Pagé Four December 7, 1944 Bellefonte Sergeant Helps Knock Out First Nazi Tank W i hk ) } e | Sgt. Fisher's hy I l ly d red, and he ed behind a 1 there, they h small arms ) this unit knocked ark VI tanks in Eu- dd the Bellefonte hen enlisted in rust, 1938 juty, and wa the Philip- ant of Dive n poral Williams Keeps Plane Fleet ‘Gassed Up’ r fi Beech Creek Private 59; Loses Foot in Action Charm hind oomr . Be sihing ¢ . L f hair Over 8 ov sy back guaranties. Get a Charme Gas i tf MONARCY £% 4 » i M wre “. Pa li ol daa op . 2 Fase i re om a ag =f y= ; aN Wed " ¥ % a $500 other MONARCH FOODS-all lust as Good! /T PAYS 2 WAYS << WHEN YOU SHIP FURS 70 SEARS -ROEBUCK! | “Tips to Trappers” booklist FREE * tells how to increase Jone] rapping profits, and shore In 5) TA “ “a > awards. Weite for your copy! k -— UAL MEAT LOAVES | “5 » Here are Pillsbury’s INDIVID . and your baking is Guaranteed INDIVIDUAL MEAT LOAVES ig Pillsbury's Best. If You rf baking than with any other iry’s Home Service Depart b they'll promptly pay you back the f ALL 4 f recipe ingredients That's Guar Pillsbury's INDIVIDUAL MEAT LOAVES & With the baked. in nounshment of Pillsbury’s Best = - i Tempanatt 0° § Serves 12 * ips ground raw of » . i. L4 £3 gg. onion, and seasonings. (If using | meat, mownten with about 3 tablespoons fat or drip- 2. Tuto into medium. sized greased muffin pans, filling full. 3. Cover with the following CLOVE SIsCuITS X ‘ * 1 teaspoon sale ® 0 cups sifted Prossuny'’s Best Enriched Flour of # 14 teaspoon cloves ® 3 teaspoons baking Ee 4 cup shortening ras. cup milk powder 1. Sift dry ingredients. 2. Cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse meal. 3. Add milk all at b once, stirring only until all flour is dampened. 4, Drop by spoonfuls over meat. 8, Bake in moderate oven (350° F.) until done. Serve at once with tomato sauce, 5 ET EE EE EE eeu Pillsburys Best Zul Flour - i Time: 40 minutes « teaspoon pepper & teaspoon cloves teaspoons sale pped onion 1. Combine meat Cooke Ings about L¥ 4 - mom Ll hf wdly THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Fervill Lucas ¥ A / ne Wilbur Coder, EM Moshannon Soldier Has Important Job John 1. Rimmes Bellefonte Soldier Lost Leg in Action co —.— LL Goldie B. Rimmer, AN. ( { Air Crash Victims . Are Named By Army Girl Saved 18 Men rw wo By Marrying Them i & convention that the irl Robert 8 easily for a Nazi en- p ¢ son of untry on forged pasd- illips, Columbus came out each ume with Claude A. Can Ihe nineteenth time, he! Gree: N.C. son of return Carr Height Phillip M1 Mary Ethel 0 ammitiee ationed at sHoro Claude A he did not Shaker — : Quick relief from the sneezy, stuffy distress head colds is what you want. So try Va-tro-nol—a few drops up cach nostril — to soothe irritation, reduce tion. You'll welcome the relief that comes! Va-tro-nol alo het . prevent man colds from developing n time. Try it! Follow directions in folder, Mackeyville Man Killed in France ACRES Ric. Brown, who wi September, 1043, was a the Mill Hall High 8 f 142, and worked New York and Pennsylvania Co some months before his induction He went overseas early last sum- mes He is survived, in addition to his parents, by a brother, Richard, serve ing In the army in this country; a sister, Ethel, in Washihgton, D. C,, and his grandfather, John Purst, of Mackeyville ————————— Lt. Fleck Now Pilot of Bomber in Italy 2nd Lt. Willlam J. Fleck, 25, of Bellefonte, whose wife, Mrs. Bettie Fleck, resides on Penn street, was re- cently assigned to duty as a pliot with a B-24 Liberator heavy bom bardment group of the 15th Air Force Prior to entering the Army Alr Foroes on November 20 1042 at Har- risburg, Ge attended Bellefonte High School and was employed as an aire eraft mechanic at Olmsted Meld. He recefved training at Stuttgart, Ark. | mducted in graduate of in the | the for hool lass for Discovers Brother's Grave ~~ Nearby His Tent in India Just 300 yards separate Pvt, Robert (1 will tell you something that is as Relish of State College from his bro- the Philippine invasion ther, William, but death prevents a have come to the exact spot that reunion il wa This morning I found his In a pup tent overlooking William's ave I feel much better in a way grave, Robert wrote to his mother rice ve found it--at least a little Mrs. R. A. Lepley, of 228 East Ham- closer ai iiton avenue, of the strange quirk of Ti ry really Is beautiful fate which had stationed him in As- a quiet green square surrounded by am, India, a short distance from a wt of car fence and the scene of his brother's February In a message wi #2], Robert, who | U. 8. Alr Corps engineers, sald: "Now big to me as I Bi 4. ia Bd ZZ a green death last about six feet i na pot Ir on October wer of gre nd flowet stationed with t - EE » the cen- Volunteer Marine itten he ony BR — hich men- Philipsburg Private rent Killed in Germany + fet - This Christmas GIVE The Famous Zenith RADIONIC HEARING AID A od “A . 7 { - | — wD ————— Girl Becomes Citizen; Has Score With Nazis with Neutral-Color Earphone and Cord 40 Complete READY TO WEAR Pvt Wert Pp ww if Dean § ol A.2-A p The new ‘ » P Come in for a free demonstration White Brothers BELLEFONTE, PA. J. M. KEICHLINE INSURANCE AGENCY One of the Oldest Agencies in Centre County EDW. L. KEICHLINE Temple Court Phone 2521 { Pvt. Nevin B. Watson Is Awarded Placque Private Nevin B. Wat Act Now! | \ (‘41 {} (ri1a re : Cyt 'e £ ria We Cannoli guaraniee « : t ii Ux It ail» vour radio in time for Christmas unless re- 1 Dec. 1 Holters ’ine Street . St op 3 ved bhelore in Radio Service Bellefonte, Pa. No Wonder It’s FIRST With So Many! | MORNINGSTAR'S . . . ENRICHED BREAD is the first thing hundreds of women think of when they start to plan a meal. And hére are the reasons why. foods go further in such things as on-loast (reals, casseroles and pud- pings. MORNINGSTAR'S BREAD is a that’s plentiful. SER ENRICHED MORNINGSTAR'S . . . ENRICHED NO-POINT FOOD BREAD contains generous amounts of three B vitamins, iron and food- energy. Add them up — and you get a loaf that’s just about ideal in every way. A real, honest-to-goodness food bargain you can't afford to miss. So — get MORN- INSTAR'S ENRICHED BREAD from your grocer today. MORNINGSTAR'S . . . ENRICHED BREAD has a smooth, «delicious flavor everyone enjoys, MORNINGSTAR'S . BREAD helps . ENRICHED make hard-to-get Morningstar ENRICHED BREAD =» Bread Is Basic Quality Bakers for Over 55 Years
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