fram Jesse | ADLER Looks at the NEWS Leism———— “Dewey Sweeps Al- D. R, probably does that well’ HEADLINE bany.” At which F nodded: “I'll bet he RUNNING a political campaign i: a little bit like running a column you work frantieally towards a dead- line—then leisurely make retrac- tions THAT gives Dewey years time in which to digest before preparing the menu for exactly four word: the next serving ONE Nabe dy Liey're position A REAL far-sighted merch the guy who engraved “Rooseve tor-President” butt on metal advertised them time! IN SOME | ing machine were What with labor prior. itles ard stufl, h expect machine like that ore] a mere 364 days! THE N. Y. Dally New 1 re-election of F. D. R midnight, then settled down to wi ing anti-Fifth Term editorial release in September, 1948, on there wouldn't be an election 1048 BIGGEST ad bet of the was offered by comedian Edd wio $25.000 to §! ney Vole ey DEWEY his campaign rub it \..:ich he name RoOS¢ NOW tha lease for the about political about libel is that prove dirt What | the | it! thing worries all afraid of Libel to Ol= | int we on Good Jo aces the vol out of shortage, Hing order w'd voters a aired | in conceded be fore in year Ie Daviy | 1 US wagered at § Hillman wouldn't D ol received the bad news at aJdquarters—and more the towels wit his brow bore t neatly emYroidered to h he } o in ven in even wiped svelt Lion is over i White House > elec ANYWAY we boys over war. After all ference between a itician. A scl leep in-—-but a Ld n has to lie out of S80 MUCH nomic Sy guy wh turned thelr can and there's Sea 0.318] hasn politician Tak talk about our reminded me wife the bank Goodie—gox tem of o told his heck } plie i th time? A G. I. back uly asked the waltress if aim Was pure As pure as the girl of dreams, iC respond- ed. So he ordered a ham sandwich! A NEW from oversea piay Le Ice re your law fines you $10 if you shake mop from a N. Y apartment house window, II you drop ithe entire thing on 8 passer- by's head however, you save $10 but are subject to a civil suit HOB WEITMAN of the N.Y. Par- smount unearthed a sure-fire meth. aetsrmining nk All pore a and par city your patrons wearin to match regula; tomer order rep! with gun weve ACE From heard to be a definite | A NEW 1? fifes and Lerma hange out azi umn band Ar Ar smn MP ———— Mothers’ Club Hears Talk by State Nurse A regular meeting of fonte Mothers’ Club was 0 day night at he hom Charles E. Martin, on East C street, with Mrs. Charles Keller Mrs. Arthur Hewitt as co-hostes There were 20 member guests present Aller a the Belle eld Thurs- ef i M t hort business wiich Mr Charles Garbrick sided, the meeting was turned to the program committee Mi Olsen introduced Miss Marth: bert, head of the Music depa of Bellefonte High School Let My Song Fill You: Into the Night and “The That Flits on Babies’ Eyes was ompanied by Miss Joan Hara Miss mee riment ho sa Heart Sleep Sy Ac OQ Mary Slagel state nurse gave an interesting talk on We functions and accomplishments of the Baby Clinic. Each Wednesday morning from 10 to 12 noon the clin. ic is open for any mother to bring her baby, where it Is weighed, meas ured and examined by a physician who Is at i clinic at that time He advises the mothers as to care and feeding of the Infants, Babies who are {ll are not allowed at the clinic but are sent to the family physician. Bables with any deform- ities are sent to specialists, hos. pitals, or orthopedic clinics for treatment or correction The clinie Is Qeld under the pices of the Red Cross and sored by the Mothers’ Club January 1 1944, to October 1, 1044 684 babies attended the clinic, 38 bables were referred to their fam- fly physician, and 16 bables were sent to hospitals or orthopedic clin. ies Mrs, Arthur Dale, a charter mem- ber of Mother's Club, gave an In- teresting resume of the club's his tory, which is in its 17th year. There are now 45 members The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Francis Robison, Curtin street, on December 14, In the form of a Christmas party, where each member baby gift to be used al the clinic for the babies’ annual Christmas party Deskbar 30 The program commitiee for No- vember were Mrs, Edna Dean, Mrs Paul Dubbs Mrs. Frank Daly and RE. spon - From will bring a The Most Widély Réad Newspa paper In Centre County A Visitor In Seven Thousand Homes Each Week | ————— SECOND SECTION he Cenfre Democrof NEWS, FEATURES Oy 63. VOLUME ¢ BELLEFONTE, PA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1944 16 MBER Sailor Dies In Philipsburg Hospital After Auto Crack- Up Near Osceola Mills Edward G. Hudak of Clearfield County Fatally Injured As Car Crashes Into Guard . Rail; Leg Injuries suffer hu day morning rack-up neag in ve death in the Philip wara George Mr Ginter lear His off In head lon was given three blood ! Thursday but failed to rall Hudak, wh old, is said ervice State ed early last - in al Qsce0ln few in burg Hospital Hudak, 18- Mi Mike field coumty YEAr-Ol Hudak leg wa pract ident and including kull ] MA injuries and po Aible year rine hada just Prisoners Foiled Trying to Escape Subdued With Tear (Gas After Threatening Doctor With Knives where Rinck Miss N as he Rut Ka orma tages aw the five walk thro the grounds and became ruspiciou and preparations were made to cap- ture the prisoners in the Sallyport "We used gas and after the first shell was fired,” Thomas we got the doctor and Miss kay out before the gas could them. Then we took ur overcoming Le prison He | tear sia, Rutt- harm time In dentif eX Scortino Brothers Write from Sicily Mr of Sunnyside Belle! ter | ner or Prank Scortino Bellefonte grocerymen, who left ten Yea! ARO home land of Sicily Russell reports that and Prank, as well a her brothers, John that their families are In good health The three former Centre county residents asked to be remem. bered to thelr many friend Belle and State College When the brothers left to take care of some business inter. in that land, they expected to return to the United States within A Year Their return was delayed and finally the war prevented them mm leaving their homeland In their letter, the men asked their sister send them clothing, since none is available in Slelly During their residence in the United States two of the three bro. thers became United States citizens and the third had begun citizenship proceedings. Because of their long absence from the country they have lost their citizenship rights, and if they return in the future probably would be required to undergo natur- alization proceedings all over again EE Injured in Accident Mrs. Richard Kennard, 76, Clearfield, mother of R of State College, ph Russell week thers received a et Rosie, J former sep well College Centre visit and Xi ate own and St green county for a in thelr Mrs Rosie another well and Joe of in fonte for Sicily ents ’ re to of J. Kennard, was aserfously Ine Jured In an automobile accident In | Clearfield county last Thursday. She 5 In the Clearfield Hospital suffer. ing from a broken collar bone and severe cuts and bruises about the head : - | Plane Tuner Found Dead | Ross © Myers, well known plano {tuner in Altoona and Blair county, {was found dead in his hotel room | {Inst Thursday afternoon at 4:48 o'« | clock, having died from a heart at. | tack six or seven hours before he was found Arrives in France Pie. Gerald Bock, of West Deca tur, has arrived safely somewhere in France. Gerald received his basie training at Camp Davis, N. C. He also was stationed at Richmond Alr Base, Va, and at Camp Stewart, Ca, - Torn Off OM ia ha r caused that after werved pproaching iinded ed he and Pas Lo + road id Crash rail fence where 3 guard between ulroad track makes hi gh Way Mills was ofl Osceol Albert the vi ¢ Hospita a juncuon with on Run Houtzdal road the discovered Mill Ox €0l 9 Given Life For Murdes Drowned Child Is Buried at Millheim Held Saturday at Home of Parents For Little Victim Services at Funeral 3 I= Marie alternoon aged 2. daughter of Mr. and John Bums Dry Top a a half north of Milesburg drowned in Me family near the home las! Wednes- ernoon Tere with Bellefonte Srv day Burn Mrs mile and was of who pring day aft Services me . ws id luding Dail home fram a visit aparenu WOOK sh abr hed the « me wher ved of no as Charles Sheckler of Mile pronounced death due drowning, expressed wt the child pring while pia Marie Bums was 1942. In Boggs vived by) parents Shook Burns, and these and sters: Eugene, in the william, of Boggs township Agnes Donald, Bessie, Wal- Charles. Robert and lois Ann ome her arent h fforts pr ail had alien I" born township and John M the Jan- 3 | her : na ther cr — —_———— Aged Cresson Man Critically Injured Cresson pedestrian n in a critical condition to Mercy hospital ast week 22. near Cresson, when he either a truck a of the Ebengburg An aged w admitted Altoona mn Route WAS truck Cal tate detail reported Sylvester Seymore, about 73, who has been residing in Cresson, js bee Heved to have relatives living in Al toona. He suffered a possiole {race ture of the skull, a compuand frac. ture of oe left femur and was bleeding from the nose and mouth when admitted to Mercy hospital at 9:45 o'clock State police sald Harry J Kaiser, MM, of Brightwood Road, Library Allegheny county, sald he was trav. | by or police Post-War Planning At Home THE FIRST THING | PLAN ~~ [10 D0 15, HAVE My al ARE Ee (TRIC R04 PLL ED POST WHR PLANS ? ——————— UT THE FIRST THING NTOD £, GET .. POIs, E \ ESSARY To GET" { pce DN / JALOPY RUNNING { | A | My OLD POON" (MAK Woman to Spend Pays For Burning Life At Muncy Home of Brother Holt Was victed of Poisoning Husband Mrs. Nancy Con- Okla Dig art : ( NAG DIAC - food was recently appeal to Lhe nd a motion also re Youth Hit by Car Near Bland Park Eugene Reese of p ort Matilda Suffers Fractured leg Speaker from Chile To Address Children Boys girls of Belle vicinity nvited Ww attend a child evangelism rally in the local United Brethren Church on Sunday afternoon. December 3, when Mis lone McKellop, of Chile, will give an illustrated talk on her work in that country. Miss Rhoda Sheetz, coun- ty director, will be In charge of the meeting Choruses, special music, and short messages from teachers of home clas will be on the program Child evangelism work is rapidly growing I county Two new classes began this week, one in the home of Mrs. Scruders on Bishop street, and the other in Mrs. George Cain home Allegheny street There are now a total of ten classes with others being organized In the future A training class for new teachers will be started soon In Bellefonte, to which all those inter ested are inevited Ford Motor Employes Celebrate Election Production in the motor assembly and fonte and Aare 4K the on cling along Route 22 and following department at the Ford Rouge plant A truck, which was on the outside i Detroit stopped for several hours lane of the four-lane highway, and because of what that the first he saw the man Was! soribed as when he saw his body was into the air : - | TWO GREAT MAGAZINES WITH i BRIGHT FEATURES You'll find plenty of interesting reading, many striking pictures in | color, and other fascinating features, In The American Weekly Pictorial Review-two great sections distributed regularly with the Bal- timore Sunday Ameriean. Order from your newsdealer, Frosh Top Field than one-third of the total civilian at the Pennsylvania First-year students represent more i ! management de- “horseplay” by unionists tossed | and the union termed a “political demonstration.” A Ford spokesman said eight | United Automobile Workers (C10) bullding representatives made a cof- fin out of tar paper, painted the name Dewey on the sides and pro- ceeded with a mock funeral process and the gon through the building Production was second shift EN i Mill Hall Man Improving The condition of Melvin R. Maur. | er of Mill Hall, who has been a pa tent at the Celsinger Hospital, Danville, for observation ang a ma- restored on the Arsonist Sentenced to Serve 1 to 2 Years in Peni- tentiary ® EVANGELIST RC. Dettmer ) g g i IVA : re meet held each evening ber 23 through December 110, at the Highland Pilgrim Church, with Rev RC Dettmer of the Beech Creek chure speaker each begin 7:45 ings will be from Novem. a ato pasto the will n a Vices at Mi Elair music and welcome Hamilton special numbers extended to all will A hearty direct * The revival messages will help you find God's blessing for your life and ene you in the Lord and make our a greater blessing to others OUrage life Parents Fined For Children’s Absences of Parents three children who were absent from school longer than the legal period were ordered to pay fines and costs of prosecution at a hearing 9eld last Wednesday night before ‘Squire F Haines of Snow Show 'wo of the children were Snow Shoe High School students and one a grade gchool pupil, Members of the Snow Shoe school board all High School teachers and some grade schoo] teachers att*nded the hearing 1 ——— CAR DAMAGED IN MISHAP IN UNIONVILLE BOROUGH When his car struck a cavity in a road under construction in Undone ville borough about 4:10 pv. m. last Thursday, J. R. Showalter, of Phil. ipsburg, escaped Injury but damage to the machine was tstimated at about $50. The headlamps, radiator and steering gear were damaged. State Police from Pleasant Gap sub-sta- ton, who Investigated the mishap, [expressed the belief that the driver had dored at the wheel Tyrone Employe Hurt Carmela Mastercola, 61, of Tyrone, ‘an employe of the Pennsylvania railroad, was ‘Altoona Woman and Son Held In Fatal Attack On Railroad Shop Foreman Arrested In Alleged Assault on Herbert A. Weidle September 4; Victim Dies Thurs- day from Head Injuries Driver of Truck Killed Instantly Flemington Man Thought te Have Suffered Heart Attack Leland Moore ealer of Fiemis death was i week Hgnhway witnessed James ary, heard { 10 the soene h d Mr. Moor ruck and tified author Charles Sheckler investigated. Damas estimated at 860 MOOre WAS a native « member of the Ballot church He had years in Flemington Some Lime Was an oe cream {acturer Surviving are his wife, Ruth Holmes, of Salona; two ters, Mrs. Genevieve Marshall ington, and Mrs. Vivian sey Shore four son Flem John, Doyle ald | As Mr ana | r Oclint aid mans we former daugh- Fiem- Harlan, Jer. Sheldor of ington nd Ron at home He is also survived by n grand- children; four brothers, Pdward, of Albion; Dorsey, of Shenley, W. Va Ray, of Flemington: and Charles, of Lock Haven, and four sisters, Mrs Frank Swisher, of Mill Hall Mrs Frank Carpenter, of Scranton; Mrs Rebecon Ransick of McKeesport and Mrs. LG. Sheasiey, now in Washington Funeral services were held at the home Sunday at 2 p.m, with the Rev. John R. Gulick, pastor of the Evangelical and Reformed church of Howard, officiating. Interment was made in the Jacksonville cemetery nm —— —— Burglar Adopts Self Service Police were asked to investigate a report jast Wednesday afternoon that someone entered a woman's apartment at 743 West Edwin street, Williamsport, fried some eggs, drank three quarters of a bottle of wine, took a bath and left with 4 pair of field glasses. Bhe reported that she was away from her home from 8:30 a.m, until 3 p. m. and that, al thougdy there were no signs of forced entrance, she definitely found traces of someone's eating and bathing and | then missed the field glasses a Coeds Rule Campus Flemington Man Injured on Street Taken to Hospital For Treat- of Face light Arm ment and $1,000 Loss As Fire Destroys Corn Crib ‘ Two Cars Damaged in Collision At College don falled PP anh Damage 1 Ximatel hine dad or KRPpr mn alu Harvest Dance To Be Held by G.A.M.S. A harvest the Bpring street gymnasium nesday by the GAM 8 Bellefonte High School One of Ke features of will be the crowning of a Harves Queen. Candidates are 10 be select. od from each of the girls” home. rooms throughout the school while the choloe of the Queen will be de- termined by popular election during An assembly program be held Wr of the dance will the dance Monument Soldier Wounded Mr. and Mrs. C. 8 Stover, of Mon. ument, have been informed that their son, Pvt. William GO. Stover, was wounded in Germany, Oct. 23 Stover was inducted April 5, 1944, and trained at Port McClellan, Ala taking part in the Invasion of France six months after He joined the service. He graduated from the | [Lock Haven High School in 1988 | and was employed by the Castanes Women outnumber men 210+) in| Paper Company before entering the | the civilian student body at the Pennsylvania State College. The | Pencetime Milo is four men to one Stover returns i service, His small son, Billy, is re- | ding with his parents until] Pvt Random [tems | WORD -SAVER: FILLERS Filler ( water 2 ¢ Compan 200 {oat 3 wveeker ng the Nas n ’ : Aol 0 8D, Of qua Service Tests Given Clinton County Man men registered witd County Dra pre-induct risburg Le Xie sant nad GW L. Bimoox, Syive Avi Waller F. Bauy L Allen, Theodore ¥ Richard D. Rupert, Dona nell, Mil Hall Arthur Harry C. Rover, Lock Haver G. Willams, Fleming! E Green, Henry 8S Renoy John H. Heichel tersdale. Ellsworth Conwa Creek Allen. Reeder volunteers NKICMAar K MAY ter Heller Calvin Jr R Yar. Powers, Wilk Rob- iy Pot. Beech Yarnell moder rt : Wit and are - - Fifteen Pass Drivers’ Tests Twenty-two applicants for auto. mobile drivers’ Loense took the tests given by the Pleasant Gap Detall {of State Police at Lock Haven last week and seven falled 10 pass. The new drivers are: Joyoe M. Baysore, Jersey Enore; Douglas Brady, Mare lan Préericks, Mrs. Helen R Say- der, Lock Haven: Jean L. Russ, Sal- Indasburg: June Corson, Margaret K. Gohl, Larsyville; Ardell Oardner, Lock Haven, R. D.: David L. Me. Cartney, Howard, R. D.: Naomi Smith, MeElhattan: Ruth Andrews, Salona: Beryl BE. Eyer, McEIhattan; [Bruce OG. Rishel, Loganton, BR. D.; | Bella Nesman, Hammersley Pork, William ©. Hosmer, Blanchard,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers