— etree HE CENTRE DEMOCRAY. REL] Page Two Ce FEFONTE, PX. od En Route to Mill |December Court Jurors Drawn | ie Dry Cleaner | Steaming Clothes War Pulpw moved aflerwards I'o ste from hang them in the bathroom ly as possible hot cel tum on tye waler room fil] with steam When solled the dry cles fiat and outline The thread Mn Wrinkle armen ending or might escape them in wi will attract garment earch for 1 ad - hig notice ile thread the HELLER f 4 to the water 11-1 spot You might well begin to up tie thing ful about The PICK of the HARVEST Is Waiting for You . A&P Super "season of plenty” for fresh fruits and bles! Hine thank (Continued rom pape ones You have to be Reese Dennis, Port Matilda Searson, Mrs. Roy, State College Shope, Roland, Snow Shoe Thompson, Willis, Curtin Twp Tingle, Edgar Lynn, Rush Twp CRIMINAL COURT JURORS (Meet Monday, December 11) Andrews, James O. Philipsburg Bryant, David, Rush Twn Bratton, Conrad B. Philioaburg Bowman, Chlole H, Liberty Twp Billett, Robert, Bellefonte Barger, Walter, Gregg Twp Bowes, Charles, Howard Carson, William T., Philipsburg Christine, A. H., Taylor Twp Clark, Elena Liberty Tw Confer, Harold H., Liberty Charnik, Frank, Snow Shoe David, Alfred Rush Twp Ever, Raliy £. Bellefonte Everhart, Mrs. Grace, College Fisher, Willlam J., Bellefonte Fetters, John W., Spring Twp Faust, Lee, Gregg Twp Frantz, Isabella Worth Twp Fry, Mrs. Maude, Ferguson and let the cleans rat Markets ou'll find big vei high! and Vegetable Department tomorrow and buy generous supplies I'wp I'wp This is every day of the week at your ALP Super Market. Pulpwood makes a dramatic picture as hundreds of cords which were the stored in stock piles along the Connecticut River and tributaries are flosted 10 a Groveton, N. H.. mill in a late-scason drive 10 help meet Sartiume’s emergency demands. Prices are dels Qua ity 3 wp of these ~ . 4 will speak hurch at | UNICIPA MILLHEIM NEW SHOW TIME Shows Now 7:20 & :I5 FP. M ADMISSION <14e & 35¢ FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY November 10 MURDERS b JANE WYMAN- “CRIME BY NIGHT" A Warner Picture Cowan, Faye Emerson Parker Jerome Eleanm REBERSBURG SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (November 11) Pun and Joy Ahoy! ROGERS (King of “YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS” Dale Evans, Grant Withers, Bob Nolan and the Sons of The Pion- cers in a show you'll enjoy! “Color Cartoon” — Latest News “Hollywosd Visits” ROY Cowboys) WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (November 15) with Bhips! A guy and Vie Superman with an eye for Love tory! Michael O'Shea, Anne Shirley “THE MAN FROM FRISCO” Finest Selected Shorts SR y we Me ompan- and daughter Cathermazs Monday ol eed tl your r Raiph lived earn passed of her daughter 2t Wolle's Chapel xt the Lu vor nome Ga ! vening Fune vices were held on Wednesday ale ternoon at God's Missionary church Wolfe Store, with burial in Rebers« bare M Rishel 14 n Saturday e ral ser- Harry in and Mr Saturday shoppers Paul APT k Haven M Ada Bierly Tuesday Bieriy home Mrs. Perris Esterline of spent Sunday with his artd Mrs. Sam Ester- of Lock Haven, i at the NAS A night visitor WI Mr. and Greenburr parents. Mr ne Maybe, after all. the paper short. age is a good thing; think of the propaganda leaflets (uat have not been issued Legal Notices ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE, Estate of PATRIOK CO MoGROAR- I'Y, ate of Snow Shoe Borough Centre County. deceased Letters of administration op he above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons he debited to the sal Swstale are re. quested to make immediate payment and those hang claims or demands against said estate 0 present the same without delay for settioment to NELLE M. MoGROARTY, Admin- istratrix. Bellefonte, Pa. MUSSER W attorriey for estate Xho Florey, Rea, Spring Twp Gummo, J. Bond, Spring Twp Grubb, Nelson E.. Spring Twp Hutchison, Grace E. State College Hosterman, Mrs. Amanda Miles Twp Hares George, Walker Twp Hettinger, Clayton, Miles” Twp Homan, George L.. Harris Twp Hoy, Edward Walker Twp Herman, Richard, Bellefonte Hoy, Harve Spring Twp Kyler, J. Clair, Rush Twp Koon H roll Knox Benne Meyer Potte: Mun Wilbur i} Miller John, Walker McMurtrie, Harry Nagle, Howard Boge O'Bryan. Ro Perko, Johi B hbarge! eorge Henry W H tobb Ro'uro Ralst Rice CIVIL COURT JURORS (Meet Monday, Aller Ha t M. Btate ( Bubb, C Bowers Bullock Bas! December 1% rie row IT§ B i Bricks Ci 5 DeHa ¥ ) Jas Spayd, | Tusaes Carl f Vonada Liosd, ( Williams, Boyd, Ce Way. Charl H Williams, Aaron Burns Fatal To Moshannon Tap 3 BF pd HCRS os Marion Port Mau Continged from pape One) Mr. 1 the bummed n him to h ENE RTTe A PD administered first aid. He then was taken to the Phillsburg State Hos. pital In the Von B. Johnson ambu- lance of Bnow Shoe Deceased was a son of Ceorge and Joan Rhoads Quick and was born In Moshannon on December 16 1882 Surviving are his wife, the former Laura Culver and the following children: Poster, of Detroit, Mich Linn, Wilbur and Vincent Quick, all of Harrisburg: Hayes, of Moshan- pon. Ren, of Clarence; Dorothy, of Chester; Plc. Derea Quick, with the V. 8 Army at Martinsburg, Va. Mrs. Betty Raymond, of Drifting and Elsie, at home Also surviving are eight grand. children and these brothers and sis« ters: Rush, Alden and Calvin Quick and Mrs. Edith Pye. all of Moshan-' non; Mrs. Irene Cramer, of Enow Shoe. Mrs. Mary Noyd, of Nanty-, Clo, and Willlam Quick, of Coal. port. Mr. Quick was a memoer of and the two blanknts got tz WIAD taking 1VYsicme Wn in the Bellefonte Moose lodge Funeral services were held at the Moshinnnon Methodist church yes. terday afternoon, with Rev. Ralph Schiabig of Snow Shoe, officiating Interment was made In the Askey cemetery at Moshannon When glazed tiles become spotted | they ean be cleansd by washing) them with lemon juice. Leave tis lemon julee on for about Afteen lilies and then polish with a soft c ¥ Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes Argo Gloss Starch 1-1h * * Box 8c Cut Rite Wax Paper 120° 15c¢ Holsum Peanut Crunch Jib Ine 30¢c Yellow Onions French's Bird Sced Brill's Spaghetti Sauce (a3 Tor Wright's Silver Cream » urnips ® Grapefruit Skyflake Wafers (olonial Saltines r Maid CC — It's time to turn fo MEAT pEPT. VA LLUES woe gl, 37c 33cC 53 DEVILS FOOD Cc i 15¢ Layer Cake 45c Beef Brains * pork Sa ~ usage '’ 4Tc TROPICAL FILLED a Bologna = **° » 43¢c| |Coffee Cake 24c gland Lard = wi» §8C FISH VA LUES rie ith Lean fect Hamburs Leg-0-Lamb Lamb Shoulder p rosh Chickens rn» ah ih » JANE PARKER Fruit Cake MARVEL nner olls _: Sandwich _» 44C . ow» 29C vt 19¢ on 29C 26¢C ) resh glue Pike Herring clams wi ¥ roven illets Pollock Fille Bread 2 7 19 re sacd 10c FAMILY Potatoes Emperor Grapes . . . 2+ 35¢ Iceberg Lettuce +... 3 25¢ Danish Cabbage. ..." 98c LAB! S. NO. | GRADE ~47c sansa 2380 Sweet Potatoes .... 5+ 29c «aaa 0 25C - 29¢ “ANN PAGE — - FOODS |Extracts i. Mustarq : 4 Yup ,. Marmalade. Grape Jam Vinegar ... Salad 0j; Olives r.. FLOR " rv » «mn 23¢ “rr ST 14¢ ni’ 19¢ = 18¢ ww 21¢ ° MOTHER'S OATS .:. PANCAKE FLOUR wwe TOMATO SOU KARO SYRUP TORIATO SOUP «- ... EVAP. MILK KEYKO OLEO BABY FOODS TEA 39c : CAMPBELLS BLUE LABEL = "BN BE WHITE HOUSE IDEAL FOR INFANT FEEDING 12 CHOPPED HEINZ OR CLAPP'S "nm 34c NECTAR LB. PKG MAYFAIR 318, PKG O00 0060 6066 6 6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers