RECENT WEDDINGS ps 3 gi | | Tgamoncl 15 June 14, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Seven | | Bur { E. Bishop Street ; Ww H Mrs, B MeCGowar cal ! i : Ab Ty ' g 34 eran cl . rad p : 14 bytes pent the week " nf Ny ) | ‘ ; , ' treet { f ‘ ¢ Mr ana and Mr De Barb Hen Hartman—Boyer 1 a green nylon gown and | ; teiat wre an altar de- | wit A ‘ Wa I dnis " “ety Theodore Hartman and Elizabeth aste Bridesmaids were M) Joan rat vit i 14 ‘ nal $k w. 17 a A 1 p da be 0 ! iri t tt nospital sunday | ——— Boyer, both of State Colle wer ross, Miss Margaret Walte Miss |, ATM andelabrs : Monday ts foal and M venis : Ple. Joh tations Plan Demonstration married in the State College h in Wert Mi Philip Gi And raditional ding music in- | Fi Chila B Arper att graduation | “i . y Yoga ¢ a ow " tow f ¢ Chevroi proauc- odist Church on Saturda enit Mi George J. Smith adit { Vil of Song 0 rst Wid Born eres ’ A 24a a J ; ad wedver ol rived Win ho y With car with an au May 26 rbert Rudy was best man anc ip, v hrotgh the Years” | Mr. and Mrs. Max Hartswick, of : dig Williamsport, spent Ht BE I ; ie : : nission, Keckler Chevy. After a brief weddit ip i he het \ Warren Brindle nd Al slaved bv Roy Houserville, announce the birth of ; Mi nam Ww Gilmore, of | with her mo John Mok with hi parent : te and Mrs. Hartmq now at their | Philip Gr J Willlar cent Cla buch { State College or. |their first child, a daughter, June 8. | Washington ; oved to Belle home, 527 8S. Pug! { State ph Saxion and harl Rud} n { Maxine Barbara welghed 6 pounds, |fonte tly, and are occupying College Mrs. Smith wore a lil nD Wild iward Gingh t Gap, | 12 ounces. Mr Hartswick is the |the norther de of the Charles P n ) FORM \ Gron. | former Barbara Kinley, of College [Smit ( house on Blan i : Corl- Smith ! I . [1 v, rrul and | Height ch rel ! tM Himor M1 Miss ieler tobe nit Hi rose \ i ALLS | became the bi f Kenneth Le i \ e cere rece : a \ : 4 son Born Corl in a ceren i longth Mr. and Mi Ant the Centre Hall } Af hit Hw "oa "5 ij {01 Milesburg, are the June 10. The Re I encer | Al e recept I ar Th na a [thelr sbcond performed the ! thel Hart 4 : \ whi itv a : we born Jun at 2:30 p.m. before tar de Gra § ne : Florence ave aA Cte | pounds ted with vit p Whiteman i ! vv . : Ji the sone The brid wughter { Mr | entertaine ecent Ho 4 ‘ i | Shoe. Mi and Mrs. G. F1 ! 8? hier tha ve’ un 0] MF. Al Hall. Mr. Corl | ‘ ( Fhe bride . tras . ' ry (Of Driftir Corl, of State { { tre H { I " on Precedin the erel M ! ial en ’ mi this . er Son Is Born Shirley Rhoa¢ ff I i ! mpat ) el " -_n inrned | Mr. and Mir harles © played Dot i \ , te ¢ Bible fe : Lewistowl ded "O Truly Given inn George white strand of pearl [ { Peters—Harpster set off the sweethe \ ine ai i nna Margaret H the fitted 2 . ] Me A y ve taffeta carried Announce Birth pointed eve . 1 S31 : I er i renn : ; hay 4 V1 and Mr Jory ¥ and an o fC \ Miss Mar was mal ‘ La fad ~ a | | Countians Enroll in HAD A CALL < fven at the Pa mms Waring Workshop Car nitre YOUR ATTENTION ne as aides were iss EIEunor AL. vole for the Ered Marine 5 B t Penn § | ANNIVERSARY INT IZ 3.51 sat TO THE OPENING OF EL ht 4 : | La JAIN E WARD'S Used (ar Lof Feds wa 2 = Ss hearsal proce | Pears? Suter | AECTAL 3 © tl RAYON 1950 STUDEBAKER (Champion 2-door, radio, heater, overdrive ‘ ' J , Ai ee! f | | Lf £2 : PANTIES 1947 FORD 2-door with heater ¢ . ’ | | re \ 3 19499 CHEVROLET 2-door, radio and heater f ‘ po | . 23¢ : Ae Pets be . f f | Ih 1946 PLYMOUTH id-door, radio and heater 1938 CHEVROLET 5-passenger coupe, radio and heater Reg. 4 - . nt Lan i W ’ | Fvervhody likes this fine | y ; 1938 CHEVROLET 2.door, radio and heater P § ' f the o7 i y bho | C ¢ } alue 1937 CHEVROLET 2-.door, heater nds Molasses flavored | 1935 FORD 2-door, with heater, clean ; n i HH 3° fh ¥ 1 x v i pc ket with templing pea | Hy wood ind band - bot FR TOK $ p encement PAR nut butler HOE Extra Large | Fots' Cotton Training : rich stsies im Emits 1950 WILLYS ton pickup : " A ’ ‘ ! | | rin ed rave made 1949 STUDEBAKER ton pickup \M H oh ! WOOL SPONGE i | th elastic top and double 1935 FORD ton pickup ‘ \ 1 ' oft tat (Ole A | | | teh. All first gqualits 1939 FORD panel : A f OWNED AND OPERATED BY WARD MARKLS Mar) nN ; C | ¢ T34—Phone—603 Pleasant Gap ' e : : : | | . Mother! Pont miss The Quality | Imagine getting extra large wonderful saving . on | | Mediterr non REGA | 1 A anean wool sponges ] {raining pants Ther | i ; ' p : ' r % | ar rice Fhey are made of soft cotton knit | | ine guality sponges and will have a double crotch | Kive lasting wear, Stock up clastic walst, Sizes 2.6 | ] now and save! | p——— Trade In Your Old Refrigerator ~~ | ™% | ir KNIT LATEST REFRIGERATOR VALUE! =o mmr] | PE Tee suis Carol Mae Owens | 47 Is Engaged To Wed < wr | : for & Ke ici ¥ ‘ ’ i hor reves. full cut cot. ug MORE led Third Avenue, State Colge. f th REGAL TISSUES | | CHEWY KISSES ey boy Soft w hii pran vwibhutt " a ——— SO siesta to a c | Tasty, Mavorful c M . | n RKISH be 1 | Kisses are a ton Tate f ; i cleansing tissues ! A Sl M | have many uses ferful treat . | 4 BATH | | 2 a FAMOUS G-£ : Tr = of Sat JOWELS | SPECIAL SPECI AL | ADELE aoono von || 47c : T= Arrested in Mishap | Striped and solid color | | | ; BOYS BRIEFS towels. 20 x 40 inch size ™ : K | : 3 ? $3 ; ‘ x ! Ly Front is of Sanforized ig! ving | ef oe v ” ’ Ns a 4 | broadcloth, printed stripes | EO ly E | dae is of cotton rib knit " ve nada) he cuble crotch, taped seams PER WEEK ; ‘ i ft Ad A Women's Ravon Men's White f ont $1.00 8.3-cu-ft DD Rg Ne MEDICINE 37 gn. | {oom SPACE MAKERNEES] Rogerio psiound | | CABINETS | riday Luxurious rayon fricot ! Men's lInrge stony white | 4 al oi a tics Bellefonte ¢ White baked enamel finish panties in Hollywood brief hankies have wide tir a is ! ] will } ; 4 . ¢ har ried tor: shelves. 11 x 16 x 4'% inch well made with elastic walst hems. They are a rar Py : ” ; gy tabla: Mra and double eroteh . , . dell. gain at this low sale price Atrodi-the-top freezer] th he Ah ha sire eately trimmed with lace, so stock up today, Full-width Chiller! Spacious meat tray! torres 8.54 Aon rom 2 ig 4 fy Butter conditioner! Will Demin ot O pen SAE i $1 77 | PRI f am Mot con- a New Redi-Cube ice trays! inuing il 30 am. Afternoon x X TINWARE New Rolla-Drawers! sions will | rom 1 to'L% . ‘ . \ New aluminum shelves! pn and the evenin perion will AT BIG SAVINGS \ New balanced design! |ruh from 6 to & pm Big-bottie storage! Plan Festival At \ RE ERESIRR x , : J ) Ne / 2 for 37c¢ Famous G-k refrigerating systemi c . Clarence Saturday a Fine quality Ovemex tin. Hurry on down TODAY! Only a few left! | Tie Ciarence Junior tasion Driku ware. Bread pans, 8° round and Bugle Corps will hold a festival WOMEN'S RICH FUDGE TINWARE or square cake pans, cookie SALES AND SERVICE ON GENERAL FLECTRIC APPLIANCES at the Legion home in Clasneg sheets, biscuit pans and an 'y ax y ( ’ . - FOR OVER 25 YEARS Saturday night WHITE Chocolate or van. Ovenex tinware. 2 °F & section muffin pan. Refreshments and entertainment 4 fia fudge with c Pans for ples, are planned. The music will be hy Brazil nuts cakes bread, x ». ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. ©" "= =| | nanosacs FA Democratic Women - $1.23 BELLEFONTE State College Plan Dish Supper . $159 val plus tax “The State College Pedermgd Many smart new styles; Democratic Women's Club will meet washable white plastic, Authorized dealer at the home of Mrs. Dennis Me- Elhattan, of Stormstown, at 6:80 GENERAL @B ELECTRIC PE Set wun wepte ala “carnival of fun” have been planned REFRIGERATORS : Hor, Tht. Stier, Tan DT a take a guest after down wai Ba lm fo | PANTIES KERCHIEFS | | 3 STI VALUE MODEL LF-8 This new G-E Refrigerator gives you 4 more space than most refrigerators now in use occupying the same floor area! It's chock-full of new, practical features that give you everyday conveniences! And, of course, it's dependably G-E! More than 2,700,000 G-E Refrigerators have been in use 10 years or longer! wa » ed through it. Foal el chen co el Bey iB d SARE 8 # eee TT. —- SE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers