Page Bix “Comm ” FHE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. March 15, 1951 ———— | Centre Hot eating County or cold, sauerkraut is good g. Combined with raw shredd- carrots or cubed cooked beets, uncooked sauerkraut makes an ex- ellent salad. When serving sauer- kraut hot, the sharp flavor depends {an how long the kraut is cooked I'o preserve the tang, just heat the kraut through: for a milder flavor ook it longdr. Sauerkraut juice hilled and served with a dash of Sauerkraut, Hot Or Cold, Is Good Eating Sauerkraut remains a favorite food even when days get longer and the sun climbs a little higher. Be- sides being a good Wuy, if you don't have your own, sauerkraut served In many ways, according to Miss Helen 8. Butler, home nomics extension representative of ed may be eco ———— PUBLIC SALE The undersigned administrator of the estate of Anna J. Gray will offer at public sale at his home, 11; miles west of Stormstown, on FRIDAY, MARCH 30th Beginning at 1:00 p. m., the following personal property: Household Goods: Sewing machine (new Stockman) ; antique bureau (cherry) ; 2 rocking chairs; antique stand; plank-bot- tom chair, antique; pitcher and bowl; few an- tique dishes; antique mirror; large scenery picture; corner cupboard; extension table; Congoleum rug; 4 quilts; 2 blankets; 5 pillows, mattress, feather tick; 4 sheets, pillow cases, towels. chest ; TERMS: CASH. 5. P. GRAY Administrator H. KNOWL. Auctioneer ALL DAY Public Sale Entire Herd of Registered & Grade Holstein & Guernsey Cattle THURSDAY, MARCH 29 On the farm located in Huntingdon County on new black top road. Route 26. Nine miles south of Hunt- ingdon. PAIR OF SORREIL HORSES 40 HEAD of Registered and Grade CATTLE Bangs tested, last test Feb. 6. 1951. Every ani- w— mal calfhood vaccinated Consisting COWS, most registered Hol- 16 heifers 2 months to 2 years of age. 4 heifers are bred 1 late spring. Lot of young calves. The young cattle were all sired by the sires of the Clarion Artificial Breeding Stud. The cows are bred artificially. This is a very good herd, carrying good ud- ders and produce ll. Thi are stein, herd must be seen to be appreciated 15 SHOATS. FARM MACHINERY John Deere At John John John ractor with lights, starter and culti- John Deere hay loader; hay planter with fertilizer attach- tire wagon with 18 ft. flat with box; John Deere grass mower ; John Deere 60-tooth harrow ; New Idea manure spreader, used one year; corn sheller: 2 Oliver 40 plows; Oliver 4-section harrow; International horse cultivator; hay tedder; 2-horse cultivator: Internation- al 7 ft. binder; 10 ft. cultipacker; Blizzard 500 ensilage cut ter; Denlinger 10” hammer mill; 2 Can't Clog hog feeders; 500 Ib. Fairbanks platform scales: Sunbeam clippers; 2 ladders; dehorner; 7 in. 75 ft. rubber belt: 2 block and tackles: hay hook, rope and pulleys vator. Deere disc Deere corn Deere bed: John Deere wagon Fake ment ; rubber extension POULTRY EQUIPMENT Oil heated brooder, 240 egy incubator, DAIRY EQUIPMENT 2 unit DeLaval milking machine, complete; 4 ean Esco electric milk cooler; two 4 milk can racks, cans, buckets, strainer: Duo-Therm oil heater; 120 gallon oil tank: double wash tank; DelLaval cream separator; Reds n milk cooler, and any and everything used on a arm. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Tables: chairs; beds; couch; piano; lot of dishes: Remington typewriter, and many other articles, Sale to start at 9:30 o'clock. Cattle to be sold at 1:30 o'clock. For catalog of the cattle write to Harvey Rettew, Mannheim, Pa., R. 2, sale manager, Conditions by CHARLES STATES Hesston, Pa. Auctioneer—H. L. Harpster Clerk—W, CC, Morrow MARKLESHE RG WOMENS GLILD OF THE REFORMED CHURCH WILL FURNISH LI NOCH over the noodle mixture bread crumbs and Bake in a moderate 45 minute lemon Chill Top with over juice Is a delicious equal part of juice and tomato J tasty appetizer For a tempting recipe Is suggested 1 Eight-ounce package + pound ground pork cups sauerkraut cups tomato 1-8 teaspoon of sauce cup bread Cook water; meat in a the Add appetizer sauerkraut for another pou: with butter degrees F erving frankfurters or lunch may be used instead of age. Brown the frankfu luncheon meat in a little dot ice 325 Make eight Chopped ment sau main dish, thi noodles eon | pork | tet or | fat sausage 2 It soup Worcestershire — ARE PREMARTIAL FINANCIAL AGREEMENTS LEGAL? Can a bride sign away all to her husband e then change her mind Read Those Bridal Agreements revealing report premartia contract in March 25th The American weekly, nation’s ular magazine with the Baltimors American. Order crumbs right AI on salted the noodles half meat A noodles In boiling drain and rinse, Brown Put one-third of the greased casserole then sauerkraut and half the another third of the noodle and the rest of the sauerkraut and the meat. Cover with the remain- ing noodles. Mix the Worcestershire sauce with the tomato soup tate later on {vot Sunday from and ' local newsdeale: Ee PRIVATE SALE The undersigned Executors will offer at sale at the late home of Grace W. Orr, street, Bellefonte, Pa., on FRIDAY, MARCH 16 and on privat 128 N. Spring Beginning at 7 p. m., SATURDAY, MARCH Beginning at 1:30 p. m., HOUSEHOLD GOODS: AT 3 plank chairs; 17 the following personal property ' . al . oY cu. ft Universal electric Frigidaire; dining room suite and =ix chairs; + two 9 x 1 1 and enport ; occasional 12 rugs, and 31 tes. deals ber of throw rugs; hall table; hall rack: lamps complete bedroom suite: brass bed and dresser: ing chair; Wheeler and Wilson sewing machi 1 } electric sweeper, and a ther items. EARL S. ORR FRED O. WITMER Executors PUBLIC SALE The Executor Blanche Tate Fetterhoff will offer at public her late residence in Pleasant Gag ! Saturday, March 31 Beginning 12:30 P. M he folle property and real estate: HOUSEHOLD GOODS bh iT i CHNARIrS INadersigngd at Wing In rs verstuffed table . Phile 0 i Imus) ! FIASS TITrTOT | Arg Three-piece tee: Victrola: library stands: parios two electric heater; radio small plate lamp: four | dining roon rockers: fo yorch chai & reed seat straight. back plank seat rocker; Olsor x 10 ft : hall rac sewing machine; kitchen cabinet high-back trunks bed springs and tubs: wash stand; Tus tove work \ l \ : innl ) table SINK. wom box Tour ianket chest thre marble top dresser oak dresser: two mattress porel two wash electric iron; 75 ft. of garden hose; some garden tools; lot of lot of kitchen utensils, to mention : ah 4 GISNes and giassware and many other articles too numerou REAL ESTATE Will Be Sold at 3:00 P. M, Consists of a six-room frame h conveniences, with all mod. and lot described as follows: OL 54 ern All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in the Village of Pleasant Gap, Soring Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania, bounded and deseribed as follows: Jeginning at a point in the center of Pennsylvania State Highway Route 53 at the southwest corner of property of Francis McGraille: thence in a general northeasterly direction along the southern side of property of Francis MeGraille a distance of 90 feet to corner of lot of land of Ward Markle; thence contin. uing in the same general northeasterly direction along land of Ward Markle a distance of 40 feet to corner of land of Edward Houser ; thence in a general southeast. erly direction along land of Edward Houser a distance of 70 feet to the center of a 12 foot roadway and land of Edgar W. Summers; thence in a general southwest. erly direction along the center of said 12 foot roadway and land of Edgar W. Summers a distance of 99 feet to the center of Route 58 aforesaid ; thence in a general northwesterly direction along the center line of said State Highway a distance of 76 feet to the place of be. ginning. It being a portion of the same property conveyed by Jane W. Tate, widow, to Blanche Tate Fetterhoff, by deed dated Novamber 27, 1915, as recorded in Deed Book 134 at page 405, ALSO conveying all rights under agreement for the joint use of an alleyway between Edgar W. Sum- mers, et ux, and the Estate of Blanche Tate Fetterhof!, TERMS: Personal property, cash. Real Estate: 25 per cent down, balance on delivery of deed. REA FLOREY, Executor HAROLD E. LEIGHTLEY, Auct. Lee Smeltzer, clerk FURST & FURST, Atty. rout 74] plan: List question utile FUR your done Plan Makes Your Housework Easier Hn ni cact done who and how ould it Ix the to do it ving a plan is to shnplify one of the best your housework pecially your housecleaning, say Mi Helen 8B. Butler nomic extension Centre County job After you then three do it have your work divide the ready for up after home representative of eco you part ang ished can get » clean No one plan will jomemaker, but the plan to sult willing to method work for every you can modify needs, If you In the get job, try | decide how and teps and | be use Your ang fly Hi your study watch ready part you when the Lhe will need the jab, the secon nre your your and wisely you'll way the general points new done, and collect motions and elect equipmei the easier hese ar ippliet you for it learn When usework that ROon You Qo of doing he make both part ever motion count hand wherever You Ng plan job will equipment BIDS W 1 bide will be recel Seale finished home n Route 4 Properiie Saturd®y from 10 a.m. to 4 y partially heim Josephine Wert Millheim, Pa ATTENTION LUMBERMAN PUBLIC SALE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 195] 1:30 P. M. The undersigned will offer one of the best tract till standing in PENNS VALLEY, sit ly six miles EAST of AARONS NORTH of WOODWARD ginal timber 4 or 4 PINE, HEM Tract containing approxima CONSE NATIVE WHITE WHITE OAK, ROCK OAK, et ing of M. J. YEARICK E. E. HUBLER, Auctioneer ANNUAL COMMUNITY GALE Livestock Farm Implements Household Goods Will be held on the R, E. IRVIN FARM at Penna, Furnace, or 8 miles west of Pine Grove Mills, on FRIDAY, APRIL 6th Beginning at 10:00 A. M. Persons wishing their merchandise advertised notified to get in touch with H. L. Harpster, ne Grove Mills, R. E. Irvin, Penna. Furnace OF BRING ANYTHING YOU HAVE FOR SALE AND TURN IT INTO CASH R. E. IRVIN, mgr. H. L. HARPSTER, Auct, Pine Grove Mills, Pa Penna. Furnace, Pa. Phone Warriors Mark 13-R-11 Phone State. College 3579 PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale at his farm, 2 MILES WEST OF WOODWARD and 4 MILES EAST OF COBURN, on Pine Creek Road, on FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1951 at 12:00 M. sharp, the following farm implements, most of which are practically new: Farm Implements MiCormick Deering Farmall M tractor on rubber, in good shape, two-row cultivator for M or H tractor; 3-boltom John Deere thactor plow on rubber (this Is a 12-in, bottom); John Deere four-sechion springtooth harrow in good shape; McCormick Deer. ing teaglor mower, No, 25 V (7 fi. cul, power take-off); MeCor- corn planter with tracter hitch and fertilizer attach. ment, in good shape binder, No. 4 E (8 fi. cut with power take-off, Cormick Deering corn pleken, No. 1 P (one -row LUNCH WILL BE SERVED BY COBURN EVAN. LADIES AID ia) 51 4 M. A. KEEN EE NUBLER, Auctioneer, Gilbert Waite, Clerk, Visits ‘ tent Representative MONDAY AM pe THURSDAY farm pe yy Route RRO pements Sale ed bY som goxxis De wer J. Stover, auet FRIDAY Decker w his farm MARCH 23 We MARCH 1 offer at THURSDAY MARCH 1 cke will ofle hig fa nt Jersey Ror red cat pred Oats pox © of farming #90 a. 2 H THURSDAY. MARCH 20 The uied public sale of herd om the Roms Daniel form at Oak Hall has been ; celled Hy Howard Duck. owne xi! THUPSDAY MARCH -Howara Duck will offer at public sale of the Ross Daniel Lowder farm. al Oak Hall, a large herd of dalry oat tle. mostly Holsteins Sale at 12 noon. EE. Hubler, auect x6 PRIDAY. MARCH 30M A Keen wil offer at public sale at his farn miles west of Woodward or 4 miles eat of Coburn on Pine Creek road a full line of practionlly new farm implements and machinery Sale at 12 o'clock noon. EE. Hubler ust | x] arge SATURDAY. MARCH 31 Charles Nea Morey. administrator of the late Blanche Kate Petterhofl estate, will offer at public mie at her late red. dence. Main street. Pleasant Oap personal proterty and real estate Sale at 1280 pm Harold FE Leightiey, auctioneer LE SATURDAY, MARCH 31.3 Millard Martawick will offer at public sie ¢* his revtdence. 378 Reynolds ave. nue. Bellef wmte on Sat vdsy) Moreh 21. a full line of houssho'd woods | foln g4 1230 pm. KE M Smith | auct THIBENAY, APRIL, 5Poss Orin will affer at vublic sale at his farm in Btoemstown, sll oattie and farm machinery L311] EATURDAY. APRIL 21--A N. Kauf. mann will ~®ar at problic sale at his vesidence, Nittany, Pa. a full Noe Re] sods and general | merohandiss Fale of 99% a m ¥ Wabler, aust : Shen iil WE ———— — RE Auxiliary To— jed from Pages One) Landrace Crossbreds Test in Second Year Legal Notices EXECUTORS NOTIC ¢ rut ‘ LEGAL NOTCH ¥ : Al ™ HINNINC tf oaey BE 1 COT» Harris the Street thence east along sal nn Street 45 feet 1 int Armiors » along line of land of Armor's heirs 125 feet 0 a post. thence west slong other land formerly of Alexander Mee Cafferty ot ne parallel with { Linn Street 45 feel 10 eastern i of lot formerly of John P Harris thence north along lot formerly of John P Harrls 1235 Jeet to Linn Street That you, above named, or you legal representatives, dispute plaint- i's title to sald property and the heirs: thence el, {above named plaintiff requests the Court to decree title In him and ‘o enjoin vou from setting up any title to sald premises, from impeaching denying or in any way attacking plaintiffs litle to said property Whereupon said Court ordered that notice of sald facts be served by the Sheriff of Centre County on you, above named, or your legal rep- resentatives, or whoever may be claiming title to said land by ad- vertisement requiring you to appear in said Court on Monday, the four teenth day of May, 1951, at § o'clock M MARTIN L KAUFFMAN, Bherift LOVE & WILKINSON | Attorneys for Plaintift 107 East High Street Bellefonte, Pa Sl
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