Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. 1961 y A { May Adi, BC RR Renames ‘McClellan As General Manag McClellan was Lions Minstrel Show To End This Evening Tonight will mance of the Modern 1851 presented by Lions Club. Large and enthusiastic audiences were on hand for the | Tuesday and Wednesday night shows On schedule are ONRS and special skits all presented be- fore attractive scenery and wit} the benefit of unusual lighting In its annual rej the volume ued to increase be the final perfor- Minstrels of the Bellefonte George E Ce other Bellefonte Compan and directors were annual meeting last ager ol the : Railroad Collie | ficer {at the anda we ort, the of FOR CORONER OF CENTRE COUNTY during that revenues reached ar high. They were 3.55 per (her than in 1949. The stated that expenses increase per cent, RISINE wage rates and accounted largel expenses, it was officers time COSLS higher Other nual named at meetin Claude B. Wagoner | president Robert Walker, | town secretary Mr "treasurer; T. D. Geohegan, ington, D. C., traffic Directors elected were and Mr. Walker tors are W. J and Mr McClellan of Mr Geohegal and J Williams, Philadelphia Earl M Cartwright ssistant urer g were manager Mr one; Belle Wesley Miles rea Miss Shirley Brown Engaged To Wed Brown of W. Higl Mr «* WILLARD M. NEFF to Vere “2 ’ HOW aAKD UR SUFFCU BE GREATLY PRIMARIES the bur er re-elect. ied vice president and general man- ntral of re-elec ted | ek company business | 1950 1 all- | cent report 1 5.08 I ma- y for stated an- Philadelphia, ! Allen- McClellan Wash- |* Wag- Other direc- Emerick, 8. H. Smith fonte Mc- re Shirley L SPECIAL PURCHASE! NON-RUN CIRCULAR KNIT PANTIES Specially Priced! WHITE Sis Circular Knit Non-Rui Tal Panties. White, Pink Size Medium Extra 14 Tallored Cufl and Large A\rge SPECIAL! Bolero Suits Value to 1395 5-00 Skirts Rayon and Light Wool. Value to 895 sizes and colors 2.00-3.00 - 4.00 Weight Assorted AT OUR BELLEFONTE STORE ONLY! DANKS & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. -_— HE on Se —— ot the treet street and TY irvn Pvt M1 fonte basic the and and the ter and School didate and Mr: RD 2 airmen ndoctrination course T at the Gateway Ww Lacklan d worl basic women. It Human Yarnell School Is Presented With New Flag Th pulley In Air Force In a ceremony held on after irsday tandard ted noon H the eran of Béllefonte member had "nt been Were Program talk on the “Buddy Elizabeth Marshall habilitation Blackfo Americar Ie student and boy made opened Poppy aepartmen with rad semi-circle The time wits whil pledge formed a raised the flag apni Was more feeling auxiliary members nid Pvt, Melvin J, Melvin Hoy, 19 M. Ho) mpleting hi Hoy here were 67 pupils in the room Yarnell Hiding. M1: Ward and Mr Tuft Both are from t rents on Belle- AF Achers Maine Lacklanc children the near treasurer San Anto largest for base for men headquarters of Research Cen- Officer Can- Bellefonte Hospital AuxiGary In Meeting training Re ree home of AF Private preparing Alr ir a Force Refrigerator For ting Blood Bank Insteled Flom The Bellefonte County Nox eanor resent ments of of a SN] 14 will face and figure miiciie fineer of various cosmetd ity | ) t of the com ents you get understand few dollar {the quid pr uo doctrine GRADUATE 2x4 HER LANE a Hayy Fit 2581 — Streamlined modern ia Americ can Walaut trimmed with exotic paldao wood, Sell.-rising Lane tray. 5492s BRACHBILL'S SPRING ST BELLEFONTS Boden’s Ice & Storage Plant FOR SALE A Very Desirable and Going Business in Bellefonte Located Near Titan Metal Company PLANT EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: Ice Manufacturing Machinery 300 Frozen Food Lockers 1948 3/4-ton Chevrolet truck 1942 V2-ton Ford truck IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Reason For Selling—Leaving Town For further information call Bellefonte 3496 or 2059 nny much | twWo- | To Speak Here i "Joe Hartle Jr. ‘Named to Attend | | Selected For Camp. Martin D Bk | 4-H Club Camp |; 4-H leadership, Jo Bellefonte i one Rev. Robert Couture May Rev. Robert The Tuesd:s De i 7:45 | font School Wednesday sess) 11 p.m Ernest Frank Heads Centre Hall Lions Club 141 0 Hall Conte Supper To Benefit New School Fund A paghetti be sponsored by Got of St. John's new at the American Leg Howard Street, Thursda) t was anr Mr Roan hair and ch dinner nd upper ip 7. Wo- school fund Home, E May 24 Budd will men unced by man dren will be m noon t < ban. ang Spaghetti, meat balls nd flee will be includ the Commit Larry Pavone price of the meal members are Mrs Mrs. Joseph Kaleta Mrs. Edward Hampton, Mrs. An- thony Ficarro, Mrs. Angelo Bos- caino, Miss Angela Carpeneto and Mre wresa Koenig Tickets at 81 for adults may be purchased from committee mem- bers. Jimmy's Shoe Shop. Worth's or at the Centre Dally Times office in Bellefonte. Children will be serv- | ed for 50 cents tee | | contest ‘Safety Patrols Are Guests At Dinner | About 40 members of the Belle- | | fonte junior and senior high school | safety patrols were guests at a {dinner in the Reformed Church | here Tuesday night. The dinner, | given by the Bellefonte Elks Lodge, was in recognition of this year's service Chief of Police Charles DeWitt spoke and thanked patrol members for their services. Certificates were presented Patrol members viewed a motion pleture at the conclusion of the program —————————————— Card Party To Aid Gap School Milk Fund The Pleasant Gap Woman's Club will sponosr a card party in the new fire hall at 8 p. m. Priday. Pro- ceeds will go to the club's milk fund for school children Bridge, 500, Canasta and Pinochle will be played and refreshments will gates June according County work lambs and purebred | ecls at his sylvania Farm His nln es agricultural Bellefonte in the he was pres won the Ke During Boys by his And as the di graduation linquish hi erate L pe raise Krag first community attended be served. In recognition of his achievement, outstanding particularly in Hartle Ji of been selected | dels “ph RD | four the 13 to 20, at has Pennsylvania National 4-H Camp Washington, D.C. announcement by Agent 1. H. Bull 18, Hartle ha been in club nine years with dalr ! of to Lo Now calves wine for proj- He has exhibited his animals county fal: at the Penn- | Show in Harrisburg projects have him $2 500 raduated and 4-H ted timated He 1950, a his cla at Active also of Amer chapler and Was in tudent In High Bchool Future Farmer ident of stone alg wp ni Farmer Girls’ Week In st year, he was 0 degree dellefonte elected mayor la school as honor added honor was guest of sponsoring Rotary Club at the Rotary conference Since he has been employed ] Improvement as- Lester ut plans to re to help nis 149-acre { ary nn trict is 8 dalry ociation J father their His abllitie 7) evel ped ually. Almost from the time he became a member of 4-H, he Served of his club has 4-H Camp ang in He and mem- arm ssigent been active in affairs and church Leadership 8« nn Stat A hool Other Per Camp delegate en, 20, Bloon State State from Unusual Baby Arrives At County Hospitel the ret port hospital the rsa tert patients helpful and extent that the le coming In ron viv dren. give should be ry Peoy reared not Fortunately et, he has become a problem child but has grown 10 the delight and satisfaction of all the patients of the hospital “Handy Andy thank everyone time, gifts and services He also has said, even he is only five months old will be a model child if you will assist him on his rounds at the hospital each Monday, Wednesday and Saturday between four and five o'clock Handy Mrs will baby ne asked you has of to your me for though that he Andy's legal guardians Jacob Friedman and myself, greatly appreciate some new sitters Respectfully submitted Mildred Sones.” BHS Students Enter Contest For Acting Five Bellefonte dents entered the tallent-finding sponsored by the Nefl's Mills Players at Brookside Play- house, Petersburg RD. Sessions were conducted at the theater in Hun- tingdon County yesterday Those entered were Rine, Nick Delallo First prize was to be a $250 schol- Glenda | Skip Kauffman WOT auffman Plan Baccalaureate At Gregg Township ip Kaufln I'he 3 14 #1 ¢ for of Bheriff and rs of Bells fom 10 attend MIVA I this He and tion Camp at summer will Angler represent | Harry aid Meyer [} 1 irom Jun Robert entative Red Cross Human nye fon (es 12380802 R high school stu- | Jean Houck, Sylvia Barr, | and Virginia Reed. | arship to live and work with the | players. The players plan to open their summer season in the converted grist mill, June 8, with “Claudia”. Other plays palnned for summer production include: “The Man Who Came to Dinner”, “Blithe Spirit”, “The Importance of Being Emest”, and “The Drunkard” Odd Fellows Plan Memorial Service All Odd Fellows, Rebekas, and their friends are invited to attend a memorial service in the hall of the Centre Lodge in Bellefonte to- night (Thursday). short lodge session at 8 pm. ina what THEY WERE SIX...BUT (i THEY FOUGHT LIKE 600! WARD BOND - YOUNG - CHANEY vo PAYTON. 5: Monday & Tues. || Wednesday Only il THE FA A STRANGE BL GUN-THROWING «ADELE JERGENS ARRRRLLRRARRALRRARRARRRARE il HL WCAMBRIOGE - NON LE NE EE * BELLEFONTE * Weekdavs Saturdays Ta ll to 11 Pm. p.m. — FRIDAY and SATURDAY — It's a Broadside of Action... Excitement, NEAL WALDRON REGIS TOOMEY Also-Tim Holt-in-"DYNAMITE PASS” MONDAY - TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY Look who's back . . . to keep you in an uproar of Laughter in a new . . , delightful laugh riot! HAROLD LLOYD . ARLINE JUDGE . RUDY VALLEE “MAD WEDNESDAY" also-Vera Ralston & John Carroll-in—"SURRENDER" QARRRRRRRR 2 0 Ca Le0000QQQQR00QQQRRRQQQARRARRRARCRRRARQARRARRRQQRRAQAARRARRR A x ARRRRRAARRCCAARRARAS canna D CECE EE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers