Page Four PENNS VALLEY | THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Are Wed Here ‘Holy Week Services in Two Union Services Are Scheduled For Pre- sentation Two Good Friday service scheduled for presentation East Penns Valley Union heim, Mar. 23. The Youth Ser will be held in the Millhein gelical United Brethren Chur ® am. and in the municipa torium at 8 pm Meditations will be lead t Revs. Alvin Dietz, H P. Maneva and J..8. Shannon. Choral tions will be presented by the Penn Singers under direction of H. Stover. Mrs. A. H. Stover will be gecompanist The seven-part program ded as follows: Betrayed and Se —In the Garden: Tried demned—In the House « aiapha The Denial of Peter—In ithe Ci yard; The Judgment of Judas—I the Temple; Thorns In the Judgement the Cross—The Via Dolor Crucifixion—-Golgotha Mr. and Mrs. H. Dale Fritchman, Jr M nd M H. Dale Fritchman and S¢ Open Formula 'BHS Students FEEDS Entertain Local Chicks 'Go’’ For Kiwanis Club STARTING and GROWING MASH with added APF for the poultryman who want his birds to get an EXTRA fast start, here's a high proteir W" fibre feed that broilern is GOOD FOR A FLYING START USI Broilermaker A Farm Bureau High Energy Feed To Place Your Order—Call CENTRE FARM BUREAU Pleasant Gap Call Bellefonte 2351 ——————— Plaza Theatre Mgr. BELLEFONTE, PA ANOTHER FINE FAMILY PICTURE is coming to our screen . . , a story that's filled with warmth, excitement and down-to-earth goodness! Like “Parson Gray” in “Stars In My Crown”, this picture brings you the story of a tireless minister—young Bill Thompson, the circuit-riding preacher, and his “brand new” wife, Mary, The picture tells a story of people who are real, folks like those who live in this town, that's why it's hailed as such a wonderful entertainment ! PLAN NOW TO SEE IT... IT'S COMING TO TOWN SOON! > A + | wa | local | camp {was a member of General Your Red Cross- Four Generaticis in Family Pictured Francis Miller SETS SERVICES er | EE Rey H. C. Carolus chairman of Chapter, American Red Cro said recently that ince the War, Home Service the Armed Forces and thelr fam ilies has increased 73 per cent, He also stated that the war there has been an increase of 250 per cent in monthly icemen Ameri ervice the since financial help to and their families from Red Cros Chapter all SOT an 1 the Chapter his family » Red Cros Armed through three program to the Force conducted Korean to members of | Sy mre home Bellefonte Howard Couple Celebrate Anniversary ! Mi and Mi Charl 1 p Howard RD 1, celel f ire niwedding anniver concerning homecoming, onvales- cent urlough leaves, and charge financial assistance in the form of loan been estat need has ished ald eath at i Walter Chandlers A Mark 25th Wedding M1 An Mi Walter AlN {ler, of the Heverly apart fts, all of silver Virginia Meckes Named At Indiana firginia Meckes and Mr Samuel We Logan Street daughter Meckes 11 Bellefonte ¢ welfare mr teacher education and the img ment of college informati Bellefonte Army Gets Inspectors’ Approval The Bellefonte U. 8 was Inspected last John L. Behruns tructor of Army Center week by Col Army tary district senior the mil | headquarter The Inspection party reported it pleased with the progress of training and preparation for shown by Centre County Reservists Col Behruns announced Capt. Maurice F. Kelly, Beliefonte district instructor, will have his tour of duty in Bellefonte extended to bring units in Lock Haven and Bellefonte to full strength and ef that | Aelency Captain Kelly has been in Bellefonte since May nm duty 148. He George Marshall's mission to China for three years and also” took part In and grants where the |» Plan Card Party te ( Wi ve "Republican Women nee 10P BUYS in Easter Suits $39.50 to A $6500 NY the African, Bicilian and European invasions, World War II Meet To Form Market In State College Area Farmers who are interested In selling on a farmers’ market In State College are invited to meet at the O. W. Houts Lumber Com- pany at 8 pm. March 15 The meeting is for the purpose of forming an organization and mak. ing plans for opening the market this summer, according to Comnty Agent L. HH. Bull R. B. Donaldson, marketing ex- tension specialist from Penn State will be with the group to help with the, market plans This meeting is very important, so farmers are urged to attend and bring others who may be interested in the market, the county agent sald, Sometimes wise men and women fall for fascinating hokum. | SMART FOR WEAR All Through Spring Just what you've been looking fu* A new sult to earTy you through the holiday and season to fome in handsome style i and real comfort, too. We've a wide selection of suits that meet these specifications on hand now in a wide variety of lighterweight fabrics, lighter colors : i TAILORED BY | Michaels Stern —~ College Park 'LEVINE’S Allegheny Street Bellefonte | ‘To Retire After Nittany Valley to End 48 Years Service veo A1111221 202001 L: # ; AEE EE EEE ETSY, AWN NN v v h A 1112328282222223222322233233 222222382222 22822222222222R RRR I A. Mille EE EL EE EE EE EE EE EE LE EE Er rrr ry * BELLEFONTE * A A SATURDAY JOHN WAYNE as the Skipper of the Submarine that threw an underwater uppercut ) for +l : fy, 5 . NY \ re 3 { WARNER Bros. JorkATIOND Ne with Ward Bond Philip Carey ALSO STARRING THURSDAY — FRIDAY PATRICIA NEAL WSWS Plans Spring Conference Tonight Car Strikes Guard Rail Near Old Fort ) NOTICE A puget YOUR RED CROSS THA Err Err rr rr rr rrr rece Uncle Sam / ~ a 4 - FIC wes ROGERS MONDAY TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY J The Motion Picture that Dares to Rip the Mask off the Ku Klux Klan! Not ASSN S ERR ARARRNRR0RRAAARARARARLRANLLL0ANRRRLLORALANNNRNANLLLLALALANANANRRRRLLARKKRKLLLAAIRANKRRRLRLANRR a Story of Ten Years Ago... Story of Today! RARRARRALARARLARIA RARRARARRRARERRRARRARRRRARRRRRR J + BELLEFONTE * oh — Weekdars Ta I} pom saturdays Pte 1} pm — FRIDAY and SATURDAY — MONDAY ONLY The Most Daring Mobster Ever to Blast His Way Out of Jail! HUMPHREY BOGART ANN SHERIDAN SAN QUENTIN also Monte Halewin “PIONEER MARSHALS we SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTIONS we COMEDY COLOR CARTOON COLOR CARTOON “0 Perfect Day” | “Wacky Bye Baby” “Flowers For Madam” Laurel and Mardy Woody Woodpecker Bugs Bunny TUES. and WED. The Naked Truth Abeut 2 Bay, A Girl and a Sin. ful Crime! DANA ANDREWS FARLEY GRANGER EDGE OF DOOM — WAN — Joan Evans Adele Jergens
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