pv KEEP FAITH With 4s = by buying ceeeeci® WAR BONDS rs he Centre Democrat WAR BONDS THAN A MEAN MORE GOOD INVESTMENT VOLUME 63. NUMBER 45. " BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1914 SUBSCRIPTION-—$1.50 PER YEAR. Roosevelt Leads ff In 33 of 48 States Democrats Have Majorities in All But One State Contesty''rost and Brumbaugh Win SION NG KILLS RYMAN J “ » + As County (n Margin to All Republi- Lewis Lucas, 44. of Miles- ‘an Candidates < wn burg, Dies Instantly Near Jacksonville CAUSE OF BLAST Truck Driver Escapes L FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT the Nation for a Fourth Presidential Term win + Endorsed By According to fi night President ing Ge . 33 States vote of 391 jorities in electoral vote gure vilal Roosevelt un Thomas E an Hughes Tops Jones vernon ‘ F Indication popular ve hold regardless Ing Governor Dewey was listed as cr leading the President in the follow. ing states last nigiit: Colorado, In- diana, Towa Kansas, Mame, Mich- gan, Nebraska K New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Da- kota, Vermont, Wisconsin cming ne tenubli- 1 652 2 N Jone Cen A ly, while tu nis were listed as having seats, The Senate retained publican majority wera. en County Resulis re wunty, Re LOTS ty v 1972 ma i ove Wye Democrats Lead in State Ad t turns cantiidate ding lk t ator Stat Judge ft Auditor General victory ov ponent Ret more than election distr candidate {or Court was leading opponent {County For Dewey est Repu 0» Myers Leads Davis J inee U vole 1 6502 J. Davis, Rep ning or 1 aL Francis for ver TY ry My De 8. Senat Baird Trails Black Rn D 1674217 igs | ‘ to 1.666.170 wists Baird, Jr Re Wagner Shows Strength GG Har Wa ! candidate | A leading G lean, by a respective 696.438 for Watkin Ross, Rhodes Ahead Democratic cal of the rad I . ' vet wa Hare gr. ¢ AVE him a, boas Py ver Lane 1 633.260 | Wa La | The Judge nu publican nomin had 1.608.715 ar Chester H. Rhodes h Republican « Jame credited 286 tw0 Su Court we vears for & 1 1062841 71 Art) AHH Grant 7.081 vot n 1040 Willkie 0.870 Tue ge Three) ndidate Frank 1.643001 and respectivel omting “3 and ’ wit} day reg. — Capt. Parker Is Decorated | For Leadership In Sea Battle Parker, of Bliver his de Capt. Edward Nelson Bellefonte. was awarded the Star recently for putting stroyer division on the attack In the battle of the Java Sea, delivering a successful torpedo attack agalnsi two Japanese heavy crulsers anu seven light erulsers-—forcing the enemy off The 40-year-old Naval officer, hua- band of the former Ellgabeth Hunter of this place, has been decorated Also, with the Navy Cross and two gold stars In leu of a w2ond and third Navy Cross. He Is now officer in charge of the planning sand en. gineering section, research and de ' velopment division, Bureau of Ord. " 4 ir] Waa a Devartment Capt. Fdward Nelson Parker At SN en of the action for which Which was authorized by Secretary | he was given the Sliver Star, Cap- of the Navy James Porrestal, is the | tain Parker held the rank of lieuten.' following citation ant commander ahd was command. | “For conspicuous gallantyy and in- er of Destroyer Division 50. The bat- trepidity as Commander Destroyer tle of the Java Bea took place Feb- Division Fifty<Nine and in Com- ruary 27 | mander, Second Section Destroyer Accompanying the decoration, | (Continued on page Ma) | i i publicans gave position IS UNEXPLAINED as Fragments Shatter Windshield om ol 1 eq LOH | a iler qu tine M Ma vill early Sunday r abo remained behin Le tool shed (Continued on Page Three) 2 (OUNTY VETERANS GET LEGION POSTS ‘¢ Department Names Aides to Carry on Work in State prominent have been State commitiees ’ A Dumbes Cent ounty veterans of Ld named to of the Lol % ¥ Legion © i t af As announced Mia LCRETATD DLENBER COAT IRORS DRA Grand Jury to Meet Here November 27; Criminal Court Opens Dec. 11 Jur for the regular December drawn this week by Commissioners J W Spring Mills, and Mary C. Heverly, of Bellefonte, with the assistance of Sheriff Jerry Galalda and with Mrs. Marie C. Johnston of Bellefonte serving as clerk The Grand Jurors will meet here Monday, November 27. Jurors for Criminal Court duty will convene two weeks later, or Monday, Deceme ber 11. Those called for service In Civil Court are scheduled to report Monday, December 18 GRAND JURORS (Meet Monday, November 27) Ammerman, John 8. Bellefonte Arber, Joseph, Philipsburg, R. D Bolopue, Harry, Liberty Twp Benner, G. O., Centre Hall Bathurst, Thomas Allen, Liberty Twp Bock, Lwellyn, Philipsburg Breon, Clara, Ferguson Twp Crain, John H., Port Matilda Clifford, H. R., Philipsburg Dawson, Florence, State College Dreibelblis, Miss Mary, Ferguson Twp Carls, Herbert, Potter Twp Kelley, Leo, Snow Bhoe Korman, Franklin D., Haines Twp Kepler, J. W., Ferguson - MeMullin, Mary J. Roush, Harry F. Haines Twp Rackowski, Mrs. Prank, Dellefonte. Rishel, Harry, Miles Twp. (Continues on page Two) Court County Condo if were Jury r 1 Unofhicial Vote Cast In Centre County U.S. Senator Presi dent Suprm Court Superior Court 1%) VOTING dayy—siavq ra —SSoy wag—sauoyf dog—ue Wa ~——Sda THI(I—[FAs00y Wo (J=——=2poy? Beliefor Boro efonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Ce re Hall Boro | Boro Philipsburg Philipsbur Philipshu Liberty Twp Marion Twp Miles Twp Miles Twp Miles Twp, Patton Twp Penn Twp Potter Twp Potter Twp EP MP Ww. P E Ww Pr Pp P P P Shoe Twp Snow Shoe Twp Spring Twp.-—-N Spring Twp.—-8 Spring Twp —W Taylor Twp Union Twp Walker Twp.ii P Walker Twp. -M. P Walker Twp —-W. P Worth Twp Total Ma Snow 63 1427 9390 TOA 8267 60719285 71 rity 1972 221 Tid 1961 2002 LOCAL D.A.R_ HEAR vm msec PLA TIMELY DISCUSSION November Meeting is Ad- dressed by Attorney John GG. Love a the Novembe: te R Mar John Chapter an chapel UR 4) the entertainment Mrs. Ernest Martin embie of vi Mi paare Was seventeen ldred Hockman, ace r bus & Wa onguct rst Viee Regent of Btate Colle Regent ine the ompson » Mrs. Th Unanimously Carrie Time” and the Infantry on Landing Craft L-608 John P. Lyon. chairman Geneological and Revolutionar Records Committee, requested that records from old family Bibles b made avaliable. and stated that per. mission to copy the old records of the Bellefonte Presbyterian church has been given J. Themas Mitchell Continged on Page Four) mpson { Elmer EE. Rockey, GM Eimer FE Jack” Rocker ners Mate third class Beliefonte last Wednesday to spend 15-day furiough with his parents and Mr Elmer Rockey of East Lamb street Gunner's Mate Rockey entered the Navy on March 1. 1043, and after re- ceiving boot training at Bainbridge Md. atiended a gunnery school in Virginia, From there he was rans ferred to New York stiere he Was assigned to duty with gun crew aboard a freighter operating be- tween the United States, Canada and England. After nine months on that ship he was granted a leave after which he was assigned to duty aboard a ship in the Army rans. port service In the latter position Ge spent the past seven months transporting troops, refugees, prisoners of War and war supplies to various parts of AO) magazine sent to Cun ved In if be ie Mi the of a Mr family and n Cause of Julian Fire Is Unknown Cause of a fire which destroyed a large barn on the Mrs. Etta Holt farm about a mile west of Julian about noon Saturday, remained un- known yesterday although belief was expressed In some quarters that ‘sparks from a heavily laden freight | train which pulled out of a nears the British Isles and a D [#iding a short time before the blaze | His transport took part in the 1 was discovered may have been rest DRY Invasion of France. and as it |sponsible. Loss was estimated at| heared the {about $4,000 | Included In the loss were a wagon 0 [shed and corn crib, together with ™ |the season's wheat, hay, oats and a cn | Residents of the area quickly Pr — [gathered at the scene but were on- i {able to fight the blaze hoonuse of Truck Overturns; [Intense heat. Several head of horses | (and cattle were In pasture at the time ly about 50 feet ahead struck a ne and sank wiliin two hours Continned on Page Fowr) Auditor A6BI001198862 7 From a position in a southern Driver is Killed Gen Assm, Rep. In Gen Cong doy ~ysoa 4 doygy—suimiv\ word doyg— paivy WH—SSTUy wa(—I2UuFe doy—yuyInequinxg 076 9145 0008 9220 6927 9385 2069 2231 2458 66837 9774 313 —————— N ARMISTICE DAY SERVICES: Legion Also to Sponsor Program at Football Game nist f Da be the Diamond | font t 11 a m Satwda Nhe msorship of Brooks-Doll Ameri Legion, it was ann yvesler Hor er J mmander Parage wil ome on Ea a m wit) izations and Gin and civil have been The parade will Distri Commander Rhinesmith and members Legion Band commitiee The program on the Diamond will a prayer. a brie! atidress, a moment of silence in honor of those who gave thelr lives In World War 1. the sounding of taps, and the fr- ing of a salute At the Community where Bellefonte and High School football teams will meet in thelr second contest of the season at 2:30 p. m., the Legion will sponsor a brief program honoring the men who have entered the arm- ed forces from the two schools and particularly those who have los (Continued on Pape Three) ar My A $ ating n in vited to partici be in charge Samuel of pate of : the nels cia Athletic Field State College nn — AD ———— Milesburg Churches Contribute Clothing The community of Milesburg has just completed an emergency col lection of cloling for the millions of homeless people in Europe The Methodist church basement Omaha beachhead on was the collection center and in four| fective account the French coast another transport days’ time, 634 garments were col- 3 lected, sorted and packed into car-| (tons and shipped to the eanttal/ warehouse in New Jersey. From there it will be loaded on ships and | carried to Europe ! Since the churches In America’ were asked to do this work, the cil pens feel very pleased that the three, churches in Millesburg could con-| for such a : {second Alr Medal for sustained ner. Y“Alr Apaches Missing Marine Presumed Dead Ellis Hall, 22, of Unionville, is Unaccounted For Since Last November: Two Others Wounded, One Missing Pie. Foust Wounded Pfc. Guy KR. Foust BURNS FATAL TO MOSHANNON MAN (Gasoline-Soaked Clothing Catches Afire in Coal Mine 3 . g as T: "wi RANI NE -B0a ied fire ) Bum ernoon, ot? Tie thing TRINng Potterscaie Quick, age suffer when caugnt Aone Pie. €hester RB. Pletrbor kK) an 8 v P Py Vy Continued on pape Fix) 3-Year-Old Girl | Drowns in Spring We and Polly Marie Burns daughter of Mr Burns, of Dry Top a hall mikes north of Mileshurg drowned aged and Mrs aboul one vesterday afternoon in a spring about 35 feet from the fam ily home The child the yard had and the been playing in mother, engaged - D. W. Keller Buys Miller Properties another to sent 1 Bessie found her spring deep houschold work Bessie her sister indoors body about m daughter aged bring sister's floating in the which The nearby Mrs tation proved [ruitiess in four feel Kelle recent tle girl was rushed to the hone of Duck, where efforts her grandmolher Mrs. Harvey Bishop ’ al resus late West Another on the same street Mrs. ( E. Shope house on Logan the estate was pu Frances Krout hatchery at Pleasant on 0 Centre County Coroner Charles Sheckler, of Mileshurg, visited the scene last night and pronounced death due to accidental drowning The girl's body was taken td the Wetzler Memorial Chapel in Miles burg the TRACE street below rcilasec { nea! Bellefonte Airman Gets Promotion, Decoration Veleran of 41 missions with the crack Mitchell bomb. er-strafer outfit In the Southwest Pacific William Zimmerman, of Bellefonte, has been promoted from second to first leutenant A plot of one of his unit's low. fiving B-25%. Lisutenant Zimmer. man, whose father, Oscar M. Zim- merman. resides on Willowbank street, Bellefonte, his given an ef - of himsel! since Joining the “Air Apaches” several months ago. He has taken part In dosens of treeskimming assaults against Jap strongholds along the “road back” to the Philippines, and is credited with sinking a medium sized enemy freighter and a supply | 1nden lugger His outfit, the “Alr Apaches.” have been given a large share of the credit for neutralizing enemy dee fenses in the vital Sploe Islands area ‘below the Philippines Lieutenant Zimmerman has been mended for the Alr Medal and | Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a LA William 24 flights during which hostile con. mended for the coveted Soldier's both probable and expect- Medal for herole action during an . emergency at an Allied air base a In addition, Ge has been recoms [Continwed on pape Five)
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