HH sHef ...,, t -r r Ttrr One of the series of is ,-m WMWB' THP A striking story otpU , .mJJt ' am. A. A r KW "H r jr V ' THB surance office ro- JM A striking ratical days In the Gulf of Mexico, by MAURICE THOMPSON, will be commenced in NEXT 8UNTJAT'8 issue of "The Dis patch. Read the opening chapter?. ROCHON, FORTY-POimTH YEAH. II TBIP OH. General Harrison and Party Reach Washington Without Serious Accident lONE LITTLE BREAK-DOWN Almost the Only Thing to Destroy the Monotony of the Jonrney EB03I PITTSBURG EAST. i Very Few Stops at Stations Where Were Always large and Ifoisy Crowds. fA SHOET SPEECH AT HABRISBUBG. -SeveralThousand People Sadly Disappoint ed at the Main Depot in the Capital City. BLAINE ALMOST THE FIRST CILLER General Harrison has reached Washing ton, ready for inauguration on Monday as President of the United States. The trip from Pittsburg to Washington was almost without incident Atone point tile engine and baggage car separated from the rest of the train, but no damage resulted. At Harrishurg the President-elect tried to speak to members of the Legislature, but found it impossible to be heard, on account of the noise. The General avoided the large crowd at Washington by getting off at a freight station. Almost his first caller in the Capital was Mr. Blaine. The Har rison party are nicely quartered at the Johnson Hotel Annex. tTBOM A STAFF COBEESrOXBEXT.I Washington, February 26. General Bsnjamin Harrison, President-elect of these United States and leader, more or less, of the Bepnblican party of the nation, arrived in Washington at 2:30 o'clock this after noon, upon the most elegant special train ever made np in the country, but as quietly and almost as unnoticed as two years ago, oneB. Harrison, after a single .uneventful . term as a member of the United States Sen ate, left Washington in a single section of a very ordinary sleeper on a regular train, on his way back to a fair country law practice and an exceedingly dubious political future in the city of Indianapolis. There was this difference, however, be tween the arrival to-day and the departure two years ago: Then not half a dozen souls in the city of Washington cared a conti nental that B. Harrison was leaving or whether he ever came back again, while to day thousands wanted to welcome General Ben Harrison at the place where it was supposed that he would leave the train, and there was not a street along which his car riage passed upon its way to the hotel that was not Gay With Preparation already far advanced for the accommodation or delectation of the thousand other thousands, who will, in a few days more, spend dollars, energy and I ungs in making him understand that, for one day at any rate, he is the American people's own and only greatest show on earth. That General Harrison arrived here at all to-day, safe and sound, was due, in a measure, to the fact that at a certain point upon the Pennsylvania Railroad, east of Pittsburg and west of Altoona there is an up grade instead of a down one for trains coming east About 4 o'clock this morn ing, when his special train, that had left Pittsburg over half an hour late, had run so fast that 27 minutes had already been made up, parted company with itself at a point immediately between the baggage car and the lolanthe, in which were the news papermen. Thereleased engineand baggage car sprang ahead into the night like a mam moth hound let out of leash. Hunting for the Train. In an instant the engineer had thrown his reverse lever, and the passengers, awakened by the slight shock of the parting of the coupling, could hear the huge iren beast giving the short, gasping puffs that locomotives will, when the force of mo mentum is urging them one way, and the power of steam is trying to make them go the other. In the natural order of things the air brakes upon the left behind portion of the train should have taken an iron grip upon the wheels the moment the coupling parted. The cars would have stopped in not mnch more than their own length, and the engi neer, cautiously backing up his engine and baggage car, would have found them stand ing still and waiting to be coupled on. This time, however, for the reason that the brakes failed to hold as they should have done, the cars rushed on with almost as much speed as thereleased engine. Only on Unpleasant bbock. If it had been a down grade the cars would have gone faster than the engine, and when the locomotive and bacgage car .came nosing along backward to look lor the pears there would hare been a collision that "bvould have mixed President, babies and "newspaper men up in an unpleasant Sud perhaps unhealthy mess. The accident, having taken place on an up-grade, how - ever, the momentum of the cars was nearly overcome when the baggage car and loco J" motive got back to them, and the two , chocks that followed, while disagreeable to experience in the middle of the night in a narrow sleeping car berth, were not danger ous, except to the glassware in the cars, a few pieces of which were smashed, and to 'the nerves of the lady passengers, r hich were thoroughly upset for the rest of the night. "" The actual delay from the accident was ,sot over fire minutes. The railroad men W J A M - I f story of pU explained the affair by saying that the lolanthe was built so high that the coup ling did not hook on as far as it should have done, so that the train, going at the high rate of speed, passed over an unusually un even spot in the roadbed, the jolt brought it out of the coupling. The Scenes at Wayside Stations. Aside from this the night's ride was un eventful Up to midnight there was a little crowd at every station along the road, and although the train didn't stop anywhere, the passengers could tell where the stations were by hearing the wild whoop that went up whenever the train passed one. Occa sionally even that late there would be fire works and bonfires at little stations. From midnight to 4 o'clock about the only salutes the train received were from the wavings, once on every mile of the route, of the lanterns of the track walkers who pa trolled the track from dusk till the train passed, inspecting every switcn, crossing and rail as carefully as though their own lives depended upon it instead of the safety if a man they had never seen before, proba bly would never see again, and against whom most of them had cast a vote a few months ago. They were loyal to the road, however, and there wasn't one of them, from Columbus to Altoona, that didn't, as the train passed, wave his lantern like mad and yell "Hurool" in honor of the road's dis tinguished passenger. A Bis Crowd at Altoona. The first large crowd of the day was at Altoona, which was reached at abont 7 o'clock. To avoid the delay that had been found to be inseparable from a stop in a crowded station, the'railroad men had the new engine that was to be put on here run out of town a ways to meet the train, and the exchange being made the train merely slowed up in passing the station, and the people had just time for one good .howl be fore the President-elect was beyond hear ing. General Harrison hadn't arisen at that hour, so that the howl did little good to anybody. After that there was the usual crowd at every station, but nothing out ot the ordi nary until Harrishurg was reached. During these hours breakfast was served in the lolanthe and General Harrison's car, and there was a general exchange of visits. The breakfast table of the newspaper men was graced with a big bouquet of rare flowers sent in with the compliments of Mrs. Har rison, and afterward Mrs. Harrison herself spent some time in the car, and the General made a little call, while Mrs. McKee spent a good part of the morning listening to Partner Miller and several veterans of the press swap stories about the great West. Not Exactly Like Being at Home. General and Mrs. Harrison professed to have borne the night's ride exceedingly well, but Mrs. Harrison admitted that "it wasn't like a home bed, yon know," and the President-elect was unmistakably de pressed. The younger members of the family, even down to the three babies, showed no signs of fatigue. At Harrishurg there was a great crowd in the station and a deal of hurrahing and jumping about during the minute that the train waited. General Harrison received a committee ot the Legislature that asked him if he wouldn't stop off and take a ride about the city or something with them, but he said he conldn't interfere with the ar rangements of the railroad men. He also made a little speech to the crowd, as fol lows: Mt Friends I want to thank yon for this friendly demonstration. The State of Penn sylvania has an especial interest to me among the States. Not many miles from here, in one of your beautiful valleys, near the town of Mercersburc, was my mother's birthplace. I am glad this morning to receive at tbe hands of my fellow-citizens of Pennsylvania this cor dial greeting. It is very pleasant to know that I shall carry with me to Washington the good wishes of so many people. Cheers. I thank yon again for your friendliness, and will beg you to excuse the attempt to speak further in the midst of so much confusion. Prolonged cheering. THE JOURNEY JENDED. Scenes at the Stations Between Ilarrlsbnrs nnd Washington A Quiet Entry Into the Capital A Larue Crowd Sadly Disappointed. Mrs. Eaton, General Harrison's sister, left the train at Harrishurg. After the train had crossed the river at Harrishurg and had been switched on to the Northern Central tracks, the 14-year-old son of Gov ernor Beaver won fame for himself by suc ceeding in getting a photograph of the train. F He was seen by people on the train running like mad to get to the spot where it would stop for a moment in time to spring his camera upon it, and General Harrison becoming interested in the race, ordered the train to be held, and taking Mrs. Harrison and the babies along, went out upon the platform and planted himself, so to speak, in the way that he thought would make the best picture. The breathless lad set 'down his camera and got the picture, while the General acknowledged his pantomimically expressed thanks, and the train moved on. Through South Pennsylvania and Mary land to Baltimore there were few large sta tions, and no great enthusiasm, but all the farmers and townspeople seemed to have heard of the coming of the train, and were on hand to see it go by. At York the fac tories blew a clamorous greeting from their whistles, and the tracks were lined with working people, who waved their hats, their apronsand, in some cases, their skirts, as the train went by. Iilke a Swarm of Bees. The crowd at Baltimore had been kept be hind the station gates, and when the train arrived they clang about the fences, stair ways, overhead bridges and other points of vantage like a swarming lot of bees. When the train was in the station the bar were let down, and the people streamed in with a rush. The'Cars had to be shifted about for the trip thence to Washington, however, and there was little opportunity for the General to show himself to the people. When they did catch glimpses of him they howled de lightedly, and when two of the babies were held up to the windows, smiling and bowing and making believe to throw flowers that they pulled from the bouquets about, the crowd couldn't find lungs enough to express itself. Prom Baltimore toJWashlngton was, com pared with the rest of the trip, a journey through a desert, and at the few small sta tions there were no manifestations of note. The last meals on the cars were served an hour before Washington was reached, and the rest of the time was spent in gathering together the personal belongings ot the CO odd folks on the train. lie GItcs a Crowd the Slip. It was known that there wonld be a great crowd at the station in Washington to meet him. so General Harrison had acceded to a suggestion telegraphed by the Inauguration Committee, to have carriages wait for the party at the corner of Maryland avenue and Ninth street, where there is a freight sta tion. No news of this arrangement leaked out, and while Washington people by the thousand packed the station and the streets in the neighborhood from 2 o'clock until alter tbe General was tafely at his hotel, there were not over a hundred persons at the freight station to see the party disem bark. They were attracted by the unusual l,l' ifl Nr wwvftyw -WW '' r r TVr 1 .. A ?'s issue of tub K XT J qprrvr'v(jr'w - v IT Clump Cotfefe. ATC"- Watch 1 . t-t ? ttt rrr,r, ' 1 x spectacle of so many carriages gathering at snch an out-of-the-way spot. General Williams, of the Inauguration Committee, had charge of the arrangements, and with his aid the whole party was got off of the train and into the carriages in a few minutes. At 10 minutes before 3 o'clock the first of the carriages drove up before the entrance to the Johnson House annex to the Arlington. There was a crowd of two or three hundred people about as General Britton stepped out first, followed by Mrs. Harri son. The General Appears for a Moment. Young Benjamin Harrison McKee was then handed out, and the crowd began a murmur, which broke into applause as General Harrison himself appeared. He Eaused on the stepping stone and bowed oth ways to the crowd, which, thereby made certain there was no mistake, cheered again, and so long that when he reached the hotel door the President-elect turned again and bowed. The rest of the party arrived within a few minutes, and was soon settled in the fine suite of rooms that had been set apart as the branch of the White House until the regular building is available. The quarters of the party are as already de scribed in The Dispatch, except that in addition to the rooms on the second and third floors the large parlor on the first floor has been set apart as a business office, and Private Secretary Halford and Stenograph er Tibbotts installed there. No pleasanter location for the Presidental quarters could have been chosen, as the JamUyhas all the privacy that they could get in a house of their own. Sergeant Bins more, who kept watch and ward at the White House through so many years of Ue publican rule, has been Brought Down From Vermont by Manager Bennett, of the Arlington, for service as doorkeeper at the entrance to the Harrison suite. Men whom he does not know peisonally and they are few he finds ont about before he admits them to that part of the hotel. Beside this, a sep arate force of 'servants is set apart for the Harrison party. Two bellboys, two waiters, a fireman and a number of other servants have been detailed especially to wait upon the President-elect and his family, so there maybe less risk of annoyance from the stupidity or misunderstandings of different servants sent every time the bell rings. The suite includes a handsomely appointed dining room, in which meals, made up as nearly as possible to suit the tastes of the party, are served. Mrs. Harrison says that she is charmed with the homelike way in which they are settled down. Manager Bennett has a theory ttat the last thing in the world that a realty great man and His family want is to have a fuss made over them, and as he considers General Harrison a really great man, he has tried to arrange everything so there shall be no overnumer osity ot servants or officiousness of other sort to worry the party. TIE CABINET INTACT. No Chance in Its Composition Dnrlnc the General's Trip East Blaine Almost the First CallerOthers Who Dropped in Dnrlnc the Day. General Harrison got here with his Cabi net unmashed, and it still retains its in tegrity, but to-morrow the music will begin, and nobody can tell what will happen. There will be a grand kick all along the line, from Windom down, by the disap pointed ones of all factions, and from every section of the country, and the famous back bone which General Harrison apparently did not exercise to any great extent in making up the Cabinet will have a splendid chance to vindicate its reputation for rigidity by keeping the Cabinet as it has been made. The most influential assault seems likely to be upon Windom, but as Windom also has the most influential backing, the extra pressure against him will count for nothing. Of course, if by any chance Windom should go, the whole slate would be smashed. It is said on the best authority to-night that General Harrison is determined not to give way in this matter, and that whatever com promising and fixing up' is to be done in re gard to the Cabinet will have to be based upon the place that has been left open, the Navy Department, and probably, also, upon the Agricultural Department, which seems to be lying around loose. Anxiety Abont Warner Miller. It is understood now that General Har rison does not want to give Warner Miller a chance to reject the hayseed department with scorn, but at the same time is anxious that he shall have it, and that tbe uncer tainty as to the department arises frm a desire on General Harrison's part to know beforehand what sort ot a reception a tender of it to Miller will receive. Senator Palmer will almost certainlyget the place, if Miller does not, althongh he is the reverse of anx ious for it. There is very strong talk of Proctor for the Navy Department, but the chances still are that JNew xork can get that department if any sort of an agreement be tween the leaders can be reached. Some of Alger's friends are saying that he is yet a possibility, but they probably don't know what they are talking about. There is more probability in the talk that Eusk may be dropped and the Wat Department come east. That arrangement is among the prob abilities if Palmer goes into the Agricul tural Department Blaine a Very Early Caller. Almost the first person to call upon the Harrisons was James G. Blaine. He was in the office of the hotel soon after the party arrived. He was met by Bussell Harrison, with whom he went at once to the rooms of the President-elect. . He remained some time, but had only a short talk with the General, most of the time being passed in chat with different members of the family. Other 'early callers were the Senate Commit tee upon Inauguration, consisting of Sena tors Hoar, Cuilomand Cockrell, who had a short conference with the President-elect in reterence to inauguration matters. Senator and Mrs. Hiscock called later in the day, and chatted with the ladies of 'the family. To impress the call upon Mrs. Hiscock's memory, a valoable diamond be came unfastened from qne of her rings while she was there, and at last accounts had not yet been found, During the evening General Harrison suffered a prolonged visit from Senator Evarts. Senator Dolph, of Oregon, called during the afternoon. Other callers were Colonel and Mrs. John Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Bowen and Miss Bowen, Chief Medical Purveyor Baxter, Major General John M. Schofield, ex-Postmaster General James, Congressman Coggswell, of Massa chusetts, and H. O. Armour, of New York. nigh Jinks by too Little Ones. ' The two little McKees and the two little Harrisons were quite the features of the house, after they had once got their feet used to standing upon firm jjround again. Young Benjamin had been talking abont his coming trip upon the "choo-choo" for six weeks past, but 'he cot enongh ot it before it was over. Both he and his sister, as soon as they felt the solid floor under their feet, began to play "Pass in the cor ner" and sing "Marching Through Georgia," the only song they know, until the doors had to be shut for fear their noise would disturb other people in the house. No social programme for the family has yet been arranged beyond the formal calls back and forth between the retiring and in coming Presidents that official etiquette makes necessary. .The only entertainment that the ladies have yet agreed to attend is a tea arranged for them some time ago by Mrs. Captain Burke, to-morrow afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Tuo Slorlons to ArriTo To-Day. . Vice President-elect Morton and his fami- Continued on Sixth Fage. PITTSBURG, 'WEDNESDAY CANADA'S SENSATION. The Opponent of Sir John Macdonali Shouts For the Eagle Bird and t SATS IT HAS STROM TALONS) The Tory Policy of Retaliation Denounced and a Strong Plea Made For FBIMDLI AND FREE INTERCOURSE The Startled Premier Defends Himself in a Speech Fall of Buncombe. The Canadians are waking, up. The lead er of the Opposition yesterday jumped on Sir John Macdonald with both feet. He forcibly pointed out the fallacy of the anti Yankee sentiment fostered by the Ministry, and told the Commoners Ijpw Uncle Sam could hit back and hurt Canada. Sir John defended himself as best he could. It was American day in Canada's Parliamcnt,and will undoubtedly create a stir on both sides of the lakes. ISFBCIAL TELEGEA1I TO THE DM PATCH. 1 Ottawa, Ont., February 26. In the House of Commons, this afternoon, the Hon. Mr. Laurier, leader of the opposition, in a brilliant speech moved this sweeping resolution : That in view of the rejection by the Senate of the United States of the Washington treaty oflSSS, and the unfortunate and regretable differences existing between Canada and the United States on the fishery question, this House is of opinion that steps should be taken at an early day by the Government of Canada "for a satisfactory adjustment of sach differ ences and the securing of unrestricted freedom in tbe trade relations of the two countries; and that in any negotiations entered upon for such purpose Canada snould be directly represented by some one nominated by its Government. That In the meantime, and to prevent such negotiations being unfavorably entered upon and to afford evidence of the anxious desire of Canada to promote good feeling and remove all possible subjects of controversy, this Honse is of opinion that the modus tivendi proposed on behalf of the British Government to the United States, with respect to fisheries, should be continued in operation during the ensuing fishing season. In moving the resolntion, Mr. Laurier said he had viewed with regret the apathy the Government had manifested concerning the friendly relations which should exist between Canada and the United States. The indifference shown was criminal, and without regard to consequences as to how Canadian interests might be imperiled. xneynaa pursued tneir POLICY OF OPPEESSION toward the people of the United States, which, if continued, must work disastrously to the welfare of the Dominion. At this very moment there was an act in the United States which, if carried into effect, would shnt off commercial intercourse between tbe United States and Canada, and would pre cipitate the country into a commercial war, which might ultimately end in more disas trous results. Not only would the ports of the United States be closed against Canadi an vessels, bnt Canadian goods would be excluded from the United States markets. The effect of such exclusion might be esti mated from tbe fact that last year Canada found a market fpr upward ot $40,000,000 worth of her products in the neighboring Bepublic To the unfriendly treatment of the North and the strong sympathy which had been shown toward the South during the Ameri can war had been largely attributed the refusal of the United States to renew the treaty of 1851. The 12 years which pi eceded the abrogation of this treaty, he held, was the most prosperous era in the history of Canada. He was proud to say he was a Canadian, but if he were a member of the American Congress he would ask the ques tion: "What have the people of the United States done toward Canada that they should show a marked policy of unfriendliness and aggression toward us?" The Govern ment nad from the first, he contended, wrongly interpreted the treaty of 1818, and no more unwarrantable charge of INJUSTICE AND XS HUMANITY could be directed against them than the manner in which they had dealt with American fishermen. They had been driven from our shores and forced to sea when in distress, and the demands of nature said they should be permitted to secure shelter in our ports. The narrowest possible con struction had been placed upon the treaty, while their vessels had been Seized for some trivial infraction of the custom laws. He knew he would bring down the indig nation of the Conservative par.ty and press upon his head for daring to arraign the Government, yet he cared not for the Gov ernment or the opinions of those who might differ from him, so long as he knew he had done his duty, although the Tories had always considered it treasonable aud dis loyal to attack tbe ministry. The Ameri can people had been driven to rebellion to seenre tneir independence against the op pression they suffered at the hands of a tyrannical Conservative Government which controlled public affairs in England at that time, and it was in the patns'of this Tory Government that the Tory administration now in power in Canada were following. Sir John MacDonald replied to Laurier in a long defense of the Government's action, which he contended had been most friendly toward the United States through out. President Cleveland and the United States Congress in sanctioning the treaty negotiated last year had admitted the justice of Canada's contention in the fishery question, and the interpretations the Do minion Government had placed upon the treaty of 1818. American fishermen in ac cepting the modus vivendi and paying now for the privileges it gives, which they con tended were heretofore their rights, also ad mitted that Canada had not claimed any more than tne treaty gave ner. HIT SIB JOHN HAED. He charged the Liberal party with now raising a discussion, which snould have been avoided at the present moment, on the eve of an administration coming into power at Washington whose policy toward Canada had not yet been declared. The resolution proposed by this honor able friend was a practical admis sion that Canada's contention had been wrong throughout, which must militate against the possibility of securing any satis factory settlement of the matters of contro versy now pending between 'the two coun tries. He did not fear retaliation. " Al though threats in that direction had been made, it was a two-edged sword and would cut both ways. On the other hand, he had every reason for believing that the new administration would not be hostile to Canada, and the matters of difference would be amicably settled at an early date. If Canada was to obtain1 any concession from the United States it was not to be secured by Canadians humiliating themselves, but by standing up for their dignity and rights. "The Liberal party, he said, "had urged that the modus vivendi be continued for another year. What would be our position if, after we bad extended this privilege to American fishermen a position from which we could not recede President Har- jison should say that he would enforce the provisions of the non-intercourse bill? We would be excluded from all commercial in tercourse with the United States. Their ports would be closed against our Vessels and their markets against our products, FEBRUARY 27, 1889, while their fishermen would enjoy all the privileges in our ports the modus vivendi conveys." In concluding and announcing his inten tion of opposing the resolution, he said that the Government wonld not declare their gilicy until they learned what President arrjson intended doing. He believed that every true Canadian would denounce the resolution as one of humiliation, and calcu lated to hinder the early settlement of the Questions in dispute between Canada and the United States, and the negotiation of a treaty bywhich commercial relations may be extended between the two countries. EORAKERJ)EFENSE. He Writes a Very Vigorous Open letter to JUurnt Halstead He Was Nat a Traitor to Sherman at Chi- cngo An Explanation. Cincinnati, February 26. The follow ing is an abstract of a letter from Governor J. B. Foraker to Murat Halstead, of the Commercial Gazette, drawn out by a card of "Mr. Halstead's, printed to-day, giving the history of the Ohio delegation at rthe Chicago Convention, in respect to its adherence to Senator Sherman. jho let ter begins as follows: M. Halstead, Esq., Cincinnati, O.: Deab Sm I have just read your editorial in to-day's Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, also the Eckel letter. I do not see any par ticular point to the letter. 1 might say with respect to it, however, that I never had any formal inter view with anybody at Chicago. I talked freely to all who came to my room or addressed me elsewhere. I bad no secrets abont the matter to which it relates, to keep from any body at any time. Mr. Eckel's inter view, in so far as he had one, was "written by him after he had talked with me, but it was in his languagp, and not mine. He simply ran together the re salts of a conversation, most of which was In response to interrogations addressed to me by him. With that explanation I have no objec tions to the interview and never made any. In other words, I objected to it only as inaccurate, but the statement that I denied it is not true. With these explanations made, let me add that I had but little hope for the nomination of Mr. Sherman at any time after the first ballot was taken. I was led by tbe state ments of Mr. Sherman, Mr. Hanna and others, to expect a much larger vote. The dis appointment shook my faith considerably, bnt what was more unfavorable to bis chances, in my judgment, than simply the number of his votes, was tbe fact that he bad no support whatever outside of the South, except only OhiOj a part of Pennsylvania and a few votes in Now England. Not a solitary vote from any donbttul State. Moreover, it wa3 well known that there was no disposition on the part of tbe delegates from the other Northern States to come to us. Notwithstanding this, I kept my fears astto the ultimate result to myself, and encouraged every one, as well as I could, to hope for success until after we ad- journea satnraay morning, tne 22a. The letter contains .2,000 words. It goes on to explain at length the situation of the Ohio delegation on the Saturday night of June 23, saying that he appealed to every one who came to him to stand fast for Sher man, until after a break should come or the character might be developed but that if a manifest break should come, showing it impossible to nominate Sherman, he would not only not be averse to Ohio delegates vot ing for Blaine, bnt would insist that they should do so, giving him a solid vote. Tins satisfied the restless delegates. THE TBAME WOMAN CANNOT LITE. Only a Few Hoars Believed to Separata Her From tho Grave. rSFSCTAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCH. Attica, N. Y., February 26. Mrs. Emma Althouse, the famous sleeper, has been in a condition bordering on death to day. She awoke yesterday afternoon, after sleeping JLlj days. Since then her pulse has been Very quick but feeble, "her temper ature unnatural,and her muscles motionless. Attempts to nourishJier failed, her body seems almost bloodless, and in her frequent faints it has been almost impossible to tell whether or not she was quietly passing away. Although she has several times been expected to die, her condition is now so precarious thatit seems improbable that her vitality will last beyond a few hours. A report of her death' is denied, but visitors to the house found the sister very despon dent. Although no accurate record of the dura tion of the woman's first trance was kept, from other sources it is figured that during the last yearand a half she has slept 470 days and nights. During that time the nonrishment taken wonld last a well person only a few days, and she has not removed from the bed. Lately when awake she has been able only to move her eyes, and even whispering was impossible. BELL'S PLEA OVERRULED; Tho Company Will Havo to Answer tho Government Suit; Boston, February 26. In the United States Circuit Court Alexander Graham Bell has filed a plea and answer to the suit brought against him and the American Bell Telephone Company by the United States to annul the patent alleged to have been procured by him by fraud. Tbe plea is a denial of fraud and the argument against a further trial is that the matter has already been through the courts and decided. The answers filed by Bell and the com pany claim Bell is the original and sole in ventor of the patent. In the SupremeCourt it was decided that the defendants must an swer to the suit. WINDOM HAS ACCEPTED. He Will bo Secretary, of the Treasury In Harrison's Cabinet. Baltimobe, February 26. Hon. Will iam Windom, ex-Secretary of the Treasury, spent to-night in Baltimore, as the guest of his old friend, Mr. John S, Gilman. To night he was closeted for some hours with Hon. Stephen G. Elkins, Hon Henry G.. Davis and others. After the conference one of the gentlemen announced to a reporter of The American that Mr, Windom had been tendered and had accepted the position of Secretary of the Treasury in Gederal Harrison's Cabinet. He will go to Washington to-morrow morn ing. PAEALIZED BY CHOLEEA. Tho Terrible Results of nn Epidemic Caused by Fish Offal. Cheyboyoan, Mich., February 26. The victims of the cholera epidemic last fall in Presque Isle county are said to have lost complete control of their legs and the lower portion of their bodies, and but few can nobble around on crutches. In some cases one leg is shorter than the other, and they are maimed in other ways for life. The cause of the epidemic is now known to have been poison from decaying fish of fal, near Hammond's Bay, deposited there by the fishermen in that vicinity. An in vestigation will be made in the spring. TANNER WILL TAKE IT. Tho Corporal Thinks He Will bo Commis sioner of Pensions. Chicago, February 26. Corporal James Tanner, member of the G. Am. National Pension Board, said in an interview here to-night that he is a candidate for the posi tion of Pension Commissioner, now occupied by General John C. Black. Corporal Tanner added that "a friend of mine, who is very close to General Harri son, wrote me to-day that he thought my appointment certain," The Corporal toot a prominent part in the Indiana campaign of last fall. COEEA'S COMING-OUT. The First Reception Ever Held at Its Legation in Washington. A DECIDEDLY UNIQUE SUCCESS. Nearly 1,000 Quests Welcomed by Two Pretty Little Corean Ladies, THE ONLY ONES NOW IN AJIEEI0A. Washington Society Greatly belijhted With Its Xew Acquisition. A very unique affair was the house-warming at the Corean legation residence in Washington, last evening. It was the first "at home" of little Corea's ambassadors, and it was a decided success. The two Corean ladies of the legation, the only ones of their people in this county, were resplen dent in rich robes and pretty as pictures, while listening to the many compliments paid them. rSFXCIAL TZLEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Washington, February 26. The Co rean flag was flung to the breeze to-day, and the new legation residence on Iowa circle was the scene of a handsome "at home." It was something of a house-warming party, and also the first: appearance in society of Mrs. Ye Wan Yung and Mrs. Ye Cloa Yun, who have recently come to the lega tion. "Very naturally, official circles have been curious to see the only Corean ladies ever in this country, and it is safe to say that none of the 400 guests asked to the tea failed to respond 'in person. It is quite as true that 400 more asked for invitations, or were taken by friends who asked fof them. . The company as a whole, therefore, was one of nearly 1,000 guests. The hours were from 4 to 7. The first and second floors of the house were thrown open, and were more than filled during the three houre. The guests were welcomed by Dr. Allen, the American Secretary of the Legation, Mr. Ye Ha Yung, the Charge d' Affairs," and Mr. and Mrs. Ye Wan Yung and Mr. and Mrs. Ye Cloa Yun. The Charge d'Affairs and Mr. Ye Wan Yung speak English, and, with Dr. Allen, acted as interpreters. the little ladies at ease. The little Corean ladies were quite at ease, bowing, smiling and shaking hands as naturally as if used to American recep tions. Their adaptability is very marked, and they will fall into the customs of the New World easily and gracefully. Mrs. Ye Wan Yung wore a gown of long, straight, full skirts of dark blue, with tunic of pale yellow silk, Mrs. Ye Cloa Yun's gown was of pink silk, made in the same, fashion. Their shining black hair was very smooth and worn in a heavy braded knot, low at the back of ther heal. Mrs. Ye Wan Yung is very 'pretty, with a sweet Madonna expression and a smile quite captivating. Her complexion is of the pure ivory tint, and she has delicate, regular features, and sound, youthful out lines. She is very bright, and by intuition guessesihe meaning of compliments.smiling and saying: "Thank you," always at the right moment, though understanding very little of the English language. . Tbe ladies appeared to enjoy themselves, and were as much at home as if they had not just come from a land where'twomen 'have no rights. It is plain to be seen that Mrs. Ye Wan Yung and Mrs. Cloa Yun mean to appreciate the blessings of freedom while they have the chance. It was also plain that their husbands were delighted over the attentions bestowed on their pretty wives. the ladies will be lions. The men of the legation have heretofore received as much attention in official circles as do the Chinese Legation, but the Corean ladies are likely to become the greatest of all the Oriental "lions" in Washington. The guests included the diplomats and ladies of their families, their Cabinet cir cle, "court circle," Congressional people, and many others prominent in official life. The Chinese Minister, who has just returned from a visit to Havana, came with several secretaries a'nd the Chinese Consul of New York. The party, in rich brocades, made a picturesque picture for the moment as the representatives of the great Chinese enmire rassed along the line. bowing low and with stately formality to the representatives of little Corea. The Chinese Minister was in happy spirits, and said he was glad to get back to Washington among his friends. The big pink topaz, encircled with diamonds, flashed on Mr. Chang's cap, and his brocades were of dainty gray and pale blue. , Mr. Yow and others of the Chinese Lega tion were arrayed in superb brocades. The Corean gentlemen were also resplendent in bright-colored silks, in which orange and blue were brightest. The Corean flag is also orange and blue, on a white ground. As the first party given by the Coreans, to-day's "at home" was in every regard a brilliant success, the Corean legation may be accepted as now fully "out" in official society. Mrs. Ye Wan Yung and Mrs. Ye Cloa Yun have begun the study of English, and bv next season they will be accom plished hostesses, able to dispense the hospi tality ot the legation in English. EANDALL IN GOOD SPIEITS. Ho Thinks He Sees a Way Clear to Pass the Covrles Bill. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCH. Washington, February 2G. Things looked up a little to-day for the repeal of the tobacco tax by the passage of the Cowles bill. The passage of the deficiency bill and the rapid progress of the Indian appropria tion bill encourages Mr. Randall to think that he will be in shape to test the sense of the House on his resolution for the consid eration of the Cowles bill Jto-morrow or the day after. The probabilities are that it will be antagonized by the Sullivan-Felton election case, but there is a leaven at work among the members that may take even that ont of the way. Letters are pouring in from the South in favor of the passage of the Cowles bill. A delegation of the influ ential citizens of Louisvilie was hard at work with the members from Kentucky to day, and sentiment for the bill is being transformed into something near a furore. It is just possible that before the end of the week opinion will have so changed that Milfs & Co. will be compelled to abandon their obstruction of the bill. Randall is in more than usually good spirits over the situation, and is particularly pleased by the argument ot the Kentucky visitors that if the bill be not permitted to pass the action of the Democratic leaders of the Mills fac tion will result disastrously for the party in several Southern States. HE'S DIED IN THE WOOD Ono Democratic Postmaster Who Cannot Servo Under Republican Rale. Hempstead, L. L, February 20. A. M. Griffin, the 81,500 Postmaster of this vil lage, has forwarded his resignation to Presi dent Cleveland, to take effect March 4, al though his term will not expire for 18 months, Mr. Griffin says he is "too good a Democrat to seive a Republican administration." RATHER FUNEREAL. American Ladles Not Dazzled by Victoria's Drawing Room Marlborough's Last Wife Snnbbed Mrs. Cham berlain tbe Star. IBT CABLE TO THI DISPATCH. ( London, February 26. The first draw ing room of the season was held to-day in terribly cold weather, and under cir cumstances which will result in a big har vest of doctors' bills. Of the 300 ladies presented, scarcely a dozen had summoned up courage. to wear high-necked dresses on the only pleas officially allowed, of advanc ing years, infirmity or ill health. The Duchess of Marlborough was not . presented, and probably never will De. Her absence to-day may, however, be charitably ascribed to the fact that the Marchioness of Blandford, the Duke's first wife, whom he treated so in famously and who obtained a divorcefrom him, was in attendance on Her Majesty, and presented her young daughter, Lady Frances Spencer Churchill. Mrs. Chamberlain, however, worthily up held the reputation of America's fair daughters. She was presented by the Duchess of Bedford, and looked charm ing in pale blue velvet and lots of lovely lace. The Bight Honorable Joseph escorted her to the presence of Her Majesty, and looked much better in court costume than those who knew him as the Republican Mayor of Birmingham would have thought possible. Tne majority of American ladies were presented by Mrs. Henry "White. The Queen was dressed in black.' Her only or naments were jet. The Princess ot Wales and other princesses were also in black, but some wore diamonds. Altogether the function was somewhat funereal, and not calculated to give Americans an average idea of royal gorgeousness. AFTER THE OPIM. Chinese Bid on a Sapply of the Frodact Which Was ConfiYcated forSmnggliog A Trust Formed to Lower the Price Maine Wins. Detboit, February 26. Five Chinamen ambled in to, the United States Marshal's office to-day and gathered around two small packing boxes. The boxes contained 1,300 small cases, and each contained a trifle less than a pound of opium for smoking. These cases have had a rather eventful history. Thej came from Victoria, B. G, arrived in Sarnia last Angust, and were seen there by a United States officer. When they, were smuggled over the authorities were on their way to seize them, and captnred them at Sand Beach, Mich., after a fight. They were finally ordered .sold by the court, and it was their sale which had attracted the Chinamen. They were Lee Pond, of New York, a million aire, Hip Lung, of Chicago, C. C. Chong, of New Orleans, and Pong Wo, of Detroit. The Chinamen had resolved not to bid against each other. A syndicate was formed with Hip Lung as bidder. Hip jumped right into the breach and shouted: "Flo bnndred tollars." Hip looked as if he thought the opium should be knocked down rignt there, but Marshal Pennell thought differently. The opium was worth at least $10,000. Every second bid was made by Hip Lung, who grew mora and more excited. Assistant District At torney Wilkins took a hand. Lung gazed .wistfully at the Marshal as the bidding rose. W. J. Scott, representing a Portland, Me., firm, got the opium for $4,745. HUBDEEED HIS WIFE, Attempted to Cremate His Children, and Then Committed Suicide. Dickinson, Dak., February 26. One of the most sensational tragedies ever known in North Dakota occurred to-day two miles from here. John Holler, a German, lived with his wife and five children on a claim two miles from town. He and his wife quarreled, and he threatened to take the lives of the whole family. This morning his wife left him, going to a neighbor's for safety. Her husband followed a short time after, carrying a rifle. By threats of gen eral murder he drove the others from the house, and then deliberately murdered his wife, firing two shots into her. He then Itlaced the muzzle of the gun against his eft temple, and blew the top of his head off. Before following his wife when she went to the neighbor's, he locked his five chil dren in the house anddeliherately set fire to it, as well as to his grain stacks, hay and barn, in which considerable farm machinery was stored. After his departure the chil dren managed to escape, and are now cared for by friends. Some years ago he killed a farmer's wife in the East, and three years ago was accused of burning his house to obtain the insurance. The tragedy of to day created the most intense excitement, but the county was saved the disgrace of a lynching. NOT GUILTY, WITH A STEING. Ives and Stnyncr Enter a Plea That Con.Be Withdrawn inn Week. New Yoek, February 26. Messrs. Ives and Stayner were "brought from Ludlow Street Jail, this afternoon, in charge of an underdeputy sheriff and two deputy sheriffs, and escorted to part 1, of the Court of Gener al Sessions to plead to indictments charging them with grand larceny. The accused pleaded not guilty, under advice from counsel, with the option of withdrawing the plea within a week. Both were rdmanded to the enstody of the deputy sheriffs. District Attorney Fellows said that when a proper plea was entered, a week hence he would move that Ives and Stayner be sent to tbe Tombs prison instead of Ludlow Street Jail. Woodruff did not plead with Ives and Stayner. THE SIAEE1AGE EEC0ED BE0KEN. Wedded the hadr Who Sued for Breach of Promise 25 Years Ago. Tkoy, N. Y., February 26. A romantic marriage was celebrated last night at Sara toga. The parties were Warren B. West cott, 60 years old, and Miss Jane S. Tru man, aged 58 years. More than 25 years ago the parties were engaged. Theywere about to be married, when Mr. Westcott fell in love with a widow and married her. A breach of promise suit followed in which Mr. Westcott was' compelled to pay damages. He was left a widower three years ago when he returned to his former love. AGAINST THE OKLAHOMA BILL Serea Thoasand Cherokee Indians Will Enter a Fervent Protest. St. Louis, February 26. A petition signed by 7,000 Cherokee Indians is to be sent to the United States Senate in a day or two protesting against the passage of the Oklahoma bill, particularly that part of it covering the Cherokee strip. The petition says the bill is not indorsed by the Indian people, and that the influences behind it are hostile to the rights and property of the Indians. DESERTING EANAMA. Thousands of Laborers Have Left the Canal Within a Week. Panama, February 26. Thousands of laborers have left the Isthmus during the past week,and work on the canal has almost stopped. No disorders have occurred, and business is at a standstill. . v II 1 1 11 LA- I u-iji --h. W 1 m&vOTLED, & A Flood, Light Pierces Every Point of the Prnell Case, and Reveals the DETAILS OF A CONSPIRACY Which Will Shatter the Very Foun dations of the Tory Structure. THE LE1TEES AEE WEITTENBY PIGOaT Who Also Confesses to HaTJns; Pei-iared ninnelf Before the Commission The-Arch-Villain Flees From the Righteoas Wrath of tho Men He Had Wronged Attorney-General Webster Dismayed by tbe Disclosures Parnell's Counsel De mand a Full Investigation TheEvIdence) That Shivered the Case Came Front America Romantic Story of IuDellvery by a Chicago Priest. Parnell is vindicated. The Times' casa has collapsed, killed by the hand that originated it. Pigott is a self-confessed forger and perjurer, and is now a fugitive from justice. .Even more damaging revela tions are expected. The evidence which unmasked the conspiracy came from the) United States. It was famished by Egart and carried to Parnell by an Irish-American priest. CBT CABLE TO THE EISFATCH-3 London, February 26. Copyright. The great edifice based on conspaciry, built up with forgery and crowned with perjury, has at length been brought crashing to the. ground, and the readers of The Dispatch will not be surprised to learn that the catastrophe was the direct work of the chief architect and master builder, Pigott, who has fled no man knows whither. The great crowd which thronged law courts and blocked the corridors had not expected such a dramatic disaster. They had hoped to witness further vivi section of Pigott, and, in order to lose none of the fun, most of them had come provided with luncheon baskets with which to fortify themselves for the continuous sitting. Tha venerable face of Mrs. Gladstone was ob servable among a lot of dnkes, earls, count esses, Cabinet ministers and lesser lights in politics and society, and it is satisfactory to note that a3 soon as Pigott's flight had been placed beyond doubt she hurried off to con vey the news to the Grand Old Man. TJNRAPPY webstee. Attorney General Webster, Manager Mao Donald and Solicitor Soames were in their places with phenomenal punctuality, and all looked very unhappy indeed, for they knew what most people in court did not, that per jurer Pigott had departed -over night for parts unknown, and likely as not their con sciences were not entirely easy. Pigott'a flight was bad enough for their case, bul there is reason for believing that his further cross-examination would have resulted in revelations even more disastrous to the Times and much more serious for certain high-placed individuals. As soon as the learned Commissioners took their seats, Pigott was called in the usual formal manner, and people craned forward to gaze upon the redoubtable old sinner. Pigott did not respond, and then it seemed to dawn upon the spectators that something was going to happen. Instantly the crowded court became as still as a mor tuary chamber. Their lordships gazed in quiringly at the counsel, who, after fidget ing awhile in his seat and gazing appeal ingly at Sir Henry James as though to say, "yon start first," at length rose, and, ia funereal tones, announced the awful truth, A DELIEIUM op joy. The reporters made a mad rush to the nearest telegraph and telephones. Many people rose in their seats and shouted con gratulations to one another. An ovation to Parnell, winding up with "He's a jolly good fellow," or something else capable of easing overcharged feelings, seemed prob able when theconfusiqn again magically changed to calm at the sound of Sir Charles Russell's voice. The great lawyer, stern and dignified, was asking the court to issue a warrant for Pigott's arrest, and declaring solemnly his intention to bring justice all who, behind 'Pigott and Houston, bad been engaged in the foul conspiracy. Whatever their actual feelings were, their lordships preserved ju dicial equanimity. . Certain formalities had to be gone through and it was not until nearly 3 oclock in the afternoon that the court adjourned on the understanding that Webster and his clients and friends should, between that time and to-morrow morning, decide upon the course they will pursue. A WAEEANT OBTAINED. Then Parnell, Davitt and several friends, escorted by a big crowd of admirers and sympathizers, cheerinc frantically all the way, walked to Bow Street Police Court, where they made sworn information, and obtained a warrant, which will seenra Pigott's arrest in any European country, save Spain, in which he may have taken refuge. It is not likely he has gone to Paris, for his reception there would not be at all cordial, and for the same reason it maybe safely assumed he has not got on board a steamer bound for America. If he has really left England he is doubt less at the present moment in Antwerp or Rotterdam," either of which can be speedily and cheaply reached within a few hours. The impression is pretty general that the limes provided tunds to enaoie .rigott to escape. Soames and seVeral of his sub ordinates went into the witness box to-day and denied all knowledge of or complicity in the forger's flight, but everyone knows there are several ways of killing a cat. WOESE AND WOESE. ' Sir Charles Russell is very mad about . Pigott's escape, for he had some rods in pickle for the venerable villain, including proofs of forgeries on banks and systematic dealfnes 'in obscene liter ature. The latter, when given to the world will show that Pigott's visits to Paris were primarily devoted to the lucrative business of replenishing, by means of the capital provided by the Times, his stock ot filthy photographs and loath some literature. At the moment of cabling Pigott is still at large, and no explanation, is yet forthcoming of the manner In which he was permitted to escape from the vig ilance ot the two detectives who have had charge of him for months past, and from the Scotland Yard man charged by the Court on Friday with the special dnty of preventing his escape. The whole business smacks of collusion, and impeYatively de-' mands a thorough investigation. Another dispatch says: It is believed Continued on Sixth Fage, til ! UJ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers