. . _... --1 tatot -- 1 ftp — itier •„ . , ...... .„, ~...:. .. , r_ ~-..... .pf,,, .•...,.., 77,, %-)c:trroush*pfk o iiitio 74 . 1 0oulaintittn.. ,Kfisia4llllVialla .gri-1-2-,lsitiztt TowatulailCuiridatiepo4l4 Ar:,lMEl4lllls.lii7i cptarrltirirginVe 4 •,±"L it .r• , aßbi r , ,: ;;ulizstyr n4T. -n1 '13 ' 641 1.) 'se : iiG.. 's •)14: c a st , laDrlld*Wlit**DlK \; (Soltieet to Decision of Confesencop"; • _ F*2livie .rt VA w i rk- , PlEaLliE B tiC .4 of TOD CO s st: . of 30 . fift4 H, t• ' 4 ,•klitt to3ofidglinigal " • E.:ROI3III4I — DELONG; ;: :orsatibToinatdaicouttehip l ;•: l ."o. i CPUS.Ti_'4FREKA - t . 0-11.1 ti I Salrri V ..1 4 0 : 1C•i : re ' ir-rAIIPAKMRIVa. ;.; (i:+ 7 .191- 1 75•1 c • 1 ,,7 i Thi'ftie'yet"Ot;lbirafficitttic' by' The Itqplti , k7l is composed of men of ''the .hig)i.est characifir !and,: W bile the Iparksaicesafar cm: Oblates: for the di ffereqLftitttiel . *platiftve, fift-: ihO vtiro ll 4o0 I ; 4l4 4fct i t li Wy soi.;4 l 4,Arit4 - 4e 1 4:1 ; 1:41d PP . . party, lifvve reilsolt;Lp feel .prowl,,ci the caildidatesieleefed: The' T tl un diriiiiii.• - /amiline*ina -. 6f: •41 • a q • • ' f g rafPlithtern b ,l7. everfolu.4y S. -flat - . t teringtlibakit,:hia.ability, - and:to! the faithfraxiis' discharged , the ia t .ye!tlpiis: duties his office. het, J a expected, *then ice.oonsider the-large' number of men in the party Who are, grialifieif lei'' the' •place, speaks well fer tl4,nnselfish,,ii,tntriot ism of theßepnblicans of the XJllth district s . Mr. '2I.EIIGTV. will be •tri- , tunphruatly, elected, if every man in . the party does his dtaq and votes i J on the second Tuesday of October. , . For additiOnal Law Judge, tfon. P. D. MORROW. was the only candi date presented by Bradford county. Heinen was appOiated by Gay. Gram: in- - March last, and has presid ed at , courts in this county and bus quehartna, with distinguished The fact that every member o!.-the barn both the counties'of the dis _trict,. without. distinction of party ; petitioned for the'passage of the law creating the office of additional Law • Judge, should be satisfactory eci clenee that there wasneeessiky for it. If -Jude Monson is nominated by the conferees, as we have no doubt he will be, he will be support / ed by the entire ; Republican. party, as well as large numbers of .the oppo sition, who recognize his peculiar fit ness for the position. For: Representiitives, JAMES H. WEBB and P. H. DUCK, Were se e leeted. The nomination of Mr. Wimp ( for e. fifth temais au honor cover be fore conferred upon any man in the county,.and indicates' that the Re publieanS of Brallfard county intend to profit 1:),y the experience of other counties,- by retaining to the .Legial lature- ,e ineu who prove theOelves honest and eapiible. The plan is• One which should have been adopted long ago. 3fr. ttl;l3'S return to the Leg islature is nuNionaly 'looked -for by the party throughout the State, as 'he, .has established . reputation of • liehic , an able, 'houeSt. and fearless! , defendur of •the public treasury and the best interests of the people. Mr;IPCK. is one of the hard . - working'ib,Cu Of the party, highly es ' teemed bY his neighbors and friends, -.rind will make an excellent oleague for Mr. -7stin. For 'six . yc'qrs lie served the people of the county in the capacity of 'commissioner, and we believe was the first man to re - .] . O ceive. u , rendtuination to• that office. ' The pliunlerers and thieves who in . fest ir?tt State, Capital during theses , sion of the Legislature will find ib him an uucotapromising E.O ITPLLOGO, the candidate for ComMiSsioner, is an industrious and worthy farrner-of Monroe town ship. The duties of the Commission er's office could be entrusted to no better' hands. For Jury Commis sioner, E. REUBEN DE LONG was _ nominated by acclamation. Mr. DE LONG is well known to the people of the .county as on industrious farm er, mho has always managed his own affairs well, and will prove as, faith ful tot& interests of the county: as he has to his own business. • - JOHN H. QUICK, of stilmoc Wai3 the unanimous nominee of the CoU 7 , vent ion for the very-responsible posii tion of , county Auditor. Mr. QLICK is a young' inan, of good business ipudificatiotis. 'He will discharge the duties, of his office without fear or • favor.. TIl AMMDED BANKRUPT LAN.—The bankrupt law has been aniLded by recent act of Congress in some few Paitieulars which are worthy of pub lie notice. Provision is now mac that the 'Circuit judge, in case of the sickness, absence or other ilisidNl l ty of the DSbfrict Judge, may realm all necossar,rrtdes and orders prepara tory tothe:final hearingTof causes in ..14ielai , now Provides, also th4't the provisions, Of that, sec tion • known. as tile •fifty :per -pent., clans& shalt not apply to those debts, from whikthe bmilariPt seeks a dis chirge, were'contracted pri9r fo the,, Janitary, .1.869. other words, a4delitor,- whose 'assets,, do not: . Y . A."•ty fifty cents on the dollar,4 Masi no* obtain assent- " of the. iii tpifo t her, A navalue of those. cc:llitors'oanlY . ,l whose debts were contracted Him* .first ~ o f January ; 1869: 4l lams of the thirty- / ninth :section Arsakits it an' acct of bankruptcy that "bed al banker, merclisa,it, trader, has fraildulently stopped or mispended, l mai not" fesumea payment of his cominercial papc-r . withils a period of fcittrii4 - dayeslificiffalliadtYlitui been found by tbS worts in the con struction of thisAinae, especially as to thenaeaning of the word " fray lently." All ambiguity has. moved by an amendmentss "Or who being a banker, merchant, trader, manufact_ miner, has fraudulently:stopped pay meat, or who' has - stopped or sus- - vended and not reinung, 'his comm ercialpapei within a lit 'l6 si t„*A:„.)B,d3.i hy e r,,klr. r law is improved by;tbese anima- PlutEctlp-irgald be still further `:iiiiittnelidutent to Vide for the custody oCtike dank ' Mr s 0 6 Pei t i-, l *# l * ti !f , P4:0 1 filing the petip m., - ,41 . Vag appoint Dram of an asstine, ;itoe..tryirssEs Imp t acyzi. • Iltassis•ithataya I:•etin stu/112/Y'Presentea :IP' - the 40! 013447,te;•*5i Congress ionakOktaiet , 1/04haBeigIblieal4;CRel ,aa_ ;endorse- - thentitf hits ; coliipe ittfitis as. deserV7 - • .e(1 . 0 it, is !NO . . 4 ; - party c*:0424 1 1,4 least ; atulpicion ;to his: aggafter as ; -¢ .znale both -for Ability toT intagrityomd; the Con sis *CY of his - polithlal adieus ; :must dest e 'the 'r:isi if .not i,he , pliProbatie Of even. 1 .1.,tis polit,icidOil' ti •ponente..: Of himit r ean trul y be said' IthatAlie Republicanqtarty , has ' 11: 1 istaitillita-Ve@er.iqwietim it &in well' 11 0 *l;Pe : ar i4 . if; 813 unsullied r4cll tatiwas a : raemuer,* society, :,they; ,know he will faithfully represent his constituents. "' .; •'' '-, -.• , • The poSition held by _Judge' Men era upon the judiciag i bommittO ~qf _the House of Repreemitativas, one oft its most important committees, shows 'that , his ability; . ifi , - appreciated 'in; ' l Washin.gton , and Ive, venture io say .that no, constituency in,l'enni4l 7 a - . nia: have more reason tot be proud of their representative than our oven `'district; In looking back over-the pist and recalling the names of Wei f 2+lOT and Gnow, we feel that _in' their successor, Judge Mencea, .this &s -trict has been blessed—that since the organization of our party, the representatives, of this 'district have always given trut 'expression to the feelings and principles of the Repub, lican masses, and held positions at the national Capital of . whic h wn have all had great reason to be proud. The policy of keeping a man found to be true and useful, as a represent ative for several terms, hereto:bre practiced - in this district, has been followed to a large extent all over the country. Inotn• own Sate, three of the members from Philadelphia re- ceutly . renominated have served terms respectively: one, of ten years, and two, eight years each; and so of many other districts. There is - a growing feeling_ everywhere in both parties to send back their faithful representatives, as by experience they become more useful both to the country lima their constituents. And .nevertheless, while_ here and there ambitious men may find fault with this paretico, as, standing in the way of their preferment, back of all such, stand the great mass of the party who are not seekers for of fice -;.--- who vote for principle and are satisfied to keep a good man in place so long as he truly and ably repre sents them. It is a compliment to the ~ Republican party of Bradford county, that in the selection of Judge Mimcrn they made a choice so-entire ly satisfactory to the party in all the counties of the district. As there is no State ticket to be voted for this fall, the only fight throughout the State will be upon the Congressional ticket. But this is of the most im portant and vital interest. Every two years the people say by their votes for their representative for Congress, whether they, approve or disprove, the adinipistration in pow er. ',low like an avalanch ought the Republican party to rise up in their might and endorse the administra tion of Gen. Giu.vr— an administra tion which in economy of expendi tures and collection of the revenues . of thenountly, commends itself to men of all parties. So speedily have the. .aftrqe gu . of the nation been re lated af ter so severe• a' trial as we have pashet through, that we can scarcely aitreciate the wisdom of the a&minibtration which so safely adjusted the unsettled state of affairs incident "to the war, and brought us peace, prosperity and plenty. Let no man who feels at heart a desire for the well-being of the coun try, the continuance of our prosperi ty, fail to make strong the arm, and cheer theeirduous labors of Gen. Ga.txr, by returning to Congress the men who have stood around him and tarried out the measures which have made our country nuited, happy and _ prosperous.' ,de , ~....- • • .. REPUBLICAN MEETING. The meeting at the Court House on Monday evening was well attend ed. EUGENE KEELER, Esq., of Pie, was called to the chair; Hon. ZEST/- Lox Frame SPALDING, were elected Vice Presidents, and F. E. Bcnnows and S. W. A.Liciiin, Secrete ries. , ' Judge WILLISTO:i was I introduced the'Clairnmn and spoke at some length, recapitulating the history of the two political parties, calling • to mind what, many are prone to forget in these:days, that during • the dark eft period Otpur existence' as na the Democratic Party pros itself incompetent to, administer • the Government, and by its conduct, du ring the four - years of war, justly en titled itialf to the condemnation of ,cTury patioit. _ He concluded by a stirring appeal to Republicans, to arouse themeolves, and see that none but Twat who have pruVe!l vated lican lliyi i niilifitia V dollars per tinntun, tstatioa has Veen feilWindricea; and the material prospiemity of the onkti greatly - adrinced: - 1 4eakWant well -WOW and attenbcely ue„m. , to.' • . - - • _ 09,41Mii Li 2 ,4 1 4;479a; vAfidi# 3 B 4 .sg 6l 4*-1M -W, 4 4+logt A M eclsefr t a~gsy a .in PAtt4l4,l alniosf, ove Iniye - • . t kiat tirn4 *Ora fiino - e;the , o4 , ,or ; Ina; d'ilit s & Vied ircolleatit saki itor taking &view the Imetititaoack g rati4iitagintliiiinetbrighttis sltrhile**oll-i 045:.:004btfatf;1044$?;1,0tIO: M 7; iilow*.d , quIRtP II OI9-P*#•fUst , Fe•fiST 3 f' 4 gr a c' s- S•O lca • 1w 1i: boon,P.Mikniqll,Pools!ll4?, Thkel lq! ) OnlitiSlibOng; . ** d Vidl p4cii of the 006-4013',,tiiintle-opin,diiii.hitt4 - fid hate' of its pebalpvpiy dais ; eubttantiel pal 'rholitaatAtakbigth:44o; 6B ritiliet4tilltb4oo 4 , 'talliA here 011ie , sinter, roar Ambit: a, 'dint that lii'suringeir *ate' blown* Abe; arinzl tbionghlholnipavoi/itreeld and 11T0110134-41al tho WV: 4104 wb4 max hero rtan4otO Pais garAPn? - W 1 51,.4_ e cc 4 6 awinly4eserts of hit nitheollind-.:blegant ; hotels, icpwriiO4, ,f0i 1 . 1 4 1 0( 1 with . smplo ,ac oirornoflittlO4lor'the . inbatiTitittial ' o ' na , ei l * o6 * , i,e found livery-EvniriCr and aii aCilvity in all.Lidds of buelnesl which 'ia.f3l4AS;inciritio Itipeilaut lintrirrbirietiti - abotit bolrii; Wide, - to the re-ilelit4' Of iternitylvinis avenne; , botweiin the Capitol-and =the Ptesil>e>ltisl ininsinti; with ionic One ot the Wester& bast -kinds of lave. went: now in,thteiand , ,Wllich - -740 0 .14c0/ 8, make this opp,oraont ;the *teat avows in. the Ittrangeenenta are alao.abOot cOrnid eti for tlio orecticia, s • MEM 11111 ,caronagnificord scaloan, the site of the' 'pres ent herela now Yeeopied aa inch ticiweeri Penn sylvania Avenue andihellmithscatiangronnas.i Said building when eieripleted, and it oithiat4 ed, vellcost a million or meowed dollars,' wail to be one of the finest beildings of modem ar• chitectuna4—to lurid& not only . acconunoda; dons for marketing; but: he lower Adore frout lag the avenue to occupied as !Ores, while the several stories ti?ovo are to P0,O. 1 ( 1 9..loto, a betel fully ogrod t0A139 0205d0*. times, and if completed in accordance withAlie.ffesign ae coifed we-may 'expect see 's market house in point of capacity pail elegance' notstirpasised by . any in the States:' - But I suppose with all'these grand improve., ments the 'markets will itill continto to furnish boarding.-hbutel=perYwitlibutte of all- the• hues of the rainbow, and beefatedk oat off in close piosimity tio Washirigto=iti, . . —not of such is the pngdym af -Relvyryti Would that I could describe ono, Lint my, pen is inadequate for, Om -theme, but this much let me say, we whohave gone thrO' thoordeal, take a grim pleasure in watching the4artges matis festectby fresh importations irion the 'chi= to oar ranks, in one short - week—the ,haggird features, and woe-begone canntenaneri,indicate but too plhinly that the Work is done, and in letters unmistakable may bo seen on the seat of each one's unmentionables these words: "Glory has departed! Sich ielifel flic transit gloria mmulil" . The corUldemx: with which capital is invested —the impetus given to trade, arises, no doubt, from being freed from the , opPreisioni Of slav ery; but may : also in a great Measure he attrib uted to the fact of the triumph of the nreimuciw • On the platform of peace,' the. restoretion of the Statesto their proper places, rigid political seouorrty, an impartial enforcement of the laws and an honest oalieetion and application of tbii revenues, given - eh strong evidence and assur. twee of the honesty of purpose of the Adminis tration- that -the restoration of public confidence is complete, and not only here is witnessed aij,ns of prosperity, brit throughout our whc4e :laud, In view of these grand results, the fruite of little more than a twelve month of hat:wont. on 6 co-operation between In honest and earn oat arluM - distration and an intelligent and pate. otic Congress, the Republican party may col& denfly appeal to ,he country for its - vindication, and point to the trinmphs, of the party in • the past as a pledge of its achievements in the ?a ttire, and especially may this now by done in view of the fact that the measures and policy so important to the peace and prosperity 011ie ,country, have been opposedlq the DZILOGELVISC PASTY' - Tonght by it step by step, and measure by measure, end which, party now appeali f fe'r en.' dorsement upon no measure of merit, but on the solo ground of its Opposition an'Erepuilia tion of all measures, but the fact tliat Demo cratic opponents can make no other appealis a conclusive argumentagainst them. ' Pray then, upon what grounds do they' ex pect accessions to their ranks—upon what line of policy beneficial to the public do they expect the people's support, endorsement and \ suf frage The 'Democratic Congressional Com mittee have issued their address, but the writ-' ers fan to point to a single measure, the ad vancement of win& would be beneficial to our country—they fail to point to a single action that has advanced the'public credit, or can be hailed as a harbinger of their future faithflil Tim to the great interests of our great country and its people; ' It moat not, hoirever, be forgotten that they. !'ever stand together -as a unit; once the edict of their party has gone forth, each individual• member wheels into lino, and neither !romper-, sonal belief or personal conscience dare they deviate one hair from the tine of; arch pro satibed by the fiat. However conducive 'to unanimity and strength. such a course may be, it certsinlyconstitntes a despotism whirl shackles in conservatism "the spirit of reform, and represses every impulse of conscientious and patriotic devotion. . 41:1VPAIIIIIMINTAL. . From p statement made np at the Treasury . Departmtnt of tho expenditures of the Govern, ment of the United States daring the AdMinis• istration of .Lvnitzw Jonicsox, from April 15,' 1861, to March 5, 1869, it appears there was as r.ended by the War Department, $},029,044,- 46,5.65; Navy Department, $190,102,5:11.155; In terior, (pensions and tudians), $101,990,747.05; Customs; $52;253,099.60; Interior; $19,923,158.- 52 ; Treasury', 981.169,483.461 quarterly salaries •$1,839,103.84; Internal Revenue, $36,235,991.47; Dip10matic,45,603;829.15; Civil Ware 52,780,774.., 64; Total $1,517,952,184.40. The increase of revenue ind.the.deereaso of expenses tho,first fiscal year of President Grunt's administration, shows &balm:web( $79,- 612,951.04 to its credit over that of the preeed-, ing fiscal year. In addition to this, during that year the total I amount expended in the redemption of loins was $10,364 , 680.05 ; for the last fiscal year - the amount was $125,509,29.1.70..' V l ln the above brlef statement seen what the Repnbliean part* has accompifebed in so short a twist a redaction of the national in, debtodness, not liy.taxation, but;by the . ithixpli; Atom* of an honest. and _faithful AdmiMstga- Some fears have been expressed that the action'of our CAinventien . .ii2 not conceding candidate to Snit-, InnY injure, &Aga MEncun!Alfvote. in that couitty._ We have assurances' that this will nnt be the . case. - Inorusi 'erert his influence ns heartily as: ever: for Judge ',lllnceurn,. and hnid a Ilunlber , nt. Meetings. The , issue :oh. &Mmes. man is looked tipoinl:tliere - : as ,it:, ere, as rising above raere'•lecal . tlif; iliala .IWPiEr uorkir, ro.uuMG soUSE9, strisavaar COll.lllMi. , , , MR alt Alabikens Elm of Odonal' La!! ,Ju lewd fer the ,P 12 4Ke1e , 5 :" jice fellerieg9ol4/44Ing._ ne/ A ce : l t t . i,rg l 119_Pri4.,tke ht1164841eVPI likV -' * 4 9 ..i t ' ' Oa'Win 9WI has 1 1 1 010044 . 4 0. bet iirthe &arid4ol4i kil r. h l 4Posidtde fot.ene Witagif ico44l*lse 4'01 1 41k affpktiiiif tit - epr tie 'Yibti 'SS lad :,,,, .m. ~,,j , , ~,, 11 lI:nII.I34;LVIT.` , 1 0Y, iNw44*,-et tiFf..Pount,fcl 'P e ; -0, 3 1 5 areikrifVOlriliMs•htWeifi ( MX44lttri tued iftitli , * Ai twAiiiiii; Itailitt *Aims: have .dfpo.llV p 4 eyt . l . : ~_,.: ..*: !it it i i:4 44 #.)Zi. • , i l k i _Fi e 9 . of .0: * *l tq lr g t 4 e hAYSIN# I I4 3 4II4: . ,'FA:64. * iiiiikervfaheidieliieto atiOstiitei l - 1,6 j -444%4 , 11 8.1rvi x,.1. :kilt 1.141,iii:" . 1 ! :.,,,,-- : A -.rivaii, t a x iii‘w i lla Q iii4 4 . i c r. • toonfril witti Mk radii* tab! vrPlAlaallt-t4scrCilikald , ltliVart 1 Tor this' naiad A wislito,olote t seit i jirtath ; doe . " Tilt • ksilleb ban serknildf oh in • this Ate : Triipid iconundatkin; of! lstudnons 'midis ed to ' o "t 1 g iF thrpiisia .. _ „ _Vi Oran: . 'set Whereby 'casstint isigneottnikt be rarorrod to il VF m C ea .fgoulkbY *Pu;:a.rtlWu ''t "most stffixnr-Pretirred•to lotestbedecises• _triediseiesslilutors4 il.t Ito inggeited - thsb ;the . finrM W' d4s "=jTatjudichlA: •Lt castet u, :district; andin soton eight or ten - other Matelots; is thefreiPe#lol utmellYi TWA of smilt 4ll "; then[w thigO:n ifebycourtrainld be neld , Mlle Units time intent cesushes,' and luilre-f 'Tim* as ilipitsesa desponded.; The,..llqleti.: 'ton Ind 0 0 PATTehttgesi, of those.,EseqtaMtedi with 4, her sa.orboess in 011? - 0:4Joroty, ' end: the members of the bar of.both counties. with.' out respect ot,lifr%.lo 2 °d 4 ! 1 P 3 4/1/ that:* * 'law be passed. - • , - ,- • . . Before s, ithed taken 'from - Joliet to:three , 'year, ate get a case ; to final trial in court. —a: vexistokulelaYl,6 any, ono - having a, clams in coniti Whatever is beisifidil for those hiving, tsenses:for trissi•in court Welt fore .411, f?r no ises' knows lessr,soon, milinglt er unwghtit. lie may be obli,ged t ffi olls° its - proccosee r. • e: establishment of his rights; ~, •; . , ';.••' The Welfare of the community can berm bet ter Odvanced than - by a speedy antj thug &elit ism of matter at variance - between theindiviati-: al members or ;that -! . • ununty. i The: 11110110 y: saved by senors an. the time of svitnesues• when cases can be tried without 'frequent-at tendance and continuance, add. much more largely to the wealth of a community than the; ex iiNi oostlof courts,: to say nothing of other benefits., ... . .-.., , „ As so m a ny caber district s ; uderless :cause' of complaint, draw the salary from the State- Sands for this o ffi cer of the law in their respec tive districts. why should any objection existin. the minds of our people that we- ohouldhave: equal. rights with them? This is no more of an expense to the State than the division of. this district, and the 'creation of a neW 'district wed' have been. One or the other was absolutely, ' necessary from the condition of business in our! county." ' I was in favor of the creation of an additional law judge in • orrr dietiet beam:We - I wa'sWell led with the ! aMonnt or brusinestsin be; transacted la ear courts, and believe tiny, as r did then,,that it is ft .bessicilt to; Alte;Peolgo of ; 6 14' county-- - ' ,-- - . A Munro ma. , The. r 4 elecerate „held:: their. Convention on Tuesday evening. Al though *operate efforts had ;been made for months past to prevent the nomination of iltotazr for Congress, his competitors for the empty honor proved that they had hihored'in vain. 'lt was conflak4: asserted that a majority of the,. delegates were in atracted to oppose his nomination, yet they Were ntanipulakid by the Colonel as easily - as though they . wers made, of was. =Le Colonel under stands.well what ; arguments are ,po- I tent with his party, and he. a t ipp;ied OLO-delegates literally with whisheY 'during the day, had was , as' sure of his, nominatinn,liefcce the Cowen tion assembled, as he was after the ballot had 'been taken: Roctiwrit4 MCKEAN' and 'SfEVENS, might P lat : as well surrender to .Iqounx at once. Ile owns the party,.and tam it to advance his, own interest& . After the . Colonel had inke , ii the nomination for Congress, he WWI ve7 anxious to have Mr. STav&va nomin ated for the Legislature ; but GEOUGE couldn't see it in that light, and very politely declined the proffered'-olive . p branch. The following is the ticket ,placed in nomination: Congfp.ss'--- V. E. Ewan. Itepre*entative -- G. H. Unix- Commissioner VA/ BOVIEB. Jury Commissioner—S. VT. Bum. Auditor=-T. M. WATT& THE. E ET,TROPUL 7.4.1% HIGHLY IMPORTANT 351ZW8, -struitEsrititormeicCutimscon The Complete Route of the .Erenoh.• Salami In iiimilession of the Peusititins; BAZALU DRIVEN BACK. WIMII GREAT , , Lasmi, S4Pt. • —. Count d,o ria lntt is dead. " A.,eignal advantage has been, gain-. ed by, the Pruseihmain the late:bat tles upon the Meuse; whereby the, Frew& lines of communication have been uevered, and a movement ; fo the Noith or Southwest &oaks'. The substantial fruits qf, the victo- , ry rest with, the -Pmssians. At the, end of the tattle on', Thursday the Prnisians had 'Surrounded Sedan -and Occupied the reads• connoting with belgium and. Paris, thus Cutting Mo- Mahon's communications: .• Bsitil 5ept..3.7-- Sedan has eapit-, tdated. Napoleon surrendered * person to King Wi Beamr, Sept.. 3..-7. King telegraphalhe following dispateh to the Queen and the War 'aim' star: "SEDAN' .Sept. 4. The oapitida tion has been concluded with, Gei*- al Weimffeu, who ;emir:Landed in "stead Of blicWitni; Whe ed. The EninerOrdOlY• surreidered bimaelf to me,• had , no xoni-_ man& cy - Heleft,qerythirlitO *re n i get ?tale "I shall appoint NapiltOn's place Of reSdence *ter the interview ,at the rerideiiiius,' wl4el2take lace himiediatelY.*!. What a epprse "events hai•easEnuned by God's guids.nce. (Signed) , 13sumr, •SePt. B:=—The f rcuig luta telegrwliedlO AitiCeii4rws ‘ la,. ifothicing,the 'capitulation , Sedan. With Maellahons command'mid the surrender . of the Emperor in ;person.. Biel" Sept. A .sangmMiry, battle -was 'f ht. on . along, the liTiefrenilgoki to 'Poliv, trie4eliiff /dke eVeek 14. i11e..132,,ern- AtielNiabonxeiaisted -- thii rrusa iwattachiuitil,tbtee: P!OelL .4/e• Afteriioo_n: 'The iiing.sraa . inees tat andfmiouS,alang . theOtire bOth atfures;k4oolitinuedwithlesx ful '„deStructitenesi:and: kati bta. The "firing - gatickefied fid*, -tWimmutAmms dufir4pßu,. Wat-1139-, meat * kklid celmunk prII 1.11 I Irr prer ta gr o l •. - • JtY wifi ACT.- e 1. the T6e`sls4„afst au fita:l frixThe -ihMa IttiAMfiUULNitißgieMlMit,. IY,-1 1 *Aid 3 W- - kr-U4. l x l lnk._ rot oi e-tm== • ; • • •atuaboar erthehettbratillett iteppituultitatlidarididattllkbleffiSti immietbl With 11Ther. , dijr 11X14 migir ka,l4l jOutodniiints I 'driven latiek 4 l4 dayetilLthB giliatele 3 Maler6;l The 4ossi &lab sides, Ana , terrifiev , lTittii 3rtiziNtwZikitilliantly.• •,tealiblyi Pest* =ids= iiirthezrtickosiest),l:. loaLnuaiboamoseir 319 0:147.- 4 44016414' jos *I 411 st Of *agustlisitil lomat tier! lifitszahuiplwithilismina corpii "iitteraptimiltot aknistitlierly ti o ta t i v r ,r 1 .4 thathiefaireetion of Prince trtilderiaCharlesk - jaiiiiiaVoktare bitiffeldefeatea:u l l , theserattantasln sgioriorie•engAgenifiritodiali maybe Aesigruttealis ftbeamittle?otJ Nome mißepanatiliii enemy. liiriswthrovdi hackintoilielortresk Theriot iiiaa -9thVorpiornalleAlvision: of Rim. merle* Una thelsinawehri iina.2Bth Infantry Reigaae Participtild lin the, einsuirtients.-••Me principal , fights Noisseville analletonfity. - • , Out lesiesisere•nOt bap; the en- i *ere very' heavy )- General Inrich, of the garrison Of . Strasburg, - made a sortie anawas do. Tested with loss. ' ';The' defeat of liinclitalion - is coin . - •• 1.• • • • • ..The Prussian. Corps `en and '''iliiirsday's battle kverer- th e 4th sth,- lith'ind 12th Guarils, and Ravaii sum, composed 'of 174,000 infantrY, 17,000 cavalry, and 480 guna; nearly half of'which belonged 'to the armr :of the Crown Prince of Prussia. •-- Maallinhon's whole-force wiis •en gaged 160,000 of all farms. Reinforcements • from' Paris could not have reached him. •, Later telie'e inform ns that the French people have declared for a Fapublie; and that the new govern-, merit will reorganize the army and attempt to drive the Prussians back. "Thll intelligence seems 'indicate; 4T,Te'rer, #ll4:t4eFn*an army will B ° o4 .!;() ! „ ' i New Advvreimainte PENNSYLVANIA_ STATE AGRI 130131=1.—The exhibition ot tbla Societylor ltilo will be held atScranton; on Tuesday September nth, . Wednesday. 5ept..93116 Thursday, Sept.iKh. Friday. *apt. 30th. The grounds are up:liken, the buildings and accommadations ample, and the premium lest Mend. nerd is no duarpe Jbr entries except Horses entered forspeed. }fatty Books Open Tnedidap, Sept. SM. For catalogues or hem matlon, address at Scranton.' ' JOHN 0. M 0811113„ Prest. D. W. Mims. Deo. Secy. • &maroon McCoNzar. Cor. Seey. ARII FOR farm of F 20; • urea in North Towaada township. and abotit 'one mile Wore' of Towanda borough. There , an iwa new home. new barn. - and , a good orchard. Will sell the whole, or the buildings with tiro ar ten scree, as the zarchmar may desire. : ror !lifter particulars inquire, au the premises.: • v Sept. 6, 113T0.--3ts JAMBS rostra. VOUNDRY" FOR SALE-40 to _a; , lap:nue, Bradford county. •P. The, ebeapest property in the world: A large loulafty In running ealer:with - ,everything used in. this.bosines. (P*w tonne, Flanks, 10.) A gKd Rouse nail Bern. , six amyl of choice land, go butt, ' Well; ite: • All for two thousand dollars. Umpire of R. W. BROWN IE& Rome, Ps.; or *wain 1 Ridgeway. at the Bed, P White and laws store, Bridge Sheet, Towanda, a. ; ' • • iulY 27.10-11 i • Y . A L U I . N C. W. CLA,PP Having leased the Storehouse. and coal fixtnrea belonging to Ow Hours. Welles ' would notify the citizens of Wyalusing and vlclnit7 that-he will keep constantly on hand a full. stcck.of . 0 A% L. EGG. STOVE, CHESTNUT, PEA AND BARCLAY L I nt E , IN BULK OR BY THE-BARRE L. S A. T , IN SACKS, BBLS., AND BAGS CEMENT, PLASTER AND KEROSENE Which be will be phased to supply them with at reasonable prices. None brittle usaw cma= will be.offered Ice sale, consequently ettnnot fall in O fug entire satisfsctlonlutd atextinirthe wan% of the cotronunity. CASH :PAID FOR GRAIN, On delivery, and for every description of FARMER'S•PRODUCE, Or taken la mange far Coat Lime. Salt. Plaster Cetttat and Eminent , 011. MAO 1,11 DIOYT, 811 Wir 88077, will away. be st the Womb:moo to attend .to customers. Wyalustng. Aug: 10, 1870. TA.:YLOA Sr, 00. HAVE jIIST OPENED VERY LARGE STOCK s . l . zi:': . 4'..owixcr - s . ALL STYLES AND. QtJAI.ITTES : •:, • Plain Flannels,. ' , : Plain Bea Flannela,. y ~=Plain ' ......; _ ..... . : ~V,tiite ,~ ~lannel; • • t Trilled Red—Fliumel, rt rlimuna, •*"'V,- • and:rial*vanes' oilvikannet lfzep ,'• *di be -; , 40 ' W E C 11ePtt4;%0.7-. wixtor.- =BM '':A , l:',':';':':? . fe;.;s::';: - .:=..;.= -. '...!-',i. '.2_';l:c:/,•-•;:'..r.5.'.-1,,,':'.'",i...,' __lssinwrints mentioned in ttattdrattedirallAf Ltd@ eat; and they goal mull* Ithelp PM:WM thentan. under Mar heads end Mils. to at vied( of thet court of queries itrauteitwialogi_ idedralds.ofilign. wed at next general eteetien the quelled Meet. Aritlions of the mid at poop end of the ban the'Or 'Bradford for the af4truasclion..cishill. 041 .1111141 72 r t i ri recellag the Wass Um' 14Ttied. eloottemdlelatMMakeatatip - tip afrealit tberefta•dle '.sal thdigs, it r tlatuafifirgetntderMsfr hil=oo/ 11 0 1 'Mane. of Bethlliliete4 d -t he tkedOtilie•liatert O letteoMl Of It said , neg 1241 0 1 116 Molt olgolatiMitit entfirettraithere mak* ln writing _ thetrbein doled; altalinefillit =dual MOM itt eaurt luemeln „Ma Said ffitthe grit Ifo the ndlyetNerrembertantetlitn- - lOW theatakeintasultitdradathithiterta , tg I Wills MOM loan ** arihil the third yemorolhat dives V who„ithalt etre." Beef elm • ',elnd isti Mellott& Omni rinseribed.nistimeofeltfattettrßeglidinp ltdrdtilayberehrietat annuidb. I,7MfOrsaig.; Illetarway ftler I:kite& _input, Olfinni 2oo fesillt: o 3 ol M 4oe ed; ten' after be 1 4 ( = ir ont sdirollue or Ana toditilliaelitera olart duiteeni Meths tekeen,egkor, Mier OW Peemsr:OW4= • • MthelitilikeilMnll=rk,___l l lol b l e .. • &Melia the woe for Said: • • . • ;thittahlly angtortratialle,tl6f Se tieoftg ' ' ' • on4MMlllfo4relloof mint leet -••• to •• • the Ad : oafft !within! • ~.•• staretaki.mid: polotrntthe raoresathatiliil fit gt Me=of ten{ dollars nee Of pair said dye ebi lbo xecentimatertheilimetemire the 'Bine . I ltnif , to debts of the same 'mounters or shah, be lawinernenibletTetid Me diadem 41lallried iY *meld san lierelSY atitlaMo administer 'Mahe or adhineiticaui In any , case it ideal be teceem ritairdatithete thedniles seidegirai c=oN•ll• iirosrthnitald director* end their. arm- Mall hereafter, In the` namei 'sod Ark he Unekailylpolitie end corporate In laiwto 'all tletr=rjeties tin ad a timeri a riser to Quelsoor lammeashen. end tem ego *natal geed end bp thipleaded, by the name, style and of the direct. Wry of tbdPoor and Of tlielionse at eneramma for Vie Moldy of Bradford. &any that twouri elan And maireeedre, take andhold :thy lands, tenemente and sheredttamentOibterceeditnittitt yeatlrxeluto of ten thousand dadars, sued any goals and chattels what soever ofthe gi ft , alienation or bequest of any per :sou whatmercrao Mamie, taiseendleold any Weds 'and tenements within their county,th fee eimpkl or. 'otherwise. add erect thereon . Eatable braidings for ' the iremrsitirer, use and accommodation of the poor of said county; to provide all things - riecesuany for, the' reception, ldging. thifinieranoeLtuld employ.: tent of said poor; to appoint a treasurer annually., :who shall greerbond. With reiffiege• nt _surety, for the , faithful diet (gibe datierrof las. ogler, andat! ,the expiration 16eseof thalweg well and holy pay, and deliver over ith hl ime:moor inOffckallmonme 1 bonds. notes. Wets; amounts and other topers, to: the sold corporation belonging, which 'mil, th en be: remaining to his bands; custody and peamMori;; :and the said directs, shall employ, and a plerumre r remove, • 'toward or stewards. and require of bine or them an oath err affinnaticretiand such security for the natant performance of Maw their duties, as the board °edited= shade': i r =nt, and to ap point s Matron ar matetem• orptysicians.' surgeon or surgeons.lupl other attendants that may be - necessary for the said poor respectively; sod al pleasure renereniandito.bindout, eppteatices.. so that such apprentineatdp may expire, It males. at or before the gm of twenty one years; and if female, at or before. thee ego of eighteen Imo , . •A*.einffik• That no ebildsliall be bound out for a' lorigeflunci then until ha derives at five age of eighteen yeidd,nn less be be bound but to a trade other than a laMer And .Prointrd, That in all esseribe person Without; - their ambound be required touter, the child - at :lost, three Months' seboolin,s in each peer: Preeidedefre. That no child shall Maid without the limits tel the State, :orategreater distance than fifty miles from the poor hem; and the said directors shall etheineandeajoYell such other powers now: vetted in: he overseers of the poor, se:arehereby, or supplied; and the said directors are hereCra powered Wane ens txmonsonnealin all bttalness. to tit "WtheasidcorperatleNAnd the Woe at thchi pletennn to alter and renew. • • ' Seam& & Theethe said Attectors atiau.,otr or. before the first 'Imo! pecember, one thousand eight hundred and - shapone,lernish to` the:Minty •corn sinsionere an esti:nate& the-probable eso of purchasing the lands ,, erecting the buil s and furnishing therlanieg thepiAor erne year; whereupon they sterg and they arehereby an , thorized•to increase the county tax by one-fourth of the sum memory the the' pmpese aforesaid. and shall gocure, on loaner a*t of the ,taxes herein directed to be the remainininnthree-fourthi thereof, to be paid in instalments, witlElaterest, out of the county taxes: Provided always, That If such I loan cannot be made, the nlidle amount of the Seth necesoryfurthe purpose aforesaid, or Met' met thereof as may be deemed proper. chill immedia 7 fely be addedto the. county tax to be paid by the county treasurer to the directors aforesaid, orders drawn in their favor by the county commissioners, as the same may be.fouud necessary. ..• ire mole 5. That it shall be the duty of the said directors. bra err before the trot fley of November in each arid eeorprear, to furnish the commissioners of said county with an estimate of the probable ex. I poise of the poor and poet. house, for one year; 'and it shall be the duty of said commissioners to assess and cause Wee collected the amount of said mare.which *hall be Paid to said directors by the county treasurer, on warrants drawn in their favor by the County conardsedoners, as the same may be foresineoesoirst and thessid direeterershall gland once in every year render Kt acetimit of 41 the moo. eys by them received and expinded. to the auditors merged to 'audit and settle the county &XMAS. , subject to the same pen Wes, =lee and regulations asareby lawdirodad respecting the accounts of. the comity commissioners; and shall at least once In every year lay before the court ref quarter session, and grand jury of said county, a list Of the number, ages and sexes of the persons maintained and em ployed in the said house of employment, or by them bound out to. or appren tice d as afaresatd, with names of their masters or mistresses, sod their trade, occupation or calling, and &hall at all times; when thereunto required, submit to the inspection and free examinational such visitors as shall from time to time be appointed by the court of quarter geode= of the eau l county, all their books and ao counts, together with rents, interests and moneryi payable and receivablo'by said corporation, and also an account of all sales. purchases, donations, devic es and bequests*. shall have been made by them or tethers.. decree & That as soon as th e said buildings *ball be erected and all necessary easommodstions piovided therein, notices shall.be sent signed by any two of the said directors, to the overseers of the poor of the several tersenships and boroughs of said county. of bradford, requiring them lorthwith tp bring the poor of their? respective townships and boroughs to the said house of employment; which erder the said oversee' are beecbyy enjoined and re• quired to comply-with, or. to forfeit the costs of all • future maintenance, except in. cases where sickness orany other sufficient cause any poorpemen =pot be removed, in which Mee th e said overseer° shell represent the same to the near est Path* of the peace, who being satisfied of the truth thereof, shall entity the same to the said di redoes, and the same time issue an order under his hand and seal, 'to the said overseers, directing them tomanitrin such poor tuna. such time as he or she. may be in a situation to be removed, and then con vey the said pauper end deliver him or her to the steward or keeper of the said house of, employment, together with the said order; and the charge and ex pense of such temporary 'relief and of each removal, shall be paid by said directors at a reasonable . Br.chaer 7.' That the said directors shall, from time to time, receive, provide for and emploe, ac a= t° the true Intent and meaning of this ad pop and indigent persons As . shall be enti tled to relief, ores shall have gained a legal settle ment in the said comity of Bradford, and shall be 'lent there by an order or Warrant for that purpose, under the hands and soils of any two justices of the peace, directed to any constable of the said County of Bradford, or to the overseers of the proper town ship in any other county of this commonwealth and the said director' are hereby authorized , when they shall deem t 1 proper and convenient to do. so, to permit any poor person or persons to be maintained ejsewbere: Provided, - - That the . expense of their maintenance does not in any Case exceed that for which they could be maintained at the poor -house of the and toot,' of Bradtord.. . Electron 8. - That the said directors or any two if them, who shall to noon= in all eases to do hazi ness, shall hare MI power to make an ordain all sueh ordinauees, rale, tad regulations a d s the shall think lethear..aarceniont and necesaamfor the di rection. government and support of the poor. and hose or - employment afarearld, and of therevenues thereasto belonging. and of all persoas as shall came under their cognizance: Prodded, That the same be' not repugnant to this . law or , any of - the other laws of this State or of the United Metes: died presided atm, That the same shall not have any tome or effect until they shall have been 'Omitted to the court of common pleas. for the time being". of the county of Bradford, and shall have received the approbation of the same. Senrloje 9. That a quorum et said. directors, shall and they are hereby enjoined and maned to meet at the said house of - employment et, kart once In • 'every moth, andthrit the &paddler:43 4 lnd see that the poor lee' comfbrtably • supported, and hear ell complaints and redress or cane to be redressed all grievance" that may happen by neglect or mix. conduct e tt=reon or persons in their meat employ or Samoa 10. That tha said ;greeters shall each of them 'Ogee for theiraervbms annually the: garn, of forty dollars, to; defray the expenses of their necea eery attendance on the duties albeit office. Soma 11. TWA In case any recency or .vacan des should hammi.• by death,-resignation, removal oat °film eo °evasir n*. the remaining" di. rectors or director, together with the mot of quer. ter emsaions of the said county, shall appoint a nth able citizen or citizens to AU such 'vacancy or ream cies until the next general election, when • director or &teeters shall be elected for the unexpired tem of said onney or rooks. , .. , Bohm 12. That the corombedoners of MO said. cooky: ofßradford are hereby directed to pay to each of the commisaidnere Darned itt !hoaxed section. of Elate, the man of one dollar_ per day for each antieem day' y e sha ll nocee spend in perform ing the dutlea described by the first section aline 'set; and also, to Welch Ortho' directors raw*. able tromponsidlon for their services darting theterth they am empploycdiu erecting any binding lobelia! Inge : Presided,: That the UMW 'hail not, inchidthg the mama no *hoed them by this act, orthet fi ft y &glare for an, one year. • • , Senrint Tlirit 'Weider" 'gird deininthrin' teflon to In the efereold county eidWpg at the time of act being dared Into effeet., shall haviffillt toecentkl effected itthis seabed 'not -born =; and when the same.shallhaveleen duly ad mid 'settbid,, all' Moneys' tranaltihm in the 'Mulls oftito oreeseeraose Well le the . nu:climbed, toes levied for the "appall tith" poor in the_ said. townehips andiron:nigh' In the ' ld earthy °farad. ford, shall be paid over to the commindemers of the highways of the respective toarnaldpe and boroughs,. tabor by:them applied iloirarderepaithig the roadd • 4 SICTEM la That ito mach of the laws of tide' themaimweilth rehthigto the pear, al are by tin mos slimed or 'applied. be.and thermos to hereby r=so tar at they affect the comity of Bradford.= ott 15. That the sheriff of said county 'shall to dite time , notify the mkt thouninioners Of their eggioiatmont, and When and where they' "thall meet tor entado epos the duties arangeed them by this which place of meeting she; be as Dearthooes. lacy afthe meaty' peolice. ' . " • ~ ; i 'llt.' hattarUiiyyarpeeirpreicertabthii the asaseof the °Wrens of llrrdtoed County. 5.10 'the expediency of erecting those for the em meat arid entadart of thappar,. it shall be theCdnie of each of the inspothar, afor the Astreend, townships- 1 and honeoglie; at the next general - cleat* to -re mate tickets, either. writterror 'Prirdedi from the ' ME ....,-'ll','Ll ~'~, ~ .. MEM ME ~I rw r'~ RIN of A,*:1,•1!?eg.,. - '.! ' . 4414tbiAllAildJie t tii ' '.• spersty of ltradbotto rota -W. - ltsli , • ' - ' lO win •iisittledirdslactArlormille m Varailloo of a bons* for soli=Vad so Oaf poor far the at of MA, coa , thoutsod elslittualral aad=e ll . • •Ilorlo L fe it enociedby ate dente g t ia f ai r tAy outi wed ti it bcrol4 nada by ths arth rilref tAt i the. guilltied electors of the eosin sad arldwilerGASSWite Adastion, for w..se'tit. the ercutbot obi ooluit, Rbeetwils% tan';, vierito.s provisions of MI act approval blay ~. _ • thotuisisd eight houlialit saldlittliollo. oiditiol our *et to provias for the erection of a house for the ern. , MnielAgeris llOßSPriklffitl" nr- #G the, GO!Aulf. Ad ' do:frars Jr Oat *haat 10,4•.'f.i... - falsirte. C. v. skamoli f ilh..lVOWare% %rola Dhlra, Ml ism B. Stereos. ;blab T'et Williara Buirjsu, llob. ert ir. Redurguil •". ..'llaoletlP. . George B.Lovi. , , mu ulobil 41' Overeldall floharlisiNeerh ;ems 111c/ndsue az ait=pll=2l4o 2 4,ba. and ate hereby act sa atop udadameraottilor ths•parrisimer col theaed to 'which this is osopplemes3tt - ., -' ) . -0- - ilia IS; n ~. _ . IL it. . Speaker alike Moue of Swam toffee's. ' IMIABLESIL MMiBOl3; Aiilewro—The sistlaw= nuo=2l.. one thousand sight !tundra" Ind Swes9y.: , • . • o' • - 3*,•. IntoUtti • • t3oo ibppleatientiry A¢t 0f,dpri176,,, 1870. * tor, OtieVo4ll4lodMiere. .." - F VII It. 3E' r t Having purchased and totUrdshed the we.il-knowle, • 61UP' PVILIZTORE STORM r , -1 " • of B. T. Decker; On lkfltWik, &it' door below Colvelli i & Ilyweastorediad &Ulna south of tho Moms Mowlk. Ism prepared t ° r'7 l " l- : -•- • FURNITURE_ OF 'ALL KINDS, at wholesale; sad mWO; as ausp.as,tito sumo cari tad it argyastent in Mee County. My stook. la full awl compluto, comprisint all, rho t vatietiesi, tumidly kept in a ersaclass Furniture Store. not public are . rarpectfullysdlicited to oxamino,my stock and pitch* ailfo. 136 N/144. - _ N.B.—Pictures framedwith neatness and dispatch. • J. 11;PftlfiNEY. Towanda. Sept. , EIESIBM TRIPMUANT NOTICE.--The un-' dendipled give .notice that they have succeeded, In gaining information in mord to the secret army, Demand. as regards the estate of Wm.ltrunmera, and the property that belongs to the heirs of Mary Ketch en, who was the wife a. Joe. Ketches', and daughter' of Wm. Summers of Newton township, Warren C 0.,: N.T. All who chant to be heirs to said estate are ye- . quested to appear at Columbia, Warren county, N.J.. on Saturday, September 10,4870. sod present proof that they are tho.lawful heirs of Mary Xiteben. Amount of the estate $100,603 FRANCIS IAWLES, FEDIGT.DECKER. lawyers. ' . . 0 S,I E R Y ! • • • Ang.29, 18711.-21 i - TAY - 1,011, & CO. Invite pnticular attention- to , thoir HOSIERY DEPARTMENT . comprising the largest and most COMPLETE STOCK OF HOSIERY ever offered in this vicinity, for LADIES, HISSES, CHILDRENS, All qualities Inul all sizes, at the very lowest prices. SeRLI,I O WYALUSING The Fall Tenn walcommence on; the first Iron day of September. 1870; and continuo 12 weeks. ' -- TERMS—For Common English • $4 0 0 Forllle,har Engltah and Clssidos • 500 DAVID CRAFT, ang.l7-8w Prinapal. p - ,NNSYI 4 VANI,4, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ! (Fifth Dietrict), MANSFIELD. TIOGA COUNTY. PA. Fall Term begins Septentbeelth. 1870. ' Winter Term begins Deceniber 12th. 1870. Spring Term begins March 27th, 1811. 'For catalogues or admission, address CHAS. H. VEIIIILLL, Marsffeld.,lnly 20,1870. Principal. WYOMING- COLLEGE IiVISTON:, I'I,7NNA The next Year of this popular institution will be gin. SEPTEMBER - I, laitt. Board, Tuition and Sta tionery have been so reduced as to render the ex pellee neeeasary for completing the Commercial Connie . .from Tlurty to Bitty dollars less than at other Business Colleges. Be satire, enterprising young man can make a „better investment of slto ftn by taking a course - of inebriation at this Institution. ' tic offer advantages ; that coo be found at no other adaniqviza College ui the country. Coutreouree of study-is prepared ins thorough and accorabi manner, and according to the latent and and most improved' methods of book-keeping. Students have the sdematages of Literary Societies. a Llbrary,Roading 'Room and Weekly Rumba. - Counterfeit Money, Political Economy, *Commer cial Lairt Penumaahip andßminess Correspondence are all thoroughly treated upon, land are Included to the linsineas Searle- Theinstmetion In the art of detetting counterfeit money is alone worth the tuition for the entire Handset!. Of young men now occupying some of the beet positions in the country have testified to this slittnitanC . LA accurate .Imowledge of business obi/druid st this institution. , . • Our graduates wont= pOsitiona of treat In all of the great cities, and hanoarly even State, in t Union.: . • • • Pest' imalar attention is raid to Telegraphing. Four aloes have been fitted op and under the itipe ion of an able and experienced operator. Students desisting an hoar each day to this lomat-tan! branch of commercial education in connection with the rea l:air 'course, - become qualified to' take charge of offices to three or four mouths. Tuition tor the 0111.1thaines Course ... ... ..$25 00 Baines Coupe with Telegraphing 35 Telegraphing alone 25 0 00 0 Tuition for a fall course in Ornamental and Prse - Perannaiddp... 125 00 Send for Metiers. Address . . L. SPRAGUE, M.A., Priricipat, • Kingston, retina. Ang.17.'70 Strt3QUIaLiNK,!. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. 'TOWANDA, lIII►DFOED COUNTY. P. This institution has Just been thoroughl y retailed and improv e d, and:will be reopene dTITESDAY. SETTERBER 6,, 1870, under the charge of G. W. Ryan Quinlao, Associate , Priiicipabo. who will devote their entire' time to inting In ibe' anions deptrtmemte and to the aunt sguardprvn and maamennent of the school. They will brio eas. awed by . atteelient' and , experienced tesettereln all put &mut:3,3l2u- • , The courses of InstructionAro Trepatatory and ' Graduating Englisklitmmal, Commercial, Scientific. .Elassi and Orrunnental. ' Thel cal reproatory is designed 'to theitula tdY Tod- GY %egoistic: imPils.for the studies of_ the English Graduating Cornne,which comprises, acadeniic , sbnikw, languages excepted: The gist year of this copse souiDletivk they can enter either tiw other courses. The Normal orstrseA abed.'thorough fustruction IS Common Schoolstodies and Theory and Practice of Teaching. Ittottaita In, the - Commercial Departments have all thisadvantagea of the. he commercial schools In ,addititorto thornigh,drill in, nsocaurai :academic • The Beiesditle Course in whittles% to the Am:lke of the ChadusttnirEaglish, Preach end . German. coro rnet:Mil instruction In the Sciences Meehetejt excellentvellectienet Apparatus recently pro. —• . , Mint two pots of the Clitatealikeirstiniesin: traded to peepers staleate sell for:.Collegel .the third'year to tit for attunee.4.ebutsee"la Cortege or •14 eatibtoechtith • 'Pedal comes: n the Bei . . . The . - Cirnamentil... Modern . Languages, Moak, and Painting. will be timed try competent -Moira and rooms are provided in the Institute, For furtblrparticulgra Wren • • , • W WAN E. E. QUINLAN. . • Aasociate Prbacipals. • Mfl.LEi Ivor, President Board Treatees. Ang:10.10. - . • - I' _ . _ . 1011 411 P VD D 4! 1 14 ,* 04. ace • V.l l o4. l7 :l+OlkiParr. =EEO; ' ' • • •• • 7"7" KOrt: rl. o: - Veißerriel: !yit11]!0#1F. 10101 ', a iiielOst- aft . .. , . . • . I,6A•switsdegibliaces , 9" wi#4 - *WW I wham; adficifis t ianipti &Mos pair ft itio4 morn; m- - . . 34 ,; tLtP lovirrAzt li n d ll3 o. ll Pr4e l4lB ; i ! '4 : 1, 4 1 A x• 1;;. It is- pint t that splits 14 . tr4ist;oei the et - • actiPaa•l*Die.dissaivi tide adbixeseibto. iiri-iaguitiammozeskton, 'f.. _" t .'. ~ ~OlvrOtleßtk' r Tl»SsJimin ~p'tepii~aitoa peedcariburteit I , thlt .usaflast'wutnilly.tClai other _ . qairadielata i at:e addial,,to pmeot fesurtlitatiot; a p :on Avarier: be a Ta:k4ara, as niado to kianurors, sifr 3s tt a ayritp-aii4 iterefore 44 . 1)1 . 11114p clime .wkrore ayrer or liffis. imotton ozfiß 1 1n thW: you bar . the lcranwlejvi of inge;64ient . s ,! s;u4 tAto!itodo of preparatior't. that tipott inspection it Mil matt with, 'gar .vpro. MS [From the _irirgcst inarTfieturing" Chemists in the oecupled.tho Drag Stoic, opposite mrrestdenoe, and was anceeisful in conducting the busineairithere others had not been eq.nally so before j have been favorabl e '' impreaseil,with his character and en- nesa arising from itolfserction. • 'The erlOmited.w*- cm of Saturn which are accompanied by so many • alarmin4 symptorna, among alien will be found t In i disposit foil' to ExertiOa, Loss 'of klemoix:. Wakeful- CENTS AND mu, gimpy! of • Dliseme t or,Fitishoaluitii of Eriki in hid. Vainstil Lassitude, Prostration, and tuanility YOUTHS to entry into tho•onjoymonta of society Woakuosaaccittlreirthe attlot sr.cdicino to strength TAYLOR Zz CO an 4 invigorate the:B3, - ste.ni, math maarpoLD's =I ErrgeeT BUCIIU invariably does.. It no . treat- -moat fe trdiattittted to; Cqniumptton" or IrmunttiCll I=l3 fectioni pacallar Females, Is unegnalled by any oihcr pie4tion. no in Chlorosio. or Retention, Paint°lnoes, or Solifrrna State, of tlio Uterus, and all complaints incident to the eez, or the decline or change of( lire COMAITRCIAL rriovxDAloisr. Wean will radically exterthinato from tlte system, 'itemises arising from habits of diSsips iton, a Iltilo expense ; little or no change in Wet. no, Inconvenience or rsposttt' . ....; completely Emperseding thole unpleasant and Omicrons muddles, Copalva end Mercury , 11l all the* fuse-Lacs dtaeaseenfittore organs, whether n'stating to male or female, .fioni irbntOVer:conso originating, and no mates of how long.sinnaing. It is pleasant in taste and oder. •9diaaedtato" to action, and mom strength r . . ... . cuing than any of the preparatloha of Dark or Iron , - .:The reader meet bo aware that, however sligh i ~~~.. -,t'llYS.X . t * ,llA',N'S; Nor ToilOigigatt lE4b, 1860. ME =I E=. Hoping that yon w4ll tam , It with s_hial; and 'With a feellnort confidence, I gun. very rovectranY• , rr. T. ItE3EBOLD. Cheixdst and Druggis t of 14 yOricaperience World.] IcovElanzt I, 1854 •! i4m actin:di:dad with 31r. 11. 1 Helmboid; be, WILLIA3I WEIOHTMAN. rinn or Pi were 14., Weightman t Mannfxbuing qtanlsts. Moab and Brown Sto.,Bs. liztaruom's num - Emu" Dzrextr, Pit. weak- The ccaatitutica, once, affccte4 with OiTani: EbEiarnoues..FLlTto Rrraicr• OF Bran!, in at- llzzamoLD's 'cam ErrnAcr ltdnu Alm Int U 50111 1 ,11101.1 5 . 8. FLUID EXTBACT Drcim in all Thoeo Jmffering from brokemilown .or delicate canat4tations; procure the remedy at once may be the attack of the above diseases, it is certain to affect the bodily health and mental powers: AU the above dl i ßeasts requiro tbo aid of sr Din retie. BXUEBOTS)I3 EXTRACT BUCIIV is the great Diuretic. Soil by Druggieth :e7orywheil . 3: • Tzuca—sl.23 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6,60. Delivered to any addreas. beacriba - eysuptama ill all commutilca- none. Addrpa IL T. liglaniOLD, Drag ait.l Chards; c Wherchcmse. ast Briadway. N. :r NoNE ABE . 451MUNE _UNLESS DONE EP IN steetangraced wrapplit.,with fao•eimila of in cheml cal Warelicmee, and signed, 11. T. HELIIBOLD May 19,1870.-1 q ME W es,M ARH Ones iled. %oln freifin m antidat by C. pAr elf irddeet ebsagef . Meet * bulk • aIA 11 ecre RV.* beak - • 4 "'"" 4 -- Badnetettra,... COW* 1 00 11t; (rella) • • • aa _ bloc roar Iv bate* • - lOW* Oninnd,lt beak ' Wzr l cerres Gri.us....,iyheat co lb. : Core ze 40 se M M t; Oda 32 k: Barley 46 lbs.: Ba let ckvbeat 4a IL; Desna el IW ; Brae 20 the.; ekrAr B, td ;be.; Meld lit, Dee. • _Dried Nadas n Dried Apples The.. Max Seed 50 DM. • • ,Altt MIRANGIDIENTS op msowomt,porrome t ;MUM:rear nothe NALL; at this Mike w4l strive sad 8000 Bfittaalows : • . Andra. D 1624. XartaanaXo44:...... . . 31..., .. .. ... 6:15 .1471 . ; 4:16 P. ... 7:15 • 7201 . . . . . .1:04p Cantos •NI - 5.0( p. to, ...... 1:c8 Dnetwro A. ........ rigi d 17.774 A. ....... 1240 IC' .... 12.770 .. . .ZatOtt nuthe sirtres ove rt "Itsmdsy. it'odusAlsy . sad . FAldsy at 6:00 r. it, , sad depart; at 7:00 a. st,- Thursday, sad Batardny. ' . Ltlxzety COPDP.P6 - 111A2 Arrives pT c sy . TusAdAy. Thij a , „Av. sad Sal Artlay at 8:00 Lis, ' Departs itl).:oo:6lr;:. • 45r sa awl 30 Ittißutei btforsithA tisk of ct, parturr; cued* mintiii*rg and mutt axe IS niaa ta prxdous. U. W. ALVOBD,J..x, lIBLIC ENDUE T. Tho subscriber "Will offcefor sale at Ins to Albany, Bradford county, FA, on the ,klEt Fcptemberels7o:4l- of hts pelsonst imir-rty, con: ,sisting in just af Ins& floraers..well unitehddyra. ld 1 Cows, .3 Calves,, I tiro horse hualst Wagon, I light two:horse merino Wagon, 1 5... t Eames*, 2 Plows. 1 Coletratord-us,mwo PAIMIP4 Mill, Moans, Forks , Carpenter's Tools, and MEI Other articks too 11111XlerCOS to mention. - FARM-FOX SALE AT AUCTION! _ 'At at t he name Mae and, place as the above, will be offered for mle the subattrlbera rent estzt,.. conalathm 0f.,50 acres of Land, all Itullroveil. andloa. der a state of cultivation. 1 good frnne how, t frame bare and shod. large orehard of grafted trlt a good living spring bandy to both house and lore: and manyother conveniences too numerous to tu n . .tion thereon. Fold farm situated n tittle from S. L. WU: at Laddabark. Awe Vr:comniettcp at 9 n'. clocks: m., when ternis of Kale will.be made keen. For farther Itarticulais call or write to the attlArr.- Ix r: . . SETg. FLEVENS. Liddibark, Pa:, Aug. 22, ISTO-31a-: 3 14 STRAY.—Carne into the eueles: are-of the subsaaiber, ea - Wednesday, Aug. 31, WO, a; email BUCK 111,1 RE.: The owner isiwpzeit• ed to come forward, prove property, pay charg t . ezo WM the same away. ALLEN SIMONS. • North Totrarida, Scpt 3,1870--St N E S ARR A. NGEMENTI ' Having purchased the BOOT SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, lately conducted by DAVISKEENER. at No. t Math-et.: Towanda. Pa.. I would respectfully tufvnu 411 E) public that Ihere juet received a large aseort ' , tnollt of LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOES! Consisting of LADIES - t GAITERS., Of all grades. Ladles GOAT - AND LEATMM SHOES, 3118Si- , 1 A,$D CIIILDI=i - tri3IICIES - of every variety, Which will b sold cheap ter C.iihirn a call and satisfy yourselves that Bing cheaper than the cheapest. vronlet cult eespecial attention to my CUSTOM DEPARTMENT I nu:kelt,' orPer everything in the line, of LIES' JND C FxriEz E,rs ;mu: I feel confident. that I can OTC, entire ralistatieL. -I employ none but fliebelass mechanics. / guaraniee pufcct fits, and ail work Irarrae.d. Repairing neatly arid promptly done. Remember the place, ! , :o. 14S 31 ain.st., a few below the Means Honse, Towanda, Pa. uut the sign of the Big Boot. /Ir-IDAVIS will conduct the business ai+ intenaenk JOBS Ifcl:STlßi 7 i TOwanda, Pa., Sept. 1, 18:0,—tf GRIND OPENING 15f new crap Teaß at the RED, 4VRITE AND LLUE STORE. I'ItICE LIST. Best Gunpowder... " Impurnd Young Hymn ES= 8a5t0010ng....::.. " Eng. Breakfast Japan Alii* a great variety of low,prieed Teas, Grx-eric., provision+, flour, (ed ite., Sre., dp apirr than the cheapest. at the ..:1 BED, viirrE AND BLUE ; TOk.E. Bridge street., owanda /h 0 7 4 . .1211AILIIILL iv. RIDGEWAY. •ATALVIBLE PROPERTY FOIE 1r SALE —AN I comtemplate going to Sane,. 1 oiler for WC the following property, :situated ::: Litchfield Centre, Bradford county, Pa, : My St , re Sad Dwelliitg combined, large and commodious, has been hull only three years. Lel, 1 acre: Hem-. and Lot, /Lot 2 acme- Also, 10 acres of inneswi.,l laud ..vitlr good , born on, Iv „ miles friym Litelltbl.l Centre. The above property will be sold cheap. as both my attention and capital is needed in the West. where I haVu. purchased some valuable, property n, a thriving little county i.eat. For particulars, addre...+ or call on the subscriber at,hisV.b.ire. aitgr'7o-2m.S. M. LAYT,,S, -- -: TAYLOR'S ET(FCTRIC. OIL A medical prepat ation which tends to r e m unnatural properties when applied, either on Mat or Beast. conceded, by all who have used it I. be the bent assistant to nature in the rcaterate e affected parts to their natural .11inctions, which ti medical world has ever received. It has cured many, canes of Rheumatism which mold not be relelv.d by any other Medicine. It is used by many of our Lea physicians lac that purpose. also unsurpai....4 in the cure of Cornsk-Chilblains, - Cramps, Contra , tan of 2kfuseles; Strains. Sparins.lllll(lica and Sersi of all hinds. It is called, by those rho have rtso , l it„ the best medicine for Horses in the market. Is al. ways sat's. speedy. and effectual. Every bottle guar. ranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. For sale by all Druggists and dealers in medicine . . H. BROWNING TAYLOR, Leftsysrille, Pa . aug•llllttf Sole Proprietor and ILantifactnn r. M. WARNER, A. 11',ITCILLIKER .I.Vb JEWELER, 1:15 3laln Street, RespeOfally inform the pubte that he keepe ecu taatttly on hand all kinds of . AIIE.RICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, • Also a Eno nasortnacut of GOLD. SLLVER. AND PLATED JEWELRY. Consisting of Chains, Rings, Thimbles, Napkin Rings, and other articles ton numerous to euencer. A great variety Of, the most approved Clocks. Tic, WATCH .11.1.7- O AIRING is done by blmaelf, personal: ,ty. and lie flatters himself that with his twenty yiari oxperiewe in Towanda, he, will be able to plea. all who may,favor Mtn with their patronage. - Thankful fOr the past liberal patronage, •he assures the pubic that his charges shall,bo reasonable, and no p.n. spared, Remember theplace, 135 Main•st., ration' , Block, two doors south of Powell k Co's iitor.. ToWanda, Pa., July 12, 1870.-tf NOTICe:W . - E IS HEREBY GIVEN that appli c ation will bo mule at the next meet leg'of the Legislature of Pennsylvania for the in or• poration of a Savinga Bank, to bo known Ito Up! .Athena Savings Bank. to have a capital of tiny then , - and dallars,with authority to increase the tame to soy amount not exceeding three, hundred thou and fare. The objects of said bank are to receive loony on dpeoslt azulto discount notes, bills, kr.. and exereigo general banking privilege/4. to he 10vv....! the borough •of Athens, county of Bradford..'" ! authority to establish branches at other places toga county. junell7:l9-4u. THE CHEAPEST iIAREII, THE WORLD! .V" THIRTY CENTS! TIIE WEER LT' PATRIOT. Containing forty.elght columns of 'mutter, Pot t cal, Literary, Agri=!tarsi, Current News, &e.. from the first of Septet:lLO, 1870, until the Oral of Jinni ary, 1871, for Flftt Clint's, to tangle auharril , ,, , . $4 50 to chubs Of tear, $8 00 to,eltibs of twenty, and $3O 00 to clubs of one 'hundred (to one aldref ,l cash in adronc.... Address ' D. F. lITAT.III3 SI CO.. teng.l7-Or F.xlitors and Prvett. Itarrisbura. Fa 17 4 4 A.RM FOR SALE IN MONROE TOWN3II.IP.—Tho subscriber — offers for .aalo , his I.aluable farm, lying on tho Dersda turnpfir, in Monroe tOwnship, three zulles , from the e 1 ,Moureo, and seven miles from ToWanda, with a guoil road leading from both the shove places. The liudiran 6: Itlilsoad Alan passes through the bunt. It contains MU acres, about 413 acres under good State of cnitivation;t good buildings; two lar ;; , , orchards, and Is well watered. Terms easy. -- J. C. 1111XIWA17, qmith"a-anch Aug.17,'70. TOIVAIDA COAL YARD: ANTIIII.I.CITE AND VITUSfNOI7I3 COALS. The undersigned, haring If wed the Coal Yard and Doh at the old ~, Barclay Main." and just completed a largo Coal-honse and Office npott the promises, are now prepared to furnish the citizens of Towanda and :vicinity wititthe different kinds and edzes.of the abm r. =led coals upon the meat reasonable terms in any quantity desired. Prime -at the Yard mitd furth'.r notice *.. . . Ste% o . ' $5 0 Egg 000 La rs-o • Small 5 (O Lump. .. ...:. . . Plyinoth Nut • - I .75 Pittston 'Nut 4 50 .g.barchy" Liam ri - , 4 00 . Eon of alines 3 ;0 ' .• Fine, or P.Lactismith 100 The foilawing, additional charges will be made for d•Alycring Coal within the borough limits : Der Ten cents. Extra for earning In, 30 centb. Dalt T0u..33 "" " "25 Qr.. Ton ... " " 23 ", Zit' Orders nisi be left at the Yard. cort r. Velia: l- re.l4 and Ektzaheth Streets , or at a C. is Drug Store. 7 • ?.Orders inunt hi stirs* s b.raccomprinle.l wito tie cash. • , BIONTANYE. 'Towanda, 3 . elle I, la7n —tf. IA 21 303 .4 (.1 a ° I) ESIO4 .13 ••• DEI ~. ...SI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers