June 14, 1951. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. —_— ~ LOCAL AND PERSONAL | | # "” Page Five CENTRE DEMOCRAT CLASSIFIED ADVERT ING SECTION Dad America's most popular Electric Shaver, Shave- master, for Father's Day at The Electic Supply Co., Bellefonte, Pa —Mr .and Mrs. Benjamin Fike and daughter, Theresa, of Bush Ad- dition, were in Washington, D. C ~Cive recently to spend a few days with relatives. ~Pfc. Robert Whipple returned last Tuesday to his post at Fort Campbell, Ky., after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whip- ple of N. Spring street. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Keeler and family moved Thursday from the Friedman apartments to the eastern side of the Stover double house on | E. Bishop street -Col. and Mrs daughter spent last week his mother, Mrs, Nora Breon in Juliar.. The Bodles drove to Centre county from Texas Mr. and Mrs. Russell and three children of E. High street left Wednesday for, Tucson where they expect to make home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamill of E. Linn street, returned home from Warren, O. Saturday, where they were visiting his brother, William Hamill —~Mr. and Mrs. William Rachau and family moved recently from the Roger apartments on 8S. Spring street to their newly-built home on the Alrport road —Robert Yeager, Mrs. M. W. Yeager John Bodle their on of Mr. and of N. Spring street, left Wednesday for Metuch- | visit his Frank he will and Mrs where Mr en, NJ, uncle and aunt, Caufield —Richard C. Eminhizer returned this week to his duties at Cam; Downes, Great Lakes, Ill, after spending a 12-day leave his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Em- inhizer of Valley View Miss Bette Dodds of N street, left Wednesday for in- definite visit with her grandparent in Tarentum, and also with brother and sister-in-law in Brack enridge. Mrs. Cordelia Johnson 1 last Wednesday to her work at Methodist Home for the Aged Tyrone after an overnight visit with her daughters, Misses Isabel and Hazel Johnson of N. Spring street —Miss Helen Kucas of Half Moon Hill. was on vacation last week from her work in the office of the G. C. Murphy store and has been visiting her brother-in-law and sis- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Battista and family of Reading Miss Sara Bathurst gheny street, and her grandr Mrs. Samuel Wasson 8. street, ft Friday for Harri Mrs. Wasson will spend a week + her two sons and daughter their families while Miss Bat! gt and her cousin, Miss Nancy Wasson are spending a week in Ocean Cit N.J —Mr. and Mrs the f Joseph Baney of W. Logan street, apd Mr. and Mrs, | Vincent Baney of Holt's Hollow visited recently with Mr. and Mr Joseph Baney's son, William Baney at Pine Grove, near Indiantown Gap. They made the trip brate the latter's birthday Baney was recently returned Korea where he saw Arm) -—Mr. and Mrs. Joh: family, of E. Linn Street mother, Mrs. Alice OLean Bishop street, left Priday f York. In Jamaica Mr. an Leary will visit her pare: Mrs. Frank Cox: while in City Mrs. Alice OLean her son-in-law and daugh and Mrs. P. J rmstrong O'Leary returned home 8S 1 back in ten will go pany them all home O'Leary day Sealed bids will be receit property in Milesburg Six-room frame modern. Is landscaped ar Extra lot wit] cat In ideal Owner es the right Inquire P. O. Box 221, Milesburg reser and visiting | | Houser Ariz, | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE See Electric Supply fonte, Pa. for Father's Day Mr Mrs. Charles roth Jr. and family, of E Street, moved recently to home at Spring View, ville Mr Milon P Linn Street, left ir month's visit ind niece, Mrs Jr, in Tucson You Co., Belle- Gifts Ecken- Bishoj their new near Houser- and Walker of Monday night with her Reuben Arizona the Lucky Chest at Bellefonte East for Spangler may have for the Treasure Electric Supply Co More than 45 Prizes areams Roy Witmer on W. High ifter being admitted to tre County Hospital last night. Family members Is recovering nicely Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hazel and son, Michael, returned Thursday t their home on E. Bishop street from a trip by motor to California. Mr and Mrs. Hazel on were gone {a month | The Albany The Pa | | i | of your returned to his Monday Cen- Tuesday report he { home Qt rept wireetl, +} Lie Rev. Nevin E. Schindler of N. Y., visited this office on Monday while he was here to offic- jate at the funeral of Robert A Gingher of Curtin. Mr. Schindler {a native of Milesburg | Mrs. Richard C | Street Baney, of E planned to leave today where she wil Festival to be for Philadelphia attend Music | held Friday night. She | visit her brother-in-law er, Mr. and Mrs the there with will | and l James HofIner | | r 11 ty ¥ ¥ 5 Mi: Ould rie 1 and ds ghter New | York Brock- erhofY is, of the were Mr Water Mrs for- and risburg r oseph DeHaa f Beech filp yilie Tr } Cather Mike and Joseph 13. Anu : these bers of RO staff at the branch: Cecelia Shoemaker vn Ulery. Gertrude Osman, [« and Betty Bloom Larimer mem- loc A ’ My Westinghouse Electric Water Heater gives me water and its all vessss YOU CAN 88 SURE... 17 175 Westinghouse. DOWN PAYMENT 15 MONTHS TO PAY AFTER DeHAAS ELECTRIC almost as much hot 1” COMPANY N. ALLEGHENTY ST, BELLEFONTE nephew | key | See the kitchen — | Sale on Barcalo Summer Furn { iture at The Electric Supply Ce Bellefonte, Pa Mr. and Mi: and two children of apartments spent the Ridgway visiting relative Mr. and Mrs. Michael M genfelter, of Newton Square adelphia, spent the weekend his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M Lingenfelter, of W. 1 1 Street Miss Nina Lamb returne her duties at Bank after a her home on Keith Ande: thi | day to the First Na | tional pent at wWeeK Street Mis View, ha ition at the Penn began her work Ranlo is a graduate of Bellefonte Mr. and Mi of Coatsville with Mr ister, Mi and Pauline Ranio accepted and Kuhlman Street >») iy Philip apartment agara Falls end with ister Mi Howard Stre Mrs i berland, Md week | Additional Locals Page 7 FOR CORONER ob CENTRE COUNTY WILLARD M. NEFF HOWARD, PA, (Pol. Ady.) (Pol, Adv) | abiding yy | render Academy | weekend in| Mon vacation We are a but i ever won anybody peace COWAraGice oi MARKET QUOTATIONS | Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner | & Co., Inc, Flour Mill, Bellefonte Wheat (New) £2 1 Corn 1 Oat | Barley hortage and high « will furni harvest seas Due to the bag the mill not item during Articles For Sale garden tr Want To Sell Your Home? | | Contact MARY M. FAUBLE Real Estate Broker Bellefonte, Pa Phone 474» « + « the letters start. Then many readers of THE CHRIS TIA SCIENCE MONITOR tell the Editor how much they enjoy this daily worldwide newspaper, with such com: ments as: “The Monitor is the most carefully edited news paper in the U. S. .. " “Valuable aid in teach ing . + *News that is complete and jabr . . > “The Monitor surely is a reader's necessity . . " Yon, too, will ind the Monitor informative, with complete world news . . . and as neces sary ss your HOME TOWN paper. Use this coupon for a Special Introductory subscription -3 MONTHS FOR ONLY $3. —l The Christion Sclence Monhor One, Norway 81, Boston 15, Mane, U. 8 A, peal f a ! | | four issues. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or Where advertisements Articles For Sale | FOR ALF y | OF \ LJ paint FOR Shore planos, uning Articles For Sale BALE-—-H. E Pa. wing good Phone 621 Eisenhower, dealer fine ised PlAnos,; FOR ALF I 53 ... Livestock For Sale FOR SALE LOTS — 1.0TS ~~ 10TS Different locations—Call MARY M. FAUBLE Phone Bellefonte 4749 DO YOU HAVE AN ALCOHOLIC PROBLEM? IF SO, WE HAVE THE ANSWER P’. 0. Box 665 State College, Pa, FOI Lat BEB weed vbo, 35 cents each issue for contain more than twenty-five words, one cent & word is charged above minimum rate, | — - Heda Park 7 Mi. East of Bellefonte FREE ENTERTAINMENT SUNDAY, JUNE 17th MIKE KOMAN And His Radio Fun Show Audience Participation Give-Away Afternoon and Evening Shows FREE MOVIES WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY NIGHTS BASEBALL GAME BELLEFONTE va. MILESBURG 2:30 FP. MM ROLLER SKATING WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY & SUNDAY NIGHTS Free Picnic Tables Park Avaliable For Pienios PHONE ZION 2121 KERLIN CHICKS Extra profits can be yours from extra eggs, bigger eggs and larger market birds of better quality that sell et higher prices if you raise our better-bred chicks, They are backed by pener- ations of selective breed. ing for the vital profit fac. tors. Order yours today! L KERLIN FARM LEGHORNS NEW HAMPSHIRES (Phone 52) Centre Hall, Pa. Announcements Grange x43 | WANTED N Used Cars & Trucks —- » ne Bellefonte 2981 ' Real Estate For Sale ¢ Belle! 4774 Work Wanted Insurance NOTICE-H Aer all lines Mm FOR SALE A Roof Paint With a 10-Year Guarantee John H. Getz Sheet Metal Shop Phones Bellefonte and State College Wanted to Buy WANTED Thresher belt, 7 in ft. preferred. John N ile, P ine WANTED TO BUY--11f 1 § have to sell, call Bell Company or Reedsvill Belleville We buy grain Compan 112R11 Repairing Rr ADIO REPAIRS rau C. Blerly's in the same Bring busir SERVICING Keep your Maylag ETiuine parts and service makes of washers and Dweeper brushes re-bristied ns Electric Store, 8. Alle. iy Street. Dial 2086 it Money to Loan THREE : PERCENT INTEREST - life Insurance oolla Iars On loans over hiree and one- one thousand Phone 6725 144 teral Farmers for seed iivestock or I when you fertilizer, feed any other E Stover, Farmers Produc- office Phone 2085 FARM 1OANRS need VOI Milvor on Miscellaneous DEAD BTOCK , Aw Siva od 441¢ Pa moved promptly ¥ expense. Phone L. Smit 1 Bellefonte Milesbhurg REMOVAL of old. dis- ed, ¢ dead cows orses and Rendering Works ne Centre Hall Cap 791 Re. phone oollect bE - | Machine Work MACHINE WORK FOR PROMPT en CA 10 ty il work guar- Keeler's Mack Phone 4254 Sales Mart 3 good Owner -manager FARMERS Publi suction Wednesday All kinds oommission. Thi prices its ever of Nvestox Riegel sold on dairy cow Pennsyl Realtor ick sade It ow ve Milestyure 151 Harry A Notary Public NOTARY PU permita, on tr AIC Learners fers. operators Harry A Phone 4226 FOR RENT 2, 3, 4-Room Apartments Available at Once! MARY M. FAUBLE Broker Bellefonte. Penna. FHONE 4700 LOOKING FOR BARGAINS? Visit Our Used Appliances Show Room RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS RADIOS we $9 Day Guarantee WILSON'S FLECTRONNK SERVICE High St Phone 4282 IR W Bellefonte TRAVEL TICKETS 25¢ a day Fauble Insurance Agency LO.OF. Bide. Bellefonte PHONE 48 STARTED CHICKS BARRED ROCKS NEW HAMPSHIRE WHITE ROCKS 1 week old $14.00 per 10 2 weeks old Sioa = * 3 weeks old $2 " 2¢ per chick more for less than 100. Prices at hatchery % A. F. Hockman 125 W. Bishop St, Bellefonte, Pa. PAINTING CONTRACTOR Exterior or Interior Hand or By Spray BARNS & DAIRY BUILDINGS A SPECIALTY welealer fore LOWE BROTHERS Famous Paint Products ® FREE ESTIMATES @ Harry E. Leightley CENTRE HALL, PA Phone 112
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