Page Iour THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, FA. 16, y £ ribet tention, falled 1 ment NO Camp Sution with the summer of Lhe immediate Fighter Pilot, tw , s a fp or i ) i Wnining at o Others Lose Lives a. -pacaiverl] following veal Since his arrival overseas he fi Private Kizer volunt 1 hi corbone and th vice last December feet, but had ered suf- ate He wer ficiently to go back Into action 8 ust almost n Munroe, N. C assigned hazardous . into Holland when vision wa ordered to IMeSSaRe eo. All Important 1e88a res Mi oD of Pro earned froze reco QOD and ee Pfe. Richards Missing A War Department ceived during the weekend by and Mr Samuel] Richards rtown, reported that thelr on Pfc. James R. Ricaard been £1 ing in action in an nee — irvived by hi ts atl Osceola Mill mI | ixtot 1506S 19, ha October 2 of the death received y elegram ommanding offi end son Killed second Lieut, Humphrey Killed rt 1 Lam ones al LB ydon Wounded Pvt. Kizer Dies Fro eered JOLINIng iL overseas immedi action, launch offensive in that couns- IMiesda to respond to treat- detalls were for ser- : the par- in Aug- tlely was moving paratroop the hi Lig weven wile Gilmore Killed { LL Gili- night by from al Bar- 1 1041 i Wnt i! the fy om AMAA ALALAAALAAALAAAMAMAM LAAAMALAAAA LAT HAA TAASA LL AAA AAALIAALAMAAMAMMAAA DY CLEARANCL ATTA MAMIMAMALTALT ILA AMAA AMAA ITAL ARAA ALAA AAA AA MAMA MAMA AA RAAAAAMAMAMAAYW 75 DRESSES! FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY! A AAVAARAARMAAAAADY EWA ARRAARAAAY We stock and marked them for Clearance FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Wools, ( Wool and Ravon Mixtures. have selected just 175 dresses from for Fabrics are: rabardines, Crepes, Sizes 9 to 12 and IR: to 24". Values up to $14.50 “59.89 Values up to $18.00 “512.89 Values up to $25.00 415.89 All Suits have been reduced for these two days —— Quantities Are Limited ! THE KATZ STORE Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Penna. 'Y. F. W. Initiates i » . Truck Driver Injured . * . 21 New Members While Repairing Tire (Continued from page One) President, Mr Rella Jone Members have been asked to con- drums, was injure tribute $1 voluntarily when pay while repairing a 1045 dues, the money so derfyed to about 7 p.m Tues be used for the Pennsylvania parked ry Cottage at the Nationa) Eaton Rapids, Mich The Auxiliary voted a contribution of 85 for a Christmas party to be held at the Veteran Hospital ab'!striking him o Aspinwall, Christmas candy will be made and sent by Auxiliary bers to ali VFW men serving in the United States The ly of the ment of Pennsylvania will be Harrisburg on November 18 and If President Mrs. Jone Standard Bearer Marshall, and Ps Presiden Mi Barbara 1 of John Davi driver of a Ui nap lo “Top e ing Lire Nur- Hom Naa gon ee mein annual ral Depart - vela in FET ITTVTIITY Department ‘Former County Woman Injured one) > (Continued from pape ' ' r Cre Grass Stains Public Sales Navy Nurse And Additional Sales Page 52nd Bee. Editor Married | coor ncn " Saturday, Nov. 18 MH 1 HARPSTLR Friday, Nov. 24 VHTOR ~~ WAY 24 World War Il Vets Join Local YFW Monday, Nov. 27 YODER od r r 2 r r Pr o ¥ r r ro oo oo he fe r rr x © F r . r » - o wo rr ro x x x { fr gs t= | = ¥ r a x = F F js rv ¥ be - - F ye ow x » x Se - Lz 12 ¥ x o » r r - o x » x o x | x bo bo | - © IL x |. x ¥ - - » 5 ¥ bes ow x ¥ ¥ x ¥ - x Vv x bes " = * ¥” » | oo - = bes - - - be - bes - Marty Falls Ray C! and Mik ELILEFONT nn THURSDAY thru SATURDAY (Continuous Shows Every Saturday Start at 2 p. m.) “G6” ANTICS... ACTION! BOB oo STEELE HOOT sIBsOn aaa a RR EE A ER "— MONDAY thru WEDNESDAY — FOR DASHING ROMANCE, SUPER-EXCITING MELODRAMA, TIMELY THRILLS . . . DON'T MISS GEORGE VIRGINIA GENE Hn SANDERS BRUCE » LOCKHART WARNER “ACTION IN ARABIA" Also—TOM NEAL—in—“UNWRITTEN CODE" Prisoners of War Riot in the U. 8. A! Hard Pully ‘ SURPRISE ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE OF THE SEASON... the maddest, merriest, maestro of them all! SAMUEL GOLDWYN presents DAN NY KAYE Op In DINAH SHORE DANA ANDREWS CONSTANCE DOWLING MON DAY ond TUESDAY with LINDA DARNELL JAMES CARDWELL LYNN BARI JACK-OAKIE - BENNY GOODMAN § Band HERE'S THE SWEET LOW.-DOWN 17's GOT CL TIES THE KING OF GROOVIE TUNES SWING, SMOOTH ROMANCE, FIN NEXT WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY THANKSGIVING EVE MIDNITE SHOW NEXT WEDNESDAY NITE—NOVEMBER 22 DOOES OPEN 11 15-8HOW STARTS 11:2 P.M (177545 CUCK0D AS A CLOCK! | INA RAY HUTTON and Fev Ovobeston HUGH HERBERT we. PLUS SPECIAL SHORT SUBJECT FUN co Also—Laure! & Hardy —in—“CHUMP AT OXFORD" LELLEF ONMTE'S SMHOwR, QRARARRARARRARRRARRIANAINRKRKRKARRARKRRKRRRARRL \ YTTITIT 0000000200000 0000N0CARARANRARIRARRRARRRLANRARARARARARARRRARRARARARRARARRRAAARARARARARARRARRRRRRR A RAR OR LAR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers