Show of Shows: It won't be televised—it will necessary to go down to the high school gym to see the Hobby Fair It's scheduled Friday and Saturday nights State Police Say: The law requires you to have 500 feet vision of the highway ahead, in passing another vehicle when the passing car moves by, or in ad- vance of the vehicle you are passing, bw @he Centre Democvaf BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1951 VOLUME 70. NUMBER 2: 14 PAGES THIS ISSUE rguments On Dam Are Heard Decision to Be Made By Army Engineers on Proposed Flood Control Dam Near Blanch- ard; Howard Delegation Attends. ox $255 000 (XX . * 11 HENCH REVIEWS Hobby Fair, Recreation Falling Rock Kills THOMPSON PLOT Carnival Set This Week Operator At Plant praverounn cou et Joseph Rackoski, 22, of Bellefonte, Dies of Borough Urged to Establish Injuries Received in Fall of Rock at New ark Commission for Super- Lime Development. Joseph Rackoski, 22, of W street, Bellefonte, died night of injuries received was struck on the head by a rock. He was an equipment operator | employed by the Standard Lime and Stone Company at its new develop- ment on the Airport Road The accident occurred about 6:20 p. m. He was taken to the Centre County Hospital the Logan Fire Company ambulance and was pro- nounced dead on arrival there Standard officials said he was op- erating a traxcavator on the mine approach. While working under- ground a quantity of dirt and stone fell and Rackoski was head by a stone that proximately 100 pounds Mrs. Charles Sheckler county coroner expected to plete her investigation yesterda} and indicated no inquest would held Co-workers who viewed the acci- | dent were Dale Rider and Charle Johnsonbaugh, both of Bellefonte R. D. Company officials sald a t bulldozer operator Ww worki the immediate vicinity at the of the accident John A. Rackoski Bellefonte Feb. 18 Nn Of | hama during 4 Anthony and Ann Kohut Rackoski ' =o " ~ 0 His father 1s wife, the forme: © 4 iN Margaret Ps , survive with ti Seeks Nomination | vision of Play Areas Council meet Be Wed Curtin brothers and sister Tuesday Mary, John, and Mrs. Earl Confer | Frank Hench when he all of Bellefonte, and Mrs. Donald Director ht falling , Pettingill of State College m the future disp He was a member of St. John nlaygroun Catholic church of Bellefonte, ar the .. 0. O. M Funeral services will the church at 10 a the Rev. Gilbert ing Burial be made church cemetery The be recited at 8 ppm Friends mav call at the Thursday noon. , Frank, Mis At be held at Friday witi officiat- in the Rosary wil Thursday home m Fremont i ail in wiki FAR DAMAGED KIWANIS TOLD OF TABLE REVEALS ==": corel BY LIGHTNING BLOOD PROGRAM WAGE INCREASES "he com- playground cut. Since the bo . in a i : ve Red Official Explains lellefonte Chamber of Com- Donor Process to Local Club re ( hit on weighed Rn Homer Boone be player (‘ross Pent that Bor ! Commi 0 Electrical Storm Hit Sunday; Hail Stones Reported in County merce Figures Record Park Jumps The Undi Aas 2 wered an Lucas farm about 4:30 old bolt an was born 18290. a County onsiderable wiring box damage in the ated : : va Driver Held ni TV x wert tom Toon = On Charge Of START ROOFING [ser nce. was “nocd *." Manslaughter lect electric —————————————— were torn Sc LIST 42 CLASSES |g” Rg ey CA ON NEW HOSPITAL ini: wz IN HORSE SHOW | Ba Este © ee LILLE IT LITT cv ss Exterior Brickwork in July M 15 Will Benefit Centre County Stages; Coping Stones ; » a” sg Tow + Agi Hospital ! . : Are Placed fire was ng between the wall ¢e Re Johh A. Fassett will Cuntituad Grange Fair Plans For Entertainment = Bt wo pe wmacrsst] (OC Completion move to the Cameron G. M. Fry, program chairman fo rommunity, Wednesday tthe Cirange Pair, 10 be held the addition to his pastorate he last jae wih d week in August. announces that » ’ | ident of the win the” scheduled arma + Mew ated nches Bryn a wo Lonmin ’ It ' rw He i} gp + # plans for fo ; o Veo ceria hi en Stacy : Bey He ph i Reformed Church These slabs will A bast Event and John A. Fasselt igo " Ca a race A " Bathurst Named To Head Lions g Organization James Bathurst was elected pres. | WW estimated six Bellefonte Lions Cigh | Officers of the Pleasant held Thursday night (Slation of the State Pisher ee informat at Exterior brick work on the new Centre County Hospital in last stages and workmen this week were engaged in placing the copin stones on the very top of the wall The coping Indiana limestone matching the window sill When these work on the roof damage In parts storms were ! little rain plaged. Heavy rains. however . were re-| phe ported in the mountains. At Tus. of Centre County accompanied by sociation Weber The show w b the Centre Cour Scene wo r partialit reed { The automobile left the road and time sb filed searing GC G Gren will 4 Tegal c ' Counts the activi will be | rg stones ned over ar win Wis are begin this of the ———————— ! of H Gap Police the he Peace vicinity hail Fol a s 3erend 5 Wri Av WW tice of made The waterpr light con top. Tar © follow el. The roof will guarantee \ building | extend ly inches at + th roof. Br on the penthouse starte Meanwhile trades catch with thick and concrete and and then have a explainec Rev. Carolus Says Mobile Canteens Reactivated Damage Set At $1100 in 2 Accidents a State College Woman Authors [7 xiois ana ihe Fearies by. P73; Sinn ein seven Hl be held at the rear of t Post Article re Seg rimary roup and Youn Chol | 3x 2+ 0" CTRINES June | prox rng barr Smow Shoe Carnival To Begin June 30 Is Candidate and interi icKiayer on room Dn room | local Red announced Pegs entrance wir up. The corne wall Friday The new hospital is stage where visualized ure only one i These windov of the | is better i ( placed on it. Roon serve purposes where necessary. Incl X-ray room Jack H. Yeager On Annual Opera Trip Jack H. Yeager, of Bellefonte, left Department of Defen The Red Cr he went on to s | has been operating a lar club and two small mobile car combina now at itiines can The East expos- facing Willowbank Street the | he Ke teer a ily ha ” each floor Mobile units favored over permanent installations cause of the Muid state of the war Matthew B. Ridgeway ipreme commander in the Far East the approval of soldiers ir for the new clubmobile comforts are few, hi many, and I know I expre his Two Injured In re asked to get in touch with } font * Jonhnsor of Snow Shoe * dea Auto Accidents : ; Hardaway's persona r A Titusville womai Miles Fith the ng with General wreavement tre nw air Parochial School were State Police Checking fire ient a mn Sie were Plans G i ‘Series Of Burglaries © | ans Braduation { Rockview eed wher 13 tel i he sband, Lt f Bris MC. USA Hardaway . . John W Bishop te Oficiate Rt. Ru }. T. Heistand, of risburg. will officiate at confirm 1 service in St. John's Episcopal 7:30 pm. Sunday Reimer, rector, ans the field The oldier her | line John Ww nounced hi the front deprivations AWAY the M. Hardawa ratic nomination 1 MCL {tire And Mr Tuesday for White Plain N. Y.|(teeling that the sight of a clubmo- | Deeds of arriage State College, June it tiga ‘ where he will appear with members | hile will always be welcome and Mr. Mile 1940, and life with Lt. Harda- | glaries, al hich took late [a car operated by 1s of the Matinee Opera Company of | 1s cheering service greatly appre: | town hip near Ju vay before his death In September {f Bis let New York in opera excerpt ated ” General Ridgeway said received his 1060 morning nter He will take By mid-June, the Rev. Carolus | ton township an tograph of Mrs. Hardawaj two acts of stated, 60 clubmobile girls will join | Bellefonte High Sche six which accompany which will be Monday the 20 club workers already in Koreas | studied secretarial The remainder This Is Mr. Yeager's sixth appear. | to staff the rolling canteens which | work at the Altoona Sche young widows ance with the group which is direc- ' will operate at airfields and with merce for two year deceased Army ted by Caroline Beeson Pry (Continued on Page Eight) A farmer since oned in the story wavs taken an active nit Besides the married members of munity affairs. He has been a n an he ‘West Point of 1949 whe ber Centre County Prod their lives in Korea, Mrs. Har- tion and Marketing Committee for | 98%AY points out that 26 members | two vears and was recently named f the class have been Killed in| to the Mobilization committee for | 2ction in Korea, including 5 Alr Force graduates : Graduation exercises of St Parochial School will be id the St. John's Catholic Church E. Bishop Street, 7-30 pan. Priday Sixteen pupils will be presente Msgr William > th Pupils of each of Suffers Dog Bite will be presented Gevie Roberts. 3 ceremonies will close | Beliefonte RD 1. was treated at the by the Rev. Gil- | Centre County Hospital dispensary Assistant pastor | Sunday for a small bite on the face invited | inflicted by a dog e Swal 72 received barrack f both legs if bur when oF and a head Was struck by ren E. Greene Struck near the Boalsburg Road Route 322 State College at pm. Monday, and was taken | the eight grades the Centre County Hospital by | Awards, The passing motorist | with Benediction Two cars were involved in another | Pert C. Fremont accident the Benner Pike hill, | The public is fust outside Bellefonte at 12:30 p.m Tuesday | A operated by David Heller of Harrisburg, attached to the Air | Force clerical school at Penn State | was going toward Bellefonte when Church Rev inced nere at Cc. < re het 7 erie laceration he the ne her ace She was Old diplomas hn Downes, pastof early section of the and the t y al leasant V 8:15 how yard a ossert n to and the Dan Grove used car | ; «la men ! mann and the Antes State College It was the year for both establishments role in “Faust leading the opera presented ir YY years old, of 1 11ed counting t icle coal the the 1 1936 ¢ ha on econd burgian the Prook: Marriage License Business 20th Reunion For BHS Class and Antesy class of the Car Judge Henry Hipple Of ‘31 At Hate-to-leave-it An enjoyable evening commeme- | orating events and incidents of | school days of 20 years ago was | spent at the Titan Metal's “Camp- | Hate-to-Leave-It” on May 19 by the | Bellefonte High School class of 1931. | A program providing fun for all renewing old acquaintances, and re- | calling many happenings and class. room pranks was planned by the committee, and all present seemed to enjoy the entire evening of events The affair was started with a very appetizing chicken and waffle dinner served by the camp's able staff. Immediately following the dinner the program, with Luther Kane acting as toastmaster, was put Into action. First Mrs. Lenore Mar- tine was talled upon to lead the group in singing the “Alma Mater” of the school in 1931. Then an enjoyable time was had by having introductions of all pres. ent by the class members them- selves, giving his or her name, ad- dress, occupation, hobby, size of family, and then introducing his or | | her wife or husband Several letters and cards from those unable to at. tend were read by Robert Ishler In memory of the deceased mem- bers of the original freshman class a roll call was made and then a period of silence was held In mem- ory of those who had passed to the great beyond Several prizes, though small and of insignificant value, yet providing mirth for all, were awarded at this time and were as follows: The one who came the longest distance given to Kenneth Ishler: having the youngest child, Mahlon Mauck; the (Continued on Page Right) | serves as { township school hoard the county He is a member and secretary of the Huston A trustee of the Martha Baptist church and for some time has conducted a Young Peoples Sunday School class there If elected, Mr. Miles pledges full time and interest to that fice.” Local Draft Board Moves To Post Office The office of Local Selective Ser. vice Board No. 44 is now located in the postoffice bullding in Beliefonte The Board reopened its office In Temple Court Bullding Iastysum. mer, Office hours will continue Mon« day through Friday, from 8 am. to noon and 1 to § pan. The office wil) be closed Saturdays. He Is his of « Files Opinion Here Judge Henry Hipple, of the 25th Judicial District, Special Presiding in Centre County, on Thursday { fled an opinion In the estate of Millheim borough, defendant in| George E. Keen, late of Millheim three civil cases, won two verdicts | deceased, in which he dismissed the and the third case did not reach | exceptions which were filed to the trial as Civil Court concluded on | Auditor's Report Friday | The effect was to bar the claim The borough was defendant in| of Maude 8 Keen in the estate of ases involving damages when Main | George E. Keen Street In the community was wide. - ned and repaved Bartley Is Named Tipstaff For Court | Charles Bartley, of E. Howard Millheim Borough Wins Court Verdicts Enter Guilty Plea . On Driving Charge Street, has been appointed tipstaff Charles Van Troba, of Michigan, ' for court, it was announced yester- pleaded guilty to charges of drunk. day, en driving at a special session of He replaces Jacob Hoy, of Thom- County court Monday, as Street, who resigned. Mr. Hoy He was sentenced to spend ten! sald the condition of his eyes made days in jall and pay a $100 fine, | the Move necessary. it hit an embankment wall rolled | over and eame to rest on its wheels fon the opposite side of the highway, | | | Shows Sharp Increase in June Possibility of a banner month for Marriage license applications fol [facing State College. The driver told | Dan Cupid in Centre County was | low [police a tire blew out | Meanwhile, another driver stopped [to see If Heller had been injured | The lights from his car blinded Roy H. Cook, of Milesburg, and his car hit the car which had rolled over | The damage to Cook's car was set | at $300. Police sald Heller's car was A total loss The Air Poree student face and body bruises received Held For Court Jacob Jackson, of Lemont, was released on $300 ball for appearance at the next term of County court, after he was charged with driving while under the Influence of intox- leating liquor at a hearing before Justice of the Peace Ouy OG. Mills in State College Tuesday morning. forecast this week in a check of | marriage license applications Register Harry R. Burd reported | 16 applications issued in the first five days of June. At three-per-day the total for the month would reach 90 Applications always show a sharp increase in June-the traditional wedding month. The record was set here in 1948 with 8 applications. June of 1950, however, saw only 52. In a seldom seen ceremony, a State College couple were married in the Register's Office Monday af ternoon. ‘Squire William Brown, of Bellefonte, performed the ceremony for Rafael H. Brand and Shirley E Ruttenberg, both Penn State stu. dents, Donald E. Crust, Bellefonte and Shirley L. Brown, Aaronsburg. John F. Murphy, State College and Anne M. Dunbar, State College Lester M. Garbrick Jr. Centre Hall and Delores Jean Jodon, Oen- tre Hall Gordon A. Douglas, Boalsburg ang Louise Bohn, State College. Rafael H Brand, State and Shirley E. Ruttenberg, State College Jason C. Stine, Wellesley Hills, Mass, and Martha L. Baltzell, Reno. Clare noe N. Peters, State and Anna M. Harpster, Pennasyl. vania Purnace. Donald E. Stine, Port Matilda RD and Doris M. Barto, Marengo, (Continued on Page Bight)
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