M: arch 16, 1951 THE CENTRE LOCAL AND PERSONAL | M1 and Mrs. Richard Sage: ¢ Sale uaran i I n- | and son, D iis, have moved | East Beaver Street, to Half Terrace Mrs. William J turned Friday to her Curtin street, from relatives in Munhall and also in Elizabeth Mr. and Mi W. High Street Witmer on N. Sprin thi Sanitorium | | ind | propert home move there Mr. and Mr of Rochester, N end with Mr Mr Frank Hoag Street Mr. and Mrs S. Spring Street over n-law Darrell new Sew-Gem and f cenes from The: hipple Dam and the Roth: Bruce Garner chool band Pifer, daught H. Pifer terday for at Farrell plays turn Su Jame Street dition Moon Fort Campbel relative They went where the: days ~Mr Salisbury and Joseph Creek co sented by the Philipsbur Chorus Milesbur Church, Sunday evening ick also called at the he E. Flynn and Ross Walla Mr. and Mrs. Josepi and daughter, formerlh burgh, have moved into ment in the DeLong home Linn Street. Mr. Cipri cepted a sition a i chnanic with the Standard Stone Company at Mrs. Ciprish is the for Cassidy, of Milesburg Mr. and Mrs. Howard that year. School | of E. Linn Street, expect ( \ ) months. Singer | this month to the hots ' Bur: wii machine were going for | ham place occupied Fr. of i . ix cents per pound Mrs. E. L. Plumb 8r T} jum! but i dil and chickens | will move to apartme in the y ¢ t piece, “There were also | Fleming house on E. Lim nplaints about cows runn- | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pore wl i streets, and the ringing | family of the Orvis apartments ; ‘ ‘ourt House bell by Jack expected to occupy the \ 3 shen Dave Fortney got cated by the Hamill nllored suits sold for $20. Terrace attended in the $50 | wt $40 ¢ School £33.000 ropriation PLUMB’S DRUG STORE White Bros. Successors N PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY NED FrLuUMB RAY WHITE, Pharmacists ® SICK ROOM SUPPLIES ® FOUNTAIN SERVICE “REXALL DRUGS” ® DINETTE DEMOCRA'I BEL L IK FONTE, PA. sgo— Ea Page Five r— —— —-— — ; ————————— CENTD Lr Articles For Sale William Hyslk { WEeRKCHH! MARKET QUOTATIONS Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner & Co. Ine, Flour Mill, Bellefonte €1 Articles For Sale HIGH EGG=-RECORD Pedigree Gloodlines KERLIN'S CHICKS There's a BIG difference in baby chicks . . . in the way they are hatched, the breeding back of them and their inherited health and vitality, You'll see that difference this year, if you start right with our vitality-packed chicks from high egg record, pedigree bloodlines. KERLIN’S POULTRY FARM Pullorum tested Leghorns and New Hampshires, Our 67th Year « Centre Hall, Pa, «wu Phone §# Limited quantity excellent brooders (electric, ofl, teal) F lone cent a word CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Advertisement Where advert four issue isement is charged above Articles For Sale A 0D FOR SALE Livestock STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Aute ~~ Fire and Life Insurance R. Copenhaver Representative PHONE 4207 Bellefonte, Penna. words or contain more than twenty-five words minimum rate of twenty-five You Just Can't Ge Wrong With Our Larger, Faster Growing NICHOLS STRAIN New Hampshire Chix Babeock Strain Pedigree Sired World Egg Record WHITF LEGHORNS Large Type Birds and Plenty More Fg» WHITE ROCKS “All breeders carefully bloodiested” Poultry and Chick Equipment and Remedies Hatching The Year Round PRICES VERY REASONABLE Mountain Range Hatchery SALONA, PA. Phone Mill Hall 82.32 , 35 cents each ise ¢ Help. Wanted ANTED Announcements Work Wanted Poultry 1 ie for canst ———— DEMOCRAT CLASSIFIED ADVE RTIHIN © SECTION Sales Mart Wanted to Buy ARMER (¢ re Hal Realtor Used Cars & Trucks ¢ Machine Work MACHINE WORK -—Ceners Real Estate For Sale a EXPERIENCED HIGHWAY ENGINTFERS and INSPECTORS Pasture Land For New Jersey Turnpike Address Mr. A. M_ Palm Fay, Spofford & Thorndike F. 0. Box 74 New Brunswick, New Jersey J ORDER YOUR BABY CHICKS NOW r OF Dr HATCHING EGGS WANTED Because of the increasing de- mand for hatching eggs from Nichols strain New Hampshires we are in need of more eggs. If you are interested in a year- round market for your eggs, get in touch with us at once. We will accept flocks from 200 lay- ers up to 2000 or more per farm Since our customer: are de- manding Nichols strain New Hampshires, we have made specs fal arrangements with our breed. er hatchery to furnish our flock - owners with 100% Nichols strain N. H. Chicks from Pa -U. 8 Ap- proved Pullorum Clean birds Because of limited supply of this stock chicks will be sold only to flock-owners who will furnish us with hatching eggs. C. N. Hockman ~ BELLEFONTE, PA Eve. Phone Day Phone 6353 nn State College Bellefonte | MARTIN STEEL BROODER HOUSES Well-Ven. chidis [An Od Friend Lost=] Insulated, your will Nive in! Sanitary tilated houses 12 ft. and 17 fL in diameter Fire Proof — Rodent-Proof bell . Kt; liege at IMMEDIATE DELIVERY nit ¥ 1 I'ree Expert i graduate Expert Work Reasonable Rates JERRY LEITZELL Phone Bellefonte 2930 Franklin Musser SPRING MILLIS, BR. D2 Phone Millheim 12-R-12 (PHILCO RADIO) TRAVEL TICKETS 25¢ a day Fauble Insurance Agency LO.OF. Big. Bellefonte FHONE 700 TELEVISION Headquarters AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALER WILSON'S Electronic Service 218 W. High SL Phone 4282 BELLEFONTE, PA, STARTED CHICKS BARRED ROCKS NEW HAMPSHIRE WHITE ROCKS ATTENTION FARMERS! Have Your Farm Buildings Beauntified With LOWE BROTHERS PAINT PRODUCTS Arrange For Your Spring Painting Now! ® FREE ESTIMATES @ » H E. Leigh A. F. Hockman HR tightiey PEW hats Bt, CENTRE HALL, PA. see PHONE 2220 cn m 2¢ per chick more for less than 100. Prices at hatchery
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers