With us = iby buying WAR BONDS TEE Rte AREER EE EA) he Cenire Democrn MEAN MORE THAN A GOOD INVESTMENT PL ( VOLUME 63. NUMBER 50 - BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1944 SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. War Toll 3 Killed, {j 6 Are Wounded | L, BURNE HPL R poe Exploding Oil Stove Il J (Causes Clothing to Burst Into Flames FATHER IS BURNED SMOTHERING FLAMES A \J ww . py os . Lt. Clifford R. Lauder, te College; Pvt. Foster J. Sayers, Howa™, and Pfc. Harry Woodring II, Lose Lives IF'rench War Area. Victim, Miss Grace Loesch 20, of Pine Hall, in Hospital Oe Vater oo PVT. FOSTER Killed J. SAYERS in France As another week « ended, casualty Centre County of 3 county men and 1 missing i g ih et . Mess n {ter Be Ml A Lt. Clifford R. Lauder lege, killed in Germa Pvt. Foster J. Sayers Killed In Prance November Pfc. Harry Woodring, State Col- lege, killed in France, November 19 tate C mber li Howard 19 12 over 20 The wounded Pfc. Carl Houtz, 32, Lemont, slight- wounded November 18, presumably in France. Pfc. William Thoma: Julian, slightly wounded November 20. T4 Eugene 8S. Homan, 31, State College, slightly wounded in Belgium, November 20 Pfc. James R. Richards, Prosser- town, previously reported missing in action. now reported in hospital in Belgium ‘of. Homer RORFPE, 24, Pledcant Gap, slightly German, November Pvi Prod W wounded Ger Missing 5 /8¢t. Paul I Barndt, Jr, 1 Belgium ir i 7 p. m.; Free Movie Saturday 0 ‘ Pia; { the official ng the Christmas season fir Bellefonte At Hinced yesterday by the Belle. Chamber "Comme ir Santa « Opell pounded | of au he C Hal m Fleming De ROGUS Action S/SGT. PALL Missing in Se CONTYUBSN SE EHS simi be 1 ory - Half of Quota Reached; Sal All December Sales : Will Apply cards y EXCciinl will be Cene Autr Stumbling Tumbleweed Chamber of Commerce sponsoring the free movie a Plaza, Saturday morning throu co-operat theatre manage The se thea at § in Win) on of the ment doors of open begin 83 ited to nv ire wil and the ] a.m. Al ber present Rn : a unre - ,, Five Overcome By Fumes At Titan Fumes escaping from a mach at the Titan Metal Company plant Friday morning overcame five wom- n employes and mildly aftected sev. eral others M'wo of the women Markle. of State College, and Miss Pearl Flack, of Bellefonte, were tak- n to the Centre County Hospital in the Widdowson ambulance, but revived and were able to return to thelr work about an hour ater The fumes resulted when a grease {removing solvent was applied to » county and machine. A spokesman sald that years, of a Howard township family other cow Mrs. Wober heavy atmosphere prevalling during who were In dire stralty last week Toe milkman delivered some of the the morning caused Lie fumes to and who were unable to attend items the “electric light’ man . school because of the lack of cloth. brought others: some came by mail Snead quickly shred te on ing, are fully outfitted for the en- and some was delivered personally. ! Rstetd of being - ’ ; Y*lual vents tire winter, it was reported yester. here were letters from other per- day by Mrs. Balser Weber, of How-| sons, offering ald. There were tele- ard, whose appeal In The Centre| phone calls from persons who want Democrat last week brought a flood ed to adopt the children and offer. of responses ling to furnk'y references To Hold Yule arty “The children now have enough But the most ambitious offer of rm — ] of everything for the entire winter "| gil came from a man who wanted | The Women's Democratic Club of | Mrs. Weber declared, Contributions to adopt a girl and a boy, “He said.” | Centre County will hold a regular of underwear were short, but Mrs. Mrs. Weber declared, “that there monthly meeting Tuesday, December Weber remedied that lack by pur was a pony and a bicycle waiting [19 In the Democratic Headquarters, chasing the needed garments with for them If he could have them.” [West Bishop Street, Bellefonte cash donated to the cause, {The family's food needs are taken | A covered dish supper will be serv. “There's enough left over to give care of by the Department of Pub- ed at 6:30 Exchanging of gifts and the youngsters a fine Christmas,” lic Assistance [a Christmas program will be part of Mrs. Weber declared. | Mrs. Weber takes this means of [the evening's entertalnmant. Most of the clothing sent to the expressing er deep appreciation for | All members, husbands and family was of good and many the fine response and of thanking | friends are invited. Bact; woman is garments were practically new. Con-| all those who contributed so gener- asked to bring food and table ser- tributions invites CPL. HOMER R. KRAPF Wounded in Germany Becomes Bank Director Samuel M. Hess, State College RD has been named a director of thw First National Bank of State College : ! } . to succeed his father the late n is ton E. Hess, a director of the bank i tri from 1907 until his death this year (Continued on page Sis) " ne apnly Ane local be. and December will Loan quota nea the nd market i» y 4 ‘ New. i leader Mi Sarah WOON Appeal Brings Clothing, Money, Offers of Adoption to 10 Children The ten children wed 1 to Mipart i Centre from ties added mm WP —— Democratic Grou IACLAUSTO E HERE TONIGHT Aged Man Kills ed were received from all’ ously M - Lives Snuffed Qut By Escaping Gas Photo above is a recent one of the three children of Mr. and Mes. John Hobart Rossman, who lost thelr lives Tuesday night of last week when gas escaping from a gas range filled the North Thomas street apart - ment where they slept. From left to right the children are: Robert, aged 5; Nancy, aged 4, and Richard, aged of Inquest appears below.) Story | oe HOLD INQUEST IN BOND PREMIERE, 175 ATTEND VFW CHILDREN 5 DEATH AUCTION ARE HELD DINNER, SATURDA Few New Facts Revealed in Rossman Family Tragedy Nearly 550,000 in Bonds State Commander Praises Sold in Special Events Post for Increase in in Bellefonte Membership ‘ . tatomrbis i i oulstancing in Labiish r Post Veleran Bellefont va hed © ’ vid <Crissman-Say i Wars nenaed Conn DuBol matel 175 ht ment of Foreign highly com State James speaking befor: I member and guests al the aga r Depa - PF. £ approxi- depart- nent Jolly the y i Micer FIL { nual wig Kiwan held Saturday tion i hoff Hotel Ir 1828 wily 38 meme bers, the och] post grew steadily une 1963 when the roster ~howed 200 members. Since then the ingrease ha: Deen even greater, Commander Colly pointed oul, noting that =t w ent thine the pos! Bas 432 et organization at the By Wl ” High! eT ne tituled In { 4 ged % wis : ich hw —— IY Tis ine Oe Motil witli an Invo- ignor William FE Bt. John's Catho- and Willard Neff, of *omumnancer niro- 1 loastmater mit commande American Lerion, niinged on pape Three) at— 0S Couple Invited t Bond The Inauguration Wi u wand Bamuel and " : re Court House Skunk Mrs West r Henrs Bishog pianning tw banguet 1 the President Vice- elect of the United States Mayflower, Washington, D 18, 1945 e recep- banquet are part of the in- oeremonies President 2 Trials Result in Guilty « nbers of the Supre Verdicts: 2 Not ir P 3 Guilty A. Brocker- Bureet, Belles attend a re- 0 be given 1 H eptios Continued on Pope Seven) ali on RES DECDE4 = CRIMINAL CASES = M r ’ an ) ary 11 n OCT {f the cabin ne C Arm; mrt at On the bx as RUSS honor BY a reception the White House by 1 will be the first off given by ihe inaugural earlier "u will Four two of them Pr ting in verdicts of gulity and two in not guilty verdicts, were disposed { at the regular December criminal court, Monday and Tuesday of this The Pre week. Yesterday the court was con- Mes cluding the session with the trial of ww a civil case y Civil Court. originally scheduled to begin Monday of next week was or- dered discontinued because only one was ready for trial--the one which was being tried yesterday Charles Barendt, of Philipsburg. '« tried before a jury on a charge of burglary, was found not gullty rContinust ow page Bie) trials re. dent " b me A 14 the East Portico ise followed by an H of ir u and special Invited guests Mi: Case Electoral College {rom this dis- his Invitation to attend inauguration ceremonies came from the Elettoral Colieges of the United States Mr. Brockerhofl will perform ilicial duties of his office Monday, December 18 wen he will join the other Presidential Electors of Penne Isvivania at the State Capitol In Harrisburg to“ cast the baliot for President and Vice-President of the United State Lt. and Sa’ pat X Waura Oud not died with Principals in Golden Wedding nea | f Mrs. A. C. Grove Guest of Honor on Birthday Mrs. A. C Grove, who with hw msband resides a short distance east of Beliefonte, reached her Bist birth. r, Sunday, at the fam the an-| the | Held Under$ JIE required { about { | ‘1 Brocker- | i : | ! | | | : in | victory i - | States d | bolo) have been in-|effective for use in | Ee 4 Tesi | | i ident will take the oath of party enrollment, change address, or the otherwise amend their voling status an address The office in the court house will be presence of the Members of open each day from # o'clock in the the Congress, Presidential Electors morning to 5 o'clock in the evening, Salvation | Brockerhoff is the member of | when it will close at noon ! i ‘Man Charged With Aggravated | Nations in World War 11 51000 Bail For Court Assault And Battery; Wife Taken to Hospital With Laceration of Throat. At Peace Hig Charle ingdor Bellefo q Will @ ball ye gri (Continued on Page Three “To Be Honored ragged he man ran from 4 proteclion who ie nnan for band kill in t the Widd moned Al Vl, ner q OWLon & laceration uncer Ui 1 ~ reve tited H lacerations above the rignhi James R we side { Ie . noir Chr t C e numerous She was SIEG SPEAKER AT =.= KIWANIS MEETING cur until] late this anniversary part) Says Cartel on Carboloy ™e convenienc Spells Victory For United Nations number of Alumr Speakers at the H ( Car interesting slory about and cartels and of thelr war effort =» e Undversity of Butheriand. former of Bellefo officia peaking Pittsburgh football « of 1 Bel oTrulse dischmrges i ] i In lof § Car- vita An bolo relation to the : W. W. Bieg Melal Company A regular meetin Kiwanis Club, T Belle Hotel Mr Sieg va Major Edward Gall who unabtie i for K13¢ TUustrating tal of Carboloy at Lois bits and cutting egees ms material Mr. Sieg declared that product the represented th and ang I cele tier brit ‘po Titat y er { uesdar pinch-hitling i ip. of Pittsburg! Wa w - & Reaservation: oe 1 Mi with A a plate, mas y 1 Cam reasurer [both of Pittsburg! trade name given? Hp ——— “General Fucire Gap Welfare Fund Drive Totals $825 of patent and Roy H the United Pleasant 4 Dr. Royer ¢ al A of the defeat for u Inited Cardvoloy is to a fusion of 1 powders by (he Company. sole owner manufacturing rights Diamond ubstance The pre Le Gener y are harder the onl Cs » peculiarly ch Adam Gap Wellare known thar . i th fe . 44% » tine ir . m WM CUNNANR ne a (Continned on page 5i2J REGISTRATION OFEN The office of the Registration Com mission is now open for all persons o- TTR . who wish to register, change thelr ihe conirgulions wi LO VARI agencies earl Mr. Adams said, Agenci w fund YMCA ( inty Hospital, Count Lib Arms Pi Pleasant Ong ale eo 1 Ct Gap fire Pel) with the exception of all Saturdays Soctels a Pleasant =|SoX HOLD LAST RITES B.H. S. GRIDDERS FOR COUNTY JUDGE DINNER GUESTS Centre and Clearfield Bar 100 Attend Event at VFW Associations Honor Home; Bob Higgins Memory I'wo principles for success sports--or «in Me-were given speakers al a dinner held in |VFW htene last Thursday night =» jocal organisations In honor of the Bellefonte High School football team. Approximately 100 persons Bob Higgins, head coach of Ube , princinal evening, declared that ability 10 take advice is one of {the greatest assets In winning suc Members of the Centre County Bar, meeting in the Court Room an hour before the funeral for Judge M. Ward Fleming, Friday, paid tri- In He Bellefonte, toastmaster at the din ner, declared that the aeterming. quit fighting, no mat. the odds, 1s a quality
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