Page Six THF CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BETTEFONTE. PK. ind Cpl Aloka Cieorge Harrls, War Toll Shows 3 Dead; 2 Wounded, 2 Missing , ," . Bloom Wounded Department telegram relved Monday night by Mrs, Charles State bro- ser- 16 on the front lines nor washed mv h 1 recently had a and had a cower clean clothes. It be clean sgain’ The lettor we're going places when | home but never oversea letter received last aunt, Mrs. Mars Mt. Eagle, he one} purchase Christmas gift aunts who reared The County soldier w service March 1. 1943, and ed former Sarah at Ft. Lewis, wash. and in camps in Mestilda, Louisiana and Kansa ] went " ny on overseas last September { t-t Ay tended Howard High & wl { for ceived bv h a time before entorh n employed at the Martin Ko ries at Jacksonville 11d not rece Pvt. Heath was born 1632. a son of James 10F¢ Mrs. Grate Packer Glossner o i tember 21 tin. He was a member of the went overse Church of Christ cf Mt Koch Fraternal Order of Eagle od (are) of thi and the Veterans of Foreig tioned at © of Bellefonte s and hadn't shaved nds for two week: short rest and shave sure feel: merly Elizabeth Eckenroth Walkey,'S of Bellefonte. He and his mother resided in Bellefonte during his boy- hood and moved to Columbus, Ohio some vears ago. Later his mother remarried nnd moved to Florida, Pvt. Walkey entered the service in February 1043 and was sent overseas marked N ut three months ago He was pv My wart serving in Co. K 395th. Infantry He sal hat der General Patton at the time of 4, \ death, relatives here believe tewart, of Hillerest College, Informed her ther, Plc. Lynn H ously wounded on Cierman) The last wits written wenue, that ber Bloom, wag November period and good pot Lo letter on from Plc November 11 18 on continued ven beg and Nove i dod; foxhole abo mebey Wet in : y 144] t Lau y at ® i IL Wis LI DUSY ne sent n to iim Pvt. Koch Wounded the trained at Hood, Texa P Bloom, 24 im April, 1942. He Wheeler, Ga Camp aed at vamp B ntered husband of the Koch, of Port Pilly wounded in November 17 Department ma», wife, Monday written on November 1 sald that he w ¢d mall from the Koch Hagrd was shi aL Ho Lhe N Y. He was University of discontinued wecording De Was gecepied |) ont to Bvra the ASTP linols when well He fam- on. Cok X08 Oo ap 4] wh with the it hit tet ter it ow wh Wi then where he wa Infantry group in August yutfit was the to go directly ance ney andcd as ome time and wa an son born IONE about his new ra shortly before he this vear American service on Ft wa ta- 7 and oms enlered te fe pli vear. Hi Wheeler Md. bel October i France Walk firmly In Germany 6. was He ls with the 26th Infantry killed in action on the ied line Mills private, near Aachen, Germany on November Homer Koch of 18, according to a War Department attended Neff message received this week by his employed wife who resides in Columbus, Ohto, time of and relaved by her to the youth's ndu ul ghter grandmother, Mrs. Carrie Eckenroth, Mi AIT aris of Pine Gre of State College. He was a nephew Mi wd thelr five children also of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ecken Mills. The chil- roth, of Bellefonte Jr... Pearl, Nancy Pvt. Walkey was a son of the Willlam Henry Harry Walkey, of Bellefonte, who has two brothers died in 1929, and of Mrs. William are T Franklin, of Ft. Myers, Florida, for- on tt” ami Cn Hi arly in n Pvt. Walkey Killed Pvt. Harry James “Jimmie” ey, who was 22 on November ording 0 a Army H Stewart as Ma quart OVE Mi Siegf Sal ADPDATeY 84 where hool day of ve and Bloom her er a son who makes her Inughter In State College. was employed the Hoy S: East C avenue College, {for two vears before duction into the He of Mrs nome late at also re, lege his 4 Harry 5 wal is overseas, recel tationed In Bloom po it~ ved Ciermany he fox wry Camp Texas; where ASTP and with | @ Ii- Camp Car- ig over- first into LIne? Fimberwolve: fox N¢ release al 18} on Novem- and he made | brother-in-law Lu with He Drug State in- mar- wed ried to a De Swart, ding in that Texas, cornmunity {re ond, LL Plagianos Missing Announcement that tenant Leon Plagianos, fonte, hay been nce November 8, was Wednesday by his bi George M, Piagilanos, when his wife, the former Betty bell, of Bellefonte, returned evernl days’ visit with the former parents, Mr, and Mrs, Mictiael Pla glano in Plainfield, N. J. Th missing man’s brother Is furlough from his Field, Wash ’ I'he War 1 res Second 21, missing in actio made ther, he Cp in an from Pin home al Wi duties Pain Department me the elder Mi in Plainfield been re Mr Sage ceived Plaglanos Heutenant tion 8 Dy Pon and THE) ni in Germany since Novembe was a bombadier ing over When ue Flying Fortress Ihe former Bellefonte man en listed In Alr Forces in Octobe 1841, and from Camp Upton, N Was sent to Camp Lee, Va, training. Later he the for hi 3 Wa igned trained Lock yea as of to Pt Bradley un, and in April to Camp White cadet school, and January of this year the Bombardie Texas, and al HEY gunner: Wh of 1dno Cr las went flying wal in n Kraiuate t Childress, tralned at Ww ul Ssloneg { } arti CIM Laredo, Texas He was an Lt Dyersourg 3 1 1 Inst July Ts gned Ww a combat Penn. and we He was © % will nt ove Teel land, where the Eighth made Lt ven hd when scnt he became a member Air Force and eventus way inte Germany attended 14 133 Pla High rad grag RDO 8 three years am A from Lhe High 1w0ol in 1034. He Penn State (wo years transferred to New York University where he received his degree in merce and finance in 1939 The missing airmen hoo} | ‘IWR Sts attended parent eecnenes radRerrrelreeeus QODDLOIVDDE and ded orative the room : : all the HASSOCKS All Types of Assorted shapes and sizes. « ( TABLES End tables, coff able glass top finishes fort for of hoice nr ’ | 2, cocktail tables, Variety of CHAIRS For All Occasions Distinctive TABLE LAMPS and Boudoir Lamps 53.95 ond up Yes, they are hard to get, but we've gotien a few for Christmas gifts, Single or in pairs. rockers, barrel all styles, 12.95 vw» One of the very best “home gift" sug- gestions we can make. Platform backs, backs, tilt- DeHaas Electric Co. Allegheny Street Phone 2525 Bellefonte, Penna. | = > FN ‘moved from Bellefonte in April, 1943 Plc. Woodring Missing H w since Nove informed wea in from the War Department he went while was In F The telegram fr tment in wal Hm Lhe w first word Overseas Ne and 1 Wa War ne Py rance wen par was that ue was In fc. Wood November 23 in August, 1943 He and trailed at Florida. He wa Blending, Fia 33. enlisted (nn Ob he mo to Fort training. He went end of October Angee Wwerseas about t went dire ang was graduated from re PLEASANT GAP Bliger ip for the proving slowly Stork” Smit the hou after Past able Wr Ding several ek Bil} has been on imost a week Carol Monasell has week Melroy ar Lee Brooks home we Tale beens ‘Il for the Ray day 10 sre il at his Were Elwood Hazel Jel camp in Missbssippi a furlough with his parents and Mrs. Larue Haael Mrs. James Tharp went the weekend I State College Mrs. Helen Biter, ho haa living at the Noll-S8mith home several years, Is spending months In Bellefonte with Nellie Geary and father Mrs. Henry Noll. Mr Brungart and daughters, Siitley {Of Mrs. burg, as M Mrs wife «ho nearly | called Sun has for tw Sunday for and with |] Mrs wis butchering day Helen Bitner attended Centre Hall, Saturday. Mrs AH Smith, who drove her over, the time with Mrs. Ella Ishler Mr. Stover has been very ill for a week or more Miss Anne Heverly of Bellefonte, | spent Sunday with Mrs. Clyde Aln-| bran. Miss Heverly did not move in with Mrs. Alabran as reported in {last week's items, only visited Ger) for a few weeks, Mrs. Willlam Tucker, Adams and Mrs Saturday in Lock Haven. | Among those who shot deer this season were George Hile, {en Baird, (John Mulfinger, William Mowery, Dick waite and Millard Schreffier, | Mrs. Abner Noll, who had been (quite miserable with neuritis, has {been feeling better for the past few days Mrs. Roy! v- Little Box Alms Planes’ Guns An ingenlous ttle black box girl who bs Lieu | of Belle- last Camp- on slid that Lhe 1 Se abou a YY. a medical detachment and Ore LL com- r ber of Crew n duly in to Eng- wk Ha- Bellefonte and Ltaen COtii- Plainfield said AP De he had been n after spending Mr, ohilldren relatives : been for several Albert Joyce and) spent Tuesday at the home Alan Brungart at Rebers- the wedding of Miss Pauline Charles at of which spent M. Ward Fleming Dies Suddenly (Continued from page one) tend the Judge the I, Litke d funeral Fleming, services in a group senjor member of local law firm of Fleming & wits on native of sellefonta having been born here on August 23, 1884. He was a sun of the lat a Wilson 1. Fleming, a native of Wil. i Hamsport, and the late Bertha Ward Fleming, of Bellefonte \ He attended the public schools of Bellefonte Borough and was gradu- € ated from the Bellefonte High School in the class of 1809. Bubsequently he attended the Bellefonte Academy for two vears before entering Haverford College In the fall of 1901 He was graduated from Haverford in 1905 I with the degree of Bachelor of Arts From 1005 to 1007 he studied law at the University of Pennsylvania, Phil- adelphia, and In 1907 entered the rilaw department of the University of Pittsburgh, graduating from that in. stitution In June 1808 with a degree - of Bachelor of Law: He was ad- mitted to the Bar of Allegheny r! County, the Centre and Clearfield t Bars, and was admitted to ) in the Buperior and § of Pennsylvania From 1908 18080 he was a meme the faculty of the Bellefonte High School and in tl all of 19000 | moved to arrisburg where he re- sided until 1 Centre Co in Philipsburg He was law in Philip was elected County Courts of Belle! candidate 1 election the fonte and a number { vears on North Spring Street. Some years ago he purchased 1! present home on East Linn Strect were the family has since resided At the expiration of his 10.y term as Judge, In 18937, Judge Flem- ing became a candidate for re- tion, but the Democratic didate and present incumbent van Walker Alter leaving Fleming became William W. Litke in ti law in Bellefonte ducted u nde: rt Litke. Indl at the time o as itor fonte Boroug gh. y Company named sts preme Court able honor Republican from this dent) In Oct married 0 Donaldson with a son and ¢ Montgon third clas cific: Mrs n practice Court Ipreme tw returned Wo pened | law office the 1927 nn he ge Centre w Valker onte being the opposing for the office. Uj famil) to ded ' Le won hi moved Belle f re for of in wi Lie 1} elec. CRN Judge ost Lo the 1 sO and NAS d wife of 12 vivor unele port Judge Fien Mohn! H ' | 0 ne Filomning, « Rt treet Ba Ass the Re atior America National Bankrupt he ale Ass Jude Centre He a mem! Rotar Clut member of the church During 'W fF was Belief wid War {1 he served nixtration ted with member for Cet the work of the county draft board During period the bench Judge Fleming frequently was called to preside over the courts of other counties, especially in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties. As a ree sult, he beeame widely known throughout the state | As a Judge he established a high reputation for fairmess and for the clarity of his opinions. He possessed a rare sense of humor which he on occasion used to demonstrate some obscure point of law on the beneh or in explaining legal points to clients An odd coincidence of his death that it ome only seven days after {the 20th anniversary of the deaids of | another Centre County Judge, the late Henry C, Quigley, an account wii be found in the “Twenty Years Ago” column of this isntie Deer Kill Fair, Warden Reports Cont med from page one) ! Since the beginning of this weck, | most of the camps have been closed, | and most of Whe Nimrods In the! " e fuel adn tre County and ass ) his or Harty Hile spent woods are day hunters No exceptionally large deer have been killed to date, although some! nice racks, one of them a 17- point, | have been seen, the Warden declar- | ed. There have been some illegal kills, mostly of fomale deer, and a’ few spike bucks, but the number | well within the average season's to- tal Warden Mosier declared thers is n noticeable increase this year in the number of violations of the Stale Inwg prohibiting the carrying of loaded guns in automobiles, He ex- plained that a number of hunters seem to be hunting from can, | ie igh Philip bros Wil i bre Duck neu J un and Liu point The pounds, Sleigh N. H Mull Julian, w point deer second dis Mull and Miliros Lan Arthur Blreet manger age divx alone ¥i ep deer Wa of the Melvin Gas Fatal To Three Children (Continued frre ooh, of Jw al plan wm page One) day morning near Runviie chiel 8) Bellefon MAREET QUOTATIONS f urrected Weekly ( Y & Co, Inc, Flour Mill Mountain by I mntain J] 4] (J 4) 4] A 4 LJ dl dT dl A] a) a) dl A) ST AT alo dl ale rd gece ggg 440 Ald Ah AA Re TRAE Ts hat a al a Re RRR RER = ea eg: Le 4 KL CROCE TLONCOICTK LE 2 Ya Christmas Plants You can say Merry Christmas with Fill the homes of friends and love wishes. We have a full line of all plants. flow Ih ones are good ving Christmas with your available varieties so apywreciated, L444 44 44 4 4 E CC CT CO ee FOr 13 Red K lanchoes 50c and 31 50 sizes Exquisite Fiery Red Mistletoe Poinsettas 10¢ sr Small sizes & ea. : S0¢ 75¢ Holly Wreaths 29c, 2% 57¢ Loose Holly 25¢ Corsages \ . y C1 La vautiful of Miniature Peppers $1.50 Plants Winter Begonias { "hrigtr Blooming ( Priced $9250 and $3.50 Cyclamen The old standby potted play flowering habit. We have ki women to keep these from years Cut Flowers $2 and +3 each Dish Gardens Of nicely assorted green and blue-greer foliage plants and ornaments, suitabl for any occasion. A nice table decors: tion, 54, and $5 Cemetery Wreaths $9.75 up Lacquered Holly Wreaths 60¢, 75¢, 90c, *1 Azelas—$3 each 52, $3, Primroses—$1.50 African Violets—$1.50 Do you want us to put a sprig of mistictoe in your corsage? Woodring’s Floral Gardens Phone 2128 Bellefonte Phone 2045 State College w AEDTY ellefonte Vdd Cid) AL AT 4A) AA i ou. Whe FIFE oF aA hu we TB Fi. Ce Oe BEY - WET 4 FF ar PIR IF LF Pe Ren x < TAB T W bi Wa TW, Xe, aie Tn LF IF IF Dri dF Te Be TR TE WT Su F Uh We, PLiV ea , avd \ . Hin A J pT = 19 ¢ = be “he (Fe na F 2] i BO pg BRAD ay ", ... "ce iF [FFF - o> ke Boo 0500 0 050 5 55 5 me Bennie Ben eB he ie Ta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers