1, 1944 December THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five LOC ALS Mrs. Donald Mecllvaine and | daughter, of Whitford, are visiting at the Joseph Baker home on East Linn street —A regular monthly meeting of the | Bellefonte Garden Club will be held | at the home of Mrs. John Mokle, on North Spring Street, at 2:30 p. m Tuesday, Decembebr 12, Mrs. Betty Orvis Harvey, Curtin street, returned to her early last week after spending eral days with relatives and friends in Philadelphia and vicinity. James Albright, 8 2¢, returned last week to his duties in Washing- ton, D. C., after spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Albright and family of East Beaver street. Mrs. Alice O'Leary returned last week to her home on North Penn street from New York City, after a several weeks visit with her son-in- lay and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pat- rick Armstrong. ~William Kerk, of State College, son of Mrs. Frederick F. Hallowell, of North Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, early this week departed for Jack- sonville, Florida, where he will be lo- cated indefinitely. “The Women s of Centre county sale in Democratic the Stickler building, street, Bellefonte, on Saturday, De- cember 9th, at 9:30 a. mn —FPranklin G. Malone C. C.M., who is with the SeaBees at Davisville, R 1. arrived here Priday to spend a nine day leave with his wife and daughter Dolores Mae at their home on East Curtin street. -Staff Sgt. and Mrs. George Pet- roff returned last Wednesday to An- niston, Ala.. after spending a 15-day furlough with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David C. Myers of East Lamb street and also with Sgt. Pet~ roff's parents in Philipsburg. —Mrs. Mark McClellan of East Orange, N. J., is making her home for the duration with her husband's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McClellan of South Spring street. Pvt. McClel- lan is now with the armed forces in England. —Sgt. Ralph F. Howell, who has served overseas with the U. 8. Army for the past two and a half years in Iceland, England and France, is now in Belgium, according to word re- ceived recently by his mother, Mrs. Leona Thompson, of Bellefonte R. D. 3 of East home SeV- | Democratic Club will hold a food Headquarters in West Bishop —Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller and family, who had been living on South Water street, moved last week to the house vacated by the Greenland family at Bush Addition. Mrs. Mil- ler is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles Musser of South Water street. —Mrs. Leona Thompson, who had been living at Runville, moved early last week to an apartment in the Decker building on West High street. | Mrs. Thompson's son Sgt. Halph FP. Howell who has been overseas for the past two and one-half years, is now in Belgium —Harrison R. Johnson of Rock- view went to Aspinwall last Monday where he entered the Veterans® Hos- pital for treatment and observation for a sciatic condition. Mrs. John- son. who accompanied him went on to ConneMsville to spend a week vis- iting relatives Mrs. E. E. Widdowson North Allegheny Street, who several weeks ago suffered a nervous breakdown at her home, Tuesday afternoon was taken to the Centre County Hospital where she is undergoing observation and treatment. Latest reports from the hospital indicate that her con- dition is unchanged —Mrs. Mary Harvey Scott, of East Curtin street, secretary of the Belle- fonte Chamber of Commerce, and Mrs. Philip Ray. of East Curtin street. last Thursday went to New York to spend several days with rela- tives and friends. While In that city Mrs. Scott will transact business for the Chamber of Commerce Mrs. Anne Conley and Mr Agnes Brown returned last week to their home on West Logan street from New York City, where Mrs Conley spent six weeks visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Wallis. Mrs. Brown went to New York about ten days ago to accompany Mrs. Conley home ~Mr. and Mrs. W. Hassel Mont- gomery of East Linn street went to New York City early last week, Mr Montgomery returning home last Wednesday. Mrs. Montgomery re. mained for a longer visit with her brother-in-law, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Esherick, of Port Wash- ington L. I Os first 21 Sherman Lowery, seaman class, who returned November to Ban Diego Cal. after serving 13 months in the South Pacific, arrived early last week to spend a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Lowery of Coleville, and also with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. Donald Bloom of Pike street ~Mrs. Charles Kellerman and son and daughter, Thomas and Ensign Agnes Kellerman, Tuesday went to Philadelphia where yesterday Ene sign Kellerman entered the Phila- delphia Naval Hospital as a member of the Naval Nursing Corps. A grad. uate of Providence Hospital, Wash~ ington, D. C., Ensign Kellerman had been employed at that institution until resigning recently to enlist in | Musser Gettig will accompany on the «Mrs. Richard Baird entertained at the home of her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Ernest Hess, in Milesburg, last Thursday evening, in honor of Mrs, | R. Stagley Olsen, the former Edna | Mae Quick, of Bellefonte, a recent bride. Mrs Olsen received many | — — — a — co. {cently returned from a shake-down Andrew Kachik of 8S. Allegheny [Street left last Thursday night to {join a {O'Brien cabin located in the the Snow group of hunters at Shoe Mountains. ~Mrs, Mary Fauble has closed her home on North Allegheny street and will be at the Brockerhoff Hotel for the winter montis The Misses Norman Hopple, Lil- | Han Housel and Peggy Flynn, all of | Bellefonte, spent the weekend visit- ing friends in Philadelphia Mr, and Mrs, David Locke and | son, Dyer, of Buffalo, N. Y., were in| Belleionte recently for a visit with | M M:lvin Locke, of East street | Cpl. George Plaglanos returned | { Friday to his duties at Paine Fleld, | Wash, [lough with his wife, the former Bet- ty Campbell of the Gazette after spending a 15-day fur- apart- ments | Borough Manager Philip Saylor | and Councilman Leslie Thomas were | in Harrisburg last Thursday attend- ing a meeting of the Municipal Au- thorities Association held at the Penn Harris Hotel. Richard Bertram, 8 1'¢, who re- cruise to the Mediterranean war theatre, on Tuesday returned to New York after spending several days with his mother, Mrs. Anna Bert. ram, of Bellefonte. -Pvt. Dean Knoflsinger of Keesler Field. Miss, Friday returned to his duties after spending a furlough with his sister, Mrs, Clarence Young, of the Crider Exchange apartments, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Knoffsinger of Pleasant Gap. --Richard V. Waite, G. M. 3c, on Friday returned to New York after spending a short leave with his wife and daughter, Molly Kay, of the Brooks apartments on East Linn street, and with his mother, Mrs. Frank Wilson, of West Bishop street -Mr. and Mrs. George Spicer and the latter's mother, Mrs. Fannie Col- petzer, all of Niagara Falls, returned to that city yesterday after spend-! ing several days at their home on North Penn Street. While here Mr. | Spicer spent some time hunting deer in local woods. Cpl. and Mrs. Leslie Shaw and child, who were living with Mrs. Shaw's mother, Mrs. George Glenn of East High Street, moved last week to Pleasant Gap into the house formerly occupied by the Ralston Derr family Cpl. Shaw is stationed at the Pleas- ant Gap sub-station. Mrs. A. Schiller, of Pittsburgh, arrived recently for a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. E. H Adams, of North Alle- gheny street. Dr. and Mrs. Adams’ daughter, Jean, a student at Buck- nell University, Lewisburg, spent the weekend at her parents’ home Mrs. Albert Gilmer and daughter, Susan, of near Philadelphia, spent the weekend with the former's moth- er, Mrs. H. P. Schaeffer of East street. Mrs. Gilmer's husband, Ma- jor Gilmer, who accompanied them to Bellefonte, is spending the time at a hunting camp near Renovo. -Mrs. Anne Compton returned re- cently to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rumberger of Pleasant Gap from a ten-day visit with friends and relatives in Phila- delphia. Mrs. Compton recently re- signed her position as night clerk at the Brockerhoff Hotel ~Mr. and Mrs, T. Edward Kelley and son, Thomas, of Washington, D. C.. arrived in Bellefonte late last week for a visit with Mrs. Kelley's father, William Hassinger of Pleas- ant View, and Mr. Kelley's brother- in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moerschbacher of East Bishop street The Prince of Peace, a cantata by E. L. Ashford, will be sung by the Bellefonte Reformed Choir on Sun- day, December 17, at 7:30 o'clock Special selections will be presented by a soprano ensemble of 15 voices The program, fo which the public is invited, is under the direction of Mrs Ernest Martin A delicious wedding supper was served at the William M. Woomer residence of Bellefonte RD 2, Thurs- day, November 30, in honor of Mr Woomer's daughter and husband, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Tyson, from Miles burg. who were married in Manches- jer, N. D.. Monday, November 27, and arrived home Thursday. Mrs. Tyson is the eldest daughter of Mr. Woom- er R. C street, Blaney of East Curtin agricultural extension repre- sentative for Centre County left Sat- urday for Chicago. Ill, where he is attending meetings of the National County Agricultural Association be- ing held at the Morrison Hotel this week. Mr. Blaney is director for the northeastern states of the associa- tion ~Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hazel of East Bishop street and Mrs. Charles P. Smith of Blanchard street spent the weekend as guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Gilmore, in Washing- | ton, D. C. Saturday they attended the wedding of Mr. Hazel's and Mrs Smith's brother, Lt. (jg) Michael Hazel and Miss Neal Victory of Gladewater, Texas, held in subur- | ban Washington Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Confer, of Pensacola, Florida, formerly of Bellefonte and Pleasant Gap, expect to return to their home in the south | today after spending several weeks | in Pleasant Gap as guests of their! daughter, Mrs, Grace Tressler, post. mistress at Pleasant Gap. The Con- | fers have been residing In Florida since early this year, Mr. Confer be- | ing employed at Pensacola. The Bellefonte Presbyterian | choir under the direction of Mrs. ' Ernest Martin will present its ane nual Christmas musicale Sunday, December 24, at 4:00 o'clock. Guest performers on the program will be the Titan Male Chorus conducted Prank Gullo of State College and the string ensemble directed by Mrs, Louls School. The choir's contribu. tion will be a cantata, The Music of Christmas, by Ira B. Wilson. Mrs. organ, «8 1/2 Charles Sprow has return led to the United Btateg after having served aboard a destroyer in the Pacific area since August 1043, He Is now In a west coast port and Is expected Lo arrive in Centre county soon for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chester Sprow, of Ju- training at Great Lakes, The war ship on which “ie Is serving is be- lieved to have taken part in the ine vasion of Leyte in the central Phil- { with fier parent ‘ment in the Yarnell area ' the | Academy | Bellefonte {where i definitely | Manchester planned to-stop in New | Mo (and Mrs, by (ed two terms in the Air Morce Re- ippines, Mi Wayne, Ft week Rosenberger o spending thiy y, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- Ham of North Allegheny treet | Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hockenberry, who had been occupying an apart | Lane building on West | moved recently to the Clyde Ind. Is Jodi n High Street Pro guest James R, Hughes will be speaker at the Bellefonte Alumni banquet to be held at the Fort Pitt Hotel in Pittsburgh on Dec. 15th Cicorge employed at Thompson Newark, visli B. Themp partment B vho 18 N. J. is in wit: 1 Dis mMo- on of for a Mrs. Georet Bush Arcade Mildred thes the Louise Chambers, veo. man frst class, stationed at the Phil- adelphia Navy Yard, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Roy Chambers, at Clarence Rolph Hasg re urned k at ¢ Bellefonte High altar being confined East Howard street GAY D2Ca Nionca® 1] lis 8:1 io LO wl building his home on ince last Thu ne Pvt. Paul Coder, of Ft. George G Meade, was home recently to spend a few days with his wife the former Ann Elizabeth Rockey and his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coder of Zion. Mrs. Kathryn Forrest, who has been lving in State College moved to Bellefonte during the weekend and Is occupying an apartment in the Stutsman house on West Curtin street -Miss Helen Butler returned S8un- day to her apartment in the Beatty home on East Curtin street from the Centre County Hospital, where she had been a patient two weeks Mrs. Earl Neese of Baltimore, Md. Is spending a couple of weeks at the home of her mother, Mrs Martha Sampsel at Axe Mann, and with her daughter Mrs. Harris Beaty of Blanchard. Plc. Le F during the weekend to hi du ies Colorado Springs, Colo. after spend- Ing a 15-day furious’: with his par.’ ents, Mr. ard Mrs. Lester Musser, of East Lamb slireet ’ -8gt. Guy Poorman, who js st tioned Oliver General Augusta, Ga. arrived in Bellefonie recently to spend a 12«day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Claude Poorman of East strect Mrs. Louise Manchester, of the Heverly apartments, Saturday parted for Los Angeles, California, she expects 10 be located Ine En route Mrs. surgical ster Musser returned at Ae at ae i Howard des west Mexico for a brief visit before cone tinuing out to the coast Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolfe, of Milesburg, last Thursday moved to the former Burghduff house on East Curtin street which they purchased some time ago. Their daughter Shirley Anne, aged 7, who had been quite {ll for a Week because of an in- testinal disorder, is recuperating rap- idly Sgt le Palmer, daughter of E. B. Palmer of Potters Mills, went the weekend at ber home. Sgt. Palmer is stationed at Washington, D. C. Pvt Paul E. Pal- mer a son of the Palmers, Is in a convalescence camp somewhere in England. His wife and son reside at State College ~Four West pany employees Gay Mr, and Mrs Penn Power Com- contriouted a pint of blood ea h for transfusions for a Milesburg woman who is il in Phil- ipsburg State Hospital. The four men who went to Philipsburg were Leslie Polliard CC. G. Clark, aml Merrill Waite, all of Bellefonte, and Leroy Bryan, of Milesburg Seaman first class William Bal l- win, who recently returned to the United States after more than six months of service in the South Pa- cific, Is spending a furlough here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barner, on Willowbank Street. Sea- man Baldwin fias been serving as a gunner aboard an aircraft carrier Mr. and Mrs. Werner Jarchow and two children recently moved fram Ridley Park, Pa, to St. Louis, where Mr. Jarchow is field rep- resentative for a Chester war plant. Mrs. Jarchow Is the former Mildred Welland, daughter of the late Mr. Frank Welland of Linden Hall and taught school for a num- ber of years at Spring Mills before her marriage. ~Mrs. William T. O’Brien Jr.. and daughter Patricia, expect to leave Friday for Washington, D. C. where they will board a plane for Monroe, La. to spend an Indefinite visit with her husband, Aviation Cadet William T. O'Brien who will graduate as a navigator In about six weeks. Ca- | det O'Brien has not yet seen his little | {daughter which was born several | months ago. Carles McBride, son of Mr. | and Mrs. Charles McBride of East! Bishop street, who recently complet | serve program at the University of at the College at the completion of hig visit in Bellefonte, «Pe. Charles Yearick and Mrs, Yearick, of Camp Mt Vernon Ill, yesterday returned to thelr home there after a several days’ visit with |d the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey P, Yearick, of Heila, Pfc. Yearick and the fi . ] Curtin ia | fTonte Bible Hin Harry R. Funk, street, while hunting in Green Valley Friday morning shot an 8-point buck which dressed 180 pounds J. Albert Smith Jr, of ‘West Linn street, who Hind been a patient at the Centre County Hospital, suffer- ing with pneumonia, returned to bis home Sunday, -Mrs. Harry Mencer, of Jersey Shore, spent last week in Bellefont a guest of her daughter, Mi: Norma Mencer, at the Rishel home on East High street The Junior Section of the Belle, Woman's Club will hold a Christmas party on Monday, Decem- ber 11 at the home of Mis 2. Kelth { Andreson, on West Logan street, with Mrs, Max Kofman as co-hosless Rev. E. G. Anderson, School, Cincinnati Bellefonte Tuesday visit with Mrs. Margaret t1e Penn Belle Hotel, while en to Harrisburg on a busin mi Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Householder and their daughter and grandson, Mrs. Fred Shope and son, Donnie, all of Conemaugh spent several days last week with Rev, Houscholder's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr: Verle Houscholder of 8. Water street Pvt. Ru week to hi C.., afte dau ol God" Ohlo, wa for brie; Snyder, ol route ion ell Smith, 1 re duties at Charl visiting hi f al thelr ol + at Coup weet or Lon iter Lt. and Mrs. Paul Beaver, of Great Lakes, Ill, have returned there alter spending several days in Bellefonte as guests of Mr. and Mr Francis Crawford and family East Linn street. The Beavers were well known residents of Bellefonte prior to Lt. Beavers enlistment the Navy John of in il Swengel Smith, son and Mrs, John PF. Smith, of Allegheny Street, who has just turned from European waters board a destroyer escort promoted to radioman third clas relatives here have been Informed Radioman 8mith is abobut to depart on another mission and will able to get home before leaving Mr P. MeN! ol vo chile of of Mr re- on has been not be Cron; te iren Mr Mr ft Mr State hd Col Hospital, 'y., of Ts Walker, of uffered ! Sickie rone brother of Mrs, Cecil A East Linn street, Bellefonte a stroke In a New York Hotel last Thursday while on a business sion to that cily, and has been in critical conditdon in a New York hospital since that time. Mr. Sickler is an official of electric pump company whose main offices are in Pittsburgh. He wa one time a student at the Bellefonte Academy In tie United mis- an a ’ i i hi arm For GET a mn ere | Lt. Commander E. N. Paikei rived in Bellefonte yesterdas visit with his wife, the former Ellza- beth Hunter, who since Thanksgiv- ing Day has been a surgical patient at the Centre County Hospital. 1 Cmdr. Parker early this week re- turned to the United special mission to London, and dur- ing his stay here is a guest at the home of Mrs. Parker's parents, Mr and Mrs. J. D. Hunter, on East Cur- tin street OF RA Stales from a Mr. and Mrs Thom Hamilton, of Long Beach pent last week in Stale guests of Mr. Hamilton law and sister an Broderick, spent last with Mr. Hamilton’s brother, Hamilton. of South Potter street B. Hamilton recently retired as Chief of the correspondence bureay of Equitable Life Assurance Society New York, aller 45 years with that compan? Pfc. Edward Nelson, of Greens. boro, N. C,, arrived here Saturday to spend a 16-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson, of East Lamb street His wife ex. pects to join him here in a few days Mr. and Mrs. Nelson's other son, Pvt Miles K. Nelson recently arrived in this country from a hospital in Eng- land and yesterday was scheduled to fly from Staten Island to the Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D. C, where he will be located for several Ms C a days before coming to Bellefonte for a furlough. Miles will be here for | the Christmas season Continue To Seek Girl's Assailant State Police from Rockview aa Investigating ie molest'ng station, of Miss Anna Marie Dickson, 18, of Willowbank street, near her home| w Sunday night, November 28, repori that the search for the assaflant Is continuing, but that no definite in- formation is available at this time, Miss Dickson, operator at the Bellefonte telephone exchange, ©s- caped from the clutches of a man who rating her and attempted to drag her over an embankment near the Taylor ay lof yrostey store on Willow. bank street. She suffered minor in- vio Ay The new Points ration period h Dee Dodi kept current food prices unchanged. The WPA rejected OPA Fropassi to put most point-free meat major canned vegetables back on the Tation Teh of East Bishop | 7 North of service! CLASSIFIED ADVEDR FISK ME ln. Over Thirty Thousand Persons Read These Columns every week. That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- low cost and | | it is undisputably Centre County's Com- | partment has become 50 amazingly popular. Considering its the benefits derived from its use, munity Bargain Counter, RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, first issue, and 15 cents for each additional Insertion. Where ments contain more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is REAL ESTATE A straight one cent a word le charged for real e advertising sale or rent, KEYED ADS--All advertisements that to this office, must be complied with by ments. Please do not call at the oflice for Informati oneerning wh advertisements, as the publishers are nol perm itted to divulge the 1 of the advertiser SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE Every ocrat whore subscription ir paid up to date vertisement in these columns one time subscriber wil be charged the regular can be used six times a year at differe; 25 cent navy charged Late to be matled the adve request replies those anawerl reine. nine * Dem ad. Criver Wav terva IL interval Millheim District Tops War Bond Quota i. 5F AD Notice } ly ta of How if $66 000 re 2 » A2 " Min $4.3 of $30,000 Local Brothers Meet In India Articles tor Sale f ounty Native Relired Announcements BAZAAR The Methodist < ae A Qquane Wes! urday Bishop St. Del December § at 930 a Card of Thanks HEATON--We take this expressing thanks 10 ne friends’for the up? of the floral tributes and their atts of sympathy and death of Mr of Boggs townst children Lost and Found efont nea it "3 ; BX Hardware many during the Eva May Hea up (Signed) . tT SALE FOUND A yellow dog, weight x - we Ag 12 pounds. Owner can have same | stove sidet by calling at J. L. Saylor, Bellefonte chairs kitchen RD 3 (Nea Titan Metal) X42 chine; elect: 100 Sout) LOST—Biack and fonte. P glish cetier, in ! eyvilie. Finder notify Samusl J. Hoy. | 337 West Main street, Lock Haven Phone 2400 Reward offered x40 about Ras wh te male En. vicinity of Mack. " 1501 citaner Dies way ary clean woxd floor Matle by the - worlds largest floor manufactur FOU ND Two young cattle came 10 sre Gall 81 85 M L Claster & my place early in July. Owner may Sons. Bellefonte x50 claim by paying for this advertise. — - iment and the ture. AE Rim« POR SALE IR Contre Hall, R. D. Phone 173. equipment Centre Hall x60 plete trains, MOCOEMOT I 0E OSTA red bone hunting dog, In Also ski the viekhIg of Milesburg. Reward mer. West Bishop St. Bellefonte of $10 will iven for his return. Dial 2170 x30 or any rt about him. Lioyd Lucas, Milesburg, Pa. Phone 6222 FOR BALE “New and used alr com. x50 | Peg (+ buifoners, power jada ween | Kohler light plants, rollers, tractors LOST « In Bellefonte, Wednesday. | and Will rent some items Nov. 20, #000 in bonds, gas and Phone Bellefonte 518, or Milton 665 coal oll stamps. Were in a brown | at Harri burg N envelope. Reward If returned to this | | Boughter, Box 963, Milton, Pa. x20 office or Orvis Bhawver, Centre Hall, | ww RD 1 x51 ‘POR SALE-Give a Biffle for Christ. mas. The best gift you can pive POUND — Two heifers and a bull TI have the International and Sco. fleld In all sizes and prices. Also ago, 4 B Higley: and Arnolds Sunday Sohoo' ha proving, dy proving ' Jing” tor ©. wane Port Matilda, x40 re amazing new Lionel electric tral: Wide gauge. Two com 5 switches, and all other First class dondition and skates Raloh Sum- Commentaries. Oall or let me cal’ on you L PF Sheetz Willowbank | street, Bellefonte, Pa. Dial 2745. x51 | FOR SALE--8pecial roll brick sidine a ner roll. Stonewall board Help Wanted WANTEDan_to ub, for | ¢ eriise- | im Farms For Rent. Lr ... Business Opportunity 2 Real Estate for Sale Live Stock for Sale Loan other 81.000, r, Cone Biiner, Lock and Poultry for Sale Repairing . Keen Dogs, Pets, Etc. wk nie, Pa. Phone 1-12 — Miscellaneous ——— “Remove prom pily, Vort Centre Hall 85- De Fo al our ex- iu or ompUy, nse. Phone {er imatism? He hide] Houses for Rent , TIB- pi HE Beech: ATTRACTIONS ie: RY mesons Hecla Park WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12 Square Dance ww FRIDAY, DEC. 15 Roller Skating POR SALE barn ring Mills UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT We have prepared a review of dhis utility holding and investment company which discusses current value of sassels and future possibilities Copy Josephthal & Co. Members of NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE And Other Princinal Exchanges on reg west HENRY W. ANGUS Local Representative 8% E Main SL LOCK HAVEN, PA,
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