December 7, 1944 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Le an ee Page Five A ———— op ———— ; out of Nawle original growth white pine @he Centre Femoenat, | THE Wii | Sunday School Lesson BELLEFONTE, PENNA. ¢ F F i C § Cal {good hearted, capable irandma | Stover, born De Long, al tenses wa WALKER BROTHERS. ....oovvvvsstinenansns Proprietors ants were elated over the receipt i 10M} A Little Nonsense Now and The, unique gifts from a los CHRIST IN THE BO ..Associate Editor » daughter, now serving as a Business Manager is Relisaed by the Wisest Men the U. 8. Army hospital embourg., One gift | ! bemiitiful doll costume, the ol pa ed black vel At { wn Text: Matthew 19 Miko © 8luy the Pug cocked one eye at the plate of sauerkraut the full size pale 3 elie: ' APs 10: 38-42: 11 Timothy | widbre i Pulsy Cirensy Spoon Restaurant und sel belore (um wooden Shot “Hey!” hollered Mike, “C'mere, Mazie, There's a worm in this kra Y lmanter | Worm?" mouthed back Mazie, “That's no worm J dope-thnt’s taken dirk mount 18IUED WEEKLY EVERY THURSDAY MORNING | This'n Has Flavor Bontered lo the Postofice at Bellefonte, Pa., as Becond-clasa Maller, eee bd * * Sald a A Nutty Tale of a Couple of Nuts of the booby hatch was £a0win icrasies of the various nut ful) TUS Arm Around wu ting 10 y § W tf leit walling I'ERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: gal of his ol i cir wedding day, while Within Centre County us FTANRE hav 4 ‘ s ‘ ’ {ia ty Fy $1.50 per “eh «see. payable in advance he mesico pai [riend passed on and entered | 4 : : . M E a K o y year th uly. { lL pt nel re housed, There caine to Weir vu r« | ( i 2 ’ Outside of Centre County of 1 : dr gE Busine . ["leasant Pa rit | \ e of el prison n $2.00 per year ‘ payable In advance ONE \ A mien tras sel~iron wall of hi y ow fe ‘ 4 - EEN 1 . | » | | 1] L 188) yi ] a hn » a Rate to ‘Soldiers Ww on { ’ ‘ friend. “is the matter with 0 her. Th g Electric Ap pli 1nces $1.50 per year, $1.00 for 6 month: within the U. 8 j . avibmi tha ! i | fe . Tovs 2.00 per year, $1.25 for 6 months. ...outside the U. 8S ' 44 Feu hee b . i . tabi beast iy endq Patents The date your subseription expires is Plain y paint ed on the label bearing M y h your name. All credits are given by a change on the date of label the first Dead End Issue of each mont! We send no receipts unless upon special request. Walch date on your label after you remit : oy Matters for publication. whether news or advertising, must reach The Mi ) wi 0H oreach a ceriain pol y he i Centre Der fice not later than Tuesday noon Lo insure publication that Lost H unter Found week Adve ’ y received alter Tuesday morning must run its chances, I D d d a All reading notices marked (*) are advertisements, c mm — ary . om. Legal notices and all real estate advertisements 10¢ per line each issue Not as Represented n azc on ition —_— w— wn“ RI BE RA Subscribers changing postoffice address, and not notifying us, are lable y ly — -”, . -— for same un Whe alernit ward of a southern hospital ie ERT irl Olt K wenhay 5 of Hi - —- . All subscriptions will be continued unless otherwise directed PrOaning y the thiroe: of 1 ni grog ng in t BH : ome girls remind tin of a LORIE . Fountain Service : ; . Phone Bellefonte 6951 CIRCULATION OVER 7,000 COPIES EACH WEEK re ailac) ngonizing pan a hy oR FY, N10 Wis | Ol 07 Teh» , “Honey. there's a pood for nuthin’ lucky, laz: it chul i I | 4 y § Dour alts ! ravea rom 1 00 ers Member American Press Association nigger hangin’ aroun’ and walkin’ up and down in th altin’ roo fou . another hunting group last Tue p National Editorial Association | tells him fo’ me, If this am a sample of that matrimouniug il ve been alternoon, remained in a daze i= 5 ‘ | talkin' about, Wien he bettah call our engagement all ofl” tio a th 4 mea to he: a i AVAILABLE | ufferi ly & itly from exposure { : 1 I CASH CROP GOING TO WASTE . 0.8 A ap o AT ONCE ! For one reason or another many farmers are [ailing to harvest | . She Must Be the One ! n L | . a cash crop this year, and as a consequence boty they and their coun- This check is undoubtedly O. K..” sald the bank clerk it bh sroup of men in i vehi Hart ‘ | n Flectrie: Gasoline Driven, tre » snfferint 1 » rot I » On ans farm woodlo: wit } X " tified? n . x iritaer try are suffering. Th rop on many a farm woodlot {is pulp- you anything about you, by which you could be dented ire i by Raymond Nn dis- i» | or e Cooled Cabinets wood Maizie blushed: “Well I have a birthmark Just a i t war agen) heads are alarmed at the falling off of HT 11 here.” She faltered i he slapped her le “it's the test t ne mile from the camp from where e | J i i] | p xl as she slapped her side, "ils Lh Vest § i - ! duction since September and arn that 1945 requirement r mil Ty ! © wo © tart to hun leer ra ils eve A ‘ ‘HUBERT ROSSMAN and essential civilian nulp and paper items cannot be fulfilled JACK and gun were ost I'he vic- Je . ] ; - \ ' ins a ea 3 ‘SQ v4 " a 1% {HOME & AUTO SUPPLY STC increased quantities of pulpwood, of the desired species and -~pecifica- Be Careful, Boys «In Dag been in ud headn | Phone 2615 ¥ S10 : : 1 ’ 3 . 3 .1 : s . { » Ald tions, are cut and delivered to the mills this winter I'wo local guys whose names arent to be mentioned m 11a laproom - — | a : ar vho h - 1 t 3 1 the other night d were seated at the same table They Le : : He onal gant vv ! ¢ | BELLEFONTE, PA Those farmers who hs ave res ponded t Government appeals for |¢ ) t. and w seated at th me tabl hey h , : more Pulpwood “ave foun 1 in the buving of War mds—that they finished ordering, when they began to kid one anolaer tL ve are not giving anything have found that pulpwood prices are at |manner a wartime peas and that produciion pays good dividends Then one, with sudden inspiration, rubbed fis hand over U a - -nr With fleld crops out of the way until next ing. m farmer: head of the other, and exclaimed: “Wuy, U feels Just like my % _— . ’ ’ in, wa (lad \ ‘ bo ) " vias (Jd) dl. 4d dT 3d] #) 4) wee! ggg ld) dl Ad) aA) J 4) 44 Fd ld) ald) dl dl 4. Lodl dl dl dr 4) 4 Yd) 4d) HAVE Whe LIME how to hart their Dub. Be aring. Flos INS | knee Whereupon the other rubbed his hand over his nude cranium | MEMEMEUEMEISIDIEIDIEITIIE 4 4 EE DEL DLRTRE heir loin ee a As ey i a "a shorten the way by helping to furnish our bghting men with all the and nonchalantly replied: “Well, I'l be doggone 0 it do v7 "5 supplies taey need . @» 7 Don't let the boy dovn. and don't neglect cash croy ee Your TT A As. uowD, ali Oni negect a cash €T0D. “Yee you That' s What He Said county agent et 1 {Fa . Wu dol coal al a very big do you make a ving 0 IMPORTANT T0 Pot ATO GROWERS Farmers who wish t ie ad ge of the government ipport price program for potatoes sh yal sontact their counts AAA commitiee and file applications on or before December 15, 18 weording to Wil B. Berger, Chief of the Feed and Commodity Section of the Stale Ag- ricultural Adjustment el “The presen for U. 8. No the farmer doe i t ; al ’ chase program, he has an opportunity to recover advanced prices in the What did jou do?" «ie vas asked future if market nditions improve Eas he re ‘ i Lawd has given a TS TH H ZENE EIEN amraa- —. - Te, “ 2 A Surprise Attack A gna Wis clad Inv a German Alabam hs <=. » the nes -_- te Farmers should profit by last vea . n nee Lose Wi lad in the whole American arm 1 dropped dem falled conditions tons the 3 F 1 0 of potatoe : y dehvdrati 5 0 source of ind iguring It Out hol and livestock feed 1 vear the feed Sititatias ic tROFs fat ™ Sam § H F i Wo say their last goo and farmes hould not depend on t re i retutn for sSUTDI lo thie same Mandy, bul didnt Know bow io Da LT nf a . tan <5 Aha rubbing elbow ith each other. So Betn Proposed wy ey to Ws “a : PIF BF LF. FREE LE Ed PEPE RET DR EIVNGV ID ! PAY ere ate, and the Olhies y been there and gone i el 3 2c ta fs Ld 8 + Bo TH We FE WE i 3 In 3 oy : a . —— oe An rountl somebody else. \ Busy Woman Toman opened Lhe door 'm-—-I'm--I'm a Bul Now, now calm yoursell, my married woman with eleven childre don't believe In wearing clothes so there barrassed.” she explained Lh CES -y Nudist? Eleven children.” exploded t! his wit Are you kiddin’? You're not a N you Just never had time to get dressed THIS IS THE SIGN of a local, independent > #2 business built on experience, knowledge, Thats all, folks. In matrimony yo skilled service and products of quality. With a roomiul Shop Our Holiday Assortments per every room, every budget. Lovely K ». . ! are rive ack in 18% Historian Finds are Hvei, back in 1638 . : vith Quaker givis r Subject of Boone triers wild guesses tial 1 —_—— : of English (Continued from page one) oon as a medium y ive feet by vast forest fires and useless tim- |, ¢ ds ber butchery. The sportsmen can!., .. ama : . a ounc 1148 Ye Ferre due Pass ‘a game law a day. and the wild londe mblex dal Qionae, oot ) ( D od Hi life will stay away’ unless it Is fed.| +, 0 COPPER 8 C0 Altoona h Schoo ir Destroy the forests. and not only is ; igh | & ’ y ’ aquiline nose, Lin compre “ie game starved out, but springs _ A fe woiand a8 firm chin, he wa ol wells, and streams go dry. You can- / . tad . and image” of the kind Boone not have ‘game by legislation,’ if}, : ) you leave it to starve ' brothers at the Rebersburg Hotel y v v . in hospitable Centre counts “Here In Brush valley, old hunters]! Down beautiful Brush Valles all tell me, once held a vast amount | farmers were hauling in tieir “gold of game. Now, {f a hunter comes) from rich fields of corn, while hunt. {into the hotel, which caters to them, ers edged along the fence rows for with a rabbit, a squirrel, and per-'the game less plentiful U “1aps a blue jay or a crow, he thinks other years. At Wolfe's Store he has done something remarkable. by affable Irvin Hanselman. aroun This was a great wild turkey and the red-hot stove sat the 1 |fuffed grouse valley, but forest fires group of superannuated hunte: and lumbering made bird Ife pull telling of glant bucks. prowling out or die, Elk creek, ever since 1iphears, and fierce predatory wolve [came to Brush Valley, was a capital ang pantiers, turkey traps, and * stream for trout, chubs, suckers, focks of 50 ruffed grouse. and of TIRES THAT LAND 60 000 POUNDS (and eels. Now It goes dry in places, | mmense. kills of the wild pigeons In ’ [and the finny tribe perish. Too much | days when they passed over the val- | state lumbering at the headwaters|i., darkening the sun. Homeric AT 90 MILES AN HOUR! [In the Red Hills, east of here. I ype; never to come back, despite fear. 1 saw an old advertisement of | got), Gordon's splendid vigilance i tansy [this hotel, it was In the days of 1d firearms dedorate the store Giant U, 8. Royal bomber tires can shoulder a load of landlord ‘Jimmy* Dabler (Davila) fon a Toa po 2 room 60,000 pounds and land it at better than 90 miles an jane Sg. epi J She won whole series of thrilling memories hour! They're just about the toughest thingson wheels | Predecessor, 1) read Hunters eri 0 op obersburg, retired biack-| today. And U. 8. Royal synthetic tires for your car are and hunting within quarter of mile| Sith, and retired antiquer Harry | built with the same care, the same “know-how” and of front porch’ Now it's many a(K. Smuill was making a handsome the iv. There or - | weary mile one must tramp to get butchering tub, “to accommodate a) same expert workmanship. is no “guesswork leven a shot at a ground squirrel, igor’ Jaualy a? Sun | bout them. They been tested t fe woods ir have : and proved by ord shay OY SHE die Boone | Olibert, was making a similar tub,| = COLORFUL BATH MAT months and months of service on the road. They'll do family, we are proud of our tradi. |¥ith hand-forged hoops, and | AL Ls M. Jobt you are eligible for ’ Sion, Hut ho Dresstios R any of And Seat Cover . . . Washable, —-— » us, even though descended from a ber you can’t beat U. 8. Royals! ; mighty pathfinder, as some say. It Wonderful! Set FINE BLANKETS —Winter-warm and comiy. Also wide Is odd that every Boone of the name choice fine quilts and comforts, Some wool filled. Priced from loves the woods, and Is a conserva- $3.95 and $4.95 tionist by nature” the very inter- : $3.95 up lesting Mr. Boone concluded, Bellefonte Sunoco Service rine a0 Souew sopeatea’ 4 | ALLEGHENY & BISHOP STS. the one authentic portrait Daniel Boone painted from life the resem ‘ blance would be called startling. , Ld \d N . DISTRIBUTOR FOR Shire 3g sume Sxieme fuiratis 3 S. Allegheny Street Bellefonte UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY were of the Bwedish family J" who settled on the Dela- linens, bedroom an athroom acc ralore. All applause-winning. Long-wear- £ : pp aust ha Sy i) LUNCHEON SETS Ing and sure to make a weicome addition to any home. ' $2.95 and $4.25 rRRefrnetageeeegesg BPSD II IPI ZBI IIIFIFIIZTEELIDNEL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers