tilT ON THE HOOF. Light Eun of-Cattle at East Lib erty Prices Advancedi iHIO CATTLE MEN DISGRFKTLED. Iariets for Sheep and Laa-tis Active at Higher Picrres. HOG SUPPLIES JWT UP TO DEMAXD OrFlCT OF PlTTBBtmO DISPATCH,) Wednesday. February 27, 1SS9. J The run of cattle this week has been about 20 carloads less than last -week. The total for Monday was 67 loads with very few since. In .the. receipts this week were 25 toads cf good Ohio cattle ranging from 1,400 to 1.W0 pounds. One load of extra premium cattle weighing 1,700 were sold to an East End batcher at $4 65. Some four or fire loads, weighing 1,403 to 1,500, were bought for New Yorfc parties at prices ranging from S3TS to M0S. A few bunches from 1,000 to 1,300 pounds were sold at prices ranging from S3 25 to S$ 73. There were no low grade cattle in this week's supplies. At the beginning of tno week markets were steady, with prices a shade higher than last s-eek on some light grades. Tuesday showed an advance of 5 to 10c on good butcher stock, with the adTancc well maintained to-dav. "tt ith one exception this week has been the only time this year when pnoes were better on Tuesday than Monday. The rulo has been that prices drooped from the bee-inning of the week. The stockman who shoved his cattle on to market Monday, anticipating the usual condition of tilings for the balance of the week, has had -eason to repent. Cnule Feeders Suffer. S. B. Hedges, who has just returned from a rip through Ohio, reports that he has seldom nconntered a more ill-tempered set of people han the cattle feeders throughout that State. lefore they will submit longer to prices of last ?eek they will let their stock go to grass to .wait the turn of the tide. All cattle feeders declare that markets of late have been ruinous to their trade, and they do not propose to ship .tOvk until there is something like a decent rofit in the business. Every stock raiser ho handles a dozen cattle, is a few hundred lollars short by reason of holding his cattle brough the winter. Everythine in the cattle line was well cleaned lp to-day. The feeling among stockmen is that lie worst is over and that from now on markets irill improve. There is certainly large room for "oprovement. Not for more than a quarter of century have cattle markets been so thorough ly demoralized as for the past few weeks. blieep and Lambs. The run was about the same this week as last, the total being some 23 loads. Prices ad vanced a strong "4c, and everything sold about as fast as it showed up. A very choice load of lambs, averaging 100 pounds, went off Tuesday like hot cakes, at 7c An old time dealer said be never saw a finer bupch of lambs at the, Lib erty yards. The range of prices for sheep was 4c to 5c. wo loads of primes brought SXc Prices to tay are a shade easier on advices from Buffalo ind other stock centers of large receipts. Pitts burg has been one of the best sheep markets of the country this week. Hogs. Receipts on Monday were 21 loads, against ouble that number last week. "With light re eipts the views of holders advanced. Light logs-were hard to get at anyprice. Some deal rs who had orders from Eastern packers were impelled to order f,rom Chicago, where the an has been over 30,000 daily for several days it Some of Chicago's overflow -n ill be due ere to-morrow, and prices are expected to op. The range for Yorkers to-day wa $3 20 to 25; medium weights, S3 lu to $5 15: heavv, 06 to So 10. Prices at Buffalo to-day are 10c low those at Liberty. A drop of 10c is re nted from Chicago to-day, and the decline n hardly fail to reach Liberty markets to orrow. McCnll & Co.'s Report. Receipts of cattle light and market very slow, ith a slight advance on common to medium, hlle good to prime were barely steady. We give be f ollowlngas rulingprices: Prime.1,300 to L6U0 ovais.-i-)0i 40; good, TJBttfoXiM pounds, 60fe4 00; g6od,l,000 to L200 pounds. S3 40 U); rough fat. 1.100 to 1,300 pounds, S3 Z53 SO; amnion to fair, 900 to 1.000 pounds, $3 003 2s; lulls and fat cows. 52 00S3 00; fresh cows and .pringers, SIS 0010 00. The supply of hogs this weekhas been very jht, and the market ruled steady and firm the advance. To-day the receipts are not tzry, but with heavy receipts iu Western arkets we do not look for present prices to be .alntained. We quote the market to-day as ollows: Heavy Philadelphia, SI 804 90; ledimn weights, $1 955 Oo: fair to best York rg, $3 15S5 25; roughs, St 231 25. The reeeipts of sheep this week have been lr. and the market active at an advance of 25 to iOa per cwt. on all grades over last k's prices. We give the following as ruling ces: PnmeQhio and Indiana wethers, weigh ; here 110 to 120 Rs, S5 205 50; good wethers, tolOOSs,605 00: fair to good mixed, 5 90 Us. S4 351 75; common to fail, 70 to HI i, S3 254J3 73; prime lambs, 85 to 115 Its, S6 25 .a: good, u to bo z, to o9 Sat common to r. 50 to 65 fis, SI 505 25; veal calves, 110 to lbs, J5 256 75. Br Telegraph. JTew York Beeves Receipts, 42 carloads r the market and 49 carloads for slaughterers rect and 10 carloads of sale cattle were car td over on Monday;, market dull at a shade mer prices: common to prime nltive steers Id at S3 604 G5; 1 carload extra steers at 75, and a number of fat bulls at S2 53 45; -ports. 470 quarters of beef. Sheep Receipts, X) head; market firm and a small fraction gher for sheep; dull and unchanged for lambs; eep, H 256 00, with 1 car at t6 25, and lambs, 757 35: no extra lambs offered. Hogs Re jpts, 7.000 head; not enough offered alive to ake a market: nominal selling range is at S5 30 to 63. Kansas Crrv Cattle-Receipts.2,288 head: .hlpments, 1,765 bead; active and stronger for drebSed beef; shipping steers and feeding steers and cows steady; good to choice cornfed, 3 904 20: common to medium. S2 803 85; ockers and feeding steers. SI 603 20: cows, 252 TO. Hogs Receipt. 10.342 head; ship- ent. 847 head; weak and 27$c lowen good choice. H 27K4 37J; common to medium, 154 25. Sheep Receipts, L609 head; no ipments; strong and active; good to choice lttoqs, S4 254 50; common to medium, S2S0 90.,, OHIOA.OO Cattle Recelnts, laooo head: shlp- ent. 1000 head; market steady; beeves, 00S4 40: steers. S3 003 80; stockers and eders, S2 1583 35: cows, bulls and mixed, . 753 15. Hogs Receipts. 3LO00 head: ship- 'jntt, 9.0UO head: market steady; mixed. 54 40 C5; heaw. $1 404 75; light S4 404 60; U 004 65. Sheep Receipts, 7,000 " -ments, 3,000 head: market steady; " 10; westerns, cornfed, $4 25 H 25; lambs, S4 756 50. .e Receipts, 1,400 head for sale: steady; offerings. Id at S2 603 (ft Sheep and no throng'i: 5,000 head for A sheep, S4 7505 25; choice a Hogs-Receipts. 4,500 head lead for sale; active: 1015e day; mediums, S4 90; Yorkers, Hogs In liberal supply and n and light S3 754 75; pack lers. $4 604 75. Receipts, 4,750 ats, 2,500 head. Drygoods Market. .rk, February 27. Inclement weath J trade in drygoods unfavorably to ; there was a relatively fair degree of -with jobbers, in which staple goods re . more prominent attention than hereto Wash fabrics were active, including an drive in cheap ginghams at5cbvthe and G?c by the piece. The market at first ds was of a steady character. Prices rule idy with jobbers, and firm with agents. Manchester, February 27. The Guardian, a its commercial article says: Business does tot indicate any betterment The market is nlL The India and China departments are serially inactive. The inquiry has lessened, i production of Eastern staples, how. ver, is 1 under engagement In fact manunctur-' are in pressing need of fresh orders, al ugh the number of orders is increasing; Metal Market. ixw York Copper nominal: lake, March, 60. Lead quiet and barely steady; domestic, ?. Tin more active; straits. $2L Whisky Markets. -Hnished goods continue to be quoted at 03, with a good demand. Wool Market. ST. Lotrrs Wool very quiet owing to light erings. If 'enjoys universal confidence Dr. ill'sCongh Syrup. Pxice 25 eente a bottle. MARKETS BY WISE. Wfeent Nervous nod Lovrer Under ForeIim Ad Ices Corn and Oats WenU Hog Products Unsettled, 'With a Declining Tendency. Chicago Just a moderate business was transacted in wheat to-day, and the feellngwas a little nervous with prices ruling lower than yesterday's closing. There was some little out side business, but trading was chiefly local. No new developments occurred, though it was claimed that May wheat was selling np moro easily. The opening was Kc lower than yesterday's closing, advanced c and then de clined lJic, rallied lc and closed about U-fc lower than yesterday. The early v cakness was influenced by rather free speculative offerings, helped some by the change.ln the tone of Liverpool advices, which quoteda dull feeling and lower prices. The subsequent advance to outside prices was in fluenced by a rumor that the market in Pans was excited and the statistical situation grow ing stronger. There were also some rumors afloat to the effect that the parties who had been known to be interested on the bull side had made financial arrangements to pay for all of the cash wheat to be delivered May L There was very little interest manifested in corn, in fact, the pit was dull and neglected. Fluctuations were limited to an Kc range. Oats' were less active and fluctuations were confined to a Vic ranee, with the close a frac tion lower than yesterday. A fairly active speculative trade was reported In hog products, but the prices were irregular and within a moderate range. In consequence of the liberal receipts of hogs, with packing grades selling at a further reduction, the mar ket for products opened rather weak, and a few sales were made at lower figures. Offer ings early were not large, but increased some what about the. middle of the session, and prices receded to medium figures. The market closed rather tame. The leading futures raneed as follows: Wheit-So. 2 February, SI 03?: March. $1 MX! WK; May. $1 07J1 0Skl 00 1 07: Julv. 84MK93"f593i5c Cork No. 2 February, 3131C;March. 3ftc; Mav, 35i35KeS535ic Oats No. 2 February, 25Jic: May, 27K27Ji 27fl27K June, 2626Mc. Mxss Pork, per bbl. March, $11 1511 15; Mav, $11 25Q11 2KH 25ll 32: June, 111 42 k gll 45011 40il 4a LA.BD. per 100 lbs. March. S6 806 80 6 756 75: May. S6 Si6 92X66 S56 85; June, S6 906 956 90690. Short Ribs, per 100 ft. March, 83 85 5 OOgo 55 90: May. S8 05Q6 C66 056 05; Jnne,S6IO06 156 1Oe612J4. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat. SI 0 No. 3 spring wheat. 8093c; No. 2 red, SI 0 No. 2 corn, 34Ja "No. 2 oats, 25Vc. No. 2 rye. I'f-Kc. No. 2 barley, nom inal. .No. 1 flaxseed, $i 50. Prune timothy seed. SI 4001 42. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 10U 15. Lard, per 100 lbs. S6 7 Short ribs sides (loose), S3 9006 00; dry salted shoulders (boxed), $5 255 37 short clear sides (boied), $6 16 25. Sugars, cnt loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 10,000 barrels; wheat, 50,000 bushels: corn, 192,000 bushels: oats. 156,000 bush els: rye, 5,000 bushels: barley, 47,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 12,000, bar rels: wheat. 70.000 bushels; corn. 96,009 bush els: oats, 48,000 bushels; rye, 13,000 bushels; barley, 31,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the bntter market was steady; fancy creamerv. 2527c; choice to fine. 2022c; fine dairies. 2MS21cgood to choice, 1S2U. Eggs steady at 1213c. New York Flour steady and quiet. Wheat Spot wpaker: options K 'c lower. Barley and barley malt dull. Corn Spot H$c higher and firm; options firmer and moderately active. Oats Spot easier and quiet; options steady and quiet Hay dhiet and steady. Hops Bteady and quiet Coffee Options steady-sales, 30,750 baes, including March. April and Mav, 16.3016.40c; June, 16.4016.50c; Julv, 16.S016.60c; August. 16,60c; September, 16.65S16.75c; October. 16.650 16.b0c: November, 16.7016.S0c; December, 16.78 016.85c; Epof Rio firm; fair cargoes at ISc Sncar Raw strong; fair refining. 4c: cen trifugals, 96 test, 5 9 165c; refinedin fair demand, steady. Molasses Foreign quiet, firm; 50 test, 21c; 'ew Orleans dull; open kettle, good to fancy, 28l2c Rice firm and quiet Cottonseed oil strong; crude, 4243c; yellow, 48c. vtaiiow weaK ana ami; city at oi-ioc Turpentine firm; sales at 4949c closing at 49Jc. Eggs quiet and easier; West ern. 14Kloc; receipts, 4460 packages. Pork quiet: old mess, S12: new mess, S12 5012 75: extra prime, S12 0012 25. Cut in eats inactive; pickled shoulders. 56c; do hams, 9J10c: do bellies. 12 lbs, tc. Lard easier and quiet; western steam, S7 20; city, $6 80; March, J7 20, closing at S7 19 asked; April, $7 17 asked; May, $7 Masked: June, S7 217 23. closing at S7 20; Julv, S7 25. closing at S7 22 asked: Aucust, S7 2o7 30. closing at S7 24 asked: September. $7 J2, closing at S7 28 asked. But ter in fair demand and steady: western dairv. 13?20c: do creamery, loQ&lic: Elgin, 300 30JC. Cheeatiallf-aretera,10ftlltc. St. Lotrrs Flour Quiet and unchanged. "Wheat lower: the market was dull with specu lation light, and small fluctuations in prices; May. B7J697K69bc closing at 9Sc; June, 95Jic; July, i5S5c closing at 85c. Corn better: No. 2 mixed, cash, 282SVic; March. 2S2Sc closing at 2SJc bid; April, 29Kc: May, 3T30Kc closine at 30c; June, 31ic; July, 3Z&C, closing at 32V32jc asked. Oats higher; No. 2 cash, 24Kc; May. 2727)ic. Rye None offered. Barley qniet; Wisconsin, 60c Provisions firmer all around. CruciNSATI Flour in good demand. Wheat dull and nominal: No. 2 red, 96c; receipts, 1,000 bushels; shipments, 4,000 bushels. Corn barely steady: No. 2 mixed. 32Kc Oats weaker; No. 2 mixed, 26c RyedulUNo. 2,52c Pork quiet at $11 50. Lard strong at S6 75. Bulkmeats and bacon quiet Butter easier. Sugar steady Eggs easier. Cheese steady. Milwaukee Flour firm. Wheat easier; cash. 91c: May. 96; July. 9354c Corn steady: io. 3, 3030c Oats dull: No. 2 white, 27K2Sc Re quiet; No. L 4.5c Barley firm; No. 2, 60c Provisions firm. Pork, Sll 15. Lard, $6 SO. Cheese firm; Cheddars, 10Xllc Baltimore Provisions quiet and un changed. Butter firm: western packed, 16 20c; best roll. 13lSc: creamery. 2S30c Eggs firm at 1415c Coffee strong; no, fair, 18 lStfc Philadelphia Flour quiet Wheat dnll and options a shade weaker. Com dull and weak. Oats dull and barely steady. Toledo Cloverseed active and higher: cash. S4 80; March, $4 75: April, H 80. Receipts, 25 bags; shipments, 331 bags. LATE NEWS IS BRIEF. Mr. pillon will start for Australia on Fri day.:: The following bonds were accepted by the Secretary of the Treasury yesterday afternoon: Registered, 4s $1,814,000 at 109K flat Count Herbert Bismarck has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and his brother William to the rank of Major, at the request of the Chancellor. The German Government has forbidden the issue in Germany of any part of the Bul garian loan, on the ground that Bulgaria has no recognized Government Signor Crispi, the Italian Prime Minister, stated that the temporal power of the Pope is now a thing of the past a toy for dull hours of mimic and would-be statesmen. The woman who shot Harry King, of Chi cago, at Omaha, some time ago, refused to be arraigned as Elizabeth Beechler. Her attorney has filed a plea of misnomer and In subsequent pleas she will be called "Mrs. Elizabeth King." When she will be arraigned is only a matter of conjecture, as her counsel has an evident desire to keep her away from the public gaze and have her brought into court without proclaiming it beforehand. District Attorney Fellows yesterday de cided to accept the evidence of Bookkeeper Woodruff against his employers, Ives and Stayner, and Woodruff will be a witness for the State. He has been promised immunity from punishment provided he tells the truth. The grand jury still has the case of Ives and Stayner before them, and will have fur some time to come. .Further indictments against the accused are looked for. Considerable interest has been aroused over gold finds in Lower California. A dispatch from Ensenada says the discoveries embrace quartz, lead and placer diggings. Several parties have arrived there with large nuggets. It is stated that people in the diggings are taking out from SI to S2 50 per pan. One large nugget Valued at S23Q. was bought in and sold by a man named Gasklll. People are thronging to the diggings from Ensenada and the neighboring towns, and many will go from San Diego. The London Standard has advicesfrom its Berlin correspondent which say that the Ger man squadron at Samoa will be increased and the natives punished for killing Germans. The Cologne Gazette says that the severer the chas tisement the better guarantee there will be that peace and order will be secured, and the more effective will be the international confer ence on the subject It is reported that a court of arbitration will settle the dispute over the formation of a customs service on Lamo Island. Thos. Cassonee, a negro, and Annie Abbott, a buxom white girl of 18. were married in Jeffersonville by the Rev. Ezra Miller, a negro preacher. The swain went to the County Clerk and secured a license, making oath that his bride-elect was 21, and saying nothing as to her complexion. Shortly after the marriage the bride's father, William Abbott a well-to-do firmer, turned up in great distress, and was wild Ith crief when he found that his daugh ter had married bis negro farm hand. He caused the arrest or the bridegroom and the minister. The minister swoi e that the girl had a veil over her face during the ceremony, and that in consequence be did not know her color. He gave $500 bond and was released, while the bride and groom were left In jail. The charge Is miscegenation, and the punishment is three years' teprtsonmeat TALUE OF BICS MEN. Many Ways Pointed Ont in Which They Are Beneficial to Society. ONE MAN'S "WORK IN THE SOUTH. How a Pittsburg Merchant Was lifted From Poverty to Afflnence. A BAD DAI FOE IOCAIi STOCKS AND OIL ''Poor people, as well as those in moder ate circumstances, frequently entertain wrong views of the value to society of men of great wealth," remarked a "Wood street merchant yesterday. "They serve a good purpose, whether willingly or not, as I know from my own experience. "When quite young I had to strike out lor myself. I lived- with my parents, who were quitg poor. The adjoining house a fine, large bnilding was owned and occupied by a man supposed to be worth a million. He and his family seemed to have everything that heart could desire servants, horses and carriages, fine clothes, the best eatables in the market and everything else that money could buy. We thought they must be very happy. I did not envy them, but their worldly condition. was so far above my own that I re solved to aim high in all my business plans, so as to be able to command some of the luxuries and comforts with which the' family was sur rounded. I became dissatisfied with my hum ble condition. My wits were sharpened and my ambition aroused. 'It was a spur that urged me to attempt greater things than I had thought possible forme to accomplish. I at tributed my success in business almost en tirely to the change wrought In my aspirations by contact with a wealthy man. "It is wrong," he continued, "to denounce men of wealth" as cormorants, blood-suckers and enemies of .society. People who hold to this opinion aro veryt short-sighted. It is im possible, in the nature of things, for all to be rich, but it is far better that a part should be wealthy than that all should be poor, Where ever the latter condition prevails, as in some parts of the South and in several European countries, business is at a standstill, stagna tion broods over everything; there are no great public improvements, no railroads, no big, bustling cities everybody is on the same dead .level, with nothing to escite to activity, no motive to rise above the depressing environ ment that makes 'one man as good as another.' Society thus constituted is but a slight remove from barbarism. I am glad there are very few such spots in America. t t "To show what one rich man can do for a poor community, I will tell you a circumstance that occurred a few years ago.- One of my friends removed to Alabama and settled In a community of poor people, who had.neitber schools nor churches nor roads nor anything else to make them comfortable and happy. Their fields were overrun with weeds and their houses dilapidated. Idleness was the rule, work the exception. He boughta farm.stocked it, built a good house for his family and one for a store. He also engaged in coal mining. He employed about 100 men altogether, paying them gooa wages. He encouraged them by word and example to improve their condi tio!?. This soon began to bear f ruit. Houses were repaired and painted, the fields ana gar dens better tilled and the roads put in passa ble condition. By donating money for a school house he induced the people to build it and send their children to school. In a short time a comfortable church building was erected and a pastor engaged. In short, the influence ex erted by my friend worked a social revolution in the commnnity, which is now as noted for thrift and enterprise as it formerly was for slothfulness and decay. This is a striking in stance of the value of riches when properly employed. "Pittsburg is under lasting obligations to its wealthy citizens. They are liberal and public spirited. They never -refuse; to aid a good cause, lknow of one man who gives away every cent of his income from a large business. Their helping hands are extended to all classes of people In distress. Very few of them inherited their wealth. They accumulated It by hard work, in which their superior business capacity was an assurance of success. These men are examples for all of us to Imitate. They are also public benefactors. It was largely through their in strumentality that our hospitals, rcformatones and other charitable Institutions were built. They have founded libraries and other public institutions. They are at the head of all the great enterprises of the day, contributing both time and money and all for the benefit of the public, without deslringorexpectingpecnniary reward. Without them Pittsburg would soon lose her pre-eminence as a business center. Their example has lifted many a man from poverty to afflnence, as I have shown you in my own case. Rich men, as a rule, are entitled to honor rather than contumely. They serve a good purpose in lifting society from lower to higher levels of civilization." STOCKS TAKE A TUMBLE. Local Securities Very Dnll nnd Seeking a Lower Level of Values. The stock market was weaker and dnll yes terday. The total sales were 4S0 shares. Gas stocks were all lower, Philadelphia leading the downward movement A little life was infused into Electric in the afternoon, when 220 shares changed hands at 42J. Tractions were entirely neglected, the demand for them appearing to have been fully met It was said in some quarters that the earnings of these corpora tions had been exaggerated in order to boom the stock. Be this as it may, they were as flat as a pancake. MOKNIXG. AFTERIfOOir. stocks. Hid. Asked. Hid. Asked. AUechenv Nat. Bank. 62 BankofPlttsburg 74 Citizens' Nat Bankl 62 First N at. Bank I'ltts'g 170 .... . Pltts.N. B'k Com 211 becond National Bank. 162 I;f Tradesmen's N 'iBank 221 Third National Bank 162 .... K.E.L.&T.Co.,AU'y 73 German American In. 52 55 Peoples' Insurance 49 Phl&delDhla Co STJ JTJf 36tf 36 Wheeling O" Co 2SK 29 " Citliens'Tractlon SDH 72 PitUburcTraction 49 Central Traction 24M ZIH 25 r. " ? P.&W.B..B.Co.,pref. 16 16tf N.y.i&O. COo 40 Northside Bridge Co.. 63 Union Bridge IS La Norla M. Co 1 SlIvertoiiM. Co 1 2 West'hotiteEIec 425 42y 42 Union Switch Shrnal. lS)i 19 18M 15 The morning sales were 6 shares Third Na tional Bank at 162, 5 at 162 and 20 Wheeling Gasat2SK- In the atternoon 20 shares Electric sold at 42, 200 s. o. 30 at the same price, 20 Philadel phia Gas at 37, 110 at 36K andlO at 86 The total sales of stock at New York yester day were 192,614 shares, including: Atchison, 33,170; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. 16,990; Erie, 3,250; Missouri Pacific, 5,225; North western. 3,550; New Jersey Central, 4,400; N orth em Pacific preferred, 3,600; Oregon Transcon tinental, 8.7B8; Heading, 20,570; Richmond and West Point,6,160j 8t Paul, 12,850; Union Pacific, 3,130. TOO MUCH MONEY. All the Financial Center Complaining of nn Over-Supply. The local money market was very quiet yes terday. There was a large supply of funds, with a moderate borrowing demand. Oilmen were the principal customers. Hates were quoted at 56. The volume of checking snowed an imorovement, swelling the ex changes to $2,369,123 02 and the balances to $168,107 17. A plethora of money is noted at all of the financial centers. Money on can at new iork yesterday was ) day bills and t 85 for demand. Government Bonds. Closing quotations in ,New York furnished The Dispatch by Robinson Bros., Wood street, Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: II. S. 4s. reg ICTXftlOSU U. S. 4 Its. coups 109 (3109M U. B.4s. rep i 123jai29 U. b. 4s, 1907, coups.. 12&&129 Currencv. 6 per cent 1895 rer .V...1J0 Currency, 6 per cent MM re. ...... ...1..122 Currency, percent, lOTreg ,....,l23 THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, gHTTRSDAy, ,- EBRTTAE,'? Currency, tpercent lSssregv. 123 Currency, 8 per cent 1889 reg 131 Sales of 10,O00.TJ. 8, -Is, coupon, sold at 12 New YoBK-Clearlngs, JIOO.659,833; balances, $5,050,413. Boston Clearings, $14,724,422; balances, $1. 905,579. Money 2K per cent Baltimore Clearings, $1,833,685; balances, $246,992. PHU.ADEi.pniA Clearings, $10,438,700; bal ances, $1,387,616. Chicago Money easy: call loans 5Q&4 P cent; time loans, 67. Bank clearings, $8,953,. oca St. Louis Clearings, $2,856,741; balances, $627,317. " A BIG SUEPJRISE. Oil Lett Go With Everybody Looking for an Advance. The oil market yesterday was a surprise to everybody. In the first edition of bis diction ary. Dr. Kolsom described the crawfish as "an animal that advances backward." That was the way with oil. It took a step downward. Nearly everybody thought itwonld open bull ish and make a nearer approach to the dollar line. But it went the other way. "Various rea sons were given for this. unexpected maneuver in the face of everything that should enhance instead of depressing prices. While the slump was no doubt largely due to the covering of of shorts, a deeper reason may be found In the fact that secret Influences are at work to main tain prices at about the present level. In other words, the market is being manipulated for a purpose, and it will move up or down, just as the powers behind the throne elect No other satisfactory reason can be assigned for yester day's slump. Left to itself, the market would have advanced, but the 'manipulators decided otherwise. This places the exchanges In the attitude of agents to carry out the will of the higher powers, who work the wire In secret Viewed from this standpoint, it is no wonder that outsiders refuse to come in and bo sheared. Individual judgment goes for noth ing when the market is entirely nnder the con trol of an influence that cannot be openly com bated. The market opened at 91 sold down to 91, recovered, and later in the day rallied to 9'. This was followed by a period of depression, succeeded by a partial recovery. Twice dur ing the afternoon the price touched 92X. Near the close it broke to 9 which were the clos ing figures. The market was fairly active for an hour succeeding the opening, by spells dur ing the day, and especially in the last hour. There was good trading East and West, but mostly by professionals. Opinions as to what to.day would bring forth were considerably mixed, some holding that the market would sell up and others maintaining that a lower level of prices would be reached. As between these conflicting views, each equally entitled to credence, the reader must judge for himself. A B. McGrew quotes pnts 89c, calls 92c The followinfr tatiie, correciea uy Ue Witt 1)11 worth. broker in petroleum, etc. corner Kirth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc.: lime. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Afc Opened 92X S-s 12:45 P. H.... S2H S2" 10:15a. II.... Illii 82W 1:00 1 X... S2H G2H 10:30A. M.... 9i! K!i 1:15 P. II..,. KM B2H 10:45a. M.... K'i KU 1:50 P. M.... D2H 92H 11:00a. II.... Wi 92H 1:45 P. it.... 82! Mh 11:15a. .... nn l 2-OOP. M.... 9JH 92-i 11:30a. H.... 92!4 91 1:15 P. M.... 92 KSj 11:15 A. U.... 91'4 KH 2.30 P. M.... KH S2H 12:00 M 92! V2 2:45 F. It.... 91 92 J2:-SF. II.... VPi 92?.'Ulosed 91K 91M 12:30p. m.. 92X 92SI UpeneiL 92Xc; highest, 92o; lowest, 81Hc; closed, Sltfc. . ' Barrels. I)ny runs 45.537 Average mns....i 40.282 Daily transients - 99.8M Averacre shipments 79,271 Dallv charters ' 59,999 Average chartert i . 36,661 Clearances ,., 3,331,000 New York closed at Slc. Oil City closed at 91V. Bradrora closed at 91 'i- "ewyoric. retined. J.206. London, renned. 6,1. Antwerp, reflned, l7t ' Other Oil Markets. Bradford, February 27. Opened, 92Vc; highest 92c: lowest. 91c: closed. 91Kcr Oit Cmr. February 27.-Opencd. 9?Vc; high est 92Kc; lowest, BIHc; closed, Bl&cl TrrnsviLLE, February 21 Opened, 92Vfc; highest WKc: lowest, 81&c; closed. 91 c New York. February 27. Petroleum opened firm at 92c, but terthef first sales sagged oft c. A slight rally then occurred and was fol lowed by another drop on which the price fell to'MKc The market closed weak at ilkc. Sales, 1,119.000 barrels. FELL OP BUSINESS. The Demand Kept Up for Small Booses nndUnlroproved Lots. The usual activity was witnessed at the real estate offices yesterday, and a goodly number of sales were effected. There were many ap plications for small houses, and also for unim proved building lots in both cities and suburbs. One dealer reported a large demand for busi ness bouses. W. A Herron & Sons sold two lots on Webster avenue, near Thlrty-thlrd street Thir teenth ward, for $900; one 24x100 feet and the other 42x100 feet Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for John A Roll to Frank Beacom a lot on the corner of Iowa and Adelaide streets. Thir teenth ward, being 110x116 feet for $1,500. John F. Baxter sold to John McCulIough lot No. 84 Bank of Commerce addition extended, Brushtou station, fronting 50 feet on Baxter street and 150 to a 20-foot alley, for $550. James W. Drape & Co. closed a mortgage of $7,500 on property on Duquesne way at 5 per cent They also placed a mortgage of $2,000 on property at Homestead at 6 per cent, and two mortgages of $1,700 on property in McKeesport at 6 per cent. Baltenspeigerd; Williams. 154Fonrth avenue, sold a four-room frame dwelling, lot 25xlOOon Joel's lane, Mt-Washington, to John Fife, for Mrs. Lake, for $1,500 cash. , OALLEIU HALT, Stock Brokers Awaiting Pointers From Washington Before Making Important Moves The Bean in Control of the Market Bonds Quiet. New York, February 27. The stock market was a little more active to-day, though the in creased business was almost entirely owing to the heavier operations upon the bear side, which also had the effect of sagging the gen eral list off, while some shares showed marked declines for the day, and prices at the close were about equal to those of Monday. There was very little news of a character to affect the market and operators are still in the, waiting humor, the acceptance of the office tendered him by Mr. Walker, and the desire to know something of the policy of the Incoming admin istration, causing a holding' off, which gives for the time beiug the making of quotations over to the bears and traders. There was a more general distribution of favors by the hears to day, and the Grangers, New England, Atchison, Missouri Pacific and the Coal stocks all felt the pressure at times. London was again lower, and was apparently a seller in the early dealings, but there was a good demand at the figures, and for a time the market had a strong look, but the pressure became too strong when the first demand had been satisfied, and the downward movement became general, though slow. Chicago was the head center for bearish rumors, however, and reports of a discouraging nature from that region were numerous, and offset to a! marked degree such tendency to advance as was shown in the forenoon. Protests by shippers in Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota against the high through charges, the consideration of a new railroad Jaw In Wisconsin and cutting of rates by several of the most influential lines were the principal burden of these reports. A few strong spots were developed, knd the Oregon shares showed a marked disposition to rally, though improvement, after reaching its best figures of yesterday, los. all the advance. Manhattan continued its upward movement and scored a handsome gain on a large busi ness for that stock The movements in the rest of the list however, were small and unim portant Dullness became the most prominent after 2 o'clock, and Manhattan made a sharp advance while the others sagged off 'slowly until the close of business, thongh Richmond and West Point was strong in the last hour. The close was quiet and heavy at the lowest prices of the day in many instances. Almost the entire active list Is lower. Oregon Improve ment lot 2 per cent; Denver, Texas and Ft Worth, ; Atchison and New England, Hi each, and Jersey Central 1 per cent, while Man hattan showed a gain at the close of 1 per cent There was a moderate degree of animation in railroad bonds, but the same lack of special feature marked the trading, and no decided tendency of prices in either direction could be seen. The sales of all issues reached $1,487,000, but the only bond showing any special activity was Atlantic and Pacific 4s, which contributed $245,000. The most conspicuous advances were Jersey Central lsts 2?i to 105 Illinois Central is of 1951 3. to 109. and Louisville, New Albany and Chicago lsts 2& to 1L The following table snows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York biock .oxenange, oi it ourtn avenue: Open- High- Lowing-, est est Am. Cotton Oil , SSH A tec- Top. & 8. F.. 51H M KH Canadian Pacific Six MH M CanadaSouthern.. ...'.. ssd 65 M Central of HewJeiKT.-SVa SiX ti Clos ing. Mil MSt tov UK m CeatralPaclnci. .!..,!.. .-. Chesapeake Ohio ,.. lift C, Bur. & Qulncy.....l01 a, Mil. & Bt. Paul.... et a, Mii.&8t.p., pr.... 97 C., iiockl. 4P sua a, st. h. & puts t .... C, 8t L. & Pitts, pf. C, 8t.P.,M. AO 32tf C., St. P., M. AC, pf. 91 C. A Northwestern. ...1C6H C& northwestern, pf. .... cacti 7S Col. Coal & Iron 34 Col. & HoctlnjfVal Uel., L. AW HIM Del. A Hudson Denver A KloO 16M Denver A Klo U., pr. Illinois Central. Lake Erie A Western.. IS Lake Erie A West. pr.. S7f Lake Shore A M. 8 IHH Louisville A Nashville. SO Michigan Central 69 Mobile Ohio llii Slo., K. ATexa Missouri I'.ncinc 71 K N.Tf.. L. E. A V. 29j N.Tt., I, E. A W.prel 88 N. YAN. E 47K N. y.,'0. A W VH Norfolk A Western Norfolk A Western, pf Mlf Northern Pacific 27 Northern Pacific pref- SOi Ohio A Mississippi..... ZIH Oregon Improvement. SSV Oregon Transcon 33 Pacific Mall . 37 Peo. Dec. A Kvan 2stJ l'hlladel. & Heading.. 47H Pullman Palace Car...l93 Richmond A W. P. T.. 2SM Kichmond A W.P.T.pf 80 Bt. PanlADaluth..... bt. Paul A Dnlntti pf.. 90 St P., Minn. AMan... 102 Bt.L. ASan Fran St h. A San Fran pf.. 63 St. L. A San F.lst pf. Texas Pacific 21K Union Pacific 65 Wabash 1.1)4 Wabash preferred 27 Western Union 88 Wheeling A L. K 13 101 S2K 95 Si MS 1H isji 26 101 26K 62H 110 .211 65M ml 27 S3V KM 63K BOSTON" STOCKS. The Marker Opened Dnll and Steady, De clining at the Close. Boston, February 27. The stock market opened dull but steady. The dullness continned all morning, but while the tone was firm dur ing the first hour with gains for Mexicans, Ore gon Short Line and one or two other stocks the next hour witnessed a decline in Atchison and C. B. & Q., with a like movement in Copper stocks. A.AT.LandOr't7s.llO Atch.&Top. R.K... 50Jj Boston A Albany.. .213 Boston A Maine 170 C B. AU I01K Clnn. ban. A Cleve. 23 Wis. Central, com... 15m AllouezM'KCo.(new) 3 Calumet A Hecla....260 Cataloa 17 franklin 14 Huron 4 KasternftK 80)4 Osceola IS rewablc (new) 3 Qulney 66K FHntAPereil 29 Flint A Fere M. cfd. 87 Mexican Cen. com.. 12V M. U 1st Mart. bit. 63 N. Y. ft New Ens-... 464 Odd. AL. Cham, com. 5 Old Colony 169 Hell Telephone 223 Boston Land t... 1 Water Power 7ii Tamarack 140 San Diego 22X 1 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. . Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad SS'A VH Reading Railroad 23 7-18 atf Buflalo, Pittsburg and Western 13 Lehigh Valley..." Sl MX Philadelphia and Erie 2SM 29 AUeghenv Vallev bonds .... UU U. Co.'s New Jersey 226 Northern Paclflo 26 Northern Pacific preferred C2!i 2263 Mining Stocks. New York, February 27. Mining stocks closed: Amador, 150: Bodie, 150: Caledonia, 275; Consolidated California and Virginia, 837; Commonwealth, 500; Eureka, 200; Mutual, 140; Plymouth, 1000; Savage. 310; Siena Nevada. 34h Silver King, 100; 8nllivan, 145; TJnion Con solidated, SS5; Yellow Jacket, 455. BUSINESS NOTES. WillasiA.Hebkon, the well-known real estate agent, who fell on the ice some time ago and broke one of his arms, is slowly recover ing from the Injury, though still suffering con siderable pain. He was able to be at his office yesterday. The annual report of the Massachusetts State Railway Commission for 1888, issued yes terday, states that the number of employes killed and Injured was 1 in 174. The mileage of all roads reporting to the board has increased 95 miles. Tbe capital stock has Increased $607,290, and the gross debt $8,394,262. The total of in comes has increased $5,155,165, and the total of expenses $5,501,458. The net income shows a decrease, of $348,292. At a meeting of the Oregon Transconti nental directors at New York yesterday a com mittee was. appointed to conduct negotiations for the sale of the Oregon Navigation stock in the treasury to the Union Pacific and North ern Pacific companies, who will deposit it un der tbe trust proposed in the arbitration con tract which is now in the hands of Union Pa cific for ratification. If the sale is consum mated the Transcontinental Company will probably go into liquidation. New To-Day Printed Mohairs. Also new striped mohairs at the same counter where the printed chalhes are. JOS. HOENE & CO.'S. Fenn Avenue Stores. OFFICIAL PITTSBDRG. Department ok Foblic Works,! Pittsburg, February 28. 1889. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the opening of Carnegie street, from Fifty-second street to McCandless street and Kent alley, from Stan ton avenue to Fifty-second street have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. fe28 Department op Poblio Works, ( Pittshuro, Pa., February 28. 18S9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of Viewers on the damages caused by the grading of Oakland street, from Fifth avenue to Bates street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, fe2S-6 Chief of Department of Public Works. AN ORDINANCE-PROVIDING FOR the vacation of part of Thirty-second street Fifteenth ward. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same, That that part of Thirty-second street which lies be tween Putney alley and the Allegheny river, being situate in Fifteenth ward of said city, be from and after tbe passage of this ordinance vacated and closed. fe28-59 Department op Public Works, ( Pittsburg, January 28, 1S89. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Viewers' reports on the construction of sewers on Erin street from Webster avenue to Wylie avenue, and Reed street, from Miller street to Colwell street, have been approved by Councils, which action will bs final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Publio Works. fe2S-6 Crrr Treasurer's Office, Municipal Hall, Snilthfleld street ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners (whether residents or non-residents of the city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, etc.; must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or before first Monday in March, 1SSS, will be placed m the hands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee of SO cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May, 18S9, will bo sub ject to a penalty double the amount of the license, to be recovered before the proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at tbe time licenses are taken out or 25 cents additional will be charged on the license Rates of license: Each one-horse vehicle, $6 00: each two-horse vehicle, $10 00: each four-horse vehicle, $12 00: each four horse back, $15 00: omnibus and timber wheels drawn by two horses, $10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional horse. used in above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON, fel4-70-D City Treasurer. A No. 227. N ORDINANCE VACATING KIRK PATRICE street, between Fifth avenue and Wyandotte street Section I Bo it ordained and enacted by the City ot Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby, ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That that portion of Kirkpatrick street between Filth avenue and Wyandotte street. located by an ordinance approved January 17. 18S6, be and tbe same is hereby vacated, the said street be tween tbe points named bejng unnecessary ar-d impracticable. '' Section 2 That any ordinance or part'of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as tbe same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 11th day of February, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD. President of Select Coun cil. Attest: GEO, SHEPPARD, Clerk of Se lectCounclh GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. February 14, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6. page 077, 35th day oi .February, A. v. leee, Ie-10- 28? ',1889. DOMESTIC MARKET'S. Drop in Elgin Creamery, Nearby Eggs'Pinn at Quotations. GOOD DEMAND FOE TB0PIC FfiDITS. fieceipts of Grain and Hay Too large for Wants 'of Trade. THE EXCHANGE ON EMINENT DOMAIN OFFICE OF TBE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, J Wedijesdat, February 27, 1839. J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. At the meeting of the Elgin Butter Board Monday a 2c drop was agreed upon. The drop reaches this market Thursday and our quota-, tions are changed to correspond. The price agreed on at Elgin was 28c for standard brands, and it is reported that, outside of, the board, these figures were shaded c Ohio creamery holds up fairly well to last week's prices. Eggs are firm at outside quotations for the nearby article. Cold storage eggs have well nigh run their course, and those left are very slow at 13 to 14c An improved demand for tropical fruit is reported by dealers for a day or two pasr, and higher prices are close at hand. Florida, orange3 are growing scarce. An advance In our quotations of fancy oranges and bananas can not be far away, from present indications. POTTER Creamery, Elgin, 3132c; Ohio do, 2627c: fresh dairy packed, 2023c; country rolls, 1822c; Chartiers Creamery Co. bntter, 3234c. Beans Choice medium, $2 002 10; choice peas. $2 052 15. Beeswax 23Q25c ft B for choice; low grade, 1618c Cider Sand refined; $6 07 50: common, $3 504 00; crab cider, $8 00850 If) barrel; elder vinegar, 1012c ?? gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212Kc; New York, fall make, 12K13c; Limburcer. llK12Kc: domestic Sweitzercbeese, 1313Kc. , Dried Peas SI 45Q1 50 f) bushel; split do, Eoos 1516c f) dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, $100S1 50 $ barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c B: cranberries, $8 00 tjj barrel; $2 40S2 50 per bushel. Fiathers Extra live ceese, 50gCOc; No. 1 do. 40845c; mixed lots, 3035c fl ft. Hominy $2 652 75 barrel. Honey New Crop, lb17c; bdekwheat, 13 15c. Potatoes Potatoes, 3540c M bushel; $2 50 2 75 for Southern? sweets; $3 2o3 60 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 6575c ft pair; pressed chickens, 1315c ) pound; turkeys, 13 15c dressed ft pound; ducks, live, 8085c ft pair; dressed, 13uc ? pound; geese, 10llc per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, $6 bushel; clover, large English,. 62 lbs, $6 2o; clover, Alslke, $8 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 85; blue grass, extra clean, 11 fts, $1 00: blue grass, fancy, 14 Sis, $1 20; orchard grass, 11 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00; millet, 50 fts, $1 2j; German millet, 50 fts, $2 00; Hungarian grass, 43 9s, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per lb. Tailow Country, 4$5c; city rendered, 55c Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $3 00 4 00 3j box; common lemons, $2 75 $1 box; Messina oranges, $2 503 50 jfl box; Florida oranges, S3 003 50 ft box; Jamaica oranges, fancy, $5 005 50 ft case; Malaga grapes, $5 S027 00 ft Leg; bananas, $2 50 firsts: $1 S02 00) good seconds, ft bunch; cocoannts, ST00 50 $ hundred; new figs, 12 He ?) ponnd; dates, 66Kc ? pound. Vegetabi.es Celery. 4060c doz. bunches; cabbages, $3004 00 ft 100; onions, 50c ft bushel; Spanish onions, 7590c ft crate; turnips, SO 40c per bushel. Groceries. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2021c; choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio, 1818c: old Government Java, 26c; Mara calbo, 21KS22Xc; .Mocha, 3031c; Santos, 18 22c; Caracas coffee, 2021Kc; peaberry, Rio, 2021Kc; Laeuayra, 20K21jic Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 23c; high grades, 2527c; old Government Java, bulk. 31K32; Maracaibo. 2627c: Santos. 2223c; peaberry, 26c; peaberry Santos, 21 23c; choice Bio, 24c; prime Bio, 22c; good Rio, 21c; ordinary, 20c. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c: cassia. 89c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg. TOfflSOc. Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test,7Jc: Ohio, 120, 8Xc; headlight, 150, 9c; water white. 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadlne, llc; royaline, 14c. Syrtjts Corn syrups, 2335c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, 8033c; strictly prime, 3335c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c; choice, 48; me dium, 45; mixed, 4042c. Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bi-carb In &, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 10c; stearlne, per set. 8Kc; paraffine, llK12c. Rice Head, Carolina, ?c; choice, 6 7c: prime. 5Ji6ic; Louisiana, 66Kc Sraech Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, 67c; gloss starch, 57c Foreign .Frcits Layer raisins, $2 63: Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers, $2 SO; Muscatels. S2 25: California Mnscatels, S2 35; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia IJAWiie; Bultana. TJic: currants, new, 45c; Turkey prunes, new, 44c: French prunes, 613c; Salonica prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c, cocoannts, per 100,50 00; almonds, Lan., per ft; 29c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnut,;nap., 12K15c; Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12 lGc: new dates. 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, U15c: citron, per ft. 2122c: lemon peel, per ft. 1314c; orange peel, 12c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 8 c.; apples, evaporated, 6W6Kc; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 15lsc; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted. 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated. 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c: huckle berries, 1012c Sugars Cubes, 7c; powdered, 7Sc; granu lated,7c:confectioners' A.0:; standard A,63ic; soft whites, 66c; yellow, choice. 66c; yellow, good, t?466c; yellow, fair, 6$c; yel iow. dark. 53v Pickles Medium, bbls (L200), $475; me diums, half bbls (600). 2 85. Salt-No. 1 f? bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, $1 05; dairy, ft bbl. $120; coarse crystal, f! bbl, $1 20; Hlsguvs Eureka, 4 bu sack, $2 SO; Higgin's Eu reka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, $K50 1 60;2ds, SI 801 35: "extra peaches, $1 351 10; pie peaches. 90c; finest corn, $1 30 1 60; Hfrt. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90cI 00; lima beans, SI 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75 85c; marrowfat peas, t 101 16; soaked peas, 7075c: pineapples, $b40l 50; Bahama do, $2 7o; damson plums, 95c; green gages, $1 25; egg plums. $2 00; California pears. $2 50;dogreen gages. $2 00; do egg plums, $2 00; extra white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 2fts, 90c: raspber ries, $1 151 40; strawberries $1 10; goose berries, $1 2U1 SO, tomatoes, 8592c; salmon, 1-B, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash, 2-B cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2ms, $1 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans, $1 75: 14-ft cans, 513 60; baked beans, $1 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, $1 76 lis. $8 2508 50: sardines, imported. li 12 60: sardines, imported. Us. $18 00; sardines. mustard, $4 00; sardines, spiced, $4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $38 fl bbl; extra No. 1 do, mess, M0; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed, $36; No. 2 shore maokerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock. Mc ft ft; do medium George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips. 6c: do Gconre's cod in blocks . 6K ; split. 7a iierrtpg rtound snore, $o ou ft not . v' n : . .. ---... . S7: lake $3 25 fl 100-ft half bbl. White fisb, $7 ft 100-ft half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 ft half bhl. Finnan badders. 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft ft. Buckwheat Flour 2Jffl2c per pound. Oatmeal-58 306 60 ft bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Flonr nnd Fred. Total receipts as bulletined af the Grain Ex change, 26 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago. 4 cars of hay, 3 of oats, 2 of wheat, 1 of feed, 3 of middlings, 0 of flour. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, 1 car of corn, 2 of wheat, 1 of middlings. Sales on call: Two cars No. 2 prairie hay, $8 25, 5 days; I car No. 2 y. e. corn, 40c, 10 days. Dullness still reigns In cereal markets, and buyers have, the field. Re-, ceipts being abovo wants of trade, the cash customer finds the holder ready to make con cessions. At the Grain Exchange to-day B. F. Veach reported in behalf of the committee which went to Harrjsburg to represent the body on the question now pending before the Legislature on tbe right of eminent domain. In tbe course of his remarks, Mr. Jeacb, re ferring to tbe body in session at the State Capi ta, seemed in doubt as to whether the Legisla ture represented the people or tbe P. R. R. Tbe Exchange was clearly and unanimously of the opinion that all railroad companies should have an equal chance in the race) for su premacy. - ' Wheat Jobbing prices No. ft red, $108 109;No.3red,98cg$101. CORN No. 2 yellow. ear,40K41c: high mixed ear, SiUeHOc; No." 1 yellow, shelled. 3S39c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 37K63Sc; high mixed, shelled. 3637c; mixed, shelled. 3536c: Oats No.2whlte,3Uj31J4c; extra No. 3, 30 30Kc; No. 3 white, 29$30c; No. 2 mixed, 23 20c Rye No. 1 Western. 6061c; No. 2. 6556c BARLEY No.1 Canada, 9095c:No. 2 Canada, 8885c:N 0.3 Canada, 78880c: No. 2 Western. 75i78c;No. 8 Western, 6570c Lake Shore, 75 Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents $6 50, S3 75; spring patents. JO 757 00; fancy straight, winter and spring. So 756 DO; clear winter, $3 255 50. straight XXXX bakers', $5 0OQ5 25. Rye flour. $4 00. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $18 00 20 00 ft ton: brown middlings, 314 5015 CO; winter wheat bran $14 7515 25. chop feed. $15 00018 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, $15 00lo 25; No. 1 do. $14 2514 50; No. 2 do, $12 00013 00 loosefroro wagon, $18 00020 00: No. I upland prairie. $9 7510 00; No. i, $3 003 50; packing do,$S507 00. Straw Oats. $8 008 25; wheat and rye Straw, $7 007 25. Provision. Sugar-cured bams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured Jiams, small, lie; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, JOc; sugar cured shoulders. Sc: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, O&c; sugar-cured California hams, 8Kc; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c: sugar enred dried Deef seta,9c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, lie: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8c: dry salt shoulders.' 6c; dry salt clear sides, 7JJC. Mess pork, heavy. $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 50; Lard Refined in tierces, 7cr half barrels, 7c; 60-ft tnbs,7Kc:20-ft palls, 7JJc; 60-ft tin cans, 7Jc; 3-ft tin pails, TJJc; SB tin pails. 7Xc; 10-ft tin pails, 7Kc. Smoked sausage, long. 5c; large. 5c Fresh pork links, flc Pigs feet, half barrels, $3 75; quarter barrels, $1 75. i Dressed DIenr. Armour fc Co. f urdish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 As, 65Kc; 600 to 650 fts, 66Kc; 700 to 730 fts, 6 7c. Sheep, 7cft ft. Lambs, 8c ft ft. Lumber. Jobbing rates ot lumber are flrml Dry stuff has been well cleaned up in hands of wholesale dealers. When ice breaks in Michigan lumber regions so that Iocs can be sawed and proceeds brought to market, a sufficiency will show np for all purposes. Yard quotations have under gone no change pnra tjnplansd tabd quotations. Clear boards, per M tSO0"3 0O Select common boards, per M 3009 Common boards peril 3)00 Sheathing 18 00 Pine frame lumber per M 2 00(327 00 fehlnglcs, So. 1, lSln. per M SCO Shingles, No. 2, lain. per M 273 Lath .' 300 IXASED. Clear boards, per M. , f 6000 Surface boards 30 0035 00 Clear, -lnch beaded celling 28 00 Partition boards, peril 35 CO Flooring, No. I XI 00 Flooring, No. 2 25 CO Yellow pine flooring 30 004OCO Weather-boarding, moulded. Ho. 1.... 30 00 Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... IS 00 Weather-boarding. -lnch 20 00 hard woods yard quotations. Ash, 1 to 4 In $40 Black walnut, green, log ran 5 Black walnut, dry, log run -.60 Cherry 63 Oreen white oak plank, 2to41n 25 Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 25 Dry white oak boards, lln 35 West Va. yellow pine, I inch 3) West Va. yellow pine, VH inch 25 West Va. yellow poplar, ft tolln 25 Hickory, 1 to Jin. 13 Hemlock building lumber, peril Bunk rails Boat studding Coal car plank SARD WOODS JOBBCtO PRICES. Alb, lt041n 3 0033)00 Black walnut, green, log run 4.) oaa.50 c) Black walnut, dry, log run 30C3vl3oO Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 17 0X3CD (ft Dry white oak plank, z to 4 in, ury wnite oat noaros, i in. West Va. vellowDine. 1 in. WMt V. Tpllnwntnt 1 In West Va. yellow poplar, to 1 In IS OOffiB 00 Hickory, lKto 3 In 18 00022 00 Hemlock building timber, ?M 10 CO 12 CO Bunk rails 14 00 Boat studding 1100 Coal car plank 13 00 Swirr's Specific cured me of mallenant Blood Poison after I had been treated in vain with old so-called remedies of Mercury and Potash. S. S, S. not only enred the Blood Poison, but relieved the Rheumatism which was caused by the poisonous minerals. GEO. BOVELL. 2122 Third ave., N. T. Scrofula developed on my daughter swell ing and lumps on ber neck. "We gave her Swift's Specific, and the result was wonder ful and the enre prompt S. A. DeArMontj, Cleveland, Tenn. Swift's Specific is entirely a, vegetable remedy, and Is the only medicine which per manently cures Scrofula, Blood Humors, Can cer and Contagious Blood Poison. Bend for books on Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. f eI-7 xrs WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week In SILKS, PLUSHES, DEESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, x and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rSt-s DUES RVMPTOMS-MoLt. tire Intenne ItcMar and ttintifg f most at nlft-htt worse bT ftcnucninff. nu lowed to contlnae lamori lorra mu itching Pius.issrta'sessa becoming- very nn. SWATHE'S 01AT. ME.NT .top. the luhlnc and bleedlar. heal tMMtl... .njlii Mnit jaaa rrmfrtl lllfl in. mm. 8WAYai,tOnmmrl..oblbj'driisglit.,e.rai&iledlo any ta&itMM on receipt or price, 50 eti. a box ; 3 boxes, 1M, JJUtta letter', DB. SWAYXE t SOX. FUliddpbix, F- TtI ONEY TO LOAN- On mortgaces on improved real estate in sums of 81,000 and upward. Applv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, f et-22-D No. 124 Fourth avenue. lJIlOKERS-FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WORTH, BROKER ITT IFETiROLETTIiV): Oil bought and sold on margin. deZ7-21-Dsa WHITNEY & STEPHEXSIMJ, CT FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THROUGH MESSES. DREXEL. MORGAN 4 CO, NEWYORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an23--t7o STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. NORD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST route to London and the Continent. . Express Steamer Service twice a week from New York to Southampton (London, Havre), Bremen. Ss.SaaIe.Feb.27.3P.H. I Ss.FuIda.Mch. 9,11 A.M. Ss.Ems.Mch.2, 6 A.M. Ss.Lahn. Men. 13, 2 P. Jr.' SJ.Trave.Mcb,6,9AJt. Ss.Elbe.Mch.l8,530A.K. First Cabin, Winter rates, from 175 upward. MAX SCHAMBERQ & CO., Agents, Pitts burg, Pa. OELRICHS t CO., 2 Bowling Green. New York City. ja29-71.D AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every "Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations, tor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, &c PETER WBIGHT & SONS, General agents. S07 Walnut at- Philadelphia Full information can be had of J. J. McCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfleld street LOUIS MOESER, 616 Smithfleld street mhW80-TTS TOSITlTECx CURES .': DYSPEPSIA J2V ALIi ITS FORMS. Cures Headache. oooo O050 00 0075 0O OC75 00 ooSsoco ooriffloo 0040 00 OO&5 0O cc55oo coax oo 00(122 00 13 00 15 00 1400 1800 111 GOODS and III Cures Constipation. wwtrrTiTnTrSgUKG ffO JOB PBD-TERS-fEAZjg 1 SALS will be received up .2Ib2 18. at 3 o'clock p. St. for the Pf-", ! binding for the several department of tsav' V. M.arnmmfn.th. .n.nln' WAT. xnABKS IU-- to be furnished as required In specittflatlom. The right to accept or reject any or all Wda served? E. a MORROW, Controller, i fel9-33-rj (No. 225. J ,- A N. ORDINANCE-GRANTING TO THB A Central Passenger Railway Company tb right to construct, maintain and operate la railway on certain streets and avenues. Section I Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburc in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the Central Passenger Railway Company, its suc cessors and assigns, be and is hereby author ized to enter upon, construct, maintain ana operate its passenger railway with single or donble tracks on the following named streets and avenues, to wit: First From a point on tbe present line otthei Central Passenger Railway at the corner of Fulton street and Wylie avenue: tbence along Wylie avenue to Herron avenue; thence along Herron avenue to Camp street; thence along Camp street to Adelaide street; tbence alone Adelaide street to Madison street: thence along Madison to Thlrty-thlrd street,and tbence alone said Thirty-third street to connect with said line at Herron averne. Second From a point of the present line ot said railway at the intersection of Wylie ave nue and High street; thence along High street to Sixth avenue, and tbence down Sixth ave- , nue to connect with tbe tracks of the Trans verse Passenger Railway Company at Smith Held street. Third From a point on the present line of said Central Passenger Railway at the inter section of Fifth avenue and Grant street! thence along Grant street to Webster street, and thence along Webster street to connect with the line of said railway on High street. Section 2 That all ordinances now In force and pertaining to the use of streets and ave nues by the Central Passenger Railway Com pany shall be applicable to the- use by said railway company of tbe streets and avenues hereinbefore mentioned. Section 3 That tbe construction of the rail way on said streets and avenues shall be com menced within ninety days and completed within one year from the passage and approval of this ordinance. dection 4 That any ordinance, or part of or-. , dlnance, conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be, and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils' this 4th day of February, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD. President of Select CounciL Attest: GEC8HEPPARD. Clerk of Selecfl Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. February fi, 18S. Approved! WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. MC CLEARY, Mayor's Olerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, vot 6, pace 575. 25th day of February, A. D. 1889. fe2S-10 No. 226. AN ORDINANCE-GRANTING THE USB of certain streets, avennes and highways to the Central Traction Company. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the; , city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the Central Traction Company shall have tbe right; with the consent of the Central Passenger Railway Company, to enter npon any street on which the Central Passenger Railway Company now is or may hereafter be constructed, and also shall have the right, with ' the consent of the Transversa Pas senger Railway Company, to enter upon that portion of Sixth avenue lying be tween Smithfleld street and Wood street, and that portion of Wood street lying between Sixth avenne and Fourth avenue, being the. same portions of said Sixth aVenne and Wood street, between the points named upon which, the Transverse Railway now isfor the purpose) of constructing, maintaining and operating In and upon any or all of said streets and avenues such motors, cables; electrical or other appli ances and such necessary and convenient an-, paratns and mechanical fixtures as will provide for the traction of cars. ' Section 2 The Central Traction Company shall have the right In, upon or beneath the surface of any and all of said streets and ave nues to construct and maintain such subways or conduits, and from time to time to make, and maintain such siding, turnouts to powet houses or otherwise, and such alterations In tracks as may be necessary or convenient la supplying motive power for the traction of cars. Section 3 That tbe said Central Traction Company, before constructing snch sab-ways or conduits, shall submit plans for the same to the Chief of tbe Department of Pnblie Works for his approval, and the same shall be con structed subject to his control and super vision. Section 4 The construction of said motors and sub-ways shall be commenced within 90 days and shall be completed within one year from the passage and approval of this ordi nance. . Section 5-"-Th. t the rights granted by this ordinance are ex iressly given upon condition that tbe Central Traction Company shall pave with block stone, asphaltum or other equally good material, to be approved by the Chief of the Department of Public Works, and keep tha same In perpetual good repair, in manner to bo approved by the said Chief of the Department of Public works, between and dne foot oqtsido of the tracks npon which it shall snpply power to tbe cars, wherever tbe Toute upon which power is supplied is over paved streets or ave nues, and it shall alsopayits Just and equitable; share of tbe cost of paving such portion of the said route used as shall not have been paved Sriortothe time of occupancy thereof by the? entral Traction Company. Section 6 Provided that before this ordi nance shall go into effect, and within 30 days after its annroval bv the Mavor. the said Cen tral Traction Company shall file its written ac-. ,. ceptance of this ordinance, sealed with the seat of said corporation. ) Section 7 That any ordinance or part of, ordinance conflicting with the provisions of ' this ordinance be, and the same Is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this 4th day of February, A, D. 1889. . H. P. FORD, President of Select Council Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLUDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, FeDrnary 6, 1SS9. Approved; WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6. page 578, 26th day of Febmary, A. D. 18S9. f eSMO ' THE FREEHOLD BANK, 7 No. 410 Smithfield St, CAPITAL. 8200,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Presfc selk35-s JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. axeatBAcr DOCTOR f , WHITTIER 930PENXAVKNUE. P1TTSBUK.U. PA, , As old residents know and back files of Pitt soei le persons NQ pjrg J MCDfIIC "nd mental diseases, physical NtnVUUO decay, nervous debUity, lack of energy, ambition and hope, Impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust,ba3hfnlnes3, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, ha poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tha person for buslness-soclety and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN SSWWft blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandulac lddnev and bladder dar-m. ments. weak back. trraveL ea. larriUU UUUUUKC hih.iihi.wjia HHI UfcUBC i painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and reJ cures. Dr. whittler's life-long, extensive experlanca Insures scientific and reliable treatment oa ' common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as 1C hers. Office hours HA. jc to8p. x. Sundai, lOAViCtolr.ir. only. DR. WHITTIER, tti Peon avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. f esMf-ssaW .- 1 , JI..1.. IIM.J 1... I I. ...... I . ...... A.L ' MEN ONLY A POflTlVl. CUKS -For LUST er iiUIn-c MAN HOOD. Jtervas ness. Weakness of . Body ft Mind. Lack of Strength. Vigor and De velopment, caused bv Errors, Excesses, Ac. JBoot, Mode or Beut-Tbkatmext. and Proofs mallea. , (sealed) free. Address KULE MEDICAL CO.,' j Banalo, N. Y. de3-37-TTSWk WEAK jumexmx. bowtomt. dlEZff In tn i Tiai Tin 1 in il Tin riltiui ! iII-ht' - AIVOI 9 IUI BUUrft JHJUWVUAtVV Wl fa A S fJl MA;fAdercui-iWStomchM'&4B.'j4i Wl nUllO M1RJT0H M43I"-riMc.-rTU . da-15 -TT3W vv a m?in r tth jrT.irkir nAK.fi-) .K.jriMJE,JLY y-"- For men! Checks the worst cases 1ft t&rea'ftr lys, and cure) In five days. Price SI GO. at P J. FLEMINCi'3 DRUGSTORE, days, ja5-29-TTSSn 412 Market street. jnaahood , etc. eonuimoc foa partculirs for name care. eftar-TJ. Aaan-js, PROF. F. C. FOWLER, MMUr i-no3JtDaw i .-'$ erhutfremttf., .' acts of y-ratetal cr.f ' Sor,rly dtcmy. lost -, . tnoHM Heatedl . (Hft-wJilE? l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers