Page Six THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. 34 Attend Meeting bring clean clothing to the post! recent installation Past President’ Recent Weddings tt —————————————— Of YFW ili | nome or call Mrs. J. L. Blackford,' Alma C. Chandler was installed as | . ROR | -_ th weetin nd Auxi ary {| phone 2596 | condu tress at hi meeting ' and Cassidy—FEveritt Thirty-four member of the Belle-! On May 10, the Auxiliary pres- | pre sented with a past president fQnte auxiliary to the Veterans of [ented a flag and pole to the school pin and life membership in the y given | VFW National home at Eaton Ra- Came Foreign Wars attended the meet-| at Clarence Treats will be YE Saag hoa i ly ing at the post home last Tuesday. ! to 69 children at the school pic Mich Cy Ae A 1» President Mabel Stine presided. | It was announced that the week-| It was announced that poppies a an qo Hal, Sia Apr It was voted to give $25 to a!ly card parties held at the post Will be sold Saturday May 19. The : vy ho us hin Sd put: needy veteran's family, and $5 to home wednesdays have been Suge children who help will be 5 rved SE 3 | i GY | the Altoona V. A hospital for a cessful. Bridge, "500" and canasta lunch and given theater ticket#. in he Ci a daughter of 32 | twilight memorial service, May 30.!anrve played and refreshments are Next meeting will be May 22°at wd Mi Donald R Everitt of 9 "The auxiliary will pack a box to | served, The proceeds are used for ; 8 p.m Nw goth Street, Mi ami. former] of | be sent to needy in Korea. Members hospital rehabilitation work ! es o Mord WE emer y interested in helping are asked fo! Due to her lines during the, New Finishes For Escorted by her father, the bride v eremmpeeee. | : H wore a street length dress of whit He isiu——m——— . Fabrics Are Listed | lace with a taffeta cap. White cag- | i; 3 i New textile finishes give : A of | textures or surface treatments to formed her DOUGUS mixture Mi Margaret Eillingsley, of Miss Barbara Ann Everitt he the bride of Michael Jame different nations surrounding a white orchid Ld cotton ynthetics and ] S T A R [ | T E of fibers, reports Miss Helen 8. But- | Miami, was mald of honor. She . ler, home economics extension rep- | chose a pink shantung frock and IVES e rea edslire resentative of Centre counts at. Wore a lace ca She carried a ton can be made to heem like wool hosegay ol turquoise carnation ze silk, or linen to the eye or to the James Shaw, ui te” of e- - touch groom, ser as best f ran pening 0 ur Over 400 of t T H E A T R E already been possibilities are almost Midway Between State College and Bellefonte i longer is it nec 11 No | trip through th st i i101 v to eave nat. They are now at home at 775-A | “AN 1 3 : si Jd ISR 0 "y [4 at Y ‘1! on Route 545 terns into cloth NW 67th St Miami " Crease-resistant finishe ar ine. \ id creasing and are now being used for Watson—Chadwell {rayon and linen as well as for cot n a candlelight ceremony at the NO BABY SITTER PROBLEM—CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE! ton. Some of these finishes provide ' hom of rand Mrs. Samuel TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT-7:00 & 5:00 P. M, crush resistance while others are Jon f Albuquerque. N.M durable crease resistant. Usually ¢ j »arl Chadwell became the ADMISSION : .. ADULTS 63c each label is attached that describes bride of Ambrose M. Watson, lor- p— what may be expected of the finish riy of Snow Shoe | Shrinkage control has been devel The Rev. Russell Goff officiate Thursday—May 17th Jove for cottons satus smd wack. | ole fvdle 1s We dumpiner, of ’ | The finish may be 100 per cen it may guarantee the I'l “" { within one or two per cel gy son, of Sn | 9 Broken Arrow (A water repellent finish may be | Mrs. Samuel Jones. of Albuquer We sincerely hope that you will make it a point to stop in and (Technicolor) after eal h dry cleaning ; r laund r- ne a n of Mr and. Mi larry + . JIMMY STEWART and DEBRA PAGET Ing. Titec fuiishes nave beer; devel. (Jones. of Bellefonte, Wis DIS Ian. inspect Centre County's Newest Business. \lso—SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS syntheti the c “was held at the Jones A starchle finish for cottor home, after the ceremot - : flame retardants, and moth-proof- | Mrs. Watsor a Haves at tiv ing have been improved j dr nic rque. Mt w : Friday & Saturday—May 18 & 19 ink have been improved. | Widney Clinic, Aludteraue Mr For years we have pleased the many thousands of people who (Double Feature) join, gives ai insulating qualiv, high: school wid was in the Asm have patronized us. It will be our aim to please you in the “DOWN DAKOTA WAY” without welght or bulk Tt is Nght, years on the tland of Guam, doin future. Crisp, porous, and wears wie ¥ ROY ROGERS es Rig May Pageant To Be | Presented at Laurelton home at 58 Neva Drive, Albuquer- “LUCKY LOSERS" ie Hage Come wit om 30” a 1]; REST Al ANT . THE BOWERY BOYS [theme of the May page nt at th . Laurelton State Village { May Mindoy & Tusstey—Mey 21422 | IAT S00 | SEU Sea Foods Roasls Luncheon “Break Through” iy aby ET |, Danaher vor iden ‘ pi i eo TER TLE EE Spaghetti Chops Plaffers Also—SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS and other horal nu ‘ " " hap . & Aap A+ . he presentatior ect Hospital. Arlington, Va. Mr. Higdor Home-Made Wednesday & Thursdoy—May 23 & 24 || |” “ru ar Sule Steaks Sandwiches Pies, ef. Parkhills Are Parents 1" of " lS AD eh Sestet iy aie = hills Are Parent Born Yesterday A ewer, "hen 8 rand ars W. H. Park JUDY HOLIDAY and BOB CRAWFORD ill " bank Str 't No mn vr eh Ri I ™ " ND Our Delicatessen will be the most complete in Centre County. Your Party or Also—SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS | resulted Parkhill is the former Jane Lepl Picnic can be completely supplied from our complete stock of Gee pi daughter of Mr. and M Williar lu CD for good results MA Lh y ny 8. Atherton Stree! SALADS COLD FRIED i EN COLD MEATS CHICKEN SHAFFER STORES COMPANY E : 3 i CHEESE of every HOME-MADE PIES 59 STORES AND SUPERMARKETS SERVING CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA . . description FRESH COFFEE, etc. PENN ALTO MILK tall can 14¢ PENN ALTO Daugnter lov delle | These are only a few of many picnic or party needs that we Penn Alte Sliced \M ‘ F PINEAPPLE _ No. 2" can 38¢ COFFEE | Linn street, announce the birth offer for your enjoyment. Penn Alte Halves PEACHES No. 2V2 can 3c woe SOC | 0 ‘Deviran Deas weighed § PENN ALTO SYRUP 42 ox. 37c¢ | ucation instructor and hea FLELOT Penn Altec PNUT BUTTER Ib. jar 39 GRANULATED AR BUESTION THE FOLLOWING BELLEFONTE BUSINESS PLACES HELPED MAKE OUR PENN ALTO TEA BAGS-16's . 16¢ SUGAR GRAND OPENING A SUCCESS: By Ed. W. Mitchell, Farm Adviser SHAFFER SPEC. COFFEE Ib. ba 80¢ General Electric Station WG ’ Penn Alto g 19-1h. bag 95¢ 43 oy id ge Ye : nt i BRACHBILL S CLASTER’S ROYER MUSIC EC). CREAM CORN . ‘ tall can 16¢ {1 i! ees, ] have read | vor six ! Floor Covering and Buildine Su yolie: A A oir Ins talla : BIG BOY BEANS No. 5 can 35¢ FILL THOSE SOCKETS WITH UAT would plant dwarf fruit tre Furniture oh Si RR Sg fghon CAMPBELL TOMATO SOUP . . 1l¢ G. E. GLOBE t least fifteen feet apan and twes. PINK SALMON tall can 64c TR Len ea $ Bellefonte, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. € vu i OS Bs Se rr pte ELECTRIC SUPPLY BEN HAUPT gt Samrat ey || JOSEPHIC MAZEL ercerrico Eosioment. Conese) Contac HOME DRESSED MEATS—Direct From the Meat Plant at Tyrone Q Te there any spray or of Plumbing Supplies ’ treatment to destroy poison i Bellefonte Pa. Pork Shoulder Steak 7c | | EE rn, sellefonte, Po. Si or ou er tea g C foliage Dire tion are on each pe el AZe Pork Shoulder Roasts === wu 42¢ i ot Ta R. C. HEVERLY DOOR PRIZES ON OPENING DAY the siding feels wet to the toucl ‘ fi6y KELLOGG PEP FLAKES 17¢ » NuMAID MARGARINE Ib. 35¢ 14 , Sugar cured } What Is the trouble, and how can ; Sliced Bacon + Wo pir Conditioning FAVORS ZR LADIZS 15 GENTLEMEN A The warm, moist alr condenses vhe t hits the cold siding and the Meat Loaves Plan - Cheese - Pimento ; mol ture works through the wood Bellefonte, Pa. and pushes off the paint. The rem- ey is to put a “moisture-seal” on Minced Luncheon Sliced for sandwiches the inside wall over or under the wall paper and, if possible, use in- sulation in the walls | enn to ar Pure open settle rendered 2-1b. phe 44c Q How should I prune and spray my young fruit trees? | A Prune only enough to shape a good, main frame and spray every SKINLESS HADDOCK-ready to fry Ib 45¢ week or two with lead and sulphur ig ubhadig . to protect from insects and scab Q How can 7 take stains off a bath " . ' tub? NABISCO | COLONIAL SUNSHINE A Try oxalle acid solution, or al RITZ CRACKERS | PECAN CRUNCH | Hi-HO CRACKERS ' [ mukture of vhtgar, ‘aman's, am, Ib. pkg. 36¢ 10%2 oz. 46¢ | Ib. pk. 34¢c EVALUATE DAIRY SIRES Arti. | | ficial breeding associations In Penn. sylvania are conducting bull evalu-! Maney’s Flour .. 25 Ib. $1.77 CERTIFIED SEED ston” surveys sccondina to, Cio | Hall, extension dairy specialist .? rrr ine BA Teel co Ff “The Food Center of Centre County” in evaluating the sires used in! Fuse Plugs each 7c breeding BELLEFONTE, PA. | ———— —- People who shout about individual CASH AND CARRY PRICES WITH NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE for DELIVERY rights often forget that the Con. stitution talks about the general wellare — Sl —— —— —
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