fradford Seporiff. LOCAL AND GENERAD: sor If yon want a good Lumber or Platform Wagon go to the Agriciltural I= se- We are indebted to. : Col. rowan for an account of tho late tlistruettre tire in Chicago, Minute. se- Sot. Busiau. has . taken a ho tel at Wellsbore. His livery isSabkvi in this pia . ce sill bo conducted by S. Dird' am. re- Miss Lzount opened her rrewh and Drawing school on Wednesday. lwr Cara in another column. le- Rev. D. Ca.trr read a .very interesting paper before the Historical Society on ,:vening last. It be published In the eouri , e of a few weeks. Tlie basement story of the Episcopal church is rapidly approaching com pletion, and presents a very fine appearance• lir. 310110.kl'i, the contractor, deserves much credit for the very substantial and tasty man ner in which be, is doing the work. gel After the new steamer had thrown water through twelve hundred feet of hose, over Mrs. CASH'S raddeneo the other day, the hose was attached to FranicA Engine No. 1. and miler thrown to about the same as , %Ince. ag. Col. Pioumr is erecting a magnificent residence just in the rear of his present residence, in Wpm:. The walls are brick, and when completed '*ol it be one of the finest private dwellings in tldeaection. re- The Athens Gleaner says that 31r. TowNrs, employed at BRADLEY'S steam mill in Litchfield, one day last week had a leg broken and anclo dislocated by being caught in the machinery. Ditto, that a. cattle yard has been erected at the Athens depot for the accommodation of the many who dette M ship from that pant. We are informed that awing the instrnctors to be present at the County Touchers' Institute, which commences on Mon flay next, at Granville Center, Pa., are the fol. toning Professor's S. P. BARRE', of Buffalo, N.Y.; C. H. VEnnum, of Mansfield, Pa.; H. H. lirrros, of Troy, Pa.; Bev. .C.r'B. LANE, of Dinkhannock, Pa., and Bev. t ) : B. Towel; of camptown, Pa. te" F MITE'S ha, by tiro on tamed ab, wheat, o other fin valued altogether at about o was worth from $3OOO to r-iyou, only $lO5O insur ance on the property. The fire was undoubt edly the / work of an incendiary, as it was first discovered in the upper part of the building and" a man was seen running from the barn' / jest before the fire broke out.. . _ Stir The Presbytery of Lackawan na, which meets at_Nyaluiling on the evening of the 20th instant, will be opened by a sermon froni ftrv, Dr. Lose, of Scranton. Mr. Cows, the ablest member of the old Ptesbytery . of Susquehanna, is expected to deliver a history of that venerable bony on Thursday morning, tee lee followed by a communion service in the afternoon. The drat meeting of the new Pres bytery. which is to be heldton the spot where the tir,t Presbyterian church within its bounds .r. orgatti,:ed, is ionized forward to with a good deal ea interest, and a general attendance is • \ pe,tvtl. S tsf SILVEIt SHOW.— —This exhibition consisting of wonderful feats “finagic 31.4 his educated troupe of trained birds, ntice.'aml eats, will be given at 31wacon's 1611 t .r three nights, commencing 'Thursday,' •:..i.tewber 15th. Every person that attends will r...evive a present varying front twenty-five vent.; to twenty dollars. These presents can Le ,een at the Hall free during the days of ex hibition. The following is from the Aubur.. New,: (Wruing Hall is attracting . large - audiences nightly, and LOGIIENLL, tho wizard,: is becom ing a great fayorite with the amusement-lacing patrons of the community. His slight of hand tricks are most of them-entirely,-new and exe mod with a neatness and a total absence of bungling that is most pleasing to silk But his trained birds are the most remarkable portion f the entertainmrnt, and should be seen by aIL The intelligence shown by the little things' is astonishing, and it would seem as if they understood perfectly every word addressed to them by their master. l'here will be a Matinee Saturday, the 17th, id 2 p.m., when children will! be adinitted for 15 cents, each receiving a present. PERSONAL—W. B. SHAW and family or Washington are in town, stopping at the Want House. GEO.B. MARKLE, of Hazleton, is spending 3 few flays here gunning. VSSE WOODRUFF, who has been spending ,everal weeks in this place, left on Monday Taf.tning. Mr. Woontrs7 came to this place ,o 1612, and remained here until Pita, when he removed to Michigan, to reside with his san-in- IsAlc Rstarar, Esq. Mrs. lirstaxx ac companied Mr. W. during his recent visit here. E. J. CLAUSON,'Esq., until recently one of the htors of the Bradford county, Pa.,Reson yen, of,whieh oar friend ALVOBD now has com plete surveillance, Made us a call yesterday. Mr. i'LarsoN has just purchased the 'Fremont, Nehru:Jl, Tribune and visits his native county WV' his departure to the far West, He is deaersing young Republican. May success at tend him in his occidental home. The above from the Middletown Press is a dvaerved compliment to our late associate. We ' heartily join in wishing him abundant success in his new enterprise. WM. 11. Monoax has soli his Second-street property to (}co. W. SCFIVE:YLE, of Elmira. --We received a call the other day from oar ad. friend CRAM. D. Ross, formerly of Burling bit now a resident of Cooper's Plains N.Y. --T. C. DELANO is in New York. purchasing for fall and winter trado at' POWELL & CO s. • -Gen. Wst. H. Mita son•in-lax or the -late C. L. \Vann, and a prominent Democratic politician, (lied suddenly, at his residence in Harrisburg, on Monday evening last. —Hcsny 4E. and Dr. khrcarzt, of Phila. were in town on Tuesday, looking af t,r largo tracts of land which they own in this - 3Ivs7ANYE is .to give II breakfast party morning, ►. F. losr, of .the Tankhannock" Reptiti ~,, paid us a short visit last week. Tics S 1 EASIER.—The new • steam the eu , ,, , ine purchased by Lin-ta Rime Co, No. s 7 or this place, wired on Thursday morning Ism. It i. a third-class rotary engine, built by Th, s11,1‘1" nanufacturing Company, at Seneca Fall:, N.Y. It is a beautiful piece of machinery, 411/,1 fully 'abets the expectation of all in this r..gpect. After various escriments with abort lines of bone and different size nozzles, ranging from one to one and three•eighths'inches in dims: r, n line of bose twelve hundred feet in length was attached and stretched along Pop lar street to a point opposite Mn. Cstafe tesi aem.e— an elevation of 119 feet above the water and the following streams thrown: noz., steam 130 lbs. wits? pree, 152 ft. so . 10 ‘• 111 ' I '. " 93 190 135 Frail the inch nozzle a stream was thrown perpendicuLuiy 130 feet or' 249 feet above the Itcel of the river, where : the engine Was eta- tiuue.d. Steam Was raised frtim cold water in five winntes from the time the tire witalighted. With proper arrangements for ' , reaching the . tiv(T property un Third street can now be 111 easily protected in case of fire RS buildings on Main street, and we trust tliat the Conned `will see that streets leading to the river ire al/ opened. The Lin-la boys deserve credit for their enterprise and perseverance in seeur*g snell a valuable machine. Every proPer4 holder should contra/4o liberally toward M ing for it. COtiff 1 . 11002110110 t- BUMS= Thaz — The; ieldeiaber Jinn of thori worts of this comity =mud - ort Iftioaati `September 6, at 10 °block a.m. Ilatt:P.D: Kowtow. President, and Bons. Zimatualhas tux and J. W. Vim Dr is, AssoCiateNkm 011 The following named Grand loom oppeated and were sent out under the. charge of RI, Honor Judge Moscow: ' Pan= Borzois, Ihrenuus, Wm. Id.. Black A. X. Brigham, P. F.. Burrows, Wm. - G.. Brad . ford, B. Cooper, C. W. Churchill, C. S;-Dam °soul:Mott, hiFairebilds, Jai. 7o*, Z. Goodwin, J. B. X. Hinman, R. W.. Pally Wm. Zeck, C. O. McClelland, Hugh Robb, W. H. Rockwell, Stephen Shores, A.. H. Spalding; A. A:Whitney, The follenilng eases were seted upon bythe Grand /my : • TIME MISS. Conunpoiroldflt. Marko 3ompkins-1w- CM Same vs. samo—Orm4 Weepy. Com. vi. Soplds Bemmtt.:—tarcenY Com. vs. W. A. Hollr—:Larcerry. Com. vs. Lewis ~I.llllar—Aggravated assault and Battery. 07.1ctm. vs. Melvin S. Dibble—ism& and bat tery. Com. m. C. E. Prince, - 3.11:1 4 b0rp kn l M. S. Watoon—Commiracy. • ' Com. r& Edgar Jorma—Breaking Coln. vs. David Pendergast—Assault and battery Com. vs. Wm. 'Maier and } Nathan Stack— False pretonse. Coto. vs. M. Moulton—Ep►bezalement NOT A Tsui4a.t. Coin. it. Letitia "Idaller-.4aaault and battery. Prosecutor, PA Vandetmark, to pay costs. Com. vs. E. 4. Burlingame—Frand. Com. is. Sarah Cuter—Assault and battery. Prosecutor, Elizabeth Friable, to pay costa. Com. vs. Wm. 'Friable and Elizabeth Frisbie —Assault and battery. Prosecutes', Sarah Ca tin, to pay coats. Com. n. Smith Tuttle—Assault and battery. Prosecutor, S. L. Scott, to pay costs. Com. ye. 'Minerva Sage—Larceny. Coin. vs. James Lees—palse pretense. Pros ecutor, Chas. Day, to r paAmsts. • The Grand Jury 41 &charged on Thurs day. The following autos came before the court and Jury, and were disposed of dating the week : Com. vs. Geo. Coykendall—Fornication and bastardy. Jury return a verdict of not guilty, and county for costs.. \! Com. vs. Edgar Jones—Larceny in stealing $l5O from Hiram Baker. The defendant was con victed at last term and vildict set aside by the court. Since thst Jones bred . iilandescaped, but was recaptured by Sheriff Van Fleet. He was again Oat ripen trial on same charge and again convicted. Judge Morrow sentenced him to undergo an imprisonment. in thistern Penitentiary for the term et two years. Corn. vs. Wm. Knight—lndicted at last court S. 31. L&- lip was destroyed * 'The barn con- for stealing a horse from Li Putman, Jr., Of Troy. knight was not in the county at the, time of his indictment, and was followed to Nebraska, and brought back to this county by Mr. Putnam. We believe this is the fifth per son Mr. P. has prosecuted And had convicted for horse stealing. Sentenced by the court to undergo an imprisonment of two years in tlio Eastern Penitentiary. 3Com. vs. Chas. Tompsou —Larceny iu steal ing two geese. Jury eturn a verdict of guilty. Sentenced to pay a fulo of five dollar and un dergo an imprisonment in county jail for thirty days. a of, hay, I.4aides Sig tnnehine Ind Coin. vs. Chu Tompkins—Larceny in steal ing a quantity of mill irons. Verdict of guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of twenty-five dollars and undergo an imprisonment in the. county jail for sixty days. Corn. vs. Sophia Bennett—Larceny in steal ing dresses and skirt.., Plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay a flue of five dollars, and nit. dergo an imprisonment of -ten days. The sen tence in this case was made light in considera tion of the youth of defendant—being only 10 years of age. Coni. vs. Wm. A. Kelly—Entering the dwell' ing house of S. Hovey with intent to commit larceny. The defendant had but just escaped from the 'Penitentiary at the time of committ ing this offense. Sentenced to undergo an imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary for a term of three years. Con.. v.. Lewis Killer—Aggravated. assault and batter), committed upon the person of a son of Phillip Scobich, with an iron bar. Jay returned a verdict of guilty. Sentenced to pay 1,..t fine of twenty dollars and undergo an impris- Opment in the county jail of twenty days. Con. vs. N. S. Dibble-Assault end battery. The defendant appeared in open court and plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay costs of prosecution, and a fine of five dollars. OM. vs. David Pendergast—Assault and bat ter).- Plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of five dcilLars and coats of prosecution. GRAND CIRCUS AND CARAVAN.--J. M. ERCiCteli Circus and Egyptian Caravan, which is without doubt one of the finest exhibitions in the World, will visit Towanda giving two exhibi tions, onus the afternoon and ono in the even ing, on Saturday, Sepfember 24th. The exhibi tion contains it:number of remarkable animals, Lions, Camels, Elephants, etc., of which a fuller description is given in ‘ the advertisements. It is something well worthseeing, and we have no doubt the tent will be we filled both afternoon land evening. A hue stree display will take pluoc in the morning at ten o'clock. We copy the following from the Springfied ‘,„flepublican : AMVSEZIEMTS 17011 TEE PEOPLE. it is impossible to compute the expense, and time, and talent employed to gratify ruid.eet that taste of the human mind for enjoyment and amusement which is more or less expres4, ed in the civilized and savage races. The den izens of the Africanjungles as well as the most cultivated circles of Parisians have their sources of amusement—and the culture and civilization of the latter are as much determined by those they seek as in the barbarism of the former by their rude and to us, outrageous means of en joyment. In Pagan Rome the amphitheatre was overlooked by the highest in autlenity, the wealthiest, and by the Cleopatra!, of that impe rial city—to watch the agonizing struggles and. death throes of the poor captive who vainly contested for the boon of life with seine savage denizen of the jungle or the desert. But in this nineteenth century our enjoyments are not in witnessing human torture, but rather in the cultivation of the powers of physical - man; his accomplishments in feats of strength and agili ty; his skill in bringing the brute creation, whether represented by the horse the elephant or the fiercest of lions—the king of beasts—un der the control of the human mind. These thonghts run through our mind as we tSontem plate the wonderful and interesting exhibition given by Fnxxcn's Oriental Circus and Egyptian Caravan. To organize the vast and varied combination of amusements, it would seem as if nearly every quarter of the, globe bad been compelled to contribute its rarest representa tive. The Camels and their Arab attendants from the scorching sands of Sahara; the mons ter elephant from Asia, and the Lilliptit from Africa; the magnificent lions from the Cape of Good Hope; the Papois from Egypt and the , patriarchal Apes from Abysinia; are but some , of the features in this circus exhibition, and which are found in tie other in the Union. It is no wonder that crowds thronged the vast tont in the recant visit to this city of thistiaried entertainment, and we know that the audience were highly pleased and instructed by what they Jaw. We hope to welcome Pireiten's Or riental Caravan to our city again ere long. TOWANDA VALLEY. —Hr. Printer: For reasons innumerable my pen again sheds its black tears. My first " why" is everybody else writes to "Mr. Editor,? not even noticing you, thus wholly ignoring the golden rule, be sides causing you to attain news " secopd handeinwho wants a "second-hauled" bream?) which esmictimea leads to gross errors. .• DI second "Why" is the Daughters of Re bekah surprised the brothers who attended the regular meeting of Canton Lodge, 321, L0.0.T., on Saturday, the 94 instant, by inviting them to partake of a sumptuous repast prepared at /Carer's Hall. "We .Icarri by the papers there `ere "members of the Rebekah Lodge- of LO. G.T at Canton," but we wre not well acquainted with them. My third "why" is we bid a grand dedica tion of the Union Graded School House on the' 7th instant. £lO,OOO is a nice sum to expend fora place . to hold public schools in Canton boro', though none too greet. Chu- people are generous indeed. as this amount draws $12.50 Acir . thereabouts for each man, - woman, and child living in the. village. , "But to mew," J. P. WICILEURAX, state Superintendent, A.A. Smarr, :County Superintendent, Professor's IL H. Herron and S. P. Baum made very interesting speeches on the occasion. All ap peared to be well pleased iiith the "doings" of the day and show sby their appearance and expression that nothing will be left undone to make the school a success. All thanks to the eitizens of Canton fcir expending their money for the benefit of the COMDMIIii7 at urge. Honor to whom .hoaor is dae, gives honor to the gmjarity as it rules bi this coasts,►. M=l==l t'lly fourth "vbrmit itaf-tollowati at the liars grind so3(l63lzeto Beedslas" kon ta.our ootasolalty . to act as ataadavit beatara4artsOlia lairs AimlaW, Wbulid thayntWitat up - ipiasto;'ortliiie :1,4 4 / 1 41t ae tam they du - lased their bobcat:. _ .1:11koolloar,'• /fir Bev. dt ffrorsta, of this place, visited Matins, Wei a abini.time since, and penned the folkiring beautiful and tnith t9l .4*..t.44 1 ?!far "Picriam_ if4)lCheorb4L: The quiet of our amooththiring.tife the hills was broken this by she scrim of two friends from the southern part of our 'State, whose faces and voices -fie full of; gestieth of °thefts that are flu mote."' Tob lowing the leiaurely course of the tourist thee the mountains and coal ninth of the Lackawanna and Wycenifyg .thO3l l M their tent for a night bNid• the nista vie* of the Busqueltan synouynte as Taos. DUCIUSLIN BIM tab a trip to Watkins Glen, of Which doubtless aoite of your mailers hare heard rand so they took a hasty &Maple at the radiant hillesbeut Towanda, and we started for the Glen. Watkins Is (phi, picturesque town of about 3000 ithpibitants, the.conuty .eut of othayler comity. N.T.,.at the head of Seneca Law Ii between two ranges of Mk, which seem to be torn asunder by the Tilley -In which the town stands. The flew of the town from the ob. iservatory at the top of the thatettey hienchtntr ing. To the north lies Seneca Lake, of which I remember reading in the acheolreaderaYeara ago, , "On tliy bosom,dlver . "Theeild visa spreads his Snowy sail,' and which is 'truly an es body body of water, and well worthy of e ogize , d in song. It is forty miles long, an from two to five miles wide. The water is remarkably line. *and atathellotudy deep; in many - places no bottom has ever been found. It occupies a hada between hills of vatted height!, same -I thickly wooded, and others open and cultivated. The water of the lake sesreely-eVer freezes, I even in the coldeit weather, sr that the steam era ply their trade throughout the entire year. From the observatory lon can follow the lake for at least twenty-ftveiniles—a radiant thing of besnty as it spreads at your left . hand. -But the wild swan (slack for the poetry!) nolonger I spreads his snowy sail, neither 'does the boat man his him home in the evening with daubing . oar. The head of tholthe st Watkins is busy 1 with thetrade of thb Mossburg Coal Co. of which the late Joule _limns was the originator and grand inspiring spirit ; and when the coal came the poetry_went on e.` Still, as we sat on the height, and Ifterlooked town and lake, we felt thst we could say with Pencress: "On thy fair bosom, silver lake, 0! I weld ever sweep the oar. When esely.blids at morning wake, And evening tells us toil is o'er." ' The Glen lies at the southern end - of the town. Not until 1863 was its existence known to the world outside of Watkins, and scarcely there. Its mouth is shale from the street, but owing to the perils and difficulties of , ex ploring ft, but little was known of the marvels and belittle! it concealed in its gorges and groves. In 1863 stair cases and bridges ';were built by the people of the town through about one-third of its extent, and thus it entered up on its career as one of the natural wonders of our wonderful coun. It was early in the morning that we stoW -before the . gate of its mystery. Grim, lofty walls of grey stone widen out for a hundred feet or more; as tho' God's hand hid pressed them back for a grand gateway.. Between runs the stream, now shal low, but high and fierce in spring time, which has just made the - run of the cascades and whirlpools of the glen, and goes singing on as though it felt no'thtigne; , towards the neigh boring lake. In this gateway wo found—not "a solitary horseman " exactly, but a solitary family, tenting HU of old their ances tors, the Senecas, tepted all over that fine val- Icy; but, like the Ilske, divested of. all the Fon:loyal poesy—hunters no longer, but makers -of little trinkets to sell as mementos to the more °Filed white-faced tourist. Passing on a few yards we - stand before the entrance to the Glen. The rocks almost meet in front as though doing all in their power to repel the curious eyes and feet of the explorers; but we see a narrow rift from whith the water Issues, and through it comes the sound of the daahine, waterfall beyond. BesidOthis fiesure climbs a narrow wden stair case; which we ascend, and suddenly stand before the "Entrance Cas cade." This is a narrow • stream which leaps from a jutting rock above us, ' and fang sixty feet into the deep, feaminglwhielpool and rooky basin. Then we ascend another stairway on the south side of the stream, , and are fairly in "Glen Alpha." yThe ascent is now begun, which continues for two miles until we reach an elevation eight hundred feet above the starting point. Slowly we move along a path cat in the solid rock, gazing at a sato distance into the depths of the clear noisy water. In a few moments the second cascade rises to view, called "Minnehaha "—less grand than the first but more gentle and exceedingly graceful. We climb another flight of steps and enter the " Labyrint h." A little farther on the "Loug Staircase"confronts nal We have now reached ono of the finest portions of the Glen. It is the "Grotto," and grand and impressive it is. The triple wail of the rock is scooped out in semi circular shape, and over its top comes leaping the angry stream. One strong leap and it falls some forty feet into a most beautifully polished basin—the sides of which, up to the height of at least twenty feet, being smoothed and p o i. ished beyond any competition of man's most cunning art. We cry out with admiration, and talk long of the grandeur of the waterfall anal the beautiful surface of the polished rocks. Hero we find that man, with his longing for glory sail money , has made his mark. name one kindly advises us take "Howe's . Stomach Bitters," which makes us so far forget our christian charity as to long to see the fellow docked under the cascade. High over our heads on the northern face of the rock sundry names are painted. It must have cost the aspiring individnals groat effort and involved ecinsidemble peril. Perhaps they had followed , the advice before given, and taken Howe's Bit ters, which, no doubt, contain. a good sample qC very poor whisky. At any rate, the "Spirit cif the Waterfall" is insulted, and spits some- ' Sally on such cheap fame. Sic eat glotia myna Up the stairs we ascend fifty feet and stand at the head of " Glen Alpha." Before us opens the second Glen, "Glen Obscure." We mount another stairway and rest a while on the ver andah of the " Mountain' Routh" This Is a plain frame house, built beside the gorge and overlooking it to the south, and .marldng towards the north the termination of the car riage road that runs up the hill from the town below. Here refreshments are to be had.(not as 'the old country Ogee say. " forman and beast;" howbeit, some sarcastic temper ance man might affirm, from the straws lying upon the tables, that the latter sort of animal did find accommodation too), and tiekehi for the glen beyond. • " Glen Ohecura " is far more quiet and sylvan in its character than the Glen we have just left. Deep down in the shady gorges we Watch the - water moving slowly and peacefully along, as if "to rest for the wild trapez performances await legit below. We pass the "Sylvan Rapids" and\ the " Whirlpool Gorge," and outer the third Glen— " Glee Cathedral" This differs greatly in charimetee !gem the Preceding 'Glens, and yet is no less striking and grand. It fa ms an immense eblong ampi theatre about o e-fourth of a mile in length. It is the widest ••n of the Glen, and rises to a height of con- • rably over a htuidred feet. Th. gray rocky sides . the,walls are adorned with clinging mouses an , wreathing vines, and for a roof the skestretche overhead, frescoed with patches azure and mess : -of milky elcmds. The door is of bard, smooth rock, over the Centre of which the stream me • on with a tlow and tender rhythm. 'At the upper end he " Centrid Cascade " comes lea down, filling the Glen with its loud music, of seg. venlig the figure of a choir for this Cat worship of- nature. In two , different par of . this Geln we find artiste sketching views ; enjoying the doable bliss of having Maggie, or some other " blessed oismozel* at his side. It is hard to find a place where love cannot come. "Oh! there's nothing half so sweet in 'life as love's young dream, I found myself humming, as we saw two =suspicious indtvid nals sauntering slowly along the yerybighpath in front of DR Whether be thought she was in danger of falling into the gorge I do not know (although she had the inner ado of the path), but beyond all doubt he was protecting her from some threatening . peril. Perhaps Jost Bnereo's bear was in sight. The Guide Book tells us that the bears used to frequent the Glen and the hills around it, and it may be he thought he 'saw one. If so, then he - was only following the humorous philosopher's ad- I vim, and encircling her with half rm to save her from the bear. We met the returning - after awhile demurely and I I top pose the hear had lied before the stern faces and stalwart forms of our party, verymuch as the reed infant of France retireol recently with his bullet from Metz. __ Space falls sue to tell di the wonders' of the Glen. But I must speak before closing of the remarkable basins met with all along its course. These are worked out of the rock ht the most varied and perfect way. Some of them are of great size; others comparatively small, but all polished as no sculptor on thrth could finish them. The water in them is some times very deep, but like the body of heaven in its clearness. It is probable these that basins were formed by the grinding of the boulders, sand and pebbles brought down by the spring ftediets. Our party made the entire circuit of that:Ben, and retored- et noon, wearied, it is erne, and somewhat distressed in garb, but still delighted, refreshed sad invigorated by the beauty . 'and fresh atmosphere of the lovely Glen. Some &yawn° of us hope to go again. The Pros pect of a ride on Seneca Late is bard to resist. Near by Watkins is Havana Glen, which is said 'by some tourists to - be still more beautiful. This is a region of simmer beauties and de 116th I hope this letter will have the'elfect of bfinging httherSono *miller faces, and often,eyes hearth from south . Jersey. ,, not this summer, why thee time next. . • HERDIC Pin, WELUAMSiORTi PA.--- The Hone Fair at the Herdic ParkAimociation, on the nth, I.sth, 15th and 15th of September, 'promises to be a greet attraction.. The best horses in the United States and the Cansilas have entered, among them a large number of the best running horses. The premituns to be contested ion amount: IWO& Round= tickets will beisaned by the difft:rent nitres to Williamsport and yeti* . , Sir (foo d Bid Gloies for 75 cents a pair at Tay* & garr:' 4 LOOIE at Tsylor It Coss 45 FluiluaPhrii---.;sr.- 1 - ittir : il, aosti'nothiNt, to by thi immd OfflOgliachinii 1004 it chine. serve ao riot advdttidd do vend apes the omits of the Weed *alibi Machine to med. mom Mir The Weed Sewing Ma6ines ire Pert gaidfte We will warrant every Weed: alsehine we sett sir One of ,the best Oonniereial Colleges in the (smithy is 16eated at Kingston, Pan Prof. L. L. SPRAGIT , ?r!lteiPai• iilS - Deinoinabl in want of, pure unadulterated Deitocraer should take the Bar- Aden Patriot.' l. ler 3il'B. J. D. Him would invite the attention of the public to the veiling of her ask& et New Mho* • tleods,rest image street, September 22J 187 Q. Fon SALL—Two . lecond-luoid Sow; lug Ilsoldnes. ono Ladd A Webster silver somata, retail pike $100; Ite will Ball for tik One two-thread machine in good order, we will .serfor S9O Call at Cross' Book Store l and me amine them. J. B. ' A, C. EL Firm, Agents. • LosT.--A Black Cloth - Cloak, gap posed Jo have dropped from =rine some "hem betirecaLeßsysville suilEsst Smithfield ,ti Towanda, on Friday bit. Any one finding the same will oblige by forwarding it to Rev. Cyrus Offer, Rut fimitbilp ) !l, Bradford GO.. re; _ Los T.-1 will pay a liberal ipwatsi for the return of my CA ABY BIRD, width es caped from its page s fesi days duce. The bird b yellow and green withtrown stripes:: Mrs. J.W. CiooDanc„ U Chestimi Street. • Mies . gracisuir has just ie turned from the city with a large and magnifi cent assortment" of fall and - winter Irdilinery and fancy goods, selected by herself; froni the best New Yo houses. Her fall opening comes off to-day (Thursday). Tho ladies ivill hu prore We opportunity. • • . _ Bar The 'North Branch 'Associa tion of Mummalists will hold its annual meet ing at, fasesheguin, Bradford county, Pa., on Wednesday and Thursday, 28th and 29th of September, 1870. A general imitation is ex tended. G. H. nATJAPIN • Standing Clerk. lam' Notwithstanding all the can didates for popular .favoe the Singer Improved Sewing Machine keeps the load all the world over. • Just 'look at these figures and then judge why: Singer Mik. Co. sold last year, Errover & Baker " Bowe Machine " " Wood Machine " " This is just because the Improved Binger Family Bowing Machine cannot be beat; Wtasums & Buoy Gent Agents. MARRIED. ROCKWELL—GUSTIN.--At the residence "cd the bride's father, Sept. 7, 1870, by Ttev. L. M. Rundell, Martin Rockwell, of Franklin, to Miss Mary Guilin, of Burlington. BILLER—SAWYER. At Thiimpson's; Hotel, Caniptown,Hept. 6, 1870, by Rey. C. Cook, Clark L. Dia ller to. Miss Susan L Sawyer. ' BILEY—FUREY.--At Canton, Pa., Si4 x L_,7 10, at the house of the bride's uncle, . Mark Thompson, by Rev. S. P. Gates, 'Charles S. Riley, of Holland, N.Y., to MissEllaP. Furey, of Canton. FELLOWS—FaVACOOL—At the M.E. par sonage, East Ca'Mon, 8opt: 7, 1870, by lkw. J. J. Torton, M. 1.. Fellows, of Leßoy, Pa. to Miss Mary &trowel, of the some place. - SAVACOOL—BATEM—AIso at the same time and place, by the same, J. C. &moot to Miss Amy Ihttim - BBOIVNERG—COGSWELI4.-Tnesday even ing, Sept. 8.1870 , at the house of the bride's father, by Rev. G. H. Chamberlain, Clarence H. Browning and Mimi Adelia Cogswell, all of Spring Hal. LEWIS—McRAY.—At the house of the bride groom's father, Plater Sept. 8, 1870, by G. W: Nichols, Esq., Riegard Lounis, of Ulster, and Wes Nancy kicßay, of Granville. HOLDEN—ILARTSON. Ang. 7, 1870, At the residence of Mr. D. Shapley, by .Rev. G. A. Lent, Luther F. Holden and Miss &with M. Hartaon, all of Harfdrd, N.Y. - • FREEMAN—TICKNER.—AIsd by the same, Sept. 11, 1870, at the Harford Hotel, A. J. Freeman, of Lapeer, and Miss Mary - A. Tick. ner,_of Harford. • LONG—STEXENS.—At the residence of Abe bride's father; in Standmg Stone, on the 13th ' instant, hy Bev. 8. F. Colt, D.D.. M. J. Long, ' of Towanda, and Miss Mary E. Stevens. RYON-INESTBROOR.—At Taylor's Hotel, in Rome, on Saturday, Sept. 10, 1870 by Rev. ' Wm. Shoip, M. O. Ryan 'ha Miss Cyntha Westbrook, both of Standing Stone. • MML NOTIPEI sar E mil y Fr ARRN, March/M[o Di or, Bridge street. - *L. Tenon & GORE, 'Merchant Tai ore. L For sale cheap, a good Parlor Set and s Melodeon. Enquire of C. MtsnzU, at PowEt.t. Sr, Co's.. *X. W. Drrrutat's- ittulio - Store, east of Mercer's Bards, first door, where you will find Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Strings, Accordeons ,Clarion etk Flutes , Sheet Music, Instruction hooks for all Instruments, Music Books and all kinds of Musing Merchandise .. April 14, '7O. SET OF THREBETRO nicurais Von Sim Car.a.p.—Two Horse Rower on Wheels, with Thresher and Cleaner,, &c., all complete and ready for use.. Wilt be exchanged for a ;lung team horse, or for good time notes. Nucor= or Argus for the past two seer ' Towanda, Sept. 6,10. R. M. WErsausi,- est possible pikes, is • - - - advantages. It makes a ready - market foAl superior wheat of our vicinity; supp li ew Burners with a cheap and vrhillesome article fresh groandflour,amissanaturalresultmakea .active 'for the Mills. War. ire:Sinop), drouth, arid abort crops, are hannig. the stied to raise prices ; but this MI at all theca sell at minimum prices. July 28, l 7 ' " - ii - 0cx;44 . • Na / MEW* X - . Lons AT sl,so—Lass 811106.16,-UTIVi Vantnans.4-4lise Bearer informs her patrons that she bat just received from Europe a supply of - Jactvires (}love "which she can offer st - U,50 at rata Also Shawls and Barbee in Lama and Chomy lace. Miss Bassin calla especial attention to her fashion plates and patterns. - She'regulszt ceives the Berlin "Bazar" (the of per's) as weX as the. Pads -"Jiangsu* des ' A. fine stock of the latest - Bats Mid "floiiitetil always On hand. --; Nay 1810-41. - -1/1041eoond-hand Sewing Machimi for male at a bargaMby Wickham k Back Also, Witching! , lieedies,April . - Thsta, Silks, . • ga, 1870=t1f. Sir The undersigned 'ivcitdd re spectfully annoimce to the residents of Brid ford and adjacent counties (particularly the La dies), that he has leased the Florist establish ment of bis late' employer, Rimy, 3114 Xaq„ - where he will still continue the cultivation of the beauties of the Floral 'world; and by strict attention to business be hopes ,to merit the liberal patronage bedovierVapott his late employer.. - Atka C. home. Towanda, Bradford Ca Ps. ler. We guarantee satisfaction in an the work we , do. We cut, make, et4.l l #l clothing for men and hors wear. H. RUMS & Co IF:Bridge Street. Telcuids, IPLIM RiD11111130411.1 1 . W hIMI MagebredA4 - way at aidt-41 1 41 Aparldie uasiguld limm•TONl 1111 : 1 1 40 1 4 . 1 liti Si" aid** 'pe r a • • , sac hiA l i t ai rr l u i cs; ,g_grairr, Judo sal tweed= of., toy 4144 'Md. • • stook *lei been pur4 teed = • far fla and W"rto dampen'WM": • •Ma hel•wror iiir r uihu.. V• ista In e the emery.- , - paid perttoolar attention to the seise• morsel themsvez. On or °soma thooLo----7-- - aima .114- assoctowait, of, sraT ti a niv osm = I M aIi FORTY COM- Co,o pawl to uoterilgol:ooAthqGPl • korairs , ( 1115 !MI. - " - UNIMM 7 • 1826. 'MOITIlilil4l3 18TO. " &mutantly on band and arriving, scosanablo iloods et array ietJ ,• - and *alp' minufaetuns6 the cub system and sold at s cone low c tr int • gi Ckdng out of the Hardware • are a lot ;Ismaili in that Una at .attla: ff.** - AiLteat bargains' fon builders ME ay/ = Ifsainuarr. Tows:rare EfitAD. riendairh—Yeeara. Taylor &Vote have opals eAkinniagoonnectiondith thdr Clothing Store, a Doparthwerd; and hob* secured the pardons of a 1 ' first-clue cutter " andeompetent Worloninvtimmare nonpriperad SO Mahe up -pork in the best stAis mildest hoidens to or der. ifan i k e rat .reoeived- Paw and fresh idoeh of they are'prepared to 'ribs lel. ter indocemen than ever before offered in To wanda. The piddle will Audit to their *than =utte us s call before bearing eirthere. wevanint oar utak and guatarthe good fit& nepthing done on short notice. Barth 14,1870, , ; • ; Me. The Bradford Co. Teacher's In kind. will hollithree isisions)if a week eseh.the =root year as ildkows : -Beginning at Centre Sept. I.9th_ ;at Towanda e 26th, avast Lellaysville Oct on Nory at r. at each pine ani closing on the following 'Friday. It is hoped that towbars will snake eve ry endeavor to be present at coo of the wissions, as those who show aproper zeal in trying to elevate the Pro fession by attending to all ...method rtn nities for seLfinsprovementithould be ed to throe who do not. The butrnetors engaged and other details will be announced to due tine. I " -11. A. Ram, • Co. THE LECTURE COMNITTEE I. 0. •OF Q. T. in this place, would announce that they have mpg , ed the fanning named lecturers: 88,81 85,188 45„1130 .! NOR REV. MATTHEW HALE SMITH itibJect—.. Ca dons Ondoiste, Old 'nuns, • The dates upon which the lectures well - be deliv ered. have not yet been lied, but will be annetinoul when they are. Admission 50 cents. Iteserred tests 73 cents. Oases Tickets,. entitling holder to reserved emit. 5350. • ' Zoos F. flasnmsson, • Cassi,mi /d. HALL,FBOar. WILLIAX Force. Ind 3. W. VsaTurt., Courwittee. Sept. 15. 1870. TAYLOR & CO BLACK ALPACA, THEY ARE THE HEANDAHD ALPACA OF THE United States, of nallmm make, and mistievamed in color, quality or Peet • -The Gas will October lg their Once, I be ha- I Coin a policy dde of the o low- SMIEMM Now la4twtisei:=AlL. Or THE LODGE OF T ANNA R DICKINSON_ 8004 —..To The Roam" WENDELLTHILLIFIL Subject— ,, Th. Lost Arts." JOHN .G. SAXE. Subject—" Love." iv. WIRT SIKES tiabioct—.. After Dart In Xew York." OLIVE LOGAN. Subject. L ... Ids." CI., " BURLEIGH," and Onr Thurs." INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR NEW ' 50 PIECES JUST, RECEIVED Towanda. Aug. 1510.' Pima IN GREAT Y& 1 FTY, THE 4. finest in the mazitet at FOX kidERCIDIrB., SALT BY THE LOAD OR Etlngla 13arral at FOX dc YCIACIIBI3. rPHE BEST - KEROSENE' OIL I A. town by the qusntity or retail j a c t iames - . • ws CASH pAni FOR WHEAT. RYE, OMB, BMW, Egp, and all kind* of country produceby YOE k IIXILCIAL kg.R.SA:LE:.4-HOUSE . AND LOT attune on Voarth street, beat James PM:E. Home 24332 het, with well and detain, rod n and fruit "toortstne of o.D.Wanutax, at the of Wickham k Bract's. Sept. 15, 181st A1:LOB . . selling the - low Priced • KiD. -- OtONToS • in tpei- fOr ' •-• • 75. CENTS A • Also, • oseqplete aesottorent of the celebrated • S. S. .lE. - G. Farago at - . : vaLoi AM= PROPERTY FOR SALE The eabeeriber oars f ale Ide Naha tea 1 , 01 0 7 9430, known se the "Learrivise Rome' =V S A ll . r t P.r.lka%!g !Of 11 11,° 4 - 4 . Wiline.A ug. $7 '7O . 101.111121/UMF: vz . AV Oki' 00: 4 CUODDni.OIWKOnaI it 00 ',Si :aillibeatienti mettam i to V iii K Makirdcamith 0ZW11164 13 t , L 4 ,0 • imw*ni; CMM.Iti.GE (3109Dp, NEE A4inC r it4 ; Width la variety and cheapness 4atie!a:u3lled Nolte= Peosewivents. We gust!, sifter! prieeecmkr to shallow goats see add et fps wellettUe lisbk 0 11 Ws 1 . 4 . it the ierflowrM W=M 1 per cent. • man* *tied to soxiautii of ores al ay standing. . per _ 140,,..;.. keg , 511 and t 4 0 a°"°'' , Per bin, kle 14) ' ' 5 Glass, ' 2 i 35 Per bus. 10x12 es: per box , ' a 10 Gle 10714' 3 35 linseed 6ii ' • P er galkm SASH BLINDS AND DOORS, At Faticty rates. 3 . FRESH CEMENT AND LIME Abing t on hand. STOVES 'OF ALL. KINDS. . .. . 2 11: - K V l o ll goViWr i llt ~.,..0. m, , A a a r di' wig p§Fs... , Pg .. .--. .. m 4 - 7 o w 1 8 4 f P 131 o Delivered free oa can at tote rates for cash. Rom lined and Genf Fruit Jars, Qts. at $2 per dozen, $23 per gross. 2 Qts. $2 50 per dozen, $29 per gross. CIDER MILLS $25 to $45. 121 )ti ' CD 0 P el' 0 0 td S' - 0 t• ir • 3 1 4 —; -5D =EMUS, AND BLOOD'S HORSE POWERS AND THRESHERS. . And taming tools in general. a GoOa Steel Knives and Forks at Ono . Dollar per set. Universal Wringers, Bench Wringers; Novelty Wringers, Doty's Wash : era, Brass Kettles, Porcelain Kettles, Tinware, Wooden Ware, We un l ike most Pocket sUlan,, Eason, Shears,- snit Silver-plated ware because we keep the knelt enactment of any here. Kerosene Oil by the barrel at 28 els. tint's pond©r by the keg $3 50 Rille , 650 ELIAS HOWE SEWING Not exmlled, It equalled by any They always, 4luae• ' t MECHANIC'S TooLs - ►Saws, • Boring Machines, Names, Anvils, Vises, _ "7 Bellows, (Nap We Invite the attenUen of builders to oar superior stock of . , DOOR LACKS AND TRIMMINOg, As well se to oar Jewet4„Pore, Excelsior, sad other reliable breads of . _ TAXLOU k CO • _ Wagon Meters. and Oirdew Builders 'wield do well to elan es. We here PlaideVtft flub, Jersey Spokes; Mae Axles, MOM llpringe, kc. • Oak spo kes , 2i in. per set $4 00 t' 21 in. " 350 at di 2 in. 300 MILL SAWS, I'ACKING, LELTHER AND BUDDER. DELTDIO, 1 SECT GUNS, VOLES, St. Germain Student Lrunps, C,hbreh. Chandeliers, Gait Attires,: . Gas 'Pipe, l'anips, Iron Sinks, Birdens Horse . National Horse Nails by the box, • at cta. perpaund. Houses fitted with Gas Pipe, Ex.! three, Heaters, ite., tke:, Skint' '‘ comuma.zunalaaa,CO3 Ber4.-i5.187% EiESE STOUP IRON; per gullori Ageney for pAxv:sszp# lii gresturktt• Iy Is) ' We Laic OILS, PLATFORM., rims: of kinds alwiwicas huml. El:3/ 11311 W & ; 0.0:- St 6 10081 ~;~'~;~` LARGE.ADDiTIONB SEASONABLE GOO D& rAgneu.wat ATTENTION • is allied to, - THU' It STOCK Rzieroxr, krroni Tovasda r Ang. 23, IBM TO OUR MANY FRIENDS. We tau pleasure irk asukouueiner, the arrival of our very 1 EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES COMPRISING COMPRISING COMPRISING COMPRISING • • , NEWEST • 1 mid . . - BEST, NEWEST . . and BOW NEWEST '- - and .- . BEST NEWEST , and ', BEST • GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS The mute. allordr, selected with care br e enced men in the trade; • We love all the beet and most popular manateo. tarragon& Baited to the mat s - LADIES, Kit3.SES dr, CHILDREN, With s tin t'•ae of Use ceattraited . JAMIM. BURT'S GOOISS DIE N. AND B o.l' 1 Otir cren Itutubaton is in i SO Wit add re are pieparedio make to ardor any kind of work. +rm. log the public duals, shall_ take mord pains; a= eserlo c kaesse thaw and invite as szendosikei of • ;Mr • \Such loom - . MIX RIM HIMIIIIAL FR - CUT 1 • „ r BLACIL'S,. sear. 'Ng/a ~ Jam-141870. . . , . . .. ,VBSOLUTIO/C—NotiO as t it he khan that Ore emartiterehly t betimes Z. T. fox, George Menke, sad. may Nam. kirks thettria name et Po; tharrika Kew am k Ca, is this day by mated ookeeet.. Ito books and pigpen of said "ente.telit be Diktat the Mhos of fox k Nunn sad allb .. boa -ed. are reireedett to called yeti* Zither party la aatheeteseto Aga in the l, —.. l -:- . the: • . 11. T.'lPol.' Imo. wrimok • RUIZ letitilllt. ' 98.1870. VOTICIR Of PAW/Mattal2P.-126 • awe this day Wood_ s peasoft, was Oa .L muse" et PDX es IM. and easasse the assort SW Posh** beelsees st the old SOW ems et lags sed tiss skeet& Ws sal beyesieretth toe stadtet Xessbeadtes to sera ear mesas sea pftuiejs kw asse t 7.74 - MOM isto tAittS daasiot — 420) . zsokb . CUM . onmelabi ,ta rat ilimme traiimpos MOM via Willwilsati. mat Okla& of Ombra I - WattoWl o . W. A. axinn;WL EIIII=III=Z===TMS ELF.MON PkiiCL GENILAJAT/3% —lnge i regu*tt gairanahr of the Colamonwaintof attUkol oat set relating to theaattono it isseloined siggame tojjapc=Zilga election to be held. and also the einunsretion In such notice Oat takers me to be elected. I. J. r. TAIITIXET. HlOitheriff of the county of Bradford. do hereby magi Oars and (Nye logos to the electors I of eat county. on TUESDAY, the 11th day oPOCTO- VEX IMO. in the mama &staid" In , said county: Alba borough at the house formerly °marled by D. P. Nnaim. • -111 Many. at the school house near Wm. - ahrs'. ." In =ace , a the school base - near &Data% ' -• la • borough. et anheusa tonally oommig. .as A th e ns Ilistbe hip wean: - • • - • _ .. at the home formerly oompled by X. , It. Mug. in Athens bow. In Barltegton boa,. at the OM" formerly occu r bid ft` L. T. nom. •• • - • - - 321 Buitogiou Mr.. at the home of Jas. Wlkas. , In Balinglen west, Mae Mom M Ors oodvd. In Bagley at the school house.. • In tlantocrbenY,st the (antra Hoar . In Canton tsp., lathe home formerly occupied by 8. &Were, In Canton bcrougb. - leash:sable, at Bestowal of Jae. Morgan. In IMMO at the- Mass no occupied by 8. 8. Darning. _ • • In Granville, at tholouse of Benj. F. Taylor. - Ia Remick; at the acting bona near Daniel Du. rind's, , . '' '' , ME inLeltayrville the Immo formerly ecru led by J. R. Fleteler; 'ln LW:OW, at the house foimerly - ocCepit4 by Foes Illoodgood. ' : • - - • Leßof. at the Centre o.bool herds. ' In - Monroe top., at the hoagie formerly eocupled by tat. Reekwell. In Monroe boro', at the home formerly pecupled a.ltthelTayler. In Orirell.'st thole:rase irands.Woodruff. In Overton. 4 school hem N 0.2. lh Ake, at &bohemia ef filinframmorth. In EOM ittis Medlar fa Rome taro. In Rome barn', at thsicademy. , Dißittgbury, at the tome 4 Benj. Herman*. In Sheshequln, at the Valley Rouse. • Ia Rerlegfield. at the home formerly occupiedly Jesse littiontond. - • In Standing _Stone, at the house of 10111011 Stereos: In Rmith, at the • hmaseformerly occupied by L Jerould. , - In Sylvania bore', at the botise of Curtis Merritt. - In South Creek, at the house of J. P. OUlett. , In Terry, at the house of Jacob Fruteby. In' Towanda bone, at the Greed Jury Room. In Towanda tip., et the .pchool hones near R. L. Scott's. . _ , In bora'. at the Baum at V. S. In Tm • oirMs. at the achool house ts&rJas..l3lack's. In Ulster, at the house of 8. B. Pteliolm, -. In Warren, at the house of It-Cooper. In Win4thaui; at the house ef. B. Ruykendall. ' In Wyaluainit, at the houttee ( f I, It. Black. In Wilmot, at the tiouseaf.g. J. - Stone. ." • In Wyse:, at tbeileoulesP.msterfy octropied ny J. M. lice& , In Wens, at the hottet:of L. Seeley. ' At which timesardPince the electors aforesaid will clod by ballot- - One -Poison feWaresonititive in the Xl.Und Con .gress. mom the It District. eempesed of the counties of Brear.ord, Montonr, , Wymning, Columbia and Sußlman. Aneßeemet.for Addit i onal Law Judge of 3 uoiciwzPOStrict, composed of - the counties of Brad. ford antraosonebaness. Twofer sons to represent the counties of Bradford and *iltalrAllti in the Reuse of' Representatives of Testhalt.rania, . ' Ctee 'persora dford n for County Comuthusioner for the coon. .ti. . 01 0 . r .e person for Jury Commisslower for the Count/. rd.. . . I=l CM BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOPS TUE FOE El _ . ..... _ In Towanda north. at the house of IL A. MN.. In Troy twp.,ut the . house of V. AL Lem In Trot ' One person fcii Auditor of the county of Bradford. And in and by endue, I am further directed to_ give settee .sthatany wren excepting j ustice of the peace who shall h o ld any office of • belt and trust under the government'of the Uni States, or this State, or of any incorporated district, and also that, every 'Member of Congress and of the ;Legisla ture, and the select and common council otany city or commissioners of any incorporated tinted, is-by 'law incapable of balding or cures/mg at the name ' time the-effini ter appointment of• Judge, Inspector 1 or Clerk of en tleoelon of this Commonwealth; and '' that no inePector or othiir officer of any such elec tion shall ho then eligible to any office then to be: voted for, . By the Ith - riection of an act passed the let 'del of April. 180, it is provided •that the lath section of an a.t ranted July' 2, 1e63, entitled -Au act relating to the elections of this potruximurealth."' ihall not be construed so as' to prevent any Military. Meer from eezvieg as Judge. Inspect= or Clerk. • at any general or epeeist election of tbiniVerunonwealth. • Avi Act to t he time of elating the pone at the elenenal mid Toirriehlp nicegione in the county of 1- Bradford. The General Election Is all the Mole, Townehipe, ,JBettlets and Boroughs eft the county is to heopeneet Obetween the bouts of six and seven o'djtck in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption •or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when all polls shall be closed. A. -further SedOiement to the Election Uwe of Penneylvanin : • ; Wozazio. Py the act of the Congress of the Unit 'ed States eaftled " An Act to emend the o f acts heretofore peened to proside for the enrol:Hedged ceiling oar- the National forces. and for other expos es" east approved March ‘eird, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, a 1 pe rsons who have desert- ed the military or naval -ice-of etreUnient States, are whotieve not been:discharged, or relieved Beni tire peeilty, or disability therein provided, are deem et, andtsken, to have voluntelly relinqeuebed, and forfeited their rights of et/unship, and are deprived , of eurcieing any rights of citizens thereat 1 Adlll whereas, Penmen not citizens:ol'llu United Andes are not. under the Coneitinfou and Lass of - rceuerylvania, qualified electors of this Colin:eon, wealth : Bummer 1. Be it.enneteu. by Ilk Stitale and House of Repreoentatirez raj On Cailuteiwealth of Penney!. venire in General .inevety ant, end it is hereby .eaaci cd try Its nathortly of the sow, That in all elections heresfter to be held In this Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for the ledge or inspector of the dect lion to receive 'aey6eallot or ballots from any person or persons enibraftel in the provisions, and subject. to the &AWAYineilleil by exit act of Congress ap proved March 3: lige. and it shall, be unlawful for any inch perms tte offer to vote any ballot or ballots. ftnrrlos I- 'Motif say such judge and impeder' . _Ate/eat 011 er wiy one of Wins shM receive, or eon. • _ .. .eAret o rem-W., any rich unlawful ballot ar ballots, rrumAllY el , _ '.:b disqualified person. he, or they. ao of fending. e",au be guilty of a meedemeimor, and upon detricll'in thereof In any court of qnarter sessions of 'this Cfrimmonwealth, he shall, for any ;Such offence, be i r antenced to pay aifine of not tear than 1100, and ur.dergo an imprisonment. in'thelail of the proper '.voialy, forme less than 60 'dere . egecnox 3. That if any person de=ter n eltizore: allect and 415W rre rer ir r r if tlit Commonwealth, y , 1 vote or tender to-the-officers 'thereof, ' and offer Ur vote a ballot, or ballots, any person . so dreading shall be, deemed guilty Of a i.mainar, and on convidlim thereof. in any-court of quart. sessions this •Commonwealfh. s h all, for each, °donee, be I =tidied In like manner as is previdedin the-preced- section of MU act , in the case of officers of ilea ! receviewitech- einlaitful ballot add bellOte.l 1 egerioni. 'That if shy person 'shell hereiffter per. , nude or Weise any person or persona deprived of 1 citizenship, and disqualifted es afenentlitto offer any , ballot or liglote, to the. °Mere bako‘y election, here after tebe'held in this Cortimenwealth, or shall per- _reside sir advise any such Made to receive any ballot ; or helots, ftouranypendetteprived of citlsenship, 1 W diequaliffedse ad, such person so offend- I lag Shall be guiltY*Of h. - misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof. teeny court at quarter aessioneof this Consteottwesetb, shall he punished in like man- 1 ner us isproeistod in thee neoNd section of this ad, in 'the eau of officers of such election, receiving suchletliewful ballot or ballots. • • ¥ act of Assembly of March 30, 1866, entitled an licit veil:aging the mode of voting st all elections, tulle several counties of this Commenwealth, It is emitted as follows : VOccricra 1. De,il enacted by the Senate and House le' Repeetentatien of the, Cassioneseatth of Pennsik. 1 earth: is General Amiably net, and it is hereby exact ; ed by the traftergy of the sane,' That the qualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth stallgeneral - townahip, borough, and special eleo- , Von', are hereby, hereafter authorized and required to vote by tickets printed or wette r. severally eland. fled as follows I. One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of courtt T .lad " to be Is ' belod. ontaide. • ." one ticket tiW embrace 1 the names of all e officers to be voted r and be labelled “statef• one ticket shallembrsce names of all county voted for, including oftlee of sneer, mem and members of assembly.if voted for, and member" of congress. it voted ( I %W be labelled '..countW , one. ticket ~ball em brace the names of all township officers Voted for. lo i spe la beled "township:" one ticket shalt em the names of all borough cancers voted for. and shall be labelled e teraeigh,'!. and each class shall deposit. ed in separate ballot-bane. Election aiticers,are authorized and c nded to strictly abstereetbCpeavisicrna of tb Law pissed - by the fienateend 'House of Wires of this Cougootoresitb„ on the 17th day a/410.1AM - . • ' Mitectrtnig Cilium. . • W ellsburg , Pa.. Ang.7l, 1610. . l To the Ceelfytnetaitutoriereind Mail of Lie Camay Wenentsa, The Fifteenth. Amendment of their am attrittion of the United States Is as talkers: .. leserzon I. The right of Citizens( of the United States to vote than sate dented or abridged by the Coitetntalefh . orhY ens-State; on - amount of race, color. or petitions( ecindition'Of serenade." "Ilsortcer I The Ccmgressithin i tu t ivotter to ers form this ankle brapproprtate on, Awl Menem; The - Congress elf e lifnited States, on the SIM day of March. MO : an an set, mitt. tied ...In Ad to enfbree fir ligill a eititem tile rail ad Mitre* agent fht. ?Aviv! ST eo of this Un ion, sad far.otherparpeses," the first and second sections of whit% areas follows i; Larry/14 11" Be it needed by the Semis and amite of Agoateentatirei elite railed Pates of Ainerica if Cho- grass assembled, That all citizen" of the United States. who ere, or shalthe otherwise. mianfled by law to rote Maul election by the people, in any State, Tee. finny' .derbid, county. city, parish„towsebtp. school distri4 municipality. or other territorial sub4hts. ion. shall be:entitled and allowed to rote et all inch Mectioes, stinted distinction of race, mien - or two: viona.contUticm of surritude ; any Constitution, law modem, nage. or regulation et any State or Terri: tin 7, or by, or under its authority, to the omit:ray xotwitineanding." .; • : . • - . - . • .. SUWON 2. Aid Le it further enacted, That if by or under the authority of the Conattletten or laws of any State, or the laws of any Territory, any act is or shall be requiredto he done as a prerequisite or qualnication for robes. and by such Constitution or ft = tviirmiee law, persons or ofecers are or ' charged with the c =i: ini unos of duties o citizens au ty to performs ach prereq •.or to beams qualified to rote, tt stud/ be the duty every • sneb penmen iuld after kyttlre to an tfitteut the United States, the same and Musk oleo= perform mob prerequisite. sod to become to nee without-distinction of race, color, or previews condition of servitute i led - ' if any each person sr officer shall reline 'or knowingly omit to giteball e!- fret MOM section, he shall. *revery inch offence. forfeit and per the sum of f ve.hundred dollar* to the person mysieved thereby. to be recovered by an SCUM on the one. with fon costs and such snot. ones fee counsel fees ea- the rend shall deem just, and 'hall also, for every such offence. be deemed' guilty of a misdemeanor,. and shall on camiction thereof. be fined *OHM than nTa ALUUthe'd =NM IN be impheoned notiese-than enintonth not more Una otte yeeM orboth, at the tilseretien of the did whereat. It bv &Oland by Ur aeured maim et the T 1 article 'of the Conehanon of the railed that "Thin Constitartlon. the; laws of the United States. *bleb shall be made toatreerelle themf. *ha thempreraeliar Of the * • • loathing in als - Cbastitaam or hex oteny ant to ae mirrors ettrateforting. , And adorer& 'The Irelearan of Dal Comma lnvoth.oe the ale dun of April. A. D. 1810. pared anad. eatilled "A further supplement to the set is hat to electionsbtlidsCoßmosrweslthPtbeteTa ralkin of able% Monde* ao agerra: *keno* 10./Itat. so rueheterrymt of Area aa provides that only white freeman 2aloll be en titled to rote or lareglitered Be ire• as eadaim lag to roast au genatal!oh opera arsederaf thr Canakowaudib. sadtba nob ts hereby= and Dahlterefre all.freerien. *abot erookor;ehell he enrolled and registered amordlnil 8011m1 Walston, of 06 line *Win 'at the; Sp Proved oeriosteerdh Air% MO; entitled "An ert far than to the met relating to th e gram this o sad when Clod under existing laws. be entitled to vote at an - • -q7,.; • •• pima atid - • Imd istima. 11 la my emeummemet mom Gadd duty to midis dm OM dm lon to hair and it Ima east to my seseseare sat metatim -mines Mora tiudiam= 2 ll '- me Wafter to m. alt mishelardlems nab sitlamis d MitteplylN Malkothaimimi spelled • • Itor6.lammottlt, If onahholittleCtiktist. • see. the mangy ceemaimiamare otill ses two* madded reetsadtie direc rs ted Wired the meant eastmors , met at moire to alms sad cantons to the regaimmista lof amed% mid _amatitti. ticialismasemantandlimtat sam Marnat aid asiaty is hereby sathortsed amt agetted to putilhb to o his elisettoo Idothlaistiott tale Ma - oat = elastimm the headn'sildted oloattlmemal mess; act a Coxigreal, *Cad ad thetaigiaiMass, to. the es 4 that the owe aaq w Moos. assested end obeyed by all imiesson, esehdties et mt6om, stestiasi 'odietes and others; sod that !be MP& am& 'privates paristsed theft soy Do meassall Man tho zens ot this tikesammombei itattlial to the mew Omits DIM in Leo aid eats Mao limit or rmi outt ems. at Ilantabote. dr day mid mkt # above mikes. Attad • .40. W;‘O7..ANY. - losnes, See, qf deateenneattX - r • The 'sadism et tete= Joh* ice edit lierrewartii tire District wilt be MI at. OW Court Nome, at To. wanda, on the seventh day after alsetton, lOWA - will be on the Ifth day of October.- - Thilneeting Lot retorn cout M e te li = of Bradford. ntll be U OW - on the third day after deafen. which Bitt be an Bride,. the Its day of OrteßerVlVredort. V. tn. • - . J. MUT VAN TM% stircj. 'al' - - . VOREIGN ATTACHMENT.—Hen ry roe-Bruit w iltarke L Pferee.l-Ia the Court of Coping= Plata/ at Mend 0tat7, 1 214).—, Sept Term. ISIO. , I hereby direct that • mop Oa wild tamed" to this sae. be by the Moil ft Biz weeks. in the We drectde, petalled at Weverly. Tiede couMy ass facie Calatallb al at Towanda, its. Pruidelet Judge. Towanda, Pe., et* to, - . , r Cencucandreurat PireherLr7.ele. Bra!ford County. ea. -' To ito zoies(f of CIPPIIT-Orrial9 We command you that you Made Cntazere Plana; late of Your awn y, all and singular his goods end, chattier, lan& And lestements, , dab* and credits, In whose bends ot on secret. the name may be, is that he lbe before our Court of . Common Pis" to be hoiden at The borough of Towanda, he and far sald county. on the lint MoOdty of September mud. Clem to answer I s =re Slunk to Thews at the awe upon ails bail to 14.000 00. and Mash hued in Wy nn township to raid annity. eourrM by Walter Spencer and whb to mid Charles B. Plum by deed dated May 28. 1810, habit lola Nos. 4, S, 11. T. 14, 15, 16,and 11. bueUm on ISM& M. to Block No. 24, of Ileschurs subdion of NM Towanda. Alio Ind In same townaldp. named by Job P. Kirby and wife to add PIM" befog arum lota in the the subdlrtiroh of DM Tolman and that persons In whose hands or pensession the said goods. ciliates. masers, rights and 'credits, or ;my of them may be attached. so that anyone' erery of them be and before said Court. at the day and place aforerW, to answer what shatibe objected spinet them and abide the judgment of the Court therein ; and bare you then and 116.1111 t is writ. Witness. the Honorable P. B. Streeter, Preehient of saki Court, at thee borough of Tewegida tabeessid, the 12th day of July. A.D. 1010. -W. A. THONAS,Teetheindars. . To de floworuble Alarm ~ ... . I motif,' that by. viltare" Of the annexed writ of Foreign .Atischment. I attached the following de. scribed land. situate in Wysok fownship il,i ioV. of Brwiford. State of Pennsylvania, and so follows : Beginning at a corner on the ea st of Itslii-st. in Fleschta r s fElbaiTillilNl 01 . 1000reirlitlall. thoncenorth 40 deg. 30 min. wed atom the line of .' lit No. 12. 150 feet to s NI 'Toot illef, tiCe -along the line of thee antilh'4o deg. 80 thin: it 375 feet to a street, thence alongths line of sad-street. south 49 deg. 30 'ruin. iregYlso"Vetto at. Nisi line of acid Mxicest,, thence skaig the lino of sal Nato. et., north 40 deg 30 Min. west 371 feet to the place of beginning, being lob No. 13, 14. 11. 18 and 17 of Block No. 24 of said subdivision - of East Towanda.. All imprOved. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land altii• ate as obey*, hounded sad described as follows : Beginning at the south-west corner of lot No. 3, o: Block 24. thence north 49 deg. 30 Min. cast 150 feet to the .west line of Second street. thence _along the same south 40 leg. 30 min. east 375 feet tothe nor. nor of a street, them% along the north ihoe of saki street south 42 deg.4o - mid. west 150 feet to a 20 foot alley. thence along the lido of thesamenorth 40 deg. 30 min. west 375 feet to the plsce of boglaming be ing lots No. 4,5, 8. 7, and 8 of add Fleickdones sub division of East 'remands, Block No. IL All frh proved. ALSO-Our other piece or parcel ill bind boundbi as follows : Beginning al a coma on Coarse. north 70 deg. 30 min. east 370"teet from opaline of Bow. man's Eddyider c i a . .thenew north 70 "deg. 30 min. cut 140 feet to a r, thence sovith.2ldeg. Op ado, east 100 feet to a corner, thence south 40 deft. 30 min., east 875 feet to a corner. theses "sooth 92 &M. 80 min. west 150 feet to* corDer, thence north 40 deg. 30 min. wilt 375 feet to s. corner, thence north ' 21 deg. Mania: west 163 feet tb- the place of begin. x I rang i being Lots Nos. —— "of Fleschhars sub- division Of East Towanda, mud con ed by Job P. ' Kirby and wife tollse defendant.; An . J. r FERRY VAN FLEET, Sherif. ' A.NbRI7Pta"..-=-- DISTRICT reou 1) P. Of the taitett States for the Waters Die. trictilPenneylvants. 'trestens District orrouisNr. ..snnio. S. S. A Warrant in Bankruptcy boa been isasued b} , sold - Comet against the estate of materax. ABNOLD, of the county of Bradford and State at Petallitylvittia, in" said District. who has been duly adjudged a Bankrupt, upon petition of his creditors and the payment . of any debts. and the delivery o: any Property belonging to laid Bankrupt to hint or to hoe nee, and the transfer canny ply? .;Wy__lly biw are forbidden bylaw. A rowUng of the atdltona ut said bankrupt. to prove their debts. and choose oi.• or more 'assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Iletilmtrptt7, to be'holdert at ToWands. • In laid Warta, on the 90th day id SEPTVIMIEB. A.' D.. 1870, at 10 - eclotk. a.m., at the °Soo CIEDWARIP wiTireOli, Jr,. one of the Registers, in DIM.- ruptey asitatrict. ' A. 11BRDOC11. 5ep.13,":04e4 BA Writ*. se k lieurenget ADIPINISPA.TORS NCTIOE Sottce to hetWby g venlhatidl foresaw' Indebt ed to the Mite 'lett:MX C . : 'DOILY. Ale of nbc ahequlu. deed, Wog make_ ...... • • payment and alliberecrob brazier:as L. • •• • mad estate. Mi ustreeenttliem duly -• •,• • • lets ftlenteta.", • . 11 Y GOELE. S' • tAIIGOBE, 0601J1 Y. OGRE. ditminiatiators. Ang.loasio toIdIIitSTRATOR'S NQTICE.— 'Notice la hereby given that MI persons indebt ed to the estate of DANIEL WALTMAN. tate of Albany, deed., are requested to make inoneallat , . payment, and all persons halting claims against sato estate must present the sense deb' errtherdterted for settlement , JOIiIB. 811311611. E. Aug. 10.19 . Adzaddrator. , WYOMING • COMMERCIAL COLLEGE• rrNasrox.PxxNA The next year of this popular institution will be • gin SEPTEMBER 1,1870. Board, Tuition and Sta tionery have been an reduced as to leader the ex pense u for completing the Commercial Course .from to Fifty - dollars - leas than at, other Business Colleges. • No settee, enterprising young man can make a better investment of MO than by telling a course of Instruction at Oda institution. We ojer advantages Oar ore be famed of so otker Ceusiercial College is the ountry. Our course of study is prepared In ithoiongh and accurate manner, and accordingk ol i a =test and and' most improved me th ods of Students have the advantages af Literary liMetehea, a Library, Beading Boom and Weekly Exisudees. Counterfeit Money,.Politios Economy,: Commer cial Law. Penmanship and Badness Correspondence are illiborcenthig a rrd upon,' and' are . included in the Dullness . . The instruction in the art of detecting umniterfeit money is ahem worth the tuition for the entire - • Hundreds of yowler:seri now Occupying some of - the best poaltiona In the country have tellUftedj. the abundant and accurate knowledge of businese. obtained at this institution. ' Our graduates are filling Random of trust in all of . the greet cities, and in warty every, State in the Union. Particular attention is paid to reletisphing. _ .I"dnr ofilcurbeve been fitted up and wader nee supmut ioa of an able and experienced operator. Students devoting an hone each day eo this Impordadliranch of commercial education in connectlonorith tie nag nit! course, become nualilied to take charge or offices in three tu Alto mantas.. Teats' for the hill Etusises Course $25 00 .11tteinea Cotrar'erith Telegraphing ' - WOO Telegraphing alone 25 00 Tuition for a.lhll course In Ornamental and Prac. reailtiralcutars. $25 Ou Send for Address L. ii. ISPBAClVE.Pririe l ie res : t Kingston. Actg.l7:lo ; . A COLIISOLti, INEITITtrxt. gi 'TOWANDA, taiDsomi conart, PA • This Melina/on Las AA Ileen= . and Improved, mad nal' be KY. SEPTEMBER' 0.,1100„ • under the champ of W. W. BTm and E. E. Wuhan, theociste Principals. who will devote their r enthe time to Indmiettett to the nate= departments and to the general supervision and management.of the echoed. They will be as- Mated by excellent end experketeed teethe:lth an the ts. departmen - • : The courses of Instruction ere - Preparatory end Cab Graduating form at. Commeadel, Scientific cal en The e Preperatory is Ithareedittshal ify th smaller paptla for th designede stad to ia. of the thethisting Come. which coorpriens ail academic studies, leaumegth eaceptsi - The thst year of this cam completed. tber can enter either of the other messes. The Normal ootwee Worth thoresgh Inatthenics to thamaion School Wraith ale Theory and Mega of Tweldng. swarms In the Commerthe Depthhoente ban, ell the advdMinois of the best acthasseefil ethools' In addition to thorough drill la Nathan academic • Mill* Cinceas in Widen to the strithee of the Orminathig Engliati, French and. German, thaw rant.llladal_teadroctlop In the swam es Mwdmted matellent collection of Apparatus renently pro- The lint two years of dissithirkel Course are in- d to Frame 'Wants will for College; the third year toth, toe nthenind dome in• College or to combinethwthe with a 'pedal gnaw in the Scl- The Ornanintel. Modern Inegthges. Math'. Drayton asthaeintthe: lte WSW to' competent Board and rocas see prcwided lei further pielhadain Marisaht the Institate. W. W. WAX*A ne LN a. WILMS TUK. Traiimat Desortrariess. Ang.lo:7o. VENNSYLVANU sTATE 1.10141 AL SCHOOL ! onfur amid% - 31.1148/OM. 'iIOGA COUNTY, PA. Fall Term 7 er %1820. Winter Teen 1191. Swing Term begirmilarch 7tth. 1871. For citilogua or adratmdmi. CHM.L . trElialLl... Ilenetlelfl, ink, 20, 1820. • FrlneVel
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