELLd VIWA. IsALLUO/i 0 • BONO" kr truTION:-.4.: nit ill DAY svai liatoosse9atb.sa-Botabr.Linte.4•• Lid ai 4144 ooatmercl.l44l•l4/4/04, 114:14 RIM arms— ' 11,10A0044411)!MBeitelicattsi414144414 sashimi 1146,-Vnd Ctrilil44)lTima. .011 l/4.11111 /4444U111111.4 4 .11. aura, vvArimik =4:W.,TtnisD4T - AWINOw XIV 11184. sa II: o'clock; to Ford i ' Arai Vft , ""al' 611 . Sooab kW; lit VIM ottoote.P.' LW Owe Iforokoatialtutekokkloll flak SW& -d7.lAllcikook koilosesoon Ck. Sloan ikklf.l4 soi,VI *kb /mem ' . . : • Ago. AZ walk t .apt, rauaa,fphu / ersE Air Johe'llastit ' - ' laStr .111"110041,00: Wtlo Weft • " ' This Ash* " = IE4, 41210.1 4 .t1rek1.V.. . . • u..* a 0.4 33AXICialiar: rek bad. ,aOUD.7IIILTM• tWiLAlluint‘Micsaggis, • Jugs of:tfiewarnmik amix4 l '.2 l t, 4 ornin oda.. rtokessi ---- T6Ol - Friri l 4s l 4 (ll . "•-• . . 11 4, 3/" " corn ; * 4 ' ll4'B ' 3411"1 . 111 T I : , •oOrelt. tomiou n • th. 10 0 'Sna"ID. ..' =Windilleir4 stow ui host. 4"Bl4 tanDiti el*.----.64 " 54 114".1 1 1 P t ILL. IN It bases= l ll 7, Z; to bola. .111oriblinmegGc .,,,, 61.) ;.I) Chair -`) gots PIM& in SW, llSftvi 111,34!t, r v • • 1,11116%rit _ N Jo. :Cu W . Alibi. !W a y,. tip' di • 'vim ,was 7M, 610'n0Dtailll rnt.ksaint r 0...--lurraioutors4rier ta par m o i t up asrogii 0:40314.• st 4 1111.1.: •ialeyireggilawriitialit kik dap. Aniaigut ,MAllalkoll.l4ltT 013. ' ..ada,-ZlW2ll6l6*.sit 4gis teen irtli odd that. otloi image mit* ktoe to kb .- tow ADA ookigoostorictuLuo• coo be sitenbse 2oot owl Soto tibaktitiMog to sum tU : 4"4"..T°1113311°A b i - * 4.4411 102 ° 10' . 7 15 -:. come Iftuitar' fa °Taw Toithiolt4ii=AL'apatponall jlLeonia sd get' = sw am.. 0117010511100 Kc ithOrNikit 1 16 1 ,10. ,, Jag ordrig. Ono salaisteis N A l 2, ll %l4"*L'*""'`" l! '"- . ,- . - i -"!*' oionagirwo, ra qi1,'1414/FAIVI ! ~~ i'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers