News =71.01 4 41 , Ulan& MEI -.44 :44.14e r it a•, J.-.-%•• - 4600kkoriPveSit ad* atadi .- • • 11 • - •=1'kedikesoititiitiil be - * tirstda biz,— • pantria" !-1 - s . .777. _r. t n ic e i . , l 4 a oiae - a iiii4 P r !t i tl th e 1 , , - )nve Logan is writing tip . 7 1 : The ' —War maps are as numerous ea, the is oat. _ It ill believed the City IA Boston Viiginia — dale.* alit to hold a coaventipa. " • LLaiira Keene ban been bapti* - a Hainan CaViola. - - - • - . It tai6ln tenirien a y e ar to Endo ~s bandit liairabikif: l ' • .-;-, • . • - • —Abnei Kintley It is now 103 rant ixtage, _ The:inOnQgnui ;wit is the West =Tut% for gm) litetYm • • —HOOpleifie• IWO the dredging mediamigpirtitl3! ' • Gat. Blittieide is expected home h omzur9Pc wt. : • • • - • —Mtuquitoes, fosinerly unknwn, have invaded Eatgkanil: • • --London. ib oventa with skilled workei64 out - -The : -ixdored .- eadet,, Smith,,.at Westroint, to in treaddevgatia.— boruiets,are'iti be trimmed with gay velvet and Innis. • —Misia 2ipe been.made bank director in Olt* r; —A grape vine igt _Alton, 111., has perfectly round apples roan on it. . —Fred bowlegs-camels all lecture eugagerilent, to become a Width:leen edNor. —Several eeinta‘Of ean-etrolie have occurred tothe Bootbers part of Oldo meaty. —An Arkansas pa advertises for two oompolitora who out te gram. emperor Napoleon pointed the drit Idlitiallleure that opened Are at tkar. bruck. —The Poston od says lady that City c t. harges her P pin-nusney to a the clothe*. in line accoun . —Sixty to of brim leas than a car akin a rm.y of the . oensns in one lcounty. —A catamount, .40 powlds is vrel Min grat and 4 bel long, was shot near Wens, ds. • —Wm Addis hereon is nominatedleondidste In • nil. —The Standard nominates Theo dore Tilton for Lieutenant Gomm: of Zion York. -2detnplia has twelve thoneand dv and no sausage factory—chance:et some bo4 to speculate. —Florence Nightingale and Jenny Lind are obtaining aid for the wounded of the European' war.. —The . first iron' steamboat ever contracted on the trpmr Missiseppiwastraneb ed al Dabque on the —Daniel Boone's monument has almost disappeared in the shape of chips in the pockets of relic hunters. —A hail-storm in Linn Co., lowa, Isai three i repk, oraarmanted==with tqy peb. bles i n s in —An Indiana tea-party were moved together—the cook need tartar emetic indeed Of cream of tartar In the cakes. In India the chide of certain districts have fixed the highest rate that can he enispde,d tbr the : marriage ceremony. —Senator Trumbull, of Illinois; is spoken hf in conaoctiqp with the Secretaryship of Statin place of the Hon. —A gentleman at Stamford, Conn., is mita to raising s suthif crop of eolith, with every prospect of themes. -lEss Snow, of Indiana, has cow hided a young man forayWg that her reputa tion was not consistent wft name. -The Washington census returns, so sir as taken, are slid to indicate an intim* of 791 per scnt. since IWO. - -An iron furnace at Pottsville is now tilling a ambito, foe •ING loos of railroad iron for the Pad& Maros& —There are at present confined within the walls of Easton Jana prisoners, 28 of stem are males and 9 16_ males. —The -Venango Speeeeter s4a that there aro tart_ aU wens tes in various stages of progress in the vicinity of Tra4.lln. —The German Catholics of Potta talc arc - building a new &drab, which will cod $150,000. —The debt of Easton, is $76,V21.23. The debt of Reeding is nearly ten times that amount. —An .. "€:1 girl" in St. Lonis took polaora tom because her aboard krrer didn't write Der a letter folr four ooareeoutire dais. • —The New York pipers are fear. MAW the Nathan murder will pum foto obliv ioh, and antis to catch the murderers be re taxed. —The -oeninu3,taker in Dundee, lowa, at the solicitation of the pox*, malted four hones belbreviostog his lista, - fur the birth of a babe. • —Of the 220 cOnviete in the Ala bama Mate Penitentiary all except t= i ti m , aeemployed tbrenhord the Slate roads. —A young lady; about to be mar riod, s_ays she'trAl not promise to "lore, honor, and °bol' . but la IV', "lore, honor, and be ' —Sir Frederick Pollock, formerly- Methuen of the Elabeiper, is England; le ag reported. dodad.Hs ire; aghtyorral law 01 —A man was reoently hu ng in Englaai with an eight foe! amp. .The ra t an In taloa tad coroner's inveslissike of the hanging authorities.' I • —The Bret important action of the Punt wai-ints deleat of Napoleon iQmlia =l*e:selensag. of the departure of Napokon , I bet Bt. H . —The new Catholic church on Wiehingten itreet, Wielbirre, promisee to be e miremedit streeture. The contract he the erecters hal been made for IMMO. - • Yrs- • —At Deireertert; lowa,- het week, Loath; a uto two ahnibt ai eftud :Arm In c a bucket of water, sad coil. d by jumping into - a well. —The Mhifeltit er ssya from two to uutwr tot* finest ardak ors caught tat shippedlejan quat The thit itti at the kted. . •:12t e Chide - go ppm tray Quit a yet - ragmen rauudolll: No" who Wan to be abrollkie3a the !Mega fteeina is asS feriog tag,* AucillAt,9l P~incs Balm Alitur Mb* keret/ mtAmiyaltarith Masbatt 34_ the occapailion of killed 4al ,ta#lo ottimek•Ma y JD!, wait Iv' "ptheeroa -Oursa diank . . ..1 . • . , —AltersenitociattoiDihrivareinet in eoovesiEon Balmer_ ,leo Ilkawillarlail, lusd act udioidAimi~aktAiovioxr, mid: IL F • Nort k ! ° inn StekteAllialibirolkat e rili ttake.2rso&Ais,w=oo. rie ufa salhu. • - —,ll. died in at. lle t ;ivest - ' - La* lesiiivi ' elk toe, the ?emit oto busbies Aid via toommoed Masi Nees si z o ß, hy %topozotype, At C 944, Of WO 011041 , .. . of oyetZi. . L- 4 - Caa Aef/494 : rUrreii 1 4 4 := 2 : fi n i 11 oLo o bi r m ow lak t a i l t i t r n a rroillme iceog s t r t z , pt Doses rot . 01:1:01 Ttro 6 lis Tut eu iarstiANO 4 01 1 1 7. 141 • tO ,t 4 1 ,1 a trelb o ookiPuPli • ' Ogglintadik in Ban madam. value proppeipii at 1100,01:10. Nagai Itp anzroalli IX3 ma %nu*. Spada, Brij Mate Primeanwirr FOB CONGA:EBB, HON. ULYSSES MEIKIII/1, ADmaricam Iry HON. , PLVL D 'MORtiOW;: moved to Amadeu of Ceoammes). 102 2ICPUS6II=7%/18, ' : - , - 11A.3138:11. WEBB, " • Sinltifidd women*. P E ii - EY—ltrillte IC • eg Liwkris. - Eptak CACELLIXI9, Of - run anmsuoina, BEITIIENEDELONG. Of 31 forthi*alisionalft• cbtarri MUM. • JOHN Et. QUICK, , of arum* tallowy. Mee)thigs. MHO =olio 'for the. disossidon of the poilUcii qusstioss.of e lbs mai - be hellos At unarm comp, Mart* emit MAT 7 si siAlitto " ileGkr`.°. • At WEST _GSANVILLE. - T i needei Sept. lettr, at 71 o'clock. „Same Spoken. At InuntrAndis. leek. Areithelda evenkii4 Sept. list. al 71ot Samettpmken. • At ALBANY; Vrida7meniapt. 29.3, akihe School Some sear Wm. atljo'elock. Hem E. 0 St Jr- and At ATHENS. Yomfay efecintleth, a 1 Ti o'clock. Speaker , Has At BUSICHVILLE. Tuesday evettm, Sept 90th. at 71 o'clock. Speakers, Has. 11. I= - =Band GO. B. H. nom. At LatAISVILLS. Wednesday Sept. 21M. salt o'clock, p.m. 61010 Speakers. At SOYA Thursday emeitag. Sept. 991‘1, at 7 co Sione 4 lOpokkera. . . At IridaY erenhaik a l dr.. 3ept• 23d, it at 7 o Same Speahsts. At : I : l 4lllN.SatusdayerMMg,Sept. Nth at the Iraey Eme, at 7 o'dock.-. Same Speakers. ; alir The Judicial Conference for thia,Diattiot, vriß meetnt the Brad ford. Monte, Waverly, on Monday not tur - Berdomar in • the different seetiorui of iiiiishoidd observe the date of itiOliiptitilingui` meeting in their. n nia_see that fall houses are out. Mr We call especial attention to the letter of Judge' KELLEY published on the outside of to-day's paper, and the letter of our .W corres pondent: on this page. MT We hope that every Republi can in the vicinity of Liberty Corners will turn out on Saturday evening to hear 0. D. Beitriarr and J. HoLccets &is, speak upon the political ques tions of the day. _ • -OM _ Mir The 11. m Conference which met at , ooh on Tues day, nominated C. B. Bummer, of Columbia county, for Congress. It is immaterial to us who the candidate is, as Mr. Hamm will have the largest majority ever given to any candi date in this district; but it does ap pear to be treating Col Pierxrr rather shabbily to throw him overboard after using him for a wheel-horse so; many years. However parties as well as republics are ungrateful, and in the' language of . Vic. biz' itself, this action. of his party ends his political career.. $ If there is a Republican in Bradford county who feels indifferent upon the subject of the Congression al election this ha lot ; film stop and reflect what would be thequen cei to Gen. GnAntosadministration, if a majority of 'Democrats' are, elected to Congress this - Although'we, have an honest and economical pres ident, we should not see rt. monthly reduction of the public debt, with an opposition House to (nip* his efforts in behalf of retrenclunent. Durr.—Republicans atundd be up and doing, for this fall's campaign in-, volves the highest interest of State and nation,. It is in) time for diyi lion on mere local questions—we have to meet a lively enemy, full of devices and tricks, never slew to. avail itself of an) , element of division, however small in itself, to work mis chief to the general cause. The Canvass will be an important one in every sense, and ItePublionni should arouse theinselies. ente =Tali ,Daily .Advertiser in speaking of the rii-nominaiion of 4'lldg° lissom says : "The party is 'II unit in hi! favor, he knows every inch or,the diatitct, is entitled toa small majority and Vail vin it. Tim, w brag and bluster of bis opponent .wffi owe less peOple now than heretofore Resides, this is_ nota bi*iiigyear for deanOcratio Congressmen., 3 NOTaitti).• iota tiOnfidenee alone will not gain the bait& The fight is to be desperate and detenniixed; Let every-Repub lican putidi shoulder to the Wheel; and Work tincomeuigly for the taie!A Sikh wall thee be certeiikto coma" lir The fall elections have already Commenced, and members Are being Owen for the next Mime of Irepre jellhigies• LitPe :Vermont, 16 *r that that lir Cele, has, gfTen her Ming mon mid with imuniimonadele • Emcee some twenty *mond on 'right aide. , Maine comes close in herrmin; Mid EiMi 144100 e tele i!lpli will ~b e - . gratifying 7 00 !Wade ,with xenewed nesunumea of the continual and steadfast - One of ibifearly peer : telholorl tranee of thei4muttani64 i l 7 :Nexti **WI ' 4 **rtie7is4 l A . be'.i*Olif is With , the begionixd Amtimetion over, theAallenntiwalleytofitiaciuyhte a v " 1611 0 6 t*Y-Ititi :: avitigoklot iitc;ift A .I c4fraiiiik . tayttorelatatuitamiptlierit ittilt-Mf 410,4),i t i i#0. 1 0 04 i i i , :=1* /it *0109tic..44.4*, Pair - 10* okrutig " - of thisAstriettombirthanhodid-la 1110, le*" the nomination was 817 et unsiumietielytendered him ; Thituniiiimity with - which the of this die' tricthave thought and acted in reference to the selection - oflrciniMdidelfor g ti ' ter of gresteatialietkeuand awlllrin spire „ever, member :of ( Our ~ - Vittyi. withthe-utnieskeirefidannehrtW nal result. - The Conventions of •Men-. tour; Sullivan and Colimbistioinitio; have without amid& dissenting:oleo; fullrendorsed.the amuse of 'Judge Madam andinstrocted theiromferees for ..his noinination.".qtradford :end Wyoming willvertainbit,4lo%.likewitse, whiin And: : - ..cantentiOns rimed§ 'lnd thus there will be preeentedl -to, the voters:of this. :districtqn veaadidate who, efterhavingeextedseveralterms in the Leghdative .Halls,-treturna ,to receive the endoreementothis Outale the`actamllahorperformed and the cootie pursucd what strong er or ..-..more .satisfactoky.:: could be used Ever since = evident that Mr. Macro would,-`bee re-nominated out,opponsta hogiaenL deavoredip gander - him,- Truth °odd 'net: .be • =id for jthis_parTon. . and henee.overs specks of falsehoodhave been madeavailable , Without effect; they have endeavored:to create feuds and disaffection in our own rank.! They have been-busyin they, circula tion of petty stories which nieu nrould be asha. to-repeat.: The majority at the last-Congressional election bee been used as an evidence now of .the probability of defeat, when the fact that it forma one of the strongest sr-: guments in favor of our triumphant, victory. At .the previous.. election *ere was some disaffection in our party in certain sections - of ..the die trfs4 which militated , against us.. These difiletilties-nre. 4 .now all past,. and there is brit one universal dispo sition, and that to reader a hearty support to our. Candidate for Con-- grass. ,;Besides the evil influences in our own ranks at, the last, -- eleetteui we were oppesed ,by C 01.,. Piellekn: perfect. demagogue in polities And. one who, octeta position on the, railroad running _Dweller%• controlled a large Irish .1 1 148 . year ,we have.nothing like.thisio eon mad. against wad instead ;of: Coli ollet we shall probably have-ahoy in ,years and 'a pigmy in 4tapanitir-one. who is utterly devoid of either Per, tonal or political strengthi; onWook never appeared ; more hopeful. We are as certain of. Tido ry as that the day, of election will come. We speak , thin; eonfidently because we have the utmost. reliance upon our Mends. Every man mruit, not only cast his vote...but be must pee his influence-to this end. Do not allow the ; enemy to gain yout-cear merely to.corrupt your heart. Rec 7 ollect that by every weans in their power they will endeavor to. wean you fronilyciur allegianc& they cannot successfully attack the princi ples which - you espouse and record you forget an honorable receril through which you have supported the lovertiment;; . they, will try to excite jealousies In yeur minduPon unimportruit questions 'of local inUrest, ox - perhaps - suggest' a. doubt 'es :to . the vestilt. ' Look - upon such men as your enemies and . those who 'are not to be trusted . M en whO doubt the access of light as oPpesed to - wrong, who are-'always endeavor= ing to ,do us evil are in no scum our friends. Let is be :united in thia opinfon and me' are strong. If a man falters now en' examination of his record may prove' thatthis - fs riot hie. first offense; - Mark'well the% )mrin who dares to create oteirculati affection: . Re' 'is' either a doubtful friend 'Or openly,* thkbiteicst of our, enemies. ' • - ' COIMC:Epag - The Congressional Wereesof the Die riot comprising CoMidds'AlfoistOur, Bradford; 'IP* owing and i4diinm cirmities, met at itte Douse, Towanda, on-Wednesday . ) aventneliik thelsnixne, of Their Ippidn . meat; The meeting win organized tlitial lap; plinfniattolDr.l.D.Danwirarnol Madam, as President, and D. A. Dummy, of Colrunbill, as Secretary, - .The rnlialkilaPtair lcaa and the following ar4wer 4 k l their ,camas: C°Logina,^4lL % t. 'Beckley. Gbl E! , Iciseph P. emMer, Doi:Prank Stewart. BALDIrORD.--Zebuloik Frlabep, Ward Warm, Russel Idiller,tzakiel.Carc W.ll. Carnatin. • ' •. Komori. 7. D.' Strawbridge, D. Frazkr, 13ttigten Roberts.' • • ' r •,. W. Bannatyne, F. C. Bunnell, I.l7nderwooB. - • ! • airl[w33._E, W. ThyrdwgiM.,/anosistori Col: B. Knot! moped thekatm. Dr/yaw* Mu, of Bradford comity, be reeentative toC t n t o h m is na is t hedi a aDct,w yku mon, :-Pisged,unainap, . • —„ • The - President was itethoriied . . 11,gp:4,0„ committee td waSt - cim „Idereukind notigy him of his nomination. ' t . CnL O. Knorr tixWell that When I this 'COnthr inee adjourns, it - 4mm lo Mein at'llkintw. ttig, &auntie count, nn the ihstiltrehmatsr after the session a/ tiniest bounty comnitkoi lathe District, 1872,.. E. L. Visdortnxid . I noved to amend, toy subOtuting Ttntblenmeck *place Bloom AzatiSlltr 2 4 wan hurt. - - Thelteiii4nt then announced *fie following committee in aOccridenee..With instructions, to notitY ;Kr -of * A c Pt i na t . i mk: • P m Coet, D. Frenter ., .. -.;T: C. IknitieVt. Lancaster. Zebtdon rris* * : '• ' The connnitteeettei a blicrehienoe mturnog end tntrodeced hilftleVonteritiei igi'notefitee; Hon. Triparei . lferihn' Sir. Xis= aceeptod the noininstion so taxa& hnotudy *endured :him with agratisions .or ibnaks., :"Ele:reiletred curaorifsf the gib** Plaket ti* Bepnb ßcaa eatkeiii4•o4 takirc , ,l PI F. c i lig 44'.!'uck,!??Af fldencetn sins' x?sent . the Parinin Sho„epta.. d0c.001,40 ' u 9 03 1; 4 0 4 i f 1 , 4 0. 14 ibe- micelsitt,iof t eir. l : 10 4 trete; itilant. and ) lirr.'Makorst tri'hie 'Apical Minted' irpeeoh.bY iniktingrthe whole hii reel denceo :.J. ' ;.• lagEcm! will 5 1,?* is Athens, on Monday eveni4g ;elk olociairi- Bali trans , tired in tbe hiptoral, tba-Earopean war sine oar WA. Ssa3raLiat hating Iva tratitakfar tte ,kFuss.4 l 4friWnwAglV4. ?xmltut • , --S 444,konfi • - ; • 1, repetition at be; ing moat indastehltie and cathtikhaytheolies• charge dam varied antler that 'detan lip= et his coastline*. holm Oa eediresealidetcle, and respect ailiaiddloy tn~mlirs .1:11.c _ I t greidouit . 7 • • t" his — seta "it* hi iiiijd. Oahe! in' inniitities4 . bap 'irinion *Or it* fWed az* fiantitaillde ID thei dieduthe O , W !gin*. anbellegibestithithtd to IkeirintercnlF: titiolOintleit Oben billet Mud — ;TAM Ma it *OA q*Jr4r ft*: ilitAtOmokoiv'i& I 4900.4 4 ./MlAlit l o,4 tb#looo OnaiiO4 - .1 1 0 101 4 ,41 adDit i4tAlia iffs, .Jeehrs, -7 outi wig! A Ocrmisidi :idont flea iinti that pa* Wietjulicionaktgle. 'Wren has with unetainpbid 'brengid ;alien! thri .die q orOttiqithile- debt; ,The ideadiadvineit of the Oldie? eividioid'roil phititspateut of nlifandet 4101iontfi ' 1 ::' --`-' 11, Itienthse akihaiLbtermseeii eistretute trl hisfonalitneethitithasiemiterknornii,:oecum s kie r Alanee4 l 44. l l,ll ll o , Alletetainiaruhip ' 44 P ftsfths 4.4.4*.f.e 'eel* .4iinAifft . all ;4 1 ‘• t lirt_ t lT,R 3s3 A,FMoFollidthg for 1.• lekthisfo,. ll 4.i l 47 liS , °ran& oil, of, sad ; 4 3 11 M - 4 1 1 i tintiey of, Amin' Jounaccs in his . deepecete lind pidiracteditonmet . idth, Meg** And ibi. ipeoplo.' His whole mune has indeed been ilia;' ithigiiihed a724ajaiotbui Irlomi 'ikon is hot !billueed ks.the huitiotputifiniii way.: ..:, is ; /*I it int* bo berme in mind that. the De-. Mooned' of the diffthlt fa Pit Pea detenuth edefforte,intuicilf9_ _ L thlak ( In !OtitePh• euil the '4 1 44 0 the. t t ePuldinth•eandidet4 I einpie d'tipni4s:te 'Wain thefr- I thlPet, , • It. is ielP 3 Ohle , th fkkee4fthet , salmi, they may . i fthilthifiet' whet** niPidleYU4 t- Inefed9 / ileitis* hem irOirovei.lhat no' Iteollican' thie'bsdirinded Or ledardde bylireli*citesi iargeinents and phatisible pribstscik: Let , hlut Judienftheir future by their pad record."' let it tei borne in Adak:whatever • guise the* may' 1101!Mum Ohm= success, Walther satins , higpoommy and retrenchment or the math* ,itelkurraskg the public faith, they are still the *us PartY libith 0PP 040 4 erl7 caeca" th e n; .urnadopted . by the, Government for the imp. . lito4loA of Rito,7ebaol3; and that they tart • , ardiansit the and opportunity to, in* • all the Wise legislation of the past fen Scars ; to - deprivn the black men of I& newly acipgred . civil siatpolitind rigflis, 'destroy the i 1140114 _ Ctirroattyj COrTtlpt 'the 'national'integrity, and !Idly./ 'linguini bound and helpless, firth the . poser of the leaders of the late 'rebellion. "- ' ' - ! JO xiew of the^test which it iiiity;be ex ' Peetesd.the menu will:push to the farthest An. , inanity toobtatheentrol of tbeitatiostal House ' ..°f noffeeentativelb h.:become* Sepublicancte Orglitutettrd *w i t° thafroui. lidefily Lb the * *ntt7 fis , tht ; iirthei, Pim th at butt Poeft?9 d it _ to; th e Men Wm fought t its Natio,. car the field /Mil in 410 fonui— to Only, luunanity and'progress all demand . of Beipublicaits, A united and vigorous action. Are the people folly swat) of thaAtdpendOus kin ye' :Wante of .the iniferuthig' nutted? • Are they-aware that tide mond' will &fent* Walther those Who, preserved the Wien or those who endeavored iodantroylte shilVdl,- Mt he flaw?. la it rqxuithe hyisithedsthst the *is fore! • iettens'thst thelPeoPle. ere eiehltuedf 40 e ra te`toPower those wig), once rteeil,.tite,power dilented to theuitand' thh trust repoird in thethitthtlite adeadlibliiw at the o life . Of -rho radian n--tiii i upon the:belief that they hare so far entreedini in featuring the mass of rthe people with the leittri gibbet' , awl diihoneati, that mediation has titers. popular witynir-- 1 Shat therDernacretter leaders ,bink their bailee of eumsie, If B oy. the/4M tindthst they are budding-Non w ; 11,4014 foundation.; * Con. Oast between thelndmieietratOn of *the= ITOmsfit °irradiant Gag; ;Faith es thlteeff, I.lfdielent argument to blight all their anth#dions. ' , , , .. . i As the monthly tomeniiiiineiii of jbo ,rodho: lien•of OnipilliC debt Is made Oiriini lt4tibli-, can ttesinder,lM lienpleture everierninded 'of the greiVeaneeth siiieo but Ail it writ ineiriL red ;nor have tbeir firegoitin bow tlieleionateitt oui4w'of theltemomatie leaders eifpfding theancrales Ode GovernmentAelpedlopro; ten&.. _the struggle and !well onrdebt teitspres. 13 u..,t q4/FiL4Othi ProPoctOne f , ' ;. ' I T i ' , ) 111 1 1) . 41 .°t l i cFg*A. ll / 0 thoueande of gle# fethere:;sone 1 1 0 !roulexii, who. tone! !Ce theOdekillg on a kfthdrea, 7?sittiotilads thtu!' • t y th66lth . ei ci i • 4oo.',,`,T ' t th eh lives; oot 0 i4i'defiliikithai onunit ?PO 0 4frd 1 9'ent from Present dengill‘ Vat to Wrietuate the Idissinglef oar fin'nthillintions to fulurrilieno lrauenr. Theihive not forkkotten'thili great ' leadar-6- strong - as a thin and gentle ilia' dare L—the,ithamplon of universal , emarichistiori, Plutteharbom first demean new life 'of light ' Una frperlim,on.fettr.trulthastithultaa Whitis h, . 01 4.4 e theF.eget ltitleet.henthigotint men Over 1 9 04e- dedlffastalinig t?Pee his: 0 0 7 1 null— nfileheu down at his PO il l ._ i .l!a. fleath throes ` pridolli mann. ' • win the . people now tamely 'amender elf the ; trtiltrinf their deer, bought victories? ' WM they 'distend the nark 'of economy' end -reform fo suoteisfully inaugurated! Will= they now b3r , their =Magni elevate to' power a party Who during the button yeini have been ; erstantb.. defeated IA the Add and at the Wet box, and Wallow breast. rankle the pent , up pasaien and ;resentment', engendered Water' 'those Sean cridefese—/ 0 Perabittual,9 oppose (men, measure of reform that does not conform to their do p frinee 'nit O;ploded tiioo- es. Or AM they sustain the I party who by their energy Lml annum conquered &rebellion ana *1661 . %is°. *rid ixstriotio legishitien has iniogrirabod a new era' of national greatness - ,Willitot the people of the. 'Mill' ?)!strict use Ont . :effort toottunx to Congress one who has beeksetearneitt end 'wine in the advocacy of Pthe.s° inform{ -- one _lnt , Inultre4ll7: 'quelithat to prolf!st and armee their lutureste—one who. itips fatal lioved h i nuself•th:o.lT7 reefed worthy - of their con fi dence And on whose peliti liiioiford th6e id no stain. : • Tile finvoiticiee Oiodliin in our liational Leyshdaturi r gOod and true Men• W 4 have .' ho. colas" tiloieughir emits:lraqi Air' Itliislition and Ch6thints of4he pothltieoght toilbe Anions. ly Ooniklerert Nom= hoireverealdohted , he It etixi. tan at on imams ids pripeipkotiin nib balliotleg4dioa ct conmalia that oaten iisn silfd zßaPect. T iihich, Orb ONOttled,to' sage s4erience. Yet thers nromuty,to hold, and / regret to know that the pernicious, &oleo° is galtrthg ground midair tri-Lthit th e ijdein of, kotetkill illAßi4) Oiallt:10 be aridted to eolt, gressmin ea well es to kiMeerr hi the executive' diimetnents,thet wherionoldif nerved tiro Or threat terintheinughttansktsway foreosieone elso whorieny hive nitud claims Apawthe:grat-• itiade*llie WV; elk if it Ttell•Teldflf, of is Itthe'E •f t te i6 l u i M t e eeitth4toatthSP, 0 0 4 1, he rewarded for tf T toe s gisn**. bfsieeeeof i Cd W ef te e thig4 - tuuthotod. thaaeit in Ilug/ind'of loin Netruleiliotiskr •ProtiOrk to 'lith thee 'hem' ' Phhil: Atte Alefilieileilitiolida,l4ifit 'ca''; rat ;U* 46ll o ll E], ho`deY'lifftheir 'Pint*, the* ft,b , iifibinifia r oppanote46'•oilikteciaoraiiis fer legisiatinikonon lei Adahr_uqrsi distinction iiciiiabiam.ADo EatikciAimUihighith ,iiiiorethi ptocit greatoconftt demand dmixiiiiited kilt la PO fig; nowliNkth 0 7 4 0 ..* &Won& ; : JJ • ; 111 1 0141 Ate'14"11*Pf th e POP/C4P4R,IIO` trio V# I FFY° 4 4 4 1 N is C M 1.4 443 Wgr Ft .44;41 * P , -L • O ris f=" 3ll ::G l Wß *01 44'2 04 4 ~. Illii - 4: 1 1 1 /e1ACI 6Aihkrtritilifii'' . li ate okojiti sttof 0), ad pit Atiil cii , iottinfoo l otfi&igofi fa re. istiwa', , volsiv tekiiihtvintilim .ft, Jo* kaliftriaideoloftiikvivaiikait . 46 - ribip kolidkiiniai azirldifftgitkinoliniataktir noel. iity, of rerneriing eidniAtried piddici serrogitir i 7 AgroßY,an 1 1 ,tfkf.!IlliP.4*:of gkiie inimtpowdig ow Fry ; Lbw 'eut i3lefekrue ;ofirin - *. oo ( 4l6 llii!'4" eiSig gintipV.' . ' OlnitVohici; - . 41 MR 1 01 . 1 L . ' s s. .13a# _. 4: ,,_-_,, : . 0 „, ~:;;; ~ • , 1. 4 ( -4 # 1+) -• r'. .011644011i4 allied 11114,110AD0 at iiihf OdniiiChirirassali . 018,#willial ilifej.o.6frilop-wls, alscidsurtnui-. .s :. caul a.: - JAI *f a . , ' disatiGll4 • W ATJ -ILE; 1 • - 13k1 m. • r. F . - •,• ‘ 4, c( - . 11064 . nos AID MOO _ T"rloia• SIS 4 11;11110-yr I* 0M; MDMAIS. opa aritakikreitto at Ilitekratipac . . Ito stoodois. ... ... co to on oo SIC . • . J. - 1-Lll4O , 77; Le awes. In haft mid 117 - •lIIIIVINIOIIIOOOIIIIOqiis .!' -- TT - . I/is-id-NI • ' ;NOTICE: , ••: • - PIitYPOIALI milt he 'illostv•l at le , Owl 1 1 0. P. Juan to Tema lola SOL alli f lor lee Wilda al at ett. deo Tomas ! bilk M iI AN I UMTPI ; 71711110 Ulf 44 ;la at is itare. !GLOOM 'Kr; - egintaii fi l Way or is iegirati 411mitnimipa%kirolonidbiall=rem GOP. • ' - " FP:V.OO%OAS Agari •, Wade 'WU oda , istotne ! VOiootAl Atri ma • 11 . 4 t all a " lela it • . HOVBE Atles toil:i(olit"W000kyi;tho Berko ito got mato 01 amid moolool ;lift Veit Altatiosol Book ISt iimoitot Moody ;401$ *au doom a/SAW do* la Ser a % Amdaske.- as Toww, 440 . . thireottr. " I ' d " d estnat i oirro f =nib... .2. etistivir Wilms Audios Us shim . ' TWIDir 01" =inaoco •to bei 113 ildri on= with ,oooutty• matium. C. BMW. Imootentot 17ookiXoDatOok. IliKemsd• AtioOo, On& 1 4 18 % 'VOX 4ST, 3011101 M, IterpeetfultyApe artettatm listan• the at at public that they hue just owned • - NENT GOODS, Consisting of almost everything in the Grocery and provision line: which they oasts: sale at WHOLISLLE AND RILTAIL. . . 'At the lowest tosilort isles; .• . . Ire feet rootlike& that TIM mar expedenee and nartlitles, we shall be able to please the moat Arstidl. am Our Motto Is 8. Good Goods at Reasonable, Priam! . 1 : _ We shall wail hard to 'pleasrL Try In , COMO/ NAM and Pine streets. • • , . , bT.. ROL Tema*, Sept. 15.10. HENRY =RCM ~ ILINLEAN & HOOPER, - 4u, . nap, Lbcz BUSCH FAMILY .19EWINGt. . MAOHINE, ' Prig* $l5 00. This lb radne wnt Mita. beta. .SeU. tuck. WM. cord, bipd, embroider sod R•tb.e to the mod perfect maser, sod WM sew from the Bitted to the WM wzrilotr, masa; OP zwato.Y., • lus no t a cheap .usabine bat in ail invocis null the Wein? vetoed one while in dminicity. =to OA oot of orke. sad ere at =ow MID ALL., Ab nondnation Is disked from alto teat the bath of oar ainattObs. An& Atnamsarn Waaaassso Psa. . . MAT 7..:WATTO. Agent. Monza* got, 1: 10704 • ' rfObENNSYLVANIA STATE MEI arIAVRALSOOIDIT.—The exhibition et this Hidety Dm 1870.viikbe !ski e$ Sonatoe. feemley Saptstabei 47th. Weaseeseiw. Sept. Deb. Thunder.. Elect OWL Irt= u -44 ibera lielit.. fromm sae oDectoee. Dee end eeoamo empie. sad the womb= Mie it a• <amp for no.. ice' amyl Him entered toe need. lento, Boob; open Mosby. Dept. M. Fee ali.Warom Cr inter soatioost Dental*. ' _ _ /WEN O. WOW& Pried D. W. istime. Deo. Owl: Dimmer. KoOorece. ftr. . OTICE .I$ HEREBY GIVEN thit opplicitlaiVa madetbo next met tiOt tires loiddtaxto ix the loom potsttoo of • , !trawl flask, to be Moons at the Atheos Wrings Naas. toll's* • capitol of Witten& aad•t{baeiy totacootottits atm to tog/ onount"no t a thr ee ho odt ed th m alam i OW Tho rosiibadooto aainMow an dismal tad to Zoom:4 mew *a, ani to osztetiti gourd Waldo; Itlttlges. - k$ be loaded la tbb botoolti et gam* cc oit andloal. with aothartty to establtsh branches at other Ammo to odd county. J0001V70413 W'•Ir'AL:USING C. W.'CLAPP_ Having leased the Storehouse and coal Worse belonging to the kerma Weller; would notify the ettizens of Wyshieing and Malty that he will keep "onnetantly an hind a fall stock of C l 0' A , L zoo. firovE, ciremnrr. PEA AND BANCLAY M E IN BULK OS BY MIN BARIUM L T, IN SACKS, BBLS., AND BAGS CEMENT, PLASTER AND KEROSENE OIL, Which he will be pleased to enoply the= with et reelonable . ptileee. acne but the sow teletztrWa be offered for We, consequently cannot fail In tattlro tl withdletion sod meth" the waits at the oonnitutti. . CASH PAID FOR GRAIN,. Au delivery. and for errel7 desertriton of FARMER'S PRODUCE, or town tipabing• irse Limteet, Mader. ,orment aud o 113Ake LY DIG= uap Aleut Min slims to it the Warelunne to attend to =stonier& 10.1870. TAYLOR & CO. RAVE JUST OPENED A IWRY LARGE STOCK ~. A.NZT E Zp.S =l= Q!;fAUZMi. I'7sa~ele, Plain , Plain Nirldta•Pliu,g, , , • Trilled Red - . 111141444411i14°141114. 'Ope:ra :I• , • : • r - , • • , • I • 1111, of WWI aold•eit the • El=l 1 ,,i•_.04E - 6 ' l l E El. WE= • . Y.4 3 .914.41 1 1. 0 .'• 1117 i'lr:M4TLOR'&.4130: . . I " . ErtreAß,' - nak erZug, gala 1. f ii s can •Xl5. =1 _t!m!m MEM Alt io,T Of .ili,,ro3oot, ak - 70:it ' "*" '41)511-'1.-141,114i.r.--- • ',''.*,! - . , '.''1, , ;..P''K',, ,,, . iitcyour Milk I,' •• • 1.: AIM ' 1 1" ftshill -• r illeffed -11 r. a. a a ts.Mtud bre boor entoedeitelie/Ifilielbag44 Millis. or • aselmity of them Om Or boa= the ono dm MDemisabse,"Antielhastat 11111111011111111 lauithid mad iitAkeni. to debelidatifilitand per. dinittritithery MO deent l M - Hseargismd me. or a IRON* me Mem. toialsetenoMamil their tor. laths moms sad for the use of the entmorstka mentioned la the Odra nation of this acklirei Meg = 01 2, andrfiro IMMO/ soder irk to Seib* di Ma eddit et Wadi" , miti4 ss dAewahadatr e r- be lied In ids Mice; the elattimMal Me quell/id shiel. 1 obtainn Meet Masi Mite= of , Ms said 1 cannif es art4=War gal .• ~ et of easeiset_nri encfse .01 tlie_Mickeei et mg 011 , MOMMg IMF %Mem =11171 "" i nfant= u ction Mideleill• lad ' Ma the llell VIV the numbs , of Sass Iliandh. or: wilds mde tbseaMer. melt/ ender their beads and mei.4 names of the person so elected dlamtore, to. OM _cleft ef the coon et colorise saishine of the :rid wooly; MS slot Elm dor sir NOUS* la his cam sod itethwith MOD 00001114 Wiling to the aid greens. of lisle Wog MO M& widths Bald ell. reds" shill asst se a l s onert boons is /fir, mid emati on the Mena ot November next nsa eagle* shictieS Is& ilmoiselmai by Ist Mtn One cleasot• the pim a ot the Mot to be nests& at tt e r=ggi t lSOM yea/ grier. eters Seeend at the sall the thbd /SAM 1 01/11 1 1fien Mine third Pet. en that those who shall is omen Merits th at Medics: and ha the mode 'alstwe desedblir Me OM Pierkelld. GM. third Wyk • - • • • Samos V - Mere • - MOM -in the miramersiersmidme sppointedmi beretedineMnill• ed. shaleftew bei hi motile& of mid &Mosad helm Millers on the 'doles o Baas path Sr iarmalike be. JIM ~ lit air IS will the duties Malcolm el the poor for Wilk % Yid : hitilldly sad hapartielly, ter tier bast of Ms mid ability; and is clam Ming led or refuel to the said oath or Animation wilds:Ms Om Marsala. , and perform the dam aftwesairl. De shall MIMI and OW the Inn' of ten &Mere for the use of the poor of said 00. which .doe shall be reemered by the dbioilare. atittft time Wag. mdsbts of the Mine amount am or shall be Zpr inaa w rm:mumble; and the 'directors qualified as me beret 7 authorized toradministsr. oaths or alsmattans in awns where it shell be moms 'ry to rehabs to the &atlas of their add Wks '• - goomme,S. - That the said Opel.- is sod their ma memo shall leaver hareem. in the name end In thetebs mat tetr politic Sid emporia in law, to an intents and papaw whatscomir relative to thimor: in thern of &lOW. and shall have someasion. and maylise and bri rued. yloragare • the name. Ingle and UM of the dimcf• ors of the poor and of the horse of employment for ths county of Ileadfrad. and bribennains Mill and ' may receive. take and hold say lands. tenements and hereditament', not exeselfog the yeinV mine of lien thousand donors, and goodie/id thin& what soever ol the gift.. or bequest of any per son whitsomor l e = take and hold any lands and tenements their county • in fee ainipleror Mitered and stillible buildings fur" the reospaea. use and secommodenon Of the poor , of said countycrcdis an things necessary. Joe. the rezelnkol. maintenance and employ, meat of said poor; siPeoint a traieurer 1.. who shall give baud, with sufilcient surety.:, for me ibithful Michsim of_the duties of his otheap ae at the stylivtics limeMthet ha will well sod SW per, and dame emir to his succemor in 011:0, all inonep bonds, notes, bodes, sorounteanitmpapare, to the said monition beimem. wMch Mall than be roma:dm in his hum% , ody and poseestion; and the said director@ shall employ. sal at pkosnre remove, a steward or stewards, and require of :him or them sa oath origination. and Mob security fee the bitirtul yerformanes MI& Or their dolmas the board adifeekerp shall deem and to ap point s matron at maim" se phodoless, mine= or surgeons. and attendants that maybe Decessaa tor the slid poor melyeenvelly.• net as ylearnes veromm and to bind ont, as so 'that such apprenticeship may expile,Wraltt cs before the smiottireaty-one yews. snail fernahai st or before the ass of eighteen years: Avoided. That no child shall be bound out for • longer time than indn he antres et the aga of• less he be bound out to a lade other than a farmer: And Provided. TIM t a m all asses dispersos to whom they as bound be rat toes, (heeled it least three months' d in nth yam: Provided MAN That 'sada MAWS booed without the limits' at the MM. or at a greater distance than, fillyLiles , from the poor Mum; and the said 'Oaten shall exacta and euloy all such other powers now mind t a l the of the . es are hereby =the t sibl ier--- ple.sare to slier a vanstlo neW- n, and the isms, at thetr 1 Bactiox t. That the said dirsotore Ma* en or [ before the first day of December: one thousand eight hundred she illiMpeine; lanai& td the Sanity com• missioners an ssedmmtatte oe the probable tnit ne at •. • • •• • the Suds. - erecting the rod' - - ,• • the siaue,and mainteinine the poor one year; whereupon they shall and Men a ' turrem an orized to increase Umeounty tburth of • . min aroxeia7 foe the Pagan itosemild• sod shall erasure, on lorubor credit of the taxes _herein '''v . i• renbriaqn ) ~ .,..:.;. a . •Ari t ssistw fu f ts y..,: 11. 4 1 ,6 0 We um * M7 I ; .uNr wn h. .finegthe as the same maybe found neassary. Mccrecor it That it Mall be the duty of the said • • • on or before the Ilret day of November ta /• . • 'may , ... , 1 =NEM ribligirf : . . ot - ses . poor and poor house, foe ems Twerp am .1i WilliLlstatMlirrt tete mate, which shall be paid to, mid dillipre by the - - tressneer, on warrants drawn in their Mar' by the county ancesdsairmers, as the ismer may be ~ , ... . '. . - ,ql Atirpalel i tileg ' .. ... Mt them received r ex MS ' pended, to smosore - • • • • • to audit and settle the county accounts, ' : . .'• ,b MISSAPM . - miry yearky hefts the matt of quarter asesikma and grand Jury Of sad county, alba of the another. E l end mew of the persona mantels tar sad an is the said e spy or by them out to. or ore as sfmd. with names of their sus or mistresses, and their trade. occupation or calling. sad shall at all. times. when therennto required. submit ta the lompection sad free ezanination of sactt visitors as shall from time to time be appointed by the court of, quarter . sessions et the sad oventy.oll their Wall and lON =CD% Writhe! with rents. 4nterests and moneyt - poyable and receivable by said corimration. sod also account of slinks, purchases, donations, devic es and to tloon.bequests as shad haveleen made by them or gem= & That: ad WOO as the said brilhlings shall be erected end all rosemary acoommodetions provided therein, nothees.alts/1 be eent egned by sny. two of the mid directors, to the. overseer, of the poor of the several townships and boroughs of said calmly of bradford, requiring them forthwith to bring the poor of their respective townships. and boroughs to the mad: house of euiployment. bleh eider the said overseers ere her ebyen)oined'end (piked to comply with, or other ise, to faded the ants of all future maintenance, amine in. cases, Where, airiness or any other isuflehent cense any poorpaisan Wiwi be =Me l. it which case the said °termer° dull represent the same to the near. est jugilee of the peace, who being eatlafied of the truth thereof, shall certify the samara the said di rectors and the same time acne an order under his hand and seal, to the said overseers, dire Clog them to maintain each poor until suchlizfie as be or she mq be in 4 situation to be removed, and then con. Toy the Mid pauper anti deliver him , or her to the steward orkeerer of thealidlouse of employment; together with the isid order; and the cleave' and ex pense of such temporary relief and of mach removal, shall be pied by said directors at a reasonable all y SaCrKar 7- That the - end. directos . mew, :rem time tbne;receite, provide *a and employ. *ao -7= to the true intent and mani of this act poor and indigent:persona as shalt be enti tled to Pellet or as shall hs gained a legal settle ment in the said oottnly of Bradford. and shall he sent there by an order or warrant for that purponie, under the hazels and seshi caw two princes of the peace, directed to any constable of the mid county of Bradford.' or the of the proper town ship in any other pout* this 'comutoniresith; and the said directors are hereby authorised; when they shall deem it proper and ommenient to do so, to permit any maw peraonlw weans to be maintsined ebiewhere: Provided. Thal the eapense of. their maintenance does not In. ny was exceed that fer which they could be maintained at the poor /mac of the said county of Bradierd. . Berzon & • Thai the old dlreetora or any two of them. who rail be a quorum rall - eues to dci bri ne:li, ran have fell power to man and ordain all such onlbeinems. Mara andrendationean they'D:ll third: proper, convenient and neemarr for the di rotten. governmentV=4 of re poor and hoar of employment and of the menus thereunto belonging; and of all. persons as shall some ander their : Provided, That the same be not to this law or any of the other laws of or of that:totted Mier 'Air prided alio, That the same shall not here any fore or effect until they shail bare been submitted to the wart of common pleas, for the time being, of the aoan of &Woe& and shall Mr received the on of the sam • tronow 11. That a quorum ef said directors aball and they are hereby =Joined and required to meet at the nand tome of employment st leer - once in every month. and visit re apanmenta and re that the poor are oomfortaddy • supported.' Ind tear all and redress of care to be rettnred all that Mg Mina' by neglect- or Ws. ar eonductof say or parser in roar employ. Meld Bit it 10.. =are said direokes shall snob of theinrcetve for their sernees annually the yam of Intydallers, to defray thencpenne Or their reels saryattendatne on the dudes at their odioe. thangrilt.' Thst sucaney Vern.. dew should happen b7: ln dunkcarimr or reniond out of the router: or. otherwian the.rainabdtgr rector or:therm together with the rat of gear. tee seademe of the odd calatle &se* ibis citizen or carer to dli such vacancy or man nes until the next general dation. when, a dinner or diming shall be elected for the uneetend tens of saidvaancyof nmandes. . „ Bainni 114 7110 , thiamili Um mid comfy of Dreamt en Intiby Arid to VW to with of tbeeknandadoiseaw sinned gelling moos °f this eth, lb won' of 011164ollthgee dey fkir Atha atom; day he elkaa sweeemay egad la pram. log theftathdeeinfted by the Ind Wawa etas Oth: and ethoito preach of the dlreetotes mew& able they = eavenatlon for their owftefr duff as timbers ed in swami frizblth carbon& Porrad, !het the mineeMp sot aannel ow thm allowed them .. by ads act, aired u 4 dailan illonnow MASA skeletal ad desthblo he so. Wien to the lathe etortatheetudg 'that et the Use of tets mot betereutled Into dbl. aka half for olthetio* to If the eth heath* beak =4: "heaths lea shell both bees** ad. Waled. allthoogye :meta. la the Vella ofthe otheseets; as well ea th e , nnetheketed tan Wed far the moment tithe poor In the odd lownelthwend boroughs to Ihs Odd txmastr afro& And. dna be geld over to the coesuadoneno et the highway Of tbe nopecthre townaldpe and betooghn, to be by lbw oohed to a& teplbterthe - reeds tar* It.' That so ninth of the lowa of :4' ethonlonweelthrebthaw UN pobr;.wi ime arli tte ecrabend at math* henna the wow an tepodedieoftwas they sad the othoffed _aageg 411. IthrtibeatedfoLothil math al/ =wog& the wild wkweneroare of Oa and when end where lbw - th vett be Weft* WOW Ilbeihthee mined them by tam act, which phosd sa jhatl Ypr[tbaeepp : gnaw IIL :Mud foe the purpose of seadatatii the eau* ofthe cittsais of aordherd comity se to ' the othetheeloy oriereettowg aar home tor, the `m ploy ly of soli Mho . It be thwtht of with of the alkieare for the wrath tonal. meg hagewthif. atileithwt•gtherel-thielleth Id ts cehe either s , rittea or, pdided. fo WO &e. &a EMI r am pow bow MatC, o lllll P MPS Ns MAI I' lot s poor dots MP Vrs • so *kW onus .mow MS *maw vas ihrTZ — arir Jinesnins—Tbs Ina 41111 at 111 q. Amoso, , l cee thaossivi#oooll4lolllolo~l... Aran! to wised theillem - se- ee p la elbow the Verreip of birthed hi Tote spook - 6e rovidome et ea st estUbel . 4 1s 'eels provide doe Ore dream eta ouse !be .irot sup or tie poor die t he it meol port .e , Ol lassie* are -W7Wh, ilia - toir - as u ........... _ -.Z et a'Weil elk otions itf ht GUsarsi . smadad 12 'thetas Ot ill a~tlllesdalad see boob,. mad Isapowsted .vpia atlas neat swassd tor or Ma the welr s tla County pcz e hM un =setWilailirli:ligallo pothis aaa hositha mpogi lli 7aratitios a : lB 7 4 o.l 4 fte bouts t r c"ftr tlaa str o • . Tlant ,ILlsupisq.' 8., ISiparts. MP. Mao* L. PAllluted; Gump Dm2sm. WM. Sus a Nu m% Mal Tan% Maim laoss. lab. art,. Madiscluth Duda F. .001110 8. ma. John W. OunildsJo lin IleSsabus sod Iludsmats MOIMISan.a sad bre ken* aellmetssi Sildrailleld is oat 1. *Mr- Sidaikfteni auks Vis par*** Od the Id to wid th _. _ , .. " this lalam • inlmill" . a. a mum • ! ,Jllrdwittas er Mligtessoistiges. IL mom -.-; • . ; - - . ,"; ealkoVilloisalito. Ammo—TM ihdit_duy l u A nt tottint• Duri. low thousand AIM know ' JOIL I T I OCIELRY I' . * 800 "IlittktotalM 'dot of Ailosa d. 1212. tor mowing' 1 BALI;, - -,- • IBITASIMIG !MAY aspIATIIIDAIG September ISM. 114 b. mid 17th. IS. GRAND FAMILY, MATINEE, Saturday Memo% SepL 17th, at 2% o'cloak p. m. MI swum* SLYER tom Et:ibbing tbi; tams' ci( • LOGBEETA. THE Bow. commis A" "A.zvaarx4X.lllons at. sworn sem Asa Mia Min n, MIMS MCI 1111)111011111111 CAL Can't:Wing arab tba Oinsdrit of Crema at the Of riffitl4o.. Silj e tenke Teced= 101 elegant present. :mein in from 25 fo $2O, aU awful goods. se we glee sotliger but what win be an adverUmumetaf arithit Me =ldle. t=d a tlce ISMOIO7 of his itairser. ':Presents on laths Bali dming the day free. Boman. bar, we gier re= i ejessent.. -go pellaUly. no sPlat 90511121101. Mudd j a l ar=l pus; Hsi imenrwass Ike fill ;articular& • Present worth Ism Une 25 carte. -while many are intik from ill to fi2D. Yon ars as likely to get • costly Piesent as awbere common on.; and performance lee evaryreed and ekes walk tie pelpboraa= ti of Inthe T=6 II and WY canto. eldridreit masa, Kettnie;l32ildrierlii ends: i • IraindebstsmerpbOdy. . ogaiiitt. guist aniainxr.ityr R. m. wEraamo COA.L YARD. Until itsiher notkie Ickes at fir& are L. 4 85 50 InaciG'Oricic. 3 Asa • ' $5 00 ; I Mikan come/ a:..... °... q . P 25 - . Plitodpq.Nuf. aello. .. if 00 , ' addlemel_ Ansel f:ar &Weft 00.14115105 baromek-Iliedie: • Pee, Tatra tae evatng so Hsu t oo .11 ft 44 s• ,•• gairiev ids .* • •.• ."16: . 11 air Lam oeisers at or oat ie. a We lam Sim Blodr.. path aireldera f law* la an ism be faxinpuisa• by tie Cillik. 1 , , TQW,I I4II !. 5 ,9% 1147°' S. ft. wzmis. OPENING DAY , • - Ku3ii - KixGaixrB 1Z . 1M:1K . F=23;187& Wee imuiLii.invites the 44tel.tic . , oc the mu, NEW EITOCK or FALL AND WINTER M l /40 1 2‘1 VW—F*l. GooDik L E Te aug air has bees Purebred wit!' ae l 4n l4 ° , sleet the moats of the community. Towanda. Sept. 15. isle. Mr. 813 -11.INGSL,Ele ' Demos iv toll the attenttos of the Ladies: to he: sew assortment of 1•2101 r 0004)11. Ohs We boa a tall Una of ' DIXEISETIk-SkIX. &Q. - . he the Balmiest trade, which at. veered to her eis., = ts ead a =3Se Olathe looditseamostis teas' sat taseload ea abort attks. law tee Ma a Ina edietioa orltatr and Viper ftte.aseli as Laos atat 14aut Colima Calla ROL Ca le, Este ndo, mee . ant to Pos. lima; Nereus & ealis. op O , aoor des. Tornado. Mg SA. • WYALUBING - "- , Ail i'arm TM commence on the zit sow at bee. 3g70, and alestinue imam • Pae Common Znedede. 64 00 Yor lltaber lengebb ink pansies 6 00 • DANID - OUP% • • • ang.l74Sw Prim:Wei WANDIk AGItIOULTITRAL *ollse,atiit Azivß. The o rrateaaeat et !Ws shop 1r aair Wean, LUMBER WAGONS, mini:thaw WAGONS. (COVERED; AND. OPEN BUGGIESS "ovet.edixed la this naatet. ,liieet selectee OAK AND mcsoity r TIMBER and an week 'aka& by Die most _EX num* woiinum. We have the PASEBIL'— .10&ILA .BON SEArd. eery dight. little sadaro as t dwratdo ttwt men tiara .has twit to do towheir drag. • • • Waiwowriortne our work - bedbroekagiag vlrerec Ropartas done soda. , on acid _W. C. Weacca; Mrft. t. G. W. VINCERT. Towsodo. .Tokr2o,.lWO. ' Elopettintingleor. 8 IIA Y 1 ~ r '4 . Y. - iio• RT .t c,o Invite t particular attention to their 10.8tERT DEPARTMENT ixbinprisin,g the largest and most COMPLETE STOCK OF HOSIERY ' eveivotered in this viciility, tot LADIES, inM3, =I MUPMMS, ,11.::P-jok.i. - -0.41i 1 = gdz'. , = . ' :24;* verrikiwestrpg6 .„;.. • , . TAILQR a:CO. pIasTER.: TORS liblEft (Wiwi Ogegbail Pink* at befdas MEWL Nor iroetoer. - PC, fed grblob Idgbda gkeratemill be *tea agabassib. • ; I ; Me* : 1ar.4.1141131M1L. FI'M _GYM FR WIT • Milk THE I L. best La ON ,rksiesela not WAIL 4vpr 1. 11:0401 WIZ Ast m ' BB t °3l ,'= c i w uK l F l l= l o :4lClEtt A• iBAT 18 • . .001111L101;2111111%, • BEFITFRUIT JABS INURE kf-; SOWS MEM& - VOLV A Sir TMENT - 0 'JIM; lam) CAlikeD " -; • MardElo, Law 1111&131 & f il !,! 1 ! 11 1 111 ,1 ° , 3 , 4 . 1111AT „ F * Or - 001IPOWID EMUILIT MUM The sompo• A3 *siitliiiiii* . iitititr, *il;i2mi.ii*.dtwiws„ W mini iwiwn*,= .. .:•,•;.L- - . V :4-;!' Ow Don*, Ostilllopoo, to Poo a ttoollt. • Cat 144 ostridoi itiggseeisiont vat& irldts 4461*: " a "17 r 111 M 1 4 1 10 lila 11110001GOn 111" kl" iOiktMo Ink Harm us. os te,e‘co, lilan be "Quid Doe to be a llbotnee, ' OFETf3 AND TOUTER ===;=l==ia== *lei CO: haraigazW... hi vWOO. /46, .-.-;;. Dectbis, so . prepare4 bT pm/gists, Li ofa dart scam se a pros placiple), dot eadliftilsopeikeOetkm -Mine Ile Ow eicrot ~"lMDiaehnl epiaUea re!Orninehii i the mowed cm - iv of the (Abet thiredisidaareaddiei wrest lermszmian: uP. am Pha:sneercer: nor 1s It • stii;ll4 therefor p 6 be umed laws fever or bzlb. notion ash& 'ft this. 'you :lne tbie lusowledie of Ur havrodienr and the rode of preps:l4ton.! - , - licoping that you .6111 Atitor It wink ktzW;attd Oulimpat Inspection !3iwit .IrlUl 'four &ppm - • ; • • With a feeling of coati dente. ' I limier, mileettaily. -f 8 . T. HOIDOLD. chemist sad tirasti4 of 1 6 luris experience. (I , , rau,i the largest. impuitstitniiftig Menthols In the WadiLl •• I mei segtiatnial with air: U. T. iiitliabobi; ha occupied the Drag glare oppoiite pp reelikace. and .we/ anccesthl antdpeting the. bunlneas.whern Win had eot been. e4tuilly so before him. .1 have fapresie4 wl4l Ida tbaracter and ezi. isapsiss." w=ow wirouraux, Firm of .Powozo & Weightouri.ifooutiotorillg dhauddsOillneth sad Brown 131*,,, Basznow's rum) Eratax7 Bomar, for weak mem analog from boihrorefirm. The othanstod pow err of Natowarde are acianilyaaled by go away abrkaing aytopt4azia. wog, shish will be [egad, tar digioaiflopto Exessiao. Low of Niamey. litiiieful= • • . - asitalovar of Minion, or Forebodings of Evil ; In !rt. heel uilmaU,,Profdraaou. and wmality to emtei Into the ebieletente Of sway E The aopaUtaNan , 011t03 aecied rith Omuta 'Weikrektequiree the aid et tnedhane k et:6oh. at and Wilmette the entan. which SEMIBOLD'S armor innanddy does. It no 64- meat is submitted to. Cot :4*km or. insanity en =I glxin EmAci or Foci. in Ai fsetinarimistilmr , to Fonda, is iiiiequalled by any • I - other preparation. 1 as in cflaprods.-- or Retention, 11111flatoeu. or Eleiirrus State of the Uterus, sad all complaista Inddeitt to the set, or the decline or, thing* otjge. • EMIL he; Rum) Zm4pr But s pu Ann i!t! • / ssovairilasa Irsint will =Molly =trains% trOin tits iysteat.disswals arising from habits dt dirps- We, s Utile sepeoiNr, if ex no cialliCB in diat. no Isedatenience or 41Keart; completely supenedins tb . 3iimitlossesi4.4g;vnn= numU4*. Copain and Mercury, In mai Meese I tree 4s9itipktee Pixy), /Mak Baqta in all diseases af tiosi mgani wbetbet 4i4;:iiiiag to mule 4; forstao. , porn whatarer names originating. and no matter of now long standing. It Is plesissnt in taste . . _ and oiler, action, ma nwre ening than say of the preparations of Bark or Iron These . bentn.aortn or 'delicate emilatiticaaa. merge the remedy at ewe. T . . , «.-....... I The reader nmet be aware* better:. alight may bothe ottsektfitto axplo diosiois, i< lisoartalti to Mixt tbe,bodU;l boalth and maitag. ti #wwi .,B ig ykture ptirchosea strinted and w re tt ple na lobs in bed eis tb an e d we ,iii lllknow h o . CAE .P FLIBIUTtIIZE 'STORNI r of S. T. Decker, on Mainst., tint" door below Orwell itlilyees stare, ands httle menthol the Means Muse, lam reinvest to Insulah .' FURNITURE OF ALL , KINDS, - liiirialmaioui eetaii. as cheap as the same can be bad 'Lacy astaldiatalma al the county . . My stock le fa and complete, comprising- ail the varieties usually kept 4n a fi rst-class Furniture Store. The public Ile respectfully solicited to examine my stock assl No. 153 Main-st. - • . , J. H. PHINNET. -, ' i - . . „ . - _/Amanda. Sept. l , Dno.-if ), . ,Alletrihelow-Fitcn-51,26 TOWANDA COAL YARD. . . IMESM Mil • AU the Some dinelea meth! the ahlat a Dia- Tette. #l,llllothli UTELCT straw Is the grist Dlangic. ' per tioftio. in; CboWes tot se sa neutered W. 1127 address. Arminonin in an, conannnict . , , r . i. •• '• : • • • I - Address IL 1 * risansxo,*4 . al i d chopk. ' N.Y.. 1: NONE ABE ,13011:MIS lIMABB DONE VP IN dtaeaggircea .41) 1 4 Ikkflonnyouia. al : ilke‘ l l6. l.o birdiao4: 7:. 1:.1 2 * al 2V.11LL1f30.1,1): Mr a,1171.-11 . . , i IPI • wliotatus Parma • RICETs • c . - =dumps deav, ' • ? ATM. Wheal. 11 ba5h....:... . .... ... AT% ... . .. ; ........ Baeksliest; IS bash .......... .. Carus I bulb , Oa*badg Beans. 11. booth . 4 pa*Ssr (egad si 1 . 2 lign 0 0 7. 11 Wast 4" Maim 11 . ....... . . ital . ! a ...... .... , .... . .... inTasna_ con, Bye SS lbs.; Oats 32 Ths.;•Bseley Sabi: Boni 21 ; Dna 20 224 Timothy & 44 ad lbe. ; Draw p each -ne.„*4 1 :6: Dried APP121.22 Mr.. Ms: Seed 601 " ; I AIL A BBANGEMENTII op Tire Towenfis.'roirronlcz . t trateftwtheelsomeieeke Moils at Ws cfSki lefts Sisd &put asp:awn : 1111 DlPart. BNi'xibm 1rx0,... - ...:•: - -.1:15 A. 3A. ........5:13 fp. X. OA MIAMI ' a ; ....... . 1515 P. X. ....... T:l3 .X. Troy • •• .... ...... 12:00 x. ' ....... - . 1 :00r. x. canton " 5•O ( r.,x. ....... i:CO P. X. MOO a. st. ........ 1:60 r. x, Lellaystillio " -... ...... 11:00 a. x. ... .. .. 12:00 X. soma , ~ . . ...IMO 3A. .. .• • ... 240 P. IL ZIA= Math aniVeUi every Monday. wedneadat smi onill departs X. %I . Tharsdsy, and dsturdayat 7:00 L. Insixty Corners =au arrives emery Taeldal. .Tb Extruery at 0:00 .a.x. Departs same d o ry LY. - gar At 11116ajdoAts1011611110 &Aae lg !hi l t Of de. • Cad Me Naar north mkt sesta dam i.: NIN ._ p MEE in Titl ban c subicrTher will over for sale at his rekwo re Ay,;l3radrord county, Ya, on the 21st day of Septeenbec,;l97o„ all Att" Lie personal property, cx ,„ Mtrin part of 1 yob Horses, well mats-bale yew ecrws,,3 ftr Calves, 1 orse hostbr Wagon, 1 Ughttwo horse aping Wa g on ekt &gbh, Matg2 Plows, 1 collirstOr,l Harrow, 1 Fannies ains. Torts.lCarpenters Tools,"and many other articles too numerous to mention. - • FARM FOB SALE. AT AUCTION! At if the same tlass, and ohm mi the above. tb , M3 will be offered tar sale the subscriber's real eltaie eons/Mango, SO acres of land, all In3porred, , rin, der a state of minivan:or. 1 good frame home, frame barn and shed. laje orchard of grafted trait, a good hyfagaiiring ha yto both Mese and barn, Ind many Other cense-Menem too numerous to mep. tion thereon: Sold farm'eltuated 54 mile from 8. k E. B. It. atLaddabrag. Sale to munnueam at 9 o'. clock m., when terms of sato will be made known: For further .pirticidsei tall or writ: to the anbeem bee. - SETH STEVENS. Laddsburg. Pa.. nog. 29, 1570-3 w VSTRAY.—Catne into the enelos ure at the enbectiber, on Wednesday. Aug. 31. 1870. a small SLACK 7iLtRE. The owner Is request. ed to come forward, proreproperty. pay charroe and take the mine away. ' ALLL7 8/SIONB. North Towanda, 1870.731. TO THOSE GETTMG THEIR Yon should study two things. Flret; to OTRM MIME FIHST-CLAKS CLOTHING IA MADE f ~ . Secondly WHERE, THEY ABE SOLD 'And in order to be able to sell a gbod article cheap the merchant must understand_ his business; and know how, where and what to buy an a practical man does; and • In all its brauchen I protean La be, haling had licrisaissi 4, last EIGHTEEN YEAHB EXPEIILENCE In the baaineas. Have been a elitist in ainee of 4e, I do my own buying, selling and cutting, .vetdivide my,profits with no'man, Iva thatioaa or it Null do—and with low rent and other.. expenvea in prs portiOn, thus making the coat of carrying on the business very amall. In reading the above you will eo. why it o that I CAN SELL GOODS CHEAiEIt Than i&n following the business, and having no knowledge of it themselves, have to employ others at large ailaries to attend to it, and customers uras.t pay acomlingly--as they, like myself, DO BUSINESS TO LIVE BY IT If you doubt the &Wm statement, be couvlnt,l by paling on Ilerchant Tailor, Bridge St., Towan4a:l'a Atag.lo,'7o' GR , AND ., O?ENING Best Gunpowder.. Itnperlal Young Hyson Bast Oolong ... •• Eng. Breakfast -Japan Also a great variety of low-priced Teas, Gruceri,a. provisions, floor, feed, ke., ke., cheaper than the cheapest, at the Bridge street, Towanda, Pa VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR, v SALE.—As I comtemplate going to Kauai, I offer for sale the following property. situated iu Litchfield- Centre. Bradford county, Pa.: 31v Store and Dwelling combined, large and commodious, his been. built only three years. Lot, 1 acre: Beare sad Lot. Lot 2 acres., Also 10 acres of improved land with good barn on, 13.4 miles from LitchriOd Centre. The above property will be sold cheap, as both my attention and capital is needed in the West. where L hare purchased some valuable property In a thriving little county scat. For particulars, addrees or call on the subscriber at his store. ang3.'711.2m. 8. 3f. LAYTON. A M. WARNER, Respectltaly Informs the pnblio that lie keeps o.n scantly on hand all kinds of . AM:MICAS AND SWISS WATellkS Also floe aseortment of • GOLD, SILVER AND PLATED JEWELRY. Consisting of Chains, Ringo, Thimbles. Napkin 'Rings, and other artielee too nameiotts to mention. A great variety of the moat approved Clocks. The WATCH REPAIRING is done by himself, perwmal ly. and he flatters himself that with his, twenty fears experience in Towanda, he will be able to please all who may favor him with their patronage. Thanked for the past liberal patronage, he assures the ',abb.- that his charges -shell be reasonable, and no paw' awed, ' Remember thaplaae, 13.511'in-et, Petton'a Idlock, two doors smith of Powell & Co's Store. Towanda, Pa., July 12, 1870.-tr T H DRVFOR SALE:—.situ'ato in Itaine,Bradford conidy, Pa. The cheapest property in the world.,A large. Foundry Iti cunning order, with every lag need in the !mettles, (pat terns, Maas. AO A good }Vase and Earn, .11 acres of choice land, good trait, well, &e. All f or two thousand dollars. Inquire of BROSTN' ING, Itome„, Pa., -Cr Ikea:dull k Ridgeway:at the Bed, White ind Blue store. Bridge Street, Towanda, . July 29; iO4m • FARM FOR SALE.—A farm of 203; soma in 'North Towanda township, Ic.! about One mile North of Towanda borough. There on is a new house, new barn; and a good orchard. Will WI the Whole. or the buildings with five or fru acres, as the purchaser may deuce. For further particulars inquire on the premises. Sept. 0f1870.-3tw JAM} FOSTES. URNITURE.! ~'.. ANTIMAMMAID Br mincotrs cams.. Theanderidgfteil, hating leased the Coal Yard and Rock - at the,old "Barclay Ba si n," and just completed alarge Coal-honse,and Mee upon the premises. are now prepaid to furnish the citizens of Towanda and vicinity with the different kinds and sizes of the above named coals upon the most reasonable terms in any quantity desired.- Prices at the Yard until further / notice : . SLtove 15 00 . sE - 500 Small Egg ' 5 ie Lump . 5 60 -. Pkauoth Nut I 75 Pittston Nut . 4 50 "Ratio'r Lump' 4 00 . .4 Rnn of Mined" I'o " - Floe, or Elacktontlh 3 00 The following additional charges will be made for .Olteering Coal within the bOrough limits : Per T0n...50 cents. Extra for carrying in. 50 cents, Half T0n..35 .. 4 .. 4.• . . 25 25 ~ qr . T0n...25 .. OS • 44 SS 44 ~ sir Orders left at the Yard. corner of Rill read and Elizabeth Streets. or at H. C. Porter's Drug • es,Orders Most in AU cases be ikNximpanied TitA f,the cash. - WARD a WORTANYE. 1, Towanda, Jane I, IT/o=tf._ $1 ie. 1 60 22 CLOTHING =DE TO ORDER. PRACTICAL TA4,OR _best houses iu YORK : CITY HENRY HARRIS Of new crop Teas at the •RED. Ulu/I:AND BLUE STOIIE. LIST. I A 5 t I 35 fl 35 BLACK. RED, WRITE ANDLtik: STORE BRAMHALL. ?. RIDGEWAY IFATCII.II4IOER AIVII . JEWELER, 135 3111 n Street, 111114 2 , 30 4 i $1 la sl'a , i.l 21
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