Page Two . EE "oH a 17 ‘ Ay ne THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. May 17, 1951 M 1 man. Fred Addison M: Bloom.] & e Hazel her | State College, visited Mrs. Emma PLE A S A NT G A Pp fore the Woman's Y A RNELL Marie Whitehead | Millet Le M1 M Hiller at Mad rouse and Mrs. Samuel Btover on | which they hac M. F. Homan, H. K ide in i 1 I Sunday evening | { lowing officer were ) The Women {a Mrs. Garman, and Dora DeArmitt M1 | M Murlin Wolls el Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coxey and| Miss Bertha Rimmey, Mrs, Fred |M W. Bchreffier, president; Ed Mi RE ht fomer PB Waker b omens Guid | : 3 Mr. William Garman. George 1 Dat ere visit Sally, and Mrs, E. W. Hess, were | Roush and Donna, spent a week- | Noll, vice- 0 are] i te robe £ r thelr son burg Evangelical and teformed | Lronemilier and Mi irgnl man Earl Ro also were vi th M Wolfe parent Mr. and | dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred (end in Baltimore recently with |secretar 30 i AKU Merrell Wal l and 0 Church met at the chu OF Aron an ps ” itor he Homan hon rsday | Mrs, Ge tzat ri ‘on- | Lonberger Mother's Day Bevila Knarr and family, and vis- | Mary Cormar orrespondis #i] Wilk O amy Run- day min Bight members f 4 fla 2 oS co Cro 1 evening ema Mrs. Thomas Dry and Glenn | ited the Sherwood Gardens where | retary the Guild at Pine Ha ( ; \ ot Sts Yo ne Mi The Daughter { the Rutl vi and M Ww. E. Homan visi spent the weekend with the for- | the azaleas were in bloom and the Mri ’ Swank V1 Joht ubler Ww A vari . t | ovOtnAr Wars oa i P were guests. Miss Helen Nef Yeuls ¢ nz : virgi of the Lutheran rch 1 Wed- | ted Mr. al \ Breon al | mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C [grounds were beautid il . | Kath ident of the Guild, { at 8 BY : wd ink i TRS 4 nesday evening with Faye Spotts, | Pleasant Gap ! aliernoo Coleman at Tarentum. They were Mr. and Mr I'omas Robinson | Eg. Noll ayn I. M 1 [ on y "a \ y \ 1 =O th ‘ n Phit. | p Velrun meeting. Mi if. M r " “. ® ux 4 Barbara Keller, president, presided Visitors wit ir vit nl joined by Mrs. Forrest Dry, State | and son spent a weekend in Phil- | Ra§ Melroy dri had devotion he theme A a em "iit igh, Mi i € at the meeting. Patsy Walker | Stitt Sunday I Mr, and Mi College, vaho visited relatives in | Adelphia recently | Monday afternoo “Homes | 4 lontgomery Hubler, | retin Homan and Louise Schelr Stitt i 5 Freeport | Mr. and Mrs. Milton Behloss re- | Brungart who has been vin Graham Mi . Rabert { were in charge of devotion Evelyn Magan, of Indiana, is Vis- | turned home rec ently from a VACA- the past week Mr with the then | \ ‘ ‘bor . Lark My: Ride was planned t folloy he | a y al Vit mir SUL and | iting Mr. and Mi Thomas Dry |tion in New York City brother Albert Brungart Harry Kuh \ lian { onde g i : : ) shal { next class meeting which will be | Ro t { Altooni ind son Mrs Harris Struble returned | also spent Bund ny vice-president i t "11 ry § wine | Deld with Shirley Perryman at i vi villi Hun Mrs, Carrie Hazel returned to | home about two weeks ago from | Mr Brungart vil IRE Y © 1 Guild gave Regional Guild insgrove Aj belbis gave a ing In Selins Singing with M baugh at Gearhart were in Helen Nef: Present were port; M1 CG. Neild bis, M1 7 - m— MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU BUY YOUR CHILD IS SHOES DIL POSNER'S Personalized Fitting Assures You That Your Child Is Properly Fitted MRS. DAY'S SHOES Are Known the World Over as Tops PEACOCK KIDDIES’ SHOP PHONE {156 BELLEFONTE, PA Hodes Second Hand Store 106 W. Bishop St. (Phone 2117 (Davtime or Evenings) INSIDE AND OUTSIDE PAINT \LL COLORS —— OIl. BASE $1.98 gal. Inside paint can be applied over wallpaper WE HAVE IN STOCK ANYTHING IN New & Used Furniture Modern 3 and 5-pc. Bedroom Suites and Living Room Suites at a Great Savings to You ' Bellefonte ALL MAKES OF ELECTRIC RANGES & REFRIGERATORS $25.00 and up IF YOU NEED NEW OR USED FURNITURE SEE US FIRST... WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Wednesday Jun Barbara Kereth w PLUMB’S DRUG STORE White Bros. Successors PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY NED PLUMB BAY WHITE, Pharmacists “REXALL DRUGS Two-Piece Suite BLUE 5179 NEW Wing Back!—Smart Wood Trim Tho living room suite you'll see in the smartest homes . . . INTERNATIONAL'S new graceful mod- ern with broad arms, exciting wing backs, revers. ible cushions. Elegantly wood trimmed. Famous Sturdi-Lux coil spring construction, double-doweled hardwood frames. Yours for beautiful comfort, Furniture You be Proud fo Own by INTERNATIONAL Vs, AwWorld of Comlorn ou w————r 's Chalmer { Jovee, and Mr Mabel Wil The Terry Noll family moved home Thursday after spending | the Philipsburg Hospital where everal days with Mr. and Mrs | underwent an operation for Jame Horner and daughter al | stone I'rout Run RD The Ezra Womer familly mover Rev. and Mrs, O. E. Bunday and | last week into the house vacated + latter's mother, Mrs. Beaver, of by the J. W. Gumm family Rebersburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. moved to New Mexico for a Homan, Thursday afternoon. | beneficial climate to Mrs, Gumn Visitors at the rman home Villlams-Zim- | who had been made quite a junday were Mr erable by a sinu Markley, Jimmy and Sally, of | also to benefit their son na Mr. and Mrs. Franklin hay fever victim. We hope t State College; Mr. and Mrs [climate will be the means Hellman, Carol Davie both enjoving better health Sinking Valley Mir Wil- | weeks ago ) their new hon remained for a visit College Aven State patr i with Mr. and Mrs. W. E | Reo and family moved an during the 3 Homan and Marilyn, Centre |} by the RD: Mr. and Mrs. David Ho- The Wade Evevs and chilc 1, Oak Hall Har Liffle Kitty Lou and Ann Mrs. Madeline Homar College. Mrs. George Hor- and children, Houserville and Mt: Samuel Reitz Mrs. Fred Addison Mary Bohn and Mrs Oak Hall, Sunday weekend were and nhers present were: MMe Don - Wd GC. Raup. Fred Lonberger, Pred Mackerel} George Musser, John ¢ “ picture this suite in a rich roval blue in your livingroom HURRY TO HOUTS, TODAY HEY! HANG ONTO YOUR HAT OUT AT HOUTS. .. OUR OVERHEAD IS VERY LOW . The Prices You Pay Prove It! Mr, and M: the weekend ans Among Potentale Penn State Speaker Talks On Uprisings ia HEL Miss Mary Elizabeth Corl Is Engaged yr ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Dorse E. High Street. Belief nA oF Iw MUNICIPAL 7h a Th Ll PENNLYLVAN FRIDAY AND SATLRDAY {May 15 and 19 “KIM” Color 1 ching 1 Errol Flynn, Dean Stockwell Paul Lukas Latest Warmer News Issue INO SHOW MONDAY NIGHTS UNTH FURTHER NOTH) WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY May 23rd) Ladd's Biasting Gun Split the West Wide Open! Alan Ladd . Mona Freeman Chas, Bickford “BRANDED” (Color by Technicolor) “Color Cartoon” «. NEWS “Sport Reel” GET OUR LOW INSTALLED PRICE FOR MORE HOT WATER SEPCO AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD NEED Big families or small families—all get depend. able, clean hot water with a new Sepco. Come in todoy-— £2 Gal select your Sepeo lor Inaedias SAVY Q).95 ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., Inc. BELLEFONTE, PA. AANANNNANANA ANANNNANAAN
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