Page Eight ° FHF. CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELTEFONTE, PRX. November 16, 1944 | ' [presented a strange appearance ( " Wi ti i lor ioeskin b ( ompl stify | ri { sach bowl of the modern eye While he were Valley forn { i i their ium ' v " Epsom niu] f } . . i Reviews Id | Imes all membr of thi £5 Ly evolutionar fe John 4 To Be Continued A ‘ ; al way : . Priend all brought up In a rm 1 had com Bellefonts i - y HA Wa TANT Lae yd Ing community heir manner olonel Dunlop Wi man of Muslin Cuff J boiling. Article arched wild J. THOMAS MITCHELL REVIEWS BELLEFONTE AS ' gox Thin mils orate ein be made this will be mic stiater dress was that { tl ‘hiladelphia mai part Hi IT WAS FROM 1800 TO 1815 gentleman of that time modified pent wad ' by Quaker traini T} Vv #li wore of IrVeving MRS. GEORGIANNA FRYBERGER |Hall; and Mrs Gertrude McC'os- high crowned hats with broad brims bookkeeping accounital { i Mrs. Georgianna Fryberger, of Al- key, of Mackeyville: and three bro- One crisp clear morning in the return of the survey of that war- and long broadclotl fl hich cov 7 ein gular] mol y toona. & native of Unionville died | thers Charles Gunsallus, Lock Hav- spring of the year 1816 five men were rant as a bolling spring” ered their knee J i wit high that occups ! J Lhe A N N 0 U N C M [ 3 N T J Friday, November 10, 1944, in Al-|°n; Thomas, Nittany Valley: aud roused for an early breakfast at| After watering the horses, our boots, thelr ui linkis they lop and the Miles | ( J toona after a month's illness. Mrs, George, of Mackeyville. Funeral ser- the hotel in Lewistown hey were “Quakers” continued their journey tramped ) cK Laver: Fryberger was born Unionville. vices will be held at 3 p. m. Thu Samuel, Jacob, George and Reuben gq within a mile or so saw before (with the n ho and y p A p f tt 6) ir . tice lace ti h ‘ day at the Harris Mortuars I'he | B. Valentine four brothers, and them the stone forge of the Dun- on the . ’ / | JOQTIO) November 15, 1862 a daughter « . " . y T g James G. and Sarah M \ Rev. Walter F Jubb will officlat their cousin, Willlam A. Thomas. lop estate with its offies and ad- Street to eas. Her husband, La Interment will be made in the All of them were unmarried and joining buildings. and the tone | Dunlop’ 120 S. All ‘ in 18904. A sOn and (hte: 1 Blanchard cemetery Samuel, the eldest was 38 years of house on the side of the hill to property ol ni | ) n A, en Sit. vive _-) Aha” age while Willlam, the youngest, 'their right. The house still stands, cut acro Spring Street pass) ‘ OBL Ie lo J “IY A ‘ YE » — DANIEL W. BURKEY | was not quite 19 although it has been much remod- [the homes of Dr. Harris’ daughter t u will find N ¥ STATE COLLEGE, PA. MRS. CYRU Ss HOY Daniel W. Burkey, of Howard, for- _ These "Quaker: from Chester eled, and the stone walls of the of- and Dr. A © d to apm We Mrs. Hannah Gertrude Hoy merly of Pine Glen, died at his home County were prospective purchase) fice building are also intact. Below the Low: Zion. died at her home st 7 n Howard at 1:45 a. m. Tuesday o the John Dunlop iron plants of the dam which then crossed the Jacob had hard! Louch Fie i On the ground floor next door to the Ration Board m. Saturday. November 11, 1944. M1 jovember 14. 1944 He tiad been in | Menire ( ounty All of them but Reu- creek above the office bullding on | knocker i O01 fore Hov. 69 who was ill veal bandh if ben had had some preliminary the othe: ide of the Branch” [opened b F rsrar lication "i ? er 25 | consed Ww training in the manufacture of iron, could be seen the home then occu- hourly ex Sop a lanahins Of Wh y . R wren both on the western shore of pled by the v. Jame Linn now ito out 1874 at Zion, she was a ‘ { Nai : Min ken BI key and wa B| vtarviand. and at a little iron cup-|the propert SW Da — —) You are cordia’ly invited to visit our new office ustin and Mary ) in rum rd ! mo I Nn AUguUst io, ’ ! ! m this tab on n d M J 1 wemls , hy / .. ola in their own count hey had A uarter of i further north i fi waitin for he OT oR RRA hos . v' Lan amet wale lly an deus hs te 1Jearned of the sudden death of the Httle Dro : iy ther | leaders fae y and daught irvive WU In A o mMonki na 26 \ . ef ‘ , i iLL i . if ) AnoLner . iki F Tr " : ) Ay vin \ Bellefonte's distinguished onma dan ro t tre wid to the and apologized Lhe ] F N Hoy of Bellelo 4 an \ i \ Ir'viv | | vi ASKeY . hat ¥ i i read aia ) . 4 ¥ C ~ N ert % ’ , ' property Wi m g i of Ju " arr From E. Dale, cf Notil aim By uw ; AFUE . a SE Sh HEY J wt , ; rk nd were anxiou 0 take ph is hey coul tone 4 vy . , Se I A eH 4 Galveston Texas. | #dvantage of the opportunity to buy | “Mill-hou tll standing west of M tables wl i, $00, 1 ws a rb lh at oi 7 Sari eg Mt he emoriat ar granceni aren. She was! J Eo Ae lla gag pi “" I nace and forge and many hundreds sq ing = : y kam" 4 they intends A . . f 1iimnnnh: y tant ’ the Lutieran church at 2zior - ington | 1. Marjord ; ‘ pumping ation eo on ps as wove hal t the me : ( nne it hon f acres of ore lands and woodland covered bridge i ny Tu ; ¢ whe I. cs i { I'he travelers had obtained hor \CT tl reek at High Street with in Zion es David Strae ment wa cemet Lewistown with at east tw he little town of “f ithileld” along ervant an i tWO-horse wagon laden with their baggae, they ed a cavalcade which must have tracted the ttention of the ighborhood thr GEC RGE A. MICHAEL ley Funeral : . for sorge Alex n It Will be In ein { I ie . oy thay farmer, wha died Satur NO id Ie torstte vr vad aie Tit wn probably took 1544, at the home Of his nie ! ub Re sen Tbe . 4 a hrough Kishacoq O. R. Wagner of Lewistown ere | ye stadt . ! : vard one of the held Monday the Good fu- ard ’ tals neral home in Centre il v ; ADDITIONAL DEATHS ON PAOB C. Otto ¢ nt SIX SECOND BECTION made en i cer [ \ Michael, 75, w- had n been Ww CARS CRASH IN LEMONT tr i Aart at- DAMAGE PLACED AT S170 probably sttention MRS. ALICE REBECCA THOMAS Mr Al 130 West lege died : Make-Up ee lown ou foll I tl : ft a : Eve lution Bullet From Own OR Yould The Pare at Bille: or Hl Da Tu de tae. Xie Crem : Wavine Weapon Kills Hunter | ons After the cortege had sound. past two corners to his home. | » knowled at you are well groomed ai tra ner Sunbum Crean "SH Hn 0 ' eems 10 hie way,” andgeh | ; All Weather Lotion : pot i tr n nt 5 ra a ne | y 4 - yh ’ ( fpstheks (Continued from page one) pe licks Rale Powder Marge Powder Honey Tal Marge Tale ‘3 " p ME Ba By fl ¢ ‘ y ot Be Honey Dusting Powder home State College in 2 oi i : rmet : ntury befor t th 1 at es 1 ge of thelr of shit | ' ‘ § ; ner i Marge Das Fowde " ‘ ; alu “ai ‘ ’ argo Jasling ow r charge of Rev 7. BE. Watkins as mad in ra meter {- marked t we qualiti { that nts ar walked the remainder o | re | Honey Cologne terment was made at Pine Hall aio Run Valle ring and Md 1 : n heir the wi his group would ha Va v of far IS prepar i rbal Tinctus Marge Toilet Water MRS. JOSEPH CASSIDY Sara 1 je Cassidy. 