Ina, fo - Wiltptitia• • -..-F ' *-.- ! - .f i: ,t: wis 1-r 4 LOCAL 1 2.,AND , VENEBAE. ter 1 1 1 f 3 UPPeranco ,PeOPl9 of Broome county, N.Y., bialised a call for s; m eeting to form an aritArar4iihoiiparty.- • 'c Squirrels, are , awrkercma - ,ia, this section, and aportsmaniare thailtric t inics " ems- We have a Urge stock of en-; ( visiting letter awl rkoto paper, businectcsnal v i s iting cants, which wo - print en short notice: igirAu aceident ilimtm)4 it, Curve& Bridge, on tho Barclay Railroad; 'ay . /kW:day: last, by which !Ivo. loaded coal' mem' licre molished. ,tie' No mora'.ice !or Towandians this season. Mr.. AD . .%113 Informs as tht,t - his " b npply which he supposed wonl4,by . iinple.for the entire seasokl4sAiren ray- EBMTEZER SHAW, of Shoshequip o was 99 years old on 'Monday last, the sth inst.: Ho has Toted at Avery election since WASIIINO. TON'S election.' QC33` 31r,„4 '3lAcsrssoN of this place, has an annic tree in his Irani which had ono branch bloasem n ,,„ ca t nnny onoi amount for this sfrange phenomena.. Li l'h iricA fair rinEtt • ea Mlle have been jperforruing, at Blerear's,•thill to fall houses for the past week. Theater-goers pro. nonce the playing equal to city theatres. To: morrow night will close their engagement hero. Reserved seats for sale at Pourpz k KutArli. fieir REI:JSMt CABE, Esq. - "of Troy' , bag presented us with a moth nanskinel. on, wogbingji , nrieen andtlatce punter petunia: If any body can beat this wb are aro ready to Inakp the announcement. , .. e r;?, We learn the fall term of HCNT:24 select 00l will open on Monday nett. Miss H. is an excellent teacher, and pu mas having daughters to educate cannot do 1,-tn•r than to place them under her care. t:-3 - The Presbytery of Lackawan na will meet. in the Second Presbyterian Church, Wyaln , ing, on Tuesday, .20th inst.. The Pre,_ Lcb•rc comprises the old ,Susquehanna, Mont rose and a portion or the Lnzenae Presbyteries. te' The Good Templam Hall at Athens was entered a few nights since and eil'the regalia, 'cards, books, Arc., taken. It is to lie hoped the perpetrators of the ae farioni; act may by detected and strictly dealt with. Le.- We hare receited from the Agent for this county, 31anits Fus ,Esq., "The Laws of Business," by T11E014111.118 Dauttotts, L T... D. Tie work contains in a concise but ex pliet form, valuable information for every titan. Partner's especially sgnld have a copy. sue' &own. F. Corm, Jr., has bean appointed deputy post-master at Wysoz. The ~flee is kepi at the. Brick Church Parsonage, whrre a good supply of stationery may always iu Prima. A box for the reception of letters is put up at the depot. EE AL ESTATE CHAINGES.—GMEGE H. Wo,o has sold his brick store and residence, s••uth ,ide or public square; to Dr. P. D. Slone. 'rhi. 114 wtor will occupy it as a .residence and •thee, Thrtur. has exchanged Lis dwelling Jnih. plank road, fur It. S. TifunnEres resi th : , , T et Main street. Dir. The Susquehanna Collegiate Las opened under very favorable ansptoes. Nearly one hundred students are nlre:l , ly iu atte_Mtance. Now that the school ha, h et a good start we trust it may be Mier- . patronized. The principals propose to make teaching it profession, and will remain in of the Institute 'tie long as they aro rly encouraged. .64.• We are indebted to Mrs. Ptat ,.:ss for a copy of her very harvesting book, • Times on the Susquehanna." The u!, eLMtains many interesting reniniseinces .:11.1 incidents connected in the early histhry of th, vounty. Mrs. Panama deserves the grali !n,b of every citizm of the county for her ef forts to preserve a record of the doings of the early ,ottlers, and Lei - book . should have a place in every household WIINT WIILSKY DOES.—We agree with the Thdbtiu , that the criminal and - pauper population of Pcunisylvaista, " said to Le about 21,(tit0, is ninetj , pe•r cent. of it caused byintem p The reyoune dcrit•ed frog liquor b-cuses amounts about $120,000 Minnally, Lod it costs the SLate about 82,520,000 to sup port the criminals and paupers . .made by this liquor traffic through licences.—Agitator. pd y- The following statement is authenticated, but we . have-no doubt sorau of our readers in this section would like to SAA: th. p data, and wo suggest that friend LEWIS It art. It at the Itnrourtm officer: It \I lturoirrEu.---JACKSON LEA - I 3 of this to, u•lup, showed toe a Sweet Potato raised in garden, that measures 18ix2.5.4 inches in v.:Tun:ler:awe, and weighs 5,i pounils. Yours, 4.Bnutur FEE.. WyahiSing, Sept. 1, 1870. PAT.IL ACCIDMIr.—FILUM L. Palms, of J. RUMS, Rome, Pa., aged 11 year? and 5 months, while in the act of coining down frnm a straw stack, on the 19th of August, caught Le. :trio on the tine of a pitch fork and was thrown to the ground, the tine passing through tL arm. The following Wednesday night he front the effects of the injury. Hi!, funeral attended at the M.E. church at ltome, ou Fm lay, 11ev. Wm. SLIELP officiating. The Binghamton mnrdergrs have all been identified. Jarvis, one of the v.ho were drounea on the niglit of the . Intuiler, 'ens recognized by Mr.' Fautt.wins, of Ithaea, as a man he saw at the Ward )douse in this place, about the time TAri.eit Cos store was robbed the first time. Mr. F. remarked to Mr. SMITH, the proprietor of the Ward !louse, ,:t . the time, that JA.uvis, (mtho had. assumed come other name) was a hard case. Be ton-, who is now in custody at Binghamton, iv metnestioably tho leader of . this gang. Mr. in:anon - a, surviving clerk, says to Ibiza and general nppbaratioehe resembles the man who at him, and shot and killed Mnnutot, the t , :h( r clerk. The young man Bunnows is a son of J. Bun ,ws,„ gsq., of Stevensville. In his efforts to dots nd the propeliy of his employers he periled Li," own life ; and after his comrade had-been inflrtally wounded succeeded in driving the rubber:, from the store. As n testimonial to hiN bravery, his employers hart' presented him sub a beautiful gold watch. S. F. COLT, D.D., Lfla rellIOVCd. it). NV;, - sox„ and is supplying the ;. , Itpit or the Brick Church. Miss Megisramr, of Norristown, lain town •:tinp; her brother, Bev. Wu. 3lctliternur.r: ibis. GEO. visiting friends in ca, place. Mr. S..lirks as :hale and hearty as did sixteen yearsr l / 4 o when he I^wanda, is as firm in Lis.loppoiition to the whisky trallic ax erer.- 1)1.. E. 11. HoArrr.E, of iU t. Carroll, Elitioin ",„1 11 to wn last trey Warrs, who has been danger in in Illinois, has so far rbroyemil as to ahlt l'ilurn to her home in this place. Toxin, pastor of the Catholic rlucl, in this place, leaves to-day IWednes .laY, for a trip across the waters,. to visit ,his amts and friends in Ireland. Father TONER In. been indefatigable in his efforts in Whitt t4< church-, and has been largely 111136Z11C11 , tab ni erecting nue of rho !inert church °Vices hortherit Pennsylvania. During his absence Father Frrz.sLurkixs sill have charge 'of the e..aereiratio n of S.S. Peter and Paul. —The post-office address of .MatrllA sos 1 changed from Orwell to Mt. Holyoke Sehtihary, fiouth Hndlrp, Maas. • • Mn. FifSfEcts,,,,,, ile , 44*.Rill can* xectiarAwlaad-Ataa iitir4,o,!! itcf wee. an tilde numbered severatiberusand. ;I:" Nxiamti zi= l xitt b rarir threeltriiiirr i -; Tha Pre 4 o4., . I ff - ,.‘§atiPlPe(exeiTt the I writers efforts always) were lehtefillferßible andlii doilliiiiiiiritionarkriitlieweiiif tifeopirit. .Thet;bretiiren. 4 4 li'posifig llkstriet leetrett ~,:iteki4L-4. *laptittrYoukoF 4iii43iii: kali Itc* R lL . P ftKor o46 *ge#l,4"*Ofo/04 - 40'011'4-1M fisiaill iitithiiiiia mum arrays T tlei? T° lemi° 1 4:t*S.I.4rewAfr soasiasor apiritindlme!,,anitm4t. - • liar. D. C. er, l l4: — .icth,' iirtatdding — elder of the. 4 4104;,2140 4nbsigooftifi6limAingjiiiiibiehi s; Pria°ll3 4 4( Pd 124 PFP, "a 1 9. 48 .411. firm -! 11058;iillit enabled iii.'prieerv4? nOi'plgte' Zrder during ill° entirsiviebtingi. .4 1 * tOPMV). M 10 1.4,01601 OU the! ground by laorni,..egairA7,4 MACKE; of Wyabising, irjuideiory9 the 'flifinksof all con-f ~ < , .No.totineuirwaisold rot Aliti ground, and no , 14 4 1 . 4 . 1 *.0. 10 f 0 1/ - . 1 014.4tq4e Awls , Mtge' ten4.,°°// V9elinglig9 4 1 54 N e o 4 7,td W - 1 hued: 'ijinne - reitofied t 45 use; benedortte:- Alidiol-r6e14&1- it s ,_d,‘_t,Wiflare 1 fiundentriliffotcand bad bottei.:'kinp - nrsay'from, '4l l lkltteeitingtil v 'k 'OA +l, . The remits of thisAnntirkwill king be felt; for good. 'oerepeytinne, justifier-Pi don atidisitietifiCatfctiVrA innliigetbeiiii thu old fashinsod.:wity.e.disintuslrill ghame torais4 ingSbd for sinspisrdowdmif.kened believen4 will shout Um:praises of Iting,inniazinel.iuld iiiemalt dek of int:lo66V end 144.ukaolL.Shat, there:, was Low beld,amumli f meetlng Seeretin7. DToh Ttiurs day,nigiOos' f: as .114-B: . ll.l4dpinisrliiii. 4 of Windhamovas returning homely!' beidater's in wtth three ot her efilldren . .hi a ear tinge, she thought .. the horse was aut, e,cthe read; 'And It ivia dark eonelnded.lnitet.out and loadliminto the road' again. Mille en deavoring to alight her feet' caught, in the 'linos so that she fell iinderithe,vragoii and the' , vvheal rim* ever, her aide. ThelOrso then backed, rolling the wheel over her again. The &Teams of the frightened children soon brought a neigh bor to:- . her asaistaucC. The lady fainted, and by proper care soon revived and persiited in going Lome; .which she did, - the same nikhd: Medical aid was summoned;' but fOr t4o clays feav , l were:entertained that She wosld not live. Ref case is now hopeful. The. remains of. Mr. I)..olmizz cAsB, hite.of Philadelphia,were brought on Saturday last a week, and his. funeral- attended on, Sunday. Mr. O. was onoof the most enterprising bust. ness men of his age in Orwell. He was a wor thy member of the Baptist clturch ; ever ready to share in its work. Disease, typhoid fever. He loaves's wife to mourn with numerous other friends. Iloarl-Accumvr.—Mr.. W. P. RoomEt.r., and wife with her mother (Rev % Mrs. litou) started on Sunday morning List for the Camp Meeting on Lime hill. When about one mile from home in passing a sluice below A. W. TATLOII'B, the "holdback straps" broke, letting the carnage against the hoise. The horse frightened and ran, at full speed for a number of rods down grade, Mr. It. endeavoring the while to hold him, but in vain. When in front of A. J. TATUM'S, one line, broke which turned the horse into the •dooryard fence, the right wheel Completely demolishing a raised "wagon block" recently bail t; a Kir: feet farther ahead the wheel struck a, maple tree, which resulted in breaking the horse loose from the wagon with The thills, and preciPitating alitbree with great force to the ground , Mr. E. and Mrs. Hiuu were severely hart— perhaps seriouslywhile Mrs.. 11. escaped un lnjnred• M. K. T. • TOWANDA VALLEY. Printer: Another battle fought Southwestern Brad ford no more—Minnequa and Troy counties . woven in a web', stunned by a buck and left with the mire in Bradford county. 'All honor to Bradford as she was, is and shall be. Does anybody know anybody-who wishpis to slice or notich the body of good old Yankee Bradford? Her bsundaries are not ' ehtinged"-whother there be prophecies they shall fail. What is, is right, so secession is at an end. , Canton has the most energetic temperance workers in Bradford county. We trust their labor in the future may be as successful as in the past. The Chief Templar of the county convention,l.O.G.T., i 3 The right Min in the right place, having firm and active co-laborers at home much good will be done to the cause which has been espoused. The Disciple meeting house in the b:iro' is being thoroughly repaired. Thu Sunday-school children had a very pleasant picnic a short time since. JACOB •BEAlumay, of East Canton, met with a sever., loss on the 30th of August. Fire con sumed his barn with all its contents. Loss, about nvio. No insurance. Cause of are un known. On the 27th lilt. the Spiritualists had a picnic oi festival at Carpenter's 'Switch, four nines south of Canton. Of coarse the "preachers" (?) went into a trance and reported from the spirit land. The exercises wound up with music, dancing and fashionable—shall I say gambling ?—not exactly, but prizes to be drawn by lottery. Mrs. Wxsitnuas drew a cdtpet. ,We are quite sure the Williamsport court has taken the right ground e. , nceming prize packages and the like. The business is nothing more or less than gambl ing, and all parties engaged in it filiould be brought to justice in the eyes of de law. It is singular that so many who denounce all manner- of gambling, should be trapped- by vtudy prize packages with greenbacks in them. The Williamsport decision is timely, and should be a warning to KIIIC of our villagers. The potato crop is 4 below the average, and buckwheat is a poorer crop than for some years. lied squirrels are very numerous and trouble some. It is 'many years -since they have done so much mischief as they aro doing this season. Fevers are quite prevalent in several sec tions of the western part of the county. Having hocome old and somewhat chidldish it is necessary .for as to drop the local inci dents and accidents that may occur in this vi cinity for some younger and more 'energetic pen. So here is a Chance for some active scrib bler. From your 9:70 ' Dup.. JOSIWA. SLIESIf.r.QUIX.—Mr. Editor: I shgttld pot so soon again invade your sanctum urns it not that engagements the coining Week : will prevent my forwarding any amount of local news, "great or small," which may chance to come wooer my obervafion. True, thcreis dearth of this commodity at present,. and I shall nut'theretore bo•surprishd if the editorial scutsoritiwcpare this communication for the " waste basket." Our Sabbath-school is well attended, altongh less interest is manifested in-the esercisea than at first. We would call our citizens attention to the fact that the library needs replenishing, to tho vacancy of which perhaps is attributable the lessening interest of the scholars. ' Miss Surres select school opened the 80th ult. Her students having enjoyed a long vaca tion appeared eager to resume their studies; and under her thorough discipline I doubt not will succeed in whatever they undertake. Ainong the books lying on our table is Mrs. PERNINEI lite work, entitled "Early Timed on the Susquehanna." . The book will reconiniend itself to, almost any one. Individually we would tender thanks to the writer for the pleasnert afforded us by its perusal—recalling as it does the time when an aged relative sat among us-- • and told to wondering children, what to their • ; • comprehension, seemed marvelous stories or ' the primitive days of our little our forfalhors struggle for•a homestead; of their happy frugal life, where strong hearts and wg ling hands paved ther'i way and who reared: their own monuments ;inasmuch as they 'gave' to our valley a' 4 !local . habitation and a name." . We are having delightful Feather at present, favorable-tor riding and rambling; and inspirv . ing pleasantest ideas, oral sorts otent-door enjoyment; Thesnearly days of eutnran when as ILtwpoinin prettily easy, "natern seems to take rts ip her arms and love us." I would proffer thanks to the tuiknown friend who, .ito kindly- 4.forinrded to my •address the - paper_ containing a dear:rip; tion.of sojonrp`al.Wntkins Glen. The description wets graphic, and s,nperior to any I l had prinionsly read, 'and consequeldly Dior° Taeamtable. , I hopo to be able to fOrwozd a moro worthy contribution cid loniT. Traveling' incogjo,. MMWEEM ,theee, MiltliVilkSieee ins . ha an al- InoetlnexteleebledOlndllV-INteof weatehhft .t!setitileie*Vinod Mori:As,tog 114 . 16 . sp Actilittire so have inty one Pt to cantinas me or ite truth or I torshoald spii44 l / 2 1111y on the good old proterb. that "where' intim is tibia zmt Dim* Her s, o . azu 11,u No) Aenglsterixe .D..11;1DUT1V0441% died in Stepney, Cottn4nn - this 29th tilt, aged SSients. Mrs. . welt ,ntt_ ateellent, dab condolence eif:k!nrge Orel° _of Mends int Adi , , _ Wmkuvalik Aditor,'::7. ,Wei„neveir, fail to find abundant matter of interest in pe-; :•Irtfigillet*''rell'AMM li t i , / "o l. ° r :'/tOW•O*. Ji ° '' alie64 - ; biii,l*.ing ablie'selilab with-the iesior, mankind, we are more especially interested Lu c ; V i i#( 3 , 2l l*4eigs:_tOntrgittl.)o.4Kibtlif *' our own region.... And vrowld it be grange if our. rangy was soinithiewinii,fiCitiinn by, an artier cie Fgri*legnlilgliaconsidere,tiow_g pur-1 selves aillitkonalii yiinislieet 'ef A - egad:lBth; from ,your•yoithy ,00rrelkondentir S*ie? f 10,.! 'this MIA I wilThisvci ' ideilltaLthii -we hatil a Ti le. P r il e /Kr4-c°M l 41 14. Eta i tl ik l illi l l 4daily lifottilitM.-- kW-Ufa eiiiiewl, l tlii6 I your paper, our, duo appirlation of the doe "concern" tblt by . R.ii Jil l dili l eiliip, and of th ialeasl hs9.lpresee fqr "Fir fAure welfare; -a0 -Above W11,4e teinlei Mitzi- olt thras l foi.thci high compliment ! . he pai4.,the partner- of my goo_ choice. We think tliet. Bs.w, is a , ..I!regY g" fellow.BAs hiit dip hirloniaiidlinii they tendered happy in seeing his • fondest hope teilizid While he lit *Lima May bealilb to My "1 - is Fell" whom ho - dies. — ' i • Ttieio is no material eliiingtiLln kiii)e§t of ttiiVe In Et'Ase fast,' exeept that tlio Igets Dave fooned Abe bills,' add cooled theinioyi Seine, but =the ilronght ie sovero. Your bumble servant, . . thifik4 it his in the past, yon • may hear front st some fatuialtite: !•'• . J. : fTlirtlrkriTuie-4044 ars to 110 the policy of the. State, Agricultural Society that every portion "of the Static shall have chance to show the progress of a given geo imilu4l.44B, tAA and Mechanical pursuits, and in pursuance ;of this well defined plan the society thislear r has flied Q _Oirrxrsiraiitolh A - n zerne county, in the midst of mineral and agri: cultural wealth, as its plies of exhibition. For this purpose a carefully prepared and' large space of ' . gicitroi . hhs heOir abundantly supplied with water; dasyof access to any part of the city of Scranton and surrolind ing, towns ; and upon which has been erected two halls, carefully profeCted front the weather 250130 feet each ; one hall 175x15 ; several spa cious tents _ ; 125 horse stables ;: 150 cattle sheds —an amphitheatre with 1000 seats, and every other arrangement fur !the comfort of visitors or exhibitors in every department usually rep.; resented , tit such 'shows. We advise:Mk:brit especially those *he have never seen the oiler. ations Inc groat *hand iron. district to visit Scranton and the State Fair, which commences Tuesday,-the 27th day of September; 1870.1 Every Saturday for Septem ber 10 is one of the handsomest illitstrated pers ever issued. It contains Enropean war pictures,—the Baden prisopcn takenatNioder bronn ; French soldiers - bathing at Nancy ;'a Prussian outpost; Saarbruck ; and sour 3 're cruits for the South German artuy_. It has, be sides, tine portraits of Mademinklle Seam and GEO. W. Claws; of the Philadelphia Lakin* ; a beautiful art picture, Morning in the Desert; and three admirable summer pictures,—A' Pic nic in the Woods, by A. Hour's; Srimmer Days, by W..J. Hawn:Ear ; and On the Beach at Long Branch, by C. G. Bcsiz. Its literary contents comprise able and very interesting editorials on The Balance. of power, An Empire's Bnl Ann, On the Uncertainty of Things, A Desi able Calamity ; etc. It has a fall siunmary home and foreign news,-two additional chap ters -of "The Mystery of, Edwin Drood," sketch of GEO. W. Citu.ns, by SAXES Pairrox, and other fresh an readable articles. Alto- gether, it is a remarkable nuinhe of this „fin ches family illustrated weekly. z COUNTY CONVENT/Oli G.T.- The Good Temp Jars of Stevensville are looking forward with pleasant anticipations to the time when the convention meets with them, and cordially_invita all. members of the order to attend.. Hacks will be at the depot in Wyalti sing to convoy all who come _ in on the morning train, and will return all tleo close of conven tion. Places of entertainment will ho furnished all who apply to either of the persons named on the followin,:;' committee of arrangements: C. B. Exam., C.F. Jogs and Mrs. J. L grrvi6.9. The session is expected to. be ono of nnueunl interest. Let us all meet at Stevensville. ter As the people of this county are to vote on the .Poor House question this fall, we hopo the subject will be fully examined so that all may vote understandingly: For our own part we are decidedly in * favor of ,tho erec tion of a Poor House, becauso wejhelieve it wonld prove au asylum . to many unfortunate and deserving poor, at the same time cost less than under the present system of supporting them: The editor of the Toga Agitator speaking of the Poor House in that county, says: . There, are abent 50. inmates now. During the year, so far, he has at different times had bet ween 00 and 100. Many of those permanently settled there•are- very old and infirm, so that' the Superintendent is not able to get much help from tuern on the farm. They seem contented and happy; and it must be a consolation to every taxpayer who visits the institution, to tied the money appropriated to" this object, turned, to so good account. l'he old way of farming out the poor from house to house, at the lowest price, was a barbarous practice, while at the same time, it was lunch more expensive than the present system. These poor 'people now, have a good home, and the most of them are contented in it. Among the inmates are several children—one only a few weeks old, whose father istinknown, and whose mother, poor thing, is dead. It is a very bright little child, and it would be an act of commendable charity for some ono to take it and bring it up. The-old people take the tender est care of it,- and are delighted over it. It is the baby of the household ; and no doubt it would be hard for them te part with it. We are glad to know that many who opposed the Hoar House system at the first, are now convinced that it is the best that could have been adopted. It is indeed a credit to the hu manity of 'flogs, county, and we are glad to know that the prejudice against it is dying ant. The-crops on the farm aro very good. - Tho farm itself - has - been. greatly improved , bk. the county. Tho purchase was , very .opportune; for the farm has • greatly. inereasodln The railroad will pass close by, and thtiaone o 1 the principal objections to bidding the house there, has been quite unexpectedly removed. We hope our people, from all sections of the 'county, will visit the Poor House as they have opportunity. BUSINESS - LOCAL. iter. wahines ranted or, sold on monthly installments, at Gaols'. ' Z Fetch your : old machines and get them cleaned, rormired, or trailo them for USW 013 e. - • FouSALE 'Cuttp- - -LA good Parlor Bet and a Melodeon. Entritro of O mmanz, at Pow= Co's. DES' KEELER'S new wagon its greatly aahnirqtl by Slosh° sect it; laul sots tho,sitiality of Ms tells and coffees. , lOW Every thing,itc the grocery And provision lino is sold by KIWI vu, at the, lowed liar Something ileW forth° Ladles .at Coss l!ijoii:Stoie; Pa., the fatailifavorito Sewing . 11aahiao; J: 8. i‘Cf. S. Prstig . ,' 413:atiL; "'',• 46Y-- T 1 Umgr.fav9rite :!!::Feed, sawing,froM - th . O Artestifabrio chanie.oTteiisicn, ittreid, or it-oodle: siiV; tithataThax iippivAy'liiiih it it atlric : understood hat and cokes directly tratu the; ttud'are thus pattled to save to their Vustontertf hit, or throe profits. - - - ' =I , . . . v*", IM6%Ak iCbiNo. l3l4B *hMr• 1 !!)i 1 d / 1 lin . WikAdtotkl int!**kt ;# t ,x'iklt 191',40V'te: • find a bummlter is memo, •.! or the ftffi#l'mWn.l.l3rtit tmirin be hold at Stovenville, on Wednesday andTham • 144"314"144' " 14 1 .12 804. •. P .471 3 1 1 .** 1 41 1 .* *AO° please; wino together with. tho . bet that thei cannot be undersold, sox/milts for, the 'udid cosh:nds slims invit in their store. , - ler The best goods. ."The'rugiaritriet4" 4 ' ": 7? • And the lowostiaioes, Z u tr oi r t i ,B 4 s 'Pn i t i Nniolltor now in, and satisfy yountelf whether this is so CoAL: 7 4 inn now;prepare4 anp ply'my; ciatomera: with tho beat White and Red Ash . Gaga; ind solicit., con etatoffolikoß.l4 my coal trade 'Um peat year. Sept. 6,70. 'der If yon want the best gyafitrof siviteOtirtimNino4. 0 4, It.,atff° l ; him% '''Ntigoddi or anliferlot. grade over find • a place their _shelves, constiquently you are just as safe in senclitktu child to their store for any article=you may desire, as though youwero to ~onreelf,- .•. * „ 'efF itfer One of the most enterpr and, deseiviiiltripu,:,prusin* Shot '411404.1...A000A41401:46.444t4 ono door_ south crt , korlt beak always ;Alen Atiietlyl lionerablo, as t 1 entirety- satiafaetory to hliona-i r.l44 l3 P.rliklYffilrildtkihoMtgliOlLlZlWYellira to his largo and elegant Wew assortmonllof goods for winter weir: L .' 't. • • HAMILTON.—BABCX)CIL ilia residence of Die bride'isfathese,ln Vrnidbmesrati*tili:* 1870, by Rev. DeWitt C. obidea4Augustad E. Hamilton, of Windham, to KW Carrie! Itab6ock.! 00 4} ' • SHELP—PARKS:—At the residence of the by Rev. DoWitt , MlMitiatetiVß43lMm.l3holp,' of the Wyoming Annual Conference to Miss Elizsi - Datio.) _I vrl 4r 'ese of the bride:a SAO, idttle'liteadosii; Pit.; Sept: l, 1870; by Rev. C. E.-Tay/or, Cyrusß. loosken, of , War; ren Ccnier,ttoldisiiHatirialtlLlßrown. RIGHS—J9III4ON.--At. the residence of the bride's father, Aug .31; .1870, by Ilex. S. P.: Cater,: Chalks E.;Riggir to Otis! Maty E. Johnson,. all df Eatt Canton. KINNEY—WELLS.:4.IV,Rev. S. C. Hovey, Aug: 14, 1870, in Ulster, Wm. Kinney to Miss Hat ..#olNo/1x#104,40.104,1.0.1b8W.1 111 D . 4fOUCITILT,—Iti7Bintai 187fItt.leidpk ought, ngcd 77 years. BAIICOCir:-LtiTeit:ytio:ini fk4it: ti :1870, Mary ' P u w h ft r w . o L. 3 Jl4des s e ed „g4beir ,SPEOUL:' NOTICX3. ‘ sEi:sr HARRIS, ot; riiidie-street. • -•. • vs- l'ArLag:4op,E,Alerchant Tai- For salercheawogoad Parinr Sot and a 3ifolodeon. g.nocuro of Cr. litstcluis; at,PotFELL & Co's. , , • ''The" next session of Bradford County Tesollers Association' is ,to be held at . Freochtown on the 9th and 10th of September. • A. T. ULU; Secretary.' • r 0,.. W. DrrifildeS Stpr:9, east of filereur's Bank; first - door, when) 'flirt will find - Pianos, Melodeons; - Otganei, Guitars, Bar dos, fitrinqs, Accordenw, Clarion. ets, Flutes, Sheet Musie,"lnstruction Books for all Instrfunents, Manic Books atid kinds - of /Musical Merchandise. , i ,April 14 .11). grr MiCathEs yon BALE CLIEAP.--IVo .Horse 'Power On 'Wheels; with Thresher and Cleaner, &c., , all complete and ready for use. • Will lie exchanged-for a young team horse, or for good time notes. See 'lmport.= or Argus for the pail two weeks. TOwandii, Sept. 6,10. R. M. Ws. GAS IZA. TowANDA.--.-The G-ati. will ,13e ready for consumption by the flrit of October at least, and parties 'who intend having their buildings piped; Would do wane apply at once, as after the rush af fall work sets in it will be im possible to attend to all at once. Ang.21,70-.3w CODDINO, RUMMY, IV , CO. L The annual meeting of ' the Historical Society of Bradford county will be held iu Towanda, at Mverua's liall,on Monday, September 12, 1870 , at 2'o'clock p.m. Histori cal- addresses are expected to be delivered by :Messrs. S. HATDMiI and. P. Culp . .. The public are cordially invited Ye attend. ' , E. P. ALLEN, Secretary.. Ica"' Security Fire Insurance Com panry/i.Y: kiactiii 4017,888 81. For*, policy sn dna reliable and sato company call on.' ,TwO. W. Ma, Agent, • ' Towanda Pa. Office llinr.crit's now bitch, north aide of Public Square. • , Fon. SALL—Two Dwelling Houses, situated in the southern part -of tho Dore'. of Towanda convenient to the Busgnehanna Cfolt tegiato Institute which will goon open with a corps of able Toacbtirs, ender:the dealion of Prof. Itrau And QUINLAN. 'Easy terms for the property. • Apply to or address . • _ *•-• J. - JpCoinurgrys: Towanda, Nug. 23; 10.-3 t., 4- -• te,:eThi3.',course trarinted by the Cascade Mills, of selling good flour at ttio low est possiblo.prices, is productive „of, numerous advantages. It •makes a ready market for The superior wheat of oar vicinity;. supplies con sumers with a cheap and wholesome article of fresh ground flour, and as a, natural result makes active intillloB3 for, the Mills. -War in Europe, drouth, and short crops, are having the, effect' to raise prices ; but this Mill at all times' sell at minimum prices. • , July ay 1870. No. 1 MEacua:+3,BLocE.—GLovEs AT sl,so—lAcE SHAM - LS—LATEST FASHIONS.—Miss Basz:nr informs her patrons that she has just reeeittd from Europe a AhpplY of ' , 1013:vin . 13 Glovei, which she can offer at 81,50 at retail. Also Shawls and Barbes in Lama and Chnmy Lace. Miss Baranr calls especial attention to her apd.patterns.. She. rgttlarly re= Mires the Berlin "Bazar" (theoriginal of Hat 'per's), as well as .ithe Paris "Monitetu• des Modes.". . A fine stock or the 'latest lists and Bonnets always oa halal '•• May 4,1871 M-tr. ter Second-land. Seming-lifachin ea for sale at a bargain by Wickham k Black. - Also,Milphlile%lieedlep r _ - Threa•di Bilks; &c., April /,3, 1870—tt. • bar The ruideisigned would re apectfully announce to Ithe residents of. Brad ford end aitacent counties (particularly the La- dies), thatlic has leatied' the Florist establish- ment of lea late employer, Harry, mix, gm., nhere lie will still . continue 'ilia coitliation of the beauties of the Floral world, mid by strict -.attention to business, he: _hopes to merit the litsmitpaironage 'widened 'upon his into employer... -. - Jaintstldsvntn.t Towanda; Brailford (Knit. var We •gtuFanteer,satisfacti, on in . au the, workwo . Wn - entc thake;thul Etim 4otlitng for men nthd tali witsr;o- - • alLumai'ke 4 Bridge Street; Tonat4a, Fa. NEW lattaithd TA1L016143 .-Mesai. Taylor & Gore have open akin connection with their . Galling ~Rtorp, a Wining TrepartMent ; and jiatingimeniettlke riqvim of s,"-lb*elm,tutter7 alacoMecnt madmen, theytipe -now prepared ,to to, np work in the beat. etyleiaid kiosk tashamaiwor4 der. — ThEtiNlAurVreeeive&a , new-and- fresh stockist emit, Shey-atoproparedlo offeebet -tor indtteententaiban ere? beforerefferptrinfro ,wApda. The palls) will And itM their "dew , lege* girgur'a Ware bnying-:elsenere. 'Remember imikeryant andEttratttee APpellw No 0'!450,0ti0." . • I§7o. • • - - ; . • ner.Theßradfordo.,Teailiees,ln stitnto holdithree sessions of week gar.,the: ',resent school year; ria•follows : Beginning at ,Elranville Centro Sept. letkiltt TPIT.=tI '2Bthund LeasysvillciOct lird;,66 on Monday 0, 9 o'clock e t tr. at each place closing:on th e*. Itev. ,- it is bo ' T that teaches will make pvisry_ endeavor to: bet lirettittat dna it- thit,:ivii/OW,':a' tridiefirbO' show a proper zeal in trying to elevate the pro s Passion by_attonding to-all convenient opportu nities for self-improvoment shoidd he preferred toy those who do not. ' "''The Instinctors engiged and , othor details . will ha announced in dne:titne.- • ' .4. • , A. A. KEE.. EY, Co. , . . . I kaiak)• , • lalilikket4 &blithe ' " • • e II 1• 3 • fE . 1' ,1: .1 71' •; • ' • Jan, =l,l tkai 'demo*, andaarraatthempaaa. Darggi r at DO I POW. Coffeagraito4 • ' 'at litfed.'utßaitala aWI " • ."'Ik!ILDELIIDW''' Towinda,lalrla, 1870. • 1820; • MONTANTES /00. oonit+47o4 bag gifkimfdiiiilo inVategt=t4trm the cash system and soklit si tsa . uswiro r e y loir o V ir Deoinit outer Ibir 4 me a lot of goods in that }Me et Won isanhayl lo rates. Omit timgalmc for baton) ``\,t. c, s.oo6p96lNirmE,s .: , 1,./.%A0; 1 01 4 71 F4 1 F.!W14* - r, <':^. ZllOlOlll GIFT BAIL ! .1. 1 119r11116 LIN-Tfr , MOSFPCOMPANIG No. 3, "IcFrillu*kra-w** Rat. NYi=ii. THE PROCIRDI TO M VaiD • m PVECH4EEG A STEAM .ElRk t RAUB . a 17.:1- it 0a V. 71. The' Company take grad phew= resentheit to tiio WO% the felbrstng itillsild4 MOT 9?. (Arm which theidift4r thistaiervie hit new beeniimal ed. Natty 9f the rein", trhir. keen f:entribn ted Wage bemi kileiland . cdde44 To wanda, can be ittu3 "reed pl?Kes emu. The distrlbutfoni.trituil'idniidie itic'e Ifereur's . Han as aeonasth e ltl s o 4 l o3 l 4 ,l 4, l MUYlO U ', anparriaion of a committee 'elected $t that time by the ticket-hold's* • 'are; t. 51, THE LIST OP. GIFTS • Artielei.Value. - , 1 Lot in East Towanda „ $5OO 00 1 First-elms Sleigh ' 150 00 1 Ladles' Gold Watch 100 00 IDollara err', ,• in old, 23 26 Carta Pti •!.7-!.. ';',,:'; 'i.:• 44 oo 1 ChM% Prrwer, , • • ',.• • .. . • 55 00 1 Iron-beam,Ellehill, Plough, ' , ' 10 So • 1 Wood-beam Evans plough, 8 50 1 Bradford CbtltityPiAragh. 9 50 . 1 L Plcmgll, 7 50 1 Cultivator, • • 800 .. . 1 ... • 800 1 411 1 Suffolk Pig, Greenbacks, - 1 Suit of Clothes, to order, 50 00 1 Cook Stove, 60 00 1 Large Chromo, 33 00 -1 Globe, r 15 00 1 Dozen White Shirts. • - 25 00 1 Caddy of 10 lbs. Choice Tea, i 15 00 - 1 Ton of Mal, . 4 00 1 Set Dodble Harness' . 75 00 1 Cow, 75 00 ' 1 Ton of Coal., 4 50 1 ''. of Stove Coal. , .5 50 - 1 " of Chestnut Coal, 525 1 Globe Hemisphere, ' 'l5 00 1 Box ars, 5 Boxe s o ig f Toilet Soap, '5 ttri 1 Dresaing ,Caoo,, , Au 00. 1 Ton,of Cad 40, W ' 1)B Padang, ' - '''''' •" . >•,:. '' ' :. • 00' 1 Box of Cigars, . 1 Globe Hemisphere, 15 00 1 Silver Watch. I ' 20 00 1 1 Large • ' Library Album 2 Ink Stand, 7 50 00 20 Dollars In Gold, 16 ct. premium. 23 20 1 Small Chromo, 2 00. 1 Open Buggy, 125 00 1 Box of Cigars, 500 I Oil Painting. 10 00 1 Chester White Hog. 50 00 . 1 Ton of Coal, ' 4 00 1 Chester White Sow, 50 00 1 Globe Hemisphere, 15 00 I Suit of Clothes,4o 00 . , 1 Large Steel Plate Engraving - 40 00 1 Box of Cigars, 5 00 1 Ton of Coal, 4 00 (25 prizei) 1 copy each, 1 yr., Bradford Reperter,so 00 1 Silver Watch, 23 00 1 Barrel of Flour, 10 00 . . 1 four Lamp, Gas Chandelles, 40 00 1 Box of Cigars, 5 00 1' First-class Overcoat, to order, + • 53 00 1 Ton of Coal, 400 1 (Hobo Hemisphere, ~•<46, 00 1 Mere/ eugar.ll,lo lt4 . st 15 ctn. Per lb: ' -00 1 Velocipede , ~..• :•-• • .. ', ,65 00 1 Small Chromo, • 2 00 I,Barrel Flour' ~ 10 00 1 Box of Soap, '''• 900 1 9 00 • 1 Box of Saler:dna, '6 00 lease of Canned Peaches, 10, 00 1 Globe Hemisphere. • 15 00 1 Ton of Coal, 4 00 IC' , Cook Stove and Furniture. ' 75 00 1 Case o ff Calnno4At Plu ' ms, , , , , , . . .10,00 ._ ... --- CIXI3O. MEI 1 Bonnie, ...ot,, ' ; H . ,, , ; Woo 1 Rosewood Toilet Box, ' s'oo 1 Barrel Flour, 10 00 1 Fancy Match Holder, 1 00 1 Jar Pomade. , 200 1 Rosewood Toilet Box, a 00 1 Ton of Coal, 400 (25rirtzei) 1 ecipy each, 1 yr.. Bradfard Argue,' 50 00 1 Case of Perfumery, 3 00. (6 prizes) Gent's Pocket Books, $1 50 each, 9 00' 1 Case Congress Water, 12 00 1 Ton ei Coal, . . 400 (3 prizes) Ladles' vole's! Parses. 82 each, 8 IX) I Case of Perfumery, 5 00 1 Jar Pomade., 200 1 Ton of Coal, 4 03 1 Cue of Perfumery, 5 00 (5 prizes) Fancy Iron Match Holders, $1 each, 5 00 1 Toilet Set, four brushes each, 5 00 1 OLlPalntiug, .- - 12 50 " 1 Marble Mantle Shelf. 0 00 127 prizes) Box wick 100 Garibaldi Cheroots, 27 00 Large Rocking Horse, 10 00 1 Pair Napoleon Grain. Waterproof Boots, 15 00 (10 prizes) Kerosene 911 14imps, $1 eaeh, . 10 00 1 Barrel of Hrackerii, 6 00 1 Ten of Coal, 400 1 Bet Bash and Blinds, for a house, . ; 125 00 .1 Mart*, Mantle 0141. • . . • . 900 ' 1 Case Of Hair Restorer, ' 10 00 1 Case of Perfumery. i ; 600 1 Jar of Pomade, - 1 50 .. 1 Toilet Case, - 200 1 - Case of Perfumery, ; 2 00 1 Ton of Coal. 1 400 . 20 Dollars In Gold. 16 eta premium, i . 23 20 1 11arble Mantle Shelf, , t 5 00 10 Dollars In Silver. J 10 00 (20 prizes) 1 pimnd Tea each, • 2O 00 1 Case of Perfumery, 3 00 I Ton of Coat -- - 4. 00 1 Barrel of Flour, 10 00 1 Fancy Watch Holder, . 1 00 1 Jar of Pomade,. 1 50 1 Bottle of Perfumery, 2 00 1 Cash of Canned Peaches, 10 00 1 Marble Mantle Shelf, 10 00 1 Case of Perfumery, • 3 00 1-Ton of Coal . • . - 400 •1 Barrel of Flour, , . :, - '. 10 00, 1 Jar of Pomade,' . .2 00 • 1 Oil Painting, ' 12 50 ' 1 Marble Mantle Shelf, 6 03 1 Toilet Set, four_ hrushes asseht . ' 4 500 1 Borough Lot, 507.150, • • .100 00 1 Ton of Coal, 400 1 Merino Brass Pattern, 10 yds. at $2 per yd. 20 00 1 Pair of Flue Boo's, to order, ~ • ... -12 00 1 Box of Cigars, - 600 . I Set of Single Harness, • 40 00 1 Barrel of Flour, ' • • • 10 00 1 Teaman's Patent Cutting Box, • 19 00 1 Marino DreasPattern, 1134 yda. at $2 pc . r yd. 23 00 20 Dollars In -i3old,' 16 OP. Premium, ' - 23 20 1 Dot of Cigars, . . 500 1 Teaman's Patent Cutting Boxes, 13 00 ! /3c ! of. agora, ( 5 00 _ _ ' v yo u r, • i Baird of _ ...r, ' 16 60 1 Mail= Dress Pattern, 10 yds. at $2 per yd. 20 00 7 Boa of Cigar; 000 tt• CamPFete det of Tinware.; , , , 74 0 2 Palle, (warranted) • '"25 Oo 1.13 o: of Cigars, : 5 00 I Sit of: Chamber Furniture, - , - • 75 00 1 Point Lace Shawl. , , - 75 INK . 1 Barrel of Flour, ' • ' • •10 00 1 1 Box SCatilitit. . . . 6 00 1 Deets Pattent; . ',- 1 . 1 Shawl, • ... .. 5 0 00 .151erino,DpnutPa.ttera,10711a. at $2 per yd.. 10 00 .1“ -.. • . llf - . !le - .1;0 ' ,a• ~$ ~ CS • ,20 00 1 Box of Cigara, 6 00 1 Velocipede. - . • Bo oo . IBarrel of Planr. - • .. , • • 10 00 -1 trench Shawl, • • • 15 00 1 Silk Dress Pattern, . , a,- -- 20 00: 1 1 pi lit ugh. ll of ~B , r it awls Carpet, : : ~. _ , 1 7 00 0 00 2 I . l3arret Choral.. licrx of Cigars, • , „ 6 00 (12 pita* Cedar Piiis, SI So each: - • Is 00 sumo Lifolfisnranoa Policy,_ 20 00 'l:Ploagh, - - , -.. ' '- - Iri 00 Bona Soap, 25 00 I 'Map of Towanda. by : 'Morgan; • • 200 Total amqnnt. of Prize; • Ntnitkr- of lickets, 6,000. PRICE FOB 011101.811CKETES; . - $1 00 . IBoa. P. F. STrarznaz, Han. P. D. lbalsow, SIiSWA r•o'gigMaS, rivasAt, Irani Tracts maybe procurre4 at - ' Ponritu Dnuo #eritiers at the Zola SPA MAW “taNisbed Agencies named isi anual-dr- te.-11.'s WIMP* T.irriaillaa.: 0 8417 4 11144 1.._ COMladitalk ,l l4 , 4lo4lro PPO I P"I e n WM.! `1; . • 4.3 ItotittildoirEllTY FOESALE TheUtbiscrlber offers for , aals Mi. , Maki in' Leltaysville, known u the ..Leßoyarille , Thrie wat bo given on a portion albs inirrhaso . 'Amu& 1 I -; •;• • • • , •LCU.VBVindottla.l7. 70. SOHN cuAmorylN,- • .$4,308 05 OE = Jesus Powhii. azo. e lion. trusizo IhnCrt. _ • „ i .: A-Gcro?nto• 111V9 "*"1"IgiR e ;,! ".1 I :1 1 , 110.elsigikk • 'l' • - fir= ghtiOld iftdiftir • ' • •-• I ' • .."lel•akefAiut ztralte.. ) :l tr. 4% r * iiTefigtc" .•;47.41n =WM THEY mit sow ORNAP. fl'''o 0 fr And Lactase to be shim to sells g ood must understand his business. -an ' • • Vhir Vt" n - %:1`...f1,0'14 .5t 14. 4. : 7. , . 7S.i ; PEACTICcAIe In ail Ha biuichas I Nem to bo, bavinal had • EIGHTEiS indllB "11EnlitIENCE In the binsinoss. nave boon n'attor in some of tho 1,41 , I . Tor - YORK CITY. , '.~ r:: ~ ~ 'I - do my own b selling and cutting, and dhdbdsay. prod siSmsnenn thniks. dill will .do—and' ith law seat and other expenses In pro. = is thlM.aalhtactlweciat: crime:Mg ma : _tim very mitalL; . • • ' In residing the above Ton wilt we whittle . ' that . r . .4 1 `'Tity1,-; • . x., , . cv i o va. ,f, 1:,.0.,.0 D..s• ....• .° a., .w „. ~...,.4n: „ ~ Thin Men turowledge of it themselves, have to employ others at Urge admits to Oland A* Woad, engneassouit p a y s e ca rdlP/a — all they. like Emelt. . • IX) BUSINES6 LlirE BY IT. It rm doubt the; "bovo stoientiet, La ectiVip94 kgrEY HARMS, t~2aitor'.' Sr 6 fit; 3 T awLdda Ca. Ang.lo,lo T l/1 I; 4. R _az C 0 INVITE ATTENTION i ii ... TO THEIR EMI Ell NEW ALIACA, BLACK RE so' PIECES JUST .RECEIVED. THEY ARE TIIE STANDARD ALPACA or TUE J. Vatted !natal, of unttorni make, and tuunuTarased . 111 rotor, quality or prim. - • • ' Fcr.. ? ,m4a, Aug. Coddiug, Russell ..& Co. DEALERS IH HARDWARE, IRON, STOVES NAILS, TINWARE, &C. Keep the largest stock of, BUILDING MATERTA 'GT , A SS, SASH, PADP±S, • LOCKS, OILS, &C., to be found in this part of the State. Headquarters foi F. T?, 1 7,T. , .441...Mr5• Try the New Improved Top PORCELAIN LINED - AND 'PER- FECTLY Mit..Tl(iHT JAR. LOOK AT. THESE 'PRIORS Quads, by the ease, $22 . 00 gross. GaL " ° " 29 00 Quarts, " " dozen 200 Gal. " " • . " 2 , MOWING MACHINE' SECTIONS; Hay, Rope, Fork -Pales, &C. REFRIGERATORS, .; 7:-!--143E-ORFAM-FREESERS, BATHING TUBS;- TOILET SETS, TINWARE, BIRD CAGES, FISHING TACKLE; FLOWER POTS, WATER COOLERS, ICE PITCHERS, SCREEN 'WIRE, STONEWARE, WOODEN , , • all hinds-of - fifEctilqiic's 'TOOLS, CARRIAGE.' 18, II Gs, FELLOES, so, id'''. 'LEATHER BELTING, - BnifiErr. ,-;" c••• We - offer at wholesale NAILS„ l'CipAl3B, • TWIT' JARS, F,ARAING TOOLS, 10910SENE, POCKET CUTLERY, and uoniothet goo49,atlill-thntsi at lovitist market rates: Coddlngilioisell:i.oo; 'Tiiwtindai, Mail2,''iB7o;'!2'"' - ': . T..: ~ 1 - A' Krin/MGROCIEREES - 4011) -- Provittoni* 14 . 0:dettude Man, at Igo ilme. o. B. PATCH . Artithi'mapirtl-4, - 3• „Jo= ..!•1 - -1'3;72.1' ' • ,AF.43„m*Abg . . • --.. • -;14 •9'7; - itivD LTI-0 If !!: ME= , ',!.J , ,i..4.,:;.•:: , '-11 . ‘.. ESE SE = MEM S.EA.SONABLI4I GOODS 1!ikl1TIC!14, B:? - /LITE iTION RIM RE Turiada, Atig.2§, line TO'.,Otit•3IJNY F.RIEND We take pleasure in announcing the arrival of our very EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT TAYLOR - -k 00. SPRING S T YL ES SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES SPRING STYLES NEWEST and BEST NEWEST • and BEST NEWEST and BEST NEWEST and . BEST • :• The market alfords, selected with care by expert camel men in the trade. • ' Wa have all the test and most poimiiz man turcra goods suited to the wants of LADIES, MISSES & C 111141) JAW'S V. BURT'S GOODS AND'BOYS. . . Our own Manufactury Is In full blast and weare prepared,to make to order any kind of wceie. Amur lug the public that we shall take more pains than eeverr stoc k. to please them, and invite an caawil ashen of ve ' March 80,1870. HUM ItllErßaotrtEns! BEVoLVERS, j.A.R#S, WICKHAM & BLACK'S. Towanda, imi!;ls, 1870 TI - 113SOLUTION: %Ake is hereby given that the co. hip heiethforo exist. luabetween E. T. - Pox, George !Nevem and Henry Mercur. under the Ann name of Fox. Eirsvzsa. Man = & Co.. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Weft and pa of said Mine:will be kept at the office if Fox k Iffercur, and all persons indebted ed. are requested to call and settle Intmediately.. • Either patty ia authorised to sign in T FOX.' liquada tion. . . E. . GEO. STEMS. Aug. 90, 1870. .. HENRY. KERCIIII. • VOTICSI OP PARTNERSEUP.—The , lutderslgned, 43 Unable day formed a piu.shbi -undeethe ulirmliatee" af lOX IMMostel - will continuo the Grocery and Provision business at the old stand corner ottlain and Pine streets. . . We Istil be ready with a fresh stoat of Hcrehandi4 to serve our Wends and patrons, in a fevi E. T. FOX, Aug. 98, . HENRY IdERCIIIII.. CAKES AND - CRACKEIIB.—CtitE, cianHend. Scotch Honey. Orange, Ration. Lean. on and Ginger Cakes, .Washington - Jumbles and Coffee Risme. and CMOs of Crackers at Harch - 4;10. W. A. ROCKWELL'S. . • EMI New - '4%fitsWmditi M=SMI = =HE 11= IMEN ME BM ME MEE '11; =1 MEM is called to TIER STOCK. KEYSTONE STORE. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES COMPRISING: COMPRISING COMPRISING COMPRISING THE GOODS. GOODS GOODS GOODS Wlthlkfull Eno of the celebrated FOR 44 1 40 14 . GtNERA Itod. - Lle.MATlON.—Mhategt, bran ad 'animas Of the Cfnamonmialthof Pennsylvania, entitled act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth,^. is enjoined upon me to give ;labile notice of such t u veiten to be and also the enumeration In eh notice whatailloWs ire T j! - A.4 , AN FLEET, H.lollhertiffif Meqatinfof =ar Alto hereby make own and give notice to the electors Farcounty, on =SPAY; the 11th day of OCTO. MO, In the' several districts In said county'', wit: • . lisAlbaborough, Othe r hore fo e e 417• tioittple,d -IgAittro7. at the ached house - roar Wm. Haire% In Asylum: at the school. house near H. Decker's. • lar'Athons Mirough, at the house formerly nom* Mitik E. 8. Malbewaon. _ ltiAthens twp._ at tbo bowie latil44, ' 0 1: 12 1;, 41 , 3 1! 1.;B. Hunt. In Athens 1k05. , , : In Derlinsten brim', at the . house formerly iiceis. T. Boyne. Irr Derlington twp.„ at theleonte of Jaa. Wad. . -IA puling= west, at the house of Pars Godard. in .Barclay at theichool house. In Conk* bury. si the Central Manse. - :In Canton twp.; at the house formerlyoccupled EL'S: Mims. in Clinton borough.. , In Columbia. at the house of Jas. Morgan. iti Franklin at-the house now occupied, by 8. 8. In Granville. at the hand of. Den). F. Taylor: in Murk% at tlusitchrol twitter near PlUtiel PO. fit Loney/mine lloroVat the house formerly wed. Pled by J. It Fletcher. • In Litch lloodgood. field, at the house formerly occupied by Cyrus I - In Leßoy, at the . Centre school boom. In Monroe twP.. at the haute form Fly 0 4 1 1Phelb,. It. R. Rockwell. In. Monroe bozo', at the houiu formerly occupied by-Ethcl Taylor. a In Orwell, at the house of ?mugs Woodruff. In Overton. at school honie2lo.2. • . lAPSkc, at the hi/x*4915m0 Rolverrth. ; In Rome twp.; at the Academy in Rome bore. In Udine boro',,at the Academy. • , , In Ridgbury. it the boars ernefl. Itennaus. In Sheshequin. at the Vail House. In Springfield. at the house formerly occupied by •.Tesao liammond.. • • • " -Iu Standing Sto ne , O at th e house of Simon %even& i Smithfield, at the, house formerly occupied by derould. ! - In Sylvarda bore. at the bans*.Cin=arri tt. - !• In South Cookiat,l2ie hfinse,af kl In Terry, - at - the tonitiof Jacob Protein. • In Towanda horo', at the Grand Jury Loom. In Teiandalwp. : at Ust i :school house rum, H. L. Scott's. . • In Towanda north, at WO . house of 8. A. Kill's. In Troy twp., at the house of V. 11. Long In Troy ',borough. . • . . lIMMI •In l'roy bora', attbo house of V. U. Long. ' - In Tuscarora, at house near Jas. Black's. In 111ster;'nt the house of S. B. Bakal= In Vhirre:n; at the,house of B. Cooper. . In WlruThani, at the house of B. KuykenclaLl. In Wyaluslng ; at thb hapseaf VII. Black. - In Wilmot, at the bottwof A. J. Stone. . In Wysox, at the house formerly ocbuptcd oi J. M. b. , . In Wells, at the Lone of dd which time'and place the electors aloreadd.ntll, elect by:ballot . One person for Representative In UurnUnd Con gress, rpm. the XIIIth. Dlatrict, composed of the counties of Bradford, BionMnr, Wyoming. Columbia . . One person for Additional Low Judge of the 11th Judicial District, compiled of the counties of .Bred- Ant/ and Busquidtainta. Two persons to represent the countleil of. Bradford and tiuni . i,n In the House of Heprdientatiree of l'enneyirania. . . • • Ope person foirounty Conunissioner for the COllll. iy of Bradford.' • Ate r zr o : d on for Jury Commissioner for the County • One personlor Auditor' of the county of Bradford. And in and by said act. I am further directed to give notice "•that any person - excepting Justice of the pcaee who shall hold any office .of profit and trust•under the government of tho tutted States or this State, or of any Incorporated district, and also that -every Member of Congress 'and .of the Ledlsla. titre, and the select and cedunloll council of any city or commtsideneis °piny incorporated district, is by law incapable 'of hotttin,, ,, . or exercising at the same time the oftice or appOintment of Judge, Inspector or Clark of an 'clew:on of. this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector orother of of say such elec tion shail be then eligible to any office then to .be voted tor. . By the 4th section Of an act passed the let day of April. 1840, it is provided "that the I.4th section of an act passed July 2, 1863, entitled' 'An act relatibk to the elections of this Commonwe'alth,' ^ shall not be construed so as to prevent any military officer tram serving as Judge, Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special election of GUS COrnmonalialth. An Act to change the time of closing the polls at the General and Township elections in the county of -Bradford. ' •-• The General Election in all the Wards, Townships, Dbdricts and Boroughs of the county is to be opened between-the hours of six and seven. o'clock 1n the forenoon; and shall continue without interruption or adjoin:l.llllmA until seven o'clock in the eventing, when all polls shall be cloned. farther Supplement to the Election Zaire `cif Pennsylvania By the act of the Congress of the Unit ed.SMtes entitled Act to amend the severalacts heretofore passed to proilde for thd enrolling and calling out the National forces, and for other purpoa, es" and approved March third; one" thousand eight hundred awl sixty-five, all persona who have desert. ed the military or naval service of the United States. and who have not been discharged, or relieved from the penalty. ordisability therein provided, are deem ed, and taken, to have voluntarily relinquished, and forfeited their rights of citizenship, and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof : 1 And irltereas, Persona not citizens of the United States are not, under the Constitution and Laws of Pennsyltania, qualified electors of this Common _ . Common wealth : SECILON 1. Be it enacted. ky lie. Senate ang.lolentse qf Representutires f the Commonwealth of remise runic la Generct .triernbly met, and it is here&y enact. - eel by 14e authonly.of the: Mine / That in all elections hereafter to be held in this. Commonwealth, it shall be unlawhil tar the Ma r ge or inspector of the 'eke- Lion to rt:echo ony.ballot iit ballots from any person. or persons embraced in the provisions, and Subject to the disability imposed by said act of Congress sp lit-cored }larch 3, 1.665 and , it shall bo Unlawful for any such person to offer to vote anyballot or ballots. Szerms 2. That if any such judge and inspectors of election or any one of them shall receive, or con-. sent to receive, any such unlawful ballot or ballots, from an,such disqualified person, he, or they, goof. fending,..sliall be guilty of a mesdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court ofquarter sessions of this.Conunopwealth, ho Audi; for any such offence, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than sloo, — and undergo an imprisonment, In the jail 61' the proper county, for not less-than GO days. . Bwrion 3. That it any person, deprived of citizen. ship, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any elect. than, hereafter to• be held in this Commonwealth: vote or tender to the officers thereof, and offer to vote a. ballot, or ballots, any pe'rson so • offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and -on conviction thereof, to any court of quarter sessions allt d of- this Commonwealth, eh for , each offence, be punished la like manner as la ded in the proced. Mg section of this act, in the of officers of elec tion recevintr such unlawfill ballot and ballots. SECT/ON. That if any person shall hereafter per. anode or advise any person or persons deprived of citizenship. and disqualified as aforesaid to offerany ballot or ballots, to the officers of any election, here after to be held in this Commonwealth, or shall per suade or advise any such officer to reecho any ballot orballota, from any person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, such person so offend ing shall be guilty cif-aanisdemesnor, and upon con viction thereof, In any court of Outer sessions of this Commoewcalth, shall be punished in like man ner is in provided. in the second Beaton of this act, in the case of officers of such election, receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots.. I • . .By an act of Assembly of March 30, 1860, entitled an• Act regulating the mode of voting at all elections: in the several counties of this Commonwealth, ins enacted as follows : SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the Senate and /foam 'ofßeprerenfatiresef . the. Comma:urea/1A of P,,,,n0n,d -rosin is General Assembly met, and it is hereby enact ed by the authority of the same, That the qualified _voters of the several eounttes of this Commonivealth at all general townsidp7 borough, and special eke tons, are hereby, hereafter authorized and required to tote by tickets printed or written, severally derai led as follows : One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges ofconrt to be voted for, and to be la beled, outside, ••Jufficiary;" .one ticket shall embrace the. haloes of all state officers to be voted for and be labelled."state:" one ticket shall embrace thermoset of all county officers voted for, including office of .senator, member, and members of assembly,if voted for, and members of congress, if voted for, and be labelled '4 -minty:" one ticket shall embrace the of all township officers voted for, and be la '. • 'township:" one ticket shall embrace the names of all borough officers Tided for. and shall be labelled •• borough," and each clam shall be deposit e.ll in tleparato ballot-boxes: ,• Election officers are authorized and commended to strictly observe the,provisiens of the Registry Law paased by the Senate and Hcmse...of Representativei of this Commonwealth. non• the 17th day of April. 1869. .• , • - Esti o .1. s, CRAMMER. • Harrisburg. Pa.-Aug. 47.1870. S. To County Commiisionere and Sheriff °Jae County Brrutford: '• • WigEntras,. Ttio Fifteenth Amendment of the Con ofito tion of tho United States i an tollosie: ...SECTION 1. The right of citizens - of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or prevloue condition of servitude." "Szcnos 2. The Congress attall have power to en force this article by appropriate legislation." And . WAttest, The - Compete-et the United Stake, on the 3lat day of March, Ik* passed en act. enti tled "An Ad io enforce tee tiOlt of cilium of tie Unit e States to rote in tie several Mates ofthis Union, and for other purposes," Iltelirst- and second sectioni of which areas follows: • . • "SECTION I. Be it enacted Senate and House of Hrprerentatires of the United Slides of America in Cos.' gm* assembled, That all citizens Of the United States, who' are, or shill be °thereto • qualified by law to vote at any election by the people, in any State, Ter ritory. district, county, city, pariah, township, school district, municipality: or other territorial sub-divis ion, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of race, color, or pro. %lons. condition of survitudi ; any Constitution, law, custom, usage, ar regulation of any State or Terri... •tory, or by, or. under' fti authority, to the tabs,' zotwitbstanding." " SECTION 2. Aid. Le it fiikiher enacted, That if by or under the authority of the Constitution or laws of any State, or the laws of any Territory, any act le or • shall be required to bo done as a prerequisite or quaUtlcationlor voting, and by such Constitution or law, periroms or officers are . or shall be charged with the performance 'of duties in furhiahlog to citizens an opportunity to. perform each prerequialte. or to become qindified to vote. it shall bathe at? of every such person and officer to Ore to all citizens of the United Shaw Alto same and equal opportunity to perform'ench: prerequisite; and to pecoms ed to vote without distinction of race, color, or PreTiOtS , condition of-memento . : and if any such person sr officer shall milieu: or knowingly omit to give full ef fect to thin section; he shall, for every each offence, forfeit and pay the sum of , ftve - hundred dollars to the'peraon aggrieved thereby, tabs recovered by an action on the pose, with full. costs. and etch allow- once !or conniel fells au the court shall deem just. and shall also, for every such offence, be deemed guilty of a nilsdenanter, and shall on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five - hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not lees than_ one month and not more than one year, or both, at thediscretion of the eted whereas; It is declared by the second section .of 'thirTl article . of the Constitution of the United States, that "This Constitution, and the leers of the' toned States which shall be - made in pursuance thereotehall be the supreme law of the land, • • 5 ' anythluir in the Conatihition or tans easy Skye. Mae contrary notwirkslasiding." - ' - Amt ealemas, The' Legildature of - this Comifr i wesith, on the eth day of A. - D. IEO, p an act, entitled further supplement to the act re lating to eleetkma thtis Commonwealth," the tenth imetion of which prOvldcsya follows: . Scores 10.. That so much of every act of itamen. Wan provide* thst,only white freemen shin be en titled to vote arhe regietured se voters, or as dainm .ing to rots at any genecal or spedsi election of this CemmoneetAtli, be and the same is berehy and that hereafter all freemen. without dlMlncfi d on of color, shall be enrolled and registeredaccording to the pre:vial:nut of the' Pit .aection of the set ap proved seventeenth April, UM:entitled !'An act fur. thee supplemental to theftreleting tothe elections of this Commonwesithol 'and when otherwise quail. fled under existing .14„wil, be entitled to vote at all im xeserilasl *NM eiseeleasbi ibikbeeet 14sS sbasse. Ti, * ea sal alleal - *sty to .lA6 osee =Nibs 1190110111 A. lade sad it beet** lb armors sad Iftleassi se Use and se salting to *Nes ,ssi - ste~lhass soele da maafisik t eampflaxeillSell 1111 doctors: - - - Now, laxesram Is aseSesabei at die ad. the' mutt sesesdessease staid: es. be/swam** ,ils4 Nneled to balsa Ibe assent seam* last Vara et weeps flepilix to *or siall meow sal Ow dolt lassbassibly nal esseiles. aced exixdaxat sal d eollit busby sal se~ bp*** In ida;destaxl. yanduralon ant:now ea lambi Waal Weir ant at Cadriaak add ad at lridaiddam. to ask esalbetibasseksw be Mani. essaisdi sod obeyed by al *pare of wan. *Mos alleasesd ether* asSassieks satiothleal lossiblood **Ma way be esessed to ea tbe es* tens of jblaCessaanyaMb esallatte lbw mem Gass Moss EV MX, urs as Owes Ss* sax urea. , at asnakerg, Ile day sod year ant Awe =ass. • . Jason, doe' of Osemeassaa. - 121 a *Maw of ***Judea, for Ns tape ado. live Mari* will be ma sa iha Cann-linars, muds. on Ito aanadb day Oar alseekpa, winch yin. Le on *UM aisy at October. - irbe meeting at nem apalmr rhai canny at Bradford, win be ist Ibe Cos* * Tana* os the Wad day altar Arenas, artillina be any'rfday. the UM day of October. at I. °Wadi. P. M. Z. pia= TAN num,: . Sept 7, Imo. VOREIGN ATTACAMENV—Zm: z a m i irt , / Seeks Z.' era the Sept. Tata. urra, ". °lmatr. No.—. I hereby 'Snot that Dopy Of ft' writ Wood In thia ease, b.panlnned by NM Inmellt*r rxunellie In the yraveft Adman/. pitted si Randy, Tkini 'county, N.Y. And In the Ennsonan=s im n,rat ed at Parotids. Pa, r. Plenden T ndst. erwandi, Pa.; Aug. it ire. • - [gin ALTTACMIIT4 Ocomaxinramits arlhontirmins. . Ibudford . Cseraly:as. . • ro ao Bradfbrilfir=p—Wrectlay : We.-;ccanmand that yaa ecs. Putacir. te; of your yen emnsq. am and abutaler good s an d c.h lands and tasenassm, tights. and credits. itrwhoes Main es peaaaapon obeyer the isms may be. so that he be and before'o ourdur Cant &Combos Pleas to be hoiden at the bats of .Torrands. in and Ike aid moo tel first Momlazof September pea. there Hennrryy Van Bract, in Temps= ma ow ow imam e= township bail in said $6.000.00, andOdOTIM attsah M lend in Wy- In aunty, by Wa Spencer and wife to add Chitin X. Maros by deed 'dated Way 26. - ISTeli ra ng lots Nos.;4. 2,, 6,, r. /it, It,IA 16, and ottibin A. be Mot* No. 26. of Pleschnt's id Zest Towanda, Aholand in same Mneldpi; conveyed by Job P. Kirby and wife to said Beres. being amen lots in the the subdivision of. East Towanda, and that all persona in Those hands or possession the said goodie dallies, zooneye4 rights sag credits, or any of them May im attached. co Ord they aid every of them be and befeee slid Court, at the day and place awemtd. to sewer VIM WWI be objected aeatast them and abide the judgment of the Court t; and have you then and there this writ. Witness, the Honorable P. N. Streeter, President of said court, at the borouo of TOMO& afaressid, the 12th day of July. A.H. IsTO. W. A. TllON6ll,Protheentmy. To Vie HOPOTOM Judges : I certify that by virtue of the annexed writ of i 1 7 07 e1571 Attachment; attached the following de ' method land, situate In litysox lownetp. Caw of Bradford. State of Pennsylvania; end as follows ' Beginning at a mimeo on the east tide of th. et. in Flew-burs subdivision of last Towanda, ence north 49 deg. 30 min. east , along the line of lot No. 12. 150 feet to a3O foot Om ; Memos along the line of thi mod south 40 deg, ]0 min. east 276 feet to a street, thence along the line of sold street south 49 deg. 30 min. west 130 feet to the eta Mae of said 51aln.M, thence along the hue of mid Mater st., north 4(1 deg. 30 min. west 375 feet to the pace stocknning. being lots Ito. 19, 14. 15. 13 and L andes No. 21 of said abbetivision of East Tow All Improved. ALSO—One other lot, piece or pareerot bind situ. ate as *Wm, • bounded and described as follows Beginning at the south.west cornet of lot 80. 3. of Block RC thence b orth 69 deg. 30 min. cut 150 feet to th e west line; of Second street, thecae along the same south 40 Reg. 30 rain. east 375 feet to the cor ner of• street, thence along the north line of said street south 49 deg. 30 min. west 150 feet to a 20 foot alley. thence along the line of the rune north 40 deg. 30 nitn. west 375 feet to the place of beginning ; be. tug iota No. 4, 5. 6. 7. and 3 of saidlitseebleure sub division of Ezelp Towanda, Elre*,Net. 31. All' Im proved. ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land bounded se follows : Beginning at a corner on cocoa., north 70 deg. 90 min. east 370-feet from east line of Bow msn's Eddy highway, thence north TO deg. 30 min. east 140 feet to a corner. thence south 21 deg. 30 min. east 100 feet to a corner. thence south 40 deg. SO min., eastl7s feet to a corner, theme math 49 deg -30 min. west 150 feet to a 'corner, thence north 40 deg. 30 Min. west 375 feet to a owne r. thence north 21 deg. 30 min. west 15+5 feet to the place of begin ning ; being loti Nos. of Pkichblit's web division of East Towanda. - and cowreyed by Job r, Kirby and wife to the defendant. all J. PESKY IrAN is , • TI . BANDRUPTCY. DISTRICT 1 Court of the United States for the Mertern Die trier of Pennsylvania. In the antler of Azmemmx E. Au:rout—Bankrupt. r ' A Warrant in Bankruptcy Ina Lome& against the estate of- ALMEIRS E. ARNOLD,. in the county of Bradford and State of Inensygrenta. who has been adjudged a Bankrupt,} ,on hie Orli pennon ; that the payment a any debts and delivery of any properly beloogag to nub Bankrupt to him or for his um, 'and the Mmi&T of ant • property by him are forbidden by km.: A meeting of the creditors of-the said benkrept, to prove their debts, and to CAl00•0 one or more as. edgmeeof Ws estate, win be held at a Court of Bank ruptcy, to be holden at the oak* of the Register. 1. the borough of. Towands. Pa., before 12DWAIU ovEgTON, Ir.,ltegiskor, on the 70th day of SEPT= BER, A.D., TO. at 10 o' xuxbocu. - sep-6.•7oArt - U.S. Marshal, aa Messenger. AMIINISTRATORB NOTICE.- Natice Is hereby' given that all peeson.lndedt. ed to the estate of GEO. C. OGRE. late of alp - shequln, dec'd, must make hartasllsta •pa en* and all venom haying claims estattud Wd mast. must present them duly authenticated for settlemeo . RIMY GORE. . OBADIAH GORE, MAE F. GORE. --, Aug. 10.1870 A DMESTIVRATOR'S NOTICE:— Notice ta hereby given that all bidet,' • ed to the estate of DANIEL Wlate ••t Litany. dee'd:. are requested to make biunedtate payment. and all persons haethg claims smanst est. t. estate must presentthe same duly mithentkated An. settlement. • -! ' JOHN B. ISTEMORE. Aug. 10,10 Admistrator. LIST OF JURORS DSAWN FOIt SEFTE2MII TERM. Albany "twp, John Willer; Albs hove, Bimm; Beybolds; Columbia twp, Leda ltdmillaktlrounr. P G Stevens; Franklin twp, Decatur Pepper; Wel, Acid twp. Henry Hazleton, John 'Myer, George w McAffee; Leltayaville bore, Richard akdm 4 ; Leßoy twp, Holcomb; Monroe torp, Charles Scott. Orwell twp, W W Morgan; Pike tap..? :IF Bosworth. H 5 Prentice, II A Boss; South Creek twp, Alvin Furman, S B PetUnglll; 13~eld tap, Frank - Brown; Sheshequin twp, Wm , son• Smithfield twp,' Israel Phillips, 0 F,Wcied, olt Bir d; Towanda boro. Wm MU, Hiram WWII, Joseph Amer.; Towanda tap. Isaac Lamorstm, &Wren :Ins carom twp, John . Bought, G W Woodruff. Devil' Edenger; Troy twp, Thomas Baldwin, Lester Tau` Horn; Troy born, E H Dewey: Ulster twp, P F• Sweet, F W Noble;.Wyahning twp, W WarrPW. Charles Biles, Muftis' Ackley; Warren tap, /Aiwa Stevens, TRIAL LIST FOR SEPTEMBER -L. TERM, 1870: I C. Henniker vs J. B. Williston •- dela Smith Lent nee ye Geo. H. Prince - ad to Jonathan Whipple vs D. Cash's sohnes..Set minded Her Miller vs Ransom Tanr- nry (1:o. W. White vs J. L. Rockwell , " Cat/urine T. Wheeler vs Moen k 811adotd..electmant Jacob McNeal vs Basel Smith ....trowr B.S.Russell & Co. vs .1-RAlN:trews - " debt "John Carman vs R.R-Rill et al - .care Franklin Murray vs J.K.Wrtiltht, to case John McQueen vs Wm. Elabree. —..-.;., .. ........led la John Sterling vs Pa. k N.Y. C. S JUL 13.14.0ninwal vs L.R.Tears ".. , C.F.Welles va Jesse Spalding Henry Strops vs Milton Bailey..." ' tri= Alvin Seward vs A. Colbttrn appeal Jacob Tans vs Israel Smith - .ejectment 'anti Young vs Richard Mcßall - ejeolanent 1111fordeRnn Coal Co. vs Barclay Coal Co. ... ..... debt M.S.Warner vs SquireHorthiup ' Case Thomas Brock vs P.T.Turguson ejectment Subpeonsa returnable on Monday. September 12 - . 1870, at 10 o'clock. am. W. l'i= Aug. 6.10. " - . TOWANDA - AGRICULTURAL WORKS BTUL ALIVE! t - The stmedintendect of thli shop is now °Rettig some of the best Lt3IBER,WAG.ONS, - PLATFORM WACiONS.-- COVERED AND OPEN BUGGIES, i w eirer offered in thlimadet. Best aekc:te . d OAK AND HICKORY TIMBER • need, arid all work made by the most FS ERTENCED W,e have the ' - PATENT RUSSIA IRON ERATS, - very io r d ti and so d towards u tr r er that &reit tune has but Please examine oar work beibre sbaet st =haaing else. w M. I =t, °W. G. W. illoccen: - Towanda, July 20, lee. Superintendent MCLEAN & HOOPER,- FAMILY SEWINCr ' Prize. PS 00; This Kaaba will stitch, been. ha. tuck melt, cord, bind, embrcdder and parr t$ the moot, perfect manner. andyill saw from th e Hood to the Wort. cat goods WITAOCIT C7I4NGS OF TEIihSION. It is not a Cheap Xactdis&" tat to silem.cts equals the higher pima ones. "bite "bile dm tr. nonasbility - to get out of arbor, nal era a mange meat ir sumps's= Atz. - An examination Is dashed from all to lest the truth of our lunation& As& ]Arms WAU/A31139 Pa- NARY 11.-WATIB. Towanda, Sept. 1.1870. R . • • - . C 0 A-L YARD. - . • Until farther notice prices-at MIL are is 00 , Stare. ' 83 00 Nut - s ta PhtstonFut $4 10 Leave Orders at my Oat ONles. No. 3. hror. curs New Block. south aid& r . KR - Orders mast in au ease be acoonatruded b 7 the cash. • Towanda, June 1,'70. R..- IS. WELLES. - F.em TIAIIMIZ 1r1a1720 , LOC& 11=1111 4it .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers