Iftbburgh .05attit. ..Cappewkaad-ladignsolas Several thousand sympathisers with , trifaidusefriciiiiir at Unica! dins* In raisede the londeltio*l ever heard in America over ooOlotion of Vutu r nicistiLl*The speeches, as reported In the Worgsti men like the ravings of maul alsithalt tie utterances ; of sane men. The orators Were'aiilof the' second and third ,slaw to the collielit saheb; for example, ; ...44 0 k 1 _ MaCtuus, .* Manzi. and rude like. Fernando Wood, the Brtio*ei, 4 ooivno . i4,oiS i !oihei first clue liederiled;UPoity enough 'io stay away &ammo absurd abea d = dettionstration.,. "Free. 321 !!/":44 1 PViz 4 1 kulusrt' w holy are - you to sin rtie libatioar! "Ily fighting," was the'OßVitnie;;; necessary, by fight- Ael:ltgyft4 0014 tie . nots of the Ad ; the purpose of the Admipist?atton to terminate our liberties," roared,}ppihar , the fool hang unable to perselee that thievery thing they were then .;.doing wee the exercise of unobstructed, on . :Motestea liberty, even to the verge of li osiitiOusness. - The fellows seemed to be ex.- • seem gly anxious to be arrested; but their own utterinsignilioanes shielded them from " all molestatlon. Their besotted followers .--)vgleti,sniieursed, and hissed, and groaned, but that was *sit The whole thing was °`m ere , . sai mere noise d *clamor, and did-not rise to the dignity of sedition. In spits of aIF they they were obliged to return to Cr*dens; ;hi& Gale might be, witimit hiving been able to provoke either an.nrrest ors Ilieenifof John J.:Crittenden. Upon: Mr. Cturrettuzit's nomination to Congress, few days ago, he delivered. spOnik replete with the noblest patriotism. We do not by any means agree with all his sentiments; `'jet old as he is, the prince of conservatives sod compromisers as he is, he has kept relatively up with the progress of opinion, and now *me, nobly forward to .austain the government in a :vigorous prosecution of . Hie war for the Union. In one short:energetic sentence he defines his position--wiirs you for Ow aunt* lead the Govereuseity ans." Ha don't stop to ask whether:Mr. Immoral is the President of his cholas or lot; for that has 'nothing to do with tiniqUestion; bat he stands by him as the head of the government. He spoke of the attempt at compromise, in 'which he himself. as tbq pri cipsl aster, and then continued: "Theo comprinnlie wag rejected ; the robot ' lion malls war followed. It was • rebel -Ron, without, jolt' cause; so I then thought and, so I MI think. The Adminhtratien up to that ilms her:. Lineolu having been btu. getrated,luidlione nothing of bjustiee to any sietion. or - .aloha:or Threggiont this Oral hued ao eisiiis individual could I. eabilod oaf,' *ham the Grareausaa had dons kinetics; no suaseirein whose tho - Gesoornatent heat talus property, or rhinos leseithat had been men win had bens on/Witty The following paragraph is a sore rebuke to those who cling to party, and who are foi surrendering to traitors in order to at tain their party ands: • Now, how mild I, a native-born Kentuck lasi be otherwise than for the war to defend and proseru this Option' Government of OW/ • spinet the rebellion ? 'I we. tiis war, cad • !sae Ws a siti of do war all the dots. Bit I basted to see nothing Ignoblo to this stentost. rthoaght that a plain, atraightfor ward, manly tray would be but in putting down the mbettion. I wanted no indirection. I looked. upon It as a national contest, and desired to see all part,' hellos abandoned. It wan a war of defines onions. part. God had given you an 'initesitanee grater than any .ireaelumfoi to any other nation; and • - shoal/. you surrender it, without. a straight, saying to Rio rebels, "take it and do at yoa . pkiasi with it." That would have bias .Igadinialeas—the Ilko of which was never heard of in history. /I woo forth pee- Amain' of oar Gocerseuni and our territory, ad.'s., should ram i, regardless of oast mid ~Om Thee* were my outlines's, and I pangs the war as a na tienat object, with no mean party scheming. I 'World have ritgartiod any man who shoutd t attampt,4,9 ; divide the . people on party quay . ticino as a malaractorr, aataaaSai Aim's, atoll. a t in eensintling, Mr. Ocittendea said ':. 3 "The rustles till got through Ito &dealt les . humid, p. rand wilt to do it. and we atiall einamplisk it. That .gmat Providonee . _th4timoimad• ul..thattesulard.boarer of free . dam ill( aot ; puma oar Geyer:mut to go denn and foul tab world in gloom. I have " ; !Au' is a Divinity abore that shapes All eatinds, sod n. will shape the destiny •• of otr maths: - Its weir Ina Only Jut be 7ganiend Provident* dearnoa permit a half or Widsod worklif each moneutons proportions . olio tail end h. abandoned; and I trust In God Unit we, tie people. 'do. not ',tend it. Par .-.hoarts mast be Idol with the Roble &tarsi tuition to-G nisintsia the integrity of our ov ' unseat, while,we grow grastir and greater; 'mightier and mightier, richer in civilisation grandee hi prosperity,, until our glory shall corgi:the nide - land. hint 'outlast prepare to tight the rebel lion through to the last, no matter whether Ingland or harm, or any other power make 011111112011 eels with them or not We must lightthentill, if aged Ur; and we eta whip them 411,•• is; the 'define of tight. I don't . want to extend the boultdsirke of this war— God know - I nett I have _tried to make as IssiViirpiiiie . no consistent with mama' safety::: Now, I tieWse war alone , us save u, and war is must be. ' • • ". • • • Whether Rooker hair 'rimmed' the Rippahannook or not; whither Birk Mond ; is tikes Or, not; &Pm •scialitasj determinattors is is