Page Two YHE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PR. December 7, 1044 8 1 | y 1 . A ¢ willl : |. pony " Or yg ’ n J nad 3 kes . . . y y " rE About $10000 of stock has been | story will be added. Mr, Baldwin will j ram in on ) named Hoover residing in Claysburg, u wa oh far for the Cer x Loceupy Hg f the st Y “. : CENTRE HALL AT 1 } i i Ii na t . nts is 781 Pvt Hancock ry : ounty Fair Association. Tha A serious f lent happened to ' A ' : K ; noel | n only one number Echoes From the Past | iu ii wil yes ss yume N- ou nent orga ¢ * A 1) 10 ate number Is the The Gleaners Bunday School class 30 day leave with Mrs. Vogt ahd his 11 Bong , | { p r left corner of your _ of the Evangelical Church met with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vogt nariot pi ) BOLO Ctr i ton cal How about some Mrs, C. A. Miller on Friday evening. He will report back for duty on De- rand OIC de P w B ne mois ted fected "hy $ ving t} " RELL nary I x) \ nool at ists naving a A AdlA ar aur 3M , 3 4 : no The following were present: Mrs. | of mber 27, lett: on | mo IT . ud? If you have a ears go d. Haupt, son ol Isan giond BO diva Ga ‘eo go William B. Hanna, Mrs. E. R. Houlz, IA, Lewis Tigen and Floyd Vogt, bar A ( | der 5000 tell vs AL I vst ek a farmer]Bamuel Robinson, have capllired ton] 8 Er ttn rtt rk Mrs N. B. Martz, Mrs. Margaret God- WT 3ie were guests of the Lions Club { “fit 1 si 3 M 4 or atch) ok ’ "shall, Mi A, E. Limbert, Mrs. at their meeting on Tuesday evening Capiia y i 1 a art Hosterman, Mrs. George in the restaurant N Iv W V A Sweeney, Mrs. Alma Rickert, Mrs. W.| are Mary Neff is able to be up and Flowers?” “M WINGATE _ K. Heosterman and daughter Elene, gp.6ut the house after being confined Campb ine Ame { I 1 worted some deer o Mrs. Harold BStitzer, Mi JOIN 4, hed for a few days at the home of U , first of the season lots Schaeffer, children Nancy and Rone Fifty ¥ and her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krape of Mingo I were supper guests on Thursday if Mr and Mrs. J. T. Delaney near Centre Hall nie, Mr Limbert had charge of the devotional period. Readings were Yiglven by several of the members "Refreshments were served during the Luse hn ni Wednesday, Mrs, Howard and Mrs, John White and Luse fined to em ———— Twenty Years Ago - Random Items ’ OLD TAXES ( Cx roller 5 Bronchial COUGHS Resulting From Colds) Buckley's Famous "CANADIOL™ <TH OLD STREE] Mixture Acts Like a Flash NEUMBEES AGAIN White Bros. Drug Store WM. B. RANKIN AGENCY MARY M. RANKIN, Agent, pe COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Crider's Exchange Building BELLEFONTE, PA. Tat VUE PH Te EE CRE eg Ta FT LT EY YH te, ent ET ROI LO CTR > HIRD alr ® Xun One school child out of One improvement in light- five on the average, has de- ing which can be made im- fective eyesight. And the per- mediately is by securing at centage mounts to 4 out of your dealer's, enpugh of the 10 at college age! No parent right sized lamp bulbs to fill C. Y. WAGNER oo th drs on For B.39 Crew Membe all. Her husba can afford to meglect eyesight. empty sockets and to replace & COMPANY ", ; ol iae Brooks whi | hear " It is too precious to risk. inadequate sizes in use. “ 4 er tree le Deak eo WEST PENN POWER COMPANY WAGNER'S ) ae gi en A w : te : * Hear Nelson Eddy in “The Electric Hour™ every Ahh rine Hn r niece, Mrs. R. 8 Wednesday night, 10:30, entire Columbia network. QUALITY FLOUR a pec and fog. reatay after YOOUDeSCAY Alle A Hard Wheat Pat. Flour Car Jrspectiors are the civilian tog sergeants WAGNER'S x ' ¢ who bring time-worn cars up to par. The aver- , hr oy So" is over eight are dd Wartime CUR BEST FLOUR a = : iq wear —plus age—means that you must be more 50.50 Blend A YOU OWE ft oO alert than ever to keep your car rolling. Car £:7% WAGNER'S 6, TO YOURSELF inspection will help you to do this. ey. ® : (A AND YOUR YOUR CAR MUST BE INSPECTED BY JANU. VERY BEST FLOUR i» FAMILY Work Ii Bellefoni TIT ARY 31, 1945, There will be no extension of Winter Wheat 4 this period. Get in early and have the job v + Are you Run-down, table, ¢ Ky, py } : : done. Waiting until the last days of this period RCL ain Titan Metal Manufacturing Co. in Bellefonte has many may mean that you will be unable to drive Wagner's 16% Dairy Feed Do yon have your car because you lack the official inspec Wagner's Pig Meal gat Somach, a, boating, good paying jobs with progressive wage increases. tion sticker. y "ey TO De you feel Wagner's Egg Mash Sluggish, draggy, discour- : » : TRANSPORTATION MUST NOT FAIL. It will Wagner's Chick Starter aged, listless or blue? Inquire’. * not fail #f you, cooperate by getting your car and grower, hots and vimila Snditions may inspected —and inspected early. Pennsylvania Wagner's Scratch Feed temporary constipation, In eount. See what opportunities Titan has for you in this fast growing brass and bronze industry. Titan urgently : lens cases of this kind, delighted Wagner's Chick Feed welcome laxative relief they re wo —— ceived from i. , dydes Cream Calf Meal * CAR INSPECTION TODAY 18 AN ECONOMIC Eshelman's Dog Feed WORLD'S | R lg ht N ow ... REQUIREMENT AS WELL AS A WISE SAFETY > " : ; lie : PRECAUTION. stick BY YOUR STICKER BITTER TONIC jo belp turn out vital war materials. So if you are not already in war work, get behind our fighting men at aid Dealers in All Kinds] STOMACHIC MEDICINE ds toe |ERTEREEE | TITAN METAL MFG. CO. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA fori, 2 J, wins | soli. og | BELLEFONTE, PA. | Na. men, and women. Cet a bottle now at all modern drug | stores,
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