EIS ~P , • 1 . k ... ~ • . • =MIME .: • , MEE - - :••s , ; -, ::i Z.::: ~..!•:::$:--, ,',"; i'l*:' , .':i, - :C7..'''..•i. ' 'l:'. -- ,::. '.; ' • • •=•+• •'.- • . : ` ' '• p• .„; ".. .." 3 • .•••,; • .*4 : , • * fki • -%; ' :•;/' 4* , • • • • SIT::: t..: •,•., Wr ' • rz:••=; , • •,; ••• • .4: 4 •0e ::'• "" . 44 . 44. ' " 4: • ~, ;•'+.4.• !=ii;• • 1 •• • •- - ; ; , • 7..v,=. 47 t. •=:.t ,„•• • 10;1 it. .;%• 3:- • 11111111 =EI MEM I l ,~`t MIME EMI CRLLIGETC.& • lituclaidetiervig tan_ pitpd•awko4pccuJovistaiii:ioti-` Naberrth. _ Lst , urni, -I'7- utdSr ' F ief ludat .fouiry s -st th. Waal* of 114 ° Imo boon an 6P.',Dd of Illmylt7llo!,l3l°°i°l79 431 et Pariromrisin r!" olioorai/Aso P upon a pardon 2,..140=11.10014",)- tad from - • • ) 1 4 ,1 rsitoisibiii4J 4 40 .1 ' on A 1•41110 ll Ptioi Ma P of " a L d. w ~_ • - • .- ~ , ~,., . ...3,--...., ~.. • 1 ,,.. qr. b oo oot_,tfieris r . 77. ..skra te . "mount *poi ...':.'."'-' . , V.yitia• - • fgeatliiissitiipii,:ii7 *ltstr-lt whoa -t ?- .. ,: oksit ' roi , litabw i* 41.11 10 1 4 0 1 thfAtih r . - ‘• - - . -- ' iswaatiaaialied thalf4lowlitir • 44. Lori orileiblitist - iritir boring ;tract _she float W ho 64 from tiiialtr.u:lli, we. arristod Is OR Losis,in Jol*oBs7,wirUt , ' • .aroir mut ...411/././ . . llll ,Lb mught to this mho 29tb lb, tato . , ....t=4 ...I — WatA r pti lli War:dr Malan; and 741 ..-;- "--- ---- .. 4i?7 rliiilinVllllll/01,' of golt.l 4rol. Vii. f . ig i...,., do •- _ . or Y.I. Vial stado I but till ; , tti . 4 4 ^ l "`' 4 1. ' - — l. ' •, • , illllllll. owninaled by the Omni, and Inttaiutastsaatoneed. to'rhil'illiDC,- - Ia Aptil;et inoq, , tho on to was taken :• • taalona thi -' '',nn a Writ of error, and aftn,tp " f . ir.Ooor,c - dinned the .- . • . . .4 1 1111001 4 a. • itri, bolow.l The mutual ' • , • for. the artioner,udowping. dons everything ~: wltiolkiVirieboosiiblichrllissi Si doilke ess . , went bop* ii,fto'frl;(kar, who signed ' ths &at% itaktniovaaLiFiad_tito day for the ,matista , ...T.hatidanondanti.howoon, had not sinalipalPhopseloalfrotta were at onaestade - " Is Mandl d 131114111: - .)15t,;irkthor4 intl. _ The ~,, dip, g,thwandetatiSa - Offw:fasar ; the scaffold ''• ' ' ',..,....., 11 'ros,:litiookaiL; iiiiiidorrileil, Dian nal' prepay- 1 ••••t --- ' - 'Lau morays arinapiopoissomodigooo.l 77.,:i 1 .-• • .''il o ittpto uskotto:Autla .. 44:Ors the very day ; -. 0t * 444 c ' , ' ! "l/6,4 - I.44 4 r az a ni mp a . a mgt. jinn rranted r ' 1 ,,.. , ''' ' S" L' ' - tgatoont - wiiitotita tr!s' ibAlasa• •,..k...`• 7 ;),i, a ~,: , I fiwatuisrPloiesilwottitttt'of oidos without - e" ,41 . 4 ";'d 'oillilifroi‘Vltkinat, Wad his sue . ..4ju,,,"ol44‘giotii"f r. ' i 4 iitidit Mt/word" __.„_.,,.._, g.' a. '.r...t• L.r.vaitrusismis t‘sior_lot I pardon him. ..t.4- 4 '.,, , --• r. -r._, Baiarumniwnlint:Yeativithough rapealnd et . .feria wentlitilii* 'uityteli a 'pardon. ',,,‘" 4 ' i'" , 4 "."1 • *.4thitiatar eici te been made L''' ''...." 2 :j . .',e# -, # s pArdolOipm, Gunton? Curtin, ~,,, rip te 11j ' -, - . huts iialast been erewned with Nucaess. ...': • , j. i . •:'. • WU hare net yeir4l4ll4ll . lb. Ilefflusent. and we tfwatio - fa Vat kihaoni'lblek ; actuated the ' t'*'`'' '" ' ''''''`i 41.0 :2 14 4• 2"4" • - -''.— 'L." 444,ka1s iiisormseia free isao-7rosiors4 sheAlights.grpritifteicel citizenship. VileaketisE. Etat he williee ieE thie - Aeteke..tbstAra 'Menai arta the • , ,leaideleiby o maw to tegtet that Ex oloathe#le,theagy, Itie.beett exteadsd to Ittql. „.....Pststintii.of - Ifullesiadr diiisoltdation. . • Ilitik id hail ices said orate absorPtion of ,etheralinas by the Pennsylvania Railroad Voupiths% - lt seeua to be outdone by the re . • 1111.11 eoubisatien made is Ohio,' of 'which, u let, ieri.littLe MS thus far beitriald - bere, • mist probably. for the suss maims that the '..".. ~ . - irreetstraszlie at: , the wait he made less , ... -s , ~, ” seise liP the wt:width aa' ihe ba ttles is .Virgt '.., ~ ~.," hiss-,.iket Is, disisaie from thieiaboard. Oa. of our exchanipse itatubstety the soaps ef this -, ..ww.: - , L. -.--,.. -southelldatien inAbefellowleg terms : • 1,, .5.!„.. ... : - - 41 Tbe isomidnation includes both routes lead -4,,;t1 .-„,;', ,f,,figuitt. Of :Cistidina" tl yie-Rints and Dayton, .:•• ~,,,..--, ....:: mitioiiere prectieilly.oas *quit, teaching, via Columbus, tiCinalandi. the .ilidiefontaine . - 4- " ,,- - e• - ' ,": Rtsn'frou'lstßesuctilttitreetaui the Pitts -5 ,• ~ .-.:. :...tbil'ertl",oit.Yl,o - filid Malta Railroad from _ ,ureetspe Urunturgh; 'the Ohio Cultist Rail ' -....,-...• ..• . ‘: ' ..ioad friteaDohitabucto Bellaire; and the Pitt,. . 7. .. ••-. , burgh , Cfelanlisu and: Cittainneti Railroad '-'" ' ; - ''. -• ' from Nein* Yoliteubbniilly. also , th e Lake lOUS' sold ' from ifrisivilaid;t6;')Lis City. • - -- ----- -----:".fir otherwordr, - tisreatabination extend. ' • • A : , ..boa dlishinatic on-,tli Oithiaivier,..to -Clara ", , -..--, •.-- • , .. , :.find,ll2 Like 'Brie, and frost-thii 'Use line,' " '- . seaward lithe Ohio this' atiltuthenvillaaud ' "-.- ' "Bellaire; bud treetward INA - Creatline to In ,.diestapollsoureptiting kilt about I,loolalles of read....:. , •-•-.., - ' ; _!!litti basluof '- tit is stuputtious souped is -'- " " mesitualoitigraneLitwees the Littli bliami .. SUSI Colisithiiiii4 Xenia railroad cempasies ~,,,..,,,, ~..`';,G f the Int pet, and the Cleveland, Columbus ~ , ; -- ."Tsuiefilaeliii railroad of the who ' "-‘ dad parr` *hi& oontritt is-Ao)go into offset '..!' ''' '"; -,. ifincr.ises.— - .. . . .. ~1,...;..rt..;.., '-', .Ig, lisoadiehmit .ie .Meteive. that this eon , .-.'-n -,--: , 5. -a- - salidationha sudeda the isarut of the Peen . 5 , . , -- - -. , f•-' 11ydreabairrised, whisk eosmetios owns the ,-1 ,:" -," '''" Pittsburgh, ay , Toti_Wse and ' . Chicago road, 1 '..' . - '. „.....,....' Ali .ho lls the S itril.'of the euienville .east./,the Pitts , urgh andClouland and the '.• --- "...';:i: Biliefortaise -Dine. Ti. Rev York Central is last tie ..nisi of the Late Shore road, withal is to lti taken i p , beams the Now ... .....'.';•!- ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, l -bread gauge , ''. f....,- ~. ~ ..,40the of ithown.c Ath - tkilinse ntentioned Is ....- , i: q a'64his - trewnwit-ht , the , orgasiestion are of the o'r - ,,, ;1-1 -- ,, , niessirisifelitts 'ltlear yst sureely possible • „ ,„,`,...*liiiit'aittionstiptieti:cf.' the seremot sash a imisalig amiswiawatf hat time gas be no 7.1 A leak that it will extend the war sad Isla. 77,iiiiiiira' Piiiiii4ivaita corporation ';.-: 'ID 'do not 40,klaiwsi e4eoleelied of by " ',...".......;f.- 'Pt .., .:fi r .ndlittilki can UI. it Prointizt „...,..,,..„...._ii Mr: titiork of reathilsr the Paolflo. L• 41, 0 . I r-, ..i ti e ' ' ' • Homer etaloa. Oa Satmeirliiit - 4 -- lialberie me a bay . `"'""-- mato were *stiasa from the psuatcre of Kn. VMS iitkal , Birtiar Al tarn , towailtlp f wad It toPpololt the the; thlef.'brought them at Weimiday *main • Aitesmiptlem of the annals Mes p la the Ater — IrMartieti," sad • reward of •tereatplellazi way amid for thearrest of the "rlhie _the mow, yof Um prosody. The Illefiwas hoed la the Amble attache lo the looont of .111 r. Patter, oa toned:met, barbs -- , "0 -to mbool'pleeetbere by a matt mooed R. Hatull blid...ptirehaimid it at the norm 'Market is bad - Mow Isla two' or .41welkihmeo,:withla a day or two, belay sub a . • audits Know that the odor would be beta ,,,•evi Mast amassment lif•. Kr: Mantas stated that bead It from a ataa mood Tow *boa behave 17 idea, sued whom he: started to neat lap. It. Is more tau likely, hoverer, Urine hosideare ouL • Tto horst bra • ..,aet yet bees loud. . A* +ll. , P,AI3 Rotuma soli amis.—no Jan* 'number of - - , ----onotthnrytopopotorTotoootzlnir will be gonad ' • My IS to the troorsolly oostotaltigiaa it dam, ,mow Ml:motive moo, ea • ,ositity of tub ,•lottliq with !Wants' dodos and mlsoollanios, we awooptiblo to the . 4 muldsato of sµ is rt: a 6:: A. :Aatallithili and tai stratod paper ea tit V0r,..0f1862 opus the cam ' „.1-7.e.:-,F-,x4stakuoirkkofooludlziUpo of Now Maur ~.- . 7 f twigiliou- 1 11' 4 naly illuttatad, TOW follow As au *u m of 'm in * ;eat other }wpm ea Toototp oslOoto, , viler*, and wet Vi i• • ' .iiorpqr,islarsaJeAt J. W. ritteek'g, gpo-_ Ate *be post Oleo • at IV. A. Oildeafinavy s ilftb street; 'Sall at ;Bony libier's, int • leer to tit ptst, - 771cmitemzei horn as inn linEamon.— Si — entn'rme kioir ups that there Is a. - Men* at @Mealiest. en the Masking- Aistaleernt Ms primal time. We hear dally qc itimplebits hut enr badness man ;that Mum 'l!=•s 4"r t 'llo4l"_llo.uopmis ito4Airfriditt,threngh by th e m Ai m .uniels no rettread plawapn and Alkinnatitsi tesmse; Oniony remedy Is to ,I1O.00_e• of our ooP esp. Wet' will.:.the Of SIM boats ea/ mac sew- masegestest 11/10intry the treablesea hweerifietee. 4 '.1 ,, ,,Z, -: I ' illasseeo Protoarat 111,10 IT or ur flaw • loasailoso-Llfe hart already spokes of this ," P,'„,• 3 , i t:oll4 l 7g folio, Ids& its ilia illustrations and •., itt"7 - • 211 ,- - opoipsphy, as Maly ass* to blooms • .. -41 `? - 1 4 iritl: path., •assoag th• many lig it L- "'' ' ' ir - 4 ' -*Naito moor la ~so of t;' fl,, t. nirskaadt Smith Puts, ;',,p; t,. - 1: o maids :9f libraary aad . ''' '' i l a. /Pu ; 141 : say b• had .......:, L.: + • ok-alesVost 011oir 4,.., . ._ riaisiSfirtry MiseS's, kelt filci? fto tht !a f t - . , -.,-__ ' . '': ' ' .ItalatiV44The al* Orel*, mantloisid si limbs boos profensd spites 6 soldier, b • joust woman of Lila. a.. milled; fry a sroddiag. ---- rtrilgeirth7 bla -:• , ,D•r il es - p • . . a wasofed .16111110 ''-; ' ,:.:; ' . , I,IO II L aaly;artisinial telatittAbeir ' 4 t 4 o111111160:43 1 , 1. ..v- A - - .[]'_. v . Iv., . ..,......0 5 ./ s±fiffaiik-146.h...= 411 Y.fei ,Rilli7 Oiliiii i , Asiiisoily.itetwil-4,1401- as ,Naksh --:1•4' 'LlitiltridOL 4 * - " 7i- T r ari" at ;)16/14' griott p . -- 4 4011 . 1 *de tatirof i "eirkt ' . ri ft lad . ftaiiiklyssah. • , 7 --- 4 : .4i,.1 7 1 v e i ,. sl , ,} -, Alto ' • .4, kin ands their , , • ' -:"'. - ~...y..AS, t k. - . ~. 3lg '5 .... .. , - 1 14 , tt t . . - .4r 0 !', --- ,T , ; - .;- , /,7;,'1 ,2 t. -.-- '= , '--"- • , „, . " `11".,,T. gl• * ll # gei!A, 42 44 1 0 1111 . 1 'il dile :attrant svuesar - Wiliyit allow iiitkroUgh .; to express Our satlsfaaticis, sad tifsaVi .T-7 . " abi iafioai . eAttgalbuit spanner ialielthalt itebis dawn hiEltsipiletr uhatise ,agalast alas weitithi° aoldlevailiiasayillia his remarks. were isaidsttii:bariatow. , !Unfortunately we tailed, aud 'WU fail'Actustierstand them ao, iaismudraa:thesfleakid-tlee distinctive la , tut of 'Marietta; hs'bisisg neither witfy nor &attain. Wo . would base store faith in hie " intended butlesquir,.bowever, did hi not, is filling to andante- their tio' ties', iropugu their siOirea' In going 'forth to 'serve their oeuntry. We think he is 'tialy neglecting the praoiloe isf the.. golden 111%." II • Yr. Judge will be good salami here. afar, and not indulge' to ,burles qua on. his fellow soldier', we will magnanimously wee -te'forglve Iftsulakot aped the "seeker eatF,." whosidareissitiou uppity consists in alititia bonnet!, ea, treomprehaut-th fidepth.lf lilt.fltotightiroupecially whey • • • viyedrinthe.fiinn oia burlesque. We beg least* arepeottully dealing availing ourselves of photegraphs• bi- hie Siorthr self, on the liiwril arta proposed, his Writings La the Dispatch will be andlelent to keep him SM. aimed in our memories, math his return, whoa we will 1, iloulsembisi for, at lout, a m0nth....:,...• 'we 130gtit I* Inanned to• say more, but rep tst leare:t o Judge"; with our best wishes, se the nine months'. soldiers. hare returned, and more are wnning,aid, We not only with to enjil their ioedety, but deetre to . take good nook of them while - thei Mali* et home. • Meer . Limn. , Allviray . City,,idoit2o,lB63. Tea Anresto Pon Jatin—The exoellent June number of this ably academia monthly, with contributions from deessii, Dr. Die Leith; '"The" Author of 'Life in the Iron Mills,'" John Weis ,s Gan Hamilton, Mrs. Alters, Donald O. Miteholi, eta ' eta., has been roceivid at J. W. Pittock's News and Periodical Depot, opposite the Poet-aim DAYALGIID Clazratua at NoKeires Auction, No. 47 71 ifth street, (to•morrow) Friday, May 222, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon; will be sold In quantities to snit purchasers. GATE TELEGRAFEIC NEWS [FROM OUR EVENING EDITION.] The Fire in Richmond ERBIL OPINION OF TiLLUDIGHiI The Position of Gen.' Grant THE SITUATION hi TENNESSEE. THREATS OF THE REBELS &a, 4!e., &a. ispeetetzteteuth to the Plttaborgb Gth • Mtranuessitoro, Toun., May 20,1803. From the Chattanooga Heidi, of the 17th issi.,l 'slut the following ' ranaltosea, May I6.—Everything is par te:lig:et; not a word of interest to:report. inelaseed,May 15.—The Crenshaw woolen faistm.was totally destroyed by Ate. The loss is estimated 1,41450,000. The Insurance, $lll,OOO In the Richmond, Lynchburg, Dan ville, Charleston, Georgia, Alabama and Flor ida °Boss. The origin et the lite was the itioilon of the machinery in the psoking room. The; clammy to the Tredegar Works Is :mien., but It is supposed it can ha repaired in six weeks or two mouths.- An article in 'Go Hunts:llo Advocate . miss the followlag statement: Up to the cannon's 'mouth at Ports Henry and.Dolielson, in Stuart county, Tenn., and in Clarksville; Moistgoitery county, Confed erates:lmm is received by the chime from Govirnasent agents, in exchange for bacon at twenty-seven coats per pound; wheat at one dollar and forty cents per bushel, and leath er at one dollar per pound, although the people have been in the enemy's postession 15 months. The soma paper statethat flour is $4O per hunered weight in Huntsville. The leading ertielie in the 11•141, of the 17thl, pats Vsllandigham approvingly on the Jack, and cells him a man o! pluck, dignity and courage, It says the result will hardly' go fatally with him, although thei Uncoil leadOni would willingly sues:oats him; but they date not. " Blood far blood." lathe old , azidos, aid they would god it holding good universally. They are the most arrant caw.; Ards personally, and lb' 'paring Vallandlg-- hanc, they will have at present a eats for shalt own. bacon. - General Stuart has been assigned to the *mime of Stonewall Jaeltscon's Corps. From an interesting article in a Mississippi paper, we glean the following : OoL Pettus, who was „talon prisoner by the .Yaniceis, and afterwards escaped, say. that . Ma tanks. Strength I. between 40,000 and 50,0110. Grant occupies a position very favorable for rosining an attack on his right, as In form iac* front in that inue: non, his dank' would rat upon the Big ''Black river and Bayou Pierre; and, if worsted, be can re treat:upon Grand Gulf. de,the some time it is a , Tory pretty lbse to not in two, and lf, while Dub troops now ar thing, should attack his right, the Vicks burg 'gurison should throw themselves Ise tweinV,Holly Spring.. and Grand Gulf, it weed be II an awkward place. Thew Mobile Register takisi: oheerfai-view of this situation In blisshslipl, and soya: We holier' that General Grant hu, after infinita pains to get at some vulnerable point in pn% 'himeelf and his army into a tun, andlt honeys where he is much longOVI ! ' defeat aid ruin *wait him. We have thinkers then:and going there to do him up :sty , hi:mi. Grant. disposal_ of on Ono side and, 'Hanka on the other, a fin *pears will bi oltexed,to,ronver the ralueldo region, of Eel- • federate Country, hentofora atrium ktykr i f=, hi; .Ynnkee troops.. We Je act despair raising tinAgedatite lag in Mei Orleans before; summer is emir. Here : ire additional' Bann from the same PIPIT • Brigadier General ,Walker passed through this pits. on Sunday as rents for the Won. Joseph Z. Jehestonts by-' thit note it the th.atri of war in the aeiglibohood'of Woke n i.ntelligenoa irate agreitible Gen. Hosearans, and `shimid he be indund bike eitiTextelie of - Jobiati*s abs•two to it tack cistit forams Tanneueiti he will lay On' Confadarate ems and answer the Saran pnyeist Braitoi- Brasil.. • . te.nr . As to the situation of affairs about the Big Mask firer, the /kinds of tie Confedeestie In slopendinme nay'think titue . 11 an artianolte. priPietfon for Gen. Gina, which calla Min** teihiPit htr ~anny ea this ' side rif tbratisshsippl . ; ,Mislialohie to thir. Krionrillester. of this; that a Union Ftpiroigiiirriodmantiliresiiitraittilng on - cirri; point fry: ths Way of Bls Oink - Gap. Afkioohnibus (oa.) Sae, Of the 17th, *apt :74 4 ;0144:44 ititagetheie rat:Me that the laakeint Uri been In.*. poison/on ot!raoka son shinf Wednesday night," 11l tannins*: . 44:14ffirrowen2entrott sh ; trd.tint Sinn. Calr forme- will farm a Medea at eons. that Ow slaw is saw in tin eenditins des' erg limaidlistio• ' • '-; AI/ arc - *DU kl/ting~h - Afonilififittalkort bad, whim ear.MettPiWill not bison to max- . ' 'l. . i •Icaumwdlaadvaatagasod/Ilma , • TSi tabiepicariraii - that tli• MS - all tkip,rpiik4., .pe r awing theaVaailiterata, sunny , for para. backlit—two tom*: . • • . Thu Ehmollisipapsrs repast a spuendld pros- pint ffor,orops. F. &VICIOUS AFFAIR AT SUMO Two Union Regiments Pireinto ea otherby iistake Foam= Holton, Map it.—Passagersen the train lambs ilnifolk at nooktp . ,dati ri port an auident *coursing to two regilmento: Two by-roach h:V*2l4*f the flouthQuip void, and upon cash of these one regimeat::wes — Timm were the 11th lihsidelslatt. and 153 d trim Talk Volunteers.. liiihe ' ll;i4s l i near each other the* form a shortits:* tbu 'Curtis betieen,"erid upon whiohllarailir:i dense undergrowth. Across the 4,.,ing strip of land the two regiments utile hut Us. peroutibly disown suit other, ail3 l 9'lo meat mistook the ether for rebels in ambush, and at linos opened a galling !Ina replied to with mach ardor. 8 take was discovered mush m1381140113' bola done,bOth regiments having entere r sidarable extent. It is hoped th4t, Awanl torsion will throw a, mil* 'Chili* light upon this cad of - LATEVr FROM TENNEMIEE The Bebels Withdrawn froni Shelby Ville and Tullahoma. - BURN6IIIE'S ANTIOIPATEZ.MOVE. MEN r ON EAST TENNESSEE. ea., ay., the. hitavaissaoao, May 19.—A deserter from the let Alabama regiment was brought la to: day to Gan. Stanley. Be reports that tale label forms lately st Shelbyville sad Mala bo= hare been withdrawn. He did not know their destination, bat Maid ethers say that they were gsyzis — ta retake Jaokion. ' Several Union ladles ease Into oat limes to•alsht from Shelbyville. They say there WS very few rebel troops between here and Shelbyville. Thy stated positively that Gm. Johan muted away three brigades' with him to reinforce Gen. Pemberton. They also say that Gen. Great either evacuated or was driven from Jackson.. He burned the pablle buildings and warehouses and &strayed . .tiscaltroad. o rke,Obattassooda R.bll speculatas on Gen't . Burnaides anticipatad normoiat upon East Tannissee, and thinks that the atonatalas will prove an insupinble barrier to Ida Mines. It is stated that Goners" Buchan has been appointed to the esisnand et tla Knoxville (Tenn.) Bipartisan'. TOWAID LITILBSOCL SEVEVE FIGHT WITH REBELS littecessfallAald Into Alabama. BHIRIII.II4 , NHAR HOLLY bP11120218 Warrenton Evacuated. 411 a, M. Wm, Kay 20.—CoL Clayton, of the 61k Hansas*Cavel4, with his own regiment, sad detachments of three others, snide • neon antrum, a few days sines itolll Helena toward Little Rock, and destroyed 20,000 bushels of mm and several buildings con taining tenwilmary atom and a number of grist mills. — When near Cotton Plant, after sending his infantry back, he encountered two rebel brigades, under Carter, and had a some skirmish, and only mailed by swimming the rim with a loss of two killed and elowaa wounded. The fetal leis was 55 killed and a large number wounded. general Price L said to .hsee left Little Book on the 11th, la the emotion of Wine tout. CoL Hatob.aada a - raid .11W Wainaaday into Alabama. briVng back 4004rigonius and 480 berm. Ha 'nom tend - a fora" Of reboil, Aladn command of ObaWTI, TUB nest tbo Ts/labatoblo river, bat aospd• harm & • On - the same day, Haler Burke, with ZOO men, made • disk from Germantown within a few miles of H011y.130 3 , sad had a skir mish •with the- reisek under reamer, fa whisk hi lost 5 } pled sad, wooded, The rebil lost ram hoes best relish Imps. We took a how ;Idiom!" Mid-lost ions. The steamer Oeitaeatal, whisk haststrived from below, Mop news that the rebels Ws . erammted Warrenton, after &gaging Ow The gunboat thicket, from Youtp's Point & with gorentsient Merman front Admirer Porter, has arrived. Several iron elads are 'stationed at micas points on the Red river. The robs!' hare a raft oonstrnoted above Alexandria for the purpose of protnetins stil ton boats, several of whloh Arareported obese. Democratic State Mass Meeting at Indianapolis... Great areitemeat. iItIIIANAPOLIII, May. 20.—The Drunoarat* State Macs Meeting held here today, was largely atulnded. D. W. Voorhees was Paw - Eosin. Merril* mad Edon, of. DU. moll; sad Ifononald, of Indiana, were the prthapal speakers.. A good dal of ciolte. meat prevailed dating the day, mad forty' or fifty arrests were made for earrylag weaseled weapons, Shouting for Jell. Davie, • &e. - .A military gaud was plated la ailment puts otras - dity, iriffpritroWid.theitiebte la the vi. amity of the. square, Whwill Osaventias woo .11•14;.la 'ordtk,t# remit troth's. ateieStuie .memprizoipally in doc to the war measures o the adisistra, . It is,seld . that - the Clouveatioa!asiMal l forlhe purism of Osman pisumnali a liag: to-pititioa far redreu,as walaa M protest-la the name of the Destronley aaislustqlsi lir, =sus and wicked abuse of power whkthlpfimiid Nallandlikase .Arahree seblOekill? a. a vissolizUenfine lattedioet to tar Obtoki sad itamiedly'peued, asoldst.cast!etudislea, Isimidiataly w hi c hNk. joaimid Wee di.. • I. seneal trails leivfmg thi SOY tonight, the etourslonista ocuesammed SoldiereHesee and other houses ou the Hue of;themead: . The military authorities ordain* - therraislaupped, - and mainhed the puma- Sirs. About dee vtindind •rirsliets were ken, and lemma arrests ntede.7"-' Jatitiou t Mies, lu our Po lift:. -- D4patek - Frlflo GOA.. Grant. liformourroo, Ilfay2l.--TholfollOubjyo6 i, o o*fi *t. blOtuiftsrl ' 142:::To Ilelialloo4Sl6o .6 41tAblot t:: Ufa plats MI foto OW kink yutudaraftm alight of aboutarso hours, Jpo'3'ohiteli *se lo commas& Tie onto rotradad north; irrli4Ur with the; *tun of Joilloilko 1716161 ---- ) ifsg(fii; *he Alabana.la a_X ht Place. Void. latter! from Bt Thtoosek ; Lit WV' l A, un - QS' on - b - 9 - r ithie at United Eitabostsowar Vast. brbilt - arrind in:that pottillut sawn to hours' dein sliktodlor lifartiniqn, when, II witilmuthi. U.S. atiram , abbawa-ood -Ontddi- Atsbasib - Tailto - 0 291," blatkatiod'hitto‘ toi -"Oat boY.- ;At Molina deldwroi .titir- If 'lnds "her Own he oonatommet be whet trow,thrTaaktbill foul y ownltid. POlNlnt 'ebbs anima hoard foam bar. 3 'Steamer Eases's, Loaded with Arno 10L i d iljetnitlifidpAsTriaptarod. -- - on bosom Dis iltdi c il — roirelility - - 00 Illsbest erladitlatrwlns;°sfter an nt. .6 :314W --otiktned -11w--rehei stoma A• rolorldaind . with Rai ailLawannitin. Dto-Aia fpconlinansi had OM ilkodogAft* ntioccif. , l,lll4 44l 4kic.sl, :; " 'Wolk s. Alt will be pallo Erg, N C It b theredi laid Santa it' kw pan 'llll44 did aotitaiw-hb ' , MEM iPc. , . - ; . z . zii: - ,tl ^ """--n•'.".;7l' ILiSZI".;2.Ia r,s-Tar .Ts-,Trt :11 .1; via Pritriacnign - /mar Gasyno, TKOZWIB7 Noy 21, LSE& I. IhAw hatzep.tc, cotta In CO11:4 Gold tr 111411.11.1‘1,11 Now Tort, being. gaoled to-day at. annArvilifbi r bentoor bankers are paying from 115 to lu tarGolduad old Datnand , Notes„ and 133 c for 811. `filit;Zaatein Irzckioptt steady at par buying, and aigis.;::'a4Tirstorat Mrittlan;t• pilinlaMati*nt ?mufti as list quoted. .024 fi-ryfttestM a rdi 9i6.lover, dealers refining - tot7t9 Over gift toe - Red . 4471 Lia hands. 71'90i *Mut mitt mull sales at 96c... Corn to ttesdy with MNlSslia of liatrailbelled ' tack at 76c, and 960 •WA totinut *tient 96 . 6. Onto st• .cety doll, but In thank:owl otulanyttnok quotations. ;:n,Ollll-411 : titluirmiiiiSetlro,:thoogb priori are :rat and drasjdoi, 441 . Mai frf bbia Gormtry Extra . Family from Mom at 111,25; 960.d0 do from sharf . at X141:410 bbla fronadmst ak $6,60 Ilbr Matra, and $6,00 *irt*tr. Led 66bbla high grade funny from afore .it WWI.* Bye iiCarla 1 =anal at $4,6064,75. 6111001411321-41 not ftitaW7 at from 11% to Lim Silo bf 10 libda Cleat at 11W Cade la Arm at from 2 / 3 t0:55% sale. of 96 by at 190/.0. - Kaman tangs from. 66 to tro ice iktd and twin sale of 24 bbla old . ~ r i.„,..„..._ ia ataady wltt, a bir?locat *naiad at Ili Ibr . booldara; I* for Bider: 830 far -Plain litaniii and della , far Plain and Canramed floilk.thinid„. The 'la nothing doing In Lard or Zino Pori. ".... . , , „ , , 11 . 111111 ii ',11! • IGl2B—autter to doll and drooping /: 211 11iitg that 11 to Mt for, common to prime Boll; bblo attha beide filore. , Yam may be quo. tad at 100. BALI-4. firm with olio of., big' No.l Nitro {tom Moro al sl,2p prr bbl., •' ' CaZNag—quist and unchanged; sales of 30 bin .nn .q nine; ~,P OTATOIPE—Tite noulpts AIX* tulle; off, but the rryitltilt is TOrg; duff. ind Prioor, aro drooping. We glen at gran ao lQ Me gmauon to good gnalltim PlitsburgbL 04 Market. Mix e tM-Mintlntles' excited and firm, !lad leficosartt still*anotag' 'The receipts are Ihn: icatceli ennal to the demand Aida' that hits I. pickednp at Mil rates, The sales waft not very larp*ehlch nuiy be attributed to it s iTiati4 l4 3bat Utile vu offered, bolder, feeling pretti contlierit of stllth4gker figures. We quote at 44 01901rebuLtountlke25c In bbis, with sales of 450 :aid 200 West 24ci 60 bbl, at 25c, bbl. returned, and 160 bblefi bilk at 190. We ilso heard of • sale of )500:514 400 pttliotpairnWood:gord" Olt to bulk at 16d, kit net well anthattUaited. / 11611 _" 4 1 41 4 4 • 1414011444 11 5 054, and the market is .11 4 71199chnkcitedaisi firm with more buyers than altars.. Wa :quota. jinni standard brands at 40c In bond, and 150 e free, though some of our :annals are ,eking higher figurse. Bala for immediate delivery .4.6904td0 prime whinextity in hood at 400; 50 bbla do tome At 504, and 95 hbleid, free, at 45c. It ,atiihot_be it *roper Ii s to state that in the after Paaltal. the day 40 cents was offered for Doodad oil nalikelktied, Warn Getting Coundent of a still far. thee advance: Th weds bid IllW demand for Hensk', and the merited 1 dull sad tier acted, and In the absence of 'odes ers. omlf quotallorti:- Pixies Oak Co.'. Petroleum Circular Ltvetrooz, May 6, 180. Pgreemstrii.—We bare again to report comiderable bushiest leo thi. MO= of the year. dales fa the week, .about; 6,000 berrela. „The market bee been -aria steady, but • asoutioa;and the slightest prese ti sell wail& lizook down price.. &dud la Wilms at IL, led., per gallon, for prime quality of /*devisor)* co the spot, and od. to uric*. Om or two amalt /WS bare made lc 1Ed.,42a , bells. ad. mead be talon readily for • large Parcel of average quality. . Gatiadlazi Iciest be deodorized le order to meet re. roe. 'tie tatrortb about 1.. 6d. • etudemai., of( 'kiwi" u LI4 10a. per tun. for Penruyirauli, but to edged large Wee lea money woel4 here DO be accepted. / 1 " 8128 4 4841Fith at la. EV. in auks and la. Bd. fa awe. • • . Grouse ezet I abrkettleg olls are quid. The quell Use otparceliarrieleg are intbrior and dlsappohating Peewee' 170e1mtullon itercludia. S 6 Booth John StCoreet. Altrete!, Live Bieck Maiket /Nat koala seat alisimt impossible for any cattlimarkst to open and close with the time con. tinned dull feeling that has ehareotazised our market this week. It opened with but few buyers and closed Bat low babe being made. There wee very M lle demand aside from the retell trade, and had all the lob arrived that an on „the way here,. there scald undoubtedly have been decline In prima that outd hive tali seriously upon some of our 'Wipers, as cattle cannot be bought in the west now only at *tun* pries*. The small antral , . however, 'ilia Wombat' to maintain about former rates. Nearly all the cattle on 'wale were from end they were, generally. of an inferior quality. W. toilets that then le • great wags Of strictly polkas' walls Is all *Mot this mkuittgoand let other Lynda' Nil* they may, we aresurethat this clam of at. UsWitat still continue to rule The ultutchias Asmadation' , which au ferried • *mamas Minis, mw now be regarded impermanent orawdoetton.ind the uutiaberedsclers that no in. 'deem an or Mil bitak.it up. OW great benefit derived from this arpobration is, that it lots • ten. =to Urger • better Naas of_ cattle Into the of otbu r butchen ontalde„ ea tie association bay whohrsa ha ls, and thin divide to . snit each others N bat'- thit than wets good sold thti : ws.k t per Toned less tbaa they aid bkbilass been In market bstarai kisses • . The gooa denim formal Nook cattle, bit -tbotolledwi Ohl 'wry few o=log in, and a good 'amt., eight have been sold Ist hum 3)a to n„tio. Mottof our *deft In thls motion of the country do nobleintlerge catiti w . r eefs ; '4/Nikita from 200 to eßpoemdiamia aa is they wear, end such Is the Nom thid we htdsmend now. Thefollowtog are the anent quotations for the dawns areas of cattle: 1n market. ' • Mato Bow 4 1 5 0: Mkt 4 4 " AU tborook afford ebb mit w from Moots I Obr, AM AS bob r rlbro • Wird tom .116 bald Mr Ira Oblo . • _ , le - And with Mtmnall imp ply it ins the dullest mar. Lit we bays had Oda 'pries. *dm mill be faults cornet nport of all the lead •-Mamba 'Joe Ilium A bre, retailed 50100 of fair latent GUM at 5860.- - - ' • -re'tailed IN* at A Cb.lllo geed Minsk stem, not prime, H A Merzl 6sso. ek mold 182 bead .of lilhnie steers; St bead .814 t. en .Batabeti Amodation" at 6c, and .. o •Joietot it3i to Wm ' ....i ... 1 ' • is T ...- Gramma I; i l i stled 171J11116 , 6 of Western sat. thr dttletint it Awn 4 er, e. ti v ireeserle ,- 601ead of amomon steers, at i .1 Ptak mbeiandad It ItPd at Pletw.gacat atm bd I :lfilosditill at 5496 pat met. ' , cattis ~ .1115aI anm Moiled raked let dlt head of . o ht o • at..,. . • , - , . .Thik.. • Lai Ossia , bUsi hiding sznoog etisSlar was 11116a . put,*•: 6 losslisrs sdvasold Soft geshtipet potood; , ‘Wa.., Hams sold NO heed 11_ 1 .91 1 , 1 5 0 .17 , 90 Oat wed gliaiwitatiging / 06 sidot slm es Apsidst Mel/ Is& moilitiCtvent saw' S." ' X 4:111 - kraldt. 'sold 141 dad crawl seek itstssdoksmositiotaot imam damp mid 11. #t - k lit .: l M • f i n i ." - iP/ 1 4 1 .W • Thins fo mg little 3014 la Oda chum of stock, Yd prior nil* to fob lov. ,W. liz to okt 3 .33 3W for Inforllor 34a6 far Wary; to maw 21mi I. ze Tog Ifttlo domino! loving • tbolollvvar: Chicago Market. '' ' Yaw Tiolehtathet opened duil and Learn sad eittt 'vas Wirt etret.reita. o 3 foe itood lattattrimlat boldsnat _awoke. were asking 'The Wheat matt ehoidieett le pre bushel— with Wiwi of Na I Pietas at 111.11. .19 o ttprialt 00 5frerrieh4 fiejeoted Spring at 7Wleoo. Before I kfrW.: ark Colgate tracreettr "the market of 1101 dull at 950. batik acid it_Ora, scam - - • Oortropetted at a decline. of go per babel, with 'wart if 100.00 h) bubeli at 49WOW for, Oval and Mere • Maid" stoat; . tor hilted Own In 11101111; 100- km Wow-Corti mom- No mo m hite Cora la dare; Ben d 41647 e Titiected la . The bathed the sales al Mind Ceti Tenet 411)(e, but atter tharesdpt ofeb• New Yak deateaue It me tot; at •usts Tea& rather betty eitatetti' With tale' at ler Wel, - WI 600 for Slope hod la rtore-.1 tam thaerat - cfadia pm: waallegleetrd and dull. Illahirtsta were aulat-4uptue olfreleg 390, without Whim Tb.tl we Web' doing la Provision& ~ liiiorts hi lurer. 1.011114-226 lasara-64 1806 hemp. El Oar -140 bldg. Watt A. Warm 8 Abdo Ara cloy, P &Boa; pkp Soloxe, • . : Hosurio; 75 as AM* 11 Nods 6848 11 ski hoop B • San: 04 160614 1 6M1Ar0 cloy Forsyth Aro; 869 blooms. nollsoarliold•hoor . 30710616864 1435'Am. Chub • old 100 do booed, Ifollano 11 Acjor, 181 oil tolirLookart B Mori I pap bads. 11114rort• 12 hie NSA _Milithad ilk Paton 58 Mb crldaky, ' a moksaim; Mao low, Wu -1140814 boon; 209 rm. rue., Imo* . Olden; 49 Dbl. flour, ablixoniM44 - UAW, bin*: • Robison • co. itailu3a44tia dm obalafi a. , Alvin 34 dat N* tradol. Mood • Coillni 200 ; p11. "°4 11 417421 A •Ido wino, • Notolor • crs .111.•46 ondAoMiro.,l7/ Draws -10 Au coadlio; derandowA44Bol. Look* 86 liana/jibe asionoondt,- • Wllicei. 10 do 'Wu OoopOrr104114•213161W116k -11 40 1 10 . W:11 ANAIi oor 10 el 414410•Tholuoi0 16 do 1104 a 8 Wogs •-all6 flu , 6114,7, Oook rohtte t-CEICOXX,C2-_,Pia.Bia-W4lWazaacm-111ides basig..03011, Pottlt& covsl4o okomignik-11101 NII 1100 Gork co; 11 too boa; DAlPPertke: ft); 0 ' do 40,114 & Kol& 300 Ws boor.Mtox*Solreg MIL whltki, - Wmirulage; O do 41; L Pared& lot forattlu Mlt-Tozugg& co; 1 0 0 : how Naar, Parka. - RlVEit INTELLIGNACE. iiTOK Mb/-atowb 4 t thl,polatadth but l!ttie over Tour feet on "Glias;•liacer. Bipp s. The weather continuel dear and oximestrely hot In the sun, and our steamboats= are ill animal; waiting for rain. . 4 Bestrew was gene active at the laviairjestiniay, •with•' Increased receipts and tackferata - iblpitsatit. Mai * arrivals Include the Sir WilliaeArallaisa from Glachazuttl, sad the lapse, from St. Let*. The Renton sad Jeans Rogers, treat. Clnethaatt, W. lbw The Jame/ E. Gilsona left gm 19t. gouda listens. thg, with about eill the freight the 'could take, in. eluding one hundred and thlrfy:erien tone lit tell, The St. Loots Democrat, of Ireetseday, t her the Starlight. tor-Pittsburgh, got somehosi cargo. she - appeared reed,. haslet *axe np leave last evening. - TniVisillniLitelligencer, of yeslanisy, says: - Theriner still re cede, betieene eitand ants feet of water in the chanaeL Thi St. Patrke or. sired with • trona/median load of. freight which ihi discharged upon thi Landhtg, giving the , wharf eo . air of butte and animetion whlchtri ha** nit win+ newel for a long time. i Tbe Lake MIMEO: S. vat at the bindingwitn two barges. heavily !aline! with /We. in tow. • i The finsiteamer Huntress collided Wit ' le the ram Monarch, atillulailppi'llend, Mandel afternoon, and semi; Shelled in - ehaliew water, an it la supposed she con be 'raised. The Efuetnier: entuid by - Ileum. Carpenter, Shields, Roberti' bad harmer, Of New Albany, Indiana, and wee ?Mewl at szO coo. Capt. Wise, of the Eclipse, request' k. testate that he has determined to load for the. Wier Mieslaelppi, end hell consequently, .prepased to t*slie [night and pawengers between hare and Paul. The Eclipse will leave on Saturday, without fall. ThoEmmal Floyd, Capt. Haesoin;is filling rapidly for fit: Louls,fand do will probatly get off this even ing: The Floyd bo still someirooni left for freight, and supeol:iaoxemmodationa farplesengers. The eta ch St. LOU/14 Capt. ffenbi, Is announced l i to learn for Cincinnati and Louisville this evening. FOR SALE. EUiZill .itIOTON BOWL MU WORKS -11 a. 11ZWOAPPLI, PA. - . . • neve Wads, situated /boat Otte.mide fait. idlbie town cl MOW Wade, we oared foi 'Ode- ins . 's's, located en a beantlfsl eadetwee tit; leade*Oodliatog 111 A0111:8 delehlca L ereedd the nefory,wiltsble Abram g or ID Pott Wornecie, With ibriliclage nerewiery to the tnoousfulmaselsolay of 1r is, Du W. OLalla, Slit; with we DIVELLI•O. grtnnfilb; end ca itritratee lead le the gas esagtionif edit dost welch the Croton Bock trio It taaankiaterstortiloe for treed • Sod • strewth le not surtiseied:.lll ttY stitutti.. AthOgAltla Idyear if/Mi )01:611.tbe sod on SO ease of *ad, Mee fondle! ef oar dlstaat, bk.h to la sworseol oratedieS. set Cahill*. SWAGS', fa sopplieldwite coal. AU the fiodesesus ate fa wad' sonatas order, ind.tit • flit new dos st Ude Mae.. Poserilos glean on the gut If not told will no ler rent for osf yeti the 'above date, Inetrmation sad tents mai ,b 7 *Pal" oaths to the et becritier it New- peetiker to .1. - crowther, st this ogles of Greff;lldisest do.little. ber4h. W M, WES SON...' OAPITALD:4II3 AND MILLADB PEARL BTRAId FOR SALE. The owners et the “I'IIARL MAX KILL,. be. lag setlisty engaged In otter vomits, and deefring to mates division of theirlnterNte,olbrldr .e this lugs sod 6thabeiestabLiehmtak on than that moat prom sdrant•poita ,to any * peaty erledizeg to "CiPpttt=g6 ealeotatelei 6 iselkethe des 11111 of lb. peepery . may Ls 1:1224011.16ty, is thslllll IS - 113 tail and sueoirepeteelou by the lasses, Mesas. B. T. YAW anle B/40211.114 end epos to the uthalthtlea crony who,ksydaslre to loot th rough It. . tar "the tifonnitMd of sirtlee ai • distance, s brief dictintloals to eves - - 81/43.i : • • This Mill cramp a • mad Radnor amid in the Olty of Allegheny, at the corner of LEW at and Der. raga dm" Which honed toe phiperty on the solids and seat. Thi Perodylmals Oenalfonas Its moral ten and western boundary, tended Si 'the lath and rondos woolliwardly about ma hundred yet"- whore ts empties into the Allenheny deer. thin cuspidal, Lidded end - protected frors. dr, rid horn Ida ItUTutiAtlifla propirty. bath* . eintti ea the dote and rut fifty feet wale; the mad ii the north the emu width' whilwon the whit Manz I. a basin about NO het emus. 'Jost sorose"the pennq huh Odd. &boot It fist from tie 'With' end of the Nay nes the truck °LAM oensolidated- Pitteborgh, fort Wayne • Mirage andCletratenigh ktitshugh Beltways A inidgo across the meal, nomtlY rebat e Irtiala the Into eacy communkation with them near aid hates the zecielriag of pain hoot em ddnjti What mad cheep. • • THE HILL I p substsetlaliy bells •r brick, end rtolhd with state. It is /AN het be& 115 bet Ede, in stories high, and a 'Lyda hot gaud, eashingniz laces ma daily in use. it MU empletiltin the twins of WA Then Ii ten pant of alow•aid its is bolting chests The nac3lnery4ot dimming sod scouring the Wheat is extensive, tad the 011$ this ma be procured. The appeoldri,Ve WV be /tier dates al rels pet u ir n ineis bsa ir saeser : bet ceder x nary 2220=8102ms 8611 trly tong. be relied apes ' as an armee prtdsct. THE STOIUSHOU E , wis addsitio the Mil ideally alLa it tot into (frig operation; whin the nateletty taorsenti tom be earring Wheat, lbaor aid liscrals benne a pparent. It 4 60 has long, substantially butikbke IMMO. sod rated with elate.. It OM= the MA 'Ad with It forum the biter 11, the hags resting oa the anal or north side. . , . . _ i THE SOURCES OF SUP PLI ES. Of Wheat are by tie Ohio Myer' 'Oran ealithera Ohio. Indiana. ILinoh. Yisootat aid Kentooli7. oat in Mos of pests from Tenneree and Borthera elnipit By the Pitethargth Tort Wayne At Mayo sad ehmilsiet Plitsbargh. Railways thsen g sect and eel Some to the greeted grain market In the world—Tan MITI OP OttlOAdas well ea to an Immense grate growing teem writ it heed, In northern and central Olde and India" Dudes the low stags of Wan in the Ohio . Mew' in Me.hontate of Jab and n Aewset, supplies of Whe a t dire obtained trou 3l. Bothn wide ana took 4 , by rail. Pittsburgh Winn% how user, weepleted, will &Med as addlilatete tonne. at 14 04. ' _." A aarkst fa tin mewed the XIII ia the 'r eietwe close is retched by the Pease leanialledro" Vat all amid It le • g and eessweeer Wee k requiring large quantities ci fled andeifel.. Nor forties mrtandars and for hone apply to say: elite suidenegoed. J2lO. T. LOGAN. T t B. T.Kisiout • ' wizadmi Plitabwrith,:A74l.l2l33. W VALOABLE palm FOR BALE, sitn. lard two 'ban W 011lo,wa oleo of .ttat Onto: river; Lo 183 sods of door front, oontolnlng obandweco At *swots, taros WU, of ma, Holtotoott nod Itroogy..Olint excellent nudity, folly toilet tol th. toSontnotarlY of Potwar Warr. la well ittnatsd and 2%/P,liidvithnWatiall for on extensive Iron Toofory.. Wall adotaid lot ,0441 014 V•egriPbleani to ?WV b$ as asperionow; Ylnlngastantr„ whom( void' ono. bo • Tho sublezioor bells *bent for loin Int Syr Lead, will &von of It for cub:. -0-Writtraw emir, with • pad- dwolling . howso, inif 60 norm dof good oalttratlon. - Az flgtAlawskabre sequin at arsidroot •' - /NDWA,V,I) Oklo:• • /24,—P. DIM% tnniooo - Placo;,; : propotty Os Mid by tke:11)tkoll Juno, at. farthest, If not dbipcwol of noble. snylipai_ . . . , TIOLIALR-SIOUNGE 8A.N14 No. ei" . . AO. AlLLierammin'i , r.• kal.r... , . - • ,- ,- • ....-....-4-4411410•111$20. ; '. ...., AXIL • ••• 4414484464, rirrsterLe 0114•al L 414 101Wallit -L41,1444,1914 lottomilirrnsabir LS ts. 111rg Wpm 4444 W ,-. r.: - ..:.:—_,..,, 1 ;b44l4lrsmoirdnill Ad Orr istac tlZd W thila. th i yam, hi Jokilal possitar. lalsent baktime is.. Wed anS4paisitnla Joao mai. DooLaborotic• t.../lala limiralPaLlog. 44 ar rats 44 At ger mt. . 7141 it 4{4 draws sat.ll4 visoll liaison= at the delowese mrelladirJ. aid boa tb• Woo Lk. Immullkas tielbliamt Jumaalll p. coMtVr ae vtilmmitat.7l4ffithi 141140soutr VII 147k0r tlaa Litheymmy mainsi to Ihksamps• anermar swamp lea Booby cestebbig 6411141444:t.: tha aloe. 4iritalLemi: mad JleEditkelybrakii4 gratis, ea gis - - , is 4 liii,*.im aal - era flitlyne V , ,-', """ .. WM.Yellail...__. - ellrikretunclt. --AlirilibridiC. -34halltirilhall. Akindwihre Jamas A IL SLI•4O. --- Butlag _ • . - tLX:rournk, m. -1 wziammin•Arum, / iauullatiwls, r sham VAR4limai - '_,,. ,: nii1141.041.f4414404 : 01 -44•Irii,'.- :II 031/44 raamt 4, i..l4ra: , • JeLue.Neak4442,; . ii . "IWe S. 344144411; , . ~.:,„eiLlsik. • -1 lOW 111444,. '' ' - 4 xsavrLglankri .".". -lreuyl. •0 1 0 , 1,1111 t ' ' Mete A. Colts; ' '.",' ,442.1411441*- - .4., W1114117)448,44 ': ileolLmmagilrfok 2fa mous. 2l nOt tino. _. . IL ilahaeria -T...., i , .. 'let= , tip". .. . 1 •-• 481111 3 X — Eal_ I : . Willain. i 'MOTION- TO -OWNERS or inays. ~. lA= moy.: •I_ll* TNlsr I' AM.; ILiCiig , ild.—Notlin ' ll'aok•by44**4 to ,-.^ ........ Acaourot.; • 1 immt, or pri m -Arts. Clartimpl a ßei ' -.-- ------------ 7 . . . -- . whither hijileat . or,mon•fadilut .6.: Ctillt 1.1 :.‘ - vi .. 1, - •Ptitsinitil4 Wipe, *Mt Limb* Wait • • "'• . • ' %, ' '• •`'." .:'. •011kiii.Of tbs'elty yr Plitaborio . . , 'wallah 4111.14,- ~i-, SIVA • • •:. '. ,-' • ' ' E d i r 6/ l ' e b l imitarlkhinat lrUllw .: .*:* '• MU Erx.vaNi k boar otr tumid., 420., ha 001.• 16 1 21. -"k. ik l' "his 10011100 501 1 A4160 Who. - ~ 2.2 us 'Lull . - des Ake tk=atkperioNsllk MIMI Or new to ' ' SO wn,• - - 1, law tot 14 , 4miseruibe Wens taw . y44ft-owto ~-,77Z/Lt44.„ ..._, 114 1.7 11 1 11 ii I. .- most_ _rof baS)Eir . _-the . 4111144:144 , 4a5iat of ----- - 1 . 3 kr.44m-• I_- 1 .-1I I Iv - . -40 i '-i -. • the mesupasiss4l4444loos pm - 1 44144041* 4 mailwilt4 ,'..:, . :: i, -• iss4 tiezdsmatablibithieLlesmorma4l4lmast i , . litkirliiib - -$ ',Awn' Igr, _i <4144 44 0r4!"4141144.' 4 „iirlogainum. isinearllllllol*lbitreills se Entsi_ew ...„,_34cl,- ,- --,-.,,A101ii LIMON (4 4 . , - '• •• ~, •" , t , , .11 11/.T la .11 I. ~ !.r,.. itt Dos iviv d 4C.i i '''`"-'' . . .:BUS , bALB_ ligiisHAVER COONXTE,Iwa *Ur mei Biathlon, iat Waning 100 acraa-411sareaakar* Woos malt tabula ; land of*. bad vality:—Tigota us on it twoloa /4 l Dwiaaa ea g Mauve, talr. Bans Bobcatmo llt orner alba ,th al trait. 1/403 plenty of <kW LW. pinky Yoe fartase tutor:o4loa apply at - Simi hum Cr' ad. bilfilAP. a4slf.talad • Now fiFighloa.Ta. ...pLtfidairatr 11AT8SIAL8,• CIWILES MULLIEIN; • . . IMPORTS& AND WIIL,LISAIXDSALMS, Re. 820 oostsszios am; 4.kampipbsa. :: , Oonstardly la more, a land anwtWat Coppers Zino. Iron and Gal vsnlsed,kon Bath TOL Midi.. did Miablad Pl Hada& • an whit* sad Marbled or bmo Obsot Rada& .111dp Widor.Olooota, oomplota • .;. Water Masts of over, doorfption. • .. and Inemonad,Portatdo Watt Btanda.4 ,at Vltriftad lka . /11-, Bends; BrsonhOd • and - Mambas' slaw and MAW Warks;,sl or ory" noodniduc t . , # . • - 4 • LinClnsan and. Banda , Pine and Ondir lIALWe r Pod., Rik; Plundwe Hooks,:mawa ehei4 Zubbir BoINN -410 ... 61 Idgeln - ddt )♦Dear - lu: tba dantltri• • ' ' 44 1 4 1 4 1 . , • - • 1- APP;(Li , EIow- Lyn! HOW - ;.itroilliz 1-r3ast publbbo doi • Naiad to _ is' , ;Rif* .I omit". 4. Lagtmli.oa. the A. I rzu n ti:azur .AS D .114.pical. CM of t e ,, iit^Usta of la•iifnal 'W•ik..v.. t•voluotszy I : 44ll .',Actizal - ipebtlity, •••0 , TalPedlaulti to 1 74.4.• . 4 4 4 4freerallyi 14 rtuursomi, ectitagotiolh gi?- 4 1KPP stIA-- rim; 'JffeistaL.soit,Pbysloal lump-att , Y, ,RitatJas Mom. t.4ll.4,boa•i'ke• Iti &the: J. Volver. !LA _ _M-. D., Aurther.rof th e '.onre. Beek AA "A - „..°"°•-_ ... 10• TbAVITAid cif o.llistors.7 13,1 tudir'svo.4 . W .Puita sernl44os ear islidtre;: I , et-v.4404a se- PP.4. 1 1 .. MT Nati, oit IWO Pistoe ..i..1.A. Pr Ile. CR. 41: , J.,111,1.11,.. in lferiti. Jodi .left, P.m OSA.. ! .;' ' - ..• 'i ' 1 ''...... - ..1C - 4. i%% , .:-Lc;,) , . - .. . . . , • , , .. ../ 1.. , 1 . I' P: . . ! . . •- ' ' . . 7,,,511-N.'1.,,,--......,:.7,--,rir,',..':4M7X.W-F..CV-.1'1.;"1';':1-1:"*;71C.A.S.'-'-'11-AWF. 1. 1 % - •• t•rzT -- 4 ,0 •7• - • 1 - -Ina .,- -• 5 l • . - - .' n • r - : . . I 7 . 1,.. 14 "7 - '• ::' , 00 0 .,.. 4 „ v, ..-.4 - - - .• - . . . . ' ''''''''4'." . ' *41.4- ' W ' '.' ' ' ' : ' '' ''' l;4 a 44l • 4l. ' AXigiti":" . -Aw.,....;.**21 ,7 1:*41.-i , 7,5t,...:i5.. , 3011;,_ - ' ' ...& , ...t. , 4 . Ji-, -, _ . - - 4 ''plLfs #e. 11. f n:4: nr, -; -.; lIIIIIPPZEUI UP 113 KAMM? zit= saw 741,m Av;* shams at noluez Alm Pawls Utak ix3rasid am Sam RID= . 6 -fMAUU4 00111Thilot *llloEArig. 4,41 MietoCitta rznounnl: .Asro -4 , za ploatrose. 0114 4 MP LIII4 " 4 rzw Ya w: ';I . 61 BEOLD. 6 U HAND 4 inricitata Dr the TOXIXAND xxicelass ot6 OPTnins-Aoms resells= OAIDDX dosernisr,, as. tiwrrx. . XAMILN, ile, atemag!. W hiE n need not be<imbarrtvehti , tAa aativieaseza; of ibt;Dalli - w they nn have theft Oil buridad at l i= toackFerg the City Marro, aitabaspolion prompt, 's ub •sr glair, Ma trouble sad b bete vela; at , KIRK'S OIL TAXA ' , I On the Alla, limp Valla abate Linniutai; Mlle. *hue On 'L puma treat the bats dlrtet. to the eon, am same to step poles,1148s0!--Wegi ititioat say dreamCana anion prompt lii affladattia - . _11111).111nialaimy is Mims P 1.8. Pad OXas lulling", BOX SOX ; a . ; pan bir toga dally at Oa Oil Xtabanipt. DAVID XIII& ' IRON OITY OIL WORKS. .LIDAY # CROBNINNING, Nahnhettaine and Ballwin a CARBON OIL,-sizzuri AND LIIDIIICIATINO Ant &abut Is bass's PITROLBUN: eirWarks. 84121.611:1 .011kii In UMW if1L6311., Dimensions ROBERT ABRWORTW la 1 ST. oLAnt sum% Ptitobigh. Forwarding & COMMiniell Serf:hint IND D741.1111111D04.-• 5 • -1. "loarizammunseoranzakruicUßTFlM rarsoLsoir to wastaa4.7 en bald alla fereale it the lowest ataticet prim. Clonteemotee Au sums ansortes. • -NOTANII adalan Mk f . Caudisaki ud Forward* fferadanbi CRUDE REFINEI) PETROLEUM; anra , izeinz Prnsmiasi . airadi.r d cm= ocestipmesta ix 11136=00t Nixtris. ~.....®: BlNdi.l IL Dumas:a Cal • • Besamput HAsammy rag. Timm( Esq. Pres't Closizairalig Bank. pa - m.OLn% OIL WUJIEII, prmaugazt; PL = -Riau! * ORATE, Propiieto.rs: flora. • alit me lorr tout= .04 0 00% VITOODVILLB OIL imenntax.., yv - • • GioEar sozreziri 4, Co.; ~ - • - I ziaronaroxims ar z:Billtrailtil Maio Lamm= o NigniVaLzhVa = 34 tribe, uusiranos, we warm Bitazoll 414 wirm wain ba Ni. am ti megog Saar i Line armed so; Litolllo 01L t. Ducturommiar a 00., nil WEITZ ISIIIMED °pi,: oirk_ib. paiissi wog, JAMBS LEWIN '" oir. or vnitol k , ordergida was. alas no:. n, 4 oid air ° I madolia 4 , JIM gibilnritce DIAIIOI4IIII OIL -WOJEUU3. • filAtri4ll4 MUNI' sir to tie sagukit. ~ , . 411111.0rderil kalif Shaw Yio. ktivagr ITIIIOI7. stliateeorio by pra4u7 silleadatt to. - _ = BuIRBS.O/ 010D11.91:L. , R .. 1 I' ;il sli , 'llllB =wr in' ea ll l I tZ4l Mtebank t 4s4lkwk - la 11111,41414, et • winoleouset•llielt Zookap . ,Now Lutlt. :W Y : sboilitmlletetiosilfeto bomb • - • a*. at. salkallis Latta( &Omit tottalansigieb Oral 4 " vier fteriniepit i wong,. fa; . . . 0114••• `• e‘ • bba wean% /nifty, ison. 1 - GO MI umusuid • ror NS* % or • IL =aroma - QTORAGIVOBEZOINVOM—The Iry matiathwat ail aus sad alb= a dialed kith* hot that*. bra , yirmDial liall'dry 110 .DaqessibW4 Oisir sinet. EZ?l7c Itammi Quo p yes paaaaiVaOrrica, p!..lday I eth,llMl. 1. °Aft MU LB 8.--Seeed Proposal. _s lon roceival at this aim until 111 team, MI tho beta DAT 07 IL/LT.IS% kr Me - P 9 .l4ofrlssitS.l4osson OI annousswir GOO% sotriD;8110/018,- Ana_ mouse, ea Patel:Kb' Pl.' lot isafthila taws pests old, cad mot over lan pan old; Iburtem heads high ; to be delivered so !blame: *be boadostm sheath day of Jams; mid in him 1, drama/1r 10th day of Jane, 11113. Them =Me will. be eastalatel he' 000egan„1. ;beard as to their concuss; torn / eapadD7 ties maw , tonalpy sr* , ad , eat if Dot fend os boot the guilty mo re rejected. Proposat mast Molted 'troy' ale for little!" sad Massed to Lint. Col. W. cli.Orfl, DePuu" Quartermaster General D . 14 army. tutebicrity Tti, t • stunie.. ability ot the Mader to Assn tn. coatis* 'soot' to assess to DIM, moat be mormleed by tagembleyarsom lam* titiatons most be made; to the guarantee. 7 Tbareopeadbillty el tee guarratore mut be shown by (Mr *Mob L i ?milicate to th e Clerk of. the Marla (kart, the Vaned In to Diittisa Attar. sq.- BMWs ast De present pott whim the Mils am myeloid. Or War prop:sabre 11 sot be as t . silent. woad steel la amoont to It Mos= to be noshed to tbi mateast, oil hi the matraolor and both of his gesmatots; bit t goired at the samesdal bid:l.4lmm' signitti the ca.tmot. Astir boat mad lectnapany the maimitt, It old be mow 5017 he the hiatus to bats their handout' with Mem or to hem bomb sigast.fe antiogistioa, ear ! N oy to be Ftoda/tad whet the matram is : Form qf Geoutales. i Wi, of Um spountylct Stela of With sad the meaty ot—, &mediate or swiss sussintis t able to MU om. tract accordmos With tbel usmi et ha memo& uca, • sad the; should his propm4loo he accepted, he will at aloe eater lato a castreet is accordance therewith. aboold the contract 'be awarded his we ere prepatW to become hi. meadttio To this gamaatae most be appeaded the Motel oertUleme above atiantkmad.T .1.. Proposals trom twigs' patio, will not be baud& end an title of idleeMece "OM he regolved of tobartafbiddan Wore elides toot: act. , Ilse milersigard reeeremia blamed the right to reject say or ali bide that bedemo too high. Payment to be last . open lb y . completion of the coatreed, or n aoca • .ena:ta ma the andevelgued shell he In fuadai u. UstmD. m 16.43 Ident:Col. sa i d D Q m wen. wsztrtr titstestnternut tisseutst.'s .1 I Rittshorskts.ra.. La 16.1663. if WIALBD PROPOIiALBI4II - bo rucked Pa it this on* until 12 leeleak m. on the Ore DAT OrMAT, 1 1103, fee; Ms lam bing sad ds. livery of— • [ • . . Five Hundred Tholisiutd litushels of good Merchantable Coal, It eland:lla, Tanarsee, Inlb. &Donlon meaner, Tyro hundred End tllt thoniead hushols on or hem the Ibtb of Jun., 1883. and the reosaintog qua ity. two hasorid sad h 4 ticonAnd babas, os of betas tb• IttsWot itaete- 186 .1-i - Bldg will be madam& ..Peoposali ter Fin Bandied %0n0.... Bob* of 0001," addriseee to the nadir. Pnvoussi. The atellty of tile bldant idall the contract, slunk; Itb. awarded tohno, moot be anus/Arad by nt=onaliutspetion: e;Mrhose . udgnitates mom be ap• its the granontio.., traiKfMloan, et the misiantOrs moot hesitant by the amass cartslicate of , tee Oak at the neatest Diattlet Claatkie tlisTinitid Elites ~ t ettiet Attu , NM -- Bidders mist be ptes,nt t .ou when the We I am me Owed, or theft moposan I not be - outdated. Mond equal in amonotist h Rho stun to be racemed cm the contract, ginned by its contracise end both of kis anarantore. mill I. 'Netted of tb• easement Iddder,Wast signing ail .11. toot. Os th e . bond must ecnomiscry lb. Gantt:Kt; It wili be nem. say tes ts Moen to bras attar bandanna with aerator'. brae bond. dined.b an dalparam, eat' neap to be prodnad whoa the contrist is signed. We. et UM county of --aid State ot7=—,' end — a lA.fuatyol =endeteteof -,--, do • hasty guriatei that aids to fall= a ran mot tot eraordnaraidth the manna tile proposition, end that, should his proposition be scooptod, he vtd at cane. enter Into a sontract in acoordaho• these. with. ' Should the nwelrkctb antratet him ws ate prenersd to teems ids terrorism." ,. To Ms inannotte.last be appended tbe oddcbd cattioste above Maistioned;- On Preeslatlat at this otaiii . oi, carting:atm des the Qoartaimestaw at said depot In triplicate bra, that the oantrast - has Ms tally compiled with In every teaticslaro the maul dossiers= will Depth! in seek bands as taq be funds* .10 , tin • , o nuoee .szstrild. • • rld. ooi. isidlMS* Q . . 0. X. Small ' I I.ltralatLitiNUlL liAr , idntAW : I .1... inivriventyiaceila stmt., t zui lifogirstriOst CL, aOrll te. ism :WEIMEMILI , =dare invited tor ttunitit.; M * OI.TB !W./MG and CORN. for th, up et A Nzi • baba at Ike Railroad Repot, ar 'attuis Cl(,(2ll4(Mmilit Miami in this city. • sedfaird to the undersigned, • • • • Mete the quantity of each article • • • .tbepstoissulthe deteOf delivery. •• • • will, be received fir five thoueand (NOW) .easntebt Demontiatn, end dig (do) taw of Hey or .. btreter;und opt's% unless It alicald be for tho bleest 4:d , the flotErnammt to contract for a leas ~A llosin-tc;.l»pot In good sacka of about. two (2) 'bisWG wt. whitA bti iazOlhaa at th e 6,“ oottractor., . , lbw Ray sad Straw to be securely baled. ...4.11-41rats and Hey otlinbilce be imbJect to a Mild luegesikMWthe ikmanmsnt bragestor: ;!...taelefreobe will be awarded from dm to time to the met responsible bidden, s the Interests of thew. 'vtosupgr stoidni:',Gootsecurity be required lot dka UMW lidlilment'Of any contract made under. this adrertheemena-1 . - Pikposa , t to to moleoi ibeeteeptitlea of the on : 'lolditi 44 ai liiind.4•A! L. tr. LA; : r„ VOTOVILLS N atulio ABB 1.01/18—nor las bur isetameiniuu Ig.Orli_o4 . . Jos. lam as abov e otrzELDA.I4 hit. at 6p, - . lfoiltolikt or pisiojpi ar ~. , 1 Sr- latid#l . - AtNaqsr, 40.131..-Ariallneruty and 'iligant •". eiteemelllAlll34 Crept: , Imes ili , Wue. %nu MIMI F., , lee tisk - abarip and L Interaseillate gory on 111 . -..; 1 11 AA1 22 d- 1 4 1 ft 4.V** P. 1 1 1 6 - ' t '..1 ' OVINEPRiag ., aligliaffil a ply on board or '-'srit - -1 , -It.l.l9lllooTOti 2 00, Agana& . • i , VILIII2O/PLIN,92). IS L?y•• a ilaig ':7' : A te -2bIrIIMIL.-4The abonvot ot. L •., . 14 i r at i ri VIL 5 'oggt a W. Noabr , r.: dr s .... ide- literiardianD :pone on Tind ."." RA.l.llldlnot,:or &o'clock p ra. • • • ."- 7. ;• 4 11r tfaialggsivir st , may on tiourd or 10 : ...-..',.;,^ ' : iitil, t : ' ; liiiiir7ilzsox,- 44-3 CO .,) Aginta. '',...1 TIHI 1.• UIVr.Ine.I.U.MMAMMIN MOO Of-ALLlteimirr , 0003 rt 110335...JackeTeetaj ltfa. la the =attic at ta. ta• - : amponalek k opt.etatia in and Hap thtajpeahlto..t. ar.hthigheta OttV Ate hew VI ertt;ltal,ad; 1163„ the forogoin thrusts:it inittnir,ipiallyhot the , chin% ameba In Omaha= ea& Mare. etsil• sad title lit the Listcla...- glom ae Clomany c.&d the onoco title= The Irri. ene and ilorratun_pany,, No. I. of ill.rloghanit ' rtrie ' Z i ttOret a a, U9lul tat trot= ijr " it = 'oximitesa thi. same tea the obj scud.e turd corm *Um therelnattiorth mad t aPPellaa to . lawful =dace Window to the eanatuate, awe. !upon the Court direct that gala hzetromeat of writ; bag be Slat In tie Ono of the itealuakotar: of eaW Cloint ; and that notice be laserted la the Malabo/0 Dl* &ad% a actimoter Mated said tom% ET Urea woke alter tale *polo:taloa, aad that a - Waren of Incornarsuon will at vented to odd Ooma. pap; is mita torjat am Chuul term et the gamy. It;os alliciest, elute= ',be pbpim to the not. .. iIN PUENUANcrt UN. AN 'puma OF ;Lila Ciphate* antit'a4anighswoonnis, thus till be eipcseil baihebtlo- MN on the'. seennlita. is the: nth '4las: dilly. VAL it • W la *Weibull* trios al land Masts .lltaariathrte blabs him Allegheny sly, en d s • balleded lan d, Ds* Stamm, the, he* WaLlt. landli' ofltlitathills NM John ltemage, anWsklng Wiwi% more Imp alu bra of the lateltentet Initeenta, deed„ . as erns axe andlia.ll Lao item taws &Willi( Kona, i doable lea. ben, sir. Lein, aid other Lonnunenta. Thus ta es: open Lae maim as staellant- yoang heaths orchard df a ihotoli pallid Tsai Ueda biles on de .1 c 4 • I: , PiTIII3VOItY, 1. ! a*, ItIATIOIL, Lasathut Fa i nte of Dente; I,:diasiat, 41011. 1 i+ , ~ • _,s , Quarrarmaarraa itsalaaaa erne% t!' , ____' •-•warcianrrox,arre Marta 1 larlasa, OWNERS 0g , ,131',E104 - -vEssus sa Plat o wad go ltai gai term ter Omar. Ofilas tor ibalfilibirtar or sac - . 11. 4 4., ::„,list4 ft old =Alga plioaapttaltor the ramie, u " ' roaded -.?a . 1 •11olorbd , tollootor aotaat • tag ospacw.aaiamiati obotherooppiasd. :11 . o wheal cO arkolamt ala thee copper or 'kola ' if. also and p010...a*, .roattor ood bourn, .mod iLauld elate nag yoiaaAlt otta,.. thr/' are Offend , teelaliOt abort caartar, olikto_ _o.littlototoldooot vi a i lw a x p i ;cm at [OW, ol l!^:k.f.:A.u• warn:Mkt itoto t. ‘to partaama.o, otartate g . .thitaloi of midi . - the wales of *a 'ltaartordulatara , DO/OrLamOt. aro repeated to mb baron to,,tba tilt:sant say roducUon la *dr :vacua, ragas. ,tat 4 tlamooky to Wiling la rot: too oho stirs:llot a 194 . 4 it g id u be ww. , ...t oli.-6nea lamas alorati be atlibtraial to the Quo , t4ualtar Now& of the uvula Stab* it Viraltaiiv too, and ,ham be calm salrEp.tanali /or Out waos•roctivw - voir'irtii le' «iiiiiiiind, and the Dipiatimac otlt etutaavor to reduce' ;/ha tam *Li Sim ottaNdlAit ariay.tnto p :station upon th• moo sipd tat. ottani broubtututug, wl.inner It aO4 tliiiON'Wlati - Ot 'equal away:, tor dm. now.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers