May 17, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Three Did You Ever Stop to Think Why Coffee Is Custom Ground? ae = gy * § Grandma Knew the Reason! M1 1 delicious refresh- | : A J N. Spring Stre h | Fach. member rs \ y a ) over Mother Day r. and Mi of the guest class was presented | « L Ralph T. Smit HOWARD and Mr Ww and Mi Betty fr The Rev. J. W. Jones, of East nie Boone, at the Milford Heverley | Additional Locals | { How ard Street; left Monday Tor St. ‘Home Sunday afterncon (Continued from page five) i Louis, Mo., where he is attending | Miss Trena Pletcher is Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roan, of | D€ Bene] COU OE al re to the Lock Haven Hospital Akron, 0. spent the weekend with an A 4 nes and Alliance | Mr. and. Mrs. F. Rupert enters his brother and sister-in-law. Mi Church Mrs Jor ¢ and oF tained at a family dinngr Sunday, and Mrs. Budd Roan, of E. Howard | 50 lef! oo pend two weeks at her at which all members of their fam- Street mother's home in Buffalo, N.Y [ily were present ‘ : 1» | Mr. and Mrs, -Charles Ramer Mr. and Mrs. Jame M. F ' 3 by, and Gretchen, of Bristol pent | Pleasant Gap, visited arrived in Bellefonte recen ly 1. Mother's Dav in Bellefonte with | ternoon with. the visit his si ter: Mrs A M. Hi er er snother. Af Ethel MeCov of | James Kane St of E. Blshop Stree ane oun re the Bush Arcade apartments Mr A Harold L.. Ishler and Bon- Hives in. Bellefonte and In a and Mrs, Ramer and“daughteranade | nie. Ann are both confined to thelr Mr. and Mrs. Leo A 'vioand | their private the trip to and from Bellefonte in | home by an attack of grippe F I i nstown . aa tl family, of ‘ Mrs, Leo Boden returned Sun- | plane { Lloyd Smith Is not so. well .at in | ! writing Bellefonte on Sunday for a Mother- | lay to her home on N. Allegheny + The Friendship Circle er's Day visit © ith hi mott r, Mi Street from Cleveland.” G where | the Church of Christ M. C. Levi, wh ives al the home "nt a week with her son-in- | S¢hool entertained the of her in and daughter Mr. and Mrs: | Workers Class at a Mr. and ) Boden's drove stil con- | fined Sonny Kane Jr., of Sunday af- former's father, Osman, of Oberlin, O Class of | Sunday | willing , law and daughter, James Klel Mi ter, Mi Jeanne lari Saturday to bring A very Remember t mderful aroma that hlled Grandma's kitchen when she ground coff bes ' r hint and mn ’ Remember she made {1 David and Tommy nati, O ha H and Mr Waller A H vers om ntel Kate, of New Ken- h MISS elen Heveriy gaugn i ton ” recent visitor with of Mr. and M totess the Misse High » Weber. On Ma Penn State Class A A e: ] . n Philadelpl ed at Norton AFB, San Bernardin i a) h attended the wrardiiatt wilt i y L Wel a i Rian abeose is tl last word in : yay / g Cround 1 rooms for students at Penn / p Weber vy DOI the wonder{u the steaming brew m that rv ground coffee could ever smell flee g freshly groumn Bellefonte Central | ) I om J - 4 a oo mm advance 1s 80 frest OF WerEs Street too coarse or lon f ne [3 on does ALP. That's why ALP Cofies Cal.., arrived In Mefonte - Fric: exercises at the Jefferson Hospital for & visit at the veri aome ary Cate was ember yf the Wednesday na luatis | Borden reported scaled bean ll the ry moment maker. Try this famous coffee you ve tasted since Grandma ¢ day! the caboose the 18 miles Railroad Mild and Mellow ¢).Lb. $ 25 EIGHT O'CLOCK } : 1th. Bag 77 7 Bag and Mis fonte where they gue baseball game companied t ter, Mis Rick and Full-Bodied 3 b. $63 RED CiRCLE 1-Lb. Bag 79 7 Bag Vigorous and Winey BOKAR 1-Lb. Bag 81+ Tomatoes 2% ¢ rs. $6)37 eV Bag Aal’'s Famous "'Super-Right™ Cooked Hams - 67 Auction Of Antiques Hundreds of items in patterns and colored glas a 1d china, | Dutch pine Guns, coppe | shank half with no « i removed | Smoked Hams RELY BOB ROAN'S ANNUAL MEMORIAL || 284th Divie; DAY ANTIQUE AUCTION Services Sandoy 3 Miles North of Williamsport, Pa., on Routes 11 & 15 Annual memorial services for ti Siraw berries a +1 [6 Fancy Cucumbers 1.05 9 Valencia Oranges w. Bde 9c Starts 9:30 A.M. (DST), Lasts Until 11 P.M SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY BOB ROAN