HM.HAVEll CLUBS, " .- f $raddockis Still in Allegheny Connty League. h NEW PLAN PEOPOSED ,To Admit the Oakland and Sewickley lC ni.u VllUUS STITCHER JOHN 'IENER EXPLODED. flarrj Walton Challenges Any of the Local Bantams. LGENEfiAL SPORTIKG NEWS OP THE DAT '.' .Public interest .in the Allegheny County league 'and local amateur ball playing generally is certainly largely on the in crease. Every person interested in the -league, and there are thousands, are full of curiosity to know what will be done at the R , league .meeting to-morrow evening. Prob i ably there is a great surpriFe in store, and it it may be that after all the league will be $ increased to ten clubs. Contrary to public & announcements, the Braddock club has not yet dropped from the list That club will J' be represented at to-morrow night's meet ' ing. This fact will doubtless surprise X many people, particularly those who arefigur W Ing on Securing Braddock's place. S That matters are somewhat complicated in the league there is no doubt, hut it is ex ? pected that everything will be satisfactorily E cleared up. w Thefactsoftheentirematteraretotherollow t ing effect: "When the league held its last meet ly ing Braddock was not represented, but the i1 managers of that club had forwarded the resig f , nation of the club to the meeting by special delivery. The latter had, by some misnnder 4 Branding, not been delivered to the meeting nor j to any officials of the league. -T BRADDOCK ASKS A FAVOR. On the following day Mr. Barr, Secretory of ' the league, accidently met the manager of the ' Braddock club, and asked him why the club had not been represented at the meeting- It was then that Mr. Barr was informed of the v resignation, and the Braddock manager, seeing that it had not been dealt with, requested that it be kept quiet for a week, and if at the ex piration of that time Braddock was not heard from, it could take effect. This was agreed Iupon. The week expired on Tuesday, and on that day the Braddock manager wrote Secre tary, Barr to the effect that the club was likely to secure grounds, and would therefore be rep resented at the meeting to-morrow evening. This has complicated matters considerably, as both Oakland and Sewickley have been making the most strenuous efforts to gain the '. place that Braddock was expected to vacate. Representatives of Oakland and Sewickley have been requested to attend the meeting to morrow evening, and their 'presence, in con junction with that of the Braddock representa tives, will probably make the meeting interest ing and lively. If the Braddockscan show that they have suitable grounds, it is difficult to un derstand how they can be refused their place in the league. On the other hand, by a misun derstanding Oakland and Sewickley have bern led to believe that one of them would be elect ed to fill Braddock's place. This condition of things was discussed with animation yesterday at the various resorts of the amateur plavers, and there seemed to be a general sentiment in favor of admltting'both Oakland and Sewickley and making a ten-club leaeue, providing Braddock holds its place. It is likely, therefore, that to-morrow evening, I after, all three clubs have stated their cases, and if Braddock has secured suitable grounds, a motion will be made TO HAVE TEX CLUBS in the league. Everybody concerned is ex 'tremeiy hopeful that Braddock will secure grounds, and it is confidently believed that there are a sufficient number of lovers of the national game in that borongh to help the clnb out of its difficulties. If this is done it certainly seems that the wisest course would be to have ten clubs in the league. An action of this kind would as suredly be to the benefit of the entire league, as it would increase tbeinterest and enthusiasm in the contest throughout the connty. The local rivalry between the Sewickleys, Ems worths and Riverside Greys would be profita ble to each. The same may be said of Brad dock, Homestead and McKeesport, and also of the Oaklands and East End Athletics. A schedule for the ten clubs could just as easily he carried out as a schedule for eight; in fact, all the argument of the question is in favor of the ten-club idea. Without a doubt it would allay a vast amount of envy and bad feeling. . Itecarding the reports circulated about the Duquesnes, Secretory Barr yesterday said: "There certainly has been some misunder standing somewhere, We are all extremely anxious to keep the Duquesnes, and most as suredly 1 never said that we ever thought of dropping them out. We are willing to give them every encouragement. There was a re port abroad, however, to the effect that they , .intended' to sell their franchise to the Mar shalls. If they had attempted to do this the league 'would certainly have declared their place vacant and elected another clnb instead of tbem. The Duquesnes pledge themselves to fulfil all obligations, and this is enough for us." Mr. Barr refused to express an opinion re garding the ten-club scheme, but in answer to a pointed question said that if Braddock se cures gronnds it will be introduced at to morrow night's meeting. Last evening a representative of the Oak lands called at this office and left the following statement in behalf of that club: "The Oak land Ball Club is making a bid for Braddock's place In the County League only on the under standing that Braddock falls to secure grounds by Friday evening. Since the League meeting on the 7th, the clnb's prospects brightened to a great extent. The club has secured the use of the East Liberty parks, and the club has at its back the Oakland Athletic Association. Ar rangements have been made to sell season tick ets and the clnb's strength will be double that of last year." , The representative enthusiastically favored , the ten-club scheme. , v Fixed the Limit. v' The number of miles necessary for contest V ants in the proposed local 142-hour pedestrian contest to cover before they can obtain a prize If&has been fixed at 475 miles. George Noremac l5 considers that this is a reasonable limit on ac- : count of a 15-Iap track such as the Central Rink Jwill Be. juamson square is eignt laps, it has "also been decided by Manager Davis that Madi aeon Square rates will govern. Noremac will aarrlve in the-city shortly to aid in the comple tion of all the arrangements for the big con- litest. Braddock In Hard Luck. Braddock will have no ball club this season. This much is now a certainty, as their last chance for obtaining suitable grounds resulted ,' unfavorably yesterday. The plot they ex-ipected-to get has been purchased by the Mo iKeesport and Bellevernon Railroad Company. .They hare no other hope now but to appeal to -Captain Jones for the Thirteenth street '.grounds, near the steel works, which they think it is useless to do. Not Very Confident. Mr. Rogers, trainer for Captain Sam Brown, the horseman of this city, says: "I have been in itwo handicaps with horses that I thought would win, barring accident,' be said "This year J -don't think'I can win unless there, is a cataclysm of accidents to some of tbe other fellows. Put 123 pounds on Hanover and get ' him to tbe post fit to race, and Defaulter conld .not get alongside of him, no matter how light is bis impost. I'm outclassed." Thry Didn't Appear. Efforts were resumed yesterday to arrange i battle between Tommy Hogan. of this city, and Shea; of 'Wheeling. The backers of tbe latter, however, failed to show up in time and nothing deanite was done. The Hogan party offered to match their man to fight Shea at Wheeling .with a guarantee of 200, receipts and an out side bet of 1200 a side. This offer evidently was Ignored. t Phillip.' Predictions. ( Manager Phillips said a word or two last evening regarding the opening of the cham pionship season. Horace -Scores' out tbatln- dianapolis will open In Cleveland and Chicago in Pittsburg. He also thinks tbe telegraphic communications will keep everything right at I week. i EXPLODED TEKER. The Pituburc Pitcher Knocked Ont of thA Box on the Trip. Numerous letters are arriving in the city from the 'Australian" ball players. One re ceived yesterday contained an Important state ment. It went on to say that the reason Tener has not been pitching lately is that he has been "exploded." He has been knocked out of the box so often that Tils duties now have been re duced to that of umpire. This would perhaps seem to mean he will not be with the Chicago s next season. Another gentleman received a long and ro mantic letter from Fred Carrol, written on the Indian Ocean. Fred says little about baseball matters and cornunes himself to the gay scenes and times of the trip. He does remark, how ever, that he is hitting the' balL According to cable reports Carroll is un doubtedly finding the leather. Referring to this fact last night Manager Phillips said: "CarroU can always hit hard and regular out side the championship season. Last winter at California be hit bard, and this fact makes his case more aggravating when he comes here in championship contests and scarcely ever hits tbebalL I only hope he'll keep up his hitting power." WALTON'S OtfFER. The rhlladelphlan Wants to Tackle Ride. Hognn or Kelly. Davy Sheehan, the sprinter, yesterday re ceived a letter from Harry Walton.the bantam weight pugilist, who was recently defeated by Cal McCarthy, stating that he (Walton) is willing to fight either Kelly, Ridge or Hogan, of this city, at catch-weight. Walton goes on to say that the contest can take place in Phila delphia, and he will guarantee a purse of 8300 at tbe least. , , . . Kelly, of course, is out of the business, but it is likely that cither Ridge or Hogan will give Walton a "go," providing either of them is al lowed his expenses to go to Philadelphia. A battle between either of the local men and Walton would be of considerable interest to sporting people. THE PARSON IN DEMAND. Weir nnd Murphr Want Him to Manage Their Fight. Chicago, February 27. "Parson" Davies yesterday received a communication from the backers of Ike Weir. "The Spider," and Frank Murphy, the feather-weights, offering him the management of their coming skin-glove fight to a finish for $2,000, and the feather-weight championship of the world, Mr. Davies has taken tho matter under ad visement and forwarded his conditions that he shall have the naming of place, date and all other arrangements pertaining to the same. Should his conditions be accepted, (he contest will, in all probability, take place within 40 miles of Chicago the latter part of March, and Mr. Davies win go .Last ana personally con' dude arrangements. SIMPSON WEAKENED. He Refuses to Skate Donoehue The Lat ter" Challenge. Kettbtjro, February 27. The Donoghue Simpson skating race failed to-day because Simpson refused to skate in the snow which covered the ice. Joe Donoghue has issued a challenge. ,.,.,, He offers to skate any amateur in the United States or British Provinces for the champion ship of America, five races, to be skated on one dav, on a track not less than a quarter of a mile in length in the following races: Two hnndred and twenty yards, ode half mile, one mile, five miles and ten miles. The prize to be a diamond championship medal to cost 250, to be given the winner ot three out of five of the races named. .The Thistle's Coming Doubted. New Yore. February 27. Prominent yacht ing men yesterday laughed at the idea of the Thistle coining here to try for the America's cup this year. They generally regarded the rumors from the Clyde that she is fitting out for a foreign voyage as a canard. "The New York Yacht Club." said Commo dore Klbridge T. Gerry, "has not received any communication, official or unofficial, which could give rise to tbe supposition that the Thistle or any other British yacht club will challenge for the cup this year. I do not think there will be any international cup race this year." A Chinaman Will Start. rerZCUI. TILEGBAlf TO TBI PISrATCH.1 FntDLAT, O., February 27. A six-day or 72 hour pedestrian match will begin at the'Wig wamin this city on next Monday, March. The contest is open to Northwestern Ohio pedestrians, and 16 entries from as many dif ferent cities and towns have already been made, with four more promised. Among tbe number entered is John Lee, a Chinese laundryman .of this city. The prizes are 5000 In gold with a share of the gate. An East Liverpool Race. tSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISFATCH.1 East Liverpool. February 27. A 30-hour pedestrian contest has been arranged to take place here on the 11th, 12th and 13tb of March. The first prize will be 8100, second $70 and third $30. Entries can be made at Charles Fowler's restaurant. East Liverpool. The entrance fee is $10. Dan Swarty, a previous winner, is en tered. The race promises to be a success. Their Annual Dinner. Tbe third annual dinner of the James H. Porte Fishing Club will be held at the Monon gahela House on Sunday afternoon. The din ner is one of those pleasing social events that only comes once a year. Heretofore it has been a great success. Mr. Porte has kindly sent invitations to the various sporting editors in the city. McClelland nnd Cox. E. C. McClelland, the pedestrian of this city, returned from Wheeling yesterday where "he took part in last week's pedestrian contest. He stated that he has left his backer there to ar range a match between himself, McClelland, and Thomas Cox, of Parkersburg. for a 15-mile race. It is likely that the race will be made. A Costly Youngster. rSrTCIAL TELEGRAM TO TBS DISPATCH.1 Cantox, O., February 27. Ed J. Meyer, of the Lakeview Stock Farm, to-day sold to Mr. King, of Bevington, Pa.. Grey Cloud, a yearling colt, by Black Clond, (2:171i), for 87,000. The youngster gives promise of wonderful achieve ments. Sporting Notes. The Philadelphia club's gross weight is 8,105 pounds. Spalding's teams arrived at Nice, France, yesterday. Bobry Cartjthers says that Foutzisfar superior to Dave Orr as a first baseman. Jim Mutbxe says that his team had to play the Brooklyns or show the white feather. Dick Yakwood, the ex-Eoglish prize fighter, is charged with killing a laborer near New York on Tuesday. Frank Glover was easily defeated in a fight at 'Frisco on Tuesday night by Joe Choynski, on amateur. Stkattoit, one of the pitchers of the Louis villes. will not sign a contract unless he is re lieved from playing Sunday games. Oldfiels, the catcher of the Torontos, has suffered a'serions loss. His wife died on Tues day, leaving him jvith three children. "Orator" Shaffer has not signed with Des Moines, but will probably do so soon. The old man wanted to play with the Clevelands again. Charley Sntdeb has put his signature to a Cleveland contract-JSuyder is In Washington at present and will witness-the inauguration of President-elect Harrison. Mike Dai-y, of Bangor, Me. has challenged JackMcAuliffe to fight for SL000 a side, the light-weight championship of America and the J'olice Qazctle championship belt. Huirr, of Yale, whom Jim O'Rourke recom mended to Cleveland as a first-class outfielder, will not play ball professionally this season, but will devpte himself to the study of law. PHIL Reccitts, Louisville's old third base man, has received offers to play with Evans ville, Memphis and Des Moines. He is still in Louisville, and undecided as to where he will go. WnEKtbe Colonels played winning ball no clnb in the country paid better in proportion to the capital stock than tbe Louisville. Ex Secretary Reccius says that $11,000 was cleared on a capital of $5,000. Sleeping Car Accommodations Caa Now be Secured To "Washington, D. C, -via Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, at ticket office, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street DIED. BECK On Wednesday. February 27. 1589. at 8:45 P. H.. at her late residence. No. 207 Spring alley, Susait, wife of Wm. C. Beck, and eldest daughter of Stephen and Sarah Call, iu the 28th year of her age. Notice of funeral hereafter. SCALED UP $300,000. This Year's Appropriation Over That Much More Than Last, FIKAKCE COMMITTEE'S FIGURES For the Taxes Which, Owing to the In creased Assessments, TVILL 0KLT AMOTJMT TO TWELYE MILLS. So Change as to the .Business Tax Is Deemed Adrlsalle as Yet. The item for HSland reservoir's new dis tribution scheme ($75,000) and the assess ments against the city for street improve ments (525,000), neither of which show comparative or parallel items for 1888, will increase the city's expenditures estimated; for this year by $100,000. Just where the other $200,000 increase for the (year (as compared with last) may be made, is indi cated in the Finance Committee's figures presented below. There is a decrease in just one item that is tbe taxes on city loans. The others are scaled up, as uni formly as may, though the three great de partments only foot up small sums of in crease each: Public Works, about $8,000; Safety, about $20,000, and Charities, $7,000. The "business tax is not to be changed just yet, it seems. The Committee on Finance met in Select Council1 chamber last night to receive the report of the sub-committee appointed to fix the tax levy for 1889, and draft the annual appropriation ordinance. The committee was called to order at 8:50 by Chairman W. A. Magee, whereupon President Holliday, as Chairman of the sub-committee, pre sented the report. Mr. Holliday explained that the report was as nearly correct as the committee could calculate it, there being as yet an incomplete report from the Board of Assessors. But the sub-committee thought best to submit its report at- once, basing its calculations on a valuation of $80,000,000 and a levy of 12 mills for the en tire city. If the footings of the assessors showed that this valuation was too great or too small, the figures couM be changed by Councils. Such changes might be necesssry, but of that Councils should be the judges. The following are the figures submitted by the sub-committee for 1889, and with them the figures for 1888, showing the com parison with last year in receipts and ex penditures. r J8S9. isss. Interest and taxes on city loani etc PJJiSS pi2SK Salaries 70,350 00 69,900 00 Department of Public Safety, general expenses fllOOOO f 11, 100 00 Department of Public Safetv. fire bureau 249.000 00 219,000 00 Department of Public Saftty. police bureau.... 300,000 00 233,000 00 Department of Public Safety, electricity bu reau... 40,000 00 40,000 00 Department of Public Safety, health bureau... 39,500 00 29,(00 00 Department of Public caiei). auuuuik u- cpector Department of Public 4,825 00 8,900 00 Safety, plumbing ana gas fitting 2.07S 00 654,100 00 110,500 00 20,260 00 203,000 03 634,500 00 11,600 00 30, MO 00 200,000 00 49, COO 00 198,000 00 Department of Public works, general expenses Department of Public works, engineering and surveying Department or Public Works, highways and sewers Department of Public Works, city property bureau Department of Public Works, water bureau... Department of Public Works, water assess ment bureau Department of Public Works, public llgnting. Department of Public works, board of viewers Department of Charities.. Printing .. Contingent fund City elections Outstanding warrants Finance rund Judgments Advertising delinquent tax Hens . Board of Assessors Water Loan Sinking Fund Tunded Street Improve ment Loan Sinking fund "Water Loan Sinking Fund Ho. 2 Befunded Fifth avenue and City Hall bonds Fire Department Loan Sinking Fund Improvement bond sink ing fund .-. Municipal Consolidated sinking fund..... Education Street repairs (see sched- ' uleA) Distribution main from inland reservoir Assessment against city Tor street Improvements Deficiencies 8,000 00 15,000 00 90,000 00 90,000 00 49,500 00 1,000 00 10,000 00 7,000 00 10,000 00 124,600 00 7,000 00 I299,0G0 00 372,475 00 245,747 50 75,000 00 25,000 00 49,500 00 1,000 00 10,000 00 7,000 00 10,000 00 124,500 00 292,000 00 366,700 00 243,563 00 22,322 95 3,514,762 SO 3,271,560 95 XSTIMATED KECEIPTS. 1S89. City tax, .12 mills 2,165, 9G0 75 18S8. 2,082,713 00 (17mllls) 160,000 00 466,000 00 J 2,003 00 35,000 00 45,000 00 3,000 00 37,000 00 6.000 00 S.O00 0O 6,000 00 Business tax 187,000 00 Water rents too, 000 00 Wharves 15,000 00 Mavor's office 35,000 00 Markets 60,000 00 City Ganger 2,000 00 Vehicle license. 40,000 00 Street railways 5,000 00 Building Inspectors 15.000 00 Engineering 10,000 00 warrant irom Biaie lor schools Advertising dellnauent 51,60175 48,750 00 taxes 13,000 00 Outstanding taxes 250,000 00 Liquor licenses 60,000 00 Miscellaneous receipts.... 75.000 00 8,000 00 120,000 00 100,000 00 73,072 95 3,114,762 60 3,271,560 85 STEEET IMPEOVEMENTSi "Schedule A," given below, shows the street improvements recommended by the committee for the present year, the total footing up $215,747 50, an increase over the fi cures under the same schedule last year. 'when they were $243,558. The schedule loiiows: ECHEDDXX A. Rebuilding Forty-eighth street sewer.... 8,400 00 Raising houses on Kuthvcn road 8,200 CO Wllmot street bridge and fill .. 25,000 00 Repairing Cherry alley, Third avenue to Water street 3,100 00 Shaffer and Arch street culvert 1.000 00 Repaying Liberty avenue, east of Smith field street..;. 25,000 00 UepavlngPenn avenue, from Fifth ave nue to the city line (one-balf the cost). 40,000 00 Repaying High street and Filth avenue. 6,532 00 Repaying State alley, Wylle avenue to Fifth avenue 5,000 00 Duquesneway Repaying Eighth street, Penn avenue to Liberty avenue Repaying .Ninth street, Penn avenue to Liberty arenue Renavlng Forbes street, Brady to Bovd 1,800 00 1,612 00 4,663 00 street...... 81.147 50 jtepaving r orDes street, ioya to itoss street Repaying Garrison alley, Liberty ve nue to Fayette street Repavlng Barker alley, Liberty avenue to Duquesneway , ., Renavlng First avenue. Smlthfleld to 8,187 60 2,555 00 4,025 00 (irant street .- 4.532 so Repaying. Butler street. Forty-ninth to Fifty-first street 9,80000 Repavlng Church alley, Sixth avenne to . Strawberry alley 1,820 00 Repavlng Slocum alley, Penn to Liberty avenue 1,423 00 Repaying Strawberry alley, Liberty ave nne to Smlthfleld street 2,06(00 24747 60 The amount appropriated for streetrepairs last year was $243,668. TWO PROTESTS. Mr. Magee read the report down until the estimated receipts from business' tax was reached, when he stated that the snb-com-rnitteehad received two communications relative to business tax. One of these' was from tbe Wholesale Grocers' Association, signed by 'nearly every firm in that associa tion, and the other from prominent mer chants and manufacturers, signed bv nearly a hundred of the leading iron, glass and steel manufacturers and other leading firms ofthexcity. "Both were petitions' for there naal of the business tax. which wajTel aimed . .- . , ... 39,000 00 -158,7100 7,500 00 7,525 00 121.000 CO 111.000 0b 10,000 00 9,600 00 624,975 01 616,835 00 90.000 00 30,000 00 I3.5O0 00 15,000 00 15,000 00 20,000 00 1.200 00 1,500 00 158.000 00 79,000 00 30,000 00 20,000 00 63,200 00 25,000 00 11,000 00 14,500 00 THE PITTSBUBG-; DISPATCH, to be unjust, 'irregular and a burden, td those upon whom it was imposed; as well ass detriment to the business interests of the city. Sir. Holliday, speaking' for the sub-committee, stated that the petitions had been re ceived, and discussed with due respect by the sub-committee, but that owing to the late hour at which they had been' received, the sub-committee having then nearly com pleted its work, it was decided to return the petitions to the Finance Committee without taking an action upon them, except recom mending that the business tax levy of last year be re-enacted'this year. Mr. Getty protested against the business tax levy of last year upon saloon keepers. He thought the v business tax was a good thing, but the assessments Aould be made CfjuaL Under last year's levy a wholesale liquor dealer was only taxed 1 mill,, while the saloon keepers were taxed 10 mills. Since the saloon keeper, under the new license law, paid $200 a year for his license into the city treasury, he 6hould not be com pelled to pay so much more than his breth ren who were in another class of the same business, or, for that matter, iu any other business. Mr. Magee called Mr. Getty's attention to the fact that proprietors of pool, billiard and bagatelle table rooms were assessed 20 mills. Mr. Getty replied that, no matter whal such people wfire taxed, they never made any returns for their business, anyhow. IT 'WASN'T SECONDED. iHe moved that the levy on saloon keepers be reduced to 1 mill. As there was no second to this motion, Mr. Holliday moved that the petitions be respectfully" returned to Councils with the recommendation that it would be impracticable to abolish the business tax this year. Mr. Magee moved to amend by addintr that the business tax be abolished by drop ping it at the rate of 25 per cent per year, after this year, until the whole tax was abolished. " " Mr. Kobertson opposed the amendment. He thought the rich men who sent in the pe titions for the repeal of the business tax were the very men who should pay it. It was pnrej selfishness on their part. If the business tax was repealed the money would have to be taken out of the .pockets of the poor man. That was what it was, taking the tax off the rich few and putting it onto the poor many. The rich merchant was here to make money off the people, and he should be made to pay the insignificant sum im posed by this fax for the privilege. Mr. Binder took the same ground, and in regard to Mr. Getty's appeal for a reduction of the saloon ' keepers' tax, Mr. Binder thought that no class of business was better able to stand a .good tax than saloon keep ers, because their profits were so large. He had been a saloon keeper for years' himself, and Knew wnereoi be amrmea. Mr. Getty became "riled" at this state ment, and said that Mr. Binder's own case did not bear out his statement, for, of all the years Mr. Binder had been in the saloon business, he had very little to' show for it As for himself, Mr. Getty thought that he could truthfully say that, if he had ex pended as much time and energy to any other business as he had. to the liquor busi ness, he would have to-day $2 where he has now but $1 and would be much more re spected in the community. IT WAS REFERRED BACK. When the vote was taken Mr. Holliday's motion was passed, and. Mr. Magee's amend ment lost. Mr. Tienziehausen objected to the appro priation providing for repaying Cherry alley between Third avenue ana Water street. He wanted the alley paved from Water to Liberty streets, and $4,000 added to the appropriation'for that purpose, as the street needed repaving as much at one end as the other. Mr. Holliday stated that the sub-committee was fully aware that nearly every street in the lower part of the city needed repaying as did some of the .other streets, but they had decided the city could not afford it this year. Mr. Bigelow had sent in a list ofthe .improvements he thought absolutely neces sary, and the sub-committee had taken this list and selected the improvements, that in their judgment were most imperative and could be afforded by the city this year. Mr. Benziehausen's motion was lost. An explanation was asked from Mr. Holliday concerning the $75,000 for a dis tributing main from the Hiland reservoir. He replied that it was well-known fact that that part of the city around Oakland was short ot water, and that there was a crying necessitv for water in that section. It would cost $200,000 to connect the Hiland reservoir with the lower part of the city, and that would have to be done very soon, but could be this year. Sixty thousand dollars would run a main from the reservoir to Oakland and down over the hill to Second avenue. The balance of the distance could be covered next year. Messrs. Bobertson and Binder objected to the item providing $249,000 to the fire bureau, but withdrew their objections,upon a motion being passed that this sum shonld include $3,000 to be devoted to the purchase of a lot for a fire engine house in the Thirty first ward, and $7,000 for the purchase ofa lot and erection of an eneine house on the .boundary between the Thirty-second and Thirty-fifth wards. This was the only change made in the sub-committee's report, which was then adopted by the committee and ordered retnrned to Councils with an affirmative recommendation. THEOUGH THE BBIME. juoitidio acciaeot to an Jucpreag 4Tain on St Canadian Railway Eight Killed and 40 Injured Several Ameri cans Are Among the Number. St. George, Ont., February 27i The St. Louis express, passing here, east-bound, at about 6 o'clock this evening, went through 0 bridge just east of the (tation. A broken tire on one of the engine wheels caused the rails to spread, and the first pas senger car, a Pullman car and the dining car, went through the middle section of the bridge. The Pullman car, which con tained most of the passengers, was thrown clear off the bridge, turning completely over, and landing right side up. The dining car stands on end against the pier. A passenger car remains on the bridge, having stripped the ties ahead of it over the section, that collapsed. Fight or ten persons were killed and about 30 were wounded who have been taken out of the cars. v The scene of the wreck is appalling. On one part of the bridge are a number of ties heaped together, some of them splintered to 'atoms. A par tially demolished Pullman car occupies a place on the bridge. The dining car stands almost perpendicularly upon its end. The upper end leans against one of tbe vast stone pillars. The hind wheels of the car became de tached from it. just before it took its fearful leap, and they now nestle in the iron frame work' of the bridge. The first-class couch took a complete somersault in its descent, and, though it landed right side up, is very nearly demolished. The following is a list of the killed nnd wounded: Killed-GeorgeTeggat, of Mitchell; William Wemp, of London; Dr. Swan and A. TV. Fran cis, of Woodstock; Mr. McLean, of tbe firm of McLean & Beecher, Detroit; Mr. Rains, of Hamilton: Captain Moore, of Brantford; Mr. Peers, of Woodstock'. Injured Thomas L. Doutney, temperance lecturer; Mrs. Jennings and May Jennings, Paris; Mr. and Mrs. Buddin, Dorchester; Mrs. Hlcpins,'Toronto; Mrs. McLeod, lhgersoIl;Miss Chaffee, Pontile, Mich.:Jas.Hyslop,Goderich: Dan Peacock and R. W. Knight, Woodstock; John McKlnley. Detroit; Fred Hancock, Lon don; George Forbes, New York; J. K. Marshall ana .airs. J. iu juarsnaii, ncgina; jo H. ' Wilson (colored), Chatha Mrs. Evans, Hamilton; George M 1 getts, dining car conductor. Niaga Robert Hilton, Bt Catbarines; Mr. McLau I lin, London: Conductor RevelV (seriously); I W. Kara, Woodstock; William Bennett, Sat 1 lac, Micb.t Dr. H. Lequesne. Cleveland; A. V. ' Francis, Woodstock; Mrs. A B. Kendall, Do- troit. I A Victory for tbe Eullronds. 1 Coltmbus, February 27 The Mor ' bill, providing fjjr a gradecUrednctloa iu J railroad fares' accordine toitheearniiis. and theHraddock bill, tor "a straight rediu tion'to 2 ;enti, wefev defeated in tne'Stuate to-oayj .,".- -jy SWCSKMSPSr 1 '. THUESDAT, ; . "JHEBRUAKT. A EOCETEOAD. Continued from- First Pagr " rapher in. General Harrison'' law' office before he was nominated, and has been his stenographer since, has taken down from hit ' dictation all the letters upon Cabinet atd other pri vate business that General Harrison has written for several"1 months, and then has herself written them ont and presented them, to him for, approval and signature. They have passed through no hands but Miss Sanger's and General Harrison's before they reached the persons to whom thev were addressed. Even Private Secretary Halford has not known what was in them nor to whom they were sent For the' information of seekers after Cab inet news it may be mentioned thatMiss Sanger is a lady with a yery strong mouth that shuts very tight whenever the conversation drifts toward General Harrison's affairs. She doesn't know any politicians except Gen eral Harrison and Partner Miller, and she won't say "boo" to a newspaper man except for the purpose ot scaring him away. GBA0EFULLY DOM. President Cleveland Entertains His Suc cessor at a' Little Dinner at the White House APleai nnt Occasion. At 7 o'clock General and Mrs. Harrison went to the "White Honse to dine. The in vitation for this event was brought over by Executive Clerk Pruden, with the cards of President and Mrs. Cleveland", yesterday afternoon. Such a din ner is a pleasant innovation upon the recognized customs attending the out going and incoming of Presidents. Some thing like it was attempted four years ago when President Arthur invited the President-elect to a dinner ' the night before the inanguration. But President Cleveland did not accept the invitation. The- following ont now of this precedent is recognized as a very graceful -'act upon the part of- the Cleyelands, and was accepted as such by General and Mrs. Harrison. The latter donned for the occasion one of the best of her new gowns, a fabrication of black lace, over a gold-colored satin under dress, trimmed with point lace. Mrs. Cleve land wore, pne of .the Directoire gowns of neutral tint, of which she effects so much, and which becomes her so well. The only persons at the dinner were the President and Mrs. 'Folsom, Mrs. Cleveland's mother. An interesting piece of gossip which the courtesy paid by President Cleveland to-night to his successor robs of what might seem to be a sting, is that Mrs. Cleveland will not, under any circumstances, attend the Inaug ural ball, and that neither Mrs. Whitney nor Mrs. Faircnild will be there. Secre tary Whitney, it .is said, is arranging a theater party for. the Cabinet ladies for the night of the ball. While the General and Mrs. Harrison were being entertained at the White House the young folks kept honse at the Arling ton. Dinner was served in the private dining room, and in bonor ot their freedom from the reign of the old folks the meal was made unusually elaborate and protracted. The only guest was Miss Louise Shepard, daughter of Elliott F. Shepard, who was with the family upon the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Eussell Harrison. DINERS DISAPPOPTED. Gen. Hnrrlion Declines to Sup With Bel. den's Guests No Set Programme for To-Dny-All Well ' nnd Hearty. General and Mrs. Harrisonlreturned from the White House at a few minutes after 10 o'clock, and a little later Mr. Morton came over and paid his respects. He re mained but a few minutes. 'The only other callers'of note werer24 gentlemen who had been .Congressman Beldon's guests at a din ner in the large private dining room on the first floor of the annex. The dinner was of the most elaborate sort. The table was decked' with large clusters of magna charta and hybrid roses, and the buttonieres were of orchids. The guests inclnded Senator Hiscock and most of the Republican representatives, and several Congressmen-elect and ex-Congressmen .from New York State., The plan had been to induce General Harrison to come downstairs and join the party before dinner ended. Presumably General Harrison declined to do so, for soon after his return from the White House the dinner party broke up, and the members of it went upstairs in a body and paid theirre spectsto the General and his family. No programme has been arranged for to morrow, and it'is supposed that if the day is pleasant the party will take a drive and devote the rest of the day to the reception of visitors. They are all to-night, down to the smallest baby, in excellent health and spirits, bar ring the depressing effect of their confine ment indoors, which has lasted practically ever since they left Indianapolis. TAB PK0HIB1TI0N FIGHT. Constitutional Amendment Advocate! are Preparing for the Campaign. fSrrCIAL TZLXGBAU TO TIIE DISrATCIM Williamsfoet, February 27. The ad vocates of the Constitutional amendment started the campaign in this county to-day, holding a largely attended convention in the afternoon and a mass meeting in the even ing. James G. Foresman, Mayor of Will iamsport, was chosen permanent President of the convention. An organization to coo duct the campaign was formed, with Will iam A. Stephens as President. Subscriptions amounting to $600"were re ceived. The mass meeting in the evening was addressed by F. D. Nichols, of Wilkes barre. E1-G0 vernor Cblquitt was unable to be present, owing to illness. TEI-STATE MEWS. Condensed Special Dispatches From Sur rounding CominunltIe That Aro Tribu tary to Pittibars. JoHN'CiBB, of Rochester, was stricken with paralysis yesterday, and will probably die. Bbickek'3 store at Irwin was broken into Tuesday night and tpbacco, cigars, etc., to a large amoint taken. There is a slight clew to the perpetrators. To compromise a suit entered by the More land heirs for the recovery.'of 131 acres of coal in Dunbar township, tbe H. C. Frick Coke Company yesterday purchased it for $10,125, being $375 per acre. - The March Criminal Court will open at Uniontownon Monday next with two murder cases and 70 other indictments, running through about every crime on the calendar. The county jail now holds 41 prisoners awaitins trial. At Butler yesterday the last applications for liquor licenses were filed, there being four less than last year. The temperance people have made no move against the. applicants, but will no doubt bave remonstrances in circulation soon. ' W. II. Martin, wbo'has been keeping a large boardihg honse at Taylorstown for sometime, VjySr est !' 7esterday on two charges, selling . n. the -vllcense and selling on Sunday. . .r'it " . - oail f or.ll,W for his appear-,- e s A t v boys playing on the ice on tbe Si: ro yer yesterday found the body of a deail n oan. wl ich haa been identified as that ot K-.t? f.apn, who disappeared jnst before i;ri mar i-. ;had become insane before her c uppearan t, ;md it is supposed drowned her self. ,,.,- - - Last cv'-.iig;wblle Daniel Winebrenner, a young uuuwhcse home is. at New Florence, was riding 13 a freight train atLockport be at-leroptwJ'o'-'Kral to a" friend when he lost hi bal&mx, ' 1 under tbe wheels and had both lopicute Hewasiplcked.uii and medical' ait" ,&m-. nM,!but he only Uveia it snort time. Aevras. . Bjearj ? ft? siZmif'W V2(8;'. 1889 .EATIHG THEIR CROW. Continued from First Page. for a session to-morrow, but the Judges de cided otherwise. SULLIVAN'S STOEY. The League President Tells How the Evi dence Against Figott Was Secured The Credit I Atl Dae to Egnn Home Bale Coming. Chicago, February 27. In conversation to-day Mr. Alexander Sullivan, speaking in relation to the discovery of Pigott as the forger of the Parnell case, said: I'have but little to add to the version given in your report this morning. In the main it was correct. The errors are merely as to de tails. The package. which Father Dorney car ried was not addressed or delivered to Mr. Par nell, but to Mr. Laboucb6re. Father Donley's traveling companion was Father Edward J. Dunne, of this city, and not Father Herbert Dunn. The credit for the discovery is due exclusively to Patrick Egan. No other man living who is not a member of the Times conspiracy could have exposed the crime and unveiled the criminal,-and few other men wonld have the keenness, the persistence andtheabilltyto that good work if the material had been at their command. It is difficult to conceive how a man conld he placed iu a more trying position than that occupied by Mr. Egan before the discov ery. Some of tbe worst letters were charged to him. He read them over and over again, recog nized their wonderfully accurate imitation of his writing, and their still more wonderful and, if possible, more accurate reproduction of his style of composition. FAMILIAE SENTENCES. Many sentences were so familiar to him that he could almost remember that at some time he wrote them. Yet following those creatures of his brain which he recognized were others of which he had no recollection, which he could not explain, for whose association with the preceding ones he could offer no explana tion to a court or jury, except a denial, and a charge against some unknown person off or cery. Bat these again were followed by sen tences as genuine as the first ones; and. their horribly accurate prodnctlon of his own thoughts clothed in his own language was enough to make him doubt his own sanity. He knew be was Innocent as an nnbom babe of tbe folly and criminality with which he was charged. He knew his friend and leader, Par nell, was equally innocent of the folly and criminality of which he stood accused. But Egan felt that Parnell and tbe others were on the ground near the places where the crimes were committed.. Being there, something might occur, some exposure might be made, which wonld give tbem a cine. He, tbongh, mnst be helpless. What could a man do who was 5,000 miles away from the place where, according to all ordinary reasoning, any service must be rendered? Egan believed that if he was on the ground he conld hear a whisper, detect a movement or a glance which might enable him to vindicate Parnell and drag forth a villain. He paced his room and his office and racked his brain, won dering who could be tbe person capable of so mastering his chirography and bis mode of ex pression. At last the secret Paris address, secured at Pigott's request when he wanted to send Egan a blackmailing letter, was attached to one of the forged letters. A FATAL CLEW. The clew was furnisbed. The means chosen at( Pigott's request to enable him to try to blackmail Egan became in Egan's alert mind and willing hands the weapon which destroyed the knave and conspirator. So, it came to pass, that Egan across the ocean, with his well-preserved records and correspondence, his good memory, his shrewdness, and his devotion, which was strong enongh to convert skill into genins, was able to say: 1 "Stand forth, Richard Pigott. Yon, the thief, forger and blackmailer of old, whom I had almost forgotten, are the forger of this great conspiracy." "Xetnie ask yon, Mr. Sullivan," said the reporter, "what part you had in the good work?" Simply this: Mr. Egan came to me with the letters genuine and forged the photographs and the opinions of the experts. From these and his own recollection the brief or history was prepared. This so stated and explained the documents that wnerfplaced in chronolog ical order the case was so clear that its clear ness amounted to demonstration. After this was completed my responsibility began, for Mr. Egan said: "You must now take the load on your shoulders. I rely upon' you to select a man who, can be trusted to"crry this safely.' I feel so elated and have unexpectedly accomplished so much that I begin to fear I may make some mistake," and laughingly, he added, "I will hold you responsible for tbe safe delivery of the package?' CHOOSING a. pateiot. I then remembered that Father Dorney had left the city several days before that with a party of priests who were going to Europe.-An inquiry of his father brought the information that the patriotic young priest was still in New York, and that tbe party would sail on the fol lowing Saturday. That settled the question. That name needed no canvassing. No ques tions bad to be asked about his brains,his judg ment, his coniage, his fidelity or his patriotism. He was the man a man to whose keeping one conld safely entrust bis very soul. I said to Mr. Egan: "Father Maurice J. Dorney sails from New York next Saturday. He will carry thenack. age. If he lives the package will be delivered to Laboucbere. If he dies Father .Dnnne will deliver it for him. Nothing bnt tbe sinking of that ship will prevent that package from reach ing cur friends." I willingly bore the responsibility of that se lection. Mr. Egan took the first train to New York, and found Father Dorney awaiting bim in tbe depot, as he had been requested by tele graph to do. He accepted the trust, and, as the world now knows, executed it faithfully. But we spent some anxious hours until we got the cipher message from Domey which meant: I arrived safely and delivered tbe package. Since then, we who know the' facts have been jubilant. But each of us had to flock by himself and celebrate in solitude, fearful that single word might betray onr knowledge. We knew the British Government and the Times were joined in the war. ANXIOUS. 'WAITINO. Letters through the mall would be stolen. We knew that they had bribed a villain- to forge letters,, and that if. they learned his work had become useless, they could bribe other villains to commit some other crimes and charge them upon Parnell in such a man ner and at snch a time as would make it diffi cult if not impossible for him to disproe them. Hence our self-imposed sentences of silenced I think this will undo all the work 'the Times had done. It had succeeded in solidifying Tory sentiment against tbe Irish cause and in frightening a large section of Liberals. When it is shown that Parnell and his associates are the victims of a conspiracy and conspirators so vile that the language is too barren to dpscribe the depth of their in famy, the frightened English Liberals will realize that they have been deceived. Tbey will follow Parnell and Gladstone, and let Ireland govern Ireland. I consider tho complete exposure of the plot to destroy Parnell. the destruction of the last impediment to home rule. It only reauires a general election to end tbe straggle. How long Torys can postpone a general, election remains to be seen. When it is seen we shall know when home rnle for Ireland is to begin. When it does come the Irish nation will owe as much for its coming to Patrick Egan as to any man who ever lived. THE EOBGER'S METHODS. Egan Makes Public the Letters on Which the Frauds Were Based Innocent Epistles Changed Into Dan gerous Documents. Lincoln, Neb., February 27. Mr. Pat rick Egan has made publio a number of the letters on which Richard Pigott founded the clever forgeries which he sold to the London Times, and which, formed the basis of the "Parnellism and. Crime" articles in that paper, leading up to the Parnell-Times Commission and the exposure of the forger, as given in yesterday's dispatches from London. One of the principal forgeries, purporting to have been written to Mr. P. J. Sheridan, was bssed by Pigott upon this letter, pre sumably written to Pigott; Mabch. 11, ISS2. Deas Snt-rAs I understand your letter, which reached me to-day, you cannot act as directed unless I forward "you money by Mon day next. Well, here is 59 more if required. Under existing circumstances what you sug gest wonld not be entertained. I remain, dear sir, yours truly, Patrick Egan. In June, 1881, Pigolt offered to sell out his two papers to Mr. Egan and Mr. Parnell and in the course of the negotiations for the purchase Mr. Egan wrote Pigott as follows; pigott's ingenuity: v Pabis, June 18, 1831.. . Deab SIR Your two letters of 13th and 15th inst. are duly) at hand, and lam also' in receipt of coBuauni&tion frost Mr. ParnoU,Iaf ormlsg NEWABVERTISEXEJrTH ' OLIsT IKE 3DO jCT; MR. C; A. BALPH, W The contractor on the new Masonic building, assuref us that he wiH have the Store Rooms which wei;ai;e to occupy in the Masonic building, and our entire. building in the rear, ready THUBSDAY, MARCH 21, 1889. A good many people, promise. " But the energetic and business like manner in $f which these large buildings have been pushed-to completion in such a short time, lead us to believe - HE CAN DO SO. We WiH therefore (D. V.) open our new store on.:. the old stand with a very handsome and complete .: stock, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1889. Meantime we are selling lots of goods and seH-J ing them very cheap. Come for Closing Out Bar. gains to 531 and 533 Wood street.- CAMPBELL & DICK me that he has acted upon my suggestion and accepted tbe offer contained in your first letter. In fact, I have before me copies of his two let ters to.yon, and I am in a position to say that any request to increase tne amount mmea would not be' entertained, and any hesitation or delay in carrying ont the transfer would lead to tbe breaking off of tbe purchase alto gether. I remain, dear sir, Yours truly. Patrick Egan. The forger twists this letter into the fol lowing shape: - Jnne 18, 188L Deab Sir Your two letters of 12th and 15th inst. are duly at hand, and I am also in receipt of communications from Mr. Parnell, inform ing me that be has acted upon my suggestion and accepted the offer made by B. You had better at once proceed to Dundalk, so that Uieremavbeno time lost. Yours very faithfully, P. Egan. Mr. Parnell wrote Pigott in connection with this same matter of the purchase of the papers, as follows: House or Commons, June 16, 1SSL B. Jflgott. Esq., Dublin: Dear Sir In reply to yours of this date I am sure you will feel that I shall always be anxious to do what I can for you, bnt I conld not consent to one ot the conditions oi tne pur chase being your constant employment urttbe paper. That is a matter which would have to be subject to after arrangement. Yours very truly, Charles 8. Pabneix. METHODS EXPOSED. And out of this letter Pigott manufact ured two letters purporting to be addressed to Mr. Egan, using the same date, with the exception of the last figure in the year, transposing the language and filling out with words traced from other letters. JUJTE 16. 188Z Deab Sir I am sure you will feel that I conld not appear in Parliament in the face ot this thing nnless I con demned it. Our position there is al ways difficult to maintain. It would be unten able but for tbe course we took. That is the truth. I can say no more. Yours very truly. Charles 8. Parnell. JUHe'18, 1882. DEAR SIR I shall always be anxious to have the good will of, your friends, bnt why do they impugn my motives? I conld not consent to the conditions they wonld impose, but I accept the entire responsibility for what we have done. Yours very truly. Charles 8. Parnell. The blackmailing letters which passed between Pigott and Egan, concerning some documents which the former threatened to publish, are also given. These letters were Erinted in The Dispatch of Eebruary 21, aving been received by special cable from London. THE TIMES' PITIFUL PLEA. It Claims to Have Been the Victim of Conspiracy. LoNDOjr, February 28. The Times to day, in a leading editorial, quotes in full the apology tendered by Attorney General "Webster before the Parnell Commission for the publication of the forged letters, and continues: We desire to Indorse, as appropriate every word of the foregoing statement. It is our wish, as It is our duty, to do so. Moreover. Mr. Parnell having in the witness box stated that the letters are forgeries, we accept in every respect the truth of that statement. In these circumstances we deem it right to ex- Eress our regret, most fully and sincerely, at avlng been induced to publish the letters as Mr. Parnell's or to use tbem in evidence against him. This expression of regret includes also the letters falselv attributed to Mr. Egan. Mr. Davitt and Mr. O'Kelly. It is scarcely fitting now to enter into the circumstances under which we received and published tbem. We are bound, however, to point out that Pigott was not tbe person with whom we commnni- Moreover. we must add that we firmly be lieved tbe letters were genuine until the dis closures made by Pigott on cross-examination. It must be evident to all reasonable persons that if a conspiracy existed the Times was vic timized by, and not a party to it. Errors in judgment may have been committed, and for tbem the penalty mnst be paid. It must be clearly understood that what we have dona Is altogether upon onr own motions and onr own responsibility, and in the pnblic interest alone. This withdrawal, of course, refers exclusively to tbe letters obtained from Pigott. The Daily News says: The Times tried to destroy Parnell. Parnell has destroyed tbe Timet. Never again shall any man who respects himself read its bi3c ac cusations without a smile of languid disgust. The Times is no representative of the English press. AVe do not hesitate to say that no other English paper would have been capable of en gaging in the abominable traffic which has led the Times to such abyssmal depths of infamy. WAIFS OP THE WATES. The Czar is expected at Berlin in the course of March. .. BtJMORS are current of a modification of the Italian Cabinet owing to opposition to its finan cial policy. A St, Petersburg, correspondent says that 18,000 Russian troops are being massed on the Afghan frontier. A printer's boy of Vieaba has been sen tenced to six months' imprisonment at hard 1 labor for repeatingstorlea about the late Crown Prince Rudolf. .. It is thought that Pigott la in Paris. He is lodging at an obscure hotel. A retired English .officer was mistaken for Pigott and arrested, much. to his disgust,. The French Government intends to ask the Chamber ot Deputies to postpone until March 7 the discussion on the relations ot the neigh boring Americai) States to the Panama Canal. The German Government is said, to have re- cAtTod iatenntfes Iroa WafeiM - r"& SVS i p. 4& 'Mi so we can open on W(ij, seeing the large amount oflj -r-. -iri r fe23-TTS there is no prospect of the United States com ' plying with the demand fox the prosecution and punishment of Klein. Mr. Gladstone and, Mr. Chamberlain had 'an animated conversation in the Honse .of Commons yesterday. In view of their recent strained relations the fact of their engaging in a friendly talk elicited much comment. The Count of Paris has instructed .Count.'., Dillon to sit with the Central Conservative. , Committee, thus openly espousing Boulanger.. ism. M. Bleenackers has resigned his -seat in . the Chamber of Deputies as a protest against the antt-Boulangist clauses in the Scrutia d'Aroudissement bill. ' " w- Bu?i ia 41A to THE WEATHEB. For Western Penn-yv . tyhania, West Hr-f ' r ginia and Ohio, fair, except lightrainajonf. the lakes; nearly sta tionary temperature, variable winds, ' ia,- Pittsburg. February 3T. 1899. ' 4 The United States Signal Service omcerht this city lurmsnes tne ionowing: Time. Ther. Tnr. 7.-C0A. 31 ;. 41 10:00 A. V l:00r. It 43 40 r.M 41 7--oor. k 10:0O P. It 37 Meantemn 39 . Maximum temp..- 4ii- Minimum temp. . 27 Ranz4 .... S Precipitation. 01 KlreratSr. x., 3.6 Awt. afall of 0.1 feet in eta but 24 hours. 1 Elver Telegrams. rSrXCtAL TXLXG1LUIS TO THZ DISFATCS.1 Brownsville Biver 5 feet and stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 40 at 6 P. JC Morgantown River 4 feet 6 inches and. stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer tSP-'i at 4 p. M. 1 : Warren Biver frozen. Weather cloudy and ' mild. Snow melting away rapidly. . "" Tutt's Pills J. H. ATHEY. a prominent druggist of. Holly Springs, Miss., says: "Your nllla ar doing wonders in this State. The sale of Tutt's Pills exceed ' those of all others combined. They are peculiarly adapted to malarial dis ease!. Our physicians all prescribe them." Sold Everywhere. Office, 41 Murray street. New York. . 'XTSSU '..i Headquarters for Fresh Drugs, Pro- prietory Medicines and Pure Liquorsi'!4r . The Oldest Wholesale and Retail Drug-f House in Pittsburg. One of the secrets of our success is we aim . to treat our customers as we wish to be treated: . ourselves regarding purity and quality of-.-goods. This course makes permanent custom-' . ers, besides we make uniform low prices to alL. . - In our retail department buyers and customers! will find a larger and more complete stock than elsewhere, embracing a full stock of all the old' , and new proprietory preparations of the day. ."v A..1 1........A .f11 ..n. nnl.. awn .nnna,. .nil " ... J1UU UUJC.a ,!.. UU, VUIJ O..IO UU,.b,, WJU bat annoyance by calling on us direct. A'"5i wholesalers we offer big inducements to deal ers. We buy all onr goods through first hands, brokers and the manufacturer. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of Pure Wines and Liquors for 'medicinal pur poses, embracing full lines of ootn foreign and Domestic at prices for the age, ana qual ity ot the goods that is not, and cannot be met, some of which we quote: -"Vjj Whisky, full quarts, Jl 00. or $10 per dozen.' "5rf Overbolt Pure Rye, live years old, full quarts; SI 00, or S10 per dozen. . ,ij.t Finch's Golden Wedding; ten years old, fnuj quarts, $1 25, or S12 per dozen. ,' -f Gin, Pure Holland, our own importation, fnH quarts, 11 25, or S12 per dozen. . Danville's Old Irish Whisky, quart. SI 60,-or 115 per dozen. .. 1 Ramsay's Old Scotch Whisky, distillery -at Islav,41 oO per bottle, full quart. 4 . Wise's Old Irish Wnbky, distillery at -North Mail, CorfcSl 50 per bottle, full quart. rJ&T All of the different varieties of California Wines you purchase from us are tno veryhest and only 60 cts. for full onarts. or $0 00 per aw. Send for complete Price List, mailed freetdl any aaaress. NO MORE C. 0. D.'S; OwlDffto the lata decision of Judge MeSTi hard, of Mercer, Fa., witn reierencetpseaosstfr . Wines or Liquors of any kinds C. O. D- we w have to decline al IX O. D orders in the fst- J ure. Aiioruersior Tie5rjjiwt rT- to be accompanied by the casa, if. draft. JOS. FLEMING & .SOfj.DrfifgJi - flSMarieet street,' riHebmg', sfcM -. r cocd:wMimii.,f W SrT .!," --. .! (ii (' M a 'j . . k i A, . .i .a- - - &i 0 v-'- -,'i-z it" .? . i , w - h'-i ?i'J 1 '?:i r 'j....lisiiKdsnS9BHBH Stei&M t.2&indahk- "&5!2Lii, r4f2B " ' jjjf jSLusMmrailfcLuiS ' 1 ' ii' ii. iiihllTsBBfJMsMssMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers