November 16, 1944 Echoes From the Past Fifty Years Ago the new WA I'he Undine Band made ] Belle WAT in public last cirant | tion od at the fine playing by the Bellefont Republican Hast we fortu-|’ instruments former 10- 1 cents Or “WE HAVE 4,300,000 JOBS TO DO TODAY” These are busy days lor everybody in the tele phone business. About 4,300,000 Toll and Long Distance messages go over the lines in the aver. age business day. (That's in addition to more than 100,000,000 daily local conversations.) We appreciate your help, especially when you're on a line to a war busy center and the Long Distance operator says "Please limit your call 10 5 minutes.” THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA TS ——— : : ! ] 1 vast ved east was Andrew tre county lumberman, Friday to Pulladelphia to transact and to attend a football game Randall Cientzel, of t Detwiler Farmer uted a current scarcity and Mill that section to the ravages of foxe which they numerou Charl I'. Crust of Centre Hall A ceration of one declared were farmer residi suffered vere | hand wood on a circular were required t Onin; Rutl “u | and M - More War Bonds to help ET WHEN WINDS |! GET ROUGH | A Windstorm Folley Protects Tes From Finacial Loss Be John F. Gray & Son General Insurances Phone V9 Betiefonte Po Milk Coolers| AVAILABLE AT ONCE! In Electric; Gasoline Driven, or lee Cooled Cabinets, HUBERT ROSSMAN HOME & AUTO SUPPLY STORE Phone 2615 BELLEFONTE, PA. MceNitt, well known Cen-! went usiness Jame atirib : of rabbits in PAY mnusually THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PX. CENTRE HALL 1 CHURCH SERVICES Reformed: Robert E. Dickey ! pastor Tunas Church 9:00. church 10:00 Centre Hal Church hool 8:30 cup, 10:30; Woman's Guild 7:30 Penn's Valley Luthera yVilit ervice school Rev. C. C Ot pasta] Centre school, 9:30; worship, 7:30. Farmers Mill Church school, 9:39: worshiy 10:30, George Valley Warship, 8 10 LR Fred W hi ir i ad M toht Vert and family Mis pramenart. who | x egal reviewer In Washington maintains her voling residence ere and came Here (on the purpose of voling., She went to Avi Tuesday evening WW visit with relative Mi Clarence Harry MeClenahan, Mm Blazer and Mrs. Frank | Shutt spent Pridiay in Lewistown. , Me MeClenahan calind 10 see Der mother, Mrs. Annie Gllbert i Denny. son of Mr. and Mrs. Har. old Bohn, hes been confined to bed part of tie time because of lines Dick Baker and Chick Holmes of Camp Will, were guests on Tuesday | of Mis Barbara Potter at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter. On Wednesday the latter was | inducted into the Navy and ls now | apprentice seaman at the Creat Lakes Naval ‘Tralning School. On Tuesday Mr Baker piso visdted with friends at Penn State Mrs. flay Corman returned to her |! home In Wilkinsburg on Friday after | being wid her parents, Mr md Mrs. F. M. Plisher for several weeks, Mrs. Pisher, who had been Ill is now able 10 be about the house Mrs. A. H Spayd went to Lock Hall-<Church on Bunday evening to vis hel ister, Mi Lola Walker M and M Hubert Vonnda of Jacksonville called on Bunday al- ternoon to se Mi nd N arry toy i nember ) th n per in the 1 ] i y IN STOCK FOR received Domer Immediate Delivery Bituminous MOSHANNON Anthracite STOVE COAL CHESTNUT COAL | PEA COAL BUCKWHEAT WEST VIRGINIA COAL Roker wreencd omy CHERRY RUN Woodland Screened Cannel Coal WOOD-HAY-STRAW Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co. Dunlap treed ial 3272 dellefonte' Pa. W School Holiday Calendar Luling War Fund Dime Work in Bellefonte at TITAN Titan Metal Manufacturing Co. in Bellefonte has many good paying jobs with progressive wage increases. Inquire . . . See what opportunities Titan has for you in this fast growing brass and bronze industry. Titan urgently needs many men, C—_— Right Now . . . to help turn out vital war materials. So if vou are not already in war work, get behind our fighting men at Titan, . TO TITAN METAL MFG. CO. BELLEFONTE, PA, at ALERT RR FR
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