State Police Say: Driving ful, well speed results In a greater i accident DINCOURTEOUN speed In unlaw Highe degree of oceurs, DON'T DRIVER al unsale nu nx discourteous severity HE A h . Y POL I k AR K EST 14 ( Iriginates Survey | IN RAID CASE Count of © Water Qutiets in Bellefonte Area | | Harold Stine Waives Hearing Instituted; Daylight Saving Time Goes Into| ""' RrEe ul Wl hl Effect April 29; Ask County Aid for Con: at Patri struction of Streets. VOL i ME 70. NUMBER 12 BELL In Rellefonts | fo plat i t Ho TRA cluding Colevil Ini number ol the tion ime provide SRaving he ir i vin "1 ra v MOE i Bauer appear. | # uy ® ' rida Willi \ ) iH and y Muti omimitts nt Ait ! 5 ] gam ! Nit . 4 busin Chat nie Pax Collector Jean h file METTEET ured over i" Hl reminhy Mi ans before \ | Named Youth Leader in XR Ieee Ww tO Lhe orough $470 ire Hriown wnrged I'he } that jist of ta Lhe 1’ x tied it han itted : ot! Lamb and Hu budg unmities odd pred (Continued on Page BHeven) TEACHERS REACH 100% QUOTA County PSEA Branch Records An $1 8K) bai All Per«sonnel in socintions Tom Musser Tom N ‘ Behool scholast | first ership « Bellefor He wil Saving to compels sponsored COUNTY FIREMEN 10 AID FERGUSON Commitiee Appointed to Meel he ca With Proposed Or St, tied Baloints sOPran Mel Mr cna 13% 1 Centre nts ty he BPOF need by the date Teacher Cregg Town ™ hip Voeational School. Mrs. Smith also reported that Invitations to dinner were ta be extended to the College Chapter and the Belle forte Branch of the PSEA Tdast- mnsier for the occasion will be Dr. George Murphy, director of the Language Arts clinic at Penn State and John Lumley president of PSEA. will be the main speaker He will discus Legislation Ont look The award cial ganization nn of jership 311] for the spring di maonstrati ire ational sonality Choir ¢ Misa ner in ithe three-man meet the Pergu san township group which is study ing the possibility of a svolunteer fire company there was made al a merting of the Ctilre County Val. unteer Firemens Association In Bnow Shoe, Sunday afternoon OG. H. Everett and Oeorge Lauck of Perguson township. were pres- to discuss the project. John of Boalsburg:. John Gillen ite, and Tom Jr.. of rollege, were tment of with & Appoir peErserierance to ray fulness and general worthines In addition hiz athletic active ities which include wrestling and football he has been active in othe! er school and community work He 1» president of the senior class a member of the band and chorus and has received awards for actly ities In the Puture Farmer of America Musser is and churet Grange. He : } \ x 1 C. Musse { Jacksonvill oad hn is engagement for the Centre |... riday committee to riam Zerby | base The Old Janice Lou Irvin l eph DeHaa will deliver with Sauer meet wn asked Pergusor when th cident Bible ARTS 10:45 ice wil all Ty Joseph } Miss J ’ hooi i Centre County in. .Sep- by Adams Barnhart They 1 ter reported on the four-area nal lezislatior lee Corter ued on Page Seven) ¥ Harps plans for the ans ps art 3 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. ‘ Stephens Mark Wedding . Bley. Of Boal CT ey i 4 Anniversary Minstrel Show vee. Planned By ies Lions Club ¢ Beliefonte ion ub ha 3 { Millheim m Organ Psalms Vocal ession Anthem ! rmber he April Plan School auditorium May | for the Logan Fire home In |, a ” Purple Cello Bok Tschaike Selections Spr Vocal Solo Selection, String I Solo AnT the 1- | annual minst T «t | High hich 18 and 17 served nt Ha it tt arihey f K 21 co-chairmen Stephen : | ! in r dinner son Paul E Grove Mill Gertrude Laut Stephens were married In Pa. Mar. 21 vith Kinter officiat ‘ Mrs. Ste 1s is I J producing ale of the late Wi 1 n Al ver will send a prominent . rel iy Lutman, of Cook; Bellefonte produce what will pe} orm near Chi hi ty. He is the sor late Thomas | the of annual min- | He Mbp amb, amir A P. and Catherine Far trel show will go to the Woodys should be A phens 101) omn pro-{..; Hong to 8 inal wri ! im ding to an original writ. |} The nat lived thai ten agreement with Charles Rock- | Symphony Pa Puebls ole Salin at ey, who had demanded a greater Kansas City, Mo, ar Sts the | rice. The Centre County court Good College bef wing to Pine Grove | brighest in concurred, but the opinion given Union Mills about Mr. Stephen entertainment alive with gay popu- {yo Juice John Bell, Monday, re- a building contractor until his re-|lar music, lovely chorus girls and | co coi the order. Costs are to be tirement screamingly funny end-men, In A 4 be the appellees. The case was They are the etting of beautiful scenery and : tried first in May, 1940 | (Continued on Page Eight) colorful costumes Mot MRL MN | - . . SE . “| Concert Membership Post Civil War Period Here |Compaign To Open Vv, . The annual campaign for mem- | Brings Era of Construction bership In the Bellefonte Commu- | nity Concerts Association will be held the week of Apr. 16, It was decided (‘The following is the second and]ed to him, and asks his sister to tell | at a meeting Tuesday night ! final part of an article by Mr. Mit- | his brother william “to attend to Andrew Chatlas, of Centre Hall, | chell based on letters written be-| the reservoir for me” Bellefonte | is president of the association. The | tween the years 1861 and 1871, to| was just bullding a reservoir in ite | committee members are Mr John | Mrs Philip and by Prank 8. Wilson, giving an | present location apd Frank had |B. Miller, Mrs. L. H. Bull, Mrs Ral. | interesting picture of Bellefonte of | some connection with the furnishing | oh Dale, Mrs. Clarence Thompson, | those days and of Centre Purnace|of its supplies. He sends his love |and Lawrence McClure Jr and the parmers High School) to any ladies who may inquire for Michael Rhodes will appear Apr (By J. Thomas Mitchell) me” and especially to a Miss Tay- |) in the last wbncert of the season The next letter, written in the Ba Bim tlofmation he i” summer of 1863, finds him (Frank rh to RT her and Jacob Val. 8. Wilson) as a leutenant in the entine are ry “making very good army with a Bellefonte company | qe. « ge says he has been on commanded hy Capt. A. B. Snyder d all ht ii ch f ad posted at Minerva Point in Bomer- Er enient py "Isaac "Mitchell - set county vreoaring for Lee's at- nw Py the Company clerk and tack on Gettysburg, He says that | . ff the “Lions Mod- trel of 1951 Wilford Supreme Court Fisher, club president, named te Reverses Decree Arthu mmittee at club meeting last | . The Pennsy Indian the man and the ania Supreme Court an ote | has reversed a decree of the Court which fd Common Pleas in Centre County ; rector to [IM connection with the f a 1601 they secured mpany al The Mrs gram chair ana Cour Ana Grubb Near conveyed to first in a series { Ste. and Proceed » pa rest erie settermen mity b m ACCOT nstructor couple tated The ch the Airmgn have secured is one of modern minstrelsy d cript re mf n 1932 Milesburg parents of two chil 112:00-12:26 12:25<12:50 {12:50« 1:15 1:15 1:40 2:05 2:30. Special Lutheran ¢ 12:00-12:25 40-2:06- Subscribers Reminded On Address Changes With spring movings coming into season, subscribers were reminded to include their old addresses, as well as their new addresses, when re- 12: | 1 |X 2 2 Bpegial Peters and ET tin Bruce barit Molly Monsell i Miss Bara McClure, YBryan, Mra | MeClure, alto, fen Sheetz, Stan Kuhiman Warren Olsen Sunrise will preser Kna a Crucifiec “Bles <Orgar ing THne, Jean Thompson pu Jean The string ensemble member 1:40- 2:08 2:30 3:00 Organists are Mrs 12:25-12:50-" 50- 1:16" 15- 1:40--"Submission at 06- 2:30--"Victory at the Cross” 30- 3:00--"Confidence at the Cross’ EFONTE, P A. THU RSDAY. MARCH 22, 1951 iy Sunrise Service At Mileshury Catholic Hellefonte Services in " M Mileshurg Baptist FARTER KUNI Services HERVICSY John's Lutheran { holy Present Cantata ¢ ied} 3] Hn Enrter fl g. A ¢ lock wid gf i i i jg was expiall Hou tet iL Jeni Carnet Organist, Mi are. Soprano, Miss Bar Miss Jean Houck, Mi Mary Alice Hartranit Mins Peguy Pisher Mrs. Carl Sodergrin, Mrs. Harold Ralph Dale: Miz. Dorothy Hermsteadt Mrs. Lawrenoe Mrs, Clair r. Mrs, Leonard Witmer, Miss Mir- Carolye "Meh tenor. John Dubbs, Bruce Oarner Herman MoClure MM { Musser ( ne bara M nembers Maxine Mur Mies 0 0 0 © Blanchard Church of Christ in Program Service at 8:30 a This will incl Rugged Cros with Misses Roberta Irvin Clark and Doris Miller a fers the prologue. CGlenr ide a pageant entitied Nadine d Miss oloist Rew Hog Jos Balm Seast mciuce Peter an the an 0 ARLOT Yeu (lent Bamhart {f the org iP be will be at the sod the Lard for | orgar t this f the Temple” by Mr Ray Nolte Holy City with Glenn There When The Garde: by Pp wr Myers The My Lor New Testament Chr C » v Bellefonte High School EASTER ABS SEMBLY PROGRAM ant 's nN rr Ton Garbrick Reading Cl Cir Chor #-P ral he Lord's Prayer The Lord O Mj > Christ the Psaln Janice gher High Duet Lord y Garbrick Sweet Thought Asters Anda viky “Sprir nte from Fifth 8 Ronald Hockenberry Ww Song Mendelssoh . Van Norman The Best Things in Life Are Pree Waltz of the Flowers,” Tschiakovsky Ensemble. Ronald Hockenberry, Joan Richard Baney, Tom Garbrick is cordially invited to attend Wehr is director of the chorus, Mrs. Lenore man and director of the choral reading club s are pupils of Mrs, Loui Wanda Stitt is a member William Wagner Senior High Chorus Gettig, Virginia Mensch blic Martin Schad, music in the community Orchestra oO 0 0 0 0 Friday Services For Bellefonte And Mileshurg Good Priday services will be held from 12 noon to 3 p.m. in| ¥ | the Presbyterian church in Bellefonte and in the Presbyterian church in | Joe Masullo and Carl Krebs; Bellefonte PROGRAM Theme: “The Words From the Cross Forgiveness at the Cross “Authority at the Cross’ “Remembrance at the Cross “Submission at the Cross ‘Suffering at the Cross” C. E. Arnoki Robert Vowler Donald Miller Evans Brown Rev. J. M. Jones ‘Victory at the Cross’ Re’. Harry Kilingeman Confidence at the Cross Rev. W. FP. Logan, Jr music will be furnished by the Presbyterian, Methodist and hurches Rev Rey Rev Rev Lela Cole, Miss Rachel Shuey, Richard Bonnell, Wion and Mrs. Musser Gettig Milesburg “Porgiveness at the Cross” ‘Authority at the Cross” ‘Remembrance at the Cross” the Cross” Suffering at the Cross” Rev, J. A. Fassett Rev. Harry Klingeman Rev. Harry Carolus Rev, Robert Vowler Rev. Donald Miller Rev, Evans Brown Rev. J. W. Jones music will be furnished by the Baptist, Presbyterian and Methodist churches, Organists are Mrs, J. M. Roberts, Mrs. Richard Wallace, Mrs. James James Fisher The public is invited to attend any or all of the periods but will add to the reverence and dignity of the service if entering or departing only Bechdel, ub String Ensemble | pro- the Altoona | bo that he hopes she will be able to the Rebels are only about twenty |, 0 conbbling since he is using his knee as a desk He is home later In the fall alter Gettysburg and seems to be inter ested in polities, wants furloughs extended for some pactially disabled (Continued on Page Beven) miles from here” that the Belle. fonte boys are all well, that Evan Blanchard, Iater a well known law- yer, sends his love to her He mourns the déath of Joseph Harris which had just been report. questing a change Binee this paper's mailing list |» assembled geographically the old address is very helpful, simple nrocedure will speed up the process and result in little delay, if any, In receiving the paper. during the organ interlude between periods Offering plates will be found at the doors The offering will go to the Bellefonte ang vicinity Council of Church- es; the community agency for the promotion of union services and ro jects and for the coordination of the Religious Education programs such as the Week Day School of Religious Education, the Community Dally Vacation Bible School, Leadership Training classes, ete, Deer “ HOSP] TAL T0 . CHANGE HOURS FOR VISITORS Attorney to Retains Ald in Pledge Col lection Hoard Page Fight RED CROSS SAYS DONATIONS LAG “let the § He the Mark Your Esteem for the Red Cantinued oe of Cross’ — Bassinger he receipt of about $3000 in the annual campaign for the Beliefonte chapter of the American Red Cross jer was reported by Chairman Girard | puiiding Basinger at a8 meeting of Ped Crow directors Mareh 13 Mr. Bassinger said that this rep oon. resents somewhat of a lag In tributions and he urged all solicitors to compiete their collections as soo! as possible. Businessmen and indus. tries were asked for a prompt sponse to the jetters sent then garding their contril Mr. Bassinger & collection of this at snperative because of 1] arrival of the Bi obile ste | £4 h r : ing to contribute In ost of the blood -colle this area The g $4.76] re- ree. ition: MOD al for th e Bellefon George B. Thomp presided at the n Johnston, Disa oot ing ter at the fo remarked th during the were deste 'e uelry PASE year whose yed by fire i Cont Bellefonte 'Y’ Enters Team In Wrestling Event The Bellefonte YMCA wi nter a team in the State YMCA Wrest- ling Tournament to be held in the | Harrisburg Central YMCA Satur day, Mar. 31. Chester Narvel sec- {retary of the Bellefonte “Y" has announced Preliminary bouts will be held 1 pm. while the finals and finals are scheduled to get {at 8 pn Tickets, priced at 75 cents for all day and 50 cents per session, may | be available at the YMCA here Those entered in the tournament are: 123 pounds, Dave Adams: 130] 137 147 Gerald Evey | 157 Bill Krebs, 167 | 177 Pat Kelley Lynn Tiling | nued on Page Beven semi- | Larry Fornicola; and Alan Thal; Russ Letterman: and heavyweight worth a Jefferson-Jackson Dinner March 30 The Centre County Committee will hold Jeflferson-Jackson Day dinner at 7:30 pm. Friday, Mar. 30, in the Lutheran Church, Pleasant Gap The Hon. Richardson Dilworth 1050 candidate for Governor, will be the speaker. Reservations may be made with and tickets purchased from local committeemen or the County chairman Draft Board Receives Calls For April The local draft board yesterday received ealls to send 34 men for induction Apr. 12. and 36 for pre- Induction physicial examinations, Apr. 20. In addition, the board will send Demagratic the annual physical tion March 30, The students were transferred here by other boards, it was explained. fa $6.67291: Oe ceived in County at | started | | picture | stream F Prediction: With the visit of the reindeer Falm probably Nunday, we can of on expect a raid Faster bunnies y about December 725 ——— 16 PAGES THIS ISSUE re Town's unday Visitors Frightened By Dogs, Pair Invade Two Local Stores; Buck Dies After Being Cut By Broken Window Glass. 1 od on Pease Elght) BOY, 2, DROWNS WHILE PLAYING Slah Fen Body Recovered From { reek at Trailer Park (abin TITAN PAYROLL AT RECORD HIGH "1K County last Year Firm Spent $6502, in (entre amily m September PRIMARY T0 BE = HELD ON JULY 24 Official Election ( Calendar Re- Yes- The list xpenditus ‘ " ’ Robert J 8 Th Tramsportation } 116 48° pow $300 827 5% ww nee $128 076.96 supple .! 190.967 04 fue BEB. raw material: $80343 06 supplies $40.00072; communi. cations $38014 0% "automobiles 1815642 37. taxes, local $12 m 80 Iplant service, $10.24629 ’ cellane $8715.38 ising §7 606 26 Bent rents "04 33 . ' ¥ F rurt wt = . Ag! as LS $i terdas * Pictures of ‘Rock’ Appear «In Magazine office holders idates still announce No candi any official present eluciance 1c officially lHustrates the a d andigacs mansion his at | ds has as vet cement Lemont Man Held For County Court 7: | meaoo evi the site of the area will be PUTPONEeS A view of Re taker remains. Rock per portion o property . Dean Elwoox Remaining pictures sl A ition of Spring Creek looking from the ad a ree Benner Spring. Jookir | junction wi th \ Spring p Sid The area was gained by Commission through the (Continued on Page Eight) maae developers wk fromm Houtz Lemont charges sodomy displaving beer pQesession and photos raph guilty Squire He was of $3.000 bail ip from its i baence | He eadec the Fish | Thur ay per { State at a hearing Guy Mill released before College ng oo { upon posti Penna. Legion Commander Discusses Loyalty Oath Here The annual Past Commander's | ceive state aid. High on the list of dinner was held at the Brooks-Doll- | course would be many of the aca. Ebeling Post 33 of the American | demic institutions within the state Legion, Bellefonte, on Monday eve- | He said that the Legion is giving ning Forty<twp were present { full support to this bill, and went among them 22 Past Commander: on to explain, and disect in detail of the Bellefonte Post and the the superficial opposition to this present Commander of the Depart. | bill. Specifically he ment the ment of Pennsylvania American two leading groups that oppose it Legion, Joseph McCracken namely the Progressive Party of Aaron Leitrell, vice-commander of | Pennsylvania and the American the Bellefonte post, served ax toast. | Por Democratic Aion. The chiel master at the event instigator of the opposition is a The dinner was followed at 8 o'- | woman who was the Progressive clock by the regular semi-monthly | Party's candidate for United States meeting of the local post. Post Com- | Senator from Pennsylvania this mander Willis Geissinger presided | past campaign. She is well known and introduced the speaker of the evening, Commander McCracken. The State Legion head spoke very highly in favor of a bill that is now before the Pennsylvania Legislature requiring loyalty oaths of all whe work in institutions that now re-
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