ahdbbnra tae N A : ! RA A - og . KEEP FAITH Wilh US = iby buying verenn 8 WAR BONDS Bsssannnn abe Centre Democy WAR BONDS MEAN MORE THAN A 6000 INVESTMENT). VOLUME 63. NUMBER 46 BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1944 SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. ‘ighter Pi Others Lose Lives OWN WEAP Crash in Florida Fatal to Pilot Who Com- in Italy; Other Casual- ties: 1 Wounded, 2 Missing, 1 pleted 91 Missions A Centre in June States after over enemy War area acckdent late ’ Bartow, Florida tioned as a pit i He is the da ais 23rd bird Harry Gilmore, residir of Millheim Other war week includ who wounded Is a prisoner The more Pfs La | Ww dead Killed In Action Cpl. Edwin M. Lambert Postoffice Closed BULLETFROM To Vote Again For Pr iident” ER Bellefonte Man Gets Second Chance-—and Port Season's First “ wo ib WI ng voce 0 lot, 2 KILLS HU Edgar® K. Simpson, Matilda, Casualty rt ring) I ar rd Fi SLUG ENTERS HEAD WHEN RIFLE FALLS Accident Resulted When Hunter Tripped Over Dog Chain It's Legal; Electoral College Prepares To a Prisoner Carry Out Assigned Chore t have in Fri untian ichard H. Gentzel Ace { Boal n Holland Jami Pletcher Killed Comfinged om page Fix) FORMER COUNTY ~~ KIWANIS HEAR WOMAN INJURED GUEST SPEAKER == Albe rt Foster Suffers Bellefonte Rotary lub © Fractured Nose in Members Are Guests Accident at Luncheon Mrs. Hig} 1 New Camp sasigned Lat avs § CITE | 4 Hali-Potter “1 on J 1943 land he wa Cal.. where an 2 ft writ transferred {o the Infants (Continued on page Four) SCHOOL BOARD HOLDS SESSION Miss Kilpatrick Resigns; Mrs. Litke Named to Commercial Dept. hy 3 sent to also survived by Cumb Haan y An Ethel Simp- Adolph Cairns State College Mrs Kent wi Mrs DWrK My on n Page Fight) H~airc: Dire re. } kin ken (Continued FASE BULDING ~~ = SHEE (Continged on page Four) F rab Foster Allow Remodeling, Alter- ations to Relieve Local Housing Shortage > » (Continued on page Sa) Hunter Is Injured When Revolver Falls FH Boalsburg Boy Falls Out of Car ¢ Faw Thonksgiving Dey - Th being ¢ post nounded by master There w rier service patel lobby 1ksg ; Daj N a legal holiday office will E moer De Bowe wel a will be NHA deter- ndue stress being caused , ing,” Mr. Ascher areas remodel- to provide more W ou these rations Secrecy of - Final DIER J BE | NWE AY Vote Is Pre- ['nder State System served OFFICIAL COUNT COMPLETED MONDAY Check Figures With Unof- ficial Totals (Closely Ww Heleg Philips Ie we raon e OC T™ There n Page 6) ried ontinued An INTIATES = 21 NEW MEMBERS , Name C ommittee to Sup- ervise Annual National Essay Contest 3 title | poli What Amer- Member Pa Presi arbara LL. Klin Senior Viee M1 Ruth Miller and Continued on Pace Four) the f the be 8 to Me mmitiee ude st 5 freely permit Bellefonte Bombardier Blows Up Jap Cargo Ship ;: An to he p you di busy anese dr; Su a Pirst Lie Vventner Cit the famed cond Maka and th Weather had prey Lieuten- ant Vogel and «ils crew from finding any live shipping in the now busy water eading to the Ballkpapan oil refineries, only recently set com- pletely ablaze by 13th AAF super distance Liberator strikes. But rath- er than waste his bombs In the empty ocean, Vogel discovered the beached cargo and went down “on the deck” at 50 feet above the water to Investigate, Huge stores of bare rels and other supplies were stacked on ie deck of the ship, apparently salvaged and ready 0 yo ashore from the crippled freighter, 8o the boys in the Liberator decided to turn the salvage into debris, On the first pass over the ship Second Lieutenant Kenneth B, Mar- | shall of Bellefonte, the bombardier, | loosed two B500-pounders that sailed | wa I veterans Long Range: ted a shipping sween over t Stra between Celebes recently mad Vogel SAL Borneo ents rig it through the superstructure and | carried the big stack and part of the upper cabins away. The bombs land- ed In the coral on the other side of the ship and exploded to pepper the whole craft with flying steel, Marshal] called for another pass {iat they be held group of hout setting any f acting promptly indue stress’ exists |i area and we h { those familiar local situation that there | building trades labor undertake this type interfering with the needs war Industries which claim upon manpower and materials,” the spokesman said continuing It is believed altera- tions of this type will make compar- small demands on materials atively (Continued on Page Three) Kiwanis Quartette To Sing at Centre Hall The Bellefonte Kiwanis Quartetie will appear as guest musicians In a program of music at the Centre Hall High School auditorium, Mon-| day evening, November 27, at 8| o'clock ! This program, sponsored by the Music Section of te Centre Hall Woman's Club as ts annual eve-| ning of entertainment for the club, | at Soniet of ha country by ho 8 O ' } e venr oO on oo WO Sons ANd A Li. Kenneth B. Marshall Shen RE A me to appear, daughter to the armed forces. Wal- {at (se ship. They roared in at mast on this program are Mrs, Josephine ter, John and Betty Stiver are the | height and the bombardier planted | Nash, reader, and Angelo Vespa, vio- | ons and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. two heavy bombs right down in the! linist, of State College; and Mr, and | R. Stiver of Martha Furnace, forward hold of the ship, The whole | Mrs. Sherman Good, planists, of Cpl. Walter Stiver was “rst sent [side of the ship was demolished. | McClure, to Camp Adair, Oregon, where Ge And gunners had a hey-day, strafing | The Woman's Club will meet] was assigned to the Infantry, There and burning the supplies on deck. (briefly at 7.30 o'clock before the| he was classed as an expert driver Becond Lt. Marshall, son of Mrs, musical program begins, according| and was assigned to drive his cap- Elsie Marshall of Bellefonte, wasito Mrs, George K. Rimmey, club] tain's jeep on all manquyers, After erts, Calif, and was there assigned | recently awarded the Oak Leaf Clus- | president, who also calls attention to| completing training at Adalr, Wal. (to the heavy artillery unit of the ter In lieu of additional Alr Medal, [the coange In date from Tuesdsy,| ter spent severai months in desert | | Infantry, Joan next spent some time for meritorious service as hombard- | November 28, to Monday, November | training in Arizona and California. lin Port Ord, Calif, then on to Camp ler from May 7 to June 7, 1044. n. Alter desert training he moved on Phillips, before embarking for some- nite Ave Lh with suffic- 4 the in [£415 f work lent area to wi of ef nave yout ential first Corporal Walter Stiver One of Centre county's most proms inent families is aiding in the great Cadet Nurse Betty Stiver 0 Camp Carson, Colo, before em-' barking for France. Prior 'o enter ing the service Walter was em- ployed by the Pennsylfania Railroad Co. Cpl. John Stiver first spent some time in Port Lewis, Wash, then moved on to Moscow, Tdaho, where he received college Instructions in | rehabilitation work. John then went [to Pullman, Wash, where he was | assigned to a supply unit, Pullman he was sent to Camp Rob- | — Family Has Two Sons and Daughter On Honor Roll driver of the car {promptly prevented him from being and back Mr. and Mrs. Clayt Corporal John Stiver where in New Guinea, Before enter. ing the service John attended Penn State College and then worked for the Pennsylvania Railroad Co Cadet Nurse Betty Stiver is now stationed at the University of Penn. sylvania in Philadelphia, and will! soon be assigned tO an Army unit. Betty is a Wiidinte of the Port all tilda High School A third son, Eimer Stiver, spent | received a medical discharge. A fourth son, Norman Stiver, has been enrolled in the Army Alr Cadets and will be asuigntd to to uy after his gracdaution Port Matilda wg Rp Ry My 6th [in ‘celebration of ar Loan Drive to Begin Campaign Opens Monday; County Quota is $1,950,000. Aikens Announces Quotas for Various Districts Former County Man To Conduct Revival District Quotas Fixed BR. 4 had 4.000 arcnel HC WARD RATA +B NAY NURSE AND LOITOR NIRRED Ensign Fischer Bride of Charles A. Mensch, of Keystone Gazette nald oLhers TICE TO PATRONS El 000 DONORS 10 BE SOUGHT HERE ? Local Residents Asked to Aid in Meeting 1750 %, USNR, Tyrone Quota or Ae “ To USNR on Bac USNR wills M. Ko Continued on Pope Fowr) - State Official Is Injured at College tl} id Lt am f i Departs ted to? fr Raymond tary of Commerce rej ering at his home in Boalsburg from injuries received Saturday, Novem. ber 4. when he was struck by ant automobile at State College His view was obscured by ARES Ne Was Carrying and falled to see the car as t backed toward him from a parking lot, it is reported. Only State por Pa k- Smit the fact that the was able to stop we aid and injured seriously the His injuries have been diagnosed as extensive brudses of the shoulders Cros oul on the local Red Apler will turn “ol registra- Gay « on Yarnell Observe Golden Anniversary Yesterday wag the 50th wedding many greetings and gifts and friends anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton and relatives called on them during E. Yarnell, of near Bellefonte, and the day in recognition of the anni- the occasion a versary, roast ham dinner was served Sun. Tuost who attended the dinner, day at the Nittany Mountain Cof- Sunday, were: Clara Harish, sister fee Bhop. of Mr. Yarnell: Mr. and Mrs, Wan, Two tiered wedding cakes held Confer, of Tyrone: Mrs. Henry Mil. prominent positions on the dinner tier and son, of Philadelphia; Mr. table which was decorated in a ool and Mrs Lyman White and family, or scheme of gold and white, One of Mr. and Mrs. John Pishburn and From eighteen months in the Army and the cakes was topped with a minia- dhughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young ‘ture bride and groom. Other table and family, Mr. and Mrs Harold decorations included two bowls of Yarnell Mrs Boyd Yarnell Rhoda chrysanthemums, which carried out and Jacob Yarnell, of Bellefonte, A the yh Bp et vors, 8 Atmy Buropean theatre Mr. and Mrs, Yarnell received of war
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