May 17, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Name Winners In Family Gathers Legion Essay Contest For Mother's Day ! Barbara Ehrenfeld of Philipsburg & student of the Philipsburg Area Joint School, has been selected as Je winner of the Centre County ville Sunday to sp natorial Scholarship given an- | were ually by the Clearfleld-Centre Bi Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth M het County Committee, American Leg- | wood and children, East fon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester N James Quigley of Clearfield, a stu- | children, Milesburg, M dent of St. Francis Parochial High | John M. Tice and daughter School, Clearfield, was adjudged the College RD, and Mi Mrs winner of the Clearfield county | lin D. Tice and children, Oak award, J. R. Hogentogler 3 test chairman, announced, Both young people plan college in September, where Miss Ehrenfeld will enroll general business in the educational field and Mr. Quigley expects to pre-medical course Daughter and their famili gathered at the home Mi Jame Fleisher Greenville Walker and anda Mi: State and Mar- essay con to enter take the Big Business plained for the about high taxes profits than ever, taxes The human race improved when men atte: business of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHES For Your Children From Birth to Teens, Boys—Birth to 17 Years SUITS - SHORTS - SHIRTS - DRESSES - SHIRTS & SHORTS PLAY DRESSES & SUITS SUN SUITS & DRESSES PAJAMAS - UNDERWEAR - ANKLETS - SHOES CREEPERS - OVERALLS PEACOCK KIDDIES’ SHOP BELLEFONTE, PA r PHONE 4186 It's Easy to Keep Your Lawn Neat With a JACOBSEN POWER MOWER We Give a Season's Maintenance FREE With Each Jacobsen Purchased Also: All Types of Hand and Power Mowers Repaired and Sharpened “If We Can't Make as New Your Mower (ut as Good . We'll Buy It Swartz Machine Shop 120 DUNLAP ST. BELLEFONTE PHONE 2041 SORRY FOLKS ™\ =TO INTERRUPT | oe “YOUR ELECTRIC, “SERVICE! i i In order to make changes on our lines we will have to shut off the electricity for five hours next Sunday afternoon, May 20, from 1:00 to 6:00 p. m. This will affect you if you live in Pleasant Gap, Peru, Axemann, Airport and vicinities. In the event of rain, this interruption will occur Sunday afternoon, May 27, from 1:00 to 6:00 p. m. WEST PENN POWER COMPANY —, FOR BEST VALUES NOTICE Come see us at our new location at the rear of the former Haag Hotel property on E. Bishop Street, Bellefonte. We have BETTER BUYS in good used cars that are waiting for you RIGHT NOW, no matter what your needs, or how much you wish to spend, you'll find YOUR CAR HERE, NOW! 19560 MERCURY Club Coupe, loaded 1950 FORD 4-.door, heater, spotlight 1950 FORD 2.door, heater, radio, overdrive 1950 FORD Six, 2-door, heater, radio 1950 OLDS "768", Hydramatic, heater STUDEBAKER Champion, overdrive FORD Custom 2-door, loaded FORD Custom 2.door, heater MERCURY 4.door sedan, loaded, all new tire HUDSON Commodore Eight, loaded FORD 4-door, heater, radio FORD 4-door, heater, radio, new motor FORD Cub Coupe, heater, radio FORD coach, heater, radio FORD 4-door sedan, new motor FORD 4. door, heater, radio PLYMOUTH coach PACKARD Six 4-door sedan PLYMOUTH coach CHEVROLET coach TRUCKS CHEVROLET % lon stake, heater radio, spotlight, foglights and helper springs, FORD *,-ton pickup FORD 1';<ton chassis and cab FORD ',-ton pickup FORD ',<ton panel, completely overhauled, new motor BARNETT MOTORS Used Car Lot — Rear Former Haag Hotel E. Bishop Street — Bellefonte See mm LEITZELL, Mgr. Phone 3512 BELLEFONTE heater a ———— Hall | Dr. John Davis (To Address Meeting I director of the Institute, has | dinner John Davi rn Psychiatric ecured as the the Regional Welfare Conference, May 22, at Johnstown, | Davis is nationally known in the field of mental health, which | the general theme of the Conference meeting. His experience in this field + number of national patient clinic ania held region nd all out will be pre- Enlistments Based On Mental Test Scores Aah @ £ i al Air ¥ ce Re Plan Antique Show At Lewistown Next Week ‘ the tate displaved at be for sale show include ord i int ol food of the antique mart ised by the members of the for charitable purpose Co. Farmers Consign To Holstein Sale According to County Agent LL. H Bull, 13 registered Holsteins will be nsigned by Centre County breed- | f to the sitle at Dell Delight Park | ollidaysburg Tuesday, May 22 ] 10 p.m health certificate will be given r each animal at the time of sale Bull stated a committee. vis. ted every breeder and checked the! nimals to assure those offered for | ve will be of high quality he following Centre County | breeders are consigning to the sale: | Ellis Rearick and Paul ‘Thompson Millheim: Fred PFeitenberger, Spring Mills RD. J R Hartle, Bellefonte, RD; Penn State: Ellis Peters, Clar- | Peter George Peters and | Clarence Beck, all of Btormstown American Pleture: Bold busines | man, bragging about individual ins | itiative, seeking government favors | | and beliyaching about government. | {al expenses |] ~ CS —— —— | After paying all taxes, corpora | Hons broke all records for profits in 1960. It all goes to prove that regis mentation has wrecked the eorpory tions! ence Good Home Garden Called A Mainstay Good home garden of the mainstay { the speaker | of meeting of the | Growing home ves Pennsylvania (on even more important t last, state County | ————————. includes ( Years as a| glonal director of! | & for the Veter ins Administration He has had) nsie able experience turer nda § been certified y ih Americal d of Psy y Neurology i peak on ‘*h ol he Mental Health i he dinner | cheduled for p.m. at the Fort Stanwix Hotel CQUAINTED ITH CLASTER'S LUMBING BUYS’ Special Prices Until Saturday, May 26 SINKS...BATHS... FURNACES AND OTHER PLUMBING NEEDS AT REDUCED PRICES NOW! 54 inch 66 inch double well 129° $176 BATH OUTFITS! D © fy vith Mo ain « hrome plated & et A ¥ i t nD ¢ ’ 1 ea 1 YES, YOU CAN BUY . INDIVIDUAL PIECES AT REDUCED PRICES NOW! © iN And re me ters IONE easy tern ree perfect sinks on disg T1222 SINK FAMOWVS SYNCROMATIC FURNACE *160 22 in. OIL FURNACE AS LOW *399 AS TEE Before you buy a furnace, be certain to see the new syncromatic pictured here! Ite the season's greatest value. Imagine, a 22-inch square furnace for only "9.00. This quality furnace offers greater efficiency, good looks, electrically welded units And, it's good looking too! N WATER STREET PHONE 11 BELLEVONTE, PA, Page Seven . Rea Sink: Stair fing Pp ¢ 1 4 Features: ¢ peration ioors. At Seam nered {oe space DEeATANCE ing on 1 Recessed xira accessories at no ad. fitione cost ng Bo; EASY TERMS
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