Page Six THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. June 14 105] whipping p ' HO KNO $1 state has the nickna 1. Are the Hawaiian Island amond oiate? north or south of the Equato { Ihe Answers 2. What is thé population United States? California, an 3. What state led i population wer the 1940 total growth in the 1940-1950 period? + kansa Mississippi, 4. What States lost in population | Dakota, and Oklahoma during the same period? . New York, Chicago 5. What are the largest phit Ss Angeles the United States it for fourth place 6. What is the populatior New 6. T.835000 on April 1, 1950 York City? 7. Rhode Island, 1.214 sq. mi 7. Which | mallest state in| are the Union? 8. Which wa 150,697,361 be admitted to the 9. What on Apri] 1, 1950 FARM CALENDAR Ne}. . | Timely Reminders From The Penn sylvania State College School of Agriculture | | INSPECT WIRING SYSTEM increase of 53.3 | The electrical system In vo hon for on your farm i Nort} it poorest part | Bingham, etension agri Philadel. | 2ineer of the Peni replacing De. | College. He urges | {tion ol wirin AT | fled person Repal in! ment should be made | where needed GROW ASPARAGUS I ' Mary Washington or Mart | ington is a good i {renunds J. ( . . {¢ Advertise-—~the CD for good results ' (ension veget mmend JEWELRY COMPANY I hen the bride whispers ‘I do’ and he promises to ‘love, honor and cherish’, a bridal set seals their vows. For today’s bridegroom, anxious to show the world his love and devotion, is proud to wear his matched wedding band . chosen from the most wonderful collection we've ever had. Won't you come in? See this charming pair so artistically $240 Terms carved in gold Pleasing MUR JEWELRY CO. On The Diamond jellefonte { them in a 100-foc etable leave PLAN THI ire planni of Pain K Did You? SENSATIONAL VALUES IN OUR GIGANTIC JUNE SALES BARGAINS! SPECIALS! DAYS SAVINGS! DOMESTICS HOME FURNISHINGS Stock Up Now! REAL VALUES! Save! Save! LOW PRICES!! 19% VALUE Waffle weave stripe Disheloths. Multi color rach 79% VALUI Fielderest striped 4 ( Turkish Bath Towels "Ox 40 size 00 VALLUY Chenille Bedspreads 3. Full size. Dark and [i 1.39 VALUF Stevens Kitchen Sets f ) ? Dish Towels, 1 Pot Ho'der and Dish Cloth pastels All four Ne We VALUF Fine white Outing Flannel. 27 in. wide $ vids Set 1.00 Gg go go 1.89 Fruit and florals 29 VALUE (N) Cotton Dish Towels { Stripe borders. 4 for Sets, Plain and 1.95 VALUF fh Chenille Bath Mat 1 M YY { florals Ne 7.50 VALUF 19 Foam rubber Pillows b M with zipper muslin cover & REG. 1.95 PURITAN and WAVERLY SLIPCOVER AND DRAPERY FABRICS New Colors and Patterns, Sunfast—Washable, 48 in, wide Plain and print® YERY SPECIAL! 1.00 505 VALUF 295 VALUE 47 Quilted Mattress Ruffled Cotton war. J 5 Pads. 60x76 size quisette Curtains, Mx 50 pr 5.50 New! Clear Plastic - y ¥ Muslin Ironing Mattress Covers with § ., J) Board Covers ca Fit well 1.40 tipper closing. Twin and full sizes Transparent Cotton Shag Rugs. 21x36 size. Rubber. ized backs. [od Stevens Linen Towel. 05 ing. Colored borders. . hevd, cuts, 250 val 5 yards for Fieldcrest Wearwell Muslin Sheets Rix9 size ea 3.25 158 Fieldcrest Wearwell Muslin Pillow Cases pair Giant Fielderest = Beach Towels maser J, J) stripes. 36x72 $2<inch White Muslin Pillow Tubing by the yard, yard DANKS & CO. STATE COLLEGE BELLEFONTE R. Bierly R twp., tax 09 K Walter E Phillips. Burnside B Adi $l Mile REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS twp., tax 05 Richard C. Taylor, ¢. ux, to Ger- | M. Taylor, Benner twp, $1 Allen Hoy, et al exx ard C. Taylor, et ux, Benner twp l Sarah Ellen Gill, et al, iH .H0 Bellefonte boro Gertrude May Crain Hammer, et ux tax $2.20 Nittany Valley Co ther T. Bissey, boro, tax $17.60 irge 1. Seeger Ine, to Lu Howard twp elt ux Philipsburg STARLI DRIVE-IN THEATRE Midway Between State College and Bellefonte on Route 545 ® 4 SITTER PROBLEM—CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE! SHOWSSTARTING AT 845 P.M. NO BARBY WO COMPLETE ADMISSION ADULTS 65¢ each Thursday—June 14th “AT WAR WITH THE ARMY” ng MARTIN LEWIS Aso<SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Friday & Saturday—June 15 & 16 FEATURE) “GOLDEN STALLION” ROY ROGERS DOUBLY Also “SOUTHSIDE 1-1000” & DON DeFORE SANDREA KING Sunday, June 17—Midnight Show ALSO MONDAY & TUESDAYSJUNE 18 & 19 “COPPER CANYON" ¢ RAY MILLAND ¢ HEDY LAMAR AlsoSELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Wednesday & Thursday—June 20 & 21 “DALLAS” ‘In Technicolor) ¢ GARY COOPER ¢ RUTH ROMAN Alo SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS dierly Brown to Frederick H ., lo Rich- Miller to Jodie M to PBC Port Matilda boro et ux, State College Harry C | $1.10 | wil | Robert 1 lax $13.2 rence Twp. 81 M. Iren Belghtol £4 80 M. Gertrude Willian to Ernest Hamer, et ux, College Twp, tax Bh Jay V. Beck, et ux to Bottor{ State College boro, tax $16.50 Harry FP. Hall, et ux, to Michael J, Renaud, et u Bnow Bhoe boro tax $1.10 Ray Brobeck tux. 1 Frank } Bwartz, Sprin tax $1.10 James B. Bw y Fran Twp Workman et ux, walker Tw Legal Notices BIDS WANTED w oD NOTICE BIDS REQUESTED | $1 , e B gh Sch ¢ EST FOR BIDS rd B $c) D t bog EST FOR BIDS B hool Dist tor REQUEST FOR BIDS The Howard Bor school Distr ques has n ciranines ’ 1 tank located | the ding. Bids the Secreta: DST : ation *ill be available from the Secretary after June 20 1851. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bid Donald B., Gardner x26 Secretar EXECUTOR'S NOTICE In the matter of the estate |GEORGE W. SOLT ~ iy | deceased Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted {the said estate are having claims or demands against said estate to present the without delay for attorneys, JOHNSTON & JOHNS. TON. Bellefonte, Pa x2¢ BIDS WANTED os The Potter Township School school Bus rowtes, Routes approximately 80 miles per day each. Sixty «passenger Buses necessary All bids must be for all for routes, All bids must be in the hands of the Secretary by 12 o'clock noon July 18. 1051 The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids POTTER TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD, L. M. Barger, Secretary, x26 Spring Mills, Pa. Breaks Leg In Fall Jailed On Disorderly Charge ' Helen 8. | WANTED TO BUY: Used Lawn Mowers FOR SALE: Reconditioned Used Mowers AGENT FOR JACOBSEN POWER MOWERS ALL MAKES OF HAND AND POWER MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED SWARTZ MACHINE SHOP 120 Dunlop St., Bellefonte Phone 2041 THE ROOF PAINT WITH A 10-YEAR GUARANTEE STOP roOF LEAKS! THE PERMANENT MINERAL RUBBER ROOFING! . . . For Residential or Industrial Use! Resists heat, cold, water and ocids For slate, gravel, metal, composition, felt and shingle roofs APPLY IT YOURSELF or we can apply it for you! Phone BELLEFONTY STATE COLLEGY LEMONT JOHN H. GETZ LEMONT CENTRE COUNTY. PA inte of Burn | side Township, Centre County, Pa | to the | { undersigned, all persons indebted to | requested to | make immediate payment, and those | same | settlement to MILLARD L. S8OLT, Executor, 1675 | | Adelaide Bivd., Akron 5, Ohio, or his | Board solicits bids for four (4) | 56" YOY (HRS (- FOR BEST VALUES “See These Before You Buy” 1950 DODGE Coronet 4-door foaded Red CHEV. Deluxe Styleline Radic and heater. Blue PLYMOUTH 4-door Spec. Deluxe Radio and heater. Light Green CHEV. 4.door Fleetline ‘ Black Radio and heater 1949 1949 1948 1948 PLYMOUTH 2-door Deluxe Radio and heater. Grey FORD ‘8’ 4-door Super Deluxe Radio and heater. Red CHEV. 2-door Stylemaster Rlack OLDS club coupe, 6 cyl. Radio and heater. Blue PONTIAC 2-door, 6 cyl. Radio and heater PLYMOUTH 2-door Radio and heater 1948 1946 Radio and heater 1941 $450 1941 $425 $395 $385 $350 $175 $85 Green 1941 Green CHEV. Spec. Deluxe 2-door Heater, Black DODGE 4-door Heater. Gray 1940 CHEV. 2-door Master 1937 Radio and heater. Green 1937 CHEV. 4-door we PICK-UP TRUCKS 1950 FORD '2-ton Blue. Brand pew 1950 CHEV. V2-ton Blue Like new 1947 1940 $1350 $1195 STUDEBAKER 3;-ton $750 Green. A] condition ALL POST WAR CARS AND TRUCKS CARRY A NEW INSPECTION STICKER AND A 30-DAY GUARANTEE E. L. Harris Used Car Lot Lamar, Po. Phone 287J5 or 287J1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers