: Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. dune W. B. Connell To Be |Shower Held For Father O'Shea Honored At Field Day Miss Shreffler |Is Speaker At Mrs Sue Hipple and Mi Ma Hazzard gave a mi a § DA Initiation bridal shower for their niece Evelyn | Shreffler, at her home Yelvn | Shoe, Thursday { Refreshment many gifts were bride-to-be hose pres Pennsylvania's will visit Penn June 18, to | demonstration and the new live- | stock purchased to improve the | livestock breeding program at Penn State. County Agent L. H. Bull anounces that the following pro- gram has been plam Live stock Day. Evervone welcome to attend. Morning program A. Meet at Beef Cattle Barns campus—-get pro grams from the sound head quarters B. Parade of ney horses C. Carroll Shepherd, will put on demonstration. A box served in Recreation Afternoon, 1:30 creation Hall Penn State Eisenhower { program to honor iar } Jirginis ipple and Connell, Extensior tock : clalist, who Albert Jr, Mr Tour of colle farn { t host ler ‘alker onna and Freddie who wish. After gram folks will cars, assemble Lab and 1 lead proce | m ich i peaker winding up at Farm y ( nte Kiwani “Tut uesday the. college livestock which was not | of 1 hool ceed brought to barns on th anpus for ‘ill trio t an in March and the morning program howed movies taken on the trip | He was introduced Fred Warner ram chalrmail tock breeders on Monday, the sheep live State see dog in i Rev. Thoma | pastor of the Bie sed Cathedral, Altoona, was the er at the initiation dinne: Patrick McArdle, 448, of held in the Penn Belle Tuesday Rey ant Shea, and the served by were received wed for ent were: Mi Womer, Mrs. Helen Hipple Norman and Frankie; Mrs. Marie Hall and Hazel: Mrs. Clara Moore M1 Isabel Shope, Mr John Rus- ell, Mrs. Reba Ramp, Mrs. Lenora Hoover, Mi James Swartz, Mir Elsie Shope, Mi Ann Musser, Mi Edith Gilliland, Mi Sue Hipple Mr. and Mrs. John Shreflle: John Shreffler Si Hipple wes Fae Barbara Kathy Hotel A Gilbert C stor of St Bellefonte Fremont Aassl John's gave the introduced Father spoke on “The ( the Modern World." Louise A. Carpeneto, t introduced Mi retiring regent 9:30 to 12:00 pa church, cation and Shea who Woman Mis mis tre | Rs lleher Dorothy | gave the Jane and introduced Mi Barbara of Tyrone ace Miller, Mi court officer Orrie Conawa Snow the Sheep and on in rl v beef ana College heep Cos ill he Shaflner grand address of Mis trict y Laura ‘enrick Mi: > mn Mi welcome Elsie Se ie deput W wa I Cit Harni i and 23 candidate Lt chol 5 with Mr Ro pre everal Beatty r at the rated Presi all of alle piano with purple Mura Mi Russ Mr. and reti Hears Jeffries Penn Kiwanis State OCcer Belle told Good team 1 he deg 1¢ ni ination in » Knight Those recely Of the ' of didate hall were Mr Dy ¢d Into the co Why? i pr Why it modern novelist for a book something Herald-Courie: velma FATHERS DAY Gift Suggestions Give The Old Boy a Pair of Slippers *1.69 2.99 3.45 *3.99 | We Can Fit Them "Ali in a Pair of — ROMEOS EVERTS FELY or LEATHER a Mrs. Russell Gettig Feted At Shower { Pleas How Ahout a New Pair of Comforfable Shoes! A Size and Shape to Fit Any Foot 499 35.95 °7.95 $0.95 BLACK or BROWN i w T SEE OUR WINDOWS ... THEY 7% Discuss Problems TELL THE STORY PL meet Brown’s Boot Shep BELLEFONTE'S COMPLETE FAMILY SHOE STORE mmm—— TWO DAY SALE! FRIDAY and SATURDAY OUR OWN “BRYSON MAID" First Quality NYLONS 15 and 30 Denier — 51 Gauge Reg. 1.29 Values. 1. 0 0 FRI. and SAT, pair DANKS & CO. State College Bellefonte Parer eter i! Catholl oast Marie who | Also wmore Columbu ir ) sistant Sac! rament spenk- of Court Bellefonte, | last ree invo- | Q'- ‘atholi | Major | commis | In | the Serves In Germany | State | apartments | | | | | Port | post Maj. Wm. Wiley, Jr, Wiley Mr, and Mi Forster Court College | a member of Headquarters 7th Army at Stuttgart, Germany, in charge of | the Operations Branch of the Army | Chemical section, He was reassigned to Army from the Bremerhaven | of Embarkation where he w Chemical officer of State Major William College on of Wiley, 2307 State Jr of Ww, f y a A graduate Colles: school and Penn Wiley May to hi ht Infant high | ¢ State, class of 104) | received his ORC! 1940 at Penn State Chemical Corps | A graduate of | ry Course at | jon addition ervice training Advanced Benning, Gia He fought in Europe with 93d Chemical Mortar Batallion as a company commander urned to the States in 19045 5OTVe t chemical officer of Hq. 1 New York, and returned n 1950 with his family tration officer of of the Euro- Ft the ret to as a Istan Army in to Germany to become the Chemis pean Com i admini al Divis mand Headquarter Army Headquart fon 1 month Samuel Mulbargers To Mark Anniversary WwW all MULOAr- and M Samuel hard street D ANTUIVETrSAar) ’ f Blanc R wedadain extensi fonts 45th Lions Carnival Planned Next Week Bellefonte Garden Club | In Meeting , member tr Bel lefonte Grand Time Reported At Birthday Party James R. Hughes Again Leads ‘P- Rade’ R Hughes of Bell i ti nnual “P- Rade cement exerci J.. Saturda) receive add Yale, 7-6 a member of me ir led Ie a ' d ir- r ing commer Princeton, N office RAW a card Jame Princeton defeat Mr. Hughes, B86 lass of 1885. was the oldest marche member and was awarded of honor Mr the ¥ law ing PASS | the lead position ‘Five Physicians Attend Medical Convention Five Centre County Are attending the annual meeting of the | American Medical Association 0 | Atlantic City N. J.. this week They are Dr. Joseph Parrish Paul Corman and Dr. William Schwartz, all of Bellefonte, and Dr H. T. Dale and Dr. William Welch both of State College doctors Dr Co. Highway Branch Wins Safety Trophy Centre County won the National Safety Council's trophy for the best safety record in the Pennsylvania | Department of Highways for 1050, | it was announced yesterday Aaron D. Leitzell, county super intendent, Issued his thanks to motorists in observing caution signs in areas where men were working This factor contributed to the sward, he pointed out Walker Clan Set Reunion The third annua: reunion of the William C. and Eliza Walka clan will be held at Grange Park In Centre Hall, June 30, members of | bus em {INK Cr a gamblin opportunity ¢ | pleaded conduct toy T man Five Local Girls Hurt In Mishap | Five Bellefonte Arrests Made In State College On Gambling were and five participating cards, were conduct girls were injured’ slightly when their car overturned [ on Route 322 near Carson's service | placed | Station at § p.m. Wednesday other The operator of the sedan in | Miss Patricia Ann Bchad, 16 ar- | passengers were Patricia Dunlap, 16; | charg- | Patricia King, 16; Patricia Smead, { 17, and Faye 8axion, 16 | Jumes Harris, the pwnes of af All received body bruises and Miss | place 8. Allen Street |Bmead suffered a lacerated arm State College released on $500 | They were treated by a State Col- bail for his appearance at the next | lege physician y | Ser Of County. coun Bier 3 heat - The driver told State Police who before Justice of the Peace Mills last Wednesday afte investigated that she lost control as He W charged with | the car went onto the berm on the i : es | right side of the highway, traveling “common gambler and establis) toward State College | ; place.” He will be Damage to the car was to enter a plea at $350 morning | charge: man Gambling Against one men, charged with the same game of sted on disorderly in State College was | The on Was Guy moon as being a ng given estimated aL court | Monday Al the time four men guilty the disorderly Grange Fair May Have charges ang oe Horse Pulling Test pay a $2 fine and $6.50 in cost | were Pete Bolo Raryy ay if - | horse pulling contest Myron Goldstone, al enn . fc the » up for the ur and Harry Charbin Hin August, committee member: ( Indicated this week A sufficient number of entrie burgh Margerum o| the deciding holding contest same 84) order it ey may be annual Grange Fal Pitt be factor the in County uch act owner in Centre interested in entering are instructed Way. Bellefonte phone Zion 1021. Entries made by June 20 Purther details Team who are a contest Charles to cont RD 2 should erted that all - Of )", “i be poKer Harri ving on gar place will be announced The Chinese Reds, it seems not quite hot they wer December harger » Was polic ie played 1 that are RIC as e in pm. Tuesday and tha had $100 In winnings Chief of Police John the st and information Fathers’ Day Gifts “Everything to Make His Day Complete” investigation Coleman Camp Stoves Glass Rods Evinrude Motors Flies Guns SE I LRA RER REE RRR 2 AAR RRR RRR REE RRR AL REE RRR REE ARA R222 RRR ELL) Automatic Reels Horseshoes Fishing Apparel Cameras SAM POORMAN'S SPORT CENTRE BY THE BRIDGE IN BELLEFONTE Week-End Specials Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 15 and 16 CHILDREN'S SEERSUCKER or GAB. OVERALLS, {to 8 CHILDREN'S SUMMER BONNETS, Reg. $1.98 CHILDREN'S SUNSUITS, 1 0 6 GIRLS SUNBACK DRESSES, 7 to 14. Reg. to 83.95 BATHING SUITS, 4 toe 14 CHILDREN'S SEERSUCKER FP. 1's (1 to 4, 3-pe, 4d to 8 1l-pec.) GIRLS * BELLEFONTE * FRIDAY —- SATURDAY —- MONDAY SWAGGERING STORY OF OME OF THE GREATEST FIGHTING UNITS IN MILITARY HISTORY! THEY SHOOT THE WORKS with LEAD and LAUGHTER! VAN JOHNSON De ond THE HERDES or rae ; b 7 442n REGIMENTAL COMBAT TEAM — TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — THE STORY OF A MAN'S GREAT COMEBACK! THE REAL-LIFE ADVENTURE OF BEN HOGAN! GLENN ANNE FORD - BAXTER RED EOUN we Dennis O'Keefe - Thurs. & Fri—"1 CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE" RRARRRRRARARARRAAAAAAANALLARARARAANARANARRRANAAARARRRRARANANRRRARNARRRRARRRRRRR RARRARRARRARRRRRRRRARRRARRNANARARRRRARRARR soot SERB EIEERERBER BARRERA RER RE RESS SEER RRRRE * BELLEFONTE 5 tl Saturdays 2 to ll Pp. m. THURSDAY —- FRIDAY —- SATURDAY on! SUSANNA THE BLACK MILLS OF DAKOTA RING WITH THE WAR-CRY OF THE SIOUX... FCHO WITH THE SHARP REPORT OF BLAZING GUNS! CL — oe Rodman Cameron - Adrian Booth - Chill Wills BOYS SPORT SOX. Reg. 35¢ BOYS BATHING TRUNKS, Satin twill, Yellow, Blue, Maroon, Grey BOYS FINE QUALITY GABARDINE SUITS, Size 6 to 11. Just like dad's! Reg. $15.95 Just Arrived! PLAYTEX DRYPER Sanitary, snow white Diaper Pads FLUSH AWAY LIKE TISSUE Use only once, then “WORKMAN'S" (dark) ur Matched Pants and Shirts by ANVIL BRAND" in tan, grey and forest jackets to match MEN-""" and green. Zipper ALSO-Dark blue shop aprons with breast “mike” and scale pockets. SAFETY TOE and WORK SHOES by Endicott Johnson ONE ODD LOT MEN'S GABARDINE PANTS. Reg. to 8685 53.9% SPECIAL—SATURDAY, 16th ONLY BOYS TRIPLE STITCHED, 80x, DUNGAREES 6 to 18 — Reg. $1.98 — Saturday Only! $1.69 KARL'S Clothing Store IN MILESBURG NO PARKING PROBLEMS OPEN TILL 0:00 PF. M. the committee have announced. MONDAY giatell]: 11 You see bole vou but hardly dare believe transbor mation take place » man chang ing ato & werewoll' EDGAR ALLAN POE'S CLASSIC OF a terrsd rasnien Maris MONTEZ Patric KNOWLES febe LITHL Cowart WORN Lievd PERRIGAN TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY She Snares the Man Her Best Friend Loves | With Kiss . . . With Cunning . . Lizabeth SCOTT « Dennis O'KEEFE « Jane GREER “THE COMPANY SHE KEEPS” alsoMarie Macdonald—in—"“HIT PARADE OF 1851" « With Claw!
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