• , ''vz t " 4 'eAf•VC,Ori!. 'I Sf,'N - • WV-5'., ~....-::' '-' ''' - ' - —•'' . : , !'"- - '' t -.--• '' - •'' ,- t t , • ,•- it . it - ' - ; mot I I i ; iti • , a I 1, T , '.'..4 . .; .. , ..I.c a ll . . p T 1) 1 . .. ... 1 N h fa" , .. . 4 0 -m if -A, ';';:k:•:- •• • - '- ; e sTABL „:„.„, • ,- y .... zgizrkgabirtArdindiA, Idegittlißidgif G. Vsa Ma* or tho II gar oa Horse zz . ~ , ‘.•'' ~ , -.., SalattagAdvertarei In fon &Mak. By ' • Images Willa Minus; =Di _ a k k ..., -Wray Pay Phicavhor af tiar --- • Week's Toirsiaolarri tee Pyreaktk,„,.. z ...1,,,,,. z _ _ ...,,,,, At, ..,'-'. E Alatr.ooB6t-'63. . .„ ~ jara. 3 734 , 1!..Far . By P•ronais l'ait z : ,, - ,,,,11 ., ....,,,;..;,a1 5 e1era B.graid how he tik,ame Breed . ..mt. Era Map and MIA.% By J. 43. Beyer. A ....., • , , 4 .1‘ OD Da; MI WAI - 1 7*WVii .1 . :11.B. ale Baran's' ?fan ph ..U... j Etke bore. of Iltuktsa ..r.tutiali,' , , • a - , al°. ',.• I. 41,.2 me Ju'• i lab. ~ • - ilikbOt gad 1. , 111111, kir 1.1 .- 3 I --- --.. -•“! b. AN u V LV Ais , IiJUKtI . I hilerawoeut or Parlay. 880 a „ , 9illetstlea rit.Alliol4l„iL6 - fi'mltrot • •• Osasllla da.Bl.ata. 11 atiti I Witt. hldw~aEgie ; l4: Tt , asau f : "• • - Capers LeOhirrorrl lyrata p ophrey • Hots'. Worts. 8 4.0 77 .0. myVI J. US t 4 ,76 pow ~ - `2l. Ttgtis.b, .kty lidulthsru Irritml• Eb Kfrt the S f 001b1 Bound • • u; . 4i•rt - • The Great Imo Wurei lees B - Bp Mem 'Shirt? Y can I •h: n t0t..., • 1 .4 " r . atm and the lags's. • , , Winks sallistory, Magog Elrt tha. • • ;Mk L. Wrap. Oat .131k.thin4 air, tisbutaarai es, liistau..l 4AB. W. WOODWELL,... Wand Thlzd gtreet, oppeett, 4 44 1 64 rolklo VIATENTBD OUT. 8,386 , L'y --c Dithrid4ei iiiAsit OVAL:. LAMPLIDHIMEFIES, Nanniscttred a ' , .... ,II FLINT Ies us GL 48. - Tam OM= Luton Ur i - ..: li c terlinf, irm 1 14 r Ma , : , ,1114A711Darnrait c. * a„ solT ' rl- II Mil v, b ^ ..NEW EMBER b j t :raiz 0 Ae6,4-24/ 1 311 - wo), a a 111:14/411.114 11770 11RT.11-BTAIST.. A lap portion of our • to • ram of airman{ --- ' 0 ! ""' rft liat preonnut hugest taupe of the earou) ABUTS, = . 7 / 1 1ASIMIDOWSB, kr.. _ A a • talValaga ••• • • arra ill l tzLeni al • • • WM hia;hdr. jell FAN sei 44 1 R1 r./. 431 °T 1: aura rum cam oci a oLovie; . , I BAND wall. • • • rartiti aqui eta* ikbon (wag 014,sied IIIiC t ORD &CLlfic; xo. u 1 *ooD pram% . • - -ALLEGHENY VOAL YARD. " W. 11..0L411.11, 4. 3 U!" • SeDiver - Abezonev end ' llllllll 8014 12.111111014" & AL MIsTIIIIN, Biagi rowans, ~ • VP • Gem An Omit Ftrnota. !AU dude et BEAM - AzaracarwaivauriKto- wise. Al" BEAM clieznime, a an Wm% vpAte it tbe ghettoes mike. • All Gram lett at BOW za TlTtargvpno,lol WOOD MOM. will be ptaded he members ot• tins. Ipeite Was pleaded tes tCri `S _ _ lebenir,otsessee ta their bubief, vtil tame to setatlacvaa 1 . ,a wrap tegoot..:- A.RNMEAL,'Qbgrozyis Aim UAL& fa tbemeteselest brands of 01011H31 VAX* CIGAR, mixt kinds of BZEOHING AIID OWI sux rms, NG TOB MOT, itmeoa fs,mg gyp, DID= THZ BT. H woo. 7.1Z1,-.1-1111,Megvakup ' imam 5 .5 • 75% -1•3415111, HEX =ORM B..LIGGETT ega:FLousare • .11, ~ i llns:ornee Wisely old Albino *Ws, PhD . Opeoltp.ACKllbli. per dip. 'app .ItUlaMitir,Orrn& T • OF MAlDLPtithi; - In gas. toff., la; the tom of Tdatirir. - It i s iskttludlssvpsolarmas arnor tbstinald-Oftest•- . - - leantlindsa Sess • nil mat liberal Paean, mo --'."-ssesurd6 6 6,n,„ *Mr dollar asilelos. When .:- datest, la the moaning zsgslitly, le Ms an ad . .1. 8 . 1 0 a litallsol gaud. mums wassipstlas, • -•, • lefreettic 1616 , 6111aondad al! al Almeami :..,,.. ...! .:- elebitg. ,Ilebrilisessta . _ . . . , .a.b, Naar& -NALEIMTOCE t CO, Pitts _ midst tirt.ihm!dieuq, Nf0014,601/1 art. .7, -r.i r,f. • . ... " smut at" MUCK &00 V s Pa..' ',. ' ~,;,. -- .:, ....--,....-,........aratrammeo, xe; stads.: __. __, , ,rt ., -......,.., . . . j r z rlla r tEL,ol/ 41.110.P.5AX... • ' P 11 Una= OBA'PIIc .. . ' =LLCM W . 6ta, sad 11160 altlik BMX lag Nlll .thasing, dlas, Water and Asa •• • tim ar e. l" DPP ilmas. WWII W I . 0111111 .4= 'lll Sestdsz., Paten °at tad lirbs44 NW. =an at Hans Pose. aplikansl NEW titlODbi pasw uuupst ,_ ~•-• . ~.-4,. ',..!; a.. let Amami& . . . . , :1..1.U.%; :: MY a°M)l JU ST lijylD . uttwor sun cons= aArrsm • ni I stistir_ : - "Iti011i ------ 1:61 .1 6 ' • BALK ii 41,8, of ern &sod at ti. - "lid Ifni ' . ... .. -, .:,- 11,1•01x1 AND4loafr Sixri g at moilic wilts .___. Arli f 4 l )l l4rekii!=l:lB . D BALXOSki,II, ibfremoboti*. Notolthstandloff - . . Apollioro -ad at. PoO. TiorostlU: ' - 41 =f i lt vi Mks' - „ '-'.l -, ^=4 . 'Lit-- licitsd. so Kofkotot. i. , i1i ... 1 .. oat. ono& 4, sus, .7,: ---- 7111 13 T , , &wig, - . “ •:, ',. , •:-.ll,4olloatisatl' 'dialers la ell kinds of . . 1 , - . : ,Jr Tosiduoinvir AID SWABS. „.1...• i VAI. 4 l !ji:it,fr.l ll4 7 l T9Pri l 7 4l 4#. Prwwniells'io. id,'", '_ .;.:„Igrioi "aioiso4l . 4 , 72 . laidOilpii oodiflof Pips i 1 ~ INA lsotbs ' loamy P T-: -irr / 43- AND4westritorti3ALS.' 1 1 , z , , i , ~,, . 4 va:igiat m l into to order: eel 25*, , ' 0 DiA:pg .7 1 / 1 /2S, I • MID *TM , ' ~ , ~,,,,,.. LI, of Ur MS or Willoional use. 1 Wboolod HAT %SLIM. 1 :L2l:- -I lailllVOliman lka Mes rog zAr Raisa. ~ti..,'..., _ - .o,• bir Trieabia lhasold krosor,tr *boat OT ono , V 5 7-r 4 41.1 4 14161317. -''' . , I .. - 17... nnalliAN p n. „:„.....,.... JAQYags:X444WA 00, ..„ ~,, 4 '' , an T I 4friOILIWAYKIITAI s T l ttl; 19ataiall MID aimmns, t 4 ' !.zretiriwo irizsr;-", r . n.inni,„6"Ai- 110 Pl ‘ ""- • .11 . ....t . 2•Wwirgarig o llaWilis 79/0141•01 11""^ 4 " 1 ". 111 ° 4A11 "wat 01101. , , • - :-. • , ,„, " I a. - - : = • 4- _ . ,r)=, • • .C°.7;^!~'« - - • -- 4 • ' - • , gD DI 1786. CULVER. 04,RD TO =l3 PUBLIC ; • .e • asitlemiteitt.has appeared in" =erne, ► statiVg that rive Gold Medals bed been amerded„utbe 4. ow* Sewing Machine” et - tee DOI Whiiire London, "c! for the but no .! .! • • se. d the others for et a.l '.*. • gi" !Though aware at tee time that the statement war *holly devoid of truth ~sf!p~ts imposition ea the tublio, we forbore no: t • t roll of the RoPO4 of Ales Jpilgee i the matter, so th teetotal! glfe We t • *dee and inthoritive con. • • • ' • • • .tdlehed by authority of oefiteilt• the bitton, la now in our eedon,lni ebOws haw nitellY untrue are the moneuts in the advertheineat sanded to ... ..t . ,,4 1 1V/IfeiriltelltFlGHlSH WILSON 'rep ••at tititgkallschine on exhibition. !tn.! . of ! Ro.ll Machine there were Borstal on ' term to the odloisi copy of the award, which may b. men at oar rooms, 21' vlrni STSBIfT, It' • . e t i Vl2,,,,_a%leit `hiedel.ine awarded the Haws • 'o' . elllonol hot, however, Wham eeelr mao4ine was better, ores good se others for. • 1 nor s, Out lamasem, lid the language of the: wilra eig,thilattel bmt co have beenllection." Ws ..D ra t medals" elLged te awarded tus 4•Aor specimenact sowing, ass. .rear aseenfir as all • no: did the ti'oreeeld •ieuporior sewing°• re• !...cm!r omen the-bermersompllchisut of so "honorable att,.m tinucintin'sitionat. Compere tali with di compliment bestowed on the witEtunt wr.L.sON ft soaizio.... , Though the Oommtny, all pmentleas display, had Oat a slept -0l eciloiOiSh inhibition, it war awarded do a GOLD M&DAL ON ITO MERITS AS A. mu- • • y.. ittlt AND ON ITS Ovs bizWeifilte cub, gut exhibited by the hatilibindourn OdtheOnittitUtkpers. nod In Jostle" to ortraehra,... well as to mow IP&Patia and flagrant Ittsiilit at ImpoAtlon, we have felt COnatrainedlci 41thetti before the palls We reeat, therefore. ItiiWßardhdelindiON BLlCanix-ir seaadne rewired a GOLD MEDAL cai - O. twin at -the fate World". IWO, and pronounte all xdatter front whnt arhitZ442de, te u at whrillr unworthy of ballet: , MID a urll "In?f , wrri PIP? tal'Z.ci - 111DUOID PS jt -7- IM!USIIELV - FX. & CO., Alpfler Machinw, MILLI M 8 tX):tl a 1y.P11017111 DOUA TWILL . A.O. L irasesilv Sewing :Machines. Sala:Room, do. WI north Plitektrgb c h., ; % 1144 -,1 1110 /. lllo roar=t : to Monti donors . =an an of In `atom. Pk Alm N: atiyook. mit axe - .tod - It; tom yoota. Alm aro ........ 1e . ,..... 1 4 11 11 1, *bit -oss shim is 1tak, C15 . 5: 74 .,_ Wit6H:: - . i.... 0f a 110 t I :l ft nit - li=" . . los NoodioN tlanitu ltottto tki an g Inwtt Ittatkot prima. UV : IL STRAIN. Am*: tiVJAAL4Niti 12 , 1," SE f 09ND• =, •:-:4 l 4PartrAPs4 ilm A T.octavelSalckering,teautillil Neck enema t ; efreklittla u5a8....... • ello 03 ..A..nacaiatlCkertf OO i. round car nem a Bret rata instritetet. __ 00 A T mut. Hays a - tto! Toneirook a bUt,!Z " ,II Pia.. In good order: - • ITS 00 A 0.4 octave Bsodart, roonrood:carvad panalle .1116Kkocr+cirt...7zi.-1...i............ , L bili,f, • .. . • t - an aiCedlent - • A• 6 04 .**Mlokecialro ".2ctre&sot: Arai,. virils ---11 08,811:11018., commold...-../T 00 C° A cctave btodart, maieg5ay—,......„........., 80 00 A 8 octaTe Serlft, " TS 00 r °Rota,* German. ♦ l3ktan Dulilihisa, - WOO --, 14 " ..--LL":,...t.,;.,,." 40 00 . a pr, alla y. T! !Curdy : - Tortslo b a ottN EL lIIILLOB.I °° 112112 : 11 Wood otrool, ,Piety received the laB2' GrLdffi PBIZ _ •NIDAr,,, it the Wong' tan; Lintdaft, illirWorrantoi taped= to all other* In entry To. Recter.:o l tllkorriPtkOl t4a abon Joss orrirbg. wlif BON Agency br this itisnict kr the Steinway iliknos atH . KL&Biat L BAWL. . 0a29 9a 88 /Mb strut. • 113RNSIONS, BOUNTY, i BAUK era Alawoorer-litw Moan Ailst, ut mia enz iittitarlti. Ps. a=a. innD ilt/ki • °Nin titol• tkoh BOUN=or disohilifoidtort, 1110115. Ibr OPloors slut Poldiesag• DOOM. rm sac NIMMONS torl/tdowl. 01 1thoW ilihtlitrest,Brothoni and Plotam. other lard mew sontollvio of thaw who hana;died la tho or haws died o stler sl4ttitp, bolt tHroon an= to iirttro. ' • • arse *ids tun 611.0::d, and no win wiu be _wwwat intr.& oftwito w osolowd. telriti ow. totripi !my - TROY CATAWBA. prea Aiklaideeed hei r fin. Ws Ili kft of`!. TRW TRO T . _ iori joke of IMO, and of TaViss Woe. It k, postioakt* dir alrible doh sad latralld pantsio.ad It petisolly sad visitant., Orders ass be lott st If loos.. WITHAM a , 00213 Javn Stem' pktitototos,;inststass ; at Skim TIIIIIIMANT own% thtse - of the Alsatosd and Ohio 000, Allegiowi t wag_ Uwassik4 maw; t .• wino* til7BID& Bram tp. I !UAW UiLlutti : ' !- • • a• , • _-. __.,AIMAL 4 DAW . 16 1 , 14. . , 1 tpryOzipt.ages. ... luiroe' i casstadielkiuti ' . 434 ' th0±1 0 14,1211 r seisoned stook of DAOLISG TAMS BOTTOM' PLABJC, WEVI , W. JISA/111A77: =nue,' -Imstuzarw-repePO , LATHS, Ni... SlSally Aft 41144 A1ig.:=1 , .., h. , 4 i - • , , , • : t il t ilidag VrTS EITSIII WS; i.h . . . 71 111 W , -- qtrikaiirmi ' 4 Tillin ka ihor. 14.46e5s puttlab WIWI to suunlash la -kw*, at (MAIO lITSIIIT w ffobboos aidliktl k • 1 pirraeunna J. TYNAOTVENNI'DD.7 - ' ' o Met, * UM, 321 ' MAI, man=" sad • AND Gummi cum. aripaue _ No. $l6 Lionairtanm odt . - aro.= • ...64,11..7a71v1ni ••••••• • • , •• • • priltrtalastStd., -41tetlittludesdhic tbs,ittselat Oslo aa , g ' s epOtslanaders, whe mph* doldha* , ► •tesS?!pxds• • •••,• • ILOSSILTI.:I I IIMit IMOT/LOTA& , : ...; . • *lour Am:4 11 621 wannriot, this tall sad easadas the SPISIAB J.l)lLioxi,=' Olr , • Pobbls Swim:LPN Aw rod Banana. Dll bas rtrunipiMet, `r itAittinorthillib-oilwaii-ifolaii ' 6w)Nl . Ist. ft ~:t .1., . , 4 oideleid estimate to order lßO N AND WO . Id ' Nit c, ClWri. l ibe d allr ; l a r lizvla cta t so2 Rupuittui 211111 ,2 penmen, do. stAir ilid i daraaso of Wild for eie, al ' s..iti rim= atiim __ illnas 1 UM EIS4.1111,V.111), , " s, ' • u , • AT Tul o I zor, M Iftei4 LAft Jinn:anti riTols; I Fourth ; # ,A Winks las awn Incmon Lllll6 /AMY 'goon* cris,, riga , ilohr ==.7Acion out us 314/14:,Ilreinape . • c ;71. . 4 914 1 1#. 1 ?-x! it 0.1L41 • -4 . • , 41 " 166 ;:' M 1144 40El rfai VWI4III II S mad SAT. "UAL ; Wain :4,O_`ESIOOD EXPOSED. molars ♦LUliii AGZEITB di THE No. 27 FIFTH STREET, PITZEIbIIBGH. if Miapjar,y, PITTSBURGH, SAT ,DAY MORNING, =_MAY .VISCELL.f.IrEOUS. ORDERS:No..IOS. WAS REPASThEITT, Ansirrairr Gszcsan's Omcor, Washington, April 48,1885 M Th orgaSsisation of an Invalid Oorp s 11 herabp thorisad. This Clorpmehall consirt of Qimpanimoand if It shall banana hothogght best, of Belltiloti ing somas, via The,Ocmpoctits Mail be made up from the follow- Pint. By taking those officers and enlisted men of Amman& new In the field (whether actually present. or temporarily absent,) .ho, from wounds received in action or disease contracted In the floe of duty, an unfit for field service, but are still capable of eh Scotto, park= duty, or reel, other light duty as may be requited of an Invalid ,Corpe;!, Begienettliji. Oomananders.shall at once make out, from Informs, lion received from their Medical WI, Oompaay -0111-• ems, sad from their own knowledge, rolls (aeoording to tics norm forniMect,) of the LIMON of all the airs end enlisted men under their command, who fulfill the following conditions, viz: 1., That they are unfit for adiveflold.ervice on. I account of wounds or disease contracted In the line I ofeluty; this fact Wing certified - by erlifedical Omni In the service, aker personal examlnetion. 9, That they are fit for garrison duty; tide fact hilkee. /Ahead.. certified by the Medial Officer, as ahors. APoz personal examination. 3. That they are, in the opinion of their Cone. tilanCiagrOfklen, meritorious and deserving. 'Memo rolls shall be certified the troorobling . fliirgeon and Regimental Commander, montranualt, thrmytle . the regal. channels oeintilfary cone." -ffmtdenae, to tie Provost Marshal flenenti of the United Maui ;Vm . Beitmental Comm:or:or etual.enter tbi: umneof renterke, opposite each officer's nth. on the roll, a etatement es to the gourd! character of the °Meer for Intelligence, Industry; sobilefir Intetten- Mori to ditty; and ell intermediate ikrtennuiders shall eider.* thereon such facts as they any paw. In the came... If they have none, they shall state how let they are ailing to endorse tlaaoptnion of the ddlosr or officers making the recommendation. glmWr rolls shall be forwarded from time to time, whenever the number of men fulfilling thettonditions enumer. 'ated or the exigend,e of the err-rico may render It expedient. flecose. By taking then officers sad enlisted. men gill in service and borne on the relit, but who ate absent from duty, in Hospitals or Convalescent. Itilme et am otherwise under the contra of Medical Officers. In these caeca the Medical- Ofhoer at• tandem* shall appale the toile according toltorm, entering Cie neuter of oticeth and men from - the asaiezireent on a roll by themselves. and scud. them, th the certificate of the Bur.eon, duly sign ed, to proper Regimental Commander, who will fbrward them, am heretofore specified, subject to the tame conditions and requirements. If, In any rare, the Beghseental Commander 'ball think an officer suollt,in print of character, to continue in the sex vim of the Invalid Corps, though disabled and certi fied by Urt Eurgert, he will state him objection In the column of remarks, and note the exception-before signing the certtlicate. if any officer or siothiled man now in the service, but absent and beyond the reach of a Medical tailter in charge of a Hospital or Cocoa. leaosot Camp, duks to enter this Ortps, be will take the Mtn* indicated below for those who have been honorably dionarged the invite. By accipting those o a r e altd enlisted men who have been honorably di cimaocoont of wound. or disease contracted 1 the tine of duty, and who drake tort•eater Shawn Inc. In the cart of an celearsepollehtfolitfosteipperintrhant most be made to the Provost Marshal General 'sof the United !Gates through thebiflcer - dsiailed w e tting Assistant Pro. Tose Mirada' General of .the tn. No Optical!' of 'hie kind will be oonsidered union the tolleiring condition. are completely feline:di I. That the appLcant produce the cortlecate of the liergeonif Mee Mien' of • norolimentlar the district in which be resides, that he is nofit for artier dell duty cn account of wooed, or disease, and I. Oct Moto deal!, butt fit far garrison duty. " IL 'That ho furnish evidence of honorable discharge an account 9( woao;Lor dlsabillrycontrected to the line of duty. b. That be Nodose, remiximendatlcals Bona the Ets. gimental, Brigade and Dirt.lon Commanders under whom he formerly served, that he la wrathy at being thiagateristeettor and capable of ramming adequate t&therflovertment. In clue Is shall he ha practicable. to get this lam evident - eds. may, having WADI shed the lent two points above satiety the Beard of rierollenent that he is deserving and pre. mat Its cert.ficaue of the tett Thu evidence mast .all be obtained by the applicant, and mart he treos• mined with hi. application for eppointmint. It theta be co acting • nasistans ontneet-Dlaratial: General far the State. the eppllcatlon ma. he ten warted ehrototh the adnitmet tieneral of the beat., Whets dimmed toesedorm thereon each facts In Use sanitary Dna ry'of the applecant as he may knav e or are artarde r t( tey Ms teem ,fg,gt,.Les-warg Lite Mee WOO Priftteet bleihiii4eneral of the Peened Mates. .. 11 3tibiteLnimertebborsbly discbar.ed on moment Of i.illty, de.irtues to re enlists In Bile Corps, will present damsels. to the Board of Emelt= nt for the ciscalm, In which they reside. kr examination by the burgeon thereat, who shall .sesame them sod report.the remelt to the Beard of Barollment. The Board shalt then smolder each ram, and it the applicant is totted to 151011 the cOaditinge eleaCided be ow, tbi Board shah give, him a certificate to that effect" via: • 1. %hat he Is milt for meioe In the field. That be IA Lit for !Lambert duty. . That he Is meritorlons and deserving. That he was honorably dacherged from the service, ' The Proem/ Marshal Cr the Male& obeli then send the iipplkation, with thls certificate of the Soard: to the Acting Militant Procott CarehaP Gamma of the State, who mall procure such evil& uu, Of Norsk* and character es the records of the Compa ny to whkto be belonged, on 1114 at Ibo Headquarters of the Etats, may show, sad if satisfied that it 1. • meritorious am, ant that. the man is deserting. he will Mika him In arConfamics with such special rules lithe Provost bletshal Generaioa ay eatablialf. Thdlral Inikeebin, Bargees. In charge of Hcepi• tale 11111tary Commanders, and all others having math:filly to clischarge, loader eslofting laws sad neg. ialatretai. a forbidden-a. grant stiveherges to any mei under their control who may be At for SaTiCe In the Invalid Corps. • . The Prevost Mantua General, is charged,wftlfr the execution of thiaordera and thetroope organised un der it will he under the cantrol of hi. Dareau. By order of the Secretary of War. S. D. TOWSSISID, Asshiant Adjutant General. WM. B. BRADBElltritt I utylLlmat“ PLSHO•FOBTE ESTABLISIMEHT, Ho. 427 11110021 E STIiEZT. The subscriber reepectfelijitiltes the attention of hi fronds and the public generally_to his Piano! Porte Yetabliatunent, at CIO. e 77 Broome street, our. nor of Crosby street Haribg withdrawn hi interest, stock and mate. dais from the late Arta of "Light• welch Arm wil=recll on the Met Janisry. mad having the entire Moot Of rialto. Metes 'and lano.fortia material owned by his brother, Edward G.Brealhary. Il said Ann, he 1.1 now pregioid to eripply the [meowed demand for hie celebrated Plead/feria Balp . Emithe most skill. tel and esperlenoed workmen, ilarge'stocic of the pest sadism/I theroughly ned material, end abundance of capital, ne loss taken In hint the c lonal igterrision of t rt o wlele e bnat i aLol mane Pino•gortee of unequalled 24E7 iambi= east BB4DIIIIB Ira filfig BO4LSI'I4IIO-POBTA " la the arranpmeni of cur new male, drawn and rowed with • utalosicare, expressly for our new trutrnineala r We Auldad ivory imyrorernett which ran In any way tend to the perfection of the Plano.llVrtiand we can confidently assert thid, kr - delicacy of touch, volume. paritr, brilliancy and MMeintes of tone, mould nod with that strength and solidity id frame necemary to durability, the" to. stramenta are unequalled. frrisassid sin Hamm. is ore. motto, and we In. site aus ckeses milldam of lb* Inst =blued indgei In the lazli. ;; WarZvery instrament innaii BRADB ted 'tor UR yeaYn. WM. 8. exhlam 4.27 Broome at., oar. of Orod.y. , RNAL .41.11.%119. r AtAtliwaslisirrirrios. Incorporatod tn. Legitlattro of Ponuoyhoults . OPss for DoPodts from 10.. to. - SriVeloSe - 14 -- to - 4 daily t the on SATURDAY ISYNKLEIGB, troteN to o'obxec. 111111 - 13,4168,_ 63' 701711T11 BTUS= . -A• SANE,• OONYJIRIEST `ad PROYITABLE DEPOSITORY, Aar Ifachanieu, labor-me, Olerks, and all those whom moans or earthen am :small. It alao -anamends itself 'to isecutom Adndtdame, Mob" Arm* voluntary flociettss or Aistedations,, dad pastas otaliciarima. . , Interest at:. .11te rots of SIX PER CUT. par an , has te add-Co depcnite, which, If not drawn, wilt ho placed to the credit of -the depositor on the drat days of nay and November, and thereafter bear the Na. Interest as t h e ptinotpd, >At thin rate, money whl doethie In kr An. brddirrlllikm. .1111611st.win elicummas slidepculte the fret 'aad • Adesta`days of the month altar snob .deposits ere made. Books, containing Charter, ily.lerea; so., funtirk. ad on application as the oas, ; . Mama—mesa JONI/AL , ' Praddina—W. B. OOPKIAISD; 110111.111104 BOX iko4 11,t. J. W. , l loorbawl. W. B. Cops d, Pidatar, Hang OkUds, lildhoym Toectly, Wm. a. enda.. • • • Staniar, and Zwarnr--A t OAUIJ L fe&class 2 - ••" $ ' UNITED MATHS B.X.011:1N TAXES, The JANUARY UST, United Mato /be oboe UT" tot the Twelty.T District. Pa 4 hem been yeoteredomit - trnoeritee dpayable at the Internal Deanne Gelo% - WA R Writrltc:Neht: *Or (CU. at, Tillellirp 'All nay. WEITII I cloUteeeeot the See Diettiet. Peat, a.— masa AND Ms UMMA • ,,pzi0c00.14 1 0m 1 141.__, 1 44 - .7 . 77. row . Rat Ina; iii,ootraet.mbit.4*o4.3.Bx6;duLeM _ • oyyl *7O/40 , 11.417DDLA " N . ° On LlWAYAtuier .1 ; UaelltiVann -Wt •-4 Gil7filt-1*144` hrt 9pp 7l ng Zak. 011 tad abitazdi yd. U. Joigerni a 00., 13totltatri f 19, 67 Wood otroo‘ 001' . hitrilit ~qs.ltOttil,, I T DDL BD7 068 AND PROPIIINTORI3. rabn Office N0.:84 Fifth Street. MCIYAND S VEHIEQ IDITIONB. DAILY, 00174.14176 VIZ LATEST DIMS UP TOTEM HOUR 011? PUB,LIGATION. 113.014 ?At; lIQRNINGi - o NEW Owns olv*is • :GAASTI'E, latlereci! Eamon, by 14114 pertyrer.t.-.88111:', " • eine*, 6rZIIINGEZDISI.OI, bj , jr pee montb:.. " - " tf I 10. J Wlcer.ar .Enrrioe, eagle oophei, pirtyelee.. 9 08. clubs of It to 10,, r 1 60. 7 clahmalloer more" 125. .....tett owe mare to the rvi t 'f esdfag dab. For ' club et 11iteila, , we *i ll le elCritrtio Coldb..of. n er t , adl setut Wasalell7beei.r...z dally. 131hglo eeplee,6 cotter OGredltititeerlyt lens Wetly le etbeauv, tal0•0.11e1/1 &titbit stoyfitd when the. tittie i .pi ro , • • , Tan .repOrt 'published a row days ago, t h a t 7p t pan:dig:rd had - beim ti kes to rant War ran,ill, was ` rtaialy p il l , resui we. There seems to bo',nb;!elod icaloiit.tha report we %Fe , bad -gni Washington, that this Presid l iliCtlid:apiroie the finding of the newt-Mai; itti but had - liecermined to modify Itio tar aeiA4.Put Zdr:Val4ndlgham into the charge of his friend Jet. 'Davis, rathei dilate the comissaadant it Sort:Warren. The latest _wchave hip& Al ..to_hhAtnevemepts, sinoebis trial, is a iititemsnt ba,is dispatch from Cin cinnati, that on Tues4a4 'evening he was placed On board a gunboat lying at the levee there, and that he appeared low-spirited and very sad. Ile Is probably In his way to Dixie by. this time, in company with others - wild" must go to their Southerndiiends, under Or: der No. as. Gen. Blunt on Rebois”,l9lte Aigiets ' _ . and .klardp, - One' B. F. Parker, atillng bimetal Colonel .1,4 e. S. A., in nommand ofCintiderste fOremlin Jackson'Otinhty, - hto., Wittlls a long and ram bling letter to ben . Alant,tnotifyingliaithat inliiiii he hi - it:is:Ulm treats Izabal spies, gum.: runes, bushwhackers, and their fema.l4.addera and aliettere;w4 th in his diftrfist, ea honorable prisoners of war, when captured, he (Parker) - will, on and t after May '36,'reGallate on !lie Union citizens or soldiers; Ear every one-of his ' aditawlio (may be :ari4itisd.- "TMs acro l il . is accompanied by an extended deisertition on the Conadaition, and 1 the usual - swish about the Southern Chivalry tieing risiolied to.suffer extermination bett)th they will stir- . r. render to an ignorant sod liferior nee. Gen. Blunt replies to the Contecifiafe as foliciwa : Gil. BLUM'S /PLY: , af4l: l 4Mlll4llB,'DfIlT/IIOT of KANSAS, - 1 Foriflaravettwou ,v 5 May 13,186 3: Col. .11., F. 14 r kii,,aoly*lgaifi:,,6* : bat; As __.l tt dolitariti6ittnittrlte c.e. try of th e Bee s — o : quarterf the 'Confederate forces under your ;command, as hancrabletvelagem , _ ants always do, I am compelled to adopathls, method of communication ;with yoti, in reply to your long tirade ablit Constitutional lib arty, An., about which yoceappear to have as correct an appreciation ail! a Irothentotor a South Sea Wander. • ~. . hate Urn honor to say to you, after rowids . ing your long lecture, thatyou need notdefir your proposed acts of retaliation until the.2oth of May. It is of little con'sequenee to me to know what are the instractiona of the "Gov ernment yerti represent." It is sofflehmt for me to know that you and vizir motley Mayan *utput, and assassins ; that you are.calanc icing within the military astride of the Union forces, and are engaged ih inurdeiing and plundering unarmed luyali !Adieu, thereby barring yourselves of all rights and considor *trims extended to prisoner, of war. I . have Josh:noted alters in command of troops in the border counties of Missouri (and the same rule shall extend to ail territory under - my command) that. Are', rebel or rebel ,sympathiser who gives 'aid, directly or indi rectly, shall be destroyed or expelled fromthe ranter: distrieL These inktructions will no exempt feMilei from the rule. Experience has tanelet,that, the bite of a she Eider is as polionour end- proudly° of mischief u the bite of any other eenoinous reptile. Therefore all poisons known to be in arms against thefederalistaboriUes of this distriet will lie sninmarily t to death when m captured. The only oit etiolate! 404, Unit mil be granted them=wlll • the right to make 4:hotelier the , guilty f grope with which they will he hung. 1 theeathyho are in sympathy - with your cause; and .Whom the militefy authorities-may not fed justified In putting to death, will be ienteouth of the Arkansastiver. They will do well to null thonfeetteli of this myailt - trietidly eilmouttlon. i Treating that you will fully appreciate the motives that hare prompts to adopt this huommepolidyloward-your i loguided friends, Ilan the-honor talesman • Your obedient serial Jas. Q. Di oar, Maj. Gen Anecdote of a awls General - at Chancellarvillo. ~, . . The rebel newspapers, or some of them, are insisting that:the name of e late battle 'hall t i , be 'Wildernoss,''not Than enervate,' es -the former is the name of theiwild region where the battle - was actually fought. A terra . v iondeut el the N. Y. Tie+ tells theTollow. lag anecdote of the. Sals a m actual, Pogilardi, - 4 i the Commissioner lent here by the awles e i arnmen t, is report onltal' litary matters, whibli bringe, out the g wilderuese"..feature of the battle-field -, pretty strongly, .- - ...., ------ . EAeousteraid - te the broad, oimiui anot'dow• uropeanJ bittladieldd„ where phole army corps can alio In battle, line Witiont im p:dile:into, andahere the Surging equadroni of - eavabrate - the - sweepink so ootaltinte of evary,ersay, General Fe4ll4all could not iii; sell y see how a great battle Could be fouiht in thartinglid, Impenetrable wilderness,and: Isnisiked to 11 staff officter, elated for the fora antlbievity of his expredsions, as well lei hls great pet:tonal bravery: "leis is•not-a-batt • —els is a grand skirmish l'•' “A ebiresiel.P' niter:dank* iteff officer, I' I'd ,have you nu. derstand, Elir; that two of thwe-eldrintshes. like this wadi tape 1155 to/iota Swiss nations," the lac* of tl4 earth, ffirr end he rode - down the line into the bullets, 11th Ale , . much nag froid as though eating-ids , reakfast. Burnside 9 e Order E °reed ro-Koo:. _ ruekr**ltelease of rreo - Negroes :/ Icoia.coldinement. t a The New 41bany (I id.) taster has the fol. lowlog patariph, which • show" that "It fiagrant:"ntinge of Itentioty tiaveholders b i bidu i n with by den. B trns de i • I ‘1 A To afTree negroiriuut contrabands who hare for mental netnthebion confined lithe nardlnsinuisi Breoltinridge'ootnity, Ey.. jab, forbeing In that State , contrary to lawoand Who, in -soooidinei :With :the 'statute; were advertised for sale, woke released en - alaWif by a detsolunent of the , loniliville..Pievost Gaud, and taken to Louisville. It seems filial theirs'. stesproes altfreepsierkba did not Ilan them with,' we so actin:l"UL their went. :The contra di are -declared tree underfibi yrooletnadod, end were maid to bi In transit to a tree ,fitat&whinialiestupg_ , ',kis i mmt tioi : fife:fond MO that a IV. - mid iif Obits Sate's& thit. Rappid gF% kok iitk lam isdies belbw miliiiiith *Mu dd ryidg 4roteettlrs- Ufa li ~. 0 is? rioforClatifiliisti lasi. :Thu mit W. . taki ke kht,..*„ . iii moms from a so m a llgt• ottlisti TU<-: 7 sr - . - iy o sn i s _ci tT 4l7, and to Iwo olfsetat their PIM*. 1-`., `t , - IMEITESES llinjor.Gen oral liosiicrunt on Slavery. For ' lame weeks past a ; irontavikei has' been going on between the C,ttolfc Xidifiririik' of Oineinnati, edited by the Very Rev. B. ,i,_ V, Purcell' , brother of the , distinguished aroh , ,--„, ~ • , hilltop of Cincinnati', and a Pro-Slavery Catholic Journal of that city. 'The-learned editor, of the Telegraph anflrrotedibit• the Catholic Church and Slavery matt never got--along - well. together • they' the - 'Church: abolished that peculiar institution' Velierever' sliSeetni,ln,contact with it, and thatit ti only An America-Cabello& have ever been r- found Tidllatinif-SliVely. - The .controversy .• has 'tilled birth thefollowing latter, from .Ifejor.: - _General liasstralit, which , •Praz• ins l ol er numb of the Telegraph. The editor s a ys: "lie (Rosa:dans) his never b neranAbolftion: let, and has, like ourselves, Stood" up for the' Democracy." ' • • -.• : • -- '' '' ' MtritimilisseaorAptil 37,1868. i• - My Dear.: reitler, "Aran!: The rebels grab-, bed the last iiiter r wrote you, but they will draw very little oeniolation front its contents. F --- • ► ,•• e , 74 - em happy to- see, tbs. eplendldialand". "17 61 i , -,...i•Ph 4.•1 1 r/ Are. adaillittlairyey, with As horrors, barb tics - .1111 d. NMI' :1111Margii1011.. Eitavery Is dead: -Netting den resuscitate it. ! .To learn this-lull fully - hunt shieeld pay is a visit. There is not a wee in the South whd' deem not know he is free. :Around here.they bud tepeltted on-the plantations, and refuse to MIT fora!'" nue • but themselves. They have sow*lllila crops of - their own, and the master, have. Armed , Si "'MY! any ppfitrol over them. . i -: - : As emindicatioo,/ will Olt* a.i.if 0 •B••••• -The lady.efAhe house whore I Fp..,stlijqnj at 7 tempted tof'philish ons of: her nitro women this morning: ltiait to itiiiitt - tb steel - hit mistress, front iig tadljused ttp,ide the' derv key was belabor inghid with the stick intitinV , ed for -her own' plutishment:l ulia aid-dins dam " _:lt needless for mute .icy that .I aPPIdi ad ate kailinient yeti' have expressed In she Pit... ,Xoui. cousin is that of : th e prudent to gatbr, mho, watching, the Wilk speak on th • liaison, seer it,„ expand into a portentois' term,' and mile •up his crew to take it tell and prepare foe a'eontest with the Bement:.- Thi storm will pace away and - you will be foetid sailing under I fullisall; while those who took not heed will be scattered' by the plc - - 'ilk • • 4, . • It iAI I am-heart i t 4-hold - With you in this cause.- Slavery lad rimed, and those who would now uphold it wi I be held ilpin a yery.short time 'to public ' ou m and execration. No states man 'will 4 abate it, no friend of bun . = pro gnsi.will a tab fofth a hand - 10'1,feet its Sail, no lover of humanity:and' religion' will grieve for its overthrow. I- have lived long enough in the . South' to tee ilit:warkings, its `disgusting features,: debising . the . higher. principles of our nature,warries wilh religion,. and patronising-vice and itationgity. Al mighty 001 f 11l ,sertainly ordained - US de „enaction In- title 'aormtry, whereit - hit Bien more, tdrineive end; immeilf - thail' ite Any I other, and until' it is utterly extinct, thli war' cannot, ftifitiAti, nature of thing', neasa.. , -.1 - am in favor' if a cessation of hostilities sites early day as possible; therefore, r . ini is favor of 'lite.Presldent's Prodination. --. This 'filets was Aids for white ..pimple . and .free. labor and when slavery . no tenger blights its bonfire we may explicit° esti' the crureb and thielehool'tionse take-the pitieent the slave peaazilmarket. .. L . A Case of Diripfpline.' I ' ' • ' The' oity:iif 'Limisvitte, like New Orleans, has a few seoessionists of the. 4enomeus. sort -.men madwomen who loch with' contempt _upon Ulf .iold-glag,-.andileit th . .....wl.tilmtl..knly illiblibrillilod 4. Itecently,at Nt'ood!ri thea tre, during the evening!' perfCiiianbe;the Cr; cal, ohastra sun up " .The fithri.tliplangled - Ban- Ifisi,"' - plajlii ftihrough to the great delight of slithe tin °alibi present . A dtsen or so. meet:sionista, *waver, prinbipally females, in ,tensely ,die eted, left their seats, and, with t . every` l itition itT iltibilliale, flung themitelves.i at or th i bn dilt4, tit* not M oaning, of inn.; warygeneral attention. The night following, during an intermission, the proprietrii of the Vitae; dipping to the footlight e , `aluottuoild that- the' bend were about to playa national air, adding that if there was any present who deltoid, to retire' they Could do so la the. two or three moments which - Would slave Wont the Motile Genf - ntenciet. , - .i At this announcement sotto t w e l v e of fifteen persons, mainly women of lie i' t Alit familiei'" . . hastily left, doubtlew thlahlitetheli otitis " that they were so well - if 'of dist grumble company. Their tioniratulation,i ihowime, was premature: At the dolt; of titil.,rfinitAllir they were met by the provoftguatd,who,'PiV-' liteifinforming them that contempt for. the flag 'arid the melodies it fuspirea WAS met in that: department fiermissibit, Invited, themlo proofed to the guard Imasei whinh,iip spite of indignant, protect,, the an tarty was oblig ed to do. It is thought that iheninitional airs hereafter are played in ,Louisville there wiiiimlesztasteon the part of the f' sympa thizers" to relint. the "biralt" toltheir re: hoed feelings. I i . • - . . , . Tan Alum ow TER 11;trwattasiti0On.-t-A Washington oorrespendant Writes.: Flamm?' Wllime end Doelittle, who havijast returned-1 from Falmouth,,whtew they eonialted with . Gan. littoicer and reviewed (fan. illisada's . .4 , 1, , spritsls:press surprise little high spirits sad rglitingoandlitOn of tits alloy: f Amdog those woo - witnessed the review were Lord Molester' and Co l . C rowder, British biases.. . . . And another writer &dia: ' . -_:Th4s Bukilek.o.4oersjust; r e turned froirci a visit to Honker's kros, speak higtrbi `of the' appoirince and - movententirf the troops..:. : . .r Gm, • Bentruz'sl; Costesstu p it nisi 'FUR:Wit! . Bsermee.A:We hineton atoli to the N. Y. Trams, 'says t - -' . : - ' ' _ understoo d . , ~ . , • It is that Gaul. Sabina has &skald permission -to .publish his eiteirt di - dd. - pert. laken_by_hisetrtMendln.ctoriteivioistaenti , The request to publish is n or beforifthir War Department: lien. Hooke had &iota," tiro. = correspondents whose s OW *are :-. the • most sweeping in denunobt oast Gan.,Bshura indthillth.Verld-t!!!ltuta thakitgthslr.rt 'puttee pap*, liciii updar!hiedorn nada. 4., 4, ... , lids' CAvanirr.—AtlNitoi',4ooiela taks l ittlrlorkruiti r., -. , •.- . .raiaiiiii" -- 117.14./airaii issiti l s 4 oldizik oar 'e ve'tteldrrldrcip, 4 :womltisiA odloink otated . , puterday *l4, wltbll - !ix, recn i Indian Aire wooed bit la undroill thousand more *airy In, • elteld:. - Cht:dripbtilisoW Made& to Maki up thin din* liirgeitby' mounting. the , n gee. tif.'r !Vete no* %log moan d in- W stink 'V ' ' to Worm* Gen. A Mrs ne , guerrint g tins' summand. . ' i F ' ' BATAiD Tin. , . ' iv i l tioi in the. Philo.: delphii Prise de •. es the r. Baird Taylor Irse removed fr ... ,the El tarjehip of the - Antertaii"Legaion ittato•Petersherg... His . resignation as tiaretary of Lotion to Moen sla was Sent to the Statel ii ertment` before' as Mr. Olayfs nomination liter to Russia was laid. Odors the Bata . .4 was stood' Ma" Mr. Tailor!, pm.. rhoild ils take sifeot apart- theidote- f ' Mr. Cameo's.: Mr . , ,Talor {ltisineli 4 m ats' dot; - -Mr. CliallrOlS Aspatore from a ' sass' of duty' only, in order titat our gorsrrusent mightnot .ber witants repressaitirs it BI.-I S .tirs * .i: 'at so taloa a 'of air histeo . - c.' .. , . , . , Its reply 1 0 the ftitittaliTiri Waft thiss;' ed. by sioa:thilit'll ifrinsejsTrOistaitt 'stk... mutt to dairtEsgllstr , bratitreit 44LAie . sob: t, or the dmerioan war, (which we pubiblemd spots time upwards of I,sod'or. tkeloi Wash clergy reply titbit it II hlAtiollll tel filUaltZ,411;411:1:: tr t rir c in t l l i ti , att4r. tegENwhick saateS Toss.ruilltitiCof ' stitrottir - wretched, which &bases 'their wasters, Ind 51011,41.100-3-100-xli*swst.rz -,Thilia%ro• that, assuage,* .•of.tietrautfidirite - tes would pat back tioprogreur of Ckitstlao dip. Isitionb idiots oeututy.:__ 1 --,., ,- ,I :4 , . r ~T - ' 1 . -Tsui •Illamond .t,kbakethi great vMsh ZseluoV fell Violdd • *Fr , 11 sais i ..tkat ttr au' 'of- tiallAttokerAuip 1 1 1 ,710,114 bibe4s# ortil- car e gzgatemo ought!. Li ikt • . ilet4 14111**1 tt 101110100 pramoltaibl Saws allAbleti =ME er'g . i'23- -,1863..: nui 'MEN ;need' twit I t4rbluThird Atlortftestall elide ale 'SOW ry. can tire-their Oil lad siihrribly#M , jorlthorit tousbfartba'Ott7 Intia,rMAs IMP= prcoapt..sitk bastlria/to vonwliff collet. at . - • 878 I_o I 4 li •isq wca a On the .1111 es loop Tallayltallioad. *bore Taewrat 00 I. 'limped kW] the boats direct to th 'e earVand IPPIAte AfalatiWftta IMMO - any izets.ek tag. ,/illoolani to, ILickii {64 area atid WerifuOi ert i " CIAULBOR air, Incirriaz 0.1.1 A ;14/1/1.1.-.44 ROBKWY """ eut so. 1 isr. oLATlVErrmi,it'Ptitiseri4'4 L ! Ponfox.dingiti#4,llrArOutnt •.'" arDVIFArrIIR j ls , oruc.;.-; 4 4, 1' 4 'arlummulatumhziwxtik afostf* rwraoLsum umi;az, eoretalitino4,o4sl,ll,o fee esle at the lowest autkif Ootwaseans PlDlMlAtecliatieleev.. .l: tstr7:Aut.:4 ..E 1 4.;4444n5tA., 14 .0 ii : 4k4 .r r wi. • -CRUDE 4 1111FDIBD; PBTI3.OIAIII* FirTrp, „ ?on ~wail~penl~ rit fi te.th , ttrlimanailarkimi. 1.11. Da worm* eci.; —l3riusars HARaitint r itaq., • ••-• • " I "a B utria — sTzti,lho4 n lteet 09noisralal frankr, .ClllFl'l3ol.ll.lrElql.L 1 / I "Ottaitc , • eb .binaimpbv. NrOPNWPOne/PM:N4gl r : aa:trtaoscaap . - litgaildßA4. - OPIXiaI,ZP. a. 045 bp' iltill4lli , IGXBDL lialromnotatol/4•:_f kezruzia_tbs- libbd .111 V ra=aality,o3 'llll l / 2 slair saitidttuart ibrobt *LUBIUGA±OR.../Eirelit.RiW".•lol IMMO& • - ' 1. earn wen Id 11a=tia IbraLlyrubb; Baall Stock. mond floor, - *UI be rolzip . tl,y itteadbf. ta. , LUCENT OIL Donoo,parzusy • M I 146.91 ' • Gm % 0 ; 1 1 4. " o : • o t ai; , ma rl , 04 .4 J - Alaica IRWIN; OILOY. • - ghiti - " . - iQUAIAIIkIOI9IW mous kat at William Bohai,* & 03.'a Otlltia,an‘ bier of Makin a d PlritArtr&kal,*lll mumble. praiiiti` D4h. 1Q19) _OSI.eOOIIIf.S. E.,- • - xtirzoaa ' 1 - 4 ethi4Oetif4 a_arahOoso at Ito* Hook folat..ll ork JOAO Motu, loft troorlooto t,900 Mardi trai t vow* cipur Ladiair otdplkroat alaoLkican , ri gialr o tit g r. ; r•A.Y. And ot socopoaa samaavnwe tl= - _ 0 1118 . ".4., ~ ,1 031rbleiabelsetlairegaktitz. =gash 4,106 Sots adoed. . I ••••-“,. • • so Oki ISGOSeskilAsssSus: t 11.3171 diratifilbt'it. . • mylk,- a.. , ce.l)cOmowNroy &aid OTOBAGE FOR IiMPOMIDVIL6-44 ass O littmuoievarslitoi— tots sJ. WWI Sit*. : b., sk 4 tyr, cool mut MT, atc , ; "M. . 1 0122..1ii BagiooiOWs# • • . in; •GEOVIL' • !'•• • . r.; ,• 110* Otani 1 • .4.5. • • • • • ••!-• ERTRILRraiut : O U " "' TR lotkileirs , M - Zllll 11111111 N ijoatoIV4VIPAP m s tElalbiiikorcniahod,Zow ittemuw 4 1 PePoWtll.4lo.:i 440 .71004zz, 14:41‘ . . ftl< Pelaraw 41.9441.4/1i 4mik limagt t l e 4llll:l h 4#4/4mi - ite'Aii con ter lea sew jay 141=11011$111 . - 1,14mt04 War. Thn 'Wag tat Oop1114)to oubla 110:00 p0110 returir a,ou kcatati 04/3 ad ll ll 4 u Bl ' waRT, Pot 0 1. 1 . n44a 1 1 9. alveted filo WI forte Ali* parobsea- - 11 kimaotbleirtcilko bow how tis* • • 1111 vM 14 147 - 41/41441A• .1114-belzor AA* Whit b0u5.147 - oat a**. iqfms b n an With* . :sal* !bolted pua: Tbire irtrailiattothit trosik/ind Wltonasiamary iS T eitrlotpll:4 l l Waif .161,distrab/sis...eedwastillbor Z Lz - • ! ,• ou!aorrido , tiaiit i the, . - 142:4 1 1 A re a.' ir A u P t " l s - WW 111 ! P44iNv..*ltio• , • 1 "••••, 1.4 . •••••• .-, • „,•„:„.„.•:• • •,Jl,llO trulvitaitruittirli: l .r . • • gar • .Wide . • •• • • • • . - tsibtalatils , . • • - • ' *AC Ar.c.hick. It.iva44 , WALBIEVWETUOR]f &CO%i uu 40 ,6 E TY co ~L; pilx?-13111 3 1 / 8 8/o.l4llllpliamaN*l4l ..rift' ,„ 70 Ca el , J•;:ills 'Shirr/AM ose`p.sriktbi"iiesi g 1131 cuRzzr";& 1 4'siii'rerk, •:,11 utibl LP Slir Am& helliiies for Enaktinlmivearra, t" nryliktt: , . 10,1 , 3101 it.: '111Aa:#,1„„...„ • " .; I ,s And. l l .:l (.; WEI PIittOLIMIZ , ; en.o. i ra iunteamniulictszcr it on. o :.1 59 8 4 2 11 tR I FT7,r..nr o o t, t 'fra, .4; WMth...vanrilkilllllllllll ,' OEF 'PML&T, 'GARD/a' t" -- t , t • lifkitimiLiaralict _Os UDE ,r,z a:a 31: f2V Olt* la MOSBY AWOL, bum eane , Wmi ,PriernmsaAPPALLui 11=511 P f 2 ;rO. I L I MA P/ $ 4 41./ Li ItEESii & p; .:, =MEM a " d ". tw. 1 .. ;.41 11 11, PC r " I 'W , ='"U .. 1 47 01 . 10s Et4o)la+Ftin4. ' L 1 k, i ~;,.. JEER keVIPOI6 1t ; 1'119lit T•l4:!' ' 'W.: ..., ViIAPPLEO 246OII ANCEE. COMP w W . 1 aft.fortiiesilitia*l bins 7 . ,, 941900#.4,Aithoped)rpod and PII Blii.'::. , . Varlitirainii .tienl,: ~ /ito.Noirto.pci;: lo p ano.fit a , , oi Wisi.4iiiiiio o va alms: • --.- ,‘:„. I Ahmtmr, aqi,ClbulNZviti al ‘4,4lnpa.,kimi . :1 otmusl3.4l „ i MUM Wahl% -.. 1 onwirdyluploom, fl dB. Ilsamon lams : - .'s' : / , — l7, =. ... -- 1 . .i. , 11.1 , a 1 .i. , 31.41 DAM :mu% ' , sift ., ~, , Ll_ iiiiil 010 Unit:4 - WAIT, net Avid. - id. P. 0.41111NX11. . - • lalitly - 111:3 VI/ TER mid. 1 ta CB °OXUS!: •: lig r intraLAlrtllLDEloB. BMW or ...rips, BlLlcalAyiD "twain; ao.. is mown* • Ofloilld. Walattistrset. '1 3 Liallinnh 1834610.1, Aippys,49oo,6oll ad-damatad ,56 1 " t r 7 till,. ' '•• d . i _ 7 4clrstiposita4iaility Props, "+l,4M*litifekli dal tx. I arPOSALlaPitate do - m0u0.4.4........_,. _ 9,4tal Me Patms.m. lt. Cto.,-'sltkorond.. Maims " " . " Ial. "" 4 "•••••----•-•-. two co ' MAI 5 !". ' ! ' l 'iri ll . w itit u rcll it= t ? ggpj,. • -.........-. Iwo go 1 - Et. • • •:, atilt ' il - Moo/Main 1 ,MtalLaaJO 10am,..... 4,otk. 60 { 4=} t an., t0ck........ 4,00 u Ot ~.! 00.. -a MO VJ 1 ..• e , &Moot niNiktrippaa. 0c....—. 44360 co • , 4 - 3 o - Demme W. S. Lamaism)* 00... TOO OD , ' ''• - - . ' ' ' ' 4426 "4 41 •4•-••••••••••••• kiss el m itartkittiEst &Vi t.-- 4Qui I* •IS , p.............. lso cv '..' `Wirm t io ye t l / 4 •=3 / Zolr, Z . ..-::: le a! R . .Ostlinta litudloadld blablo of sigents..... 11,365 lb , , ~ . t .iwt,l ,":.:tt ...1 i‘jt....i173 Mt I l an :. . ---".."%,.• • • - - -,. it iii..-4...l4f.iiist, tit 4,TiInaMISPOINOI,III, .... ittnnost, Ttaile , _*‘.2ll%ti *-'ll.fL. Osman; ' • Z.' Loam% ...i . 6 4 . 4.14tr0w.'. e itolrt. Toland, z.?.M. $1 ,14 W0 t:A co, 3%,Ctias. ULM, • 1 - roan, , Fled% Limit,' i ~ 1 Ira: Bamot, nap. 0-ri• zjimob T. Bunfty, 0. Ellorsuork, '- . - ..0.,.A. Wood, ei totWOViTtneliji° ' 4 ' LBmlth Bottom, titoga,. l . , *a I ,ti,.,: omrail• B. Woodward, + ittu,, i John Filaseu, Pitfall. n. 14 ?, .:.c., 3 4.41: OBBABiresorostry• ..,„ , ~.,, , I ~..1 J. Q. 00 .13, Oar. 1 --i nky g i BoltbbiattorniV Irmo and Wood strut. lidltiit r itt lien L 0,98 BY J Irnzts4 o .lo)lnat mummies 0011 F 1 4 ,&= - E. os', lI,L.LADE,I4 . IpL4 Odra , dad and WI Ohlilnat ifibitosEtil 711th. - :;.6...i.it, t..{./ ~C. I . i fl .._ A 14, 4,10 til, Jour,' lot, 1860,' 'madam, blrloial Mt olldimisably, being- , • ..irkat. MoctipignOunpligeol 'Beal BobiWWMmft tar. plia9ll- 4 61).can MAW 90 attamoram immasi. as Amapa Oen/deal • - ft.:4We'. ''. ..... - . 8141.28 to ElboOlts, : {PrestioshibiaAdar 10 mu- . 99 . 180 co - 3 " t " F u l. / 1 4 1 S 4131#01kyr.-....---- mgt es tatir.. , . , . ......... 'mon op tti 0.“1.1:‘,„).tr /it: •,..,i e...it1r.r" . ..., 7 -.......::-..- 1 ,1.,. - - ,r,„ . ABA= a . • tili j iito onlyifsontoMatkpreadano ildelt UM - - ,Costßottpulia36sl lt =yils• Afik pun rob which. hair* ono Llshirsadmiorstrldosetintloa of gm.4...iye. 4A4=Vortyy , t ilt . ..wit, aiiiowasorsootalstsal .. ' ..' Ituo*Asmoo Amioosoa6;• ma= or lhh*7 MAI i dug bare paid loom by Ore to.sa amount samedla,, speokaidamiAlpiDsamii Climb" affording "Mono* . cesd9ropf A To 'WM mnam mo„with at vollm th protoplasm Mt eir shlll. add N.lbb - Illgooodi 'lv 'Matt. id ...rat • , Z ig i= l Looms paid drain* ' .........-4100,0111 II tiolda 0;41 i.itill iiitimiimis:i _ hisatt•Los. ''''UftVal li b .4 ll* - i '''Sosob Baboltit, ~Erf• ir f i fr,,Wl 4 l' , /r. a trai r d . Cp ua ll . I , dainsolGtsati.„,•_ - - r.u. v fleearr ys tr. MAUL= bt„, BAB Prorktmo ~,--,, , ~,,, ~1 1WIPALLO 0,:!BAlill, Vies Preffilail ".., 18"tc Y, 1: 1= 7 2tira gm.. ,OOPPlll i _deatt, J. MO ... • . 1 0111astionhommaar. - Wood A rbtrd KC -.4- qI)(TESTERVANSIMANCE COMPoIk /Al 11...U. 10 '1 MILBRPOL ICILLICS, Jr.. /Wake& s il 9 nbi W. 344: „. wits:a strut, loping oo:ii PAZ a a as ' ra 1 41 a ttt moo itoo*o „Btoko,„ { 4, 4 1 p bit Ilingdors spile 11641:01 - NiClefi is• womintig. end lA* ars Agfa. Atgoonowvonit itimoya4, to mooosartio aharsea!r_sratek kw, asaaaid, as tier* de bog tualio ditirsla be ismaral. ,=44 Jt l cdo E i 43 d i. 114 1T. 8 19fINIFR-", / 55 $ • •tri • ammo 0 0 Caw '014&,44:4‘,411141064- WS * ' Oulu. 27.016 14 : ,/1104as.aad4:Ala .trusiowso • l74otb 11 low • Acton ' - AumegataidoHalms%r;- a', pa l4l aaaa4a steer, _ Nathanie 1. l rfirll. Loa& Alit,litaikati!..., , Bess Thomas, oti &wools. ; t N. )L GORDON. basivisrp. Ixau~t~~,~,~ yAI. h,. ilY'. S'EfirdltetritrY Od OF ill,. ;,48; Jun.: 3 ,4, 1 ,11-.149:W2 1 At P. 2 4AL [l,:k =7l • InutriaieeiCktiottliattite of Penn '.24; .Iple i". 131.1 • ibitartilliilsbastirsuice Compaq, ~,_....•''t 1. • Yll.Lit 1.4' . iewqmorsietehi thence* of end riali*Ckell pnteeteetAelebetteedrbfaikakathei 10 ' 1:1.4: !.,w R.1.4 1 4;:i 14;10 r. - 1011 . 0, 404 .--• ,liaig ll ttilkildiossaf Wm stmt.-% -1 111:1111:Wei _ Iift2LNUSW/LVAIi Y. -- -, *her -Itarket au ML L=', ZW‘lts,4 fa the ravioli* Urn Bhus, Ulm Ow lag ars. : ` 8 11 8 1 , 7 John • • • lresu'r. IL , obz , 9alingaira3olllllll: • • 11.4414,,•., 6 /ATAWINN-10 lIRANIBCIB , flO 4 PANTO . ? PUTRIIA:4I7I. Mos, No; until 71:12urasalgariii dikildi ON= oirt . nisad Xsata• 161 E. _ MAO J Prakkos. 4 _ ..i.......n , :i A' 4 ' t: aemn . ..mem vd..zwatkas. ' /4--glif., sirDiaz, ausseia Atm: i Da: - arZ.1......1 . La tritss..rucai;L:%P- --,..:- ...loft D. McCord, t 1 ,43., cidimit,;... T iANlVAlasajleaf VtWrifil . : ll 'Wll=aft. . ;4 - 4 4 ,: lr airf 5t,,4 0"404 r • ~4 t i - 4 , , 1 4144. 31401•w i c Davy_ , _ 1 OIIQUq'. - EBNIC BUBB WORK& tADMAII de: eXAWFORD, v riiftiiiiiiiltiesari e ft at fisoo44 . 011248,WD ' • , 10. W 1%1111000, DEUX 01 1 9 431 T i 0.4 13 . AID • - "lif dayaidifts. Order. onaKitua e 0 1 11•11 ASftT) a Oft A& .impe, mar prospert stunaft '• .o - perirtoter Ina - ',l4l2l,:"Bll'" Arenb ak r i thes=4:l " Weirier '— et ' P 11141411ft0Xft, uu f- ;a t lips- .beNI seridg hmo ft Mad **PAWLerlik. , thslaj.ftoft rime thaa oftir ftiftift aft. 4'!...4314;.411100101/ 1 4 . .. - .. , - •'; n rereflllid:o 4 */inti :Eif*dk ' 444' .4.4;2141rical 1/L11i1(0,11‘ WWIGUU&IIGI 11111Mmems. telb 101&1_ ,"- 54, 7 11 GU 91 9!", ,:. - iftliliftfttftftuftftqltaftealftft: iftftorAtudfftwftiodulleftafto- - • t " .11."111 .V4 I . 4441441 g 11 ! 1 11 1r # 1411i; :•' : .. - : 11 /tA iii l ftal l 7 l / 1 0ftigi*Iti::' - ' , .' ..;.-1410111rIlilkoftr.•„_) o.‘ 163 •••
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers