March 15, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Beven CR E—— the Fruit Spray Schedule |: or th Offered For State [a noice of How. the famed fruit spraying fruit Pennsylvania and New Jersey-—aj chemical in . ples, ‘peaches, sour cherries, and |S It wa compiled by grapes—may be protected from dis- | 2¢* and D. C. Shallcros eases and insect pests is revealed | METH ultural specialists in in a new folder just released by refiects fi the Du Pont Company Offered Rl = for wishing ples of the Chemical De Company, 860 | bulldiyg ni yvrite tegional IRECENT WEDDINGS Baumgardner--Palmer Shirley M. Palmer of Belle should be chosen to ex) daughter of E£. Blaine Palm onality he owt \ Kn Kk | formerly of Potters Mills, and Stew bu nl Wham division { hon i art C. Baumgardner, son of Mj ‘at Penn St Mrs “Charles Baumgardner Plea In even 0 impli pr thi ant Gap the place mat for the sSprucetown March may be determi: Home Furnishings Express Personalities Home fur: hit \ loth Mi fonte Stat crons olation ecticide and | thi thi and 1IAINg Were married nt tor Methodist church | ment those | states 3 Rev, J single fruit growers of Paul Taylor ceremony of Attendants were Mr. and ality, explalr performed the One type o ring Mi Donald Ripka of Pleasant Gap. The pride wore a phle pink gabardmne y accessories and white acc age of ively mat delicate 1 a con red rosebud a"; Fetterolf Bradford AW CHEVROLET Aerosedan Driven less than 12,000 miles CHEVROLET DeLuxe Styleline 4-door sedan CHEVROLET club coupe CHEVROLET 2-door sedan CHEVROLET Aerosedan CHEVROLET 4-door sedan CHEVROLET cabriolet CHEVROLET 2-door sedan CHEVROLET coupe CHEVROLET 4-door sedan CHEVROLET 2-door sedan CHEVROLET long wheelbase dump truck CHEVROLET sedan delivery ABOVE Winter Electric Storm Fells Deer '® Russel 1 THE CARS ARE PRICED BELOW KECKLER CHEVROLET, Inc. S. Potter Street Phone 4791 IT'S HERE..NOW! i. i&| = Revolutionary New NORGE r:rric: Here . . freezer you A roomy handy across-the-top freezer with a BIG DIFFERENCE CEILING PRICES Bellefonte, Pa. RATOR WITH FULL-WIDTH FREEZER THAT WILL NOT SWEAT! now' The refrigerator with th uper ve waited for Thanks to a brilliant NOR( vance, of wil nol teal tn Dol fF eng Or PEM : will not let frozen foods or ice suck together Definitely Come inlet us the reirigerator news « show you the moa THIS WEEK ONLY! $50.00 Trade-in ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR Nowhere Else This Combination of Features! FULL-WIDTH FREEZER acromn the top keeps 32 pounds frezen storage of 22° below freezing Sweet proof foods, ice cubes will not stick together. Door ? » education toda f opens down makes hendy looding-unloading table : ! ™ ass ughest § strive for, as it wa . years. He what we the rade £ he questioned remarked fu need t think to find the person farting out in the world the right where he belongs, both in abil and happiness Touching on the Mr. Kearney cxpressed belief that many of the 18.-year-oids, who will soon be incorporated In the new Draft Law, would not be drafted ROLLATOR™ COLDMAKER mechanism only J moving 4 1 . before their 10th birthday parks atthe 4 amowlicha backed by 5-Year . | Mr. Kearney concludéd by saving Protection Pla ® { that there will b¢ more opportuni. ties in the future for attaining col | lege educations | Miss Margaret Perret and Prank Hench, guidance co-ordinators of [t + sigh school, were Introduced » i Mr. Solienberger at the conclusion of Mr. Kearney's talk for the work {they did in helping to plan “Col. lege Night” Bthools and colleges tutions represented at ‘College Night” included Bucknell Univer. sity, Gettysburg College, Lycoming College, St. Francis College, Al- toona School of Sommerce, Thomp- son Pusiness College, Williamsport Technical Institute, Adele Behool of Beauty Culture, Indiana State Col. Mege. Temple University, University of Pittsburgh, and Penn State Hospitals represented were Al- toona Ceneral, Geisinger Memorial, Jefferson, Lock Haven, and Phil. ipeburg State The Armed Services were repre. sented by the Army, Alt Force, Navy, Marine Corps, WACS and WAVES. COLD SHELF — below freezer — stores frozen desserts, solods. Produces 56 ice cubes {or ADJUSTABLE SMELVING arranges to suit your re quirements, Nearly 16 square feet of spoce CRISPER DRAWER keeps huge quantity of fruits and Draft question vegetables gardenfrash TILTABIN of bottom of the NORGE for handy dry storage of mostused bottles, tam end packages and insti Allegheny Street SEE THE FEATURES OF AMERI “The ng offensive; to some peo ple begin. when the umfire cries, “Play Ball” ana i | "HOWARD ana mir Woo w and Linda, of | day recently | ter and husband M. Nef Eckdahl, of Beaver Fall pent last weekend with his wife and xon, Douglas Michael ent Mr, and Mi Mr Charle wme from the Lock ast Thursday and is rep orzalescing wills ort wHLRITIAPOT with the Mr. and former Mr ard Carroll ana par- Eckdahl. | Haven Hospital ried 1o He nicely returned | © | Announce Daughter's Birth M Willian F. Dw Announce Son Mi Russell Daughter wins Are Born Kai ) M " H , Announce Announce Son el K son Born First Child Born second Child Born "a A Ae ¥ Answer Alarm Parents of Daughter r Parents of Son "2 QUALITY Starter & Growing Feeds containing NFZ.MIX can sed 28 8 preventative of 8 trestrment Cocoadiosis ~— will runts and 1lle~ without slowing growth~—reduce death losses, Plan now % for the chicks spring. STOVER’S FEED MILL Centre Hall Become Parents four NFZ Feels starting this use our you're Son : Born ge : Kk sireel Pa 5 WORLD'S MOST COPIED TRACTOR re ‘ 1 ‘ Practice Thrift In Use Of Your Oven Be economical | ven, advil Miss Helen ! extension tre County H the use of you: Butler represen. When nu bake In planning your meals, select food that takes about the shame time and temperature to bake. You often bake a ple at 425° F. 15 minutes, then at 35 FP. 30 minutes. With an over meal pie could be baked one hour at 375° F. or even for a longer time when the gven meal requires a tem. perature of 350° FP A delichite cake would not bake well with any oven meal. However collage pudding, fruit roll with bis. cuit dough, or a ple would be ac eptable For even browning of bread and | desserts with an oven meal, put! them on the top rack. Be sure all} foods with excess moisture are cov. | ered so other foods can brown! readily It is economical to oven steam | | frozen: vegetables when baking other foods in the oven. Put on partially thawed vegetables In but. tered casserole, Season as desired Add just enough water, about one fourth cup, tH prevent sticking. Por | ome vegetables, you may like to ure top milk or thin cream instesd lof water. Cover tightly and bake in a moderate oven 350° F. until tender Here is a suggested menu for an oven meal. All food ean be baked at 350° FP. one hour i Baked Ham Slice Candied Sweet Potatoes ...yet the ONLY one that gives you ALL the revolutionary FERGUSON SYSTEM features! FREE DEMONSTRATION on YOUR OWN farm For a Full Line of These Tractors and Implements See Your Centre County Ferguson Dealer E. M. SMITH MOTORS, Inc. 18005 W. COLLEGE AV) STATE COLLEGE, FA We Also Have a Large Selection of USED CARS & TRUCKS Moderately Priced and Ready for Miles of Service WE HAVE IN STOUK A TULL LINE OF Parts and Accessories for Dodge Passenger Cars and Trucks Up to and Including 1956 Models GOODYEAR TIRES & TUBES of All Sizes Tractor Tires for All Makes of Traction FERGUSON PARTS & ACCESSORIES ~ E. M. Smith Molors, Inc. 1905 W. COLLEGE AVE STATE COLLEGE, PA. IAL 4977 or Ain KM. Jack” SMITH, Auctioneer a a a ee . ee we. A a -
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