78 died MM We Have A Complete Stock Of Highest (Quality Rubber Goods ome to us for all those hard-t wget, i ; hated Nr at rival ‘orm - i — SN ———— necessary rubber goods. Don't be Me ’ 1a or t Dre , : 'VENING IN PARIS pe . without a hot water bottle, atomizer, tip AN CHEN YU LIPSTICK HAND CREAMS YE ap PONDS CREAMS tao or ae In fl) R= $100 wor 43€..89¢| co. $195 | 25¢ 39c¢ able items for the care and comfort of a sick person rop in today, see - In Many Shades 83 1 29 the fine lity f¢ voursel k all v In New Plastie Case PAQUIN 3%9¢ A 89¢ v C * Daughter for Kniselys M Philip Ki ] Long wearing hot : . ! water bottle. Has | ‘ ie : > a A per A avis Memorial i l, Elkins, W . bert Ie | fou ast Ss rday w infant ha . a aR in named Charles Leonard 111 VY, Ny d 98¢ Leonard, the former Lois Mi 4 ler of Williamsport, Is the grand daughter of Mrs. Grace Li Thom treet Bellefonte Son for Moyers i Lt. and Mrs. Budd Moyer, of Day- } i : ton, Ohlo., formerly of Bellefonte I 1 ‘ ‘ LOVELIER Fine quality ; \ mts of t ut » \ . are the parent heir fir hild Capacity of bulb . WITH a son weighing 8 pounds, 4 ounces : ‘ ’ 8 finld ounces ma UeAday ¢ " “ " ing in 1 ’ the Philipsburg State Hospitar he | 4 NO DULL | | ’ youngster has heen named Budd Jr age. $1.49 : : \ D RAB HAI rR | di / . Bra. ’ Mrs. Moyer Is the former Helen 1 Klinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs \ " When You Use This Amaring from Dayton, in August, to be with In one, simple, quick operation, her brother-in-law and sister, Mr ‘ LOVALON will do oll of haw 4 In and Mrs. Pranklin Stover, in Philips. N ! portent things for your hor, burg. She expects to remain with i / 1. Gives dustrovs highlights, the Stover family until next Spring Rubber invalid Hospital - type 2. Rinses owey shampoo film, ALWAYS A PERFECT PICTURE When you choose the Lt. Moyer, son of Mrs. William Moy- i RR cushion. No pump bed pan. Easy to ~ 3 iat the bale 44 1 einen A flick of the iponge ond the omating new shade that's most bee rien RR og Re ig 4 Purpose Rinse " | | FACE POWDER 41.1 FLUE TAX er, of Blanchard street, arrived In necessary. Nor clean and han. > 4, Helps keep holt neatly in place. Elmo molewp in smoothed on to oy . Philipsburg on a furlough, last Tues. leak valve dle " SOVALON gous wen nahin Ire for hours without repowdering . coming you'll thrill to in day night, several hours after his : : sors birth. Lt, Moyer, formerly with \ Wn 12 differant sheds. Try LOVALON. \ : - texture, its fragronce the Signal Corps, in October was | i $2 49 4 clings transferred to the Alr Technical | . | \ \ ond ihe way if Service Command and Is engaged Ih p 10 your skin for aiding with the preparation of lit | sziefiizs | WIDMANN & TEAH Inc he | ™ tenance of alreraft radio equipment, . He entered the Jatvies three years » ’ ‘ vin. ago last September .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers