State Police Say: Faulty appraisal of distances and speeds of oncoming cars, when in- sufficient time and space exists, is a common cause of improper over- taking and passing. DON'T GUESS! @he Centre Democraf —— No Foolin’: Temperatures these mornings just of wild geese hint of Spring. Let's hope the flocks aren't an April Fool prank VOLUME 70. NUMBF &. °° BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1951 14 PAGES THIS ISSUE y Lip School Disti:cts Copy is Olle, To Meet Tonight Consolidation and Transportation Chief to At- | | | | | | tend ‘Session Scheduled in Bellefonte High School, Superintendent Reports. Dr. Ravmond W. Robinson, chief of the Department of Public In- ‘struction's Consolidation and Trans. portation Division, will be present | to discuss problems superin-! Mr. Sones sald the meeting was { called because of the growth of i pupil population and lack of facil- ities on both the primary and sec- ondary levels Districts last met about a year ago to discuss the possible consoli- dation of several area schools Expected to be present are re- ! presentatives of the following dis- | tricts: Bellefonte, Unionville, Miles- burg boroughs, and Benner, Spring, Boggs and Walker townships and officials of | this area will High School prob- school directors istricts In Bellefonte to consider School seven di meet at the at 8 p.m. today lems attendant area T. Ellwood Sones, county tendent, said yesterday 0 on one peaker Is Dinner S \_ SENTENCE 3 ON Drunken Drivers Named lo Serve Jail Terms Monday GUILTY PLEAS Three persons were sentenced af- ter pleas of guilty drunken |driving charges by Judge Ivan | Walker at court Monday morning | Charles W. Lee, of Centre Hall | Was ordered pay of prose- cution and serve 30 days in jail. He | was arrested on Route 53 in Potter { township March 15 Theodore Lindquist Sr. and Gap, was sentenced on i { | i a to COSts Hon. Richard Dilworth The Hon. Richard Dilworth, 1950 candidate for governor, will speak | at the annual Jeflerson-Jackson |... a fine of $200 and Day dinner in the Lutheran Church ___ mit Te omaha Adee months jail. Tt was the at Pleasant Gap, Priday {time he appeared in court, It The dinner sponsored pointed He was arrested by Centre County Democratic Bellefonte borough police Mar. 18 mittee and is scheduled for as a result of automobile acci- p.m. Tickets may be purcl dent. local committeemen Andrew Kearney of Dalton Treasurer ia Penn State student received a May and | sentence of a $100 fine and 10 day jail. Kearney was arres. so ——— { fed by State College borough police Feb. 17 George of Pleas- to pay Was the om- 7:30 1ased from by out an Po” 20 costs, “wy Int v coun the August visited again in in GEORGE HAZELS WED 50 YEARS Golden Anniversary With Dinner Mrs. George Hazel, . Lions Begin celebrated their pierrod Wink Pri Tryouts For New Minstrel niversary with a family the Brockerhof!f Hotel "he Bellefonte Lion strel Show Talent The Hazel have tw Mrs. Earl Heverly liam Kline io oh the proce : : ing talent from this area Jimmy {part in the first annual edition the Lions Modern Minstrels John Hassinger and Bill Byrom co-chairmen of the minstrel com- and Mr liam Kline and ghter, Beverly, of E. Bishop 8 o mittee stated they “were amazed at . of talent that is Miss E 1a C. Wagner, daughter the wealth Know they of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wagner Willowbank Street and Geor Hazel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jared Hazel, of Madisonburg, were mar-| *Ple”. and the ried at the home of the bride Mar just scratched the surface. As 27. 1901. The Revs. Albert Black, of °0-Chalmmen stated ‘we are Boalsburg., and Levan Bickel, of Yinced that this will undoubtedly Bellefonte, performed the ceremony '0¢ the greatest production of It's Mr Hazel retired ime ago kind ever staged here and we mean from Hazel & Company, the dry-| © go everything that it {Continued on Page Two) that ———————— The Lions Lions Clubs Plan 1951 will be staged with this local Dinner-Dance Apr talent under the direction of Jo- sef Smiley. Mr. Smiley recently pro duced his eighth minstrel show for The 12 Lions Club Lewistown Lions Club and thi District 14-G will hold regular (Continued on Page Three) ladies night ner-dance at Hecla - Park Apr. 24. About 