Porterhouse Steaks. ...... Super Right . . . also Super Right CLUB STEAKS , . . close trimmed Super Right Sirloin Steaks From corn fed steers , . refunded Standing Beef Rib Roast ... Seedless Grapefruit CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Super Right . . . your money i re BREEDERS SALE TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1951 At 12:30 P. M. (DST) DELL DELIGHT ( Hollidayshurg is on Route 220, 1 miles South of \ltoona) 45 Head Registered Holsteins 13 HEAD FROM CENTRE COUNTY PARK, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. Health Charts Furnished HELD UNDER COVER LUNCH AVAILATLY Catalog al Ringwide 131 f Name Committee— ’ Pege One HOW TO "MAKE A HIT” with your Party-Line Neighbors 1. When you start to make a telephone call and find your party line in use, hang up gently and give the other person a few minutes to finish his call 2. When, while talking, you realize that your aeighbor is waiting to make a call, hang up reasonably soon and free the line. These little courtesies are returned again and again... with dividends for all in good telephone service. When party-line neighbors cooperate, everybody benefins! The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania pet, Apt. Fi t in the CD » Legal Notices BIDS WANTED N'own y Schox Directors general : nitorial sup- bmitted to Mr ecrelar Miles June 4. Cople called b | Al 1pplies home of the x22 PROPOSED BUDGET proposed budget of the school Borough of Belle | Pa. Is avall- | all interested i Nee of the secretary | the Bellefonte High uiding. The budget may he inspected any week day from this | date until the evening of Monday, | June 11, 1051 at which time the | final adoption will be made by the ! board JEAN | xsl Secretary HAYNES BIDS WANTED The Board of Directors of the School District of the Borough of | Bellefonte desires bids on coal to | { be delivered to the following bulld- | [ Ings and in the following amounts’ | Spring Street bullding 1256 tons, | Allegheny Street bullding 40 tons | Bishop Street bullding 90 tons, The | coal for the above buildings to be | regular furmmace coal d For the high school building 320 tons of stoker, The coal desired bituminous. Accompanying the bids should be analysis of the coal Bids are due in the office of the Secretary of the Board, «Miss Jean E. Haynes, not later than 7:30 Pp. M Monday, June 11, 10581. The board reserves the right to accept or re. ject any and all bids. JEAN E. HAYNES, x21 Secretary, (enter Loin Pork Roast... From tender young } PANTRY VALUES Evaporated Milk RJ 95¢ White House 29¢ Circus Peanuts Popular wamn Fruit Cocktail A&P or Lil * 39¢ 23¢ Fancy Sauer Kraut Serve with x Ann Page Mayonnaise 40¢ Campbell's Pork 'N Beans 19¢ Sparkle Gelatin Desserts v bc : 15¢ 29¢ 29¢ 25¢ Herb Ox Bouillon Cubes 8¢ Our Own Tea Balls Austin Carpet Cleaner Baker's 4 In 1 Saltines Hydrox Sandwich Cookies \ i) American or Pimento . Ched-0-Bit = (HEESE FOOD nv 38h Sharp Cheddar Tangy . . . for flavoring or p Sliced Mel-O-Bit American Brick or Pimento pri 57¢ Domestic Swiss Large eyed . . . outer culs ng and Whole Canne Skinless Sliced Bacon Streaked wit ¢ ade Smoked Squares Sliced Bologna mg at this ow p ¢ d Hams ady-to-eat n Weiners for those quick fix — — Rome Apples MN al 150. Jane Parker rans Donuts HE I& Pascal Celery 12 in Phy. Jane Parker Pies i 5 Crisp Potato Chips salt . T ane Parker Sandwich Buns kK bk KR PER Strawberry Layer Cake White Sliced Bread Dated fresh daily Mar | aul hC | M » 18-02. Loaf {ll prices shown here (including those of items not suh ject to ceilings ) guaranteed Thursday, May 17th through Wednesday, May 23rd. Meats for Babies Gerbers Strained 3%.0z. Can 21¢ Ivory Soap Personal Rize 4 ho 25¢ Ivory Snow Mild, Gentile, Pure Large Package 32¢ P&G Laundry Soap duty Camay Soap Bath Size 2 Cakes 25¢ For heavy washes Cake 8c Surf For speedy, clean washes Large Package 32¢ Crisco 1b. Can 41c 84b. Can 1.17 Joy Liquid Washing Miracle 6-01. Bottle 32¢ Lux Toilet Soap The Screen Star's Soap Regular Cake 9¢ Duz Pur does everything Large Package 32¢
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