December 7, 1044 TAF CENTRE DEMOCRAT BEL FVONTE PA yf Me Hy 1Yose Head Squares bo | ’Y \ 08¢ | « warmth for all y | F man r otdoot Large whit ( ; Ww «. Men's and Boys' fone re 59¢ cold-weather ft with } . » “ . trims. Many styles lh rom Sas LL KX pi \( 0) -~ A 4 . , a 5 14 Big Baby Bonnets § : a , 4 , Felt, cotdur ‘ - S1PTS elier with fake Gifts Even Gif Wraps $5 Ties 10c¢ to 25¢ Endure At Murphy's you'll find every $7.00 to #1 98 ¢ . fi er \ " thing to wrap your i. fts beauti- ; $ Se / \ \ . Plus 1 I 3 wi ) fully; white an a colored iy lai C plain and fancy dos one hri uine hard-wesring leathers in assorted mas papers; eal, tags, if ; " § ro, hee | 5 | . bh! grains and coinrs Several 1 cards; easy-to-work-with Crinkle i ; ' id Si . Tie; all kinds of bright Holiday Ribbons. : \ i | + % 4 £4 7 he's young or © der he 1 eR {4 For Gifts That Beautifully made and finished of aen with plenty of pockets ar for cards, change and fo carry such a fine g Travel Kit $9.98 to $425 a. Gift Shorts Sweaters Rayon Slips : $7.00 $1.98 GIFTS OF BEAUTY Lovely € OWNS Murphy's Candle ( enterpieces vy Dressy Felts 1 19 to 1 40 31-19 to 5] v2 Show him his fine new felt Py Christmas. His Crystal Sets $9.49 i» ”~ ad . eg enchantment to Murphys have » rated Molidey tance with a : . Give her a sparkhing set for her { : Also Fancy dressing table in the same lovely patterns you'll find in much more expensive sets. Con tains perfume decanters with fancy stoppers . powder jar with hd and a trav. A gift she'll proudly use for vears favorite styles are bere, whether he prefers them sporty or con servative. New scasonable shades {On S: 63 dizes f ULL FASHIONED RAYON Hos r hose thal can take a hard Gay bs vork r 00k sheer tiallening fe Dressy Tots Want Clothes : Mothers! M evening these af Murphy 3 ry - : bor Bullard \ - “a ud » \ 4 WW hn \ « ¥ : 3 for wear. the smaton's a ; i» g $ i : bos! thades. Sizes 9 to 19/ £ cotton re. nfarcas C2 Cerf Gloves Give Snealers 50¢ to $1.49 $9.98 — $3.98 Iivesser Sets Ne 117) [TERN : 54-98 Beautiful Bags dl [P fry J Comb, bth sn at i i : . J j pil wwe proudly display For Gifts of i on her dressing table Distinction $9.98 They'll get them, ton, Beautiful bags of fabrics or good . with MURPH'"'S thors, AN kinds, from the latest imitation leathers, some with ’ wood frames, in the sizes and Pa amas 4 8 ky 39 R Ii li Ny ] SKIRTS... 1 ayon Sly { J | Bateman dices g JP —————————————————. wo — FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS Give Books 25¢ 1.00 At Murphy's Book Department you'll find the solution ta your gift problems. Books, for everyone on your list, by all their favorite au. PLEASING PRESENTS! ORED OR LACEY colors that please her most, $9.98 Practical gifts wo please the men and RS of your family. Theyre made roomy and non binding for sleeping comfort. Both V.neck and coat styles in popular stripe patterns of fine quality vatdyed broadcloth, BLOUSES. $1-19 Adorable “snpender” shirts, well tailored as “Mother's”, of pin wale corduroy or Spun Ray on. Such perfect little broad cloth snd poplin blows, toe, neatly trimmed with lace or om beoidery. Sites 2 to ‘6. Variow colors. 1 69 Other favorite gift items are these lovely, “Luxable” rayon crepes and sating, “She” would elcome several. Choose either plam wilored or from lace thm styles Fither is a luxurious gift! Tearose mn sizes 32 10 M4 WOMEN'S ASSORTED Rayon Undies Panty and brief styles milored for 69c comfortable 6. C. MURPHY CO. HIGH & ALLEGHENY STREETS BELLEFONTE, PENNA, Starting Monday, December 11, We Will Be Open Evenings Until 9 O'clock
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