200 couples are expected A. H. Holtzinger, of State Co district deputy general of the affair. Jack Baldwin College, and G. FP Bellefonte, are sub-chairmen David H. Jeflries, of Centre president of the Cent Hall W. Gentzel and Ronald { Kelley, both of Milesburg, were placed on probation for one year and told to pay costs after plead- [ing guilty to a burglary charge. into Mr, and N. Allegheny an- Min- in creen- lake of of 1851 >lub committee of selecting and ’ 0 ne of avail- have the con- some to see just Modern Minstrels of il 24 mprising | the their a Spring Township To Discuss Playground Parents of children living in the Bush Addition are invited to at. tend a meeting in the Brick School at Bush Addition at 8 pn. Wednes- day to discuss opening a play- Is program chalirmah ground at the rear of the school The 12 clubs in- the district | Mrs. Ray C. Noll, president ‘of clude: Bellefonte, Centre Hall, Per-| the Spring Township Recreational guson township, Howard, Milesburg, | Council, will be present. Permis- Millheim, Philipsburg, Snow Shoe. | sion has been granted by the school State College. Lock Haven, Renovo! board to use the area for the play- and Jersey Snore j ground during the summer months lege chairman State of | of Jassinger Hall club re fry i= Titan Plans E ssay Contest on Safety With $400 Awards An essay contest with awards to- taling $400 In Government bonds for children of Titan employes was announced this week by Titan Metal | Mig. Company. A part of the com- | pany’s safety program. subject of the essays will be “What Bafety Means To My Dad.” are cautioned not to sign they will be identified by numbered cards entered with the essays Commenting on the project, P. B Ray, manager of industrial relations | at Titan, said “Industrial safety Is | something that must be kept alive continuously In t . All children of hourly Titan em- | ploves. BAY aie Tn on ployes are eligible. Essays must be | sarong to My Dad’ is one more effort limited to 250 words. Entries will be | of our o ' divided into two age groups--8 t0 | end ommittee’s part toward this 12 and 13 to 18 years. Each winner | will receive a $100 bond, runnersup | will receive $50 bonds, and two hon- April Draft Call Cut By 50 Per Cent orable mentions in each group will receive $25 bonds udges from Penn State will re. Jud The Centre County draft board judged on originality and sincerity | Will send 17 men to Altoona for of thought. Closing date of the con- induction April 12 instead of 34 This week copies of rules, safety | received this week, booklets and entry cards were! ‘The board will send 36 men for view the essays and winners will be test is April 20. [according to a change In orders malleq employes’ families. Entrants physical -examinations April 20. { action serve 3| third | 10 REGULATE FOOD PRICES IN | RESTAURANTS Ceiling Prices to Cover Meals Based on Averages of Periods | | | | The Director of Price Stabilization | under date of March 13 1951 has issued a celling price regulation for restaurants and hotels | Under the regulation every busi- | of this type must fix its prices to maintain Rg each four period, commencing April Ist 1851, a “food per dollar of sales” no lower than it had in the| base period consisting of the calen- | dar year of 1949 or the pre-Korean | twelve month period July 1 1949 to! June 30 1050. “Food cost per dollar | of sales” means the ratio between | the total cost of food and the total | sales If the business ing prior to July 1 must be filled with of the gross sales period selected also a during ness 50 As month cost has been operat- 1950 a statement | the OPS office | for the base] statement of its total food cost the same period All | i | record menus that COs written preserved such as voices on all items compute food during the | base period and during any period | after price fixing is st cordancé with the regulation As example, during period the cost of food In selling for $1.00 was $050. The of food has now gone up to You run the risk of exceeding four and were in-! | usedad t« arted in ac-| base meal | an the a cost $055. | YOur month overall io if vou month verall ratl | y } price the same meal 1.10 Persons violating any provisions of the regula are subject to! criminal penalties, civil enforcement | and suits treble damages | provided by the Defense Production Act of 1950 for 75 AT FERGUSON TWP. SESSION, Will Study Water Rental in| Placing of Fire Hyvdrants —————— | Approximately residents of | Pine Grove Mills were present at a | 75 By : Friday night meeting to discuss the | ® | county Police p ASAE LH ag or panies attended The group named Henry Elder. ! Wikkon Henry and Charles Lauck to & commities 10 study the water supply. They will meet with John Madore, of State College. owner town's water supply rates. Placing of fire hy determining their investigated by n Rhode fire of the t § cost the the finances Boalsburg COmMpAany firemen tain Department 5 were te free schoollr of order 8 the Public Instru tion John Gillen. past District Firemen's John Williams also attended Wayland Dunaway. State C« lege | attorney, explained legal formation of the company Members of the Pine Grove Mill committee are: G. H. Everts, W. P | Diehl, H. L.. Harpster, Robert Koch. | OG. W. Lauck, Sam Reed and J E | Lordeman Jr | president Association, and Boalsburg fire chief f the sles in Police Weigh Truck | Double Legal Weight | A truck overweight of that Was the was weighed Pleasant 45.980 pounds | by State] Gap sub- | | station at the State scales at Mar. | tha Purnace Monday The gross weight of the truck was | | 90,980" pounds while the legal gross | weight for a truck of its class Is| 45.000 pounds | The driver of the truck which | contained beer was James OG. Eddy. | Jr., of Endicott RD, N,. Y Cpl. George Finnin sald that! | Eddy called his employer after the | : | | essays ! | | | arrest to ask that another truck be sent to Centre County to move some | of the load Police sald that one extra truck | would not be enough and that the! company would have to send two. | Cpl. Finnin sald that the over. load was the largest ever recorded in the County. The fine ix $50 Warner Company Ends Drilling Project Drilling which the Warner Com- pany of Bellefonte has been doing in the vicinity of Waddle in Buffalo Run Valley since last November has been completed, General Superin. tendent Pred Warner announed The prospecting In that area included the drilling of 40 holes at A total distance of approximately 20000 feet. Most of the holes were drilled at 45 degrees to a distance of 300 feet. Pour holes were drilled at 00 feet at a distance of 600 feet Mr. Warner sald the drilling con- tractors, the Longyear Company of Minneapolis, Minn. Is doing some drilling east of Spring Creek. Ap- proximately eight holes will be drill- od here lo determine the thickness of the stone, . - “e- | ishing | Countians { thonotary {office jment on | moved | September | pected to announce teially In [again I 8 Aan i 3 would | steel To Establish Area s Tourist Site Open Meeting Planned York County Class Here Wednesday, May Visit April 11 County 'welve Centre County men met In we Penn Belle here Thursday night promotional possibilitie the Centre ( business Hotel Lhe estab Area a tt {et sCU IT A ounty A tourist and vacation area They planned a general meeting to be held at the hotel Apr. 11, an will invite all sted Centre Permanent that time probable to attend officers will be elected at The group discussed methods of Ourist anc vacation business the county Representatives decided that Centre County has as much scenic beauty (Continued on Page Three) attracting to PROTHONOTARY NOT A CANDIDATE Bond C. White Announces He Will Not Seek Office at Primary West Penn Co. Closes Office Here Frida an White, now Centre in ed erving hi County Preo- he will county startling time of Bond C fourth term as not be a A thi reversal {the Mr made no ann his future plan yesterday, one candidate his candidacy for the Primaries July have been sual tx. As of has announced nomination in 24. Since the Primaries forward I date the candidates are May " ae 4a SOG “1 3 of the Pro- to for for thelr expecied candidates way state ndicated out offi the office | present office holder aims. An unofficial st most of them would the first week OOS hat the irvey | come of April John H. Weber Seeks Coroner of Milesdu Paper, Trash Spoil Spring re 's The Spring landscape, partic FE on the Bellefonte-Zion road being with and other county tinr oe littered waste Aaron D endent of Highways { the tras! per trash Leit ell Department of He sald n fallen and been blow: enroute to the bore ering report from reminds truckers nance against the vehicle code, whic ng loa However not all i garbage true he said ness cems which cart of ker cot refuse are With ti he appealed A little also guilty ¢ approach of fisl l anglers to u ir. Weber ente he leaching disposi f refuse along RA more care in culty Ans, paper and YOO the banks of the stream Mr. Leitzell descr } pear {t I fonte High Scho ance of other In | where the area along tructor insightly mes be forced to ask State Police ! TH dret if the condition Helen Sheckler Kathleen lo intervene remedied All Steel Erected » At New Hospital All has now been the new Centre County Hospital W. White, superintendent ported yesterday. Some tions main to be bolted steel are being put The crane or rig used to ended job Monday noon. Bricklayers are much in evidence at the site but all trades are working over project The job is schedule” M1 need White sald. He also superinter Men dent of the hall million dollar con- | that struction of a new refrigeration buliding at Rockview Farm Prison The Rockview project is also | schedule and will require about five ( months to complete | buildi tee) erected at (4 re CDA To Meet, Plan Joint Bazaar ™ oe re and Joists into place wrt the alte em ¢ Catholk of Amer- in St Bishop April 2 Marie Kelleher Daughter nte. will Hall or m M Mins its meet East way ica of Pellet Joi 8 Behooi . t 81 Regent now all the m is attend so int bazaar of Columbus can Aske 0 final plans for the the Knights completed. The bazaar will 7. in the K. of April 5. 6 and 7 oms In the Farmers Bank ng Are 0 on! hel Discovery of Ball And Chain Recalls 1904 Boro Ordinance After many years in the same 10- | Walker with the “ball and chain” cation of business one Is bound to | for the purpose of “shackling” all accumulate many odds and ends | persons on the streets of Bellefonte that are not accounted for until it who were without a visable means comes time to move. Buch was the [of support--in short. hobos. Such surprise of W. Harrison Walker | transients hsving to sweep the noted Bellefonte lawyer, when In |streets with “ball and chain” at the process of removing his law | tached. After three such experien- office to his home on East Linn ces the word spread far and wide Street from the Masonic building | in the "Hobo Jungle” what Belle A place he had occupied for 30 fonte had In store and from then years, he found a “ball and chain” | on the countryside for miles around that had been lying In a dusky | was clear of “the vagabond kings” corner closet of his offiae since | po the purpose of preserving time immemorial [such a relic Chief De Witt has ac- The discovery took “time In tts | cepted it from Mr. Walker on be. flight” back to 1004 when Mr. Walk- | half of the Borough and it 1s now er was Burgess of Bellefonte, and {on public display at the Police Of- the town was being plagued by fice In Borough Hall However, & hobos from North, Bouth, East and word of caution is In order for West. Por the proper solution to|those whose curiosity may lead this problem Capt. Amos Mulleli. | them to try it on for size—the key Chief of the Bellefonte constabu- | has been lost, and should you put lary at the time, presented Burgess (Continued on Page Two) be | LEGION BAND | PLANS ANNUAL 86 Musicians to Appear Under Direction of Mr. Butt in Auditorium annual cert of the Junior American Legion ill be the Bellefonte School auditorium at Sunday. The band ng members, post Olin F. Bu con held in veek Carbri oboe The “Thr Bill written by two high school James Fisher and James Smit} depicts life in ’ or the wild to be BOB MCLELLAN TO HEAD ELKS Bellefonte lodge No. Names Officers on Monday McClellan of N named exalted Robert Street was ruler {at a meeting held CONCERT SUNDAY Thomas | of {the Bellefonte Elks Lodge No. 1084 | Monday night Airport Authority Elects Ofhcers Harold Albright, State College, Named to President's Post; J. B. Craig, Sr., Bellefonte, Is Vice President, in Session Last Nigh ¥ Engagement Told Miss Eva Davies First Pred GYPSUM KILN "PROJECT STARTS 300-Foot Installation to in Operation This Year § Me suscended Daniel Holier, of Pue ——— | Street Officers will Apr. § meeting Other: elecled leading ner, esteemer be installed at the wot esteemed ealeeme: Pr . NC Three Injured In Overturned Auto Three per verturned of east of Centre Saturday Emily Angeles, Cal a bx the right eve of the right eve. She was admitt Centre County Hospita Robinson, 16. Camg was treated at the minor injuries Mr of Crossett, Ark. driver of received a sprained ankle injured were taken to in the Pleasant Gap Company ambulance Police sald that the car the road and tumed over was about $200 Cars operated b of Clearfield, and koweki, Bellefonte Sk Mountain Sunda) Total damage to the $400. No one was injured Police said the Soult car the road and was struck other car SONS were Wheeler received a ia ne and te the Harold 8 CC for Erma Thomas the car The hospital the Fire went off Damage John W. Soult Frank P. Racz. collided on the CATS War off the ran by | Nome Committees For Joint Bazaar | Committees of the Knights of | Columbus and Catholic Daughters | of America of Bellefonte, have com. | pleted plans for the Joint Bazaar [the two groups are sponsoring for the benefit of the new St John's School Pund. The event will be held Apr. 5.6, and 7. in the K of C rooms oper the Farmers Bank Joseph Hazel Sr. was named as chairman of the construction com- mittee, with Russell Copenhaver and Joseph Hartle, committer members The committee will erect booths. Women will be In charge of the booths from which fancy work, baked foods and candy will be sold Refreshments including sandwich. es also will be sold and gifts, donated by Bellefonte merchants, will be awarded. Miss Marie Kelleher is chairman nin is K of C chairman. Jerome Baird was named publicity chair. man for the bazaar, it was ane nounced, building at High and Spring Streets. | of the CDof A, while George Fin- | Representatives of iracting Company Boro Truck Parking Permits To Expire ’ fonte ~ Bellefonte PTA Group to Be { the charges t. ¢ BOY, 2, HURT BY AUTOMOBILE Postponed After Hearing on Charges Lodged Decision y & hearing after. or Dut postpor decision on Witnesses at i # Albe Kr _ MRcers Hull and C. J Carl Jack the ely hearing includ. and Leo Our R. Smith, Thomas. Mr police Ne James and Mrs JULIAN COUPLE IN OPEN HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Alexander Mark Years of Wedded life 50 M Alexanc eledraled and Miss and were bride's Rev, of the riormed f Mr Rn the The Pe retired farmer Feb. 28 alter Continued on Page Bight) a Alexander retire Firemen Extinguish Two Flue Fires The Logan Fire Market at Axem of Belie- O'Bryan at 30 Company bummed in the wht fire. Men to extinguish companics at 7 pm b) we fire occurred { Dan Grove on West There was no damage ; n at the home High Street Name Officers at Meeting Preparations for ficers at the next meet Pellefonte Parent-Teacher Associa- {tion were made at a meeting held at the high school cafeteria Tues. iday night President James Biddle appointed | Harold Wion, Mrs. Robert K. Thom- as and Mrs Philip B. Ray members [of a nominating committee. The {election will be held April 24 | Members of the auditing commit. | tee appointed by the president were | Mrs Joyvee Rine, O. FF. Solienber- ger, and Miss Peggy Sahlaney Rev. John Lenhardt of State Col- lege, chaplain and restoration di- | rector at the Rockview Parm Prison. | was the speaker { He stressed the relation of train. ing In the home with training re- teived In the school and in the churches. He outlined the responsi bility of the parents toward their | rector April meeting - election of of- § children ing of the | ing opened with devo Harry C. Carolus, pas The Lions meet bw Rey {tor of the Evangelical and Reforme- od church Roy Leasure, first vice president and program chairman, announced that Frank Hench, recreational di- would be in charge of the Miss Sahianey acted as secretary for Miss Gertrude Wilson. Paul M. Dubbs, treasurer, gave a report. Mrs. Samuel Vonada of the Ways and Means committee reported that $30.35 was received from Saturdays bake sale Winners of attendance banners were: Bishop street school, sixth grade, Mrs. Rine: Dale building, 2nd grade, Mrs. Carl Deltrich. Spring street building, 5th grade, Mrs Harry Jones The Hospital committee served ro« {reshments after the meeting. a
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