Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BECLEFONTE, VA. CDA Holds Avro SPEAKS ON FUTUR AIR EXPRESS vaniens Hear Address 25-Year-Old Service Catholl jellefontse Ww High ember and me the ges were decorated holiday season at Session Here i fgllowing took Ruth Ca M1 El Ella Kachik, M1 Mrs Elizabetn Hauer and the Mary Hartle and Regina which part TL Dunlap Misse Hartle and a tureer { Mi Belle 1 of NEW DIRECTORIES 10 BE MAILED Bell Telephone Company to Issue 7,475 Copies Next Week directorie the way Mallmen will delivering ly 7475 copies of the December 13 oday Jesse H oeing ! Tele york 1 Increase was needed in a hurry In a distant of about 75 copl over last ve of sno { fr ’ Idaho of vaccine mmuniti leech tart ap- new ars city, Valley, mer, I covers and con- alphabeti- 150 972 ncrease of and repairs Resigns as Head of Milesburg Council Kiw members Premiere Thursday Old Lace” Kiwan on t member anmnan Plaza when theatre Arsenic feature Robb president of Council, resign- George Newma hs lesburg Borougt offi night will be the ae AT SDOKe campaig Gus Teacher Training Class training cla i in Sunday o Unit hildren Bible cla at the Bellefonte Bible Clas Verne! Rhoda Sheetz, an ’ i room Bretare enter enrol ing led may do Bear Hunter Missing Houtzdale Child Dies of Burns Maxine, two-years, 10 months old daughter of Mr Mrs. Thoma Love, of Houtzdale, died Saturday afternoon in the Philipsburg hospital as the result of burns received whet she fell into a tub of water in her home. She Is survived by her parents, Thomas and Jean (Sinclair Love, and her grandparents, Mi Mrs. William Sinclair, and Mr Mrs. Robert Love, of Houtzdale neral services were conducted the bereaved home in Tuesday afternoon ana hot and ’ and Dring Fu- nte to from i Houtzdale bl take } feared that Dol becca and had died indergone an oper ago and possi attack Is considera! me while of ex- Pox nunting we. He had —— ) te Franco think e #l peace parle ir peace during gets that he with starting tion the timated tH 3) something t in nr can be « more soldier genes WE MUST KEEP BACKING OUR BOYS 80 you want tals war ended in a hurry! Well, who doesn't? The ones most eager to wind up the mess and come home as quickly as possible are our servicemen Nothing would give them more pleasure than to come home LOMOTrow But they wouldn't think of leaving the job unfinished And because they know tie quickest way to finish the Job is to smash the enemy wherever it will hurt him, they are not limiting thelr blows to the fighting front. They re also fighting on the home front—by buying war bonds themselves and urging we (olks back home to buy more and more The men who have experienced the horrors of modern warfare realize how urgent is the need for equipment and supplies at the right time, They appreciate the treatment and care Riven wounded men to restore them to health, often by most miraculous methods They knbw these things cost money--whicy must be supplied through war bond purchases That's why we again urge you to keep backing our boys You can do that by buying all the bonds you can. And if you want your purchase to pay an extra dividend, attend the Bong Rally and Auction in Bellefonte tomorrow night, Christmas Party © FOOTBALL TEAM Monday nigh in theh with pres- in m consisted of a lay lizabeth Mary Cath- Any ALLA chard {adults enjoyed scenes of Chile, pre- |cisureh, Bellefonte. Children T0 ENTERTAIN Six Local Organizations to Be Hosts at Dinner at VFW Tonight Members of the Bellefonte School football team, cheer lea te members of the athletic council, and vari other school and sports lead- ers, numbering about 100 persons in all, are to be entertained at a din- veld (ht (Thursday) 1 VFW home on South Spring 3 Hig u L to be tons Com and ire 1¢ dinne; Buckius Resigng Highway Position ; ki Hill $86 070 ———— IWARD REPORTS ON WAR FUND CAMP AGN in Potter County 7 Piles Eleanor $13 Fis $10. Miss Tas Mrs Peter $13 Mrs Mo re Fran- Ir I r C n $0.50; Mr Eaeldon Allison hoois Mr Ra townsaip of which Alice Confer is chairman 20 Is reported incomplete tot Blanchard ay Spangler $43.50. and Mrs lark $2035; Blan- schools, Eleanor Courter grand for Blanchard, a8 an Mrs. F Harris C Mis $1395, total $77.70 Orviston: Willis piant employes and $3163 Further reports from Areas brick yards f00n, Mrs Thompeon, Hrick $250 total 8253.63 the above] schools and mines are expected | B Weber notes Sr — ————— scenes of Chile Shown More than 75 children and many {sented by a ‘missionary, Miss lone | McKellop, at the Child Evangelism rally, Sunday afternoon in the U, B. six communities were present, resenting as many different classes, There are stil] sections of the town that need such classes and addi tional ones may be organised. WORRY OF FALSE TEETH SLING On on HRIPATINGS towtn sitpping dromoin sprinie » | n Jue ra EE n LT ei. Jind powder wives } | Hirict , area incomplete, | §& and also from the Monument | 8 ‘Complete Plans For Bond Auction! Graysville Couple {Continued rom Dage one) musi¢, and the auction program will | | Mr. begin at 8 p. m., with introductory | narks being given by Russell G hs oe chairman of the Kiwanis] committee in charge of the auction Thomas Hughes secretary of the! War Finance Committee in this dis- and the crew of a bomber CH RTE in the European, ... will be the first group intro-|, vn . Hiaats by Robert Thompson, man- aon x of xe of radle station WFBG of Al-| "0 & who will serve master of |v. table beine ceremonies ng uw ree I'he Kiwanis ie ml Ay in several number and Lt : ttarerh Mulmaki, of Quincy, Ma and Elias Moses, of New Kensingte recount experience plane and Mrs. Lewis mere Observe Golden Anniversary 1044 Gensime entertained J. Ea 50th lou int on { Mr ville, November 2 Lewis D were 8, we which action - Mi rl Fi wedding Jdueed ager Loonn, told Gael wk al + Denutil aled with gold Singers will A appea Edward Lt am be had attended th ' ae of bombing Over = 261 DIVISION "TO CONVENE HERE National Convention to be Held in Bellefonte July 19, 20, 21 3 “4 > - PARTY” HELD IN FIRST GRADE HERS BUTTER —————— PARENTS GO SCHOOL” “BACK TO AT PTA MEETING we cotinge 100 Refre aleteria Wtirely in iment er 1 & Most ured et mot style eachers forming SIXTH WAR LOAN BOND PREMIERE — TONITE AT 9:30 — (THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th) bé CARY PRISCILLA GRANT ‘LANE 7a Be al ADMISSION FREE TO BOND BUYERS Buy a Sixth War Loan Bond atl the Plaza Theatre War Bond Booth and Receive Your Premiere Admission Ticket—FREE. The Bonds Must be Purchased at the Plaza Booth in Order to Receive Your Free Ticket AZ A4/ RELLEFONTE S SMHown, ' Wedded 50 Years Gensi- | before BONS noon ness intery Deng AG JoUurned thie ang unt unch meeting , i} il i ’ sound movi Pou No LER LL ¥Y LB] I RRA ARR RR RAR AAR LJ ¥y LRA LAA 2R0RE 0 plug Chara Holiday For Parking Meters (Continved Jrom pags one) » DAYS IN BELLEFONTH THURSDAY —- FRIDAY —SATURDAY PL BE ASE SURE NOTH TO SEF (THURSDAY By the destinge producer av th. whe REGULAR PRICES ! | i in J "TODAY'S MOST. DISTINGUISHED OIRO IVE MOST DISTINCTIVE PICTURE!...who all combine to give you a warm, real, human story! I) { emhbe Damage $550 in Truck-Car Accident Philipsburg MM of Phil. AN from 10-day from Ang of : Rovner 7 NTH EATRE |W FRIDAY & SATURDAY uou how yer ~aturda ' PF RIDE THE SIX-GUN TRAIL OF A THOUSAND THRILLS! ™ from PACK uP YOUR TROUBLES MO WE EDNE SDAY rung NDAY TUESDAY ww TTTTTTTTL THREE DAYS AT PLAZA - THREE AT STATE! [AR//RkRRR0000000 . PICTURE RI ALMOST THREE HOURS! 19. HAR, FROM BEGINNING FEATURE STARTING TIME LRAAR ince You Went Away “Larrmg CLAUDETTE COLBERT + JENNIFER JONES JOSEPH COTTEN + SHIRLEY TEMPLE MONTY WOOLLEY : LIONEL BARRYMORE ROBERT "WALKER « EDGAR BARRIER Lois Collier Mary Nosh Matt] Olu SomustS, Mindy LON CHANEY 4 Ae 5) | RK IRGh ALT & ARE SMILING 2 ® % wee, bya PAIGE RARAANNLLL22AAANRRNS A222 2NNRQARNLLANQAALLLLAANAL LAKRALRRAAANALNNQANRLQAN20000220002029000220020008 020020
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