stud. in and maionda- the Gotleramosst, and do= chi • ' am a pre" a .fgorou. japiwasaka of the Thom rebel syeiPitidie're who mike the ,support of Ltmmar secondary to their sup ., pore of plrtj, Mad mho, with armed rebel immaning the the nation, clamor . forlestifafirpi l i!pros mould do well to hir. Crittenden - : j , Rebel • cniiies..la Reinforcing V t itticsburg. The .robet inform na -that heavy' • reheat . ..Omno boos arrived, near Jackson, IftaLsipp ;rout Charloskot and from georgia, whose oorpperation with the ret6l Mores at Vicksburg will:render the destruct , Ron _of Grant'sanon certain. But - with , pOssession, it, is impossible *4' reholireb,forcemento to reach Vicks burg, and with' their railroad communica ilea sonilciindlweet cat off, it is quite as difficult for troop_ t o roach Jackson, or, in deodeto • ofmneorabin, thirty Eats of. it, at • :least for some weeks to vomit. _ °albs worthealigrierson has destroyed, the Mobile'sadsObie 'railroad at Okolona ;- on the east` he-ent the same lied at Enter-, pia -asWeir* Am Southern Miuliaippf 11, seventy-eight, miles from , :JulthowN Ant he , south.le Alestroyed • bridsovissalroi. to., +AIM liftsiduippfiCoo-: Balmisißrookhavem and' •Bassmit4 burning, *leak along the entire; ••,- Use ler a distinct fif•' over forty miles, all! -:tbreancilliggies stock,i • without which the rad,_ma if repo; irOdi would be =doss, and which the rebel. an 110 i replace. ' Thus Macron= to reaehi •"-Vfeirsburg o jsaust - inerch long timptighw (Multi which. has beia.2 Owl Ada ::%oloon of wormliok oknOsonoTers riikWm iii the rebd stroogholi :~ ~.- i'if:'' , ..- r .c-i'-'" . ..... - _.. FROM WASHINGTON. Ittait Div/tot:am to tlio Pttaaborgh Waal'titrott, May 20,1b63. ricrritY.yrioristrir OT HOLDMiit'. The vexatious difficulties heretofore expori mimed eta., in - getting to, a field of battle after an. engagement, are eithar smootbed or turned' tutcarnew - cohawnet4T-the-folltsisiwg-pars graph from an order of ;he War Department, jut tutted; " TraniportatiOn for *bate physicians and nurses to attend sick and wounded soldiers willlieefrirlded by the Qaartermeiter's De parpment, upon the El:Kw:tat order of the Gene ral commanding the Department, or an army on the field." INVALID .001014. , . An Order from - the , Wai• Department an- Wanness that the tollowiag uniform has been adOpted for the Invalid Capt.: ' Jecket--01 sky blue kerseyi.pfth dark bias trimminge, oat lite.the jacket for United States cavalry, to Oomelioll down on the loin. and abdomen. ' • ' "Trogiiira—Froseat iigulation sky lain fs.forage alp—Pissed:3 regalatkon." HAMMOND'S BOLL AGAINST OLLONNL. The fallowing lithe lenient of the Surgeon General's "Bud" against calcined and tartar emetic, of which a eytiopsis has already been given by telegraph: "Surgeon General!. Office, Was/Union, L, U , May 4,1863. I "I. ° Fronk the reperts of the Medical In spectors and the sanitary reports tethis office, it appears that the administration of calomel hes so frequently been pushed to excess by Military gorgeous as to call for prompt steps by;this office to ogrreat this abuse; an alms; the melancholy ascii of which, as officially reported, have exhibited themselves not only in innumerable cues of profuse salivation but in,thtinotAnfrequent ocourrence et mercurial gangrene. It turning impotilibie in any other man ner to properly restrict the rise of this power ful agent, it is direated-that it be struck from the Bopply Table, and that no farther requi sitions for this medicine be approied by Med ical Disasters. This ieilono with the more eonfilertice as * modern 'petbology bee proved the impropriety of the use of mercury in very mealy of MORO diseases in which it was for rabriy unfailingly administered. " 11. The records of this officio having con elusively proved that diseases prevalent in the army may be treated as efficiently without tartar emetic as therowith,and therraot of its remaining on the Supply Able , heing a tacit , Invitation to its nee, tartar 'emetic is oleo strut* from the Suppty.Tablerol the army: No doubt can exlst that more harm 'hue resulted from the misuse of thug agents, in tie treatment of disease, thin benefit fro their propqr administration.' ' " A. iiallllolllD, , , •!Surggon General." The farms of tho Arlington flats, immedi ately west of this olty,.which have been lying idle 'lmo* the oommencement at the war, through the absence of the proprietors in "Itebeldom," are about to be put to use. The contrabands who have been supported by the Government through the last winter, by order of General Batumilmmo will be re moved thither, and Instead of consumers will become producers. The Late Bogue /VCRS About the Vaptare of Meta:mond. The Washington correspondent of the N Y. Commercial writes: ' Aa Investigation: has' been had into the origin of the takihg-of-itiohmend stories, *hush so convulsed the entire North but )• Week since, and it turns out that the whole thing was a pure invention for which the Government and the telegraph were not in any wise responsible. The report origin ated in the train of a Philadelphia broker, who went from Washington' and palmed oil his "information" upon the toe susceptible Philadelphia Inquirer, who in tarn bulletin ed it as coming moth a Washington corres pondent of the paper. - The Philadelphia evening journals copied it, and added to it as coming from "private sources," the con firmatory street reports which were so speedily gotten up on the publication. An attempt was made to telegraph the printed . copy to New York, but the War Depart meat prohibited audit was sentthrough on a late train o New York by a special messenger. Thence it was - telegraphed by the Independent Telegraph Company to ;Boston, an order prolubiting its trans- Waggon over the other lines having been issued Fram• 'Philadelphia' it was sent West over a railroad..line. The simple re sult of the wholenuttter shows' that it was - a bold movement for speculative purposes, :which a too strict telebraphio censorship gave a wide berth for circulation. gtosecrans' Army Preparing to Strike. A late letter from Gen. Rosecran's army, published in the Philadelphia Pram, stye: "The army of the Cumberland just now is actively engaged-in making prepare lions for the great struggle, which is appa rently not far distant. °Tear° is at present' Mit little Mcknese among the soldiers here, eipeeitilly among the old Mops. I never New the men in better spirits. The rank end file have the greatest confidence in the commanding general (llosecraus), and alt look forward to the future with brilliant hopes and con fident, anticipations of victory. As * whole, the army is in as good: fighting condition, or as well prepared to meet the enemy ae now. Thoroughly disciplined, well-armed, clothed and equipped, and fired by the most patriotic devotion to the :cause in which we are engaged, we certainly will not dis appoint thejustespeetatiOns Of our friends of that you maybe ensured. We are united as one man, and with' bieve hearts and willing hands, are deteratined, when an op portunity offers, to Birth° : such a blow es will cause the Maim fabriont the Southern Confederacy to tremble to its very founda tion." Results of Gen. Uadao'd Expedition in Alabania. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette furnishes thelollowing in reference to Gen. Dodge's recent expedition into Alabama : -On his return Gen. Dodge literally swept the country of pprisions . and forage, live stock and negroeit. It is esitimdted that be burned One and a half millions of bushels of CAM inuch ' ;kick w's libelled for transpertitien the • army; captured and destroyed 600,000 . lbs. Lof,, bacon; 1,000 head of. horses 'andi mules, and an equal number of cattle,fhogs and sheep, beside supplying the whole command with meat for three' weeks!: He . also burned every fattiest from' -. Savannah to l Decatur on the Tennessee—kleetrOying the railroad and telegraph between Tuscumbia_end Decatur burned five tan yards , siirflonrishing end finally, 'afforded: the means of escape for 1;600 blocks EXBIEL EBTIYATZ or tiara Lue.—A °or. respomient of tke illetimoa4 Enquirer re marks: tuNow that Jackson has, tulles, this, our ;rest hero and chieftain, owes to ua, if not to himself, to be ' ;where the shock of battle cannot reach. Ten thousand, or even one hundred thousand melt slain in battle miekbe replaced, bat if ,Gen. 'Lee should tali, who could take hie pliCe? Echo au swerve whoTl Tiriquiril/OLPAL S LLVZ voDIIIN Sr. Lone —A•billtuis been introduced in the - Colit mon .Counell ef St. Louis to repeal the mu nicipal shire Midi, -Which, in the present state of :affairs, has become.virtually °boo letei'and *hi&`'nefirse be _praotioally revived In that city. , The Colllloil has full pour over . thin subject, and the bill will no doubt bO,paesta, awl Eit.l.ottle thus made a frOit.ctity OLDLISW BONDS WANTED, 2:2lieriCtKiltS/iNlEthe ROUE, 7. 1 24} 0zg0. , --, 44 , Inn :i t ,graart 7 ! • ..nt4114 1 / 4 , litataltaidasio-4118 - fo r _ kr il& ood by W. P. NA2IIIIALL. ST W stmt. - . ktiJlL* ZECTVRIL'fik f C_IPL 4.6n,r,C 1 1.• Of tt • 193 d Regiment Peansylmnfit Volunteer., M - tba twat artainrcittatachil — ooliiiiiEUV to dr. Jim • Putdio ?terare v f atibOttnialt nf,tne Unityd. lita z tes Chrbtlait Coirnemd•On MEI/M=M=l LAFAYETTE HALL. - Tk.kats, 80 IDIIIVOS-4o be had at 'lits Dail° d D:ok Stores, In PalsborEDl 1 1 1 . 11. P- Behwarls's, J. X'CStq.all , 111. 0. tle.bisne l s, sad Dr..Urown's. In 141InhPny. Sarroors 0.,-.en at Tyto'oloekp Istolnis to teen at , 8 o cl,wk . . . PUBLIC ollrOricES. r • • thrice or Pazirravasta lasoaalOh Via 't Pittsburgh. MST Zath, leek, O.THE DIRECTOR'S Dy Dave thisdardeelared • Dividend of •al PAM Otter. oat ol Its pleats of the bit • applicable to the redultoa of Stock obligate to stoat tot fug) paid up, and payable to holden of paisl op stxk cub Oa demand. N 'YOZOTLY; PrdS'daot. • T. CRT'S 11P110117.4 are ; atflttga 10.1.1 NION COUNTY CONVIIN TION.—the loyal soteis of Alleilteny cam. ty, Inmost eapporters of the Administration-In the vlgororw proactitton of tho'Wer Err the Calm, ere rettatated co meet at Clair =WI placid of holding elections, oa EIATUSUAT,IhoIIOth day of May Sat., b.ng the last Saturday of the =oath. In the attar. noon of odd day. to select two delegates from each election &allot and precinct In the county. to low moat them In the Union Churtuttloa. which Will assemble In the Court Hon" hi the,Olty.wf plan. burah;ou TOZSDAY, the 2d day of Juno next, at 11 owolt a. no. of add day. Toe orj**l2 abL'Oon• rentfbn Is to plow. to notolnatlos canaldatawfOr Its fAlcortng °Mut. via: Praidwu Judo of Ito tithici Oomf, Pisa Idenbara of Its How of Riprointlatioes. amity rrawatwer. deawrwar el Deeds, dw, Reoft at. of Sala &a Dwarf taw Court, Ax. - One (batty Contranwlower. • On Lima r of tar raw; and , Deltgafa to tie elate Union Cbseadose. lb. primary meetl444 teal be bead In th•Vown- IWO texoeptlng Feebler end OeUhuk) between the been of 4 and eV° got p. to., and In Um Weeds and, Benonehe end In Peebles and Oollhat Townships - U. ; tween the home alb and The toting In the cities sad katonghs to be by ballot, and In the teemed:pi by balks tw insttlegoe nab toimeldpauly detettehnt. ! , By brewed the itzsattlee'COtandttee. • IPA. B. 1:1141LZY, Obsteima. sty JAa ,6bl L. BITMEBLAIND. bey. eirtdT L9.N0T1UF....-In accordance with the proettlere or en set to Incorporate the ...101111.4 A 11101011 HASUreLOYCIRshiCe 0011. Pettl." aypeuved April lit, 1f53, the andeneped Atli rpsa Woes to receei ante criptioas tr 111" andle of laud company on 111 Off ElkY,llsth last.. all the °Mos of Jotre, Vifaillnalved d 00., 'Variety Wools, Went end Water 'Levels, at 10 o'clock a. to. Pestles tottentottoa to mad to 'lock, plan of or• paireeles, tr., can app•y to Kama Jones, Walling. fold IL Os. Ulf A Wan A. ont,Aari, JOBN 1.81P0.08, J. IL JONIB. W. W. PATRIOT A. It. WALLINGEORD, JAB. L BANN NTT, ALEX. NIEtIMS, VAL L. DAVID BtOEST, ALEX. SPEER, Pittsburgh, Miky 13, I= . tgarporaSsru • O.OITIZENti' BiLNJL—A. Special Mankto! the Stockholders it tide 11.ak vtll be held on teIiSDAY. 2d day of Jane amt. to tanager the preprlity of organising. ap tic en wee. tietble, under the act of the Wt Cowen at the O. • , entitled n Mt Mt to prattle • Belaniel.Onr. burgh. liv 551.711"18/geilla"1"1"eartittet" 0.112.1.. L Y FUR TIM lINION.-A potato Hotta Jatettug 0111 bo bold 44 UNION tesoperonosville, on MOLT !VINING, 224 la.t ..t 1,)4 o'clock. All venom as. nspectfulty ioquesud to &tun% wtoon odorous will Do delitte• id al lb. Hou. P..L tuototos. H. LL lll•ozzau.' gm, L. P. thou, Him ' ant others. . 2010.44 C i r;=.2COTLUE.—The Sabaaription.Books of Oaoper kin Arms ilanotietzetog Ocopsoy sill autism, van.K th• 0210. J. M Ouv oh d. uO-, Bank Block, fifth Mn.. nnW Per pLAita thAt:tt. POLITICAL X'OTICEM. hEtilsTEß.—Brits REM, <l' Pitt t..a.hlp, rill be • seal Mete toe Beerier mt . ) 9a to the dashing Glebe Matta Coeur/ Cao•.atw,. .FOR. OJUNTY TREA011011,..... 'Dim Atm. Jr of Nobler toirrahlp, De • am lirl.to tar dr• alms Ake. *Ai.' to the de. ci.lco or the next Pd-11 Onorrotiou. omy7:to 11, - WUR.WUNTY COMMMSIONER. ~•"" —Amager Dom HUM:nage Olettice, (Intact the Mete Ward ,t well be • candidate lbe t o t ) manala dam. *abject to tee ttectito• of tlie On itn 1 FO* tARIN TY -COMMISSIONER. --baimirr Laza dabs Cary of Pltlabarab. mul be brave the ttalea acuity Cleavealloa am • maailiat , for lb. 'bop ema. ma.tta 11 -- BUR COUNTY COMILUBLONER. Goias Bantam of l'ittebargb. will be a eaadldate for County Couusibidoiter, sagdtos to -tie wanton of the earl Caton Conventlon. • ospUbte runswuhrY Whin loblUb —J. G. Coma►. of EbolPthul• M,► umilditul tb► abo.•oma, to toset to Um ilootiolt of tb. next Ocion Woo, Conveatko. • 0:14 . ..1.011 .131511 . 011,11.M-41.13D111.1. BHP Cuing, et =lst township, will be condi. date for Ihooorder, awned. to the decision et the newt Ent n County Eroorentien. epierto NUK tchUtlituittf.—llarartismi• IX, of the &vaunt Ward, Plttoburib • will be • osodfdate for Recorder, onbiect to the dactefoo at the r Woo OMlXity Ooa,attlion. - • litto ii ,.. 9 -.11/11 • tlAilensti.— AL, (Iwo, Robinson township, wsil be • candidate kw the above What, robject to ae decision of tbe wit Us lan Count, Ornesntion. r oft, an . —Janas of Upper St. Glair tceroahlth will be • aut. Watt, tor Bagisaa, ant, twt to the ache= et UM 04 , 0 19.121naLIM Cheese Lion. sehlekte • Wmuent J. Megaton= be a stendidate ter tdeOttlee of Lessystatof WILK de., as Allelbecy county, Fabian tothe otealies el th. Delon Oeunty Ocesventseo a. to 114-rtni ULtiltlL Ttl.n 0.8.111113, --Jona M. Lastaza, of Mend= townoldp, will be a candidate foe Clerk of the (load% eatoef to the tlecf.lon of the Thilea Comity =Dourly Conyers shfecto 03'Ift.Aki ()LARK Or Tsid (AJUALTb. --Wir. A. Ilmost. of Pitt Itanuwill s a candidate for Clerk of, lb. Clouds of °ousts, subject to the declnon of the trots. Lentotp biontloanus Quweatkot. VOUlad. uvY--JaetB. Goma, of Shaer totruletp, will be Won the liceop Orenty Combatleo me a oendtdate far Cleric or trio Omuta. lOblo ..rE rEarmiusasEa-rs. UUISHARTS TAB 00 . 1401/iL TT Oan be bad 5t.112110111% 140 *oaf 4 1 1 •01. '04140 PAID% Cab be b. 4 at IIZIrai0:11. 140 11 oaf Ems. Da: A NOIIIIII. 10D1111 144.71111 Cas be bal at mix's': We, 140 Weed abort ' -1,1411)8114`11 11401101/111BLOOD 1111/111011LB Can be b a d at 140 Wood St r eet.t WOOVW Haiti 11200114T1V1.0r say alba bad Oeu be bad at LE1413111. 140 Weod meet. 1111111111BOLD'a PEEPAttatlOll! Oan‘bo bas [llll3llWd, 143 Wo.d strut. Al Dr. [[7elll3•d IHIUB finii los out rot any land of HAIM DYA At Dr. IEST tiSR'S DRUG STORM Ton ona buy Au. HAIR DltUallt& At Dr. H.ZTaDR a DBUG MOB r. " 'Too col it soy Mad of TOOTS DE1185115. At Dr. LoADO NOBS 'son out buy lino WHlGtird BONDY 110A2 Ow bo had at lEWYdZBV. 140 Wood Willi winesraazuwx WINDSOR 59AP Ota balsa at LITAIL'a, 140 "cod drat. Lows OLD BROWN WIZIDSOS SOAP Can b. bed at ND IMIWIL'I4O Wood stmt. MMUS 0 L.D - PALW SOAP, it beue. oat be bad at 111161 W1L,140 Wood stmt. Aqi kind of /AMOY MAP, Also be bad at ILSYSSIt'S, 730 Wad West Implant Is told asap, , At JLEYSZlP.klilLWoodUtett. myttat • SUALKIYRROPOIAII.I4 are invited till oh. BOrn Da OFYA7i U 8 3 .81 ereheli for frontsbing tM Subeistomonspatinutt wish tO,OOO BAilitiLat Of I LOOS: - - Bide will be resamd. fa/HS in known MX*. .4 No.B end No. 8, es& tx Hy portion lees Mate the 1.0,140 bars e. Sine Sr tff.rent grades Monld be upon murals stems of paper, The slam, of Moor to be COMBIGIMNI OD MO IC Lb day of done, or se Una thereafter as tie Oar. enstnens asp Most, at the rote of auo bunts deUp, argrared tither it the GOTOTIMIId Warilbol3llll Gesncrown, at the Strum, or at the ItiallVid Do na. Washington. D 0. Payment 1.111.•bs made fit orritaretes of tidebted• sm, or mob other handl or the florenuntat nap here tor astribution. The mut lionsmant htmeettan MU be made Met Won she flonets metre& An ash etallagkeme mud sesssposy .nob o Ltd TM be entntatard Dos wiles who bare go...tonal, !MIS to empty with their bide, or Mrs bidders noisome to re pond.. ' - The barrens no be new ant lieM.llloB._ Bide tote dtraelet to Oca. A. naciawrzu. A. D. O. and O. lt,. O. S. A. Weallegtone f end eadoird - orrotroaele 6r flosor." :Burr t . . JA-1 tatipicy oillaisit het i lora& A um 00 awl TOirakiesitied. RAILROAD CO EACTORS.— lIR. LINDSEY H otreiled Prosloes'a wlllj ber received by tbe gong Wig tialtria4 Coonpray, as their <AM Mil • . rite atria% - hi the City of Pitteboech. anti( 5 GRNITIRE BLOOD SEARCHER oclock p tit.. on TainzsD sr, ions if b, 1163, icr the olottontion anelLiaonry Of Patinas no: Of and- In of their rand,oitok abant ORO 03 , 10 In lin, tb. No. 47 s•di "lale II stogwAt_AhD mouth of U..en,. 111•••••CtOok.tinesolie the present tortninne of the floodlit It litsanlov= -t Trlfatta I.,r a lht4 g lin homiest nook-hotelmen /IN ann.. - ant . and ass well .sot the attention of szpseiV it oostractora. Payment iby Ike be toads In cash s In neostklyOntitaatei. - The itn..fa to wird, aimed. end Dale. .na opittlicatints papaw for imbibition 'b) the let et Jar nail; bat should any dodo, to - examinl the work ;intim to that lime. lb.J can - obtain n.J %b. Iniortaition neoemea to =eV* tom to d.. 4 In e eationotary manner, on tipplloation to 1. Witawr, inalanto topurlsttlindont of the Bowl, at kis once In PittabsrEk. ~/111,11. II DaUNOT,, sayitiotdat Pmoldeot. r i therb /lAD huve now • iniumeitonisuntment iC ht,SlVd faCtiClal,/ FS VEX B uOTu, t.A A 0 DAL .071LL9. . - . 021:01t1113. a u *. 4 YI9OID Wlth otl kinds°, GAIT7I4II AND BOLTS tor ladies, Iblutta and 4111117 rd. miniutardurod to our onto: and warranted good. 41110. ALBF377, FON Lt 00., • I atitti 71. 71, *wow Wood and Fourth a.. AA M j Boit horn Friends. ; By Xdmimd Kirke. tiarros Vacs Elora or thi Beggar oo liorsob Kt. Hanging Adrentsiros Infanta Africa. By Baldwin , invasion of She Ortwa. By W Hinglsks. • "Fury Pay Ph loloysmr: • by oountry Pawn Wars's Tour Armand she Pyramids. Ossopman as L6r-14. By mink. . At. Odra; or. Warda•War. ' By Baroness Tani . .., phoew. -. . Pioneer II y, and boa is booms Pitardont. ras Wass and Nava ilsoses, NI J. G. Zoiyar. Pot ... - b• - Weil' a 00.. 65 Woo , amoot. EUS: /OUP AClLlitleweeln& NU= pays puttoater stlestlist to to treat.; Le 611 tON l 0 DISLASIO. as MIL and LAU; Riper-. site Oa CATAYILUT, [QUIST LILt, for /Arai. LAM, PUP/14, Inverts sitTllllol,St, UEB, sod treats all Insrhatunkrust =Ol .1.0 aa r lip HILVALIiff, es2l dheisei elfiotlng the Ker ;Lad leading top/ sum SIMPOIIIoo, PBOIII alt211:le .14A.N.K.—A choice propirty for sate, 64 bit trout OE Noah U. nal 411logsent e by deep. having (mkt cif 10 Art 011 Aug Lane... dead* 66.1 1 th. 1 7. gob. thus, Ca A two story frame' - hots. Th. lowitkro `'eery &elutes. :44 wytto: Is it •S. OUTAbAST 1 SONA 61 Market et. .VALUAISLAN WWI) tintlina rlatyr• V BATI.-66 . teei Anna op Wood street for male, Innate opposite Ike Tini Presbyterian Church. Also 7$ bet adiebstair tie .' Apply to royal IW. 001WitiliT a 80$I, 61 Merkel et. 61111411NISHMAY A • Maw NithaloLe. Yor picking, tranii)ottbas or ksoplug Denies. TM Ws in ant. for ids by Vie craw, or separately, by Wit. J. %ANA SI Illssuntd. say9b3S nUUNTRY ROME Boa bshic.—A N., lot of 21 acres. within 15 or 115 mimeos 'Folk of hothead iota liantray tiuilon, Sa.t Llberta—ows of the sooit desirable altoa In the notabborhood, high and dr 7 , vita ao oechart In 101 l bearing of chomp applos. WM ba add Inaba., or &ogled to lull paranueli. Inquire of • FL. WlOlll KILL Latoomoonilla ca. TllO2. WIGHT/lAN, 117 Wow at. QPLENDID DWELLING FOR BALE, 11.7 havlnt n front en Wilt* stnst of 24 Ant, atan vieondlns beck 90 Ant ton private alloy, ca sh eh fe motaat a nest end obtalbrtaloo tvro•to , y betec •dwalltsg. SIM aztozalvolliok baildings, Ile kind In the'very beat app., with' Om °caymans a fatly mad daslm. Pawns In north of a very plrasiat bogie vitt not fill to calla% N 0.149 W4ll strut and wanton the pnputy. Tams nay. Apply to B. 1141.411211 t 00.. ICC/ Wearth THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI. WWI OP A lEVALID, putotalted (m. the Wadi arid al a imam and °LOTION To TOOPG MIN who solar from - BeiTool Debility. Emmaus Deasy of' Manhood, eta:: eapplytag, 'as the same atme,TßaliSaNit Oreibr OURS: By easertto , ,bas oared Ittawell after Wei pat to rent MAW.' aid ',Jury Omagh seedlcial hombos aad qtteekaly. By enstealag a paga•pald eddremed envelope, sin gle 0414 may be sea otthe ember. NiatiAbass. KazrAut, bq , taliataur ,PeOtora. Won onabtv N. T. ottr,or ALLsounat, , fitaistaiceit Orries e tla it ta e 1143. j NOTICI: PIDIESBY GIVEN to all *whore of ilatriaioll e Wagons. Drop sad other voirlolokilelng lie WA city, who have sot token out HOLM" that shoe they, lot day of Juno nOTA. on on such Nona Ns sir hapilel e 10 per esot. will be Maid, aroxirdlng to law, du/ma iboroon, and col. bided, septhor with the Wit Uohntables tea of 60 oats, ns lell moons who WI say and sad riltni to this oak* tor minis/ val/kho without • Ilareas. •leo, all dealers at auercheadlao in oeill oily aro re. ;mated to has out their State Lkenao latoodlately. royillai II Ma. rgaatl N. nier Treainrst FUR VERT LATEST FEW! THE ARMY OF TUB POTOMAC, Hue tlas NIW lODIC. DAILY LUXE/. We &lbw them to e/1 parts at the city tit Till IQ2 Sr SEEP POSTED. IDS The lIIIIr TOBX DAlLElLlisatind nary morn 11lopy maul. liana am MOO the ASCII Sirimavo your addzsgs with the Aiwa, JOHN W. PITTOCIC, OPPOSITE THE P. 0. mar AD the KW YORE, YHILADLPHIA AND OINOLIniATI DAILY PLPXIIB esa be band an EM=3M! Gatum" , G LIT RSA - dialitga, GA ITEM, GU rue, (1111 TIES, GAITZBJ, CIAII2BB, GIITZEB, GAITIIIIS, I'OLILLAND'I3 AUCTION HOUSE, ' Die. SS - Filth Street. my% COUNTRY MERCHANTS Wllllutat & BABE'S, 10, V!OD' VOMIT, An =rivalled stock TOBACCO, BNOTT • 0/Mp, optotally adapted to Unix trod*, aod will& will b. iota m the Loltzirr nauszt . leant pIIBLIO NOTIOZ—In accordance with Z. theAot of itotobtf, fooorpocattog tho . busk Chain Sloostor OotopsaY. books will bo open. o 4 to tlto Ooplod Stock ot Pad Oomoony, et ttro Mot. eksata`. Locum" to • ibOOKT of PittalWithr. MONDAY, lii tiso of Joao oast, at /0 o'clock I. t 0 .9 and ova Ull Y o'clock pp, m. of ooino doy. • - SPUMOUS HtBSAUGH THOMAS 8N1.14 , . JOHN 15001 T, - JosauL 'muse, w T. ICZNIINDY, JNO oawsiii,w, J. a. law:arr. NM. atomizer, sod ohm? Corporal. co. m7l4:td W4OONS AND DARTS FDA BALB. win limp ea Mad sod mkt to, Order aU WU of WAGOnti. OASTS; DRAT% -.WITURA, wimp N. • anWS AND BlOnll MOKA, an 'state; the boa materiels sad 'int. ttattV Al" int icotabily Wimaled HAT EARL alas famish STEIL 'MTH ItOB RAI SALSA hateq and .. amaica r w Acai L iat. on w. a. imant—......nai V. Mink. BRCWN, MOtp.OW a CO., • 11.04, SIGN ♦HD ORE/OUST/kb PAiNTIBB:, ashnizlikisa ousting. In MIND swum, • IVIAVING PIIRAHASBB froin Dr:B." OUDRY coo GC llar 4111.PABATUB POB.EZ. muonta rizrzcwzrzovr PAM dildlao riot „, = b e taw poo r on take Ws *alma W Iscrudoor our lands sad POW doddiddtl Cho fa • dion Moo in vin rissilak!* litrac 4 !a!t • _Lauri; is. is nu stria ; 111110,110 IT dmitilbld woo, cooddil "Pf ift - rp: • just roe I* mak by •DWR NAZIMUL Jerrie.' Antidote. Jerrie.' •ntldote. Jerrie& Antidote — . l7. l meter:f tipsertelt" Carter pstain Mixture. Cluteie hymnist' 3liamv., . Sweet's Lloaai . Sweet's Linsment, tweet's Linetsapt. Hogarintel Voostsre, for ioiscarlog grnmOoirix.ft; Holarsostes:ltonstno, for recoovilur grows spot'. Ponstaß, for romonng rum spots: lirAntand'a Anti Whanntatin II and -: • Dr_lelantra antl•Bbenantio Band _ Ana Bleumatin Band Elp.srklitiettati*bli Wine. Beck Wine. Port M., BparlltotChotieba Wino; Elaszklins,Obtaitta Itoek Wine. Pprt Wlne. . Oanfreis Watt r. • Coviren Witter. ' Ow:Lazio Witter. Mullsll'a raLarth Erna. Mara Wars adardi gumball's can &Mr. Tetinrs NztricL ' Tenors. Ssa►cß - • •, Te . niq's li*cract. _ • MID' (Umbel:Toyotas; • • " Ellis' Cliraro atignatis. •• • i Ellie' Oita• . j Dr. Toeneend's•Sarrp•rilln. 1 r. Townsend's Forassa.ol4. • Dr. Townsend'• Payson•• lodelble Ink. I. Poison's lndall,le ink. - - Mrs. Allen's Heir Botarer. Nis. Alles's Itair Besuaei Belmb•bre Bosovvh. Helmbold's Bumiaah Efelmbold's 'Doe Helmbold's Baas'. Brown's Bronchial ?motto" Brown's /hoochlid :Crooke" Helmstrat's liatr o.lorlng Bslnatreee. Hair Cobning Wallas'. imbecile for the flair. Werlles's Ambrosia for tee Boir, Damn'. Cooodine. Barnttt's Ovaostas. - Woods' Hslr PAsioratlirs. Woods' Bait Neetorativs. • _ . Blab's?' OW. i Blah.gu's Ctn. Etagendaa's+Camt+hollea. QT . Tawirm +, + Hagerman', Camprarici sad Wm; lad. ..., Cod Ltver 011-114ter's. Jr+ ==::=M Cod Ei;ei Cod Ltver Dr. Ekbenok's PaDom& 57rptct Dr. Ekhenok's Pulamilo J. M. FULTON'S DRUG STORE.. - • • G ra"ilia iihat THIRD EDITION. NEVIS ID AND ENLARGED H.EDF/PC LID'S 'Sand-Book of the 11, S. T i ax law (With the Patina; and larefuled Taw email.) - Jot I.w pus. winsts of the Beeseno, ProfeniOnal sad Dalmwa libmand sit who bees to pay Tun., by . • /Mona A. natrizLu.l 4 .c.meror.se Tbtae.w .dltk,n it Mewed p2patar TAX 15001[ B LIMIT& is effered tothe anblic,lth the man. none ihn It CORWIN the tallest ant. moot minute Information connected • lit amp matter &Meted by tho Axone Low. lieatlthong I. omitted. In the ptspersolan of this niVi r ,..XDIXION the Compiler tom town inathr lanaltd hYtoaddlrhir of the name intaligant Chitty Are sod, osmium Manna; port, of the comity ; and n to ortiedont believed that aloe wool la now *a nem perfoct sat la poosire to cute It Alt of thslatent regnlttfons 'and dellainns or As new Comentni2nor see given. MMMSM=M be-Pabilebers Invitee comstriron et this sork with any other s and Stilt., to rte. of tbti Difornse. non gime, it Ls by tar tbe be t .d cbeeleft bo-k yet adored to the pebno. 'On* ' , a. 11 1.94 papa. wetly Sound. Price, 11125, ',„ stud by smell, sitypeld, on receipt cl prfci. Andreae I B. YOOnIIINS, Lew Book Patibir No. 2 0 Nossan abed. be loci. • Or, BABY A GODWIN. Printers A Ptibli Urn, Bnildlotei Sinn York. Cob orderers-la ob. I cad. eoltelted ! -loyitOSt THE CAPTIVITY OF. GEN. 00ECU. RAN.—Tbe only authestki mad reliable mum. tire of the ingsliact wafforloom endured filming his twigs. months in Rtoemcnd, sad caber boutheon cities, by Beg. Gm. llsontat Cosa:mu. the hero of I Milt SON. P only ale amts. -. MOW NA A BBOWSLOW; on. tall MB. 10111 Of T sliZ3Slll.—atsublkit and graphic 'Goons& of the any worth and ?WW I . we .adored by Mks Wank Brownie,. the omit and meow , pilehed &milt of the castrated Alma BrolinloW during her kkeuee with ho, haw, in linousille. ai By inapt W. D. Reynolds Prioe.l6 MIA . tilY 110fITH5A110kG TEE 61.014310818111 . : —a, is and twilling narresite of the whirkiiii and Wats of awe Barak O. Panner,a satire of POLO. ghouls, who, at the opening of toe gloat Ot theta Rebellion. was Machias school at lenmteWs; the bonus of Santini Brcurclow. - In this work, ]gam fulmar thoillingly depicts the many Wartlinsedsen tures she met with In her Ii _tram butte to &am, and town to town', of the Oonisdinuoy. *Bohm yno suit, by her disappointed suitor: ' Prim, only lb cone All the abase works are beautifully ibustsated. Is ceder that Gm work; whisk Ma Iliad with' the mat thridlog incidents, may be Wooed -willdn tke leech Wormy ens, top him boon lesitedla Me abase mile, In order to soil them at such a yoke as I. be withlu the means .1 :41, : .:. adstserrilonlo ° uy Wee m& Lei, post pOid , on receipt o priro„ A JOHN PIIONT, 11.1180,10 HALL, NINTH ISTBUT. mar Agents wanted etarywhara to sell the &bolo wort.. IN YOU WANT OUOO, CHEAP GAL . ' VIAL BAL11O&LLB or BOOTS, sal at No. 98 *mast stmt, sail bet at this:stout. Ladles' thug. boded eat 55, La snd ILsre.oo healed prepd Balm Illarosoo mind healed 1ia150arab.........; 15. P" ' BT. , ." /La 0 10.. 14 A Oat . VS, ten's Cats 'Boots oci: Ozold 60 Boys' High Lacs Ohms... Youth s ' 60 And a lii mompaha Islt'of shop-worn Shoes at lass sum oat, ' NW &member sad cal at the light plikee,,et t. H. BOBLASDII CHEAP OUR 111 . 022,' lialost stren,..llo door from MAU., PUBLIC - NOTICIC.,-hi accordance lath the eel ot eilembly; lecorperstlagthella;" bealag *ad loath Omit JiWro, Clompetkr.bothe, wilt be melted sad saleattptloas receietd to the' cep. Itel Wet of MU sampan, at the kaltilting Waite sat pleeell. VIZ is Iranatlei - Ymeelt*atithlii on Kza.: day Kay latb. atA(k ba.aura Rasa, bonen that baals at 0. a, m. .ad a p.n. Ist.,4aarlos. Culla cannay, on Tbandiy. Noy' Vat, Winn 10 led 21 o'clock. la Phteteugh. Alleationj oteaaty. itto Oat% atop, Nay lad. bantan 10 tad Sedan 4 the Oil , BAKU& K. H . 1113 - r. AA% H ISS , ' • .aruneavilrAnk . ,. GLOM= BLAME, 'FOOT. Lannzaron, Tant:IfaMILLAINEIr W 1411: laTuN, • H. A. B. D. ItOßT:plig, sad canny% Jam 0. bans....;—• arawAnrs. DA.VISA MoLLIVALI;NB, Anotionpers, • • • $ Ho. 64 WITMEITBBIT. Tlie RlotTahiq Blbek simr,Getifilanotfon Boil. la-IWB by Abe /oho D. Dada coathated et tee aid .statulli No.' 64 fifth Ist., under the etrf. - gf. DAVIIt 1./1141.WAINE, JOB O. DAVIS hertog title dey etaktited 6L IX. moiLwanix, welt booed et e4eaolatt la ths bowie /Or many yoora. Devotles themselves ax. dual» to a Ootoothsion anothne &Aliases:la *Mat: tbq ha,. bad 'kali aaPariatoat - L 1,0 7 .0,14 6404 lo.r lldt 000Olgaitooto of•• mg description of goods.. -Liberal jaleancet made:whoa duelled, t ' Oahe of Deal Natal*,Moot RetAs, eivoir- Toodey seeping, ft theft ..cor d s. id Ilouraelee fOOOl. Libeettlis and siltoillaSedoit °Mitotic= of docb eugettgly ottoloatted lot publionla.•.:J EIASSAGR: TILVC-Thi l'adaistinatgrevarid boas oat imiligraula trout 'ant owtat;7laajaad;lnp••: 'maker BaotlawSolltbat by.inalliratannwa SWir Staramad, laciadlag,the awasaailk ateainarrall, T latrriall." am atom Wilt( Tao*. %gat •AU Jidda eaa to parabalatforsialisy *tin, Yr Vaasa b. Iha 4411111t1111t,Nataapulduv~ Wadnodbytoaabtag at Loadoadanr, far {as wa• - Saimaa, waaalikar I . 4aapaal WWI: Adam, ; • -'1). 0`131L4, -I • — ` • - • lawinan Mau* nauctfte„ , tWElia- - itPatitgluaterati..; , 81:10,11.11.'-75 bblatlienr;- ' ' - -10• do Tor Iktra; , • do , oarannlifti _ ._, Sad ravish - - . s.. AM:IIIIfaIKIKIL, - 0• • , • I.llli sad ILIB,Wood street. L. la, for by Biumw a. amain'. vier oomrst.":, • EMtAND MOST DITRABLIL °l:m=ol4e GetzemAirs. DOUBLY.. MEI= W V, E.N., „B.KII.RT L.: _.i.arzooD zu . Gume. Lartiti _ riTHA 00111 ZZTBA ti0:1110 0018011 i9MMII3II GOBI, 08' DiItIDAL MORT, IL 1 • crislzotamtrizAlialps. i'lll“.6klito sto made Of *float swam= Guar. 6 Tsai. WIBE, with Webbing Basta, Goo4oo EtW liztouions, sod do iddttlon to being i ototirod id* run. aro Hostat still uttered, asap. ". • ' . . low p 7.• wholtoolo and rstal, by BIA.CRIINI • • No. 78 Market Street, il l ittistlt atria and Diazicmd.) WWI „$.llWi NRWI 81118,7CIEWULABa AND SACQM • • i ; ' i; ALEXANDER - BATEB';' No grEath Street.• -•- 1 tie iwt lately. we are now tdrarfng to thaladies ••rich "and larp oalladdon • . ' ' Olitetrta _ P6PLIZUS, and , 'BAK RATI!EZ11111, - of . the sawed • new 'trek of QUILIS, at an'Orkna. srateraill manna, teen colored and Walt& • ; • full thus of tt 'DOMESTIC: GOQDS;;'• .• AIaIrAIMDI BATES', IS,YI342IODSI.VIW GIOODiS 4. N lhfi eld ' ti -• . OE4EEIENAEGE;;.-,. saciorrrnat LAWNS; . GREY POPLINS; • PEEOLL ROBEI; • ' ORALLY IGMBIN; PLAIN PIRK BIGLiGE; PLAIN BLEB EZBAGE; • 'Lux BROWN BZBAGI •.••- • - ELLOK.OBAPICITAItETT; ✓ IMAGE ISEESE"I Nut= airsitOts. • • .74 — laz74kaisortinent et l kinchrit • • • = ID r , rS . . . OV<IES 6.4•••• • " kaIMI 3rm Si • - rit NV . I; I 'IEC, - c.ER c DRESS AT OL D PRICjRB, eT BARKER &. _ire. icutior stint (ILI& BILIS. • ' MAW tiOODSII 4 III 9 # 'oooptiff EATollti'lltitcllll3l: , 4 -, • .*T•:- -, '•• 1 ranntotratre, ,,-- , =moss AND LACZB,Z^ 11.011111tItAND GLOVED, •' 4 ea.IIIIIIIIIKAAD JrITIN't ' • - sTivit DB aweieutis, 1 8111.1111(001.011111: ASO stap ilfro LWai ni M74l.lll2g. •• Pimp* : Ilooderile 241014613, Po*. ii..49 1 4r# . ' -WHOLIIIULTA 4.111/1 . rir r ]fa 17 a 19 , Liltb St et TO.:001124IST liEß.oll.94iTei k.,ID f.:4 1 44. 11 Ws n:i.rss.toll p / 1,, EAMEIN,yEfik.GRIUDI.* co 10 Na. 47,aszs 19 Ntiva-tikekimr, ,11:41 ; . i yo OggigigLlM. lo 471.1 - 4) 4499 1 k4F 1 4, 1 1Thic tt , sra VißilOSSOPaeift opsx4ponsg, notolo,*irio ; stud/ sionemmaral : ,r-„ ANALLA wmisi s taip lompica. k km prim at übleiciin. Mak ouraliaMl opts QM PPM IPdaimilits Pi can rat untoruxiciunAmm Acuatinis mad . 11111 4 =tra .. 0 4-1 41 0r.91 010 ;41‘,. - arljapirkjaPATEdn VF ar. TE.31171 , ' - 1.7(. paoop 5. 3 ARC. t - it e 4 '4 Lathe `suss .W, , • Ili7ae Nib )5. l e miu ja e ,mig a jilt? S t°" 7ilit i ,q: l _ - Ziojout 0 7 a - ii" — ow -.-- , L , ,1: '-e :, , :•: ‘ :i.e. 7.-, rik s , , - - T °llCl i , r.,:a lll4 , ,: ' : f .;:;-: J 9 '', LAZA WABOY*10,11:1 i' , 4^ . gifiosibliWtEiTmr_vuoucsi f ,_,Amilirorant.gadminetc ildiZignm.c.' ,w i t N I11"41 Pieddlit - lii i t ~....: Mi l t erea ri , lot .04 . '. .. - L- 1 7A - 7".. * ~. ••••• 1 . " . 1211111 ' .4 ,. • ' Pi' 4.,. Clemailumir's Gook; Okgt. ~ P.5ta.....1 a mut i Liao iiinandladiOisok Ns, ir. , islianil 600Ds. SUBT CEPAMILIX' _ • • • BIISIOUS ;.. 11MIMEO" LAOS OoLLSE S : Gb° lo s 41 / 2 4 _I3AL !MILL 00W33,siff *tiles TSJILROB BOWS, satires 11114. ' Ctipr, newt= a oa. „Ara 17 rmb ftiert. .1141 vaEavEirra. ~TB>YRR.dt NOYs:. UNITED STATER CIRCUS, LISD Hippoz9onornado n , .The Gnat Paragon. Amphitheatre of 1861. ♦ augollapoamay• of 1741!ella. LULU. NOT- Ifint4latropabs a• BIIPMJN JIMUSTRitIrtidiiPA . P. ro 4 41741444iiii,4 , Avila COXP4 t . a 1.• Aal s flas collpodonpf T&A L UD goitsrea end' r ; ro. . 4 ,otDaProducedfa aza iorbiOdiLehlb le at I=7.'iITS3EITMC2I-13; • . • (In the "rim' bf ENE Irristiblo's.) on buddy, Tuesday, Wednesday and Tenn day, lay litk, Nth, 1711 and 18th. ti~LPad MONDAY HIGHT. is chleaki aintrtarridtirhoin and night doling 11111rAimasuali—Baturr,136 aka'. Boor Ted oats, 101•01 W am, tar,ertryOuly.., friTSTOSlJittni prlllietHrrat. untia Airt;, :114 - 13mainuass _ easomerAlolar.4airist. Bozo, $5 CO; Ma. tzrilig 'mid. INN. WWI Parquoit• and Dna CiihohoO'conlik; Jointly 1.41131 o; 26 Mai OWN flolbery; • 111 dralot AkdOnd• Boars, ISO ovate piabirnlb.oftwa. -- • ismsiat. of Kr.1.10.1910P1 It, who waloppou Uoroo .•rii • • 1410.(Irdkr) Int WMUm puizOtd. Ate [torah, rie sat drama, written Di au Mawr he Amy, sauctad„ The Two - 70141 'eheny Valley. .511 X 11ALD13111W4..-..:..J. U. na 7 BD M LatD 1)114.024,,,,...4,4.....—.u.rutiTiti. LiaIIL tatsPetaa,ALSl. elLular. Surma /AM/ 0114/a 11,13/6111.a. 9r tis tAingimi by THE KING OF OLUB3 0 aErron Inarant ttarpli4; Dlr. tattait will personate the Marta. tastes* ot 'ltrafr.a.n Alarmed at Ttkaaasi, Atlae, losysth Julia 0. itteally, Tao tiladlatori d'a To opnatud•wnh Did you mit teliCyouryWito to Goland t bitr.os voluoo.K. a iirkiltititF4ill ' 141)14* JD ',I!":IIiP.E, 80301 * . A 1,10 xits.LEAD, Ai 41141 C •.* Tln, .;Patent Shot, s'! , ,Tze' r, - Emmaus Nam Aka Sreasou, .0/1/ . OIBALTI, O. ~1(0$ '844L.,14'.;011 oosretowia . . AII . ands , hr;ta itot in goid'aile s - of callhatlan.. ~Th• ~topinpaenta oonifitt.of • Dew BAHR pWlLLlZaiartotalatiatealuitits; harp TEAM BAltiAo4.pll4•l2/ itti.tillat, with Mrs rocs* ikilia;;AßLlL - • . ,01034141,1055V.-.Arno,iall." !aw • e the city, ie Bald 41111AL &CU., , _ • ' Nit - 11114 'fourth stmt. 10)14133VEST$1111 bU. - (1 - 0 ;it aioraoragi Utf/IPAZIY.—p .mar Onnpasrpioniuctorodlfy^ths Amin bly of an Eliot* of illUnfAsintfilatunpa and banal porrai,.Pino apimaktaiont' for anbocuription of attack alipWoiffiaria thiatti of AM A ; Minos. '311i4 of , plagar *gni. hoz ar the Ositialaa• the 'tad etiameneta Aotrianalotare . , itt tam Ma amnia oven o, ohms, snaitiP pa ere ns. *afield& - atm- aaialt of lb. tall. atellesseeadattan: ISatthetalptilnots, in point of cliniatesadital.asainnianly aniptact:hr the growth •of the cans 8)4 aa , tint cattivat4n of the as. at. roadllbesteKatteklietig• L `tii tie mi^u_titaist par.. itiltantino people; to wise orebir utoa for the tutor, will Do teat yaoatideci.f.-/.1 n)latztaa payola ekthettetapeaz towed and bon hiFiCht:4o4lrotore,tae close of sae metal 'tail* ants Vita Vii. *aid In that pat. s'izscodkags watched on tnit Manila& ; Ashman Oino4tandepi Dollars motif tnotn4f4ipaignilittinn, Ina Unto of - fionriptfoo, anti • !thin intifiitta4tC4liiotntip palmeatiL pneapswttt ha prolalloc own Inotnitanonfi; and alas am toll if= In paid a °Ethical* el 11{4014 beams -Ste shittans• the rrealnont and titcronup of tne,tioinpans, wltl be .The amuse et ihht altenateepthitk *tae netted, Is beyond qatidetoa: 9bs irrehaeakat th. Oomputy bee had metheaperintoole - lcatopeta eoanwere, eltu to thiPiteen,la of teeth fie' tea the mutate*. tate et , sajer,seebbigetnuttlantly•aidletiett that eh held of when= be hoe area as. 140121111111 WWI( A 1440,1,6 , 0 0 -P 2 4eftreged bierisookas, that is 414 eiNriWespoilish . oradeio: 11/4111 abet* of et aP7lo l citiallithi after enougn has boo Ulna t0.1511.na pupa. opsnalgs the ant holm: 41:11Se el the itephaezi thahanater AlllOlll, =eV the ratt 011194.0anw looW -:• ' ablananon Qape..ll.Alr. HI 88011. WILY/Olt A. STAN kaih:l, Imscrrat• Digit iwciazoniu DI& &a.ld, boutt alisrG.aslookm, by • osT nablod In toe me of alms l•kuillopsk •IthoaS Ilelloa•, or matiois nay L. nag:. ftb Trrstrnent,i7PshantlY kora alotoklo at lamilaibloVstbc. I. Docka'll , 14 Ildanaveylug farther Mora*. Ilba•r1/1 le tromptly Oak* ma :damn atllola-BpiypM:aZON btRIA1:11• Plaual‘allia• Wag liontrol as well as &Italica! plat oi taietty. • par•ou.titakEkt tar *JAM ieisikioi, i 1 L: , tw,usti Fu ausg.Liecria, hueetia rote"ot atottud. or eel stunt= atifietadVait art la•l" Cht7 of Pltes. burgh, Ya., harem treat W 4,0 0 feet to the Ka 'ttonsehtle iltieee,lll'l,ode t of the Nellgatjeq -COMP*O7; 1b. , -RittltltrittlAt ft)C042.1.4 bw rom t Dwane 'twerp the gesso et terteesepply _I 7.ll.'LltnnetilON. No. 13 , bitilettes rieeee, /kW Irak, or of WM. K. baINN. Zeit ilo:1111 toutthitteeetiltttetetesit. w p m . pete ems be teen - - vellhameted IiaIItIYSION . !SiBOUSITS; BA.og, PAT., -!) asszak.r. aovisaiprimpilay. iaeliiiikfT•AirdoftbainiNtbiuo coral. D - r tar irlit t 76l.ol"ll.ll. • itumuic a lcurs44 - r 0 1 1 1 Ne.ll - 11.iiss-sysot.esst s. 1J U " 4 "P1 1 . 1 ‘V.4P,,,4E, W4311it t 7 51 - 1 5„ ili:91112. dal -talftlool.l*Virt I". 0. a L - f..ra , nl. • '~ ~~ r ~Y:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers