May 17, 1961 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five LOCAL AND PERSONAL J | CENTRE DEMOCRAT CLASSITIED ADVERTISING SECTION and moved on apari- Mrs. Mary Stathes daugh adie ters, Alice and Betty Thursday from the Academy ments State College Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Tressle: and daughter, of Houserville, moved to Bellefonte t the Thal k : napik . a m N. Thomas Stree it St. Michael's Colles Mrs. J. G reixel. of | Canada sendin Street, spent the weeke: acation the home Mother Mrs, Andrew Weixel's Moon Terrace Mr Carl Gray, pent Mother's parents, Mrs High Street, and Ward, of E. Curtin You Cleaner will like with di the new the Throw-a- appears like ma- demonstration at Co.. Belle- to Supply recently apartment Dr Linn in Pittsburgh visit with Dr family Cpl Hamilton fonte recently with hi Steve E. Beaver May 28 report to Camp Kilmer, N Mr. and Mrs, W two children returned early er ay v Kend with week to their home after spending parents . Mr 1, of W. Curtin Miss Shirley Brown of the senior class of Training School at Hospital, Philadelphia fonte recently for a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy of the Petrikin apartments John Curtin, of Lan to Bellefonte, Thur with his father Ww Street urday panied Lansdale -Mr. and and son Michael of E left on a m Californi Enrout in Dall =x., tor and the ummet Par- Knapik Ww {or a moth of Carmen Worrick, NY. arrived in ’ 3 Yu. oy ru to spend a furlou Ary rad LYN ] { Worri thelr Street the her of Moth- mother Thomas accompanied where she ex- six weeks of Ca- sterday by Hahnamann Phoenix, was in Bel 17 nu ! 1 will attend with her, the graduation of his son, Patrick, Brow from 1) I Arizona. He June | of her and last tzel several and Mt: Street me about menibe the Nur ye ‘ for Reynold thi nter dale, came Eckel, day rr { isi home John Cu 1 . of | < er in he wi on inn in Bisho motor her snd brother Mr Sprin mth's they in-law, Mr. and Mr Harvey W. Rabert, of E Street, left Sunday r Bill Mont, he aged sister, Mrs is very ill at the Rabert ¢ time Alle- where hiladelphia Ida Mu presen County member of on 8S. Spring time ago Miss Corman kin apartment -Gentlemen Miss Jacqu Dav acteviti class. Mr and sons to weekend > ire staying with Mr Mr. and Mrs. John Street. Bat Strategie and Mrs. Robert Woodring °° : of E. Howard Stree, pla: { Burnside Pp tip tomorrow for Marietta, ( § where they will attend the wedd mmane f ’ } i 4 ’ 1 ¢ hap leave : : ne heir McEntire Fr place a Lut muniity ily. They exp Col., to see burg fonte, both with the Air They will fornia Thoma } { Pullman, Wash. Until Jar this I'homas Rosen! proprietor i a SIvice tation ! { 1 nd ust the Wh Street and p a } } return | University of whingt t Pu { ' . nint alifornia. for man and Force pend recently | gb AzZier | i) Korea. He ith the 7th fe froin ~ » 4 ! me before visith . her : 2 v ful with veter- erved In- recentl Year Gee whiz... | wish that Westinghouse Electric Water Heater would run out of Hot water just once wens YOU CAN 88 SURE..1F ITs Westinghouse... 15 MONTHS TO PAY AFTER DOWN PAYMENT DeHAAS ELECTRIC COMPANY student | in Toronto, Day | Farrow, of | | FOR SALE lle building on : et tot intry. At the |, L at The Electric Bellefonte, Pa, * Mr and Mrs. E {| of Clearfield, were In | Tuesday on a busine trip, and while here at this office Miss Marion | Bishop Street, | from New Milliford | she spent the winter the Arthur J. Brown T. V. Marshall Linden, Pa. were in Saturday on a business an ure trip. While here visitors this office Kennedy, of Pleasant Scranton, returned on | Top values in Barcale Summer furniture Supply i Co.. H. Daugherty Bellefonte on plea und it were caller McCulley returned recently months with family and wife Bellefonte of on they were | pleasant at Mrs. Bert { Mount, near | Sunday to her home after a {end visit with her brother-in and sister, Mr. and Mr: C. Ros | Buller, of E. Linn Street Work was completed on the repainting of the | tains on the lawn of County court house other figures on the out more sharply maintenance Major Jarraclough at the Arthur on E. Linn Tuesday to AFB at Day 1ICIOUgn Ww week “law foun the Centre Flowers anc fou ! much and Mr: ton where Ma) 0 Jar t Mr ranit and Mrs Sr of FE MARKET QUOTATIONS Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner & Co, Ine, Flour Mill, Bellefonte $2 Wheat (New) <0 Corn Ont Barley Due { bag FOR SALE M. Quay size Prigidaire electri double door 840 Thor Boder erator ondition tatiom Bellefonte. R DDORite D3 FOR SALE FOR BALE wathing gh ot om widths tate Oollm FOR SALE Mod COTY eld Pe ander, 131 ege. Phone College 2752 FOR SALE cultivator lition. Also Vow de . M combines llege, Pa James J Markle FOR SALE--R C ters adding machines 3 Titers, flat top desks Can anced. All new merchandise C. Bierly, Reberaburg. Phone Miliheim Palmer 13202 x22 FOR SALE 7% hp motor oom. Very OF single phase for 220 or 440 volta plate with magnetic starter rood condition Price reasonable Phone State College 6043 J Kenneth Walker, State College. RB. D1 x2 steel hot oll or stokes FOR SALE New Spencer water or steam boller fired, tankless water heating ool) somplete with jacket Btill in ship- ning crate. Size: 15000 BTU No. C 00 Phone Pleasant Gap 040. R. 1. Brooks Pleasant Gap x20 FOR SALE-~We have in stock a come niete line of New ldea power take. off mowers, hay loaders, aide rakes Yale elevators, and corn plokers. Also + few good used machines If In need of any of this equioment see us while our stock is commisrte. Cleve H. Bun. gard, Spring Mills, Pa x29 ———— FOR SALE A Roof Paint With a 10-Year Guarantee John H. Getz Sheet Metal Shop Phones: Bellefonte and State College N. ALLEGHMENY STREET where | 30 | FOR SALE-—Large coal furnace. Phone Hugs issues, Toner A we 4316 four ( Articles For Sale | | [| one baby FOI REN] ie city FOR fea f ” SALE 1111 in FOR BALE--H. E. Elsenhower, Jersey Shore, Pa. 1 fine spinet planos, also good play tuning. Phone 621 tractors equipmer Leach t Loapien a4 FOR SALE line Ferguson of Ferguson ine Ferguson parts. pment Belleville Belleville, Pa. Phone POR SALE-—Emulsified gor plas for painting, creosoting, « “113 LE dusting road sylvania Gas 2411 Jil Company, POR SALE-—-Roofing and siding On Shingles, Asbestos and Asphalt Free estimates-—easy terms lerling Roofing Company, 330 West Fifth Avenue, Clearfield, Pa. PFhone 5-058] 1¢1 rev ’ a a5 POR B8ALF-—Ford tractors accessories. Service at our farm. Come in and Iractor Sales, Hormtown t Gap Phone Pleasant parts and shop or re us Road on your aM canan now. Good seed oOTH Place your Fajr I Boalsburg, Pa Phone 453. ot ic D Thompson Howard Pe 2) DeKalh Hybred ee 5 8 o order = FOR SALE LOTS LOTS Different locations—Call MARY M. FAUBLF Phone Bellefonte 4749 LOTS SERVICES -8idin brick and stone applied types. All kinds estimates Ken Bellefonte g. insulation } Roofing of all spouting work. Free Teaman, Oeneral Cor Pa. Phone 3553 44 tractor Real Estate For Sale I I Want To Sell Your “It's Chick Time" Home? Contact MARY M. FAUBLF Real Estate Broker Bellefonte, Pa Phone 4749 CANDIDATES and all ethers interested in You Just Can't Go Wrong With Our Lasger, Faster Growing NICHOLS STRAIN New Hampshire Chix Babeock Strain Pedigree Sired World Egg Record WHITE LEGHORNS Quality Printing and The Union Label Large Type Birds and Plenty More Egg» WHITE ROCKS “All breeders carefully bloodtested” Poultry and Chick Equipment and Remedies Hatching The Year Round Patronize . CENTRE DEMOCRAT Bellefonte KEYSTONE GAZETTE Bellefonte NITTANY PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO, State College This advertisement sponsored by State College Typographical Ungion No. 989 PRICES VERY REASONABLE Mountain Range Hatchery PFA SALONA, Phone Mill Hall 82-73 ce —————— —— { ent Central wk w FARMERS M0 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or .«s, 36 cents each issue for Where advertisements contain more than twenty-five words, me cent a word is charged above minimum rate Help Wanted Marrie inesday All kinds { ilvestock on commission. This && the larg cow and horse market Pennsylvania. Belleville Live. farket Belleville, Pa. J i dairy in Ine Clinton Auction offers You an op- of your livestock wiitive Didding in heck as No sale, nc 190 Hal re ay ¢ ’ Milesburg Realtor Harry A ative, Mllesburg 111 KERLIN CHICKS Extra profits can be yours from extra eggs, bigger eggs and larger market birds of better quality that sell at higher prices if you raise our betrer-bred chicks, They are backed by gener- ations of selective breed: ing for the vital profit fac. tors. Order yours today! L KERLIN FARM LEGHORNS NEW HAMPSHIRES (Phone 52) Announcements FESIIVAL--Nit Runge Hal SPREADING ne and alfalf new type sower » AAA cas? Bellefonte R one Pleasant VES MARTIN STEEL BROODER HOUSES Sanitary, Insulated, Well-Ven- tilated—houses your chicks will live in! 12 ft. and 17 ft in diameter Fire-Proof — Rodent Proof IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Franklin Musser SPRING MILLIS. R. DD. 2 Phone Millheim 12-R-12 Wanted to Buy WANTED ~+Jo r. Rut Y. Hoste Deere power und er Heer WANTED 1 Cu fo WANTED TO BUY have to sell Mills Compan or Company. Bel ile 112K11. We buy gr If 1 call Bellevill Beeodsville H2R2 he year Milling Haeedny romana 144 141 Repairing REPAIRS -— Bri C. Bler washers and Bweeper brushes re-bLristied Owens Electric Btore, B. Alle. Street. Dial 20086 EWEETHTE R K gheny Money to Loan On over PERCENT INTEREST. Iran wllate ioans hree and one- ne thousand ingate, Phone 6725 144 LOANS--Purmers, when you ev for seed, fertiiier. ¢ Parte vests PEE a Miscellaneous - Removed expense. Phone lioyd DEAD BTOCK Call yw yt promptly da Machine Work MACHINE ine WORK wor eners) Electric repaired. All work guar Boy Ww Eeeler's Machine Aas Tee Phone 4254 or! wel CIWETs Wiiesh wers aalie work e in stock et NOTES ele elec. arta Phone BCTEWS ELOCR we efonte Tis & Pa P. Be For Rent Notary NOTARY Public Learners Dare ne 4226 PUBLIC permits ali tra fe Py Rossmar Tee FOR RENT 2, 3, 4Room Apartments Available at Once! MARY M. FAUBLF Broker Bellefonte, Penna PHONE 4748 BUILDING CONTRACTOR 20 Years Experience Construction of Modern Homes Also Remodeling Meyer C. Brungart Rebersburg. Pa Phone Millheim 132RS (PHILCO RADIO AND TELEVISION Headquarters AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALER WILSON’'S Electronic Service 218 W. High St Phone 4282 BELLEFONTE, PA. TRAVEL TICKETS 25¢ a day Fauble Insurance . Agency LO.OF. Bidg. Bellefonte FHONE 700 STARTED CHICKS BARRED ROCKS NEW HAMPSHIRE old od per chick more for less than . Prices at hatchery, LJ A. F. Hockman 1235 W. Bishop St, Bellefonte, Pa. wee PHONE 2229 ce Centre Hall, Pa. ATTENTION FARMERS! Have Your Farm Beautified With LOWE BROTHERS PAINT PRODUCTS Arrange For Your Spring Painting Now! ® FREE ESTIMATES @ Harry E. Leightley Paint Spraying Contracter CENTRE HALL, PA, Phone 113
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