EIE • • • •Tr,Ll,4: • • ' -•.,, 7:170. . ref( ' SI GatE p the "p`Taail llt9 F'i ..titter-Abe , resauf 'hikying....kovet , 4 44:144' r 7 ' - 'l3.iii . fitfb - t..ggt?44 1 #4,____:44, k ..:1 their hay; : do - not ilefibrk 41143 .`"T./uFlif: PltZlei...,ltokv.Ukt.isia4:'tiiii l: 4' ,, V , Tados : iiil)4B.tr:#,P.ltutta:olls#.4lio - „no iniiiiiniin, elay. l'l t hili 'konith foacili":;*llo*!ititaAgt ceiva by your stoiik: - iiow' , aid:then. as 'a eliaue;;.ii4a.'ll , --=-.X 43 :-iisidta; and rars : ,- ; profitabyre for • bedding. Brake 4, ti...m.ret'yotrag. ; linisliei of . this' year'fitrcnyth;::'. - o,.ds, ~ rushes, , rgik gl'oNi".ilig 1:94(.416;ri1143A15':'---44l'fin a useful 'sphere, when ,applied to - this use. Thev . 'n:it only_ *Eerie, for bed:: (ling nr:.k;iii ,, ...yotir - stock - clean • and corjoriable, ° .but they -add ii i :ma.ni/ie rk : , •oureas of-the rune. - Se,vcral - lOtuls ni:Ly -be olqained on each farm; .:that, yi:ILF :art ex ,?;e4r,,h.vel)y.evionslY. fallen;dow I:: Ili.leatid 1.14;•, - 04,0•Og,' Piet • th , -.. e:atntry . use-sou - many -,:farms -on 1 wi1i...11 tl.ere are_ .7o r ws of • Vashes, brakes aid .4itieds,'' lining: the 3valls; fenci,:i and .:rt,dsides: ,!l'his . .ought no', to. be. Year by year, these "now it•-•••• 1.-.:, vinpr6l.lla.bie things, . enreach I;:..•te :::1 , 1 more upon the cultivated p •ri.Oili of the field, driiirig out the gra,-,s, slia(litig_the L cropi„find yielding no re, .rn for the' damage they. do. F4rille a, 504,10 .o*, A 13.4.• henceforth' let Flo ore , such-esign.s -of slovenly dealin - iyith:your 4oil cry out. against tl you. 'tatlicata them ; burn these mai. f i . baddiug •or compot heap, and exercise - yigilericein their otter, extermination in. fainre. .. -. '• "The diligent hand maketh rich!! Had there been no Other -occupation to whieli this broad maxim .applies, it wonl,l hayc been, very appropriate T'J Lriiiiil! ,- ,.. - And to-no part of the i.e.,: tilit of 'Agi' ien4ural life does it ap -1,1:: Ao.h.piore peettli;ir. fitness than i• t . ll-.;productiou and securing of the f-trege crop: . Here diligence, perk ver.oit, and - (..uergy ' are the allpi.L. 7 ..:.ilil:g• relnis.-ites to sneecfls. 1 Let -no opDortnnity to get 4my, fodder or 1 - ):Jdi.li:.g pass ununprevcd. Too lit tle atteu•uogi is paid to this, too little effort expended in this direction. An excellent time to apply top dressing i 0 g,•a.is lauds, and p5...-haps the very bc - ,t, ls dire - et - 1y after haying. Wheth er it be old, well decomposed matoafe, as.ln. , s, superphosphate, lime or •other fo7tilizing agent. ~.It forms a protec- Urr.i to the shaven liola, from the i.:1: . .-ri of a burning pun ; the fall rains carry it away to the rootlets; it forms a protection to the grass from ice and frost. Tender Beef. Every one who has gone to market for ten year. past. ?inows the itwe•- tairty of obtaining friiiu his butcher a joint of meaf Avtlieh will prove ten. der whea 000ked. The re:1,5011 Ls fre.luent ly been st:Lce..l iuthesc. , :pages, to le. owing to 'hot management of lranzTort.ttion. neees zi•trily givon piac, , , near our- large ides, to clair:,ing, aticl the conse- () crest. t o q l-oin :-;teers art ce.oxi4-1-1 rarz. long distance . s without food ur ere tiruist.ii tn'd r—the chauge 11-inptstru t- rniir,ad ears tho ilutt van be iin ine.A. eonsn,lnt.:, , -.• is, the ah innal hoe'oacs heate-.1, feverish !o,"1 it is v;uv ...lien kill- Sri (.. t• , 11 41111Y11‘,Ieschlio. , , 1 . t 4 ,_ . •)f. Philatlelphia infolll , S Itg, he i 2 mow is !1•2 ;,:aetlet :4,tit, to his own pasture ;i . .)r Ivc;:A:s or snore before in this tin. th, _ rested and recupt.r -t'.; rhn fov*. i.1. - I.AI ;Ind juief of the • • ••••itc , n elisuin 111,, ii:;r;o:11 .; t• reacht , i, d i :JV colui•lailat of tort;_fh tt`.trt I:i3 plati sit.ml.l bate!t[T•:, auk! 51•- tt.0.•••,•L:6,;1•,:; Itiat it. 61101141 Ibv (•!1-,'2 I=l=l e utalzns—Datni PLin on (Cal.).llcpublicaa On the westeim side of the San 4,4asittin lhe wheat croli inn to• t ar-lsf , n. The wholo . . . alTe u.nnee, :111,1 lit•aflf, tho-- Sitar, (4 • . :it o.lsis —a green N/Jt.. Lilo de,- gr. - !ets the'eye_kf • the trav cr gi, i.leus the heart of the • •w:.1•••:. About two Miles from Ban ! :C., a 1'(•••1.s one . 11u - nired and si-,t•.-three 2 1,c:. k '.711 7 A11 are: green • awl thrifty aul oro::liF'e to yield a fair, crop. Al! :rroond this tield r.re miles of the wlic.at, , n which not at grain will be raised this season. and everything% except the of seeding, is sinailar-yet his n:igl:l) . urs rr.iscliothirer, while A.l', St - q..l;ing has one 111111Crilg1 and sixty acre.% of fair wheat. The ordin :-...ry- cu,tora of sowing wheat is to plough the ground very shallow plough at- that,) sow the seed and harrow it beneath the i-. -- nrface. Stock ing pursued a differcut plan. He tirit deep or suhsoil ploughed his ground; in. tlie fall he reploughed it h-rrwed in the seed - ; in the spring the area was heavily rolled. The result is a fair crop widie - ground :,c0,1,-1 in the ordinary manner pro duee.s nothing. To,; )11:oz.—This delicious vci;ctablo is now iii prime—and tni.ge sliohld Lo uitttout it.. L is lig:Athy and palatable is properly pre -In:red or cooked . • ft,: -A ay stewing tomatoes is to choose very ripe ones ; shin and slice, r,-jeeting• our hard parts. Put iu n MAI , . Irit ter. and pepper and vt..ry nut more than ten in Litt . es. Another way is to stew 'the ttinitoes until thOrozwhly soft, rub then *through a . sieve, and then cook thorn down to a, desired -thickness. Better. alt and pepper are the usual selsonin4. Thetis fond of the flavor of onjons-:will find the addition of ellopped 'onions while cooking; to make an ; etn.,t.!llent -variety. : , Choose large frnit. and cwtout a cavity -at tint st end : .this with a mixture of pirsvd'.:rcd crackM•s -or bread. mutt' Onttor, wilt or other season ' iug., ps4l and hake until done. c..refullY, the tomato-ts ataltl their :shape. Tomatoes may be brt,ib-ln: t them in halves cross wise aud put, the cut side down, upon a gTidiron oVerlhe fire. When the Eurfil;!: tlll7ll 'them and pat I;ntter, etc., .each, and co , 1: until done. " C S 14:: < ' :. • :r.-.-'Vhf.ll f;ll,lii ing thick writinhr prs,piz in r0n.1..1 p - ;ez,i.,l Vir; s;ziJ ofthu top of Oar- jive, izeafing, ;,/ tc,i, of Argf t`.;'.. 1 - t:' , 3lmparr. : • MEM h;,ec Soaks areitationev. I I' 1:: -, -' tt• :,:- -, - -zi,,,,,•,.. - 1 A 1,'1:7 7:4'; ,i li 1 ...2 . - 4 -. . - . 1: .. . , ...:, • L ,-, ' ; ~ ..., i ,t ;PA P :44 'f .k . '.!;M.WIT;II3-',:-'.'*r..' MEIN sEw : 2l:oltt: pArrits ME= smooL ]BOOKS PTA'S:IIINp Attl B2 KTAlib3 AHD Plcrums: , • - ,BLANIi. • YANKEE NOTIONS To=,:nds 4 Nov. 19, 186 a. Mscellaneotts. , _ _... _w T DOMESTIC" LOCK STICH SE IM4CHINE.* THE " DOMESTIC " is a Shntqo Sewing linehine,_ which has been used for the lust five years in the West, anti is now introduced for the. first time in this section.i It runs faster than niost, easier and more quietly than any, doing the lightesl. as well , ,as the heaviest work done on any Stqying 4achiue ALL ARE INVITED TO CALL AND BEE IT Plain Machines - $65 Half Case All Machines have Blake's Patent Table. Agents wanted in unomupied territory*. Address, CO.. Sern.utou, • For rale by VALOR tz CAME. Crowaada, l'a A. A. SINNER. Al.h.tsa. .flay 12,13:J. 7 4 VASE It!) COMFORT QM BLESSING OF PF,I3FECT SIGHT Thu re in not !us rq vsinahh , as perfect sight, mil perfirt right can only bv_obtained by uziug PERFECT-SPECTACLES! Tlrc aifflnf:ty of prccurilif; ‘v1.10.1 in will kuewn TAZABUS 0 CCU LI STS AND OPT IC ANS, lIA lITFO ND. CONNECTICUT mssurAcr.JitEßs OF THE CELEIMITED P:: 1 1 MC rEll SPECTACLES, neve, after ye era of ex perenne. expertmett, and end the erection of costly thertnt cry. been ettubted. to that (;11.1ND DESTDERNMS,' PERFECT SPECTACLES ! ‘.Vhirli !sine bccu sold with nutiznited ludisfaction to lbe wrai , ra lu the Weshirn States during the Fist ilftesti yemrs. uevur ticALts iast vf:4-11,:mt,chnilge: 17.. , .A . A. LAZA - 1:17S mortras have appointed JULES 1117(11.11:NIN. &saki . In Watliln and Jew ery.. Iheir eoh agent for T. - macda, Itennia. And vicinity. April 14, 1870. REPORTE_Tt . JOB PRINTING 0 F'7ITOM. Havint! r,runtly added grmtly to ntir tatilitier, we are now I nvtriul to do all ktn.la or "JOB PETNTIIIG LOWER PRICES MEI LETTER STYLE' Than any establlglunent lu NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA MEER THE REPORTER OFFICE EX.4.IILTNE! SPECIMENS. GREAT EXCITEMENT PA PER RANGING! T'..q . ER HANGING DONE FOR 10 TO 15 CENTS PER ROLL Oh, yea! oh. yes! it make.s me laugh tolmow that lz.bor is reduced one-half. Graining only $2 per day. Pocelalu finishing ofny $2 per day. Glazing only $2 per day. Painting , of all kinds only $2 per day. Blinds painted green at only 75 cents to $1 per pair. Blinds common col lora 50 cents to $1 perpair, andatt materials ihrninh ed. Tin and Decked roofs painted with patent roof. tug for 12 cents per yard. I ailt also furnish my customers with Lead and fine of the best qualify at C. 411116 saving from to 25 per cent. ou awry hand. . 0 ' F. E. POST. 1! a. June 18, 1370.-tf No. 32 Second-st. AL MARIET. c ~., still continue to keep constantly •,. complete nasortment of every \ . el: business, consisting u4an- ESH AND SALT SUGAR CURE i lIAMS, mtrrroN. -. i,2 BEEF. • LAMS, VEAL, l , i - POULTIIY, HAUSA E. : t, BOLOGNA. DRIED B)1 ' TALLOW, ad., ho. - Also, M" .I S _EI 1 FRESH .FROM . THE J.ARTIS. Tow& C" • the anbaeribe'tk on hand a full sma thing pertaining to ly of RF,F,F, PORK, 107 - :1 , A O . Z. : 1 1/ AIM In their lemon. Parties walling Oysters in Largo or slush quanti ties will be tarnished on short notice, et the old stand. Cryrrati. 'lLthErr, /dont:two'. Block, first door north of Dr. Porters. CMS. U linumu, l LELLInI k hiIILLOCK. ' Taw. llothcsnr. Feb. 24..1670-tt -7 PISH, PORK, lIA3tS AND LARD I:at 'COW= .t WEIVEL powELL & MYRR ~3RE SELL 4ur TEA vez.7 a,dp. R° YAL BAKING POWDERS at COWELL & MYEIVE. IRUITS OF ALj 2. 1 :Nils:DS 11 01 BCF..HORSFORD'S BREAD MayPrevirstion. at O. B. PATCH'S. 2n, • CHESTER, WHIT PIGS Ytib. Kstr. 'ylry N*? J 7. '7O-.2ta A. IL SWIM, V1at....•4 Ps. A FULL. STOCK. OF WOODEN Wra, • 0: t• rATCHT. MI SRiE RA i 7o ° ai g' 24l7ls l mP°:,- rtznirsAND, iouttio. Drisirr. cemscio: : . . lIILWAIINEL NT. PAUL ON/1 1 /. . • • And W pobas WestDoefinmd: ; DAYTON, CINODINATI4 INDIANA/MAL - , . Lormsylusorr. Louts. - 7 . f Astd all *Oats Booth Aavl Soalhved. . •a t - NAw An) vrnicar . cum= To Roomems. 11011140. mt.t AAD OnionotAn. - , MEE ECM tt, ,24 , • On and atter Monday. Mitt IS. 1.810. trains uut Ounla Waverly at about the follenring tone, vis ' a.ra NIGHT ELPRESS (Mondays eicepled) for A ROcluister.Duffale, iDunldrit t CletalanCand CIA. chtnati. connecting with the Like Shore, Michigan Southern, and Grand Trunk Itailwaya at Buffalo. • Dunkirk and Cleveland for the West; shoat Clear `.; land with the C. C. C. k Ina.' Railway to Indian. apons; and at Cincinnati with the Lot:Welk Short Line Railway, and the Ohio fa Mississippi Railway fur the South and Southwest ; also with connect ing lines at principal stations on =sin lino. 435 a. m.—NIOUT EXPRESS, daily. for Voeheater. Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland and Cindatati. rank lag direct connection with trains of Grind Trunk _ and Lake Shore Railways at Buffalo, Ihinkirk and ••• Cleveland. for all paints West. arid at Cincinnati with the Ohio & Misslsitippl and Louisville Short Lizto.Railways for the South: andSoutn.weat ; also with all connecting lines at principle atattoni on Main Una. 8:28 a.m.—MAIL Tram, Sundays excepted. for NATIO and Dunkirk. , .• .• ; , • .5:33 p.U3. - --nILMIRA ACCOMMODATION. itatillars executed.. . N O N 6:18 p. EL, DAY EXPRESS. Buz:days ewe- pted. for Rochester, Dadralb, Dunkirk, Cleveland. Cindnns- Nand the South. ' Stops at principal stations and connecting points on main line. New and iniwovea Drawing Boom Coaches accom pany, this train from _Ned York to Buffalo, and Sleeping Coaches aro attached at Hornallavillo, tun. ning tbs.'? to Cleaveland sh=on withontchange. 5:16 p.m.—EX. MAIL, for Buf falo. Dunkirk and Cleveland, conne tang with trains BIM ..for the West. T A-Sleeping Coach is attac htd-to _ this train ruining Altrottgb to Buffalo. . 7:00 naI:=WAT , 4:10 p.m.—EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily for the Watt. GOING EAST. - 1:00 aan.-14IGHT EEPRESS.Sundaysexceptod.eOi meting at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. - Sleeping Coacher socompriny this train to N. Y. 5:50 a.m.—CINCINNATI EXPRESth Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Je mm y City with afternoon and evening trains of New' Jersey Railroad for , Philadelphia. Baltiniore,and Washnigtoo; and at New York with steamers land -afternoon Express thins for New England C ties. Also stops it prtn- ' cipal stations and conticeing pointeron mainline. Bleeping Coaches accompany this train toNew Tort 12:55 p.m.—DAY EXPRESSI - Bundaysexcepted, con necting at Jersey City with midnight Express train 05 New Jersey Railroad , for Philadelphia. Aho stops at.principle stations and connecting points on mein line. .: New and implored Drawinfi-BoOm Coaches accom pany this train from Buffalo to Now York. 3:35 pat.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.. daily for Susquehanna. ' • 8:28 a m —ELMIRA MAIL, Sundays excepted. 9:25 p.m.. NEW YORE MAIL. Sundays excepted. • 9:05 p.m.—LIGErTZUNG EXPRESS, daily. connect ing at Paterson for Newark 4 at Jersey City' with Morning Express Train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Wallington • and at New York ,with Mornin,g - nrpress train or Roston and New England cities. Also stops at all principal cottons and con. nerting points on main line, Sleeping Coaches accompany this train through to New York. 3:45 p.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sundays excepted. A revised end complete 4. Pocket Thne.Table" ofTassenger Trains on the Erie Railway and om• fleeting lines, has recently been p - ablished, and tam be procnred on application td the Ticket . Agent of the Company. L. D. ROCKER. • Genl Snrt. - $7O pA. & N.Y. CANAL Lace Wmerin 1%17r00m 7.15-3.58-7.35 Triukluunoez,ll,23-0.17—P.0 Pitt•thrt,.... 10.35-7,30. Wilkesila4o, Wbite 11aven.12.35 P. AL @ZI=MI r.rn 2.33;. is t1kehei0.....2.50. EMI= :'Lila (Irv.) NevrYork(nn..) 6.05 '• 6.00 A.IIL Train at White Haven. Up Trains dilleF et Pattt . l'r4 , enget, to and from New York and Philadel phia without eluotge of care. Down train connects et Allentown wftla Through Fe.t Exprosa for Ilarrisburg, Pdtabnrg and tho we.t. TIPORTANI.' TO ALL WHO V.V.I.TE THEIR SIGHT! The sight of the agea ar.sh.tcth the weep strengthen ed end the perfect preserved. "For the matinfactming of the CONCAVE CONVEX, CRYSTAL LENSES. LONDON t . 1, 0 COTWIIT t'eises Ci7stal Sri c.f.i. les, made ny the ebove insktute itre now a long time before the the mphl am! hacreasotl dernantl :or them 1 . 01111,111,1 \Pith the universal acknowledgment or their dearness in visiou and to the eye, shows ph.inly to tie are an - porter cur other (flan., ,1.1 the market, mAjority e (mostly Imported) end no matter how 'fine the framen, coutain lout a poor mud worthless article or glasses, (generally cast or is,sworl :1 they are made, to be sold only, dithent miy calculatton respecting benefit to the eye, and titer..n.r., the great complaint of poor root weak sntit. Tho.isanda are using gasses now which tire mid fatigue the eye, where toe objects get dim atter short usage, or require an intensely strong light and therefore destroying the sight, which, were they properly itutted, would ba preserved a life time. The advantages claimed for the Concave Convex CryStal Glasses are the following: The Leusf:a are ground of the beat material. pure and hart, and node only for optical purl - macs, they are thereto:, net liable tenet s , ratclical-or ultea- They confer a brillinacy and ultstinOtm.ss of visloa 'Oct found iu any other glass. Thny ran be natal equally will by day or candlo light without tiring or fatiguing the eyes. • - They are umatind mathematcally true in the con cave cony( v 101 l 1 Isr, raordnrg Itl the rhile u scpby of nature. and shape of cornea of the eye,' therefore r.auist,na nature only instead of forcing it.' . That the leases are centered correct into the frimes. 'They Can be noted longer than any other glasses without changing to selligher power. The frames are nuula attai-rand durable by eve rtor:A uvork:u.: nand warranted to give satisfaction. W.ll. A. CH.taIUEBLIN. Beater in Watoltes, Jewelry and SP.veriVare,TOWILIS• • da, I'a., has the sole Agency for these glasses in Bradford comity. No Pedlers employed. July 12, 1870-tr A.I . FLRST NATIONAL BANK, This isrik. offers TrNIISUAL FACILITIES for the transaction of a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. INTEREST AID ON DEPOSITS ACCORDING TO AGREEMENT SPECIAL CAME GIVEN To THE Comitcpon bs Nom alat Cnstyts . , Parties wishing to mint MONEY to any part of the tains] States, England, Ireland, Scotland, or the prin cipal cities and towns of Europe, can heroprocure drafts for that purpose.- To or from the old country, by bast steamer or Nall Mg . lines, always on band. Y iacin IMMO= OM/ Kt BEDUCES 714XL1. Ilighest Priot paid for ILS Flonds,%%'9ld and Sileer. E. IL SMITH, President N. N. BETTS. Jn., Towanda, Jane2l. 1569. Clothier. • , -THE OTTOMAN DECIWIERREI 1 , • • . , . / HEN" ARTICLE OP PIIRRPNIRE. 1 . _ .• . . - _ . . . t [CONVENIENT TO EVERY ONE. • .... = . /.; . . • , . „ . • - INDISPENSIBLE FOE 1 , .. ~ . i 'ALTOS AND OINELDREN. .. . „ . • . . ...... _ if 1 • Veroldi. • the unsightliness and suppressing the ofimuire •••rs of the Sick Room and Norway. At 'once useful ud ornamental. It is mo r e useful than any article • f Parollare of the imam cost. For sale by -• ' principal Furniture Deakin. Price 53.00., ' febl7 ihn: R AICURI-A3 ‘ ► 1)111MTVT. BOO* I MAI/10a ardllimae. BB EAD , CAt.E, - AND CRACKER baked daily and sc.ll at wholcials ind Isi outDETLCM the public let* Witter aluttell'or &good meal ?.tlll ' es the day and: cecuing. . , orsTas; d9D , ICE =Li" oikbaud during their scum Ago a ituiasitutment of Groceries, Conl6iemery, Fruits. Nuts. tr.c. Towanda. 11727 - - Boort k.too. A LL KINDS GROCEREES"ANV PrcPrlsicras wholcsile and Tagil. at C. PATCII7I .:zaziesi r te, 4.+0 Vi BAGGAGE CHECKED nstrcues WM. R. BARB. Getel Paater Art.! & R.R. CO.- '.E.`i6ES TBAIHB. AIISANCIESIENT OF PASS IKE! Commencing° 3lny GOING NOLITII. elre P. 51 " 0,03-I.IN—LIO 00=0 SOUTH. P.M. P.M. • 5.13-12.25-7.20 3,07-10,10-4. w 2,00-8.55.. 1A,58 A.ai.:, CIEM 9,49 9,3 i liZiffi EZIEEI JoirN P. COX. Superintendent, Mscenaneorts. PIIIL.IDELPIIII OPTICAL INSTITUTE, 5210E.ED AND TINTED OL.lin:< !VS WEAN. OS IS . flairED OF TOWLIDA • CAPri.t\ SURPLUS \FUND PASSAGE TICKETS t -- - - 1 .. • `,,, : 1 64111040•10011****3 _ *lmo ilkiblil4l4 eta //, %Pim?, sop , otkislo the Minas . sfilleiditta County salPildid• a tato itafireeidsded Moak of a4rait'R ROCEBI ; ,),;.4 • that lean rollit u toy none as an be pnithnnot Olseither4ll.n4.ooTiothignaikra4.44lasinek _ TEAS, ,COFFEMS, SUGAI*3, • "Z:_t" t:tir • 84.81BATVII ke- - STARCH,. • .itive in baud a bin tv stock al AlißON,, j ..l7.ol7ksat, TOM DO.. DUCHWESAT DO. - , keep onneaki*ka k ! ne. Palm:pup, usPosnA an.- t;toratition iitas publio ki oar Clue% Be Boat.. • ' STOCK. OF -TOBACCO, '.. • ;1' . 1 • I. • tsi gas* sit Wee!' Zan Oareei(Ozaillpratedlsitit& M.llat asa4llmys Saw: . Plano pitsind essmi4 a staOt WOODEN WARE. • •-• :s large aucettnent of YAM= IfOTIONS, TOlLiff SOAPS, 11011 pay the higiestotaitafes fot • • , COI7NTRY PROM:fall. 'Farmen, give us i can before reniag e iM.keiia. „ All moons Indebted to late Arm will please eall mid make linmedlate payment. Towanda. March, 12.1867 GROCERY AND PROVISION S T 0 lei McCABE Wboleaskaad Retail V;aless In • FAMILY GROCERIES PROVISIONS, .11EROT.OPH NEW ELCKIH, TOWANDA, PA. We do not deem Wocceasary to enumerate all the Moroni atticlea keep. Our aeusortanent ALWAYS COMPLETE. FritST CLA . SS GOODg.' Cash. paid for Parmere Produce. JAMES MCCABE. Mareb.l.lB7o: HARRY MIX. PEOPLE'S GROCERY AND PROVIBIOX STOKE. 8017TH 00SEER BRIDGE AND WAIN STREWS*. • .A new 'ma coniplete etOe!z of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, will be sokl al t e loot .r.ffislble prima. CODFISH, MACKEREL, HERRING; FRUIT OF ALr, DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, YANK FF, NOTIONS, FLOIJR, FEED, MEAL, GRAIN, &c. Bring cm ycnir R r 9 ducc, which we pay cmh.for A ootustant supply of. - Amkton Salt. all drawl Chums, Batter Firkins. Tuba. ka. - $125,000 40,000 Please call and look through our stock, and we will do our beat to please you. W. A. IitOpr.WWL.L. Towanda, Apt 28, 1869. LOOK HERE! COWELL. & ALYEA At tho old stand of BRANHAM & Cotrzr.A., arc now receiving a 'Argo and well solosted stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. tibial they offer to cash buyers at prices that deft. com Petitio- • . . Cash paid for aU kinds ratiliers'Proettios. .April . 2l; 1869—tf. TIMES • KUGUENIN, • JEWELLER tE SILVERSMITH, 1!,. , LOne or . , •-, ' . k \ \ MEWL'. fr i NEW ILE.bO4". TO rA:vp.i. PA. \ 3 Liu just reoltved from Now lark s now assortment of Am Gobi \ MI WATCHES, AMERICAN WA :Ix id-ltdeseriptions. Mao Akseiected assortment of GOLD CHAINS, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, .Amocsa TB:4 GOLD, SILVA% AND STEEL fiI i ECTAGLES A3D EYE-GLAINES to fit all met of Impaired sight. NEW PATENT,ACCY)MODAIING SPIWTACLES. By this patent I any enabled ta exchange .(Haaaes k any thee *Pint eitra charge. Call =4 see. , $ :: k Wi.ICUS AND' JEWELRY, REPAMED ~ -.., ,;,,.‘,..,.:•,:-..; .._ ACKEREL 'CODFISIT BLUE Fish. Nackinatr ULLA • Oupecea, ridded and Smoked Salmon. • • MGM. and Dried Deer, at LONG k SWAMI raff wv . ! tw IMMM NEM =I C: /X PATCX;I L o. a. man. - AND We sell nothing but PORK, MUTTON, HAM, DAIRYMEN, Jewelry. SWISS nire. EST TO THE Bur lessoneva '- 2 , n 7 ~-)I .....,..,. , r,I i tT - ' 4-f ` A tlAl l 4 tt r 4' ' 1-a/T:l04c1 - . A. 4 . W , Cia ,, . , . ,, .t z , : - O*ol l l l lll l llllabiallill art II ... , 1:1?4_ ..T;S;: i 'll Yiri r. _ -ii.- 1- 1•1101 i Wlikit•VAß4l tll , hc a ,ing- 91 /R P agis , ' ' , '.Nc ';,t,.. - +JIN-t •,t . . , ..,....,,,,,-.., ~.-I;',' C't f . ' '. ;iiii',l,',..U.sfiler .-- "" Milt ' iittlegt . ' ' " P.- 4 ,...---,..77, ...1- • ~ ;,Z ~-,„.,:•,,ri.'i 'i:4- -4 ? - .._ . IIEOI . -1411=4:OLOTtilSOP z r,- ,_ -•- s -- , :., . - ii 1 „.1..c4,... j -•.;.•;:; r .t . ;;'.'c1 . ..."..'*' ''; "." "". ma " --aree; - ~ 11 4:;; '''',. thadrurgrimri nna 411 !"1 1 . 1. -^ lim 7 e, - MEM jgCL ' IM I a • • :SAiia - • • • ~l~i~~ Y y i+~~l~~ V~IN~, siewitii MI Hurd sit the West Adm., c • mrdv tyenAli.ni , A rAP Always* *iiialtstbs gicratmfath • ~A mczom - 0 - cmptisimar- := A Etr sprrx tar,Y , B mr . ,s dco. 1 41.therAiwt.,.. • s, • ." A .7, - --. WIRI:kO.W ,lI_XBRELLA mi,....;:f of op; *`.paiiiili iii «Ad. ..,, ..d, t-4.y.'ttix . 04:8:8CA.s 1 . :.; ~. Olt d 1.1.4 ,tiviiigh cur stack: - ''' - Towanda. April 21.1870. ' .*- , - --. ; Is IP 4.44 all/'This space bolongs to E. SCHWAttE, dealer in Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Ho Is so bat* selling Clothing that he has not thuo to writ* an advertisement t ti HURRAII! -11111111 All 119EIMI GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICER OF READY MADE CLOTRING, M. E. ROSENFIELD's, (Oliponllo Powell a Coe.) I am now offering to the public a largo and oholee stock ot SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of LINEN GOODS, And all the late styles for Spring 'and Summer wear, FOR MEN AND BOYS Which will 'De sold 25 per cent. less than Punier p voice of ticea at IL E. ROSENFIELD& ' Also a brge In- UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS I Intend to sell less Ulan cost, to mate room for Fall Stock.. Now is your. Was to buy • a Suit cheap. 'Ca ll and convince yourself that N. E. no. IMFIELD offers Groat Bargains lit the line of Clothing and GENTS FUUNTERTSO GOODS. Call before purchasing elsewhere. Towanda, Jan. 93,1870. A DISPATCH JUST RECEIVED GLORIOUS NEWS FOR. c Inform OF TOWARBA AND VICINITY; . . There la cogitantly being received at tlinj.TititPLE OF FASHION," a large istne k of 1 , SPRING AND SUMMER Gotoi, • which bare been purchaie'd for cub, st reduced prices. and will be sold to cash buyers at lower rates than erer.belbre offered in Towanda. 'llijstock eon slats IA part of NM', BOYS' AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. numr, a l umni as eatas Brim FINE DitEBB COATS, CAE6INERE EMT% LINER Coats, Pants. Vests, and White Linen , Ovck Butte, also a large variety of 3 GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, 'BATS. CIPS, BIISPERyEBS. RECIC. TIES. PAPZIVAXD LOOM OCII.LAIIII. styles and fashions. Remember the ht. that I offer and that Ism net to be an. my dealer in town, or elsewhere. All Y la my line are res hasin=lly brit. ed to give use f before yourselves. \ eon vine. R. JACOB& 149 -st.;,Reldbunan's Mock, Cash paid for and Pelts.. GOLD STILL COKING DOWN:!, sem gviir taiga was . • 44 GROCERY & PROUSI C ?NELL & -BIYER at prices that cannot WI to satisfy ell that they are determined not to be undersold by any one: ' They liave enlarged their Store by building so that they now have mote for the freak supplies that are daily received by them. Thorium connected with their store a Market where - they now keep fresh meats to sell by the quarter or piece, amp s roll Empty ot ties. aeries and to *Melt' they woman PAW the attention of all cash buyers. Come and examine our Goods and Prime. befare purchasing eta satisfy yourselves. 'We guarantee all goods to give mire satisfsetion_ Wears thazaltiL to ear mammy for Warped liberal pate emend solicit exonlinutinai of the ann. - • COWELL . it MYER. • ": are now being, offered at TRY OUR TEAS :AND COFFEE, IM=E ;.! 4 . : 11:;,;-7- 11 : v• FALIc.-:AND.;•wlsiglati . . .1.--71414Z7aijlu1ir r4rzoi4":".-,; El ;t';• - -J044 :4,...'.-: EN MMEMEEMI UrrSrACUON O}ITMMAME At'l!snis CLOTHS':AND 'C t. . : '.:',:**,T.S . :.:4tAl).:'9„*P‘l3. GENTS' FURNISHING .GOODfi IS. 14131 to at Use Wariticsuse ' the!feet and third Tuesdays' of mob month. wltb samples of Goods, inn prepared to tskeosesures. • 6sO. B. ,VAN TILSOR ' "Sept 4. *O.— . noxrr. lasternts. NEW' "SPRrNO:. AND t3ITheiDEP, 061:14:181 :D .D 'lronlajunnnnee the ok isninda;ina th• tbst he bas In .40:ni and daily re! ( 4' l4 v!,s luman4 . FRESHG 0 ODEC, -.; fa . , lolls Una. table ' lo wants at elikk . be will NACoarealey inna& GOLD Oandsyng as loud at good ! weU and rellible made . - - *gaily or any klnd) easafatbss of • S 0" S COATS; VESTS AND 'PANTS , . an Wool. DRESS COATS, PASTS & VESTS, • Win Coslo.Dadoya and Fans. ithnealls and inieralgria;ll..nen and Puree Cane, Linen. Claillaere, and Flannel Shirts. Nock Tice. Bus, madam Ohms. Canes,. -Leather Dago, Spring Style Silk. Soft and Stem Hats. 6R nrshcbtea. Bement. her that good Goods are ct any per• _Waytw at Day price than Uge g l . n 3 l7 l 110. 4 tto u r t h el l3VtiTlrocTi y .= Towanda. Jdne A, 1870. E. W. EDDY. . 132..;001) _B7c CO., Still continuo to monneactarelthedr celebrated HORSE POWERS & 'CLEANERS, and will will a better ruaChlno, ter leas money than can be had elsewhere In the world. We claim for our machince that they will do' as much, or more, Chant y other, unl are more ,durably built We ,personalty 'superintend our wort and see that it In well down. We will send of on! Machines, on application: ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, On d Two lions THRESHER 4f SEPERATORS, THIiESIIER a=l cLza.%?..s. FJINNING MILLS, 44RCULAII AND MAO 6Air TAXIS. SAW AND GRIST MILL work onto order. Give na • call before ',niche:dna claewbere, Vii 'DO .(1110.1(1V1111 `SIZTITLY Ang. 3, 11469 NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY On Pine. between Miltitandl Snout!, Streets, back of G. P. Mason k Co.'e Bank, 1112tUir 8/17L1iNfornistly or the firm of Bryant k Stake) Informs his , friends slid former pitrOne, thit he has built a NEW MICK CINALWE FAcTont, wltero bo will constauey kccp on band n frill nankin . monk of TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, TROTTING SULKY% AND SKELETONS, Made of the bed material and finished In the bed citr able. Ilia long i:.sperienee In city Carriage Factories gives ldm a decided advantage over Ahern in the- Finish, Style and DunaWily of his Wsgena. MI *I ask+ Is in INSPECTION OF HIS WORK ;mrlions t.i purchasing chowheie. • ALL WORK . WARRANTBD TO GIVE Mir'? • Tiumkfrd for the liberal „patronage formerly ex tended and respectfully so& a continuance of the =I SZPAELUNG PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO • . • at viducid prices. Term:lda, Slay 94,1870.—N NEW -PLANING MILL. The dlaoe l efe j r:lce=at a ll=a l: 3 comma Aped zi with the moat roodern end improved machinery, for the nanufaefore of - sis premed to fill enters, whether large or kaall, ripouaboshcateat fleece. We have also a large re lief; of MOULDI2(OI3, of the meet atibran4petlem which we cal Mullah much cheaper think they can be smirked by baud. PLA2IIIO3. • TDNOVEING. • - 01100VYNG. . , AND SCItODL BAWINO, Arid an other Work, pertaining to ioinery, will betimes to wait oar ottatontera:, • • PINSOIIII building :end not thing more than tease • to fourteen miles +Natant. will Radii imply Or their interest to buy aim orbringtheir lumber and hare It weeted•by our ineettlnery. Being your grid of Flotaing. or other tumber;inel while your hum la Betting. Welt round" out and take it tams with „ We win Fir CANN for ITNIN , AND a.lThiMat della ered at oar lumber 3iird. Come and' sae Ina aril yea Can't coma. irrlo. Tmranis. Feb.. 18641. L. D. RODGERS h Ccl. • tNZA.NYES, General De,leti In • tt FANCY DRY _GOODS,. CaCICICCRY. WAINWALL, ROOTS; SH6ES, SHOE FINDINGS ___ ' TOWARD". P 47 • , . . No, 203 - Mein St., corner ot. the retpmo Bqtrue., - J. D. \ MONTAN= L. D. 310;ITANYE. any 19.11370 - 't:i 4 1 ,7 ;:'. - t; i • -•-:' - '" " " 111 Mil VILVEZIA IV " alia ME Manufactories. DISCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES. 00 '4? (100'111. TOWANDA, PENN'A kY CARRIAGES, PLATFORIL WAGONS, SATISFACTIQN. num Broth? WINDOW SASH AND MODS tesiber.. M AaagAiritaßOMENES :•4r.o.afi.asfif litzuovirs acirsrazoox- -;..t.r:-..;i::%,-,i' -- "', '‘, , :f,.:, :_T0W.4.M!1!..,1.1?A..,i,;:..3;;.:' h ' ule .141..c!.!.7.1401514/1341i w A XtiE W hir"airb r.Ws ' hiw.•nn ~ D~d a9d ` ~re i~ieel~ i UOVSEi.:f ÜBNiBU (G. OODS, -Dc)ous. apnt. " num -Acme,'PUTTY, AFD iiELTINO.O _ • one akints, - CMIB. to., ilia - of 'tho bast Omani mat 101 bb soLl Tiat low; Ma ara also Bonita far the ME mdmoAN t/Tmk auT, rAPSn. s., MOE Tha oulyieltable'lljo TroCof Safe mido Alio FAMBAI I IMALES, Po , 15\ 86HAGarricon . s EE CO., nuoTs,. RAW Pteiz t _ _, S 17.1 1 H THOSPH A l'\E • ' Our staa of • /11 TM large, and. eneatabetered oat 'et :the beat nuiterfaL ' We are abto prepared to do Jobbing of all and.. We are the'oaly agenta for the celebrated new:: tiwn* C4OSINC .STOVE, The beat cooking Savo In nee. au4 every steno warranted to give taction. March 10, Furniture. FURNITURE STILL LOWXLIJ Jai& 'O. FPOST, i liz t ull= i t i c . . the pev u l i o u e T , o i tran , da and tl FUR, lq I 'l l IT E I GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. My stock Ls template and consists of PARLOR SUITS, I lA:BRARY SUITS, II ITNG ROOM FIIItNM=, AND MATTBERSES, , ,SILLOWS,- , IIEDDEIG, MIRRORS, Ex molt TAzirs, &C., .t.c. BSTEADS! My own manufacture, and warranted superior, will be sold for less than city nude ones wilt coat else where. COME ONE, COME ALL, E.vunine for yourselves. See and be convinced that Furniture is sold cheaper at FROST'S than-at any other place In the world. Country dealers supplied at the lowest. minket rates. 4 t " • I furnish COFFINS of every description, ifetaile Burst Canes, Caskets, and Lave the. FINEST lIEMISE ICI NORTHERN PENN A. ' Towanda, June 22;1.870 FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS JANES-MAMMON announces to the publto that be atill continues to manufacture and keep on hand large womb:mut of cAntxr.f FURNITIT'Itt' Iltireans, Tables, Dedsteults, Standa. Chain, ke., of every description, which are made of the best mate. riots, and in the most workmanlike manner. , I invite the inepection of the public to my work, which shall not besurpasred in durability at any shop in the emintry, and my prices will be foul:at° be as low as the times will admit. Itendy.made Conine cousdantly on hand or made to order. A good Hearse will be fantod when desired. Ang.m lerz. pOWELL & co., c3=ooDs_ LARGE ADDITIONS • tem been nuzde to our STOCK OP DRESS GOODS . 4 • - . 4r..., ' .I I Several novelUes having teen lately introduced GREAT BAR G AINS CHINESE GRASS CLOTHS, ORGANDIES, JACONETS, CHINTZ, &C., &C KEYSTONE STORE. Towanda, June 15,11670 800R -BINDERY.-THE PUB- Ito Is respectfully informed that the Book• Bi ndery biz been removed to the Argue Batting, third story, where will be done ISDI-1401 hi all its various brand:tie...' terms as reasonable as -4. the times" will allow. The Bindery will be under the charge of An experienced Binder, and all work aline promptly done in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Koala. Maitarlaaa NawaPopera.Old Bunko, &c., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention will be paid to the Baling and Binding of To desired pattern. which in linallty and dlrs bitty will be warranted. . - All wort will be re.ady for delivery when promlatd.. The patronage 'of the public is solicited, and per. feet satheaction outzanteed. Towanda, Axiom! 3 z 1866.—tL . •• ; CONSUMERS OF CONFECTIONERY!, LET US REASOIt TOGETHER! now . can any 'Person' manrifsetnre* Confectionery. and sell It at 16 cents a pound. when sugar is worth 16 nautili at this Bennea7. (unless . It la terribly idol teratedlt . , flier can any dealer retail suet a elle compound to his customers and have a conscienee void of offence? How can' any consumer expect to rchase pure Confectionery at twenty-dee and thirty cents per pound-when a pure article cannot be mannfactore,l ;leis than thirty to forty tents per pound. consisting of wade buds, burnt , almends, and such class of goods ltitteht a few days we him been offered owls bads, etc., for dfteen cents per pound; and Chao. 1 late Creams at twenty oents, and the agent acknow - lodged that they were adulterated ten cent, with - Term Alba :end At is fact that tons of per this cheap corefecthmery'sre made and sold in this country every year. and ;the consumers are the only peraons mimed brit. "for the borefit elf Woe mho with a Pare arid* elf Cbui attanery. too wit warrant every artWe our was actors derieUyfet h rc'and foe frost eacry owe ' dient ele4d,t7iol4 to AI Stoenifornierly'ompteel by Jean/ Carman.ltain Street, Towanda, October 21, 1352. , RIM will be offered at CHAMBER SUITS, ron TILE nrrourff, JA3r2S 0. FROST. - lace eons. Y. C. witeresza, BLANE BOOKS. CONE, r 4,7:177 , • . t VAMM ) OOXIiorIO r : itriii*Taluis. • - , . . 'pa - Pim Street*. litinad" --!-.•:Raystroommttrsdiedlerigaii;" ifiedr dia. hill iiid . complete assortment, coniititutltyt sa alma* ?S MI. =bruin many "Memo tool In the -Arta foe blaildalt- mOmbtita*h vedu rwchitshe sw ed loop ofaspanni p rasekp' nlieWmiao Data!, rrnani* "zol. 11 .1= 13 r• ALCOHOL ANDITIRPENTINE; snurr-wAs!/. -- , . And 111!"11a KEROSENE 'OR' COAL. OIL, - 8=4114 rums: Gum , BSADFB. wicsi: sieini. Lard. inis*-,Ne;1441301. TANNER'S ANDMAORINE'OIGS, • , Nati ast, T9ilet Artie Ira Ip all their variety, SPONOM SOAK CONK Rznaftgritair 4 4 4l 6 PerfuraeM • POCKET BOOKS, PORT MONAIS, rocloee PatAu , . Itai),!'s. awry, nil ffwaLtticms. smut maze than warms, Towco, Ssuzr, Puss AND .0101488. Nursing *At Gaden, Yield dad Maws ends, Trudiar Bap' P=aluTaa irlisPories- 8 / 1 100 3 4 0r Dranna, . thbg MA" ka, NIP ?tipple Shells anti Wields, Syringes, ' aea _ Pane, Seit'SeelOgrroliJarsaher ainuaruns, Flavciring Extracts, Stone .144 Glare Ware, BoMtals, Corks, Both 7 m r aiti kl, m, aryi te‘ fitov . Mac , Fidtk and Tsckle, dra go path. in Nedloinnaqind ika popular Patna ' - MEDI 0 - INES Ail articles Warranted 'as 'repirmanted. Persons at • dlatinuie CEP receive theirnrders by stage or mall, which wW metal ptoutptiand canful attention. Medical advice- given gratuitously atthe ofom, chanting only for modielpin • - , Sir Thankful fur pastittieral patronage, would sea pectfully announce tot • friends and the public.that no pains Muth be spared satisfy, and merit the con ttrmation of their confidence and patronage. - ' sir ()pen Sundays fqr prescription* from $ to 10 am, and 12 in. to 1. and 610 6 p.m. • ' ]L 0. PORTER. SON & Co. July I.lBlo.—yr. F.• W :B R. 70 W N . , 137 NADI STREET: TOWANDA, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGG-IST ! , The subscriber respectfully announces to the pub. lle in geneial that he has on hand a large and well selected stock of HEMS, MEDICINES, • CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OIL, VAILNDMIES • • WINDOW GLASS, A • DYE 13THEIS - All the popular Patea k t e iketinue of the day. PURE • WINE t I ND • LIQUOR S Tor Medical purposes 0n4.. -1 • . - pEitl o itAl E R V . . . • Fancy and• Toilet articles. - Soaps of every description, . .. • Thermometers, Bathing, Surgeons, and Common Sponges, - Hair Brushes, • • . . . Tooth . BruslieC. • . • ' Dri mini Combs, . • . Pocket and Fine CoMbs, Toilet Powder, . . • - ' ?tiff Boxes, - .. • . Tooth Powders, - ' Tooth Washes, - - . and Tooth Soaps. • And other articles belonging to the-Drug trade too. numerous :o mention.. ruing the Agency of the GREAT • 11. S. 2•EA . COMPANY, .4S OFFER GREAT DiPIICEIIENTE To purchasers - 01' go9tia in their line. • - Physicians prescriptions and family receipt corn. Pounded by persons thoroughly competent, - at ail hours of the day or night. Thankful' for the past lihmal patroiiage.l re spectfully solicit a continuance of the mime, pledg ing myself that no effort shall be spared 'to make my 0841)1131u:tient second to none in this eection; Dr. T. F. Madill may be consulted at this store as heretofore. F. W. DROWN. Jan. 31..1870. roots anti Shoes. GREAT BARGAII4S , IN BOOTS I sz siid ,S al: TIM 0 NEW 110;')T d 171 8110 E • South end of Ward Howe • Tlie nuderfti;,nte_d ar, re Fievalg a large and well 'etc loctrd stock of . BOOTS AND - SHOES "Silitable for 6,3 ST )S MU) FALL TRADE, Which Wo offor low for : Cash. COnsistiag of GENTS, LADIES, AND CHILDREN'S . WEAR. SETVED . AND PEGGED BOOTS MADE TO ORDER. .! REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND READY I WHEN PRONLEMD Thank:nil tar past faro* we sollrit a coratlnuance of tho saute.,- .. . . . BAYQLL W9ODY0111). - GILD M. co.,asuc. Towanda, April 5, 1809. Fonndery and. Machbo'Shop. FOUNDERY kI4A.CHTNESHOP The undersigned having purchased the Foundry and Machine Shop lately owned by John Carman, are prepared to, o all kinds otwark appertalulug to their businesa, with promptness and dispatati. MILL GE 4 . 114 S CIRCULAR- MILL'S, MAN D I•L LS, And all finds of ~iII,L rRONS • MADE TO ORDER. . ENGINES P . And all work warranted b nivn saunflannon.., SHINGLE :MACHINES . . Of the latest and most improved kinds manitfactmed and - kept constantly on hand ready for use. P 1 - A;Ot G Its, inoN. AND WOODEN. BEAMS bdiul!r. CULTIVATOHS, CORN PLOUGHS I • PLOII 1 (IIi: POINTS Of all kinds ? , inc} the biteat, Improvements kept • .. • CHP.Ii . PC , 'WEItig, r ILBItGE' AND ... BIZZ. ... I S r t .0 'V g ''' 'C ASS 'l` I .N - a :El • f Oat FEB, SLED AND SLEIGH SHOES, • 1111QE hrrrize t Lnd an 4Elk3 Of castinis rpkwilned to ''' 11,6 , 4 30,167 1 P. MEM a ,scix - - --- , . . „ i tiii i i , . I )trtlii ) 1TAT7402,114*M. INt3UIIAI4i--C'E ''A"l---=' .* • . - CCUVC6iTrate $1,00006-4A , ID DI 701 - COOPS b 7 Ong , Mr in& - ttritelsez dust pregideni ; ' • JAI' coon, Cludranatifinsisce tad Ex; Cam. ; UMW D. 00011. Presidait WKICUMI .W. PAP, SoUrctoa7 and Actuary. advantagariif the National JAI. Insuruiec ate s' • - •••• L. It is &National Consialy, 41artered b 7 4, 0 ,, m. 1. itsu s Odd ap eaplti I of One Sttalan Dolan Itagragelox Met oi premium 4. larger Insolence than ether Con • puke, for the mine money ; • . 6. It LB dellniterind certain There fs no poisllitfiti of colsrcprts, ntatiqu onam, mtminaeratanQua by pola7•hoid. ra ; 4. TM Mgaim Sr. plain contracts, so mud Ma. . IMMO, forco much monci ; are' hon-forfotting ; 9. ne -- pacia uo eier — dpitiom attachment, z. CLAIM. 4 CO., Banker, ' L. 8. fit/KELL Wainer "N. C. ZIABRIVE4 A.:O. MASON, imilgeists foilosinds and Jos. 9, WS. • . 'CAMI) 'I2OURANCE -AGENCY, • Pellicles written In all of the following pnvuLtr asd rellatelneorupsules. LOSSES settled said paid at oar omca Lux . psopEirrT; tineinding Lnz and dwellings in town insured against art. DAIIIAGE sr Ltairnosiosa well sa Pisa. LIFE niffultAtiCE affected la one of-the Olde.r, Laiput and Safest Cocainalen in Ws country. laintsza. iraccaimez Coimucy, I ' . Luz*ln. England. i - Assota 310.0ufmm Wiosittris ISEr,7ILASCE COIiPANT, Wilkaf;arr. , . Pa.} ' Miscite, $150.000. LAstmurnm IsacwisiccE ernimurt . Lanea.ger, Pa. f Assetta t245,up0 Isimprintrrllwiramics COIIPANT, 1 Boston, Mau. f Matta i 630,00.0 - - IPTAros Fox hcsan.nrcf-tonrANT. . I • ,t. X.,. Pork. I Asisetg. 4361,711- NOB= A3l/.3I:CAN INIII7SANCE Ce.. t Hartford, Corn. f ' ' Asp,tft' ttl9l.M. Car rntx tustntexcE cf.aipArr„; . Hartford, Vq7171. . Meseta $1573,437. CLEVELLTM .IXSIMRANCE CMMA:rf, - I . Clerclmid, 043. Aso. U. $51.5,671. . . - NEw Yorta. LIFE L.{/3 CIL\N - "C V: COYPANT. - .VCIO York.) ' . Ai/gotta 113,000,0i.A. ACtitOATE 9APITAT., ftEPIIEBMITED. OVI-1; $25,000,01)0.. Strict attention to busts:teas, fair-dealing, aro prompt settleinentof toeaca, 'III Ora 31011°. • Come and try us. , Office 11.3 fain street, Opposite Quirt liou7r, • Mr. Vracawr at Marcum Bank from 9a. m. till 3 Vendr. p. in. • T. it. CAMP. t - CAMP L: VINCEIT. W. s. vramutr. j Towanda, Pa., July 20. THE PENT MUTUAL LTA INSURANCE • COMPANY, :W. 'J2I C . LIESTNUT BTItEET. MILL LNec.MPORATED 1817. NECI:3II7I.ATED FU NT., over $3,111:0.1;00, INi.lOgE ''(:)17. 18119, a'96;.,',235.1..). DIVIDENDS HAVE . AVEP..IGED . ANSI.: tLLY • ADOWE 3U v. CENT. , i. POLICIES Di.4VED ON A L APPROVED PLANS. Premiums may be paid& ually or senu,annnally Gr ~. a loan till be Tie for part of the eitoana. - , . SAMUEL C. HUIV, Preoideut. 1.7.". - STOKES. e Prvelllvnt, .J011;ti. W. HOHNOII. 511,1.1,1nDr:. H. S. STEPHENS, Secretary . . -jiy13,164.1 H. 13. 3rE.E.lN,:fieuer..l.lget.t. G UARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 251 BUOAISCVAS. NEW VOICE rOLICIEs IN ... .............. f Ove- 2.60 1 4(40 ANNUAL INCOME,. oVer 1,000,00 s rAiI3 500,0.0 All epprbeed forms of Tohe:ea isHned. lumies for pZyllleilt prkmitm+. Policies chit-forfeitlble by th;ir terms. The eutnl. rrolits dr.l.le,l,.ing aW.y among the insure.. : ANSUAI DIVIDENDS WALTON H. PECEELIM. PUEAMENT. WILLIAM T. HOOKELP, , , Vv*Y. LUCIUS M ADAMS, 'SEC). .•wn Ar7rVALY. I'HILADELPIIII REFERENCES Jar Co'oe.e k Co., IladN.;4, Fern T. A CO.. Ballaterli>..—, Jinni k CO.. TVs Dlerchaoto. S. A. Freet. I erraers' , A 1 T. D. PETEV,ON. j1y17,711-tf fIONNECTICUT MUTUAL Lilt INSUILANCE COMPANY, OF ELARTFORD, ;CONN Scup *meo l, a moor. Tua,4 50,003 4maiurso , .. . : AssElB Juno 1. 186.3) over 185,880,000. 8 roue over $7.000,900. CURSE:a DI MiD FP.031 40 TO 70 PER CEYT. Total Claims b 4 Death ?aid to data, over $4,000,1111. Zs _Tutu. Drtm , PAID TO MIT., OTT.i. $6,000,006 ; A PURE Y MUTUAL COMPANY. 'MISSES, . All its surphis is equlMbly divided among the Poi icy holders In ANNUAL DIVIDENDS, Which may be applied in reduction of PremiumMr may be ea-emulated at Interest for the benefit oft ^ Assured, or may be received by them in emit. P#1 -tip Po!kies e.ro grsintod after, two of more yesm:' ?remit:unit hate. baon paid. thus pithtlesi/r =Wig ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEIMIN It issues Policies upon all;:? , DESIRANLE Pis ok INSURANCE, And hu "adopted in its workin g s Denial SPECIAL FEATURES! ORIGINAL WITH THIS COMPANY AND OFFE. Towanda. Pa:, July 22, 186—tt ROUTE TO PRILADEL NOIIIII PENNSYLVANIA RAILUOAD Shorted and most direct line to Philadelphia, pct• Bmore, Washington, and the South. •Passengers by this route take Pennsylvani!l New York Railroad train. passing Tda-ands at '1: 1 •? A.M., make close connection at Bethlehem with press train of North Pentea-Raikaal, and airividi Philadelphia , at 5:05 P. M.. in time to.take night trains Wilier for the South or West. City passenger cars are at the Depot (VI arrival of 11 trains; to convey paasimgers to the various Depots nil toaliparts of the city. Leave North Penn's Railroad Depot, corner Berta 'and. American streets, Philadelphia, at 7:35 . ,,A. ,arriving at Tarried' 5:15 P. If.. Ramo evening. Maam'a Baggage Express collects and deliver. bag. gage. OiliCe No. 105 South Filth street. Philtde • IEXICIELT ACCOMMODATION& Freightroceired at Front and Noble streets, Phil. delphia. and forwarded br Daily Fast Freida trim to Towanda. and all points in Susquehanna valley Faith quick disratab. ELLIS CLARKE. • Gen. Ant. N. P. R. R.. Front and Willow Ste. May 16.1870. MISS KINGSLEY Destres to can the attentioa of the Ladles to le r new assortment of - FANCY GOODS Sho aLso ha+ 3 . ftall tine of )30IMETS, fIATS. IC.. for tho Summer trade. which ars Differed b> her en.. samara and tho public oh themost remount:de term.. Bonnets repaired and trimmed on abort notice. She Das also a fine selection of Hair and Fancy boats, such as Law and Linen Collars. Cuffs. gam': kerchiefs. Corsets. ke. • Yhatrance nest door to Pox. St - ens. !terror Co's, up statrs. , Towanda, May 24..70. DRIED PRITIT or ALL KINDS - coWELL & IIYEB:_ THE BEST WirRBPS IN .TOWN on dranabt It_ COWELL k lIELEWS. 'VIE BEST FRUIT JARS IN USE - 1 ■t McCABE 'Genes -Agents. TtfiVAl'ilii, PA. ' J. A. RECORD. Agent. Towanda, ED BY ISO OTBEIL 11. B." MIKE S, Agent. 11Z 1